Exoderil cream or drops are better. The best analogues of Exoderil. Mikoderil or Exoderil: which is more effective?

  • 1. Exoderil: composition and application
  • 2. Mikoderil - a domestic analogue of Exoderil
  • 3. Use of Mikozan for nail fungus

Exoderil: composition and application

The drug Exoderil is currently one of the most effective antifungal agents. Its manufacturer is the Austrian pharmaceutical company Sandoz GmbH. Exoderil is a drug for external use, produced in the form of a solution and cream. Its main component is naftifine in the form of hydrochloride - a substance with a pronounced antifungal effect, belonging to the group of alkylamines. In addition to naftifine, water, alcohol and propylene glycol are used in the production of Exoderil solution. The auxiliary components of the cream are water, sodium hydroxide, cetyl palmitate, isopropyl myristate, sorbitan stearate, TWIN 60, benzyl, stearyl and cetyl alcohol.

Exoderil is prescribed by specialists for:

  • onychomycosis (nail fungus);
  • fungal infection of the skin;
  • trichophytosis;
  • skin candidiasis;
  • pityriasis versicolor.

A contraindication to the use of Exoderil is hypersensitivity to naftifine and its other components. Exoderil should not be applied to damaged skin or used to treat eyes. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the product should be used with extreme caution and only on the recommendation of a dermatologist. The effect of the drug on the children's body has not been fully studied to this day, therefore its use in pediatric practice is allowed only when absolutely necessary.

Exoderil is well tolerated by patients and, if all instructions from the attending physician are followed, has virtually no side effects on the body. Occasionally, its use may cause reactions on the skin surface in the form of redness, dryness and burning. The occurrence of side effects does not pose a threat to the patient’s health and is not a reason to discontinue the drug.

Exoderil in the form of a solution and cream effectively eliminates fungal infections on the nails and skin. To get rid of the disease, a small amount of the medicine is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin and the area around it. Relief occurs after the first use, but for complete recovery it is necessary to use Exoderil for several weeks. The duration of treatment and dosage of the drug must be checked with a specialist.

Mikoderil - a domestic analogue of Exoderil

Exoderil is an easy-to-use and safe remedy for most categories of patients that can quickly get rid of fungus. However, due to the high cost, this drug is not available to all people, which is why patients often ask the doctor to prescribe them a cheaper, but no less effective medicine. An inexpensive analogue of Exoderil is the Russian-made antifungal external agent Mikoderil, produced in the form of a solution and cream.

What is better - expensive imported Exoderil or domestic Mikoderil? To understand this, you should familiarize yourself with a brief description of the Russian drug. The active component of both forms is, as in the case of Exoderil, naftifine hydrochloride. Mikoderil contains the same auxiliary components as its more expensive foreign counterpart. The domestically produced drug has identical indications, contraindications, adverse reactions and method of administration to Exoderil. As you can see, the only difference between these two drugs is their cost, so Mikoderil can be safely used to treat fungal infections without worrying that it will be less effective than imported drugs based on naftifine.

Using Mikozan for nail fungus

In cases where Exoderil and Mikoderil are contraindicated in a patient due to naftifine intolerance, a dermatologist may recommend Mikozan ointment to treat fungus on the surface of the nail plate. This medicine contains components such as rye enzyme filtrate, pentylene glycol, dimethyl isosorbide, food additive E1525 and water. The ointment is sold in a set with an applicator brush, disposable nail files, templates and a diary, which details the treatment regimen.

Mikozan is used for the treatment and prevention of fungal nail infections. There are not many contraindications for this drug:

  • hypersensitivity to its components;
  • children under 4 years of age;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

Mikozan is intended exclusively for the treatment of nail fungus, so it is prohibited to use it on other parts of the body. For treatment to be effective, the patient must strictly adhere to all the specialist’s recommendations on the use of the ointment. A noticeable effect from the use of Mikozan occurs within 1 week after the start of treatment, however, treatment of nails affected by fungus must continue for as long as the attending physician advises.

