Fucoidan: instructions for use. The Amazing Sea Power of Fucoidan You Can't Go Against Science

Fucoidan is a group of polysaccharides obtained from brown algae. They are considered insoluble dietary fiber because they are not absorbed by the human body and are not used to meet the body's energy needs.

Fucoidan is considered beneficial for health. There are many publications on the Internet devoted to its antitumor activity. The substance is believed to treat cancer by inducing self-destruction of cancer cells. According to another theory, fucoidan is an angiogenesis inhibitor - it blocks the growth of blood vessels, and the tumor dies due to lack of blood supply.

There are dozens of supplements available online that contain fucoidan as the main, additional, and sometimes the only component. All of them are characterized by high price and low efficiency.

Drink Fucoidan World

Fucoidan World is called a drink, although it is actually a powder. Sellers claim that you will never get as much fucoidan from algae as this supplement contains. Hence the high cost. Types of drink:

  • Fucoidan– more than 1000 rubles per bottle (the exact price depends on the number of bottles you purchase).
  • Fukovel Alpha– almost 14 thousand rubles per bottle.
  • Fucoidan Power-U– more than 14 thousand rubles per jar.

Wholesale customers are provided with discounts. They start with 2-4 packages, depending on the type of product.

Why so expensive? But because Fucoidan World supposedly treats serious, fatal and often incurable diseases. These include cancer, myocardial infarction, stroke, kidney failure, and AIDS. It also lowers blood pressure and relieves a person from allergies, according to the manufacturer. But there is no scientific reason to believe him. It is unlikely that fucoidan cures cancer or restores a person after a stroke.

Fucoidan 1000 is a product of the network marketing company GBS Premium. Do you want an interesting life and easy money? Then this is the place for you! Here you will be taught how to sell useless dietary supplements at an insanely high price to old grandmothers suffering from cancer. By deceiving them, you will be able to have fun with the proceeds from the sale of Fucoidan 1000 with a sense of accomplishment.

The price of the additive produced by GBS Premium is very high. It is higher than most companies. But you can save money if you buy Fucoidan 1000 in the amount of 9 packages of 20 sachets. In this case, you will receive 3 more packages of 10 sachets as a gift.

Fucoidan 1000 costs differently, depending on the volume of your purchases. One box containing 10 sachets can be purchased for $119. The price per dose will be $12. But if you buy 9 packages for $1,755, and also pick up a gift (30 sachets), then one dose of fucoidan will cost only $8.35.

Fucoidan Tiande is a cosmetics, not a dietary supplement. It is applied to the face rather than taken orally. The manufacturer offers several products with fucoidan. They are offered to be purchased in one set. This includes:

  • cleansing facial lotion;
  • milk for washing;
  • anti-aging face cream restoring;
  • rejuvenating mask for the décolleté and face;
  • concentrated gel for wrinkles around the eyes;
  • lip balm;
  • CC cream for face (moisturizing and rejuvenating).

The price of the set is about 100 dollars. Fucoidan Tiande is not the most expensive cosmetics, but not the cheapest either.

Fukoidan Ohiro (Japan)

Fucoidan Ohiro is probably one of the most expensive sources of fucoidan. The product is available in capsules. For 90 pieces you will have to pay 8800 rubles. The package is only enough for a month of use, because one capsule contains 300 mg of fucoidan, and the product from the Ohiro company is taken 3 capsules per day.

It is assumed that the dietary supplement enhances tissue regeneration, strengthens the immune system, and rejuvenates the body. It promotes the healing of ulcers and traumatic injuries, normalizes blood circulation, and accelerates the rehabilitation period after illness or surgery. In addition, women are promised strengthening of hair and nails.

Doctor's review

Fucoidan may have adaptogenic properties. It stimulates nonspecific immunity and protects the human body from adverse environmental factors. But this, unfortunately, is where the list of its real therapeutic properties ends.

Fucoidan's ability to treat cancer, radiation sickness, diabetes, viral infections and other diseases has not been scientifically proven. Rumors about the healing properties of this substance are spread mainly by pharmaceutical companies that are interested in selling their dietary supplements.

