How to glue a puppy's ears. How to glue Chinese Crested ears. Why do a dog's ears go up?

Pugs naturally have triangular, semi-erect, and fairly small ears. Modern standards allow two types of ear shapes, in which the tips of the outer ear can be lowered to the muzzle, or slightly tilted back.

Why does a pug need to glue his ears?

The shape of a pug's ears must be corrected, which allows a pet of this breed to form identical ears of the most desirable shape. A breed feature of a pug puppy is the ability of the ear cartilage to “break” at the stage of activation of growth processes, as well as during the period of changing teeth.

The process of such “breaking” ends, as a rule, by a year or a little later, but without proper care, the cartilage can forever remain in the wrong position, and the dog’s ears will have an unattractive appearance. To prevent the development of “mishearing” in a pug, it is very important to timely and correctly fix the ear flaps using a regular pharmaceutical adhesive plaster.

This is interesting! It should be noted that some pets do not need ear shaping at all, while for others such an activity does not bring any visible results, but in most cases, the correction has a positive effect on the dog’s overall appearance.

Preferred for show pugs are “button” ears, which can very advantageously emphasize the shape of the head of this breed and visually make it quite voluminous.

In addition to visual appeal, this form is characterized by practicality, since it can almost completely cover the ear canal, protecting it from dust, cold air or water, which minimizes the risk of developing otitis media. You should know that only a correctly performed correction process will not bring discomfort to your pet and will allow you to obtain the desired result.

At what age should you glue your ears?

In newborn pugs, it is simply physically impossible to predict the shape of the ears in the future, but it is this factor that determines the future quality of life of the pet.

If the cartilage of the outer ear is placed incorrectly, the entire ear canal is very exposed, and the animal often suffers from infectious ear diseases, and may also subsequently acquire hearing loss or complete deafness. Among other things, the presence of such an external defect does not allow a pet to participate in exhibition shows.

The age at which you can begin ear correction using adhesive patches may vary, but most often this procedure begins immediately after the change of teeth occurs, which begins at two to three months. It is during this period that the active growth of the pet begins, which can have a negative impact on the formation of the ears. If the ears do not “break” yet, then there is absolutely no need to glue them.

How to glue ears correctly

In order to correctly correct the shape of a pug’s ears, it is imperative to take into account a number of simple but very important recommendations:

  • first you need to carefully straighten the ear cartilage and return it to the correct position without significant effort;
  • at the next stage, the sides of the outer ear are carefully closed towards each other, after which they are secured with a pharmaceutical plaster.

Of course, only the “broken” ear needs correction, but for preventive purposes it is recommended to glue both ears with a plaster, which will reduce the risk of the pug developing pathological “mishearing” to a minimum. It is recommended to stick the patch on the pet’s ear as high as possible, since it is in this case that it is possible to obtain the most reliable fixation of the cartilage tissue.

Important! Remember that too strong adhesive fixation causes discomfort for your pet, and also causes skin irritation and circulatory problems.

The pug's ears are fixed with a pharmaceutical plaster for a fairly long period, so every week and a half you need to remove such a corrector for one day and then put it on again. Most often, the correction takes a year, but it all depends on the individual characteristics of the pet and the degree of “break” in the ear cartilage tissue.

To make it easier for the dog to remove the patch, which is unpleasant for the dog, you need to generously coat it with Vaseline oil or baby cream, leave it for about half an hour, and then carefully remove it.

What you need for gluing

You can glue a pug’s ears on your own even if you don’t have any special experience.. However, as practice shows, it is best to entrust the first fixation of the ear cartilage to a professional veterinarian, which will allow the owner of such a pet to become familiar with the peculiarities of the technology for performing an important cosmetic procedure.

Important! To glue your pug's ears on yourself, you need to purchase a fairly thin medical plaster at the pharmacy.

It is best to use for this purpose a fabric “breathable” adhesive plaster with a width of no more than 10 mm, which has a hypoallergenic adhesive base. Sensitive skin on a pug's ears often suffers when a patch with an irritating bactericidal impregnation is used during the gluing process.

This article will talk about how to properly glue a pug's ears.

The shape of a pug's ears can be of three types:
1. “button (button)” - the ear is a triangle, hangs well on the cartilage and completely covers the ear canal;
2. “rose” - the ear is “broken” in the cartilage, slightly opening the ear canal;
3. “false rose” - an ear “broken in the cartilage” and sitting high, so that almost the entire ear canal is exposed.

The standard allows the first two types of ear, and the first of them (“button”) is more preferable, the second (“rose”) is acceptable, the third is not desirable; Also undesirable is “differing ears” - when the shape of the ears is different.

