Farsightedness is age-related. Is myopia a plus or a minus? I can’t see up close what to do

This is due to the fact that with age, the biological lens of the eye () becomes denser and loses its elasticity - while the ability to work on objects at different distances decreases.

In addition, young people with farsightedness (hyperopia) can also complain that they “see poorly close up.” This is due to the fact that they already have a so-called “plus” - a violation in which a person sees better in the distance than in the vicinity (unlike).

The solution to the problem of poor near vision for both young and older people is near glasses. Moreover, if vision is not 100%, then you may need two pairs of glasses (for distance and near), bifocals or progressive glasses (combining the properties of lenses for distance and near).

The solution to the problem of poor near vision for both young and older people is near glasses.

Independent selection of glasses is not recommended, because... this can lead to the development of visual discomfort, fatigue, etc. This should only be done by a specialist (an ophthalmologist or optometrist) - he takes into account the difference in diopters between the eyes, the interpupillary distance and other characteristics of the patient.

In addition, measures such as good lighting, reception, and for the eyes play a supporting role.

Therefore, if you have a complaint about decreased near vision, we recommend that you contact an ophthalmologist at a medical institution or optician - he will write a prescription for glasses that are suitable for you and advise additional ways to improve your vision.

Mature and elderly people should pay special attention to their vision, since with age the content of the substances lutein and zeaxanthin in the body, necessary for eye health and visual acuity, decreases. These substances are not produced in the intestines, so their content must be regularly replenished. If people over 45 years of age complain of progressive vision loss, they need to follow a diet. In addition to zeaxanthin and lutein, the diet should include vitamin C, tocopherol, selenium and zinc, which nourish, repair and protect eye tissue. In addition to following a diet, to prevent the development of age-related changes in the retina, it is necessary to take multivitamins. For example, a vitamin-mineral complex of European quality “Okuwait Lutein Forte” with lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect the eyes from the negative effects of sunlight, vitamins C, E, zinc and selenium. It has been proven that this composition prevents the development of age-related changes in the retina of the eye, allowing even older people to enjoy sharp vision.

We often hear questions from ignorant people about whether farsightedness is a plus or a minus. In order to correctly answer these types of questions, it is necessary to understand the principle of human work and study the possible problems that may arise.

The eye is one of the most complex organs in the human body. The interaction of the visual system with the cerebral cortex allows the transformation of light rays coming from the outside world into visual images. To understand how this happens, it is necessary to consider what the human eye is made of.

Structure of the eye

The eye is a very complex optical system that consists of many parts.

  1. Cornea. Through it, light waves enter the eye. It is an organic lens, with the help of which light signals diverging on the sides are focused.
  2. The sclera is the outer opaque layer of the eye, which does not actively participate in transmitting light.
  3. The iris is somewhat similar. This part regulates the flow of light particles and performs an aesthetic function, determining the color of a person’s eyes.
  4. The pupil is a hole in the iris that regulates the amount of light rays entering the eye, as well as filtering out curved, distorting rays.
  5. The lens is the second strongest lens in this human organ, located immediately behind the iris. Depending on the distance to the object, it changes its optical power. At a small distance it strengthens, at a large distance it weakens.
  6. The retina is a spherical surface onto which the surrounding world is projected. Moreover, the light, passing through two collecting lenses, hits the retina upside down. The information is then converted into electronic impulses.
  7. The macula is the central part of the retina that recognizes clear color images.
  8. The optic nerve is a transporter of information processed by the retina into nerve impulses to the brain.

Types of vision problems

Vision problems can appear at absolutely any age (they can even be congenital). The cause of some of them is a malfunction of the retina or optic nerve. However, most diseases of the visual system are caused by a violation of the refractive characteristics of the eye. The consequence of this is defocus, and the person loses the ability to see objects clearly. That is, human vision is impaired. “Plus” and “minus” indicate the degree of refraction of light (either the rays are not refracted enough, or they are refracted too much). There are several main types of visual impairment in humans.

Myopia is myopia

With myopia, a person cannot see objects that are at a great distance. Near vision is normal. With this disease, you can easily read a book, but you may no longer see the number of the house across the street.

Is farsightedness a plus or a minus?

Let's return to the main question. So, is farsightedness a plus or a minus? Farsightedness (also known as hypermetropia) is a visual impairment in which a person has difficulty distinguishing objects that are located nearby, but can clearly distinguish small details of distant objects.

