Where should the fair be held? Action plan for organizing a weekend fair and selling goods at it. VI. The procedure for organizing a specialized fair

The process of organizing an exhibition or fair is a complex set of organizational, contractual, and, in some cases, diplomatic events. Organizing a large exhibition or fair requires quite a long time - one to two years.

When holding exhibitions and fairs, five stages can be distinguished:

Preparation for the exhibition;

Delivery of exhibits and their placement at the stand;

Holding an exhibition;

Dismantling the stand and removing exhibits;

Analysis of the results obtained.

At the first stage, information about previously held events of this kind is collected and analyzed. Based on the collected data, management makes a decision and develops a schedule for participation in exhibitions. After approval of the relevant estimates, work is carried out on the design of stands, design and selection of appropriate materials. Based on the proposed layouts, stands, related equipment and packaging are manufactured.

At the second stage, work is carried out directly on the construction of the stand.

A stand is a single complex of space (), which the organizer of a fair or exhibition provides for rent to an interested participant. The stand should be such that the purpose of the exhibit's participation in the event is immediately obvious. The stand must necessarily reflect the image of the enterprise, be a single design and be imprinted in the memory of visitors. Consequently, the stand should highlight the enterprise, attract without being defiant, arouse interest, and “lead” to oneself.

The stand performs the following functions:

Source of information;

Sales agent;

Leases of competitive rivalry in the field of technical and economic achievements;

Bearer of the corporate identity of the enterprise.

Unfavorable stand placement can ruin all the efforts a company has put into participating in a fair or exhibition. Preferences for choosing a stand location are related to the direction of the natural flow of visitors from the entrance to the exit, so each participant should strive to position the stand:

In the corners;

Opposite or to the right of the main entrance;

Near premises designated for various events;

On the central internal passages.

The stand should not be placed:

At the back of the hall;

Facing in the opposite direction from the place where various events are taking place;

Away from exits and central passages;

Behind large columns and stairs.

There are different types of stands. The most common ones are presented in Table 3.

Table 3 - Types of stands

Stand type



It has one front side and is the most common type of stands.

Advantages: the ability to use three walls to display exhibits and advertising.

Limitations: facing only one aisle, inability to create powerful points of concentration, inability to control movement along nearby aisles

Open on both sides. It is an ideal solution for small and medium-sized companies.

Advantages: providing convenient access to both sides, ease of design


Open on three sides.

Advantages: the exhibitor can easily control the surrounding area; type makes it easier to attract visitors


Open on four sides.

Advantages: the ability to completely control the surrounding area and create a large number of points of attraction


A stand open on two sides parallel to each other.

Advantages: presence of two exits to the aisles.

Limitations: Problems with its functioning are difficult to determine


Two stands located opposite each other.

Advantages: the presence of two facades entering the same passage

Exhibits are products that are displayed at an exhibition or fair in accordance with the terms of participation.

In preparation for participation in the exhibition, you should clarify a number of questions:

What should be exhibited;

How many exhibits must be presented;

What exhibits must be exhibited;

At what stage of the life cycle are the products presented at the exhibition;

What’s new about them, do they meet the preferences of visitors;

At the third stage - holding the exhibition - personnel directly selected by the manager controls, coordinates, and organizes the work of the stand. The number of stand staff must be sufficient for normal work. As a rule, two stand operators are required for a stand two meters long, and one more for every additional three meters. An important role is played by the correct selection of personnel, which is carried out in the following categories:

Work qualities (ability, hard work, productivity, communication skills);

Behavior in a team (solidarity, objectivity, friendliness);

Creative approach (ability to master new methods, new proposals).

At this stage of an exhibition or fair, management and staff make mistakes, which are presented below:

An employee has not been appointed who is responsible for the completeness and availability of information and advertising materials;

Due attention is not paid to the choice of stand;

The list and content of information materials for the exhibition are approved on the eve of the exhibition;

There is no planning of the range of exhibition samples, as well as promoted products;

There is no briefing or placement of managers working at the stand.