Which of the following drugs is best used to treat fungal infections? Only a specialist can answer this question. The use of medications without a doctor’s recommendation can aggravate the course of the disease and lead to undesirable health consequences. For this reason, you should avoid self-medication and, if you suspect nail fungus, always contact a dermatologist.

Since ancient times, humanity has known many diseases that have been “inherited” to us. One of these diseases is nail fungus.

If earlier doctors came up with various tinctures using herbs and other ingredients, today it is enough to go to the pharmacy and buy a special drug. Nowadays, anti-fungal drugs such as Loceril and Exoderil are very popular.

To be sure which of them is suitable in a particular situation and which is not, let’s open the topic: “Loceril and Exoderil - which is better?” So…

Fungal diseases “cling” to people literally wherever there is sufficient humidity: in the pool, in the bathhouse, in the sauna, and so on. And even the absence of seemingly favorable conditions for the fungus is not a guarantee that you cannot become infected with it, say, simply by wearing someone else’s slippers at a party...

Therefore, fungal diseases are a very relevant topic today and it would not be superfluous to become “fully armed” and know more about the above-mentioned antifungal drugs. First, we will consider each of the drugs separately, and at the end we will conclude which is better.

Antifungal drug Loceryl

An antimicrobial agent, which is , produced in the form of varnish and is based on Amorolfine. It is prescribed to be used externally, applied to the affected nail plates - this is how the anti-inflammatory and antifungal drug makes the nails beautiful and healthy. It works like this - Amorolfine penetrates deeply into the nail plate and provides treatment throughout the day (24 hours). You need to know that the healing properties of Lotseryl last for a week and a half, from the moment it was applied to the affected areas.

Loceryl is indicated for use in order to cure an existing fungus, and also as an antimicrobial prophylaxis. Use this medicine on the toenails and fingernails 2 times a week until the signs of fungal infection completely disappear. If we talk about the timing of the entire course of treatment, then for fingernails it is about six months, and for toenails – 1 year.

The drug is distributed over the nail plate quite easily, you just need to prepare and clean the nail (remove the affected areas with a nail file and degrease the surface with alcohol), and then, dipping a special spatula into the solution, apply the product. And so on for each nail separately!

Like any medicinal drug, Loceryl has contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • use in children under 15 years of age.

As side effects, a burning sensation may occur at the site of application.

It also doesn’t hurt to know that you shouldn’t use just one file to file healthy and diseased nails and it’s better to forget about false nails!

Antifungal drug Exoderil

Answering the question: “Loceril and Exoderil - which is better?”, we continue our further acquaintance, from which we learn that is also an external agent and belongs to the group of allylamines, being cream or solution form. The active substance is Naftifine, which has an antimicrobial effect against gram-negative and gram-positive microbes.

Exoderil is also an excellent remedy for preventive measures when it is necessary to relieve signs of inflammation, in particular itching. All this is achieved due to the rapid penetration of the drug into all layers of the infected areas of the nail plates, which provides sustainable protection against microbes and fungi.

During the treatment period, Exoderil is applied to all infected and adjacent areas once a day. Before applying the product, the surface is cleaned and dried. The timing of treatment with Exoderil depends on the nature of the disease. So, for dermatomycosis, you should use the product for half a month or a month, and for candidiasis - 1 month. As for the cure onychomycosis, then there may be a period of up to six months and this is with twice the use of the drug (per day).

Side effects The phenomena of the remedy are:

  • dry skin;
  • hyperemia (vessels of an organ become overfilled with blood);
  • burning.


Loceryl and Exoderil - which is better to choose?

In order to accurately decide which drug to choose, you need to know a reliable picture of the disease, and this can only be done by the attending physician.

). To get rid of it, it is necessary to resort to the use of various medications. One such reliable remedy is the medication Exoderil, which can effectively cope with troubles.