Thus, the strength of glasses prescribed to a patient is measured in diopters. For farsightedness, glasses with a collecting effect are installed, which perform part of the functions of the lens. Such glasses are called positive, and therefore farsightedness is a “plus”. Or “minus”, for example, is used for myopia. Consequently, glasses with a scattering effect, which are called negative, are used in treatment.

Presbyopia - what is it?

In the medical community, age-related farsightedness is called presbyopia and occurs mainly in people over 40 years of age. This disease is caused by a loss of elasticity of the lens and is expressed by a loss of the ability to change the eye's focus when looking at objects at different distances.


Visual impairment, characteristic of astigmatism, occurs as a result of changes in the curvature of the lens and is expressed in incorrect refraction of light rays. Because of this, the picture of the outside world looks somewhat distorted.

What is the cause of cataracts?

Cataracts are a very common disease that causes visual impairment. Most often it occurs in older people, but it can also be a consequence of a viral disease. A manifestation of this disease is clouding of the lens.

Within the framework of this article, I propose to consider in more detail issues related specifically to farsightedness.

Main causes of farsightedness

So, as already stated, farsightedness is an eye disease in which the image is focused behind the retina. The degree of development of hypermetropia depends on the eye’s ability to refract light rays and on accommodation (the ability of the lens to change its shape depending on the distance to the object):

  1. Weak (up to +2 diopters).
  2. Medium (from +2 to +5 diopters).
  3. Strong (more than +5 diopters).

There are two causes of farsightedness:

  1. The eyeball is too short, and therefore the longitudinal ocular axis is short. Most often, this visual disorder is hereditary.
  2. Insufficient refractive properties of the visual system. With age, the human lens loses elasticity and corresponding abilities.

There is also the possibility of a combination of these two reasons.

Symptoms of farsightedness

The main symptom is near. At the same time, the patient sees objects located in the distance well. However, over time, the pathology may intensify due to the loss of the accommodative properties of the lens.

The main symptoms, the presence of which prompts you to consult an ophthalmologist with suspected hypermetropia, include:

  1. Impaired near vision.
  2. Disturbance of “distant” vision.
  3. Increased eye fatigue when working.
  4. Visual fatigue when reading books.
  5. Frequent conjunctivitis and other inflammatory processes of the eyes.
  6. Strabismus in childhood.

Diagnosis of vision problems

As soon as you feel a decrease in visual acuity, you need to seek help from a specialist. The standard diagnostic procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Visual acuity study. For this purpose, a special vision table is used. Now Golovin or Orlova are used (mainly in children).
  2. Examination using a mirror and ultrasound.

3. Selection of lenses of the required power, carried out using a phoropter.

Treatment of farsightedness

In order to never be bothered by vision problems, you must be guided by the following principles:

  1. Observe lighting conditions.
  2. Alternate visual stress with physical relaxation.
  3. Train visual muscles both with the help of special gymnastics for the eyes and with the use of modern technologies (including computer and laser).
  4. Conduct early diagnosis and correct vision correction (includes mandatory periodic examination by an ophthalmologist).
  5. Perform general strengthening exercises, supported by proper nutritious nutrition.

Taking these preventive measures will help preserve your vision. Plus, of course, don’t forget to undergo periodic examinations with an ophthalmologist.

Vision correction is performed using glasses or eye contact lenses, which are prescribed to the patient in a special prescription after a full examination.

In addition, eye surgery is moving forward with huge strides and now allows a person to stop wondering whether farsightedness is a “plus” or a “minus”.

The condition, which involves blurred vision, can begin suddenly and just as suddenly go away on its own. This may indicate, for example, accumulated fatigue or excessive exposure to the sun. But if the image begins to blur unexpectedly or, conversely, regular changes in the functioning of the visual apparatus are observed, then you must immediately sign up for an examination. Perhaps in this way the body signals a serious eye disease or another equally dangerous disease.

When a person is completely healthy, blurry vision will not bother you. Unfortunately, there are many more people who turn to ophthalmologists for help because eye problems make it difficult to perform many necessary actions.