At this stage, there is direct interaction between the exhibition participants, which is presented in Figure 2.

Figure 2 - Communication interaction between exhibition participants

From this figure it is clear that each of the participants pursues their own specific goals and objectives, and also tries to achieve them in various ways.

At the final stages of the exhibition, the stand is dismantled and materials received at the exhibition are archived. To evaluate an exhibition or fair, management obliges employees to write a report on the work, in which they must note what attracted them or, on the contrary, did not like them about the work of the exhibition. At the end of the exhibition, a final review is compiled (an analytical document in tabular form), which details the number of visitors and completed questionnaires. An analysis of the mistakes that were made during stand planning is also carried out and a note is drawn up reflecting the problems that arose during preparation, how they were resolved and what lessons should be learned in the future. This way you can identify all the pros and cons, as well as understand your weak points.

Thus, we can conclude that fairs and exhibitions are an effective means of prestigious and product advertising, since they provide an opportunity to show new products in action, conclude new contracts with large companies, form a dealer network, penetrate new foreign markets and attract the attention of funds mass media, and therefore increase the recognition of the company.

at the address: 34b200, Rostov region, sl. Kashary, st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, No. l-b and No. 3.

1. Name of the fair organizer: Consumer cooperative "Kashar district consumer society"

Fair opening hours: from 06-00 to 14-00;

Type of fair: weekend;

Fair type: universal;

Venue of the fair: Sl. Kashary, st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, No. 1b and No. 3.;

1.2. Procedure for organizing the fair:

The action plan for organizing a fair for the sale of goods (performance, work, provision of services) and the procedure for organizing it were developed in accordance with the Federal Law of December 28, 2009 No. 381-FZ “On the fundamentals of state regulation of trade activities in the Russian Federation”, and the Resolution “On approval of the Procedure for organizing fairs on the territory of the Rostov region and selling goods (products, works, services) at them.”

The provisions of this Plan are binding on the Fair Organizer, Participants, their employees and representatives.

The provisions of this Plan become mandatory for Participants from the moment of issuance of permission to provide a trading place for participation in the fair.

1.2.1. At the fair, trade in food and industrial products is carried out, as well as the sale of berries, agricultural products from the garden and vegetable garden, subject to the presence of documents confirming the practice of gardening and vegetable gardening, or running a peasant (farm) enterprise or personal subsidiary plot.

1.2.2. Trading at the fair is prohibited:

Alcohol products;

Tobacco products;

Homemade canned food;

Culinary products from meat, fish, confectionery products prepared at home;

Meat and fish semi-finished products of non-industrial production;

Baby food;

Unpackaged food raw materials and food products without packaging materials;

Food raw materials and food products requiring special storage conditions, without appropriate commercial equipment;

Perfume and cosmetic products;

Audio and video products, computer information media, technically complex household goods;

Medicines and medical products;

Products made of precious metals and precious stones;

Other goods, the sale of which is prohibited or limited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The placement of trading places at the fair should ensure the free passage of buyers through the fair territory, and their access to trading places, compliance with sanitary and fire safety regulations

1.3. Organization of fair activities.

The fair organizer develops and approves an action plan for organizing the fair and selling goods at it.

1.4. The fair organizer determines the following procedure for providing trading places at the fair:

Transfer of trading places to a third party is prohibited.

Trading places at the fair are provided to legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, as well as citizens running peasant (farm) households, personal subsidiary plots or gardening (hereinafter referred to as the Fair Participants).

The fair organizer is prohibited from creating discriminatory conditions in the distribution of trading places.

The amount and procedure for calculating and collecting fees for the provision of trading places at the fair, as well as for the provision of services related to ensuring trade (cleaning up the territory, garbage removal, household waste, territory security) is determined by the fair organizer, taking into account the need to compensate for the costs of organizing the fair and sales goods on it:

A fee for the provision of services related to the provision of trade is charged from each fair participant for each trading place on the day of the fair.