Fucoidan may actually have health benefits when taken regularly. To the same extent that bioflavonoids, vitamin C or unsaturated fatty acids are beneficial. That is, lifelong intake of fucoidan is useful, but this substance cannot be called a panacea. It does not cure all diseases and does not turn water into wine.

In addition, you do not have to buy expensive supplements to obtain fucoidan. It is found in abundance in brown algae, accounting for up to 30% of the dried mass. Buy kelp at the store, add it to your foods, and reap all the health benefits that fucoidan can provide.

Fucoidan (Fucoidan) is a new drug from the group of biologically active additives recommended for deep regulation of immunity. Most of our readers imagine the nature of the effect of seaweed on the body, but not everyone knows that innovative medicine products are available today. We are talking about a polysaccharide Fucoidan contained in brown algae. The carotenoid pigment also deserves attention. Fucoxanthin (F ucoxanthin), isolated from diatoms and possessing protein activity and complex metabolic functionality. These dietary supplements are already available on iHerb.

Algae under the radar of researchers

The miraculous power of algae is well known. They are recommended for a healthy diet, restoration of immunity, normalization of condition during pregnancy or after serious illnesses. Of course, scientists could not stop at general clinical data and began working with substances that predominated in algae. Attracted attention heteropolysaccharide Fucoidan and pigment Fucoxanthin. If the first substance is found in brown algae, then the second is in species that have a blue-green tint.

Fucoidan According to existing research, it has extrahormonal activity and provides powerful cellular regulation. Its effect on the human body is quite complex and represents an insufficiently clarified chain of reactions. But definitely, in simple terms, it makes cells practically invulnerable to external influences.

The nature of the effect on the body can be listed, including:

  • antioxidant;
  • antiviral;
  • antibacterial;
  • antitumor effect.

To be more precise, we are talking about a group of fucoidan substances that have a complex effect on the human body. Their connection with the processes of hematopoiesis and regulation of the circulatory system should be emphasized. Fucoidans have anticoagulant property, in other words, they thin the blood, the nature of the effect is similar to heparin. Heteropolysaccharides also have a negative effect on tumor cells, causing their apoptosis (cell death). Fucoidan is one of the most powerful supportive drugs recommended for use in the treatment of oncology.

Beyond reality

Scientists are literally captivated by new research, but the press provides little explanation that is accessible to the average reader. In our review, we decided to reveal the features of this trend in medical science.

Talking about properties Fucoidan, it is worth remembering Fucoxanthin. We are talking about a blue-green carotenoid pigment, which, as was found in the 2000s, affects the protein synthesis of white fat surrounding organs. After these studies on rodents, the substance began to be actively used in fitness programs and weight loss programs. It is believed that taking capsules Fucoxanthin leads to weight loss by 5-10% without additional physical activity. Many therapists began to recommend it for weight correction to patients whose health condition does not allow them to practice physical activity. First of all, for diabetics.

Despite the expected exceptional properties Fucoidan And Fucoxanthin new studies remained unpublished.

There may be two reasons:

  • Doctors aren't sure Fucoxanthin will have exactly the described effect on white fat and promote weight loss according to the established “program”;
  • Drugs have a more complex effect on the body.

According to existing medical hypotheses, the influence Fucoidan And Fucoxanthin associated with higher processes of nervous and cellular activity, supra-hormonal activity, directly affecting protein synthesis.

Pigments in genetic regulation

In a relationship Fucoxanthin the effect on protein synthesis is a proven fact. To understand what we are talking about, it is worth contextually recalling the legend of “blue blood”. Although a direct connection has not been established to date, and the content of blue pigment in the blood is associated with copper, it is the hemoglobin pigment that has regulating hemolytic activity.

It can be assumed that other similar substances may have a similar biological effect. Another pigment, melanin, also has suprahormonal activity. Its properties are related to melanocortin system with the ability to modulate RNA.

It is better to explain how these substances affect the body using comparative examples. Fucoidan And Fucoxanthin is a special group of substances isolated from algae with multimodal biological activity.

