How to get rid of the past: advice from psychologists. Effective methods on how to forget the past

There have been periods in every person's life that they would like to erase from their memory. Some, despite all the difficulties, pull themselves together and move to a new level, only occasionally remembering the upheavals that have occurred; others cannot help but constantly think about the past, thereby depriving themselves of the chance to be happy in the present and future. No matter what burden of the past haunts you: parting with a loved one, missed opportunities, death of loved ones, betrayal of friends, guilt... Now is the time to forget the past forever and start living in the present. How to stop living in the past?

Don't think about the past: why doesn't it let us go?

Many people wonder: why do some people, having experienced very serious shocks and trials, quickly recover and start a new life, while others fall into long-term depression and cannot stop living in the past after the unsuccessful end of a two-month affair?

Psychology can give answers to this; a lot here depends on age, the atmosphere in which a person lived in childhood, on the type of character and personality. And, even if you consider yourself to be a weak type who takes any life trials to heart, it does not mean that you are not able to cope on your own and not think about the past.

Most often, we cannot forget the past and live in the present, because we feel guilty for the current situation, we are tormented by thoughts that we could have acted differently - and thereby change the ending...

...Sometimes the past does not let us forget about itself, because we do not let go of past grievances, we believe that we were treated unfairly.

Our bad memories are like a suitcase with useless junk that we habitually carry with us everywhere... Do you need such a load?

...And sometimes we can’t forget the past and live in the present because we like this state of self-pity, we are not ready to change, grow, we feel comfortable sitting in our shell, cherishing our grief, closing ourselves off from the entire world around us. This is such masochism. How can you change the situation and start enjoying life again?

How to forget the past and start living in the present: 5 steps to a happy life

Healing from old wounds is a complex and often long process, but no matter what lies behind us, each of us can stop living in the past. Here are the steps that will help you get rid of your worries forever:

1. First step- realize that the past is past, that it is thoughts about it that prevent you from living fully in the present and planning the future. Of course, this is not easy to do, but do you really want to breathe deeply again?

2. Step two- Sorry. Now it doesn’t matter who is to blame for what happened in the past, and who caused the offense: you or those who offended you. It is impossible to turn back time, everything has already been done, and your suffering today will not change the accomplished fact. Mentally ask for forgiveness or forgive, you can go to church. If you have offended a person and know how to contact him, you can call and apologize. That's all. Turn the page. People have the right to make mistakes: you and your loved ones are no exception. If you think that what you did earlier is too serious or you have no one to apologize to, switch to caring about others. You can't change what happened, but you can help others and make their lives better. Volunteering in orphanages, nursing homes or homeless animal shelters - think in this direction.

3. Step three– don’t be sorry. Regret about missed opportunities, wasted time, broken relationships is the road to nowhere. Regrets, as well as self-pity, are generally extremely destructive feelings. Try to look at the situation from a different point of view: you have gained experience, you have learned from your mistakes, you will no longer allow this situation to happen in your life. And guess what? By suffering and constantly feeling sorry for yourself, you destroy not only your life, but also the lives of your loved ones, who find it difficult to see you in such a state. Don't you feel sorry for them?

Remind yourself often that our life goes only in one direction - to the future, nothing can be turned back. Thinking about what could have been is useless

4. Step four- reboot. If the pain is still fresh, you are bursting with negative emotions from within, do not try to be strong, allow yourself to scream, cry, break a cup for one day. You can go to the gym and furiously beat the punching bag. Throw out the pain - this will make it easier to forget the past and start living in the present.

5. Step five– replacement rule. Think about how much time and energy you waste on empty things - not letting go of past grievances and feeling sorry for yourself. Instead, you could change for the better. To begin with, you can go to the salon, change your hair color, get a manicure, radically change your image, or finally start searching. Sign up for driving courses, learning a foreign language, and handicrafts. And most importantly, go in for sports. Yoga is great for getting rid of unnecessary thoughts. If you take on new interests and hobbies in your life, there will simply be no room left for regret and thoughts about the burden of the past.

