How to start an elementary school graduation celebration. An unusual and funny graduation scenario in the form of a modern fairy tale in elementary school

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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The presentation was made by: Vorobyova N.P. 1st category teacher of MKOU "Vikhorevskaya Secondary School No. 1" Model of a primary school graduate according to the Federal State Educational Standard

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A child’s arrival at school is a turning point in his life, as there is a transition to a new way of life, to new conditions of activity, to a new position in society, to new relationships with adults, with peers, with teachers.

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“The main thing in elementary school is to teach a child to acquire knowledge, to be able to use reference literature, to be able to form his own point of view on any issue, and for the teacher to be the coordinator of all children’s skills and capabilities.” “A primary school graduate is a student who already understands his place in the team, understands himself, and knows how to ask himself the questions “What am I?” and "Why me?" He must be able to set a goal and plan to achieve it, mostly on his own. If these qualities are formed during the learning process, this will help him become organized, communicative, tolerant, and will help him acquire the necessary knowledge.” “Students should have the ability to learn and organize their activities, independently search for and assimilate information, and be able to show a creative approach in solving assigned problems.” “There must be collaboration between primary and secondary teachers.” “A primary school graduate, in addition to mastering the basic curriculum, must be positively motivated for further education.” What should a primary school student be like?

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The main idea of ​​the “Prospective Primary School” system is the optimal development of each child based on pedagogical support for his individual age, psychological and physiological characteristics in the conditions of specially organized classroom and extracurricular activities. Conditions for personality formation that meet the basic requirements of parents of the educational complex “Prospective Primary School”

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Educational and cognitive Value-semantic Communication Information Health-saving What key competencies should a primary school graduate have?

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Primary school lays the foundation for all subsequent learning. First of all, this concerns the formation of universal learning activities (ULA). Mastering educational learning gives students the opportunity to independently successfully assimilate new knowledge and skills based on the formation of the ability to learn.

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Monitoring the level of formation of universal learning activities (ULA) of 4th grade graduates for 3 years

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1. Master general education programs in the subjects of the curriculum at a level sufficient to continue education at the level of basic general education (that is, master general educational skills). 2. Master the simplest skills of self-control of educational actions, culture of behavior and speech. 3. Master the methods of activity (cognitive, speech, algorithm for working with information, the order of organizing activities: establishing a sequence of actions, following instructions, determining methods of control, determining the causes of difficulties, finding and independently correcting errors, etc.). 4. Master the basic skills of educational activities, elements of theoretical thinking. 5. To form a need to study independently, a desire to learn, an understanding of the relationship between the phenomena of the outside world. 6. Master the basics of personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle. A primary school graduate must...

I have a whole series of articles with ideas for such a case. I want you to feel comfortable navigating the site. All red underlined links are links to my articles with useful information.

Where to celebrate graduation in 4th grade:

If this happens at school, there are 2 options:

Option 1. Trust the holiday to professionals

You can invite animators or a presenter with an interesting program, high-quality music, show numbers and interactive scientific programs. Call us if you are in Moscow. You can’t tell it in a nutshell; the cost is influenced by many factors.

Here is an example of the DiscoStop program. Ideal for 4th grade graduation.

Option 2. Do you want to organize everything yourself?

Then read this article to the end, there are many links to our useful articles. For example, . This is a modern 4th grade graduation scenario, albeit with Jules Verne characters. Fun competitions alternate with prepared performances, and parents are invited to participate.

Graduation outside of school

We have a separate selection on this topic, which lists different options for holding a holiday in the city: - celebrating a children's holiday like an adult :)

Here are some relatively expensive options for holding a holiday, but this doesn’t happen every day...

How to decorate the hall?

I selected the simplest options that do not require special professional skills, but will help decorate the room quickly and effectively.

Attention! You can order decoration of the hall with balloons from us. Call the phone number of the “Holiday Again” website. .

How to decorate a table

To begin with, here is a good solution: lay rolled drawing paper on a bright disposable tablecloth with a pattern. Then the plates with the pattern will not look cluttered, and the whole picture will look very festive. Shall we try?

What to cook

If parents decide to prepare the treats themselves, I advise you to gain inspiration from these articles:

What to give children for graduation

How long ago did our boys and girls, holding their mother’s hand, with a brand new backpack behind their backs, go to school for the first time... Four whole years have passed unnoticed, and the primary classes are already behind us, the time has come to say goodbye to the first teacher.

Of course, the transition to secondary education is a big event for children and their parents. And, of course, such an event would not be complete without a celebration! Sibling Nadezhda7 shared with us an interesting option for holding it.
This is a real performance based on an old cartoon. And it’s especially nice that everyone will participate here: children of the whole parallel, parents and teachers.

So, the holiday script!

"In the footsteps of the Bremen Town Musicians"

Listen to the weather forecast for the near future. ( Forecast melody.) Today is May 29, a wonderful spring day! The sun of your smiles shines brightly, your mood is cloudless. A warm front of sincere and kind words is moving towards us.
Thunderous peals of laughter with gusts of applause and rare alternating rain of tears of joy and sadness are possible.
The air temperature warms hearts, lifts spirits, and a light breeze disperses the clouds of sadness and sadness and allows you to serenely enjoy life. I and the sponsor of our holiday, Parents Profit Corporation, wish you a pleasant viewing.

The overture sounds. Coming out Heralds, aka Leaders(6 people):

1. It is no coincidence that our assembly hall is decorated!
An amazing ball awaits us today!

2. Royal Ball! Graduation ball!
The school has never seen a holiday like this!

3. Just recently in first grade
Our mothers took us to school for the first time.

4. Four school years have flown by!
We have grown up and wiser!

5. Today is the first school graduation.
Primary school - we say goodbye to you!

6. They will perform on stage now
Almost 100 talents!

7. Introducing the show “In the Footsteps
Bremen Town Musicians"!

8. Listen to the very first decree:
Turn off your mobile phones this very hour!

9. We allow you to laugh and cry quietly!
(Just try not to drip too much on the floor!)

10. Please stop talking
We will celebrate now
Elementary school graduates!

11. And we expect to hear a storm of applause!
Well, is everyone ready? Then...We begin! ( together)

Song “We are the stars of the continents”, 2 verses

(Soloists sing) . The rest come out in groups of 3-4, make some identical movements and sit in the hall.

Presenter 1:
- Ladies and Gentlemen! Meet!

Presenter 2:
- Director of the Kingdom-State!

Fanfare sounds.

It turns out 1 director:

If I were the director,
I wish I knew everything about finances!
And the air conditioner is treasured
I would buy our assembly hall.
I wish I could expand the parking lot,
In the dining room, I changed the chairs,
And to my beloved teachers,
I raised my salary to 100 thousand!
I would cancel the glamor and rhinestones,
T-shirts and shorts are not for us.
Shirt, tie - you're at the height of fashion!
Business style is appropriate every time!

It turns out 2nd director:

If I were the director,
I would grow a garden at the school,
I installed benches, gazebos,
I would plant flowers in a row!
So that children can walk there
Studied languages
Sang songs, drew,
We developed as best we could!
I would introduce dance lessons,
Creative Science Lessons!
The school would have its own theater,
Swimming pool, skate base and trampoline.

It turns out 3rd director:

If I were the director,
I would take everyone on a hike
I would introduce a hiking lesson -
Three times, every year!
So that everyone lives in tents,
We could light a fire in the forest,
To be friends with nature,
And took care of her beauty!
So that the laws of life are known,
They could move mountains!
So that they can apply their knowledge,
And they chose the right path!