Blurred vision can be explained by physiological reasons:

  1. Changes in blood pressure. When the pressure changes frequently, the image may become blurry or even briefly black out. A similar phenomenon can be encountered if you quickly sit down or stand up, or make a sharp turn or tilt of your head. Weather-sensitive people are the first to know about weather changes, and their vision blurs quite often. If blurriness occurs in such cases, it is advisable to check how much the pressure reading has changed. Often, based on the measurement results, you can find out about an increase in indicators, however, as a rule, they quickly return to normal. The main thing is to achieve inner peace. If your blood pressure fluctuates too often, it is better to consult a therapist.
  2. Low blood glucose levels. Lack of glucose is usually the result of physical labor under difficult conditions. Blurred vision can also be observed, for example, in athletes who deal with heavy loads.

If the objects in question become blurry, it means that the body requires a new dose of glucose.

In such a situation, you must immediately:

  • take a break from work;
  • eat food that contains carbohydrates.

The fastest way to replenish your reserves of the necessary substance is with sweet tea. Sugar that is in liquid will enter the blood faster than that that is in solid food. Thus, in a short period of time the visual apparatus will restore its functions.

Neither the first reason nor the second are dangerous for the body. The main thing is that if the image becomes blurry, stop working and do everything necessary to restore clarity of vision.

Impact of eye diseases

If factors of a physiological nature should not cause any particular concern, then in case of long-term changes in the functioning of the visual apparatus due to certain diseases, you should definitely see an ophthalmologist.

A blurry look occurs due to:

  1. Destruction of the structure of the vitreous body of the eye.
  2. Inflammatory processes of the eyes.
  3. Retinal disorders.

The most common pathological cause that results in blurred vision is destruction of the vitreous body. The condition is caused by chemical or physical damage. When such negative changes occur, the eye loses clarity, the picture turns out hazy, blurry, and opaque areas appear that do not allow light rays to pass through.

Changes in the vitreous body lead to:

  • severe myopia;
  • entry of foreign bodies;
  • shell problems;
  • impaired material metabolism.

Don't expect the vagueness to go away on its own. In order for the original clarity and clarity of vision to be restored, even surgery may be recommended. However, the ophthalmologist will make such a prescription only in case of emergency, having analyzed the degree of damage to the eye after examination.

Inflammation in the eyes can be accompanied by the release of large amounts of pus, which interferes with normal vision. Thanks to timely and correct drug intervention, such a problem can be eliminated in a short time.

However, if such infections are not treated or the wrong technique is used, the spread of the inflammatory process to the cornea (keratitis) cannot be ruled out. The situation can turn into a cataract.

When the retina is damaged, changes cannot be immediately noticed. If certain areas peel off, blurred and distorted vision occurs. Special devices will help determine why the violations occurred. In some cases, the patient is prescribed laser surgery.

Other common causes

There are a large number of factors that significantly affect the ability to see clearly.

For example, the image turns out blurry under the following factors:

  1. Presbyopia. People over 40 often need to use glasses or multifocal lenses to be able to recognize nearby objects. Such changes are age-related and are not considered a visual defect.
  2. Dry eye syndrome (keratoconjunctivitis). Artificial tears - drops - help with blurred vision.
  3. Carrying a child. Due to hormonal changes, the shape and thickness of the cornea may change, causing the image to become blurry. Also, the above syndrome is often observed in pregnant women. The doctor should be aware of such symptoms.
  4. Migraines. The disease is accompanied by temporary blurred vision, halos, and flickering light.
  5. Using certain eye medications. You should be careful when using drops that contain preservatives. Substances often cause irritation and blurriness. This can also happen when taking allergy pills.
  6. Wearing contact lenses longer than expected. If you do not follow the rules for using lenses and exceed their service life, proteins and other debris can build up on them. In addition to being blurry, the patient is at risk of getting a serious eye infection.

Thus, blurred vision can be either the result of a temporary physiological process or a consequence of the development of a serious pathology. Only through an examination by a qualified ophthalmologist can you determine the degree of blurred vision, as well as identify the cause of the condition using special devices and, if necessary, prescribe the correct treatment.

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Is myopia a plus or a minus?