Fucoxanthin belongs to a group of pigments involved in the conversion of energy necessary for the life support of cells. A well-known example is melanin, the effect of which on the preservation of DNA structure, including antitumor effects, is a proven fact. Hormonal activity was also noted as a side effect. Melanin restores progesterone levels in women and testosterone in men. Thanks to the second property, it is used to treat impotence.

Melanin is an energy booster; it is found in large quantities in seeds, nuts and mushrooms, mainly in Reishi mushrooms. Many scientists associate the antitumor effect of fungotherapy with melanin, others with polysaccharides. In fact, mushroom therapy is effective due to the successful combination of polysaccharides and melanin. Its content in seeds is explained by the energetic qualities of the substance, which provide an incentive for germination.

From this follows a completely obvious assumption that these substances, pigments and polysaccharides, create conditions for harmonious cellular synthesis. How can this work? The principle of operation is quite complex and not studied, so it can only be described approximately.

The principle of healing with pigments and polysaccharides

It is obvious that pigments are part of a complex of substances involved in the body’s energy metabolism. They metabolize or absorb light. For example, it is able to reflect UV radiation, the active functioning of the reproductive system improves the synthesis of melanin. Pigments affect hematopoietic processes, improve protein synthesis, and influence the action of melanocortin system that controls DNA integrity. Melanocortin the system regulates the activity of all our glands, so to speak, at the “parental” level.

Polysaccharides have a direct effect and directly contribute to the activation of the function of glands that produce hormones and peptides. Hormones in a balanced ratio regulate metabolism, cellular activity, and implement “alternative” immunity that is not associated with blood cells. At the same time, polysaccharides are able to stimulate the synthesis of phagocytes and T-lymphocytes, the direct killer cells of the immune system.

In fact, taking polysaccharides and pigments stimulates the body’s functioning in several directions at once:

  • restores the genetic potential of cells;
  • activates normal hormonal activity;
  • stimulates the activity of glands and the production of peptides;
  • activates immune functions, affecting the hematopoietic system;
  • normalizes energy metabolism processes in the body.

It is worth making a note about peptides, since they are increasingly used in therapy and cosmetology. They are short sections of DNA that are inserted into the RNA of cells. They represent a mechanism of cellular restoration under the control of glands. Reception Fucoidan And Fucoxanthin can replace peptide and enzyme therapy, which also stimulates the production of substances of the peptide group.

Taking polysaccharides is recommended to restore the body's metabolic processes. Upon admission Fucoidan in combination with Fucoxanthin a synergistic effect similar to the action of mushrooms is observed. Unlike mushroom polysaccharides, the recommended dietary supplements are related in the composition of human blood, so their combined use is preferable to fungotherapy. The disadvantage of this recommendation is the lack of sufficient clinical data. Reviews from real customers can help in this regard.

We also recommend taking Fucoidan And Fucoxanthin in combination with Omega-3 PMZhK. The fact is that for normal metabolism a balanced amount of PMG is necessary, but it is Omega-6 that predominates in food. For this reason, therapists recommend taking Omega-3 in the form of dietary supplements. It is worth noting that negative reviews from experts on Fucoidan are missing.

In addition to the complex health effects on the body, heteropolysaccharides have the following effects:

  • on the processes of bone formation. Recommended for people who are on a diet and reduce carbohydrate intake, which leads to loss of collagen and early arthritis;
  • improve the condition of the cardiovascular system, restoring blood fluidity;
  • have a preventive effect against the risk of blood clots;
  • have a direct effect on mutated cells, cause apoptosis of cancer tumors and metastasis;
  • used as a substitute for peptide and amino acid therapy;
  • used in programs for correcting the condition of seriously ill people, including in combination with Fucoxanthin to support those suffering from diabetes;
  • can be used as antiviral therapy in the autumn-winter period.

As additional properties, we emphasize the following:

  • it is noted that Fucoidan effectively fights herpes viruses and leads to apoptosis of cancer cells, while there are no emissions of poisons and toxins that negatively affect the body;
  • stimulates the production of stem cells, naturally rejuvenating the body.