Exoderil: description of the drug

The medicine is available in two forms, each of which has its own composition. The solution consists of naftifine hydrochloride, ethanol, water and prorylene glycol. As for the cream, its components are presented in wider quantities. In addition to the main naftifine hydrochloride, there is alcohol, water, sodium hydroxide, polysorbate, isopropyl myristate, benzyl alcohol and sorbitan stearate. The drug must be applied with extreme caution, making sure that it does not get into the eyes.

Exoderil has several effects at once: antifungal, fungistatic and fungicidal. The medication is intended for external use only. The medication is quickly absorbed into the skin, after which it remains in it for a long time. According to the instructions, the drug is applied no more than 2 times a day.

Indications for use

Exoderil is prescribed for the treatment of the following ailments:

  • skin candidiasis;
  • dermatomycosis;
  • microsporia;
  • diffuse otitis;
  • fungal infection of the nail plate;
  • pityriasis versicolor;
  • skin fungus;
  • hyperkeratosis.


The solution and ointment should not be used in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance to one of the components;
  • open wounds and injuries;
  • hypersensitivity of the skin.

The drug should be used with extreme caution by pregnant women and children under 18 years of age.

Mode of application

Exoderil should be carefully applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. Before use, the skin is thoroughly cleansed and washed.. If it is necessary to cure nail plate fungus, then it is necessary to cut off the affected nail as much as possible. The medication is thoroughly rubbed into the skin 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment is strictly individual, depending on the severity of the disease. Therapy should not last more than a month. The exception is onychomycosis, in which treatment for chickens is 6-7 months.

To treat damage to the auricle or ear canal, it is necessary to apply the drug to a cotton swab and then place it inside for 10 minutes. After the required time has passed, remove the stick.

Side effects

The occurrence of negative reactions is rare, but they cannot be completely excluded. Exoderil can cause the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • dry skin;
  • peeling.

The appearance of such symptoms does not require sudden cessation of treatment. They will definitely go away after you stop using them. If a severe allergic reaction occurs, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will help you choose the most suitable remedy with little risk of adverse reactions.

The drug should not be applied to damaged areas of the skin and mucous membranes. If the ointment is used to treat nails, you should avoid using decorative varnish. If the desired result is not achieved within several weeks of treatment, you should consult a specialist.

Interaction with other drugs

When prescribing treatment with this drug, you should inform your doctor about the use of beta-blockers, corticosteroids and other medications that reduce immunity.


There is a huge amount of talk, positive and negative, around Exoderil. The accuracy of the diagnosis is of great importance. Most often, the cause of a negative result is self-medication. Only a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, can prescribe quality treatment.

The cost of the drug may vary. But usually it ranges from 600-900 rubles. Much depends on the form of release.

Cheap analogues of Exoderil - list

The high cost of the drug forces people to look closely at possible analogues. Fortunately, their number today is pleasantly pleasing:

  • Lamisil;
  • Fongial;
  • Fungoterbin;
  • Demicten;
  • Loceryl;
  • Mycoderil;
  • Binafin;
  • Mikonorm;
  • Ungusan.

Mikoderil or Exoderil: which is more effective?

Treatment of fungus requires immediate action. In advanced situations, it is difficult to cope with the disease. To choose the most effective medicine for fungal skin diseases, you need to compare them with each other.

Mikoderil contains naftifine hydrochloride. It is he who enters into the fight against dangerous fungi. This is the first analogue of Exoderil in Russia. Available in two forms: cream and raster. The medication has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal effects. Used only for external use and can be combined with other medications.

Indications for use

The drug is widely prescribed for the treatment of the following ailments:

  • fungus on nails, skin;
  • cutaneous candidiasis;
  • pityriasis versicolor;
  • mycosis;
  • inflammatory dermatomycosis.

The medication copes well with the same diseases as Exoderil.


Mikoderil should not be used in the following situations:

  • individual intolerance;
  • open wounds.

Breastfeeding and pregnant women can use the drug, but it is better to do this under the supervision of the attending physician.