In general, it seems to me that one of the most effective ways to forget the past- clear the physical space around you: , spend (read where p led me), organize little things like books and... Having let go of things from your past life, you physically feel how life is changing!

Getting rid of the burden of the past and letting go of past grievances is much easier than you think now, the main thing is to start acting right now. In just a few days you will be drawn into a new, happy and interesting life.

It is human nature to accumulate not only material values, but also memories. Whether pleasant or unpleasant, they are an integral part of our lives and the basis of experience and wisdom. But sometimes a person gets stuck in the past, constantly looking back instead of rapidly moving forward. This can cause serious problems. How to get rid of the past? How to learn to live in the present and future?

Why do people get stuck in the past?

To effectively solve a problem, you need to understand its essence. The past has a tremendous influence on a person. And that's why:

  • Playback. In a continuously changing series of events, people inevitably encounter situations similar to those that occurred in the past. Negative or positive memories involuntarily pop up in your head. Consciousness begins to search in the depths of memory for answers to recurring questions.
  • Memory records moments of the past, as well as the range of feelings that a person experienced at a particular moment. Speaking about emotions, it is worth noting that a person, as a rule, clings to something positive and joyful, replaying the event of past days in his head over and over again.
  • Hypertrophied instinct of self-preservation. It is expressed in the fact that a person falls into hysterics and panic when something in his life begins to change. In this way, he tries to protect himself as much as possible from changes and maintain a state that was once safe and comfortable for him.

Recognize and accept that there is a problem

The first step to getting rid of the past is recognizing the problem. You must admit to yourself that you are confused in your memories, that you are stuck in days gone by, that this is what prevents you from enjoying life and moving forward. It is important to slam your fist on the table and say to yourself: “Stop!” This will be an impetus for getting rid of old loads and the beginning of a new cloudless life.

Forgive and love your past self

Forgiving and loving yourself is the surest way to get rid of the past. Continuing to scold and reproach yourself will not change past events, but you will greatly poison your present and close the road to the future. But if you let go of what has already happened, you can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Choose a quiet time and replay in your head a past situation that haunts you. Moreover, look at it through the eyes of yourself “then”, and not yourself “today”. Your task is to justify your action. Circumstances, youth, lack of knowledge and experience, lack of support - then you simply could not do otherwise. Forgive and love your past self, even take pity in order to love your present self.

Be grateful for the past

How to get rid of the past? Look at the past times not with sadness, but with gratitude. After all, no matter how difficult and foggy past events may have been, it is to them that you owe what you are now. Difficulties have taught you to be persistent and courageous. You have become stronger, you have begun to perceive life’s troubles more easily.

In this case, psychologists recommend using a technique with the poetic name “Pearls of Wisdom.” Its essence is to analyze the situation that haunts you, and as a result, write down on a piece of paper everything that it taught you, how it changed you. These are the very “pearls”. Thank the past for them and let go of the situation without regret.

Forgive and let go of people from the past

To start living life to the fullest, it is important to know how to get rid of past relationships and connections. Surely there were people in your life who hurt you, set you up, or left you alone when you needed help. Often, past grievances prevent you from making new acquaintances and building new relationships. You subconsciously expect trickery and betrayal from everyone.

Give up your resentment and hatred. Those people with whom you are offended have changed a long time ago, just like you. It is possible that they also regret their actions. Of course, no one forces you to love them, maintain close contacts with them, and so on. But you simply have to forgive them. You don't need to tell them about it. Just get rid of the resentment within yourself.

Rewrite old scripts

“I’m living in the past, how can I get rid of it?” - this is exactly the question many people come to see a psychologist with. During the conversation, specialists often notice that throughout his life the patient walks in circles, constantly stepping on the same rake, acting in a similar “wrong” way in similar situations.

The reason is that the human brain records scenarios that are triggered whenever you find yourself in a similar situation. To break this vicious circle, you need to rewrite the negative script of the past in a positive manner. Imagine that a situation that haunts you has been resolved in your favor. Think through a sequence of actions that could lead to a positive outcome. This will help you avoid making mistakes in the future.