The recommended intake without a doctor's prescription should not exceed the recommendations on the packaging. It is 600 mg per day, the usual dosage of one capsule is 300 mg. When using drugs in clinical courses, the dosage can be increased individually. The maximum daily dose has not been determined and is prescribed based on recommendations for use and the patient’s well-being.

Reception Fucoidan can be practiced: therapeutically for 6-12 months or in courses of 1-2 months for prevention and support of the body’s condition.

A preventative course is quite enough for a healthy person to achieve the following results:

  • reduce the risks of cancer;
  • remove toxins from the body associated with the activity of infectious agents;
  • restore osteosynthesis and reduce the risks of arthritis;
  • improve skin condition;
  • normalize hematopoietic processes, including reducing thrombus formation processes;
  • restore the natural production of peptides and stem cells corresponding to a young age;
  • as an antioxidant therapy.

Fucoidan: contraindications

When taking drugs with extrahormonal activity in high doses, caution should be exercised. Despite the fact that there are no cases of side effects when taking Fucoidan, therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. During treatment courses, regular monitoring of the blood count is recommended, especially with a significant increase in dose.

It should be taken into account that algae contains a large amount of iodine. Let us remind you that the content Fucoidan in brown algae reaches 25-30% of dry matter. There is no iodine in the finished product. Persons suffering from iodine deficiency are advised to add a biological supplement to the preventive course to compensate for the daily dose. Otherwise, with long-term use, you may experience unbalanced the work of the glands, since iodine is an active bioregulator.

You can buy all the listed drugs at iHerb. This is the world's largest supplier of quality dietary supplements. Buying drugs at iHerb, you can be confident in the originality of the product and the low risk of contraindications.

Doctor's Best, Fucoidan Best Fucoidan 70%, 60 Vegetarian Capsules

One of the best drugs in the recommended series is Best Fucoidan from 's Best. It is obtained from brown algae growing in ecologically clean areas of the world's oceans. The company ensures that the extracted sulfonated polysaccharides are preserved in the product in the most bioavailable form. The package contains 60 capsules of 300 mg each and is designed for a monthly course of administration.

Life Extension, Superior Fucoidan, 60 Vegetarian Capsules

Recommended for use Superior Fucoidan from Life Extension. The package also contains 60 vegetarian capsules, designed for a monthly course. Contains a dose corresponding to the daily value of the standard Japanese diet. The drug is produced using the method of soft extraction of algae, thanks to which it is possible to preserve the biological properties of the substance by 88%.

Garden of Life, FucoThin, Non-Stimulant, Natural Fat Burner, 90 Capsules

FucoThin from Garden of Life used as a supplement in weight loss programs, combines Fucoidan And Fucoxanthin. The intensity of the effect is improved due to the pomegranate oil included in the capsule. The oil is also a natural preservative, eliminating the need for cellulose filler.

Price of drugs for iHerb is in the range of 28-38 US dollars, which is significantly cheaper than what is offered in Russia. Please consider shipping costs.

Fucoidan: composition

Composition of capsules Fucoidan depends on the manufacturer. Cellulose or natural oil with biological activity is used as a filler, as in the preparation FucoThin from Garden of Life. Some manufacturers use patented formulas Fucoidan.

Fucoidan: instructions for use

Like any herbal preparation, capsules Fucoidan It is recommended to take 15 minutes before meals or 1 hour after meals. This ensures maximum absorption and biological activity of the drug. Application in the morning guarantees maximum effectiveness Fucoidan and its effect on the biological rhythm of organs.


To analogues Fucoidan And Fucoxanthin can be attributed reishi mushroom. Despite the different composition of polysaccharides and pigments, fungicides have a similar effect on the body. The drugs of the same series also include Ukrainian Flaraxin, which combines grape polysaccharides and potassium iodide, which stimulates the production of melanin.

Fucoidan: reviews

Elizaveta, 19 years old, Saratov:
Recommended Fucoidan my mother for recovery after chemotherapy. She recovered quickly, without the threat of relapse, and takes it constantly. Since on iHerb We ordered several packages, then my mother insisted on taking me due to the intense physical activity at the institute and in training. I must say that I began to quickly lose weight, while my health and mobility improved significantly. The choice was made at FucoThin from Garden of Life, because we heard reviews from friends who also received excellent results from rehabilitation after illness. Reviews from doctors are also positive!