Why adjust the shape?
The shape of the ears is adjusted so that both of the pug's ears lay the same and have the desired "button" shape. In puppies, at the moment of rapid growth and change of teeth (usually from 3-4 months), the ear cartilage begins to “break”, this breaking lasts up to 1-1.5 years, and in the end, the cartilage may not fall back into place. To maintain its shape and prevent an adult dog from having an undesirable ear shape or “different ears,” the ear linen is fixed with an adhesive plaster until the ears finally take on the desired shape. There are some exceptions - some dogs do not need to glue their ears at all, and for some, no matter the glue, they will never stand up after breaking. But still, for most pugs, correction brings positive results.

Who needs it?
Firstly, of course, for a dog that will participate in exhibitions, since the “button” ear shape is the most preferred and most aesthetically pleasing of all. Button ears highlight the pug's head and make it look more voluminous.

Secondly Button ears can also be called more practical - they completely cover the ear canal and better protect the pug’s ear from water and dirt, and also flutter less in the wind during active games, and in cold weather they protect the ear from getting cold, which reduces the risk of otitis media.

Even if you have a “sofa” pug and will never participate in exhibitions and breeding work, I strongly recommend that you not be lazy and take care of the correct adjustment of the ears. The reasons are stated above. Skipping the practical side of the issue, I would like to remind you that we, people, are not artists, movie stars, etc. in life. - we comb our hair in the morning, try to hide some of our minor flaws, choose beautiful clothes and jewelry, etc. Let us give our pets the right to a more beautiful “face”, which is favorably emphasized by “button” ears and somewhat spoiled by “rose” and “false rose” ears. Moreover, for most pugs, the procedure of ear gluing does not bring any suffering. Of course, if your pug has delicate skin on the ears and the patch causes irritation and severe itching, then there is no need to glue the ears - let it be as it is.

Look how the same pug head looks with different ear shapes (from left to right: “button” is a desirable option; “rose” is an acceptable option; “false rose” is an undesirable option):

How to glue your ears correctly?

Picture 1.

The diagram shows the correct “button” ear shape and an ear with a “rose” folded cartilage. The schematic images show what the cartilage looks like. When positioned correctly, the ear hangs on the cartilage, like on an arch. When the ear breaks, the cartilage at the back looks as if it was folded in half (see dotted lines in the diagram).

Figure 2.

Figure 3.

The folded ear is fixed with a piece of adhesive tape across it, as high as possible, close to the cartilage. Fix firmly, but not too tightly, so as not to disrupt blood circulation.

The patch is left on the ear until the adhesive layer begins to disintegrate and the patch falls off the ear itself (up to 2 weeks without interruption). Then the ears are allowed to “rest” until the cartilage breaks again (usually 1-2 days), and they are sealed again.

If your dog has irritation or his ear is bothering him (this happens the first time the ear is sealed or if the skin is tender), then the patch must be removed, the irritation healed and sealed again, less tightly or using a different patch (for example, with hypoallergenic glue).

If you are going with your dog to a show, then the patch can be removed 10-15 minutes before the start of the ring, so that the ears do not break on the way.

In order not to tear out the hairs that stick to the patch, before removing it, the patch can be coated in a circle with baby cream or any fatty cream, and after 30 minutes (when it gets wet) - remove it. Wipe off the cream from the ear. This method is not suitable for exhibitions - the cream will remain in a greasy layer on the ear.

What is needed to correct the shape of the ears?

1. A thin medical adhesive plaster (1 cm wide), preferably a regular one, and NOT a bactericidal one (you can use a plaster with a hypoallergenic adhesive base if the skin on the ear is sensitive).

2. If the ears do not take the desired shape for a long time, then you can use supplements for cartilage and joints (which will help the ear cartilage become stronger), for example: Canina Artro Tabletten + Canina GAG, or Polidex Gelabon Plus, or Canipur “Kalzigel”, etc. .

3. Patience and time

How long does it take to glue the ear?

Until the ear cartilage finally takes the desired shape. On average, this happens when the dog is 1-1.5 years old. There are also exceptions - for some, the ears take the correct shape already at 6 months, for others, they have to be glued up to 2 years.

Chinese Cresteds have rather weak ear cartilage and in order to help their ears stand up, they need to be glued from a very early age. There are many different ways, but in this article we will look at three main ones.

In order to glue the puppy's ears we will need:
scissors, adhesive tape and cotton swabs.

First, we clean our ears with a special product and disinfect them with gasoline.
It is very important that the ear is dry after this!
Under no circumstances should you wrap your ear if there is any liquid left inside!!!

For all three methods, the same workpiece is useful.
We take a cotton swab, remove the cotton wool from both ends, and cut the tube in half.

Cut four identical strips of adhesive tape.
The length of each strip should be slightly less than the length of the puppy's ear.
The width is correspondingly also slightly less than the width of the ear.