Learn to appreciate the present

If you are tired of despondency, you need to figure out how to get rid of the past and live in the present. After all, what is life? This is what is happening, what you look like, what you feel right now. If you constantly dwell on the past, you miss out on unique moments that are gone forever. Very soon they will also become a past for you, for which you will begin to blame yourself.

To stop the past from dominating your life, block it with thoughts about the present. Think more about how you look now, how you feel now, how comfortable you are now, what you would like now. Surprisingly, such thoughts release internal energy and charge a person with joyful thoughts.

Get rid of excess

A surefire way to get rid of past connections and events is to clear your personal space of everything that reminds you of old times. Hoarding is human nature. Photos, souvenirs, clothes, interior items, dishes - every thing in your home probably has some memories associated with it. And they are not always pleasant.

Set a goal to complete a complete audit of everything stored in your home within a month. Looking at each thing, listen to your inner feelings and the voice of memory. If there is negativity, feel free to get rid of this item (throw it away, give it away, sell it). Gradually surround yourself with new “clean” things that will gradually be filled with positive meaning.

Perform an emotional reset

In the process of searching for means and ways to get rid of jealousy of the past, a person tries to be calm and balanced. But this is not always the right approach. Negative emotions need to be released to make room for new positive thoughts and feelings.

This can be done in a variety of ways. You can scream loudly, break a cup, tear a newspaper into small pieces, cry your heart out. In terms of emotional release, physical activity helps well, which also brings considerable benefits to the body in terms of health and aesthetics.

Effective techniques for dealing with memories

If you couldn’t get rid of it using basic methods, use additional techniques that work quickly and clearly. Here are the main ones:

  • Positive attitude. Before you get out of bed in the morning, tune in to perceive something new. Program yourself for the fact that the new day will bring positive moments, which will subsequently fall into the “piggy bank” of your pleasant memories.
  • Give the negative to the water. If you feel like your thoughts are overwhelmed by negative memories of the past, go to the sink and turn on the water. Looking at the stream, scroll through your head everything that worries you, imagining how negative emotions flow down the drain along with the water.
  • Change your surroundings. The ideal scenario is a radical change of residence. A more realistic option is to add new details to your environment (re-glue the wallpaper, hang new curtains, acquire a new interesting hobby).
  • Expand your social circle. Contacts with people help you switch from negative thoughts to interesting conversation. It’s good if, during a period of emotional decline, you communicate with some new people with whom you do not have common negative memories from the past.
  • Change your image. Internal transformation, according to psychologists, occurs much easier if it is accompanied by external transformation. Visit the hairdresser, adjust your wardrobe, join the gym - update your appearance.
  • Get rid of bad habits. Oddly enough, this is a common recommendation from psychologists. The fact is that alcohol and nicotine depress the psyche, forcing you to return again and again to unpleasant moments of the past. By giving up these habits, you will cleanse your body and thoughts.


Meditation is one of the most effective ways to get rid of your past life. It's simple, accessible, and doesn't require any special skills. The main thing is to devote at least a few minutes to meditation every day. This is done as follows:

  • Choose a quiet and peaceful place where you will feel comfortable and where no one will disturb you.
  • Take a comfortable position. It is not necessary to sit in the lotus position like yoga. You can sit, lie, stand.
  • Close your eyes and try to completely relax.
  • Imagine that you are surrounded by endless and beautiful nature. But you have a heavy bag in your hands, which prevents you from running towards the world around you.
  • Mentally open the bag, revealing a pile of stones. Throw them out of the bag one by one, giving each stone some meaning - an event from the past.
  • When the stones “run out,” lie quietly for a few more minutes, then take a refreshing shower to wash away any remaining negativity.

It doesn't matter whether it's good or bad, it's better to let go of the past than to keep it close to you. You need to let it go, if only because sometimes this is the only way to increase the level of energy in your life, get out of old relationship scenarios, accept yourself and others, and simply move on without pain.

Simply living in the past is the same as moving backwards forward: you will see nothing but your own old traces. That is why it is worth learning how to stop living in the past.