Ekaterina, 50 years old, Novosibirsk:
Took Superior Fucoidan from Life Extension as a prevention of arthritis as part of complex therapy. The condition has improved significantly. I address my reviews to all people who cannot actively engage in sports and suffer from bone pain.

Lilya, 24 years old, Moscow:
Bought Fucoxanthin in combination with Fucoidan for “drying” in the gym. I must say that the drug works great. I used to buy from TianDe ( Fucoidan 1000), now only on iHerb. In Russia the price is too high!

- Helps keep your health under control

Pros: useful, effective

Disadvantages: no

After I gave birth to my child, I began to get sick very often. I don’t know what this is connected with, but I’m very tired of it. That's why I decided to do something.

I bought a vitamin complex at the pharmacy and took it, but didn’t notice any results. She was sick and continued to be sick. Therefore, I decided not to stop there and buy some other products.

I decided on a drug like Fucoidan.

I found out about this drug on a form where I sometimes like to read information and what people write. Then I started looking for reviews about the drug to decide whether it was worth buying the product or not. I found quite a few reviews, but I didn’t find any reviews from specialists. Maybe I just didn’t look well, or maybe they don’t exist at all.

Because I was just convinced that it was worth buying the product.

What is the essence of such a drug, and how does it help a person?

This is nothing more than a food supplement. Like all the others, it is made from natural ingredients. In order to be healthy, in terms of strong immunity, you need not only proper nutrition, but also taking such remedies. Unfortunately, nutrition alone is not enough, since the products are not natural and have little useful value.

Fucoidan has the following effects:






That is, such a drug will very well help cope not only with influenza and ARVI, but also with other diseases that can attack the human body.

I was interested in the fact that the drug is both antiviral and at the same time models immunity. That is, it helps the immune system to form against many diseases. It costs a lot.

The drug can be taken both for the prevention of diseases during the flu period, and for its treatment. But it should be used not just as the main drug, but as an additional one, which gives strength to the body to fight the disease.

But what upset me was that it is contraindicated in some cases. All this must be taken into account so as not to harm yourself in any way.

You should not take this medicine if:




    increased excitability

    increased blood pressure, that is, hypertension

    severe liver diseases

That is, if you have any diseases, you definitely need to remember them, and it is better to consult with your doctor about taking this or that drug.

There is also a list of side effects, but not very large. I didn’t have any problems while taking the drug, everything went smoothly and well, which I’m very happy about. But you need to know what happens. There may be nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, headaches and so on. But this is written in all the instructions for the drug, so I didn’t pay much attention.

In order to know how to take the drug, I read the instructions. She did everything exactly as they say.

In the end, I noticed a pretty good result. If earlier I was often sick, especially in September, when the first cold weather set in, now this is not the case. I could get sick, it’s not impossible, but it’s so rare that I’m quickly forgotten.

Also, the disease is not so severe, it is possible to recover within 4 days.

I will use this drug from time to time, so to speak for prevention. I will also recommend him to you.

Thank you for your attention, and all the best to you and your family. May your health be good and diseases not attack you.

All about the wonderful drink "Fucoidan" from its creator

Transcription of the presentation at GBSIE. Author Severyukhin Boris Ivanovich

I am very pleased to introduce our partners to the product fucoidan and I ask you to listen to me carefully.

I would like to start with the fact that in the South Pacific Ocean, in particular on the islands of Okinawa and Tongu, as well as in some cities of South Korea, the average life expectancy of aborigines is 80 years or more. The peculiarity of this situation is that they all feed on seaweed.

You also know that in 1945, atomic bombs were dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, accompanied by nuclear explosions. Scientists are surprised that people are born there without mutations, without deviations, and now their lives are healthy and cheerful.

Scientists believe that the Japanese developed a genetic defense in their DNA through fucoidan, which is present in brown algae. After the Chernobyl disaster, the international community of scientists recommended fucoidan to save the victims. I want to call this fact a miracle.