Side effects

The medication can provoke:

  • hyperemia;
  • allergies;
  • dry skin.

You should not stop using if side symptoms appear.


It is absolutely impossible to name a leader in such a situation, since the drugs are absolutely similar. The only differences are the country of origin and cost. When a specialist prescribes Exoderil, you can safely purchase its domestic analogue. The only difference will be the price. The Russian analogue costs half as much.

Loceril or Exoderil: which is better?

Loceryl is an effective anti-fungal agent. It is produced in the form of varnish, thanks to which it is a huge success among customers. The main active ingredient is amorolfine.

Before application, it is necessary to rinse the affected skin area thoroughly, degrease and disinfect it. The drug fights fungal growths well. With long-term use it gives a positive result.

The main advantage of Loceryl is the frequency of use. One application per week is enough. And Exoderil is applied once a day. The Lotseryl package also contains a special disposable file, which can be used to treat the damaged area.

As for the disadvantages, in this situation it is adding shine to the nail, which is not entirely appropriate for men. When comparing the two components, it is worth noting exactly the same contraindications and list of side effects.

Indications for use

Loceryl is used to treat the following defects:

  • onychomycosis;
  • dermatophytosis.


The presence of a convenient form of application - in the form of varnish and use only once a week - became the main arguments for raising the price. The cost of one bottle fluctuates around 1,500 rubles.

Based on the foregoing, it is worth noting the main features of Loceryl:

  • long-term use, about six months;
  • high price;
  • presence of a nail file;
  • minimum number of indications for use;
  • easy application.

Thus, after carefully considering all the pros and cons, you can easily make a choice.

Lamisil or Exoderil: which is better?

The appearance of redness, irritation and peeling on the skin always brings a lot of trouble. It is urgent to apply measures to combat fungal infections. Lamisil is perfect for this. The main active ingredient here is terbinafine. This element can have a detrimental effect on fungal formations, causing their destruction.

The country of origin of Lamisil is Switzerland. For more comfortable use, the drug is available in the form of cream, tablets and spray. Each patient can find a format convenient for themselves. In addition, internal use is acceptable - tablets.

Indications for use

The medication is prescribed for the treatment of:

  • mycoses of the feet;
  • peeling of the skin caused by a fungus;
  • yeast skin infections;
  • lichen versicolor.

Another medicine can be used for prevention.


The cost directly depends on the form of release. So, tablets will cost the most. Their cost is approximately 4 times higher than the price of the cream. Moreover, Lamisil will cost more than Exoderil.


It is difficult to select the best remedy. Much depends on the severity of the disease and individual preferences. It is recommended to seek help from a specialist; an experienced doctor will help you choose the most effective drug based on an accurate diagnosis.

Self-medication of fungal formations on the skin can complicate the situation. Often, to prescribe a cream, you have to take tests or conduct a laboratory examination of the affected areas of the dermis. This is why it is important to first visit the doctor and then go to the pharmacy for medicine.

Nail fungus is a disease that causes many problems to a person. Affected nails look unsightly, and the fungal infection is contagious, so the patient wants to get rid of the pathology as quickly as possible. Modern ones allow you to cope with the disease within a few weeks. But how to choose from a large assortment the product that will be most effective.

One of the most popular antifungal drugs are Mikozan and Exoderil. Before starting therapy, people suffering from nail fungus wonder what is best. It is quite difficult to answer this question; for this it is necessary to consider the features of each tool.

Active components

Exoderil and Mycosan are drugs used to eliminate fungal infections; accordingly, their composition must include components that have certain properties.

It is worth noting that Mikozan, unlike its analogue, is not a drug, since its active ingredient is rye extract. The component contained in rye grains has an antiviral effect, but it is not able to completely prevent the synthesis of the fungus. Its main action is aimed at tissue restoration and antibody production.

