Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. The procedure and conditions for admission of citizens of the Russian Federation to the "Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation" - Rossiyskaya Gazeta Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation branches

The idea of ​​creating the St. Petersburg Academy of the Investigative Committee was personally supported by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, who signed a corresponding order. Since 2016, the Academy has been training highly qualified lawyers.

The emergence of the St. Petersburg Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation was due to the lack of specialized universities for training highly specialized personnel.

The educational process at the academy is provided by the following departments:

  • "Criminal Law and Criminology";
  • "Criminal trial";
  • "Forensics";
  • "State legal disciplines";
  • "Humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines";
  • "Civil legal disciplines";
  • "Information technologies";
  • "Linguistic disciplines";
  • "Physical and special training"

as well as two laboratories:

  • Forensic;
  • Distance educational technologies.

The university is constantly improving the educational process, following the principle of fundamentalization of education and focusing on the experience and traditions of domestic universities, as well as on the achievements of foreign higher education.

In the educational process, the teaching staff practices the use of interactive techniques, modern educational technologies and the latest multimedia training programs.

Students are trained by practitioners who have invaluable experience in investigative practical activities and scientific and pedagogical work, and veterans of the investigation.

To carry out educational activities, the academy has all the necessary conditions: material, human and information resources.

There is an extensive library of educational and scientific literature, specialized classrooms. In the computer class, students have the opportunity to use information reference and legal systems: “Garant”, “Consultant”, etc.

St. Petersburg Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation

The federal state government educational institution of higher education “Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation” was created by Government Order No. 889-r dated May 13, 2016 (hereinafter referred to as the Academy) and by Order of the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation dated May 19, 2016 No. 41 “On the creation of a federal state State educational institution of higher education "St. Petersburg Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation." The Academy was created on the basis of the St. Petersburg branch of the FGKOUVO “Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.”

The Academy carries out advanced training and professional retraining of employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the interests of obtaining professional knowledge and skills in the field of advanced domestic and foreign investigative practice.

Currently, the structure of the Academy is represented by two faculties: the Faculty of Law and Advanced Training, where educational programs of additional education and a higher education program in the field of specialty preparation - “Legal Support of National Security” are implemented.

The structure of the Academy includes departments for the implementation of educational programs of higher and further education, a forensic laboratory and a laboratory of distance educational technologies, units of educational and methodological work and logistics.

Rector of the Academy - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Honorary Employee of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Alexander Ivanovich Efremov, who headed the St. Petersburg branch of the Academy of the Investigative Committee from 2014 to 2016.


The Federal State Treasury Educational Institution of Higher Education “Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation” was created by Government Order No. 77-r dated January 27, 2014 (hereinafter referred to as the Moscow Academy). The institution was created on the basis of the Institute for Advanced Training of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Institute), formed in August 2010, which carried out advanced training and professional retraining of employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the interests of obtaining professional knowledge and skills in the field of advanced domestic and foreign investigative practices.

Currently, the structure of the Moscow Academy is represented by three institutes: the Law Institute (hereinafter referred to as YI), the Institute for Advanced Studies (hereinafter referred to as IPC) and the Research Institute of Forensic Science. More than 20 educational programs of additional education and higher education programs in the areas of specialty training - “Legal support of national security” are being implemented in the YuI and IPK.

The Moscow Academy has opened a Master's Degree (direction of training - in the master's program "Investigative Activity") and Postgraduate Studies (specialties: 12.00.08 - "Criminal Law and Criminology; Criminal Executive Law"; 12.00.09 - "Criminal Procedure"; 12.00.12 - “Forensic science; forensic activity; operational investigative activity”).

In September 2016, a department for military training of reserve officers was opened at the Moscow Academy.

The main goals of the Moscow Academy are to carry out educational activities under higher and further education programs, as well as train personnel to fill positions in the investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, which must be staffed with specialists with higher education.

The Moscow Academy is located in its own building complexes, has its own dormitories, has the required number of classrooms equipped with modern technical teaching aids, and its own library collection, which already today meets the required criteria for the amount of educational and scientific literature per student.

Currently, the scientific potential of the teaching staff of the Moscow Academy is at a fairly high level: about 80% of teachers have academic degrees of doctor and candidate of legal sciences. Practitioners with invaluable experience in investigative practical activities and scientific and pedagogical work, and veterans of the investigation, take an active part in the educational process.

For the effective implementation of educational activities that meet modern requirements of investigative practice, as well as modeling investigative situations, the Moscow Academy has a forensic training ground where practical classes in forensics are conducted using modern technical and forensic tools.

At each department of the Moscow Academy, the work of scientific student circles is organized.