At the University of Massachusetts USA in 2003 fucoidan listed on the list of technologies that will save the world. I want to call fucoidan a gift from God, a gift from the sea. Fucoidan is a miracle that will save the world from viruses and diseases. Why is this so?

There is a lot of scientific evidence in independent scientific studies. Fucoidan is an invaluable gift from the origins of human existence. And now I will tell you more about it.

Fucoidan is a polysaccharide found in brown algae. The unique properties of this substance and its beneficial effects on the human body have been discovered and scientifically proven by many modern research laboratories around the world. And especially striking results are shown by studies aimed at treating diseases that negatively affect our quality of life.

So what is fucoidan? The topic of fucoidan has attracted a lot of attention in scientific circles. Fucoidan is found in all types of brown seaweed, the most commonly used being seaweed and wakame.

On average, 1 kg of algae contains about 2 grams of this substance. The structural compound of fucoidan polysaccharide is based on fucose sulfate, and also contains a small dose of monosaccharides.

Scientists have discovered a wide range of biological activities of fucoidan that have a beneficial effect on the human body. Fucoidan has many medicinal properties. Today I want to briefly talk about the anti-cancer effect and apoptosis, as well as immunity.

The use of fucoidan in the fight against cancer is due to such therapeutic factors as increasing immunity, suppressing active oxygen, suppressing the formation of new blood vessels that feed cancer cells, and apoptosis.

The phenomenon of apoptosis was first identified in molecular biology and means cell self-destruction programmed at the genetic level. To make it more clear, we can explain this phenomenon using the example of a tadpole and a frog. Everyone knows that when a tadpole turns into a frog, its tail disappears. It disappears not due to a change in the shape of the cells, but as a result of the independent destruction of unnecessary cells, according to a predetermined process.

Thus, apoptosis is one of the genetic programs necessary for the life of a living organism. The human body is made up of approximately 60 trillion cells. The life of each individual cell is predetermined. After 1 cell stops its activity, a new one appears according to a given program. This continuous, repeating reaction ensures the vital functions of our body.

But unfortunately, cancer cells do not die on their own, but on the contrary, they only gradually multiply by feeding on the nutrients of healthy cells and absorbing the latter. And fucoidan induces abnormal cells and specifically cancer cells to apoptosis, while not having any effect on healthy cells.

Recently, countries such as South Korea, Japan, the USA, Russia, France and Germany have been actively engaged in research and development of immunostimulants, antiviral and anticancer drugs based on fucoidan.

At the in vitro and in vivo stages (i.e., in a living organism and outside it), no side effects were identified, and therefore scientists have hopes and call them extremely valuable drugs of the near future. Scientists have proven that fucoidan stimulates the production of interferons and increases cellular immunity, stimulates the growth of cells of the immune system, stimulates the activity of macrophages, and suppresses allergic reactions.

Scientists place more hope in fucoidan as a natural medicine that can cure cancer, viral allergies and many other diseases.

There are more than 2,000 scientific papers worldwide on the study of this substance. In particular, its use as a treatment for cancer, enhancing immunity, using it as an antiviral agent, suppressing the formation of new blood vessels that feed cancer cells, using it as an antioxidant and a means to improve liver function.

There are also studies on the role of fucoidan in protecting against radiation, using it to suppress the formation of free oxygen radicals, treating shingles and bronchial asthma, suppressing stomach ulcers and the development of Helicobacter pylori bacteria, reducing high blood pressure and others.

There are only a few manufacturing enterprises in the world that have the technology to obtain the purest raw materials. One such enterprise is the company "Haivon Biotech", whose processing technologies are recognized throughout the world.

Firstly the company obtains fucoidan from all types of brown algae. Today, this is the only company in the world that is capable of doing this.

Secondly– this is the only enterprise capable of controlling the volume of molecules of the resulting fucoidan. Its size ranges from 3300 to 1,000,000 daltons. Extraction of the substance by molecular volume is very important because it promotes the use of fucoidan for the production of medical drugs.