Try to understand that there is no past

More precisely, convince yourself of this. How is it not? Is it simple? Once on his show, Dr. Kurpatov asked a woman who was very fixated on the fact that she was beaten by her peers at school: “Are you afraid of 13-year-old teenagers on the street today? No? So, those children who beat you are no longer there either. These are other people. What’s the point of being afraid of something that simply doesn’t exist?”

Make a decision here and now

If you really want to stop living in the past and start living in the present, then don’t cut the cat’s tail piece by piece, work through each trauma. It’s easier to throw everything in the trash at once: there’s not enough of what you need.

Heal old wounds and traumas

This may require either a psychotherapist or independent practice. The simplest thing you can do with this load of trauma is to burn them. Try to write down in a notebook for a week or two everything that stirs your soul and everything that emerges of its own accord with someone’s words or actions. It is best to carry a notebook with you everywhere so as not to miss a single negative emotion. Remember all the bad things that happened in childhood and adolescence and carefully write down all the hurtful words and negative emotions that you experienced then. And after a couple of weeks, burn all this writing somewhere in a forest park and scatter the ashes. You are almost free. However, there are other healing options.

Focus on your present

It's not as difficult as it seems. Pay attention to what you want right now, or what you are wearing. Ask yourself the question, what is your joy and what is most valuable to you at this moment. Try to do this whenever you are carried back into the past, both into the terrible and the beautiful.

Accept that everything goes away

Both bad and beautiful. It is normal that one stage ends and the next begins. Moreover, the next one may be even more beautiful than the previous one.

Don't hold back your emotions if the past was terrible.

It doesn't matter how much time has passed since the tragic events. You have the right to talk about it, and even shout it out. If you want to send the past to hell, you must release it with your emotions.

Make plans for the future

Don't even be afraid of wanting to make your dream come true. Write down in detail your plan to achieve any of your goals and to realize your desires. This will definitely help you focus on the present and even enjoy it.

Send love and forgiveness to your past

If you constantly scold yourself for your mistakes, actions and misdeeds, as well as wrong choices, then you will live in the past all your life. It’s better to convince yourself that in your past you acted exactly as you could and based on your capabilities, experience and level of development in general at that time.

You may have committed the offense because you were scared, did not feel any support, were unsure or confused, that is, you succumbed to the emotions that were then a natural reaction to what happened. Think about what you learned then and what good this situation brought to you today. Show love to your past self and sympathize with this person. Speak to your then self the words you needed and talk about what you have learned over the years.

Try to forgive the people from that time

Perhaps now you are blaming not yourself, but your parents, children from a parallel class who bullied you, or the first man. What to do with them? Forgive too, just as you forgave yourself. Now they are also different, and you constantly think about people who no longer exist. Perhaps they also learned from their mistakes, and at that time they simply did not know how to act differently. Instead of thinking about how to take revenge on the offender and about how the earth generally bears such people, live your life. And if this is truly a hopelessly bad person, retribution will definitely find him.

Thank your past for wisdom

Even if the situation was terrible, you got through it and became better, more experienced and wiser. This is the only thing worth thanking your terrible past for.

You can reflect on your thoughts and write down exactly what you learned from this situation, person, or your own action. Write it all down in a few bullet points. Make a note of how your life changed after what happened, what you comprehended and realized after this story. These are the pearls of wisdom, and the rest is river silt and garbage that can be thrown away without regret.

Get to work

And not only her. If you spend too much time dwelling on your past, you may simply have too much free time. And he can be occupied with more sensible things. Find a job that you enjoy and devote all your days to it. If you still have enough strength after this, including heavy thoughts about the past, devote your evenings to hobbies. Enjoying the present, you will not notice how you let go of the past and there will be very little of it in your life. Being active in the present will help you let go of the past.

Don't forget about the good

You only need to let go of the bad things from the past. But good memories and your achievements from the past are proof that you can have a good life and you are capable of much. All this should be preserved.