Exoderil is a medical product that contains naftifine. The active substance is capable of destroying the membrane of the fungus, thereby destroying it. Additional components of the solution help accelerate the growth of a healthy plate and tissue regeneration.


Mikozan and Exoderil are produced in the form of a medicinal liquid for application to the nail plate. The use of each product has its own characteristics. Many patients who get nails pay attention to this.

Mikozan is sold in tubes with a sharp tip, which allows you to conveniently apply the serum to the surface of the plate. The product kit includes a stick for removing dead skin particles. Exoderil is available in a small bottle and is applied to the nail in drops. The drug is also sold in the form of a cream.

Everyone decides for themselves which is more convenient to use; however, it is better to consult with a specialist rather than make a choice based only on ease of use.

Duration of treatment

One of the main indicators that patients pay attention to is the duration of treatment. Treatment for nail fungus can last from two weeks to six months. This depends on the stage of the lesion, the characteristics of the body and the drugs used.

As already mentioned, Mikozan does not belong to the medicinal group, so its use can only give results at the initial stage of infection, moreover, rye extract is not active against some types of fungus. No studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of Mycosan.

The instructions for use of the product indicate that the result of treatment may not be observed for two months. At the same time, manufacturers claim that this is quite natural.

Exoderil solution has a certain duration of therapy. Even in the most advanced cases, treatment does not last more than eight weeks. At the initial stage of the disease, the drug helps within two weeks.

Exoderil has undergone clinical studies and is recommended by dermatologists. The composition of the product has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, eliminates itching. The concentration of the active component is designed to quickly destroy the infection and prevent its occurrence. The solution quickly penetrates into the deep layers of tissue, blocking the synthesis of fungus even under the nail bed and inside the plate.

Indications and contraindications

Before purchasing an antifungal agent, it is better to undergo diagnostics to determine the form of the infection. The instructions for use of Mikozan do not contain clear instructions about for which pathologies the product should be used. Only the effect of the drug on nails and infection is indicated. Exoderil has a wide spectrum of action and certain indications (fungus of nails, skin, etc.).

The patient may have contraindications to the use of one or another drug. Since Mikozan is not a medicine, but is based on a natural component, its use is not contraindicated during pregnancy or lactation. The product is not recommended only for those with intolerance to the constituent substances and for children under four years of age.

Exoderil contains naftifine (a registered antifungal component), which can cause harm to the fetus when treated during pregnancy. It is also not advisable to use the solution during lactation and in childhood. The drug is contraindicated if you are allergic to the substances included in its composition. The side effects of both products are the same: burning, irritation and dry skin.

Loceryl as an analogue

Another new generation antifungal drug is Loceryl. It is used to treat nail fungus. It is produced, so many people prefer it because of its ease of use. But they use the product only if the lesion does not occupy more than a third of the area of ​​the plate. For complex forms of pathology, Loceryl is not effective.

Mikosan and Lotseril can be used only for application to the nail plates, while Exoderil is also used to treat the skin surface, which is its undoubted advantage.

Loceril contains the active ingredient amorolfine. Loceryl has properties that resist several types of infections, against which naftifine and rye extract are inactive. The downside of Loceryl is the duration of therapy (9 – 12 months). Loceryl is considered to be the closest to Exoderil in terms of therapeutic action.

What's better

It is impossible to independently determine what is best suited for the fight against nail plate fungus. To do this, you need to consult with a dermatologist and undergo certain tests, the results of which determine the indications and contraindications for drug treatment.

  1. Mikozan: used to prevent nail fungus and to treat infection in the earliest stages. The course of therapy is from 3 to 6 months.
  2. Exoderil: used for therapeutic effects on fungal infections spreading on the nail plates, between the fingers and toes. It has a healing effect even with a large area of ​​infection. Course therapy – from 2 to 8 weeks.
  3. Loceryl: recommended for the treatment of nails with different types of fungus, but only with minor lesions, and is also used for preventive purposes. The course of treatment is from 9 to 12 months.