The institution has organized a Volunteer Center, the main goal of which is to form an orientation among young people towards positive values ​​through involving them in the work of helping those in need, assisting in the spiritual development and self-realization of students.

The Moscow Academy publishes the Bulletin and four journals: “Investigation of crimes: problems and ways to solve them” (recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science for publishing the results of dissertation research); "The World of Forensics"; “The investigation has established”; "Higher education in the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation."

Registration N 34303

In accordance with Part 10 of Article 81 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598; 2013, N 19, Art. 2326; N 23 , Art. 2878; N 27, Art. 3462; N 30, Art. 4036; N 48, Art. 6165; 2014, N 6, Art. 562) and in order to ensure high-quality selection of citizens of the Russian Federation for admission to the federal state government educational institution of higher education "Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation", guided by Article 13 of the Federal Law of October 28, 2010 N 403-FZ "On the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, N 1, Art. 15; N 30, Art. 4595; N 46, Art. 6407; N 48, Art. 6730; 2012, N 50, Art. 6954; 2013, N 7, Art. 607; N 19, Art. 2329; N 27, Art. 3477; N 48, Art. 6165; N 52, Art. 6961; 2014, N 6, Art. 558), paragraph 43 of the Regulations on the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated January 14, 2011 N 38 "Issues of the activities of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation" Federation" (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 4, Art. 572; N 19, art. 2721; N 31, art. 4714; 2012, N 4, art. 471; N 12, art. 1391; N 21, art. 2632; N 26, art. 3497; N 28, art. 3880; N 48, art. 6662; 2013, N 49, art. 6399), I order:

1. To approve the attached procedure and conditions for admission of citizens of the Russian Federation to the federal state government educational institution of higher education "Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation".

2. Entrust control over the execution of the order to the Deputy Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Colonel General of Justice Yu.M. Nyrkova.

And about. Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation

Colonel General of Justice V. Piskarev

The procedure and conditions for admission of citizens of the Russian Federation to the federal state government educational institution of higher education "Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation"

I. General provisions

1.1. These procedures and conditions for admission of citizens of the Russian Federation to the federal state government educational institution of higher education "Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the procedure and conditions) regulate the issues of selection, conduct of entrance examinations and enrollment of citizens of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as citizens, candidates for study , entering) the federal state government educational institution of higher education "Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation" (hereinafter - the Academy) for training in the main educational programs of higher education (specialist and master's programs), and also establish the requirements for candidates for training in the main educational programs of higher education at the expense of the federal budget.

1.2. The procedure and conditions were developed in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law N 273-FZ), Federal Law of December 28, 2010 N 403-FZ “On the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation " (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law N 403-FZ), other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as the List of entrance tests for admission to higher education educational programs - bachelor's degree programs and specialty programs, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 09.01 .2014 N 1 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on January 23, 2014, registration N 31079) (hereinafter referred to as the List of Admissions Tests), other regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, legal acts of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Investigative Committee).

1.3. The Academy implements the main educational programs of specialty and master's degrees in accordance with the license to carry out educational activities.

1.4. Admission of citizens to the Academy of Places, the financial support of which is carried out from the federal budget, is carried out exclusively on the referrals of the investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee in accordance with the procedure and conditions.

Referrals are issued by the heads of the main investigative departments, investigative departments of the Investigative Committee for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and equivalent specialized (including military) investigative departments and investigative departments of the Investigative Committee.

The Academy, at the expense of the federal budget, prepares personnel to fill positions in the investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee that must be filled with specialists with higher education.

1.5. The number of places for admission to the Academy is determined by the need of the investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee for training personnel with appropriate qualifications and the Academy’s capabilities to implement educational programs.

II. Organization of selection of candidates for training for admission to the Academy

2.1. The selection and referral of citizens to study at the Academy are carried out in accordance with the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, legal acts of the Investigative Committee, including the procedure and conditions.

Responsibility for coordinating the activities of the investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee in carrying out the selection lies with the personnel department of the Investigative Committee.

2.2. The selection of candidates for training is carried out by the personnel units of the investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee (main investigative departments, investigative departments of the Investigative Committee for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and equivalent specialized (including military) investigative departments and investigative departments of the Investigative Committee).

2.3. The candidate for training submits an application to the head of the relevant investigative body of the Investigative Committee at the place of residence before May 1 of the year of admission to the Academy.