Have holidays

This is the best way to prove that life is beautiful here and now. Gather friends, organize a meeting of classmates or fellow students, arrange themed parties, dance and communicate - when the present is beautiful and full of joy, you want to live in it, and not in memories.

Don't give in to nostalgia

Nostalgia itself can be a pleasant feeling that helps us cope with difficulties in the present moment. For example, a relationship with a partner may reach a dead end, but warming thoughts about your shared pleasant experiences and travels help you get through a tense moment without taking drastic steps. Or a routine period has begun in your work, but the memory of important past achievements helps you concentrate on the future. When you can't travel, photos of past trips motivate you to wait for your next vacation. Relationships with friends can be like a roller coaster, but during times of exacerbation, the common evenings and craziness that we experience only with truly loved ones easily come to mind.

On the other hand, there is also the problem of the “golden age syndrome” - if you remember the Woody Allen film “Midnight in Paris”. This is not necessarily a deification of the distant 60s or 20s: in ordinary life, the “golden age syndrome” can manifest itself in the fact that a happy time shrouded in a sweet fog - often youth, early youth, college times, first stormy romances - seems unique, unattainable, priceless and impossible in the present tense. “I won’t fall in love as much as I did when I was 16,” “Over the years, it becomes more and more difficult to find true friends,” “There is nothing more pleasant than a child in early childhood - now it’s not the same at all.” By concentrating on some ideal moment of the past, we often take away chances from the present: new acquaintances always lose in comparison with “those” best friends, our youth gives way to maturity, and new adventurous antics do not give the feeling of “those” adventures.

Nostalgia can very often be the enemy of the present moment: we are so caught up in idealizing the past that we fail to notice the opportunities that arise right now. New contacts, new work offers, new stages of relationships with people we already know, new character traits in loved ones pass us by while we are busy daydreaming.

What to do. If you constantly indulge in pleasant thoughts about the past and are haunted by something wonderful that happened a long time ago and, as you think, will not happen again, sort out your feelings. At what point, what people and experiences do you return to most often? Is it possible to organize something similar in the present? If you still remember a long-ago vacation with friends with a warm smile, maybe you should plan another trip together? If the romance in your relationship has faded, maybe it's time to discuss what you and your partner are missing and come up with a joint plan of action? If you miss a place and people, maybe it's time to return to them?

Or is it not a matter of specific events at all, but a set of habits and character traits that make it difficult to accept reality without idealizing the past? Maybe you should learn to forgive people for their bad moods, be calmer about yourself, and be less offended by things that are difficult to change: from bad weather to the personal qualities of those around you. Of course, in every person’s life there are more successful and less successful periods, but if all the good things happened to you only a very long time ago, this is a reason to think about the chosen direction in life.

Megan Savoie/Unsplash

End or change an exhausting relationship

Each of us has a trail of relationships that began long ago, to which - due to their duration - we often develop an unconscious sense of duty. Studies, past jobs and novels, family friends and distant relatives have become attached to us through many years of connections that are not very easy to break, and perhaps it is not worth it. Sometimes it’s even difficult to remember why we started this or that relationship, but it’s really important to answer ourselves why we continue this relationship.

The paradox of relationships is that some of them bloom, despite changing circumstances (moving, age, different life situations), while others become burdensome, despite coincidences. For example, being in the same work team does not automatically mean unanimity with colleagues, and the same age of children does not guarantee that their parents will have something to talk about. If regular meetings with the same people leave you exhausted, refuse these meetings and move on. If these are close people with whom you need to maintain relationships, think about a format that will suit you and will not offend them - for example, regular meetings, eventful, shared hobbies or interesting experiences: boring forced feasts with uncomfortable conversations have long had many easier analogues .

What to do. Carefully analyze the relationships that take the most time. If this relationship is regularly frustrating and is aimed at maintaining a long-established status quo, it is necessary to renegotiate the terms and under no circumstances allow the relationship to continue in an uncomfortable manner. For example, parents help with the child if you spend time with them. The solution is to come up with activities for everyone that will relieve stress as much as possible.