For certain indications, the doctor may prescribe one or another drug. It is not advisable to choose a remedy yourself, since it may not be effective due to the characteristics of the disease.


All drugs for nail fungus have a targeted effect and treatment regimen. Having considered the three most popular antifungal agents for external use, we can come to the conclusion that Mikozan should not be used to treat the disease. Loceryl and Exoderil are most suitable for eliminating infection.

Exoderil is the most effective drug, but if the progressive fungus is not susceptible to its active substance, you should give preference to Loceryl. If one of the drugs is contraindicated, an analogue must be used.

Despite all the advantages and disadvantages of the described remedies, the choice of medication for therapy must be made based on the recommendations of the attending physician - a dermatologist.

Article outline:

Exoderil is an antifungal medication that is prescribed to eliminate almost any type of mycoses that affect the human epidermis and nail plates. But the cost of this drug is quite high: 10 milliliters are sold at an average price of 560 rubles, so many people prefer to use cheap analogues of Exoderil. These medications have a wide spectrum of action and the ability to block the activity of pathogenic fungi.

Properties of Exoderil

To know what to replace Exoderil with, you need to familiarize yourself with its properties, composition and principle of action.

The active component of this medication is Naftifine, which belongs to the group of allylamines.

The component is active in the fight against yeast-like and mold fungi, as well as dermatophytes.

The drug is highly effective in the fight against yeast-like fungi belonging to the genus Candida. The applied product kills pathogenic cellular structures, exhibiting fungicidal properties, and also blocks the growth of their colonies, carrying out a fungistatic effect.

Local use of the medication eliminates the risk of its active components entering the bloodstream, which is why it does not have any negative effects on the body. Exoderil has a minimum of contraindications, but before using it during pregnancy or feeding a child, in childhood, you need to consult a doctor.

The product is used for local processing, so it has the following release forms:

  • solution;
  • cream;
  • drops;
  • gel.

Any form is applied once a day. The duration of therapy is different: it is selected on the basis of diagnostic data on the stage of development of the pathology, the patient’s immunity status, and the type of pathogen.

Cheap analogues of Exoderil (list)

Medicines that have different compositions, but are used to treat the same pathologies, are called analogues. Similar drugs are selected in consultation with a doctor, because for the correct choice it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the course of the disease and the patient’s body.

Most often, drugs containing the following substances as the main component are prescribed as a replacement for Exoderil:

Among the cheap analogues of Exoderil, Exofin is distinguished separately, the cost of which is 200-250 rubles. This drug has a long-lasting effect, which makes it possible to use it once a day.

The most budget-friendly analogue is Clotrimazole. This is a Russian product, sold for 40 rubles through pharmacy chains. Clotrimazole produced in Romania is sold a little more expensive: for 55 rubles. Polish Clotrimazole drops can be bought for 120 rubles. This product should be applied to the affected areas 2-3 times a day.

Another product made from clotrimazole and an analogue of Exoderil is Candide.

The medication is produced in the form of nail drops and cream. Drops can be purchased for an average of 225 rubles, and cream for 200.

Terbinafine is a broad-spectrum antimycotic drug.

The medicine destroys the membranes of fungal cells and stops their metabolic processes.

This analogue is produced in the form of tablets and cream. Tablets are used to treat deep fungal lesions, and cream is used for small lesions. The cost of the ointment is 50 rubles, and the tablets – 250.

Loceryl or Exoderil: what to choose?

Loceryl is an analogue of Exoderil, but its cost is much higher: a bottle of 2.5 milliliters is sold through pharmacy chains for an average of 1,300 rubles.

The main active ingredient of the drug is amorolfine hydrochloride.

The product promotes the destruction of the cell membrane of the fungus and blocks the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

The product is available in the form of a varnish, which after application forms a stable film. After distributing the composition, the active substances penetrate the nail plate and bed within 24 hours. In this case, the concentration of the product is maintained at an effective level for 7-10 days after coating.