Myopia is a vision defect when the focusing of the image is disrupted: a beam of light rays is collected not on the retina, as it should be, but in front of it. As a result, a person sees poorly at a distance, but well up close. When examining objects located at a distance of 3-5 meters, difficulties arise: the object seems fuzzy, blurry, its edges are blurry. When the patient turns his gaze to things nearby, he sees them better. Myopia is a minus, is it a plus? What glasses are needed to ensure good vision? With myopia, the eyeball changes shape from spherical to oval. It becomes like an egg or a lemon, so the image will focus correctly only when wearing biconcave lenses.

Myopia is a vision defect in which a person sees poorly at a distance, but well at close range.

This visual defect is indicated by seeing objects close to the patient well, but having trouble seeing people or objects that are located far away. Their contours become poorly visible, and details cannot be appreciated. In such cases, a person says: I see as if in a fog.

If the doctor prescribes glasses that are negative, this is myopia, vision correction is needed. At moments when no means of improving vision are used, the following phenomena may be observed:

  • flying “flies” before the eyes;
  • sensations of the presence of hairs on the cornea, preventing the light from focusing;
  • the objects in question blur and double;
  • photophobia develops, a desire to hide the eyes from the sun;
  • distortion of color perception.

If the test for myopia and a number of symptoms indicate rapidly progressing myopia, then the patient complains of headaches, fatigue, fatigue, and a feeling of fullness in the forehead.

Selection of correction

What is the world like through the eyes of myopic people? Since the image is poorly focused and does not reach the retina, there is a need to artificially eliminate the defect. When wearing glasses or contact lenses, the main task is to change the point where the beam of light rays is collected. Normally, it should fall on the center of the retina. Answering the question whether myopia is a plus or a minus and what correction to choose, they choose to buy biconcave glasses with a “-” sign. The number of diopters depends on the degree of myopia.

The described disease has a variety - false myopia. It is characterized by the fact that internal changes in the structures of the eye cannot be attributed to plus or minus. With this type of myopia, the patient cannot see a distant object, and to eliminate the pathology, special exercises and medications are selected. False myopia does not require immediate replacement of glasses (contact lenses).

Progression of myopia

The disease is diagnosed at the age of 7-12 years. The child complains that he sees objects close up well, but far away - very poorly, blurry. If you do not pay due attention to the symptoms, to the way a schoolchild sees the world, then this threatens the rapid progression of the pathology, retinal detachment, and hemorrhage. Starting at age 18, vision deterioration slows down.

Ophthalmologists distinguish 3 degrees of myopia:

  1. Weak - usually almost unnoticeable to the patient, since the deviation is up to -2 diopters.
  2. Average - deterioration is observed in the range from 3 to 6 diopters, it already worries people, and sometimes can interfere with the choice of profession.
  3. Severe – a serious impairment, when vision drops below 6 diopters, the patient sees well only those objects that he brings close to the eyes, and without additional vision correction he becomes unable to work.

Diagnosis of the disorder

If you are nearsighted, you need vision correction.

It is possible to obtain an accurate diagnosis and find out that the vision defect is really associated with myopia only after examination by an ophthalmologist. A visit to him will include several procedures:

  • visual acuity test;
  • identifying the degree of myopia;
  • determining the length of the eyeball;
  • fundus examination;
  • determining the thickness of the cornea.

A special test is also carried out when the patient is asked to examine letters of different sizes on a colored background. If visibility is better on a red screen, then this indicates myopia.

Reasons for the development of myopia

Myopia progresses under the influence of a group of factors. The main ones:

  • excessive strain on the eyes - the patient is forced to concentrate on something for a long time, work at the computer, with small objects, write, read (schoolchildren and students are at risk);
  • heredity - if a mother or father has been diagnosed with myopia, then the child will most likely develop the disease as they grow older;
  • erroneously chosen treatment - vision correction for no apparent reason (for weak myopia, the emphasis should be on exercises, and not on wearing glasses);
  • disruption of the functioning of the vascular system - the appearance of myopia due to minimal nutrition of the visual organ;
  • weakening of scleral tissue - functional disruption of structures;
  • poor nutrition – lack of vitamins and microelements in the diet;
  • loss of muscle tone in the lens - the result is the inability to focus vision on objects far and near.