Third The company provides raw materials that are known in the field of raw materials companies. In particular, the American company Sigma supplies this raw material to laboratories around the world. This indicates the high quality and safety of fucoidan produced in the company "Haivon Biotech". The company gained worldwide fame. In the Sigma catalog, Americans sell our raw materials at a price of $59 per 1 gram, and in the drink, 0.6 grams of fucoidan cost $24 - this says a lot.

Fourthly"Haivon Biotech" exports its raw materials to 11 countries and is the only enterprise in the world that exports on such a large scale.

Fifthly - "Haivon Biotech" extracts raw materials in the area of ​​​​Wando Island - the environmentally friendly sea waters of South Korea, approved by the government of the country. Seaweed production in this area accounts for 80% of all seaweed production in the country.

I received a question regarding Fukushima, where there was a tsunami and a nuclear power plant was damaged, could this affect the algae produced? This has no impact since Fukushima is in northeastern Japan on the Pacific coast, and Wando Island is in the Yellow Sea at the southwestern tip of the Korean Peninsula. Between the site of the accident and Wando Island there is Japan and the Sea of ​​Japan - a huge distance.

At sixth The raw materials of the Haivon Biotech company were the first of all fucoidan mining companies in South Korea to receive a kosher certificate, which also confirms the high quality of the products for all countries of the world.

Together with the GBSIE company we will produce not only a drink, but also teas and cosmetics with fucoidan. Thank you very much for your attention.

Answers on questions:

Question: what is the dose of the drink for cancer patients, adults and children?

Answer: for cancer patients, you need to drink at least 3 to 5 or more grams daily. It all depends on the patient's condition.

Question: Can pregnant women and infants drink the drink?

Answer: Fucoidan is prescribed to pregnant women and is especially important to take after childbirth to restore the woman’s blood. Since there are no side effects, the child can too.

Question: The child is 8 years old and has diabetes. Can fucoidan be recommended for him?

Answer: There are a lot of reports that fucoidan helps with diabetes. If the child is 8 years old, depending on the condition, 1 bottle per day can be recommended and if the result is good, then you can continue.

Question: If you have problems with the thyroid gland, can you drink the drink?

Answer: yes, you can take fucoidan, it will help a lot

Question: How does fucoidan affect the musculoskeletal system and osteoporosis?

Answer: As a scientist, I will answer this way: fucoidan contains heparin, which thins the blood, which helps the body self-regulate in connective tissue. The Australian company Marinova is now preparing to release a medicine with fucoidan for joints.

Question: The drink has a shelf life of 2 years, why is it so long?

Answer: In Korea, by law, we must produce quality products and they must have a shelf life of at least 2 years. For this purpose, a special bottle has been created in which you can store the drink even for up to 3 years.

Question: what quality of raw materials used in the drink?

Answer: There are 3 types of algae from which fucoidan is made. The highest quality seaweed is kumbu, from which our fucoidan is obtained, the second type of seaweed is wadane, and the lowest quality is muzuku. The table-graph made by the famous Japanese Tokaro Wayo Institute indicates that muzuku cannot even be called a raw material for fucoidan, because if you compare it with kumbu - fucoidan, then it contains practically no hepatocyte growth factor and few sulfates. It is very easy to obtain fucoidan from muzuku, but it is of low quality, i.e. less effective. We use kumbu seaweed and our fucoidan is 95% pure. This is the highest quality product in the world.

Question: How does fucoidan work for kidney and liver diseases and should it be used?

Answer: very useful, especially for alcohol abusers, because fucoidan helps in the restoration of the liver and its cells. There are many reports on this matter.

Question: How can the product affect women's problems - for example, fibroids or ovarian cysts?

Answer: fucoidan cleanses the blood and restores cells, actively acts on viruses and inflammation, and if diseases are associated with these causes, it helps

Question: Is it possible to combine fucoidan with medications?

Answer: This is not interconnected in any way and of course it is possible.

Question: How does the product affect excess weight and weight loss?

Answer: Recently there was a report that fucoidan slows down the proliferation of fat cells and helps you lose weight?

Thank you very much for your speech, Doctor.