It turns out 4th director:

If I were a director,
I would cancel the deuces,
I would praise the children all the time
And I would praise all the teachers!
May everyone learn with joy!
So that “there is no need to force...”
To strive for knowledge,
Don't run or walk!
And teachers - they are like children!
We must love and honor everyone,
Then the children from love from this
The lessons of loving them will begin!

- uh, Dear... director!
Sorry, somehow you are too short for the Director.
Who exactly are you??

I'm Alexander, future director.
- I'm Fedor, the future director of the school.
- I am Ilya, the future director of the lyceum.
- I'm Alina, maybe someday I'll become a director.

- Most honorable ones, don’t you know that a school can only have one director?

- We know! (together)
- But people should always have a choice!
- And its own election program!
- You can’t even dream! ( are leaving).

Presenter 1:
First class is the first bell,
There were joys, there were hardships.
Our teacher and first lesson -
This is how my school years began.

Presenter 2:
I went to school and dreamed of finding
It is a bright and cozy house,
Upon entering, I wished for one thing -
Find friends, warmth and happiness in it.

Presenter 3:
I walked and my heart beat with excitement,
What awaits me? What's next?

Presenter 4:
And I was burning with impatience,
I wanted to go to school as soon as possible!

Poems "First time in first grade"(students)

1. Do you remember how we walked briskly
Are we ever in first grade?
And our flowers and bouquets
There were even more of us!

2. How we taught our lessons,
Sometimes until late
They brought me out carefully
Numbers, letters and words.

3. We tried without mistakes
Talk, read, write,
So that in all subjects at once
We only get high fives.

4. They seemed like adults themselves -
We're going to first grade!
It was so childish
What are we doing now?

5. - And I remember very well that very first September 1st.
Dad asks me in the evening: “Well, what did they teach you at school today?”
And I told him: “Nothing!” Tomorrow they told me to come again.

6.- Yes, and I remember. I come and tell my parents:
- That’s it, I won’t go to school again, that’s all!
Parents ask:
- Why?
And I answer them:
- I can’t write! I can't read either! They're not even allowed to talk!

7. - Eh, where is that golden time when you were praised for simply eating!…

Presenter 5:
Today is our day:
Both sad and cheerful.
After all, we say goodbye to our dear ones
Your elementary school.

Presenter 6:
From year to year, from class to class
Time leads us silently,
And hour after hour, day after day
So imperceptibly we grow.

Presenter 5:
And of course, as at any graduation,
Couples will spin in a circle today in a waltz...
We invite you, give me your hand, madam.
And one-two-three, one-two-three, one-two-three, one-two-three!

(The presenters leave, dancing in pairs).

WALTZ “Ray of Golden Sun”

In elementary school, the basics are learned,
Simple rules of grammar and counting,
No one will argue that they are important,
Like wings for a bird to fly high!

- Meet the winner of the essay competition in the category “Brevity is the sister of talent.” His essay is called “I’m visiting my grandmother.”

Roma unfolded the notebook.
“Well,” he said, “I’ll start writing.”
The essay is: “I’m visiting my grandmother.”
I’ll write with one foot, for me it’s nothing!
Rest, my notebook, from mistakes this time:
I intend to write briefly, avoiding unnecessary phrases!
And Roma brought out beautifully: “I came - she’s not at home.”

Scene "Dead End"

Listen, I've reached a dead end. Do you know Russian well?
- Okay, so what?
- Yes, I just can’t do it. Maybe we can try it together, huh? You need to put the word “rye” in the instrumental case.
- Nonsense. Everyone can do this.
-You put it first, and then brag!
- We need to decline this word. Nominative case: who? What? - rye. Genitive case: whom? what? - rye.
- Are you telling me: “rye”?
- And to whom? Of course, you.
- What am I to you, horse? Rye itself!
- I didn’t do it on purpose. This happened to me. Listen further. Dative case: to whom? what? - rye.
- You again?
- Well, if you don’t like it, bend it yourself.
- Well, I decline. Accusative case: whom? What? - I laugh.
- Well, you see, you yourself say that you’re laughing, but you’re offended at me. Now the most difficult case remains - the instrumental: by whom? how? Well?
- Rzhoy, what else?
- No, there is no such word! (thinks). LOL?
- Maybe we'll give birth? erysipelas? LOL? REAR? RED? AHHHH!

We've reached a dead end. Parents, please help us!

By the way, I understood who a “self-taught” person is: this is a student whose parents do not help him with his homework.

When I got used to Russian,
To keep up with life,
Started learning another language
To understand foreigners.
- Do you speak English?
- Yes, I do!
- Let me translate!
- No need! In our scientific age
Any cultured person
Must know English language
To understand without translation.

- Listen, do you happen to know why expired yogurt turns green?
- These are peaceful bacteria putting on military uniforms and becoming biological weapons!
- Do you know that onions and garlic are natural antibiotics?! And they must be eaten, because... they kill many harmful microbes and viruses.
Leading :
- It would be better if they died from chocolate!

I'm very interested in knowing
About nature on Earth.
Who lives in the dense forest?
Why is there a storm at sea?
What's hiding in the mountains?
Who's crawling in the sand?
How does water evaporate?
How do ice blocks form?
It is important to know about nature
Observe its laws.
Use gifts wisely
After all, the Earth is our common home.
How does this world work? What surrounds us?
Why is a mosquito a vampire? Who eats whom?
Why is there a water cycle in nature?
And where does the esophagus transfer food?
Where does a bear sleep in winter? How do butterflies fly?
Does the bittern always howl? Do huskies bark a lot?
And nature has an answer to all these questions -
There are no mysteries for her!

Presenter 1:
- And we just say a huge THANK YOU to our beloved teachers for their knowledge about the amazing world in which we live!
Presenter 2:
- We wholeheartedly thank our English teachers for teaching us to read, write and speak the language of international communication!
Presenter 3:
- And we give special greetings to physical education teachers!
Presenter 4:
- It’s interesting how our world works. If you say “thank you”, they will say “thank you” to you. If you smile, they will smile at you. This means that all good things begin only with yourself.
Presenter 5:
- We are all like pencils. Everyone draws their own destiny. Some people break, some get stuck, and some get sharpened and move forward.

Dance number "Fashionistas"

And today we have a holiday,
Let's remember the bright verbs:
What you should KNOW, BE ABLE and REMEMBER
Elementary school graduate!

One day I came home from school,
Need to learn verbs...
It’s a trifle for me to learn them,
I have my own method.
It is applied like this:
The new method is this:
Scream - I scream
I twirl - I twirl,
Move - I move,
Jump - I jump.
I jumped, I moved,
I stomped and I sang.
Sang while in our hallway
Suddenly the bell did not ring.

I open it - our neighbor
(He lives below us).
Not combed, not dressed,
In slippers and pajamas.
He says: “I beg your pardon,
What is this - an earthquake
Or maybe elephants
Are they settled above me?
“Dear neighbor!
There is no one in the apartment.
I came from school
And... I’m learning verbs!”

And now we will read mathematical poems to you!
For example, from Pushkin:
17 30 48
140 10 01
126 138
140 3 501

And I am from Mayakovsky:
2 46 38 1
116 14 20!
15 14 21
14 0 17 !

511 16
5 20 337
712 19

Or here's a funny one:
2 15 42
42 15
37 08 5
20 20 20!