The fee for the provision of services related to the provision of trade is established for one trading place according to the price list (Appendix No. 1)

The fact of confirmation of the provision of a trading place at the fair is a cash receipt (or the counterfoil of a cash receipt and permission to provide a trading place).

The provision of a trading place by the Fair Organizer does not entail the acquisition by the user of ownership or lease rights to the corresponding land plot.

1.5. An entity involved in the sale of goods at a fair.

When carrying out activities to sell goods at the fair, fair participants are obliged to:

Comply with the requirements in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, environmental protection, fire safety, veterinary medicine, consumer protection, requirements for the sale of certain types of goods, and other requirements provided for by current legislation.

In cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, have available documents confirming the compliance of goods with the requirements established by current legislation (certificate or declaration of conformity or copies thereof certified in the prescribed manner), shipping documents, veterinary accompanying documents.

In the case of selling food products, have at the workplace a personal medical book of the seller of the established form with complete medical examination data.

Keep documents for products during the entire duration of the fair and present them at the first request of regulatory authorities.

Observe personal hygiene rules.

In cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation) have a permit for a foreign citizen to carry out labor activities on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Have available other documents required by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Do not block the approaches to the trading place, remove waste into containers specially designated for this purpose, located on the territory of the fair.

Carry out trading activities only within the provided trading space. The placement of additional trade equipment that extends beyond the trading area is carried out only in agreement with the Fair Organizer.

If the sale of goods at the fair is carried out using measuring instruments (scales, weights, measuring containers, meters and others), sellers must install measuring instruments at the sales point that comply with metrological rules and regulations. Measuring instruments must be installed in such a way as to provide, in a visual and accessible form, the processes of weighing goods, measuring goods, determining their value, as well as their release.

1.6. The fair organizer is obliged to:

Equip a place accessible for viewing where information about the fair organizer is posted, indicating its location, contact numbers, and fair operating hours.

In accordance with the requirements of sanitary rules, organize cleaning of the territory and removal of garbage.

Ensure, within its competence, that fair participants comply with the requirements stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, environmental protection, fire safety, veterinary medicine, and consumer protection.

In the process of trading, the fair organizer has the right to:

Terminate the Participant's participation in the fair and cancel the permit for violating the provisions of this Plan.

Check the availability of all documents necessary to participate in the fair and trade at it;

Check the compliance of the range of goods traded by the participant at the fair with the goods declared for trade at the fair in the submitted application;

Request from fair participants documents confirming the origin of goods and compliance of goods with the requirements established by current legislation: a certificate or declaration of conformity or copies thereof certified in the prescribed manner, shipping documents, conclusions of a veterinary and sanitary examination laboratory and other documents provided for by current legislation;

Draw up an act in case of violation of this Event Plan by fair participants.

1.7. Responsibility for violation of the Action Plan.

Monitoring compliance with the requirements established by this Plan is carried out by authorized government bodies and the fair organizer within the limits of their competence in accordance with current legislation. Violation of the requirements of the Event Plan by fair participants is grounds for cancellation of the permit and deprivation of a trading place.

The formation of public space in shopping centers leads to a rethinking of most short-term entertainment programs and events taking place in mall galleries. The founder of the public space management company Pavel Mazhorov and the general director of the management company of the Reutov Park shopping center Dmitry Karavaev will talk about fairs of handmade goods, their importance, danger and prospects.

In the last six months, we have had to closely encounter such a phenomenon as a fair of handmade goods in a shopping center. Work on the formation of a public zone of a shopping center cannot do without including various hobbies and interests in it. And a fair is an event that brings together enthusiastic, caring and active people.

Oddly enough, among all the possible options for events, the theme of fairs turned out to be one of the most interesting and confusing. On the one hand, what could be simpler? Stylized, festive tables or carts with souvenirs and accessories, jewelry and sweets, handmade and small-batch goods, gifts for every taste. You can always find a fair organizer who is ready to hold their event in the gallery of the shopping center.