Facts from the life of myopic people

How do people with this type of functional impairment see the world? Here are some examples from their everyday life:

  1. If friends and acquaintances do not know what myopia is, that their friend or relative suffers from this disease, then they are offended if he does not greet them. The reason is simple - the patient does not see people’s faces, he recognizes them only by their clothes, gait, and voice.
  2. How do myopic people see the world without vision correction? No way. With severe myopia, the loss of glasses, accidental loss or damage to even one contact lens becomes a tragedy.
  3. Without vision correction, the patient feels discomfort: he has to squint, come close to an object, and bring it to his eyes to see it. The hardest thing is in unfamiliar places.
  4. The morning begins not with coffee, but with the search for glasses. With myopia of -5, it turns out to be very difficult to see them; a person is forced to look by touch.
  5. They write with their nose. Schoolchildren bow their heads strongly, touch the edge of the desk with their chests, squint and pull back the edge of their eyes, trying to make out what is written on the board.

How is myopia treated?

Without vision correction, a person feels discomfort. It is especially difficult in unfamiliar places.

After checking the vision and finding out in which part of the organ the changes are occurring, the ophthalmologist chooses a method for eliminating the pathology. Here you can use one of the following methods:

  • selection of correction (glasses, contact lenses) - they will help relieve tension from the eye, slow down the destructive process, and allow the patient to find out how people with normal vision see;
  • refractive therapy;
  • laser surgery;
  • lens replacement procedure;
  • scleroplasty (for children);
  • implantation of a hard lens.

When treating myopia in children, conservative therapy is used: selection of glasses, prescription of eye exercises, drops and a complex of vitamins, elimination of factors negative for vision.

What is myopia - does it need correction for minus or plus? Glasses or contact lenses are purchased at “-”, and their shape must be biconcave. This correction allows the incoming beam of rays to be scattered, which ensures that it reaches the retina and good vision.

It is impossible to completely get rid of myopia using traditional methods.

Jan 1, 2017 Doc

Hello, friends!

Here's how it turns out - my mother had excellent eyesight all her life. But in recent years, due to her age, she began to suffer from farsightedness.

I wonder what will happen to my vision in old age? The search for an answer led me to this article. Yes, let's honor it. Farsightedness was the reason for the invention of glasses... I didn’t know. What is a “lazy” eye... Oh-oh-oh, if you are farsighted, you don’t have to serve in the army!

If a person moves the book away from his eyes while reading or wears “plus” glasses, then he suffers from farsightedness.

Farsightedness is a vision impairment in which the ability to see close objects (distance 20-30 cm) sharply deteriorates.

In ancient times, it was this vision defect that served as the impetus for the invention of glasses. It all started in the 15th century, when printing appeared. People who previously had no idea that they couldn’t see well up close realized that it was difficult for them to read: the letters were blurry. To help farsighted people, special reading glasses were created. Lenses for myopia were invented only a century later.

Farsightedness most often occurs in young children and people over 40 years of age.

Causes of farsightedness

Farsightedness, caused by a short longitudinal axis of the eye, is usually inherited from parents to children.
After 40-45 years, due to age-related changes in the body, the refractive ability of the lens begins to deteriorate in many people, and then “senile farsightedness” occurs.

What happens?

In order for the eye to see normally, the image of objects must be focused on the retina. With farsightedness, this point of the ideal image moves away and is located, as it were, behind the retina. As a result, a person sees the picture in a slightly blurred form.

The rays coming from distant objects are parallel, and those coming from nearby objects are divergent. Farsighted eyes cope poorly with the latter. Thus, a person sees worst of all at close range and much better at distance.

There are two reasons why light rays are focused too far in case of farsightedness: a shortened eyeball or insufficient refractive power of the eye's optical system. It is also possible to have a combination of these defects in one person.

The main manifestations of farsightedness:

  • poor near vision;
  • increased eye fatigue when reading;
  • headaches, burning eyes.

Farsightedness, if ignored, is fraught with such unpleasant complications as:

  • strabismus;
  • frequent inflammatory eye diseases (conjunctivitis);
  • Amblyopia (“lazy” eye) - the eye is healthy outwardly, but sees poorly and this cannot be corrected either with glasses or contact lenses.

The progression of farsightedness can lead to disturbances in the outflow of intraocular fluid and, as a consequence, the development of glaucoma.

Diagnosis and treatment

If your eyes see worse, seek help from an ophthalmologist. First, he will check your visual acuity using a table, then examine the fundus of the eye using a special mirror or ultrasound. Your doctor will then be able to select the appropriate lenses for you.