Olympics and concerts,
And fairy tales of magic flow.
Together we created with you,
And everyone lit up as best they could...
Spring holiday, or autumn,
Or a round dance near the Christmas tree -
This is how our friendship grew stronger,
And our creative people grew.

Photo screensaver “Concerts and Festivals”

The school planet is spinning like the Earth,
Lessons go one after another in a hurry,
The initial stage has already flown by, friends,
And the senior classes are waiting for us impatiently.

- hmm... School is a long-running series. There is a beginning, and there will definitely be a happy ending.
- School is such a multi-figured composition, where there are intrigues and difficulties, friendship, and love!
- And it is at school that such concepts as true Friendship and true friends are born!

- Do you know how much 4A, 4B and 4B weigh together? ( waiting for some answers from the audience)
3 tons 755 kilograms!
- What is our overall height? If we all fit in one line? 1 km 455 meters!
- Do you know how much we have all grown together in 4 years? At 2100 centimeters! We became 21 meters higher!
- Do you know how many buns we ate in our dining room over 4 years?
I'm afraid no one has calculated this data.
- Yesterday I asked my mother for some money for tea and a bun. She said that I would return it to her with an increase!
- And where will you get it, I wonder, so that you can return it, and with an increase at that?
- And dad will give it to me.
- How will you return it to dad?
- (with fear) Should I return it to dad too?!

Not only events develop at school, but also the participants in this exciting process: children, teachers and even parents!
School is when you think that YOU are already an adult, and adults think: “But you’re still a child!”

Room with parents: “I don’t want anything!”

What kind of children are these days, really!
There is no control over them!
We are wasting our health
But they don't care about that!

So-and-so! On roller skates - from the porch!

Nowadays, children really need a lot:
They would dance until they drop,
They would sing until dawn,
And they don't care about us

So-and-so! They fight endlessly!
Such and such upset my father!

Children are our punishment
Gave them an education
The children have become disobedient
But without them it's terribly boring

King :
So-and-so! Escaped from the ORC!
Such and such upset my father!

- Oh, these parents!
- Yesterday, for example, my mother forced me to clean.
- AND?
- I thought for a long time where to start. And after 105 minutes of thinking, I finally made a decision: shouldn’t I drink tea?
The time has come - the children have grown up,
We have a graduation party today.
Dear mothers, dear fathers,
It’s so good that you are nearby now!

It all starts with the school bell
The desks set off on a long journey,
There will be better starts ahead
And more serious, and more difficult, but for now...

Dictations and tasks,
Good luck, failures,
Adverbs, verbs and ancient centuries.
That word does not bend,
The number will be lost...
It all starts with the school bell.

Interestingly, today we have a reporting concert, at the end of which we, fourth-graders, show what we have learned during the time we spent at school: we gained intelligence, learned to make friends, communicate, build relationships.
Has anyone ever wondered what could happen so that we would not be transferred to senior management? Who could stop this?

Teachers' song "They say we are byaki-buki"

They say we are "byaki - beeches"
How the earth bears us out.
Maybe we can be strict
But we can’t do it any other way!
Oh - la - la... but we can’t do it any other way!

We know it hasn't been easy for you!
But there is no other way!
Who teaches lessons honestly,
He will get a ticket to life!
Oh - la - la... After all, you cannot live without knowledge!
That's it, start the bit map!
We will now decide
Who is worthy of translation?
And who will grieve!
Oh - la - la... We are waiting for the king's order!

But now we will check how our children have unlearned, what they have learned and, in general, whether they know the school they are studying well.
- On what floor is the director's reception room?
- What is the name of the school secretary?
- What is in room 212?
- How many floors does the school building have?
- What time does lesson 5 end?
- On what floor is the gym located?
- How many sinks are there in the handwashing room?
- What is in room No. 103?
- How long does the school library open?
- What is the year our school was founded?

Well done, well done!
- Colleagues! Get me the transfer order!
- What order? I didn't take it!
- and I didn’t take it... or took it... no, I didn’t take it!
- Have we lost the order!?

- Yes, teachers, just don’t panic! I suggest you seek help from the “Genius Detective” Detective Agency, which operates at our school. They can find any loss, and not just an order!

Student performance (“I am a brilliant detective”)

They live together on a huge planet
Different adults, different children.
Different in appearance and skin color,
But, of course, we are similar in some ways!

We all want to be happy
Discover new stars in the sky!
The years will pass and we will become more mature,
Taller, much wiser.

And the whole world around will change...
But a devoted friend will remain nearby!
And the first teacher - he will always be,
The very first, all time favorite!

Romance of teachers


- Well, all good things come to an end... But let the words of gratitude never end to those who became our very first teacher!

Parents' response

Dear, beloved, ours,
There is no other person in the world like you.
How many words were said in class,
Words of love, beauty, kindness.

Charged us all with positivity,
And sometimes they scolded me seriously.
The class would not have become a team without you,
And everyone has a difficult character!

Chorus ( adults and children):
Affectionate, gentle,
How wonderful the light of the sun is!
We love you!
Darling, priceless,
You are the whole Universe!
Our teacher!

You put so much effort and care into it,
May God protect you all the time!
Stay always young
And know no tears or resentment!

Let the inspiration never leave you,
Long life and recognition in everything.
Let him live in your heart from now on
This song we sing for you:

Chorus ( everyone, everyone, everyone in the room):
Affectionate, gentle,
How wonderful the light of the sun is!
We love you!
Darling, priceless!
You are the whole universe
Our teacher!

- Our dear children, are you ready to move to 5th grade?
- Yes!

The floor is given head teacher primary school and to the present Director.
Reading of the Order

Parting words from teachers.

Take care of your children, don’t scold them for their pranks.
Never take out the evil of your bad days on them.
Don't be seriously angry with them, even if they did something wrong,
There is nothing more valuable than the tears that roll off your loved ones’ eyelashes.
If fatigue knocks you off your feet, there is no way to cope with it,
Well, your son will come up to you or your daughter will stretch out her hands,
Hug them tightly, cherish children's affection.
This happiness is a short moment, hurry to be happy.
After all, they will melt like snow in spring, these golden days will flash by,
And your grown-up children will leave their native hearth.
Flipping through an album with childhood photographs,
Remember with sadness the past,
About those days when we were together.
How will you want to return again at this time,
To sing a song to them little ones,
Touch your cheeks with gentle lips.
And while there is children's laughter in the house,
There's no escape from toys
You are the happiest person in the world,
Please take care of your childhood!

Final song.

The “graduate model” of an elementary school is the expected result of the implementation of the educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard, a general answer to the question of what “product” should be obtained as a result of the activities of the teaching staff at each level of education. The “Graduate Model” is a guideline for constructing the educational process, coordinating the activities of its various links and structures, and designing individual educational routes.



General requirements for primary school graduates.

Student model.



The “graduate model” of an elementary school is the expected result of the implementation of the educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard, a general answer to the question of what “product” should be obtained as a result of the activities of the teaching staff at each level of education. The “Graduate Model” is a guideline for constructing the educational process, coordinating the activities of its various links and structures, and designing individual educational routes.

The regulatory framework for creating a school graduate model is: Constitution of the Russian Federation;

Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”;

Federal state standard for primary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009 No. 373,

OU educational program.

Thus, the model acts as a standard. When building the image of a school graduate, we proceed from the fact that he is a dynamic system that is constantly changing, self-improving, filling with new content. This means that the image of a graduate is not the end result, not the outcome in the development of the individual, but that basic level, the development and formation of which the school should contribute to the maximum.