A fair for a shopping center, with proper organization and information support, is not so much a source of additional income as a good information occasion and social activity - it gives local craftsmen (district, regional) the opportunity to attract new customers without advertising costs, that is, both earn money and introduce with your product your audience. But it's not that simple. Behind the simple-minded and broken-down appearance of the fairs, serious problems lurk.

We had to go quite a long way. Talk to dozens of craftsmen and entrepreneurs, sellers and resellers until a real picture of the state of affairs is formed. Despite the incredible number and apparent diversity, fairs or, as they are also called, markets, have a fairly clear division into groups.

“Closed” fairs for their own

The first and main group is handmade fairs, working for a permanent target audience of amateurs and fans. These are events for true fans of handicrafts. They take place quite often and attract audiences of thousands. These are “Lambada Market”, “Dunyasha”, “Art-Flection”, “Ladya” and several other similar events. These markets are distinguished by a fairly strict selection of participants and large investments in advertising in central city media. At these events, master class areas, food courts are organized, concerts and performances are held. For these markets, separate exhibition spaces are selected, such as “Trekhgornaya Manufactory”, “Artplay”, “Central Telegraph”, “Exhibition Center” on Krasnaya Presnya and others. Each of them attracts tens of thousands of visitors who come with purpose. It’s sad to say that shopping centers are not used for these events; the organizers prefer not to scatter the attention of the target audience. We communicated with several organizers of fairs of the target audience, trying to lure them to the shopping center, but their answers were negative and categorical.

The composition of participants in this group of fairs is formed in advance and mainly consists of regular participants. These are highly qualified craftsmen for whom handwork, production and sales are their main profession and income. The organizers of the fairs are professional teams consisting of experienced employees.

In the shopping center we have a completely opposite picture. Under the guise of a fair or market of handmade goods, a certain special format of events is held, which has absolutely nothing in common with the fairs described above. Fairs in shopping centers can be divided into two types: markets announced as an event for young designers of clothing and accessories, and a market for handmade goods. Let's look at each of them.

Fashion fairs

A fashion market for young designers: from the outside it looks like an island made of rails, standing in the middle of a shopping gallery with several prefabricated fabric fitting rooms. They sell clothes made in small factories at affordable prices. These are clothes for a narrow segment of the consumer. Sharply fashionable, sometimes provocative, almost always bright and not always practical. Such fairs can enliven the space of a shopping center. Sometimes they are accompanied by fashion shows, creating a full-fledged event with a guest presenter, reviews in lifestyle blogs and criticism in the press. Or they simply build a palisade of rails, and are more reminiscent of a “fishing net”, in which a visitor to a shopping center accidentally gets caught at the mercy of smiling and annoying sellers.

For a shopping center, the role of such events is ambiguous. Among the advantages, one can note the creation of a certain zone of interest with unusual clothes that cannot be bought in shopping center stores, one of the options for attracting traffic to the “dead” zone of the shopping center, or an additional informational occasion when the marketing budget is reduced. Also, additional rental income cannot be discounted. However, there are also disadvantages. Direct competition with regular tenants of the shopping center, who can make well-founded claims about the overlap in assortment.

The problem can be the lack of professionalism of the organizers, who sometimes use different-sized, unsuitable commercial equipment, on which the clothes resemble the collapse of a junk shop. And also, the proposed range of products, which may not correspond to the price segment of the target audience of the shopping center. Fashion events are quite acceptable in a shopping center, but to hold them, the organizers of fashion fairs must be given clear rules and restrictions regulating the assortment, design and form of the event, and, of course, an event script is needed.

Handmade goods fairs

And if everything is more or less clear with fashion markets, then with fairs of handmade goods in shopping centers, something simply unimaginable is happening. These events raise questions. More precisely, one - why is this necessary? Under the guise of craftsmen selling handmade goods, there are often sellers in shopping centers with goods purchased at the clothing market. Chinese scarves, backpacks, leather goods and accessories, jewelry and honey by weight, cookies in boxes and everything that cunning sellers could come up with. Low quality of goods and market pricing. Do you think this can't happen? Maybe. Moscow hosts at least a dozen such events every weekend. We can provide the list to everyone (upon request through the editors - editor's note). We have been trying for a long time to determine why such events became possible. How does this phenomenon penetrate into a modern shopping center? We settled on the fact that there are several main reasons - the lack of control on the part of the shopping center, a decrease in the level of impulse purchases, as well as interest in unique goods due to their higher cost.