2.3.1. The application for admission shall indicate:

a) last name, first name, patronymic of the applicant (if available);

b) date of birth;

c) information about citizenship (lack of citizenship);

d) details of the identity document, including details of the issue of the specified document (when and by whom it was issued);

e) information on education and a document on education or on education and qualifications (state-issued document on the level of education or on the level of education qualifications received before January 1, 2014, a document on education and qualifications, document (documents) of a foreign state on education or education and qualifications if the education certified by the specified document is recognized in the Russian Federation at the level of the corresponding education in accordance with Article 107 of Federal Law N 273-FZ) (hereinafter referred to as the document of the established form);

f) information about the presence or absence of special rights of the applicant (if there are special rights - indicating information about documents confirming the presence of such rights) upon admission to study in a specialty program;

g) information about passing the Unified State Exam (hereinafter - the Unified State Exam) and its results or the place and timing of the Unified State Exam (if there are several Unified State Exam results that have not expired, it is indicated which Unified State Exam results and in which general education subjects should be used when conducting competition) upon admission to a specialty program;

h) information about the presence or absence of individual achievements of the applicant (if any, indicating information about them);

i) information about whether or not the applicant needs a place to live in a dormitory during the period of study;

j) residential address, email address (if available);

k) name of the educational organization and area of ​​training (specialty);

l) method of returning original documents in case of failure to enroll in training.

2.3.2. In the application, the candidate for training must certify the following facts with a personal signature:

a) familiarization of the candidate for training (including through public information systems):

with a copy of the license to carry out educational activities (with an attachment);

with a copy of the certificate of state accreditation (with an attachment) or with information about the absence of the specified certificate;

with information about the special rights and benefits provided to candidates for training when applying for training in a specialty program;

with the dates of completion of the submission by candidates for training of the original document of the established form at each stage and at each stage of enrollment, with the dates of completion of the submission by candidates for training of information on consent to enrollment;

with the rules for filing an appeal based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the Academy independently;

b) consent of the training candidate to the processing of his personal data;

c) familiarizing the candidate for training with information about responsibility for the accuracy of the information indicated in the application for admission and for the authenticity of the documents submitted for admission;

d) upon admission to a specialty program - the candidate for training does not have a bachelor's degree, specialist's diploma, or master's degree;

upon admission to study in a master's program - the candidate for study does not have a specialist diploma, a master's degree, with the exception of candidates for study who have a higher professional education, confirmed by the assignment of the qualification "certified specialist";

e) when enrolling in a specialty program:

confirmation of simultaneous submission of applications for admission to no more than 5 higher education organizations, including the Academy;

f) upon admission to study in a specialty program on the basis of special rights provided for in parts 4 and 6, paragraph 1 of part 12 of article 71, part 14 of article 108 of Federal Law N 273-FZ:

confirmation of submission of an application for admission to the Academy on the basis of the relevant special right.

2.3.3. When submitting documents required for admission, the application and the facts recorded in it are certified by the personal signature of the candidate for training or the signature of an authorized representative, if the candidate for training has granted the appropriate authority to the authorized person.

2.4. The head of the personnel division of the investigative body of the Investigative Committee or his deputy, after receiving the application, conducts an interview with each candidate for training and explains the nature of the upcoming training and work.

2.5. The selection of candidates for training includes an interview, a check related to ensuring the own safety of the investigative body of the Investigative Committee, which makes it possible to determine the suitability of citizens for service in the Investigative Committee in accordance with the requirements established by Article 16 of Federal Law N 403-FZ, the possibility and feasibility of sending them for training to the Academy, medical examination, control for the presence of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in the body.

During the interview, a study of the candidate for training is carried out, aimed at obtaining objective data about his personal qualities necessary for successful training and subsequent career activities in the investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee, and individual psychological characteristics.

Based on the results of a medical examination and monitoring for the presence of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in the body, the suitability of a candidate for training for health reasons to serve in the investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee and to study at the Academy is determined.

2.7. The formation of personal files of candidates for training is carried out by employees of the personnel departments of the investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee.

2.8. The personal file of a candidate for training is submitted by the investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee to the admissions committee of the Academy within the period established by the admission rules of the federal state government educational institution of higher education "Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the admission rules), and must contain:

1) a copy of a document of the established form certified by the personnel unit of the investigative body of the Investigative Committee (if available).

In the absence of a document of the established form during the formation of the personal file of the candidate for training, the document of the established form or a copy thereof is additionally submitted by the investigative body of the Investigative Committee to the Academy no later than the day the documents are received.

When enrolling in a specialty program, if the candidate for training has primary vocational education, they are presented with a state-issued document on primary vocational education, which contains a record of receiving secondary (complete) general education;

2) a copy of the document certified by the personnel department of the investigative body on the results of passing the unified state exam in the disciplines “Russian Language”, “Social Studies”, “History” (if available).