The formation of personality is not a consequence of school education alone; it depends on genetic prerequisites and the influence of preschool time, the influence of the media, and, most importantly, upbringing in the family. Therefore, upbringing, education and development are possible only joint through the efforts of school and family.

Modern society needs a person capable of self-education, independent acquisition of new information, capable of making the right decisions, therefore the development of a child with the help of school is built through self-realization, self-education, self-determination and self-development.

The role of teachers at our Centerin the formation of a child’s personality can be defined in the following words: pedagogical assistance, support and promotion.

At all times, the activities of the school were aimed at solving educational problems, but the Standard defines the results of education: a sense of civic identity, patriotism, educational motivation, the desire for knowledge, the ability to communicate, a sense of responsibility for one’s decisions and actions, tolerance and much more.

The Federal State Educational Standard of the NEO defines a portrait of a graduate.

When we organize our work to creategraduate models, then first of all we compareda portrait of a primary school graduate and a portrait of a secondary school graduate. And during the comparison they determined that...

The “portrait” of a primary school graduate has been determined:

Loving his people, his land and his homeland;
- respects and accepts the values ​​of family and society;
- inquisitive, actively and interestedly exploring the world;
-possesses the basics of learning skills and is capable of organizing his own activities;
- ready to act independently and be responsible for their actions to family and society;
- friendly, able to listen and hear the interlocutor, justify his position, express his opinion;
- following the rules of a healthy and safe lifestyle for yourself and others.

Portrait of a graduate of primary and secondary school according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Portrait of an elementary school graduate

Portrait of a primary school graduate

loving his people, his land and his homeland;

respects and accepts the values ​​of family and society;

inquisitive, actively and interestedly exploring the world;

possesses the basics of learning skills and is capable of organizing his own activities;

ready to act independently and be responsible for their actions to family and society;

friendly, able to listen and hear the interlocutor, justify his position, express his opinion;

following the rules of a healthy and safe lifestyle for themselves and others.

loving his land and his Fatherland,who knows Russian and his native language, respects his people, their culture and spiritual traditions;

aware and accepting of the values ​​of human life, family,civil society, the multinational Russian people, humanity;

actively and interestedly exploring the world,aware of the value of work, science and creativity;

Able to learnaware of the importance of education and self-education for life and work, able to apply acquired knowledge in practice;

Socially active,respecting law and order,who measures his actions against moral values, who is aware of his responsibilities to his family, society, and the Fatherland;

Respectful of other peopleable to conduct a constructive dialogue, achieve mutual understanding, cooperate to achieve common results;

Consciously following the rules of a healthy and environmentally sound lifestyle that is safe for humans and their environment;

- oriented in the world of professions, understanding the importance of professional activity for a person in the interests of sustainable development of society and nature

The main goal of primary education in our Center– preservation and support of the child’s individuality, his physical and mental development, the formation of the ability to learn.

What should a primary school graduate be like, what qualities must he develop in order to maintain his desire to learn, develop the need to learn independently and creatively solve various cognitive problems, and provide conditions for successful learning in primary school? What is the "model"elementary school graduate?

A primary school graduate must:

1. Master general education programs in the subjects of the curriculum at a level sufficient to continue education at the level of basic general education (that is, master general educational skills).

2. Master the simplest skills of self-control of educational actions, culture of behavior and speech.

3. Master the methods of activity (cognitive, speech, algorithm for working with information, the order of organizing activities: establishing a sequence of actions, following instructions, determining methods of control, determining the causes of difficulties, finding and independently correcting errors, etc.).

4. Master the basic skills of educational activities, elements of theoretical thinking.

5. To form a need to study independently, a desire to learn, an understanding of the relationship between the phenomena of the outside world.

6. Master the basics of personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle.

Parents, sending their child to primary school, are guided not only by the status of the school, the education system, but also by the personal qualities of the teacher. Every parent wants their child to study in modern, comfortable conditions, and the teacher to be not only a professional, but also an interesting creative person. In their understanding, the result of learning is a knowledge base that will allow the child to successfully study at subsequent stages of education, as well as preserved health.

A primary school graduate, in addition to mastering the basic curriculum, must be positively motivated for further education.

Primary school teachers of our CenterThey form in students the ability to learn and the ability to organize their activities, independently search for and assimilate information, and the ability to show a creative approach in solving assigned problems.

There must be collaboration between primary and secondary teachers.

A primary school graduate must be ready to study at the secondary level. And he will be ready for this if he is healthy. With modern educational technologies this is possible. He must be able to independently acquire knowledge, be well-mannered, communicative, creative and have a desire to go to school.

Primary school teachersThey teach children not only to write, read and count, but also instill in them the need to independently acquire knowledge. Our teachers help students develop the need to develop their intellectual, communicative, artistic, and physical abilities.

We realize that each child has his own individual and unique image, and we help him in his development.

- What key competencies should graduates have?

elementary school?

To have competence means to have certain knowledge, to be knowledgeable in something, in any area.

In primary school we highlight the following competencies:

1. Educational and cognitive. (The student obtains knowledge directly from the surrounding reality, masters techniques for solving educational and cognitive problems, actions in various (non-standard) situations. For example, 4th grade. The world around us. Theme “Natural zone-tundra”. General lesson.

The entire classroom becomes a science station. Independent research work is underway. Children are divided into groups: geographers, botanists, ecologists, zoologists. Each group has a specific task, which is outlined in “help” cards. They defend their mini-research at the end of the lesson, using drawings, photographs, and abstracts. In the process of such tasks, we develop cognitive interest, learn to select the main thing from the general material and put it into a system.

2. Value-semantic competencies. (Connected with the student’s value guidelines, his ability to see and understand the world around him, navigate it, realize his role and purpose.)

For example, according to the plan of educational work in the 4th grade, an open school event “Me and My Rights” was held. A child must know his rights and his responsibilities, be self-confident, and have his own dignity.

3. Communication competencies. (Skills in working in a group, team with various social roles. The student must be able to introduce himself, write a letter, fill out a form, ask a question, lead a discussion)

For example, consultants work in a 4th grade math lesson. They check the work done on their row and correct mistakes. This type of activity develops mutual assistance, mutual testing, and group work skills in children.

4. I will dwell on one more key competency related to work activity. During the period of study from grades 1-4, students acquire basic technical knowledge; skills in manufacturing products from various materials; self-care skills.

Labor training lesson. Topic: “Making a model of a rocket.” Students work in pairs and are given instructions on the sequence of making a rocket. Children do the work step by step.

They come up with the design of the rocket themselves. In the process of such tasks, children’s work experience is enriched; design skills and abilities are developed.

5. Information competencies

Possession of modern media (TV, telephone, computer, printer) and information technologies...(audio and video recording, Internet..)

The project method, in its didactic essence, is aimed at developing abilities, with which a school graduate turns out to be more adapted to life, able to adapt to changes, navigate in a variety of situations, work in various teams, because project activity is a cultural form of activity in which it is possible to develop abilities to making responsible choices. Project activities in school are an effective tool for developing a wide variety of competencies, as well as a complete set of competencies - functional literacy.

Working on projects gives a lot to students. This includes active mental activity, the development of cognitive and social activity, interest in learning, broadening one’s horizons, and the ability to consciously obtain knowledge and use it. In addition, schoolchildren learn to work on a problem, acquire skills in collecting and processing information, research skills, and learn to apply knowledge. Project activities also give students the opportunity to collaborate with the teacher, discuss and offer their point of view.