Do those around you correspond to your current goals and objectives - is it interesting and good to be in their company, do you feel a surge of strength after the meeting or are you rather wasting energy. If you communicate because it’s customary, and now you don’t want to offend or bother anyone by refusing your time, think about what you’re afraid of? Nobody obliges us to communicate with college friends or call back colleagues from work before last into old age - these contacts should either fill us with strength and joy, or disappear in order to free up time for new acquaintances.

Sweet Ice Cream Photography/Unsplash

Don't drown in failure analysis

If only the past reminded us of itself through pleasant moments! For many things that happened a long time ago, an adult may feel embarrassed or even ashamed. Almost everyone has a history of infantile decisions, hurtful quarrels, wasted words, ill-considered big actions and truly serious mistakes that influenced the course of life. The problem is allowing yourself to evolve and move on, regardless of the choices you've already made.

Painful memories can be stopped in several ways; the most universal advice would be to contact a psychotherapist with a list of concerns. Do you regret the end of a relationship, the wrong chosen profession, painful failures at work? If all these failures still leave you in an icy sweat, it's a sign that it's time to take action with outside help.

Another way to cope with the stresses of the past is to analyze the irreversibility of our actions. We truly live in the myth that all our actions are final, while final choices in most areas of life are not required of us. After an unhappy marriage, people can be happy in the next. Many 40 and 50 year olds are changing and getting new education to change their jobs and lifestyle. After many years in the office, you can switch to freelancing - and vice versa. You can change your place of residence and even get a passport from another country - of course, there are significant obstacles to this, but this is not impossible with strong motivation.

We tend to consolidate and take root - that is why the changing world is easier to explain through a set of seemingly irreversible actions: born, married, made a career, gave birth to children. It is by this logic that all failures and setbacks also become fatal, turning points. Perhaps a big setback at work or an unhappy family signals some mistakes have been made, but the truth is that most mistakes are never fatal - and we always have time to draw conclusions and do the right thing based on the experience we have already gained.

What to do. It’s better to analyze a painful experience and remember what it taught you, even in writing: this way you can record the results. Lost friendships - what did you learn from this experience? Where did you go wrong? And where it was impossible not to make a mistake? Why did the relationship crack and at what point did it become clear that love could not be saved? Why did you choose one job over another - what were your arguments, what advantages did you give yourself when making your decision?

Even in the most acute and critical situations, people find useful lessons for themselves: from the experience of overcoming illness to bankruptcy. Past mistakes can be a guide to action in a new situation - what people and what activities not to choose, what circumstances not to find yourself in and who not to trust, you can find out from the negative experiences that you already have.

Alina Daniker/Unsplash

Break up with your usual self-image

Very often, past actions impose restrictions on us - say, we have a reputation in a certain circle and some specific behavior, habitual actions and reactions are expected of us. For example, your family is used to you being a little aloof from general issues and letting others make decisions, so they don’t waste time discussing any issues with you. Or, on the contrary, you decide everything individually and independently and are tired of this responsibility. Friends are waiting for you, as always, to write first, remind you of yourself, and come up with a common leisure activity for you. Relatives expect gifts and attention in a certain proportion. Your partner expects you to continue to shoulder most of the load with the child. Colleagues expect that you will not take the initiative and that they will finish the overall work without your ideas, presenting you with a fait accompli.

Situations can be very different - there is one pattern: having received a characteristic in a specific environment, you in many ways become a hostage to a past image, which may no longer suit you. For example, you came to work as an inexperienced person, and over the course of several years you have grown a lot, but those around you have not yet noticed this and continue to look down on you. Or caring for a child requires other temporary resources and investments, but the agreements with your partner remain the same. Or the relationship began when you were one person, and over the course of a few years you better understood your preferences and requirements. The past often follows us not in the form of events, but in the form of a learned model of behavior: a hyper-responsible employee, a caring mother, an active wife, helping her daughter or a faithful friend. And each of these roles, chosen quite a long time ago, imposes a number of restrictions that do not suit us today.