Take half the stick and glue it exactly to the middle along the width of the cut strip.
Pay attention to the position of the stick - one end of it should be at the very edge of the strip of plaster,
and others cannot reach the other edge. After that, stick another strip of plaster on top, sticky side up.
The result is that a plastic stick is glued between two layers of adhesive plaster.

We get an elongated strip with the sticky side at the top.
We take scissors and round off the side of the strip where the length of the stick was not enough.

Using the same principle, we make a blank for the second ear.
The base blank for both ears is ready!
Let's start gluing.

Method No. 1

This method is used to help the ears when they are almost standing

All hair on the inside and outside of the ears is cut off.
This way we lighten the ears and make them thinner.

To properly stick the base inside the ear,
You need to grab the tip of your ear and pull up slightly to smooth out the crease.
The main thing is not to overdo it! Under no circumstances should you pull your ear too hard!

We take the blank and paste it on the inside of the ear, starting just below the place that we “smoothed”.
Glue with the rounded end up. Carefully glue and press lightly so that the patch sticks to the ear better.

Puppy with baby elephant ears Dumbo is ready :)

Method No. 2

You can glue ears this way from the age of 3 weeks.

It is better to trim the ears from the outside,
so that later you can remove the adhesive plaster more painlessly.

Cut a strip of plaster long enough to wrap around your ear.
For Chinese abalone, a strip of 7-9 cm is enough.

Inside the ear we glue the base blank as in method No. 1.
Fold the ear in half.

We begin to wrap the ear with adhesive tape.
The main thing is not to pinch your ear - you don’t need to pull the patch too hard.
The ear turns out to be twisted in the form of a tube.

The puppy with alien horns is ready :)

Method No. 3

In this way you can glue ears from 1.5 months

We cut, clean and disinfect the ears with gasoline.
We make the base sizing as in method No. 1.
We wind the “horns” as in method No. 2.

Cut a strip of adhesive tape and connect the horns above the head, leaving a small distance between them.
Be careful not to catch the fur from the tuft under the adhesive plaster!

A puppy with an incomprehensible design on his head is ready :)

How to remove the winding

Removing the winding is very simple.
Take scissors and cut the winding on the outside of the ear.
It is most convenient to use manicure scissors or scissors with blunt ends.
(so as not to prick your ear under the adhesive plaster).

I start gluing the ears of puppies from 3 weeks of age. Many argue that this is very early - but it is better to start at that age than to later try to repair an already broken ear.

Advising gelatin to strengthen ear cartilage is probably enough. This is the 21st century and there are many specially formulated supplements to strengthen cartilage. For example: Gelabon (Polidex company), Gelakan (for small Gelakan-Baby puppies), GAG (Canina company), Stride Plus, Glucosamine (8in1 company) and others.

After gluing, the puppy may shake its head and constantly scratch its ears. Never allow your puppy to scratch its ears! Distract your baby with a game or something tasty. If the sealed ears still haunt the puppy, then you can use a special collar - it can be purchased at a pet store.

If the puppy does scratch his ears until they bleed and this causes sores, immediately remove all the tape and allow the ears to heal completely. You can anoint the combed areas with levomekol (or levosin) - this will speed up the healing of sores.

The puppy cannot constantly walk around with its ears taped up - be sure to give the ears a rest. Wrap it for 5 days, stand this time steadily, and then remove the wrap and let the ears rest for one night. Then wrap it up again for a week.

Remember - every body is individual. Some puppies have confident ears already at 2-3 months, while others have ear cartilage so thin and weak that the ears require constant gluing up to 9-10 months.

Don’t rush to rejoice if your ears stand up early - a change of teeth is ahead! During a shift, even confidently standing ears can fall in one day. Take care of the ears: massage them, glue them from the inside, give calcium and vitamins to strengthen the cartilage.

During the period when he begins to actively grow and his teeth change, changes occur in his ear cartilage: it “breaks”. This process can take a long time, and there are times when the cartilage never comes into place. Therefore, the dog owner has questions: what to do about it, why glue the ears and how to glue them? Let's try to answer them together.

Pugs have three types of ear shapes:

  • “button” - the ear has a triangular shape, hangs on the cartilage and closes the ear canal;
  • “rose” - the ear is broken in the cartilage and the ear canal is slightly open;
  • “false rose” - the ear, broken in the cartilage, sits high and almost completely opens the ear canal.

The most preferred ear shape is the “button” shape. “Rose” is also allowed by the standard, but “false rose” and different ears are completely undesirable for pugs. Therefore, the shape of pug ears is adjusted so as to give them the same position and “button” appearance. In addition to the cosmetic disadvantage, the “rose” shape, and especially the “false rose,” poorly protects the pug’s ear from dirt, water and strong wind. This can even lead to the dog getting sick.

How to glue pug ears correctly?

Most often, this procedure does not cause any inconvenience to puppies. However, you should keep an eye on his ears to ensure there is no irritation or redness from the patch. If this happens, the patch should be removed and the ear should be allowed to rest for a while, and then the procedure should be repeated.