Projects are planned throughout the year in almost all subjects of the school curriculum. Children do these jobs with pleasure. They like to discover something new for themselves and their classmates, to be researchers of material unknown to them.

6. Health-saving competencies.

Knowledge and adherence to healthy lifestyle standards; knowledge and observance of personal hygiene and routine; human physical culture, freedom and responsibility in choosing a lifestyle.

The fourth year of primary school completes the first stage of a child's school life. The prospect of moving to secondary school forces adults to pay primary attention to the development of educational skills in fourth-graders.

By the fourth grade, most children have already developed

individual style of educational work, differentiation of educational interests is planned, different attitudes towards academic subjects develop: some disciplines are liked more, others less. This depends on the characteristics of children, their performance, the specifics of cognitive development, information processing, unequal interest in various academic subjects, etc.

Despite some individual characteristics of a primary school graduate, by the end of his primary education, the following main components of his leading activity - educational - must be formed:

Sufficiently high level of mastery of learning skills and activities;

The ability to act according to an algorithm, apply acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in real life situations, think logically, use analysis and synthesis operations, build inferences and draw conclusions, perceive and retain necessary information in memory (especially these skills were developed during the course “Informatics” "in grades 2-3);

The development of the cognitive sphere must correspond to a level relevant to age standards;

Possess sufficiently developed thinking and a normal level of intellectual development;

Normal or high level of educational motivation, formed educational and cognitive motives;

Availability of formed control and self-control;

Having positive self-esteem;

A well-developed and age-appropriate stable emotional sphere.

A special place in the psychological portrait of our graduate is occupied by the formation of his communicative competence, since upon transition to middle management, communication becomes the leading activity. The “Young Philologist” course, which is taught in elementary school starting from the second grade, helps to develop this competence.

The most important line in the portrait of a graduate is also socially significant qualities, primarily inherent to a citizen: respect for his native country, his people, its history, awareness of his responsibilities to society, other people, and himself. Those. Already at the stage of primary school age, we strive to lay the first “building blocks” of higher feelings - patriotism, humanism, hard work. The ORKSE training course “Fundamentals of World Religious Cultures,” which is taught in the fourth grade, and extracurricular activities clubs “Love and Know Your Land” and “Tourists-Local History” help with this.

It is in elementary school that the child’s first abilities, inclinations, interests, and reserve capabilities manifest themselves, so it is very important at this stage to create for each child a situation of success in activities that are personally significant to him; a positive emotional assessment of any student’s achievement is necessary. During all four years of study, the Methodological Association of Primary School Teachers attracts students to participate in various competitions, exhibitions, and olympiads at various levels. The geography of these competitions is very wide and varied. Among the graduates of our Center there is not a single student who would not take part in at least one of the proposed competitions. As evidence of this, there is a portfolio of students, a collection of their achievements and successes.

We should also not forget that children's lives are not limited to the walls of the school. Outside of it, the child can be immersed in activities that will allow him to demonstrate his skills, achieve success, and gain self-confidence. Primary school graduates attend clubs, music and art schools, and sports clubs. In this direction, primary school teachers are doing a lot of work to promote extracurricular activities among students and their parents through visiting creative children's centers, inviting specialists to school, etc. Many children achieve good results in this activity.

In our case, it reflects the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education, the specifics of the educational center as an educational institution and consists of the following areas:

  • moral potential;
  • cognitive potential;
  • communication potential;
  • aesthetic potential;
  • physiological potential.

Moral potential

Cognitive potential

Communication potential

Able to express his opinion.

Aesthetic potential

Physiological potential

How do the personality qualities embedded in the portrait of a graduate relate to universal educational activities?

The portrait of a primary school graduate presents the results:

  • Personal (self-determination, meaning formation, moral and ethical orientation).
  • Metasubject (regulatory, cognitive, communicative).

Correlation of personality traits in the portrait of an elementary school graduate with personal UUDs.

Personal UUD


(internal position, “I am a concept”, civic identity, self-respect and self-esteem)

Loving his land and his country


(motivation (educational, social), attitude: towards oneself, school, society, boundaries of one’s own knowledge and “ignorance”)

Curious, interested, actively exploring the world.

Following the rules of a healthy and safe lifestyle for yourself and others

Moral and ethical orientation

(focus on fulfilling moral standards, evaluating one’s actions)

Respecting and accepting the values ​​of family and society

When we distribute and correlate the personality quality described in the portrait of an elementary school graduate with personal actions, it will become clearwhere, how and under what conditionswe can help the child develop these qualities.

Correlation of personality traits in the portrait of an elementary school graduate with meta-subject UUDs.

Metasubject UUD

Personality qualities in the portrait of a primary school graduate

Regulatory Component

Ready to act independently and be responsible for his actions to his family and school.

Possesses the basics of learning skills.

Cognitive component

(management of one’s activities, control and correction, initiative and independence).

Possesses the basics of learning skills.

Able to express his opinion.

Communication component

(cooperation skills, speech activity).

Friendly, able to listen and hear a partner.

Able to express his opinion.

The results of students who have mastered the basic educational program of the IEO also imply the mastery of substantive actions:

  • Subject (experience of activities in obtaining new knowledge, its transformation, application; the system of fundamental elements of scientific knowledge that underlie the scientific picture of the world).

Model of a graduate of primary school MBOU Central Educational Center No. 35in our case, it reflects the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education, the specifics of the educational center as an educational institution, and consists of the following areas:

  • moral potential;
  • cognitive potential;
  • communication potential;
  • aesthetic potential;
  • physiological potential.

Moral potential

Loving his native land and his country.

Respecting and accepting the values ​​of family and society.

Cognitive potential

Curious, interested, actively exploring the world.

Possesses the basics of learning skills.

Able to express his opinion.

Communication potential

Friendly, able to listen and hear a partner.

Able to express his opinion.

Aesthetic potential

Capable of aesthetic perception of objects and phenomena in the surrounding natural and social environment, having a personal (own, individual) emotionally charged attitude towards works of art.

Physiological potential

Follows the rules of a healthy and safe lifestyle for yourself and others.

Forming a model of a primary school graduate requires teachers to improve their professionalism in the following areas:

  • Design of the educational process
  • Organization of students' work
  • Valuation activities
  • ICT – competence.

The basic technologies of the educational process should be:

  • Information Technology
  • Technology based on creating a learning situation (solving problems that are practically significant for studying the world around us)
  • Technology based on the implementation of project activities
  • Technology based on level differentiation of training.

Extracurricular activities of the school are aimed at developing personal qualities. It involves working with students. From 3 to 5 hours a week we conduct the following classes: “School of Wizards”, “Blue Planet”, “Modular origami”, beadwork, etc.

We will be very glad if graduates of our school learn to understand and apply the following concepts in life:

  • “I live in Russia and I like it”;
  • “I’m growing up to be a normal, good person”;
  • "I want to learn";
  • “learning to succeed”;
  • “I am in control of the situation”;
  • “learning to evaluate”;
  • “I think, I speak, I do it myself”;
  • “always in touch”;
  • "In a healthy body healthy mind".

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards, the system for assessing student achievements is changing. BUT, value orientations reflecting individual personal positions (religious, aesthetic views, political preferences, etc.), characteristics of social feelings (patriotism, tolerance, humanism, etc.), and individual psychological characteristics of elementary school graduates will not be assessed.

Graduation celebration in 4th grade - 2013.