What to do. In a good mood, break down your responsibilities and daily activities that you do a) for your own peace of mind and b) so as not to disappoint others. Take a good look at column b) and understand how much of these fears is the current you, and how much is the person from the past you were a few months/years ago. Talk openly with your loved ones about what you expect from them and what they expect from you, whether they hear your demands and wishes. Look at relationships and life choices as if you had just made them, and be creative about what you are deeply unhappy with. After all the discussions, you are faced with an eternal choice - change or accept and move on.

Sometimes coping with memories can be very difficult. Especially if the events were very painful and traumatic. Anxious thoughts about the insult or betrayal suffered for a long time linger the wounded psyche in a long-gone time. Being stuck in the past prevents you from moving forward, it takes a lot of energy and does not allow you to enjoy the joys of the present. How to stop thinking about the past in order to feel the fullness of life?

There is no such mechanism that would remove past memories from memory. But you can change your attitude towards a situation that once greatly hurt you. And you need to treat it as a lesson.

Lessons from fate

— In order not to engage in self-flagellation, it is important to realize that the past turned out the way it did. The combination of circumstances, experience, and personal qualities led to those events that left such a strong mark.

— A break with a loved one will teach you to be more careful about new relationships, taking into account previous mistakes.

— Mistakes help you understand yourself, see those character qualities that interfere with life, draw a conclusion and move on.

— So that the burden of the past does not pull you back, it is worth comparing your former and current self, seeing the changes and thanking the situation.

“There are no ideal people; everyone can make mistakes.”

— Forgive yourself and other participants in the events in order to move on.

- Time cures. If someone has acted unworthily, then sooner or later life will put everything in its place.

Psychology of separation

For a woman, one of the most stressful periods in life is separation.

Girls are designed in such a way that it is not easy for them to forget a loved one and sometimes they cannot let go of the past for years. But you still have to do it,

to build a new one. Psychologists advise that you must end the relationship correctly. Most often, it is not easy to discuss the situation with the person who caused the pain. But you need to talk it out so that the unspoken problem does not keep you in suspense.

What happens if the relationship is not over?

- unable to build new relationships;

— in established acquaintances there is anxiety and uncertainty;

- a former partner appears periodically;

- thoughts return to the painful situation. The depressive state increases: sleep and appetite worsen;

— each new partner is perceived with caution.

If you imagine a person as a vessel filled with energy, then every incomplete connection is a hole through which strength leaks. They leave along with thoughts, replaying situations, and resentment. When failed relationships accumulate, it can lead to a huge loss of vital energy.

Breakdown of relationships in all categories

To break the connection, you need to break it at all levels.

- Energy. Remember all the good things that happened to this person, thank him and let him go.

- Social. Divorce the marriage if it has not already happened.

- Family. Announce to your family that a separation has occurred and you are no longer husband and wife. Cutting ties with the past means learning to live in the present.

Not everyone wants to seek help from a psychotherapist. To prevent the problem from getting worse, it is important to try to deal with it yourself.

Examples of parting with a negative past

  1. Reach agreement with the past. Every person makes mistakes and this does not make him bad. Don't judge yourself too harshly, don't go over the situation over and over again. This will only lead to mental disorder and will not give a positive result.
  2. Free yourself from negative emotions. Work through each emotion separately:

resentment, fear, guilt, regret. They are the ones who hold a person in

the past and interfere with the present.

  1. Forgive yourself and others. When resentment lives in the heart, it closes.

Having worked through negative emotions, you need to find the possibility of forgiveness. And, in

First of all, forgive yourself.

  1. Everything in life is relative and only death cannot fix it. Perhaps a difficult situation in the past will turn out to be a pleasant turn in fate over time.

  1. Live in a state of “here and now”.

  1. Find your purpose in life. There is a truth - what you fear happens. It's better to focus on your desires, write them down and move in that direction.
  2. You cannot change the past, you can enjoy the present and influence the future.
  3. After analyzing the past, benefit from wrong actions.
  4. Create your own ritual to free yourself from long-gone events.

  1. Use visualization to free yourself from negativity. With the help of pictures, imagine a new, interesting and fulfilling life.