A lot has been written about the fall in demand. A handmade product, designed for a narrow segment of lovers of a specific topic, is very vulnerable to all manifestations of the economic crisis. Teddy bears and dolls, jewelry and handmade souvenirs are expensive and do not find sufficient demand among visitors to the shopping center for the craftsman to be able to recoup the high enough rent for the place. Organizers of fairs in shopping centers are not shy about increasing their prices. For them, these are one-time events, the main purpose of which is to collect rent from the participants. In such conditions, only resellers can work profitably. They buy goods at the clothing market and quietly sell them at fairs. They do not need cash registers and checks, certificates and invoices. Cash only. And the buyer buys it. It's located in a shopping center. That is, the shopping center covers these entrepreneurs with its reputation.

As for the lack of control, it is most likely caused by the fact that employees of the management company do not have the opportunity to directly interact with fair participants. All issues are resolved through a representative of the organizer. And also, as a rule, it is possible to clearly see the works of participants only on the first day of the fair directly in your shopping center.

Fairs in Moscow shopping centers have turned into parodies of themselves. Their enormous social potential was wasted. And most of the blame lies with the organizers of such fairs, who, with their irrepressible greed, unwillingness to develop and see the future, turned a bright, fun, exciting event into a boring melancholy of low-quality consumer goods.

Organization rules

In our opinion, fairs and markets can be held in shopping centers. When properly organized, fairs and markets not only become additional income, but also significant savings in the marketing budget.

1. First of all, a fair of handicrafts or a fashion market is an event that should attract visitors and arouse their interest. Therefore, it is important to carefully select market organizers. The size of the shopping center's income from the fair is important, but is not the only selection criterion.

2. In addition to the design of trade equipment and the design of the fair area, the market organizers must present a scenario for the event. Performances, master classes, concerts are a must! This is the most important part of the market.

3. Market participants must be approved by name, indicating the goods they produce. This list should be checked by employees of the management company. The contract must clearly state restrictions on the sale of factory-made goods. Control of this part of the agreement should be carried out by the management company of the shopping center.

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Organization procedure
The procedure for providing trading places
Requirements for organizing the sale of goods
List of goods to be sold at fairs

1) carrying out work to improve the fair site and the surrounding area, ensure convenient access for vehicles that does not interfere with the passage of pedestrians, and provide drive-in pockets;
2) providing, if necessary, fair participants with standard trade and technological equipment, its installation before the start of trade and dismantling after its completion;
3) organization, if necessary, of security measures during the period of the fair;
4) organization of fire safety and sanitary maintenance of the fair, organization of cleaning of the fair site, removal of garbage and biological waste;
5) organizing, if necessary, equipping the fairgrounds with dry closets;
6) information support for the fair;
7) determination of the person responsible for holding the fair (administrator), who must be at the fair site during the entire time of its operation;
8) ensuring the possibility of connecting trade and technological equipment used at the fair to electrical networks.

The procedure for organizing fairs

The organizer of weekend fairs on the territory of the Southern Administrative District of Moscow is the prefecture of the Southern Administrative District of Moscow (Moscow, Avtozavodskaya st., no. 10, ind. 115280).

Weekend fairs on the territory of the Southern Administrative District operate in accordance with the Decree of the Moscow Government dated May 4, 2011 No. 172-PP “On approval of the Procedure for organizing fairs and selling goods (performing work, providing services) at them on the territory of the city of Moscow.”

Fair opening hours: Friday-Sunday from 8.00 to 20.00.

The procedure for providing places for selling goods at the fair

1. No fee is charged from weekend fair participants for the provision of equipped places for the sale of goods and the provision of services related to ensuring trade at the fair.