In rare cases, using the product causes side effects:

  • damage to the nail plate in the form of changes in shade, increased fragility;
  • the appearance of a slight burning sensation;
  • formation of contact dermatitis.

Contraindications for use include only hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Due to insufficient knowledge of the effect of the medication on the child, it is not recommended to use it during pregnancy and lactation.

Lamisil or Exoderil: which is better?

Another analogue of Exoderil is Lamisil, which is available in the form:

  • spray: prescribed for the treatment of legs;
  • creams: prescribed for skin treatment;
  • tablets: used in the fight against fungus from the inside;
  • solution: prescribed to eliminate onychomycosis;
  • gel: used to eliminate mycoses of the scalp.

The active ingredient in Lamisil is terbinafine hydrochloride. Lamisil exceeds the cost of Exoderil, so it cannot be called a cheap analogue of this remedy. On average, its price ranges from 700-1100 rubles.

The cost of the product is due to its high efficiency. It belongs to the group of allylamines and is characterized by a wide spectrum of action. The drug destroys the membrane of fungal cells and also slows down the growth of pathogenic colonies.

In exceptional cases, after treatment with the product, a person may notice the following side effects:

  • skin redness;
  • the appearance of itching;
  • spreading burning sensation;
  • development of allergies.

If these symptoms appear, you must stop taking the drug. Contraindications include pregnancy, lactation, age under 12 years, and individual intolerance to the components of the medication. If you have kidney or liver failure, you should consult a physician before using Lamisil.

Other analogues of Exoderil - a brief overview

There are a number of other analogues of Exoderil that have a similar effect to this drug. Mycoseptin, made from undecylenic acid, is one of them. The cost of this ointment is 270 rubles.

Nitrofungin is an analogue of Exoderil, based on chloronitrophenol, a substance that is a derivative of undecylenic acid.

Its average cost is around 230 rubles per bottle of 25 milliliters.

Thermikon is a convenient product for treating skin affected by fungus, as it comes in the form of a spray. The cost of such a product is in the range of 250-280 rubles.

Antimycotic varnishes are especially popular:

But it’s worth considering that the price of varnishes is significantly higher than the cost of creams. You can buy them at the pharmacy for 1300-2200 rubles.

What else can you replace Exoderil with?

Medicines whose composition is based on the same active ingredients are called synonyms. Most often, such medications are completely interchangeable. They are characterized by the same effect on the body.

In addition to Exoderil, the following drugs contain naftifine as an active substance:

These drugs can be prescribed in the absence of individual intolerance to the substance naftifine.

Mikoderil or Exoderil: which is more effective?

An analogue of Exoderil, manufactured in the Russian Federation, is Mikoderil, produced in the form of a solution and cream.

These drugs are completely interchangeable, since they have the same composition and principle of action.

One of the main differences is cost. Mikoderil is much cheaper: its cost is on average 350 rubles.

Mikoderil is a powerful antifungal medicine that has a destructive effect on the substances from which the fungal membrane is built.

Because of this, pathogenic microorganisms die. This drug is also effective against bacteria that contribute to the development of fungal relapse. This action helps eliminate the risk of complications.

Mikoderil is available in the form of a cream and solution. The cream is used for the treatment of yeast-like and yeast fungus that affects the nail plates, skin, and mucous membranes. The solution is prescribed if the treated area is heavily covered with hair. This is necessary so that the active substances penetrate all layers of the dermis.

Among the contraindications to the use of this drug are:

  • the presence of individual intolerance to naftifine;
  • pregnancy period;
  • lactation period.

Since the effect of the drug has not been fully studied in relation to the children's body, it is not recommended to use it for the treatment of fungus in children under 12 years of age.

During treatment, side effects may occur in the form of dryness of the epidermis, redness, and a slight burning sensation in the treated area.

Despite the development of a huge number of Exoderil analogues, they cannot be used uncontrolled due to the risk of developing side effects and complications. To protect yourself from the negative effects of drug components on the body, you need to consult a doctor.