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I wish you health and all the best. Your friend Doctor BIS

IP Severyukhin Boris Ivanovich All rights reserved OGRN 309590432400050 t.+7912885585
Copyright © 2014

This beneficial substance is extracted from brown algae: fucus, Angustata kelp, kombu, wakame, aram, sea vegetable limumui, and some other varieties. There is one most important nuance: all plants must grow in clean water areas not contaminated with chemical waste. Only in this case, the drugs made from them will benefit the body.

Is fucoidan found in other foods?

No. It cannot be obtained from foods that are part of our normal daily diet. Fucoidan is found only in the cells of some algae and marine animals, as well as in special dietary supplements prepared on the basis of their cells.

What is its benefit?

The main benefit of this biologically active component is its oncoprotective properties. Fucoidan is capable of causing apoptosis (self-destruction, destruction) of cancer cells and metastases. In addition, it has the following effects:

  • has a preventive effect on the formation of malignant and benign tumors;
  • slows down the growth and development of existing tumors, without disrupting the functioning of healthy cells;
  • minimizes side effects from radiation and chemotherapy in patients with cancer;
  • activates the immune system;
  • prevents the development of peptic ulcers;
  • effectively fights inflammatory bowel diseases, helps normalize microflora;
  • protects the liver from toxic damage;
  • prevents the development of certain cardiovascular diseases;
  • helps fight atopic dermatitis and other skin diseases;
  • due to the high amount of fiber, it is very beneficial for digestion;
  • Suitable for those who are struggling with excess weight, as it creates a feeling of fullness and slows down the absorption of fats.

What diseases does fucoidan cure?

It is important to realize that fucoidan alone is not capable of healing diseases. But he is quite capable of slowing down and facilitating their course, and providing effective prevention. To get a good result, you need to use the drug systematically in the indicated dosage, without skipping a dose. Fucoidan has its maximum effect in an integrated approach to the treatment of cancer and cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the blood, skin and digestive tract. It is also recommended for use during the period of rehabilitation and recovery of the body after injuries, burns, serious stress and long-term illness.

Can fucoidan cure cancer?

Alas, it is currently impossible to cure oncology with a single medicine. In the fight against such a disease, you need to use all possible means and methods: radiation therapy, chemotherapy, complex treatment with drugs prescribed by doctors. However, fucoidan-based drugs can increase the effectiveness of treatment several times, and significantly increase the patient’s chances of a successful outcome. Fucoidan also reduces the side effects of chemotherapy: nausea, vomiting, weakness. It has shown the greatest effectiveness in the fight against such types of cancer as melanoma, leukemia, breast cancer, cervical cancer and digestive cancer.

Is this data scientifically proven?

Scientists around the world have conducted many detailed studies on the properties of fucoidan. Reliable experimental results have been published in many scientific sources. Thus, the library of the National Institute of Medicine of the United States of America contains about 1000 references to the beneficial properties of this substance.

Ning Li, leader of a group of scientists from the Institute of Oceanology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, presented the results of his research in 2005. According to these results, fucoidan is completely safe for humans (provided that it is consumed in the recommended daily dosage).

In 2012, Professor Naoki Mori, an employee of the Department of Microbiology and Oncology at the Graduate Medical School of Japan, also published the results of independent studies in which he proved the high safety of fucoidan and the complete absence of toxic effects of this substance on the human body.

Research by Japanese scientists from Keio and Ryukyu universities confirmed the oncoprotective properties of the drug.

Are there any contraindications to taking fucoidan?

Yes, like any drug, fucoidan-based supplements have certain contraindications:

  • individual allergic reactions;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • serious pathologies of the liver or kidneys;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • thyroid diseases.

Scientists have proven that if the recommended dosage is observed, brown algae extracts do not cause harm to the body. However, drug abuse can cause nausea and diarrhea, so always follow the instructions for use. The average daily dose of fucoidan is approximately 50 mg per 1 kg of weight, the maximum permissible is 8 grams per day.

Why is it worth purchasing our drug?

We offer only original fucoidan, which is made from algae grown in environmentally friendly waters. Our supplements do not contain harmful and toxic substances, as well as impurities that can cause harm to health. For the manufacture of fucoidan-based products, exclusively natural raw materials are used.