2. The state institution "Moscow Association of Veterinary Medicine" for the rendered veterinary services to confirm the veterinary safety of food raw materials and food products of animal origin, non-industrial crop products sold at the fair, charges a fee from sellers (owners) of these products in accordance with the price list for paid veterinary services in state laboratories of veterinary and sanitary examination, in mobile laboratories and divisions of state veterinary examination of the State Institution "Moscow Association of Veterinary Medicine".

3. The provision of places for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) to participants of the weekend fair is carried out by district governments on the basis of an application.

4. The application must contain the following information:

Full and abbreviated name (if any), including the corporate name and organizational and legal form of the legal entity, its location, the main state registration number of the entry on the creation of the legal entity, taxpayer identification number - for a legal entity;

Last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the individual entrepreneur, place of residence, details of his identity document, main state registration number of the state registration record of the individual entrepreneur, taxpayer identification number - for the individual entrepreneur;

Last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the citizen, his place of residence, details of his identity document, details of the document confirming the running of a peasant (farm) enterprise, personal subsidiary plot or gardening, horticulture, animal husbandry - for individuals faces;

Last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the contact person, contact telephone number, postal address and (or) email address through which communication with a legal entity, individual entrepreneur, citizen is carried out;

Address of the site and period of the weekend fair in which the applicant wishes to participate;

List of goods (works, services) intended for sale, their place of origin.

5. An application for participation in a weekend fair must be sealed by the applicant (for legal entities) and signed by the applicant or a person authorized by such applicant.

6. District governments keep logs of registration of applications for participation in the fair, which indicate the date of receipt of the application, time of receipt of the application, registration number of the application, full name of the applicant and his location (place of residence), last name, first name, patronymic (in case if available) contact person, phone number, email address (if available).

7. Applications for participation in weekend fairs are accepted continuously. Applications for participation in the fair are submitted weekly.

8. After accepting applications, the organizer of the fair, the district government:

Organizes the placement of participants at the weekend fair site on the days it is held in accordance with the order in which applications are received;

At the request of the applicant, issues a certificate granting him a place to sell goods (perform work, provide services) at the fair.

9. A legal entity, individual entrepreneur, citizen has the right not to apply for participation in a weekend fair in the manner prescribed by paragraphs 27-30 of Resolution No. 172-PP, but to directly appear for accommodation at the weekend fair site on the days it is held. In this case, its placement at the weekend fair site is carried out by district governments, subject to availability.

10. The place at the weekend fair provided by the prefecture of the administrative district of Moscow cannot be transferred by the weekend fair participant to a third party.

Requirements for organizing the sale of goods at a fair

The sale of goods at fairs is carried out if the sellers have:

Shipping documentation for products sold for citizens running a peasant (farm) economy, personal subsidiary plot or engaged in gardening, vegetable farming, livestock farming - a document confirming the citizen’s running a peasant (farm) holding, personal subsidiary plot or gardening, vegetable farming, livestock farming;

Documents confirming the quality and safety of products in accordance with the requirements of federal legislation;

Documents proving their identity and citizenship;

Medical books of the established form with complete data of medical examinations and other documents required by law.

The specified documents are kept by sellers during the entire period of work and are presented at the request of officials of authorized state bodies.

Goods sold at fairs must have price tags.

Industrially produced food products must be labeled, and fruit and vegetable products must have information about the place of cultivation (production) of the product.

List of goods to be sold at fairs

At weekend fairs, the sale of agricultural products and food products produced on the territory of the states - Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan - is allowed, with the exception of:

1) goods produced outside the territory of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, except for fruits and vegetables that do not grow in the territory of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan;
2) alcoholic products;
3) non-food products;
4) animal meat, poultry and non-industrial slaughter products;
5) canned products, culinary products from meat and fish, confectionery products prepared at home;
6) meat and fish semi-finished products of non-industrial production;
7) unpackaged gastronomic products;
8) baby food;
9) animals;
10) medicines and medical products;
11) goods the sale of which is prohibited or limited by Russian legislation.