The pug's ears need to be glued in this way for one and a half to two weeks, or until the patch falls off on its own. As long as the ears maintain the correct shape, a patch is not needed, but as soon as the puppy’s ear “breaks,” adjustments are needed again. Usually, after reaching the age of one year, the pug’s ears acquire the correct shape, but sometimes it happens that the patch needs to be glued until the age of two.

  • Copyright for the text and photos of this site belongs to the site administrator.
  • When I purchased Bead, a friend for my Chinese crested Lyalechka, the puppy’s owners recommended that I continue to give her ears. They say it’s nothing complicated, just put some matches and stick it with a band-aid, and that’s it. I, of course, didn’t like this method and I plunged into the vast expanses of the Internet to look for the answer to the question - how to glue ears correctly little puppy.
  • Little Gina

    Little Gina
  • I remembered how my friend and I once tried to put ears on her German shepherd Gina. Gina grew, gradually matured, but one ear dangled and did not want to get up. We resorted to the most makeshift method - we stuck a plaster to an already existing ear, and even tried to fasten it with a clothespin. We did everything in vain and wrong. My friend worried and worried in vain, the time has come and the ears stood up without any additional means or clothespins.
  • Gina

  • On the Internet I found a complete master class, how to glue ears correctly dog and applied it to her baby, Businka.
  • What if someone comes to my site and such useful advice will be useful to you too. This simple task is done very easily and simply, but first you need to run to the pharmacy and buy a hypoallergenic patch and a disinfecting antiseptic - chlorhexidine. All. The rest can be found at hand, in the house. So, we need the following:
  • 1. A piece of plastic (I cut such a piece from a plastic water bottle),
  • 2. Scissors,
  • 3.Patch,
  • 4.Chlorhexidine,
  • 5.Your favorite dog.
  • Let's start our lesson:
  • You can, at a glance (if the “eye is a diamond”), or better yet, use a tape measure or a centimeter to measure your pet’s ears and cut off two pieces of plaster slightly smaller than the ears themselves.
  • 2 pieces of patch

    2 pieces of patch
  • We cut a piece of plastic in half and make two frames.
  • 2 pieces of plastic

    2 pieces of plastic
  • We round the corners.
  • We round the corners

    We round the corners
  • For example, I cut it out and constantly tried it on for my Bead. Ready? Let's keep working.
  • We glue our frames onto each piece of plaster. We got two blanks.
  • We glue the frames to the plaster

    We glue the frames to the plaster
  • We glue another piece of plaster to our blanks, with the non-sticky side. As a result, we ended up with two frames with one sticky side.
  • Cover the frames with a second plaster

    Cover the frames with a second plaster
  • Agree, if you put our creation on the ears, it doesn’t turn out very beautiful, so for aesthetics and for the convenience of your dog, we cut our blanks to the shape of the ears.
  • We cut the blanks according to the shape of the ear

    We cut the blanks according to the shape of the ear
  • Now, it’s a completely different matter, it’s not a shame to show up for a walk and go out in front of people.
  • The next step would be this procedure:
  • Take a cotton pad, thoroughly moisten it with an antiseptic and wipe the dog’s ears. Chlorhexidine acts as a degreaser and does not dry out the ear skin. Then you need to dry the ears with a paper towel, after which we glue in our frames.
  • Glue the blank

    Glue the blank
  • Be sure to smooth the patch thoroughly. Our frames are in place, but in order to fix and give the correct position to the ear, we need to return to our plaster.
  • We unwind the tape, 10 cm long and cut it in half.
  • 10 cm of patch

    10 cm of patch
  • The result was two narrow ribbons.
  • 2 stripes

    2 stripes
  • You need to start gluing the tape from the middle of the ear, where the frame is located.
  • We start from the center of the frame and eyelet

    We start from the center of the frame and eyelet
  • We carefully circle the ear with tape (in no case, without pulling it. The ribbed side of the patch should not be at the base of the ear, so as not to irritate the dog’s skin. We complete our task and leave a space of about 1 cm.
  • We bend the ear with a bandage

    We bend the ear with a bandage
  • The ears will breathe through this space and you can easily clean them if necessary.
  • The space through which the ear breathes

    The space through which the ear breathes
  • At the end of this procedure, smooth the patch so that it does not come off and completely adheres to the ear.
  • As a result, we got such a good picture, and you took note of useful advice - how to glue ears correctly to your pet.
  • Bead

  • Your pet will wear this design depending on its breed and heredity, but usually a week is enough for some, two for others, and sometimes up to a month.
  • The main rule is that you can’t take breaks and let your ears rest, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain.
  • My Businka feels great and doesn’t notice any discomfort!
  • The bead feels great

    The bead feels great
  • See for yourself!