Spectators are sitting in the hall. There are desks on the stage, a blackboard is a classroom. The building of an elementary school, a teacher, a classroom appears on the screen.
Voice behind the scene:
Now it's time to say goodbye,
The bell rings...
“Goodbye to elementary school,”
Everything has its time, everything has its time."
We are in no hurry to say goodbye
And a hundred times nicer now
We will become images and faces
Relatives of your teachers.
But the hour has come, we know it,
And at this special hour
We gladly invite everyone
To the school prom, in the fourth grade!
Fanfare sounds. The presenters take the stage.

1 presenter: This evening could be very different.

2 presenter: But it must be beautiful today!

1 presenter: We summarize the results of the teachings at school.

2 presenter: And let’s remember what was most memorable.

1 presenter: But where are the heroes of today's meeting?

2 presenter: To whom will we speak passionate speeches?

1 presenter: Meet! Graduates of the 2012 – 2013 academic year, the first teacher Natalya Veniaminovna Peremitina and the class teacher Tamara Konstantinovna Ratushnyakova.

To the music of the song “School Years,” the 4th grade with the first teacher and the class teacher enter the stage.

1st student: Today is our day:

Both sad and cheerful.

After all, we say goodbye to our dear ones

Your elementary school.

2nd student: From year to year, from class to class

Time leads us silently,

And hour after hour, day after day

So imperceptibly we grow.

3rd student: Yes, friends, four years

Passed by unnoticed:

We were only first-graders

And now they've grown up,

We've grown up, we've grown wiser,

They bloomed like roses,

Knowledge, skills, abilities

We bought a lot.

Nimble, sporty,

Brave, active,

Smart, inquisitive,

In general, attractive.

4th student: Our class's birthday is September 1, 2009, the average age of the class is 11 years, the total is 279 years!

5th student: We passed four classes -

Everything has been calculated, everything has been taken into account!

6th student: In four years we have grown 3 meters 98 cm; ate two tons of baked goods; drank 1020 glasses of juice and compote, gained weight by 349 kilograms and now weigh 1 ton 17 kg.

7th student: Over the course of 4 years, we studied 2992 lessons, in which we leafed through 5987 pages of textbooks, learned dozens of rules, solved hundreds of examples and problems, and if we add up all the textbooks that we studied over these 4 years into a line, its length will be equal to the distance to the Moon and the way back to Earth!

Natalya Veniaminovna:

Today everything is solemn and sad,

How quickly the class flashed behind the class.

The time has come: we need to part.

Today is our last time together.

Tamara Konstantinovna:

We are somehow sad and sad,

Why are you leaving us?

When your mothers brought you

You were very little.

What adults now!

N.V.: We know, in the new 5th grade

You will also remember us,

And our kind word

And our cozy, bright classroom.

Teachers sing a song to the tune of “Weather in the House.”

Verse 1:

You came to us to learn as children,

During this time you have grown up.

You learned a lot from us,

We don't want to part with you.


We say goodbye to you!

The time to say goodbye is coming.

We wish you happiness and health

And remember us from year to year.

We wish you happiness and health

And remember us from year to year.

Verse 2:

What's the forecast?

What awaits you in 5th grade?

What kind of teachers will there be?

But we believe in you, you will not let us down,

After all, we didn’t waste our nerves in vain!


8th student:
We've been on the road for four years
Where should we go next?
All together at the very best time
It's time for us to go to fifth grade!
Children go down to the hall and dance the waltz. Then the children go up to the stage. There is a table on the stage at which the host of the evening, Natalya Veniaminovna, is sitting.

N.V.: Dear guys, dear adults! 4 long academic years are behind us, failures and difficulties are behind us. Do you guys remember how it all began? How timid and timid were you when you first came to school? Remember how you learned to sit at a desk and stand up gracefully? How did you get the first grades in your life? Let's remember what you were like then, 4 years ago...

Children read poetry and slides on the screen, starting in 1st grade.

Student: Everyone has one time in their life

There is your first, your memorable class.

Both the first textbook and the first lesson

And the first loud school bell.

Student: Do you remember? You, of course, remember
How our mothers led us to school by the hand,
They excitedly called it a new word - schoolchildren!
And we went towards knowledge.

Student: We were all funny kids

When we first entered this class,

And having received a notebook with pencils

Sat down at a desk for the FIRST time in my life!

The children go backstage, the children remain on stage for the first lesson, they sit down at their desks.

A student comes out with a large “comic” notebook. Opens and reads poetry.

My notebook ____ Full name __ I lost it in first grade

Inside – you can’t understand a word! Was it really me who wrote this?

What terrible hooks and dead circles -

They bent over like old men and hung from the line.

Well, the fat letter “A” is just like a frog!

“I”’s head curled up, “E’s” ear disappeared.

What kind of nonsense is this? Four sticks are jumping!

Everyone bent down in every direction, like our fence at the dacha!

I had a lot of fun - kids write terribly!

N.V.: Yes, we filled up more than one notebook in 4 years. But still, everyone remembers their first.And how difficult it was to begin, how the letters did not obey! And it all started - with sticks! So, first lesson - LETTER .

The bell rings.

Student: Help me out, sticks, sticks - lifesavers!

Get in order in my new notebook,

Don't go beyond the line! Keep your back straight everyone!

Why don't you listen? Why are you studying poorly?

Why are you standing there at random? I got it for you again!

But my teacher doesn’t know, and even my mother doesn’t know.

How difficult it is to teach you to stand STRAIGHT.

Student: Hunched over, stooped, with patches on her back,

There's a squiggle running across my notebook.

Everything walks along the ruler, along the slant,

He's having fun and chatting with me:

“You pleased me very much that you gave birth to me!

Oh, what a fine fellow you are, my parent, my father!

You always lead with a feather, like a chicken with its paw,

Write out the squiggles and scratch the notebook.

Pour ink on it, more often drip ink..."

“Oh my God, doesn’t she really think I’m a dad?”

N.V.: Yes, we learned a lot while we were in first grade. And even then everyone realized how good it was that there was a school. What if there were no schools?

Children sing the song “If There Were No Schools.”

N.V.: Before we knew it, it was already class 2(slides).

Student: A second grader dreams of a multiplication table,

Solves equations, knows a lot

And he strives to learn more.

The second group of students takes the stage for the next lesson.

N.V.: So, the second lesson - MATHEMATICS (bell rings)

Student: Both beautiful and strong is the country of mathematicians.

Work is going on everywhere here, everyone is counting something:

How much coal do blast furnaces need, and how much chocolate do children need?

How many stars are there in the sky and freckles on the noses.

Student: The problem is not solved - at least kill it.

Think, think, hurry up!

Think, think, head, I'll give you some candy,

On your birthday I will give you a new beret.

Think, think - once again I ask,

I will wash you with soap and comb you.

You and I are not strangers to each other,

Help me out, otherwise I'll hit you in the head.

Student: To become a doctor, sailor or pilot

First of all, you need to know mathematics.

And there is no profession in the world, mind you, friends,

Wherever you need MA - TE - MA - TI - KA!

Children perform a song to the tune of “Blue Car”.

  1. Slowly the minutes float away into the distance,

Water flows from pipe to pipe.

My problem can't be solved

Oh, this is my plumbing.


Slowly, slowly our lesson drags on.

They will give me a bad mark, because there is no solution.

Everyone - everyone believes in the best,

Maybe someone can tell me the answer.

N.V.: We are already in 3rd grade(slides).

Student: We entered third grade hesitantly

We had a lot of questions

And the tasks are like difficult things

It didn't always work out sometimes.