Today, there are three ways to correct farsightedness: glasses, contact lenses and surgical correction. Glasses or contact lenses (“plus”) are selected individually depending on visual acuity and concomitant diseases.

Children with farsightedness are recommended to start using corrective lenses as early as possible. Usually the doctor prescribes glasses for them to wear constantly. With age, in many farsighted children, the eyeball lengthens, and vision, accordingly, is restored.

Adults only need lenses or glasses for reading and working. Only with a high degree of farsightedness are two pairs of glasses prescribed: one for “near”, the other for “distance”. After selecting glasses, it is necessary to constantly see an ophthalmologist in order to, if necessary, replace lenses with stronger or weaker ones. Laser correction of farsightedness is used when the patient has already reached 18 years of age.

Prevention of complications of farsightedness lies in its early detection and the appointment of timely and correct treatment.

source http://medportal.ru/enc/ophthalmology/myopia/2/

Degrees of farsightedness

Ophthalmologists distinguish three degrees of hypermetropia:

  • weak - up to + 2.0 D;
  • medium - up to + 5.0 D;
  • high - over + 5.00 D.

At small degrees of farsightedness Usually, high vision is maintained both at distance and near, but there may be complaints of fatigue, headache, and dizziness.

At moderate hypermetropia- distance vision remains good, but near vision is difficult.

At high farsightedness- poor vision both far and near, since all the possibilities of the eye to focus the image of even distant objects on the retina have been exhausted.

Farsightedness, including age-related, can only be detected through a thorough diagnostic examination (with medicinal dilation of the pupil, the lens relaxes and the true refraction of the eye appears).

source http://excimerclinic.ru/long-sight/

Farsightedness of more than 8 diopters is exempt from military service

In the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 25, 2003 N 123 “On approval of the Regulations on military medical examination” in the so-called “list of diseases” there is article No. 34 “Impairments of refraction and accommodation”.

Article No. 34 says that farsightedness of any eye in one of the meridians of more than 8.0 diopters falls under fitness category B - limited fit for military service, that is, exempt from service in peacetime.

The following conditions can be the causes of farsightedness.

Reduced size of the eyeball along the anteroposterior axis. This situation is typical for most babies. That is why ophthalmologists recommend hanging rattles and toys at a distance of 30 cm from the eyes, otherwise the baby simply will not be able to see them. As the eyeball grows and develops, the problem of farsightedness disappears by itself.

With age, many people become farsighted. The reason lies in the decrease in the ability of the lens to change curvature. This process begins at the age of about 25, but only by the age of 45-50 it leads to a decrease in vision, in which reading at the usual distance (25-30 cm from the eyes) becomes difficult. As a rule, by the age of 65 the eye almost completely loses its ability to accommodate.

The main sign of farsightedness is poor near vision with satisfactory and even very good distance vision.

As a rule, such people put on glasses to read a book, but they can easily see the number of a bus that appears in the distance. Only with severe hypermetropia does the patient begin to have difficulty distinguishing both near and distant objects.

In addition, when working the eyes near the eyes for a long time (computer, reading books, writing), people suffering from farsightedness begin to complain of pain in the eyes, fatigue, lacrimation, burning and tingling in the eyes. Headaches, discomfort when looking at light, or even intolerance to bright lighting may also occur. Moreover, the higher the degree of farsightedness, the stronger the unpleasant reaction to light.

As a rule, with low degree of farsightedness, the eyes, with the help of accommodation, independently cope with their task and allow a person to see normally.

But with moderate and high degrees of hypermetropia, vision correction is required for both distance and close distances.
I would like to note that vision correction for farsightedness should be carried out necessarily. Not only to normalize vision, but also to prevent the development of complications. Such as blepharitis, strabismus, conjunctivitis, amblyopia (decreased vision in the worse-seeing eye).

As for treatment, at present, unfortunately, there are no methods for conservative treatment of hypermetropia. It can be corrected with glasses and contacts. But a complete cure is possible only with the help of surgery.

Surgical treatment is aimed at enhancing the optical power of the eye. As a result, light rays are focused on the retina rather than behind it.

At the moment, the most popular operations for farsightedness are clear lens replacement, thermokeratoplasty, thermokeratocoagulation and positive lens implantation.

source http://www.vidal.ru/patsientam/entsiklopediya/Oftalmologiya/dalnozorkost.html