We have so many discoveries ahead of us

We have so many peaks ahead of us

Let's grow up, get smarter and do thousands of good deeds.

Student: We wrote, read, counted.

They sewed, glued and painted.

They sang songs about everything in the world.

After all, we are very cheerful children.

Children perform the dance “…. "

N.V.: Next lesson - RUSSIAN LANGUAGE (the bell rings).

The children sit at their desks for the next lesson.

Student: Here is Russian, our native language!

Rich and wise he is!

Let's determine - there is no easier way,

Where is the sign, action, object.

What about sound analysis of words?

Please, it's ready!

Student: There are different sounds:

Consonants and vowels.

We know how to write ZHI – SHI

And we studied the cases.

Number, time, word composition

We can do it again.

“Teeth” – change: “teeth”.

“Fur coats” – check: “fur coats”.

Student: This science is in my favor, I will know where the verb is,

Where is the prefix, and where is the suffix, phonetic analysis.

I will write what I want on the fence without mistakes.

Let everyone in the area see that it’s not in vain that I teach everything.

Children perform a song to the tune of “Chung-Chang”.

  1. I'm sitting in class again.

I don't take my eyes off the window.

It's already spring there, the streams are ringing,

Well, they keep telling me: teach, teach.


I'm tired of declensions, I'm tired of conjugations,

I'm tired of adverbs and verbs.

I'm tired of studying, I want to fly like a bird,

Eh, I wish I could finish this school soon.

N.V.: The third year flashed by - as if there were no worries.

Student: Load more and more of us

For some reason they became

After all, we are in 4th grade.

Like an institute.

N.V.: Next lesson -LITERARY READING(bell rings).

The children sit at their desks.

Student: Reading is a wonderful lesson

There is a lot of useful information in each of the lines.

Whether it's a poem or a story -

You teach them, they teach you.

Children perform a song to the tune of “The Lion Cub and the Turtle Sang a Song.”

I'm sitting reading

I've been looking at the book for a long time.

I still sit and look,

I don't find any meaning in it.

Play and dream

Well, I'm sitting here

And I look at the textbook.

N.V.: The students of our class made an interesting discovery. They discovered that all good things begin with the letter K: cinema, candy, vacation, swing, strawberry, treasure, kinder surprise. But the letter D differs in the opposite direction: fight, deuce, diary, debt, homework.

The bell rings.

Attention, call! The lesson begins!

Which subject? Let me explain for everyone!

A new subject is laughter!

Teacher: What are dense forests?

Student: These are the kind of forests in which... it’s good to doze off.

Teacher: Ilya, please answer, what is the life expectancy of a mouse?

Student: Well, Natalya Veniaminovna, it depends entirely on the cat.

Teacher: Sasha, if you have ten rubles and you ask your brother for another ten rubles, how much money will you have?

Student: Ten rubles.

Teacher: You just don’t know math!

Student: No, Natalya Veniaminovna, you don’t know my brother!

Teacher: Vanya. What kind of word is "egg"?

Student: None.

Teacher: Why?

Student: Because it is unknown who will hatch from it: a rooster or a chicken.

Teacher: Kirill, be honest, who wrote your homework essay?

Student: Honestly, I don’t know, I went to bed early.

N.V.: Every day our graduates were given homework. But I didn’t want to do it that way. How did they act?

Students show the skit “Homework”.


What a damn task!

I fought and fought - failure.

There were already circles in my eyes...

Sit down, dad, help!


Head up, son! With dad you are not alone! (Sits down to study.)


Parts of speech in the exercise

We were told to emphasize.

Do me a favor, mom -

Be more careful!


Underline parts of speech?

We'll figure it out somehow. (Sits down for class.)


And for you, grandma, some paints,

Come on, grandma, don't sleep!

Draw a picture for the fairy tale:

The cat walks along the chain.


No, she’s old—not the same eye. (Pavlik is crying)

Okay, okay, there will be a cat.


I'll go out for a minute.

Where is my jacket?

N.V.: In the morning Pavlik walked cheerfully

With a blue bag on his back.

But it's not fun from school

He was returning home.


What did you bring?


See for yourself!


No, report first!


Dad is 5, mom is 4, and you, granny, (with bitterness) are two.

Student (Pavlik): If I were a minister

All primary schools.

I'd be at school very quickly

Canceled the “count” rating.

By your order

I would write the words

What else is to be destroyed

Subject to a rating of two.

And then, after thinking for sure,

From dawn to dawn.

I would enter without delay

Remove rating "three".

So that learning without torment.

So as not to upset moms.

To study for 4 and 5.

The song “What they teach at school” plays. Children with a teacher and class teacher go up to the stage. Natalya Veniaminovna sits in the center. Children stand on either side of the teacher.

Student: Over the years of study, we made many friends. These are our classmates and parents. But two people were always with us both in lessons and during breaks. Who is this?

All together: Natalya Veniaminovna and Tamara Konstantinovna!

1st student: Four years have flown by

And I can’t believe it now

That once a friendly flock

We arrived at our noisy class.

2nd student: Time passed unnoticed

A year is like a day, and a day is like an hour.

Together we crossed

Every year from class to class.

3rd student: We grew up, we learned

And today we stand here.

To you, our first friend, teacher,

We say thank you.

4th student: Thank you, our first teacher,

For your enormous work that you put into us.

Of course, we are not your first issue,

And yet we fell in love with each other.

5th student: Who will always help you?

6th student: Will he support you with a kind word?

7th student: What he didn’t understand, he’ll explain.

8th student: You will be praised for your success.

9th student: Who doesn't like quarrels and noise?

10th student: Who can't stand lies?

11th student: Who frowns angrily because he has not learned his lesson?

12th student: Who will give the long-awaited “A” with a smile?

13th student: Who is always upset if you get a bad grade?

All together: This is our strict teacher.

This is our good teacher.

Children sing the song “The First Teacher”.

N.V.: Four years are like four days
Like birds flapping their wings...
My children are flying away today,
What are called DISCIPLES.

Four years are like four days
Flashed past the school windows;
They flashed past me like lightning,
And the bell keeps ringing cheerfully.

And the bell calls again for class:
Mathematics, Russian and reading...
Labor, fine arts, physical education - and the call again!
When will this “torment” end?!

This is the end of learning! Finally! Hooray!
Why is it so painful and sad?
Now my kids will run away,
The school will become so quiet and empty...

Four years are like four days
They rushed by like thoughts like an arrow...
I ask one thing: remember me!
Know: I LOVE you with all my soul!”

1st student: Well, the tutor got it,

The work was not in vain.

We have learned a lot -

You can't show it in a day.

2nd student: Olympics and concerts,
A stream of magic from fairy tales.
Together we created with you,
And everyone here burned as best they could...

3rd student: Spring holiday, or autumn,
Or a round dance near the Christmas tree -
This is how our friendship grew stronger,
Our creative people have matured.

4th student: The school's honor was also defended.
We are together, wherever we have to:
Both in mathematics and in Russian
We found a place among the first.

5th student: Yes, there was a golden time
It passed quickly like the wind...
We will remember him for a long time,
It resonated in our hearts.

6th student: For your friendship, for your care,

For your devotion to your friends,

For the eternal work of the soul -

For everything, for everything

Thank you!

T.K.: Dear children, dear parents, guests of our holiday! Tonight is both joyful and sad. Happy because you have grown up, become smarter, learned a lot, and because summer vacation is ahead of you. And sad because we have to part. For two years we have been walking along a difficult path and today I can say with confidence: grade 4A is a constellation of smart, creative, restless, but the coolest children!

Good luck, ups and bad weather -

Life is striped like a mattress.

My peak of teacher happiness -

These kids, this class.

And turning to you with all my heart,

I catch myself thinking,

Believe me, I'm not pretending-

I love each of you!

Fly, think, dare,

But in a corner of my soul

Save a piece of childhood -

And I will always live there.


T.K.: Guys! All these years, every day, from lesson to lesson, from quarter to quarter, your fathers and mothers, grandparents, studied with you. They, like you, and maybe more than you, were worried, experienced failures, and rejoiced at your victories. Together with you they are now here at the holiday, and we say a huge word to all of them...

All together: THANK YOU!

1st student: Today we say thank you

Of course to your parents.

Your concern, understanding and patience

They always helped us, without a doubt!

2nd student: Dads, dear kind mothers,

We want to say thank you

For caring, for being with us.

We are always ready to help everyone.

3rd student: You moved from class to class,

We gained knowledge and grew.

Everything we were taught at school

You helped us manage everything.

4th student: Here they are, those who sat with us at night over the book...

5th student: Here they are, those who wrote essays for us...

6th student: The best moms and dads in the world,

Your children say thank you very much.

Children go down to the hall and present medals to their parents. Everyone gets back on stage. They sing a song to the tune of “Our Neighbor.”

  1. All day from morning to night

I'm learning all the lessons

Even if very much

I want to go outside.

And wherever I go,

And wherever I go

I will never forget

How the verb is conjugated.


Mom, dad, be sorry

Mom, dad, be sorry

Mom, dad, let's go for a walk!

  1. At night I'll just close my eyes

And I’ll lie down on the bed -

Instant multiplication table

I'm starting to remember.

And when I sit down to dinner,

I always think about

Why is the sky darkening

And where the Don flows.


Mom, dad, be sorry

Mom, dad, be sorry

Mom, dad, let's go for a walk!

Sometimes I sit and dream,

  1. That a happy day will come,

And I'm Ivan Susanin

He will take him to the forest with him.

I will play there freely,

I will jump and jump

And the multiplication table

Slowly forget.


Mom, dad, be sorry

Mom, dad, be sorry

Mom, dad, let's go for a walk!


Dear Guys!

Today is an unusual day:

You have moved to fifth grade.

On the threshold of high school

We give you all an order.

There are still many years to study,

And don't lose patience.

Two, three, one

Do not allow it into your diary.

We also wish you,

Dear fifth grader,

So that they don't send you

Take your parent home.

So the fourth grade is over,

You have matured a whole year.

May the friendship that binds you

Will protect you from all kinds of adversity!

Be kind, be humble

And help each other in everything.

Have a good journey through life... And we,

We are always waiting for you with victory!

Parents sing the song “On the Road of Goodness.”

1. Ask strict life which way to go,

Where in the world should you go in the morning?

Follow the sun

Although this path is unknown,

Go my friend, always go

On the way to goodness.) 2 times.

2.Forget your worries, ups and downs.

Don't whine when fate behaves

Not like a sister.

But if things go wrong with a friend.

Don't rely on a miracle

Hurry to him

Always go

On the way to goodness.) 2 times.

3.And how many different doubts and temptations there will be.

Don't forget that this life is not child's play.

Drive away temptations

Learn the unspoken law:

Go my friend

Always go

On the road to goodness) 2 times.

Parents give their children photo albums and primary school diplomas.

Parent: You have an album in your hands,

You see all your friends in him.

In the middle is your teacher -

Your first leader.

Please don't forget them

Yes, remember more often!

The bell rings.

1 student: Last lesson finished today

The last bell rings in the corridor.

We are bags under our arms and we are skipping along,

And together we step beyond the school threshold.

2nd student: And there, beyond the threshold, moving the leaves,

The birches sway, the poplars rustle.

And all this means that summer has begun.

What forests and fields await us!

3rd student: But wherever I am, wherever I go,

No matter how many new friends I find,

On the river and in the field I remember school,

I remember that I moved to 5th grade!

Fanfare sounds.

T.K.: ATTENTION! ATTENTION! In the face of your comrades, parents, teachers and everyone present at our holiday, are you ready to make a solemn promise - the oath of fifth graders? Yes

“Entering the ranks of secondary school students, in the face of my comrades, in the face of martyred parents, in the face of working teachers, I solemnly swear:

  1. Stand at the board like the best goalkeeper, not missing a single question, even the most difficult and tricky one. WE SWEAR!
  2. Do not bring teachers to a boiling point - 100˚С WE SWEAR!
  3. Be fast and swift, but do not exceed the speed of 60 km/h when moving along the school corridors! WE SWEAR!
  4. It is not the veins to be pulled out of teachers, it is not the sweat that is squeezed out, but solid and accurate knowledge and skills. WE SWEAR!
  5. Swim only “good” and “excellent” in the sea of ​​knowledge, diving to the very depths. WE SWEAR!
  6. Be worthy of your teachers!WE SWEAR! WE SWEAR! WE SWEAR!

The soundtrack of the song “Waltz of Parting” (music by Ya. Frenkel) is played. The children take their seats, some on the stage, some on the steps of the stage.

1 student: We say goodbye to elementary school,

We are parting, alas, forever.

We'll meet again in September

There will be high school then.

2nd student: School years will fly by quickly,

The years will fly by in an instant.

But we won’t forget the “beginning”,

We will always remember her.

Children sing the song "Primary School". At this time, slides from the school life of children change on the screen.

T.K.: Dear Guys! Your parents have prepared a surprise for you. Let's all go outside.

Children release paper doves on balloons with their wishes. Then everyone goes to the hall where the tables are set.


Lyrics → print

I open the doors to the classroom again
And I remember the best moments
When did you first know us?
We were funny, no doubt about it.
The rules were repeated to us at the blackboard.
And they held white chalk in their hands.
We were all your students -
Funny, mischievous kids.

My first teacher.

We say thank you from the bottom of our hearts
And we sincerely thank you for everything.

For true kindness of the heart.

You gave us life lessons.

I remember my first lesson
We expected a miracle from everyone’s words
The bell sang with a cheerful chime
And we wrote sticks in notebooks
They saddened you to the point of pain
But there was more joy
You forgot and felt sorry for us
Sorry for the mistakes please

My first teacher.
We express our recognition to you today.
We say thank you from the bottom of our hearts
And we sincerely thank you for everything.
For a fairy tale, for a smile, for a dream,
For true kindness of the heart.
They led the faithful along the path to knowledge.
You gave us life lessons.

For a fairy tale, for a smile, for a dream,
For true kindness of the heart.
They led the faithful along the path to knowledge.
You gave us life lessons.
You gave us life lessons.


Elementary School.

sl. and music Elena Plotnikova

1. Let the golden autumn pass,
The blizzard will stop raging
And the sun, laughing and sparkling,
He will look into the primary classes.

2.Here they hurried to gain new knowledge
The first teacher and I are together,
We grew up, we were surprised, we became friends
And they sang their favorite songs.

September rustles leaves
And May is blooming again.
We will love you
Elementary school, know!

3. Our class, mischievous and cheerful.
Tests, lessons, tasks...
Today is elementary school
He wishes us good luck in life!

4.The doors will open, and again
You will meet your first-graders.
We know, elementary school, -
You will remain in our hearts!

September rustles leaves
And May is blooming again.
We will love you
Elementary school, know!