In the absence of a certificate of passing the Unified State Exam during the formation of the candidate’s personal file for training, the specified certificate or a copy thereof is additionally submitted by the investigative body of the Investigative Committee to the Academy no later than the day the documents are received;

3) a personal personnel record sheet with a photograph measuring 3.5 x 4.5 cm, which is filled out by the candidate for training;

4) autobiography;

5) a personally completed questionnaire signed by the candidate for training and the head of the personnel department of the investigative body of the Investigative Committee;

6) a copy of the candidate’s passport for training;

7) a copy of the passport of the spouse of the candidate for training, certificates of civil registration, birth of children (if any). Candidates for training who have ever changed their last name, first name, patronymic, submit to the admissions committee copies of certificates issued by civil registry authorities, or other documents confirming this fact;

8) characteristics from the last place of study (work);

9) a certificate of income, property and property-related obligations of the candidate for training, submitted upon admission to service in the investigative committee;

10) a certificate of income, property and property-related obligations of the spouse and minor children of the candidate for study (in case of marriage and the presence of minor children);

11) a copy of the compulsory health insurance policy for citizens (if available);

12) a certificate of the presence (absence) of a criminal record and (or) the fact of criminal prosecution on the termination of criminal prosecution on rehabilitative grounds, issued in the manner and in the form established by the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services for issuing certificates of presence (absence) ) a criminal record and (or) the fact of criminal prosecution or termination of criminal prosecution, approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 07.11.2011 N 1121 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 05.12.2011, registration N 22509) as amended by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 04.02.2013 N 62 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on April 18, 2013, registration N 28199);

13) copies of a military ID or certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service with the necessary marks (for those liable for military service and persons subject to conscription for military service);

14) medical report on the state of health of the established form N 086у;

15) a certificate from a drug treatment clinic confirming the absence of diseases that prevent entry into the civil service;

16) a certificate from a psychoneurological dispensary confirming the absence of diseases that prevent entry into the civil service;

17) a copy of the financial personal account (if absent, an extract from the house register or a single housing document);

18) 3 photographs each on matte thin photo paper measuring 3.5 cm x 4 cm and 4 cm x 6 cm;

19) referral of a candidate for training, signed by the head of the investigative body of the Investigative Committee;

20) application of a candidate for training addressed to the rector of the Academy (a sample application is posted on the official website of the Academy);

21) for the use of a special right or advantage by the winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad - a diploma of the winner or prize-winner of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, received no earlier than 4 years before the end of the acceptance of documents and entrance examinations, inclusive, or a document confirming receipt of such a diploma during the specified period;

22) for the use of a special right or advantage by members of national teams - a document confirming that the applicant was included in the number of members of the national team no earlier than 4 years before the end of the acceptance of documents and entrance examinations, inclusive;

23) to use the right to admission within the quota for admission of citizens with special rights - a document confirming that the applicant is one of the relevant persons, including persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, until they reach age 23 years;

24) to use the preferential right of enrollment specified in Part 9 of Article 71 of Federal Law N 273-FZ - a document confirming that the applicant is one of the persons provided for in subparagraphs 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 13 of Part 7 of the article 71 Federal Law N 273-FZ;

25) to use the preferential right of enrollment specified in Part 10 of Article 71 of Federal Law N 273-FZ - a document of the established form issued by a general education organization or a professional educational organization administered by a federal government body and implementing additional general education programs aimed at training minor students to military or other government service;

26) for the use of a special right or advantage by the winners and prize-winners of school Olympiads - a diploma of the winner or prize-winner of the School Olympiad, received no earlier than 1 year before the end of the acceptance of documents and entrance examinations, inclusive, or a document confirming receipt of such a diploma within the specified period.

The documents specified in subparagraphs 21 - 26 of this paragraph are attached to the personal file if available and at the request of the candidate for training.

The document specified in subparagraphs 23, 24 of this paragraph is accepted if its validity period expires no earlier than the day the acceptance of documents and entrance examinations is completed. A candidate for study may submit, when submitting the documents required for admission, the document specified in the above subparagraphs of this paragraph, the validity of which expires earlier than the day the acceptance of documents and entrance examinations is completed, but not earlier than the day the application for admission is submitted;

27) a final certificate based on the results of studying the candidate’s documents for training.

Copies of documents in the personal file must be certified by an authorized employee of the investigative body of the Investigative Committee.

The application for admission may also be accompanied by documents, the presentation of which is in the interests of the candidates for training, including documents confirming the results of the individual achievements of the candidates for training.

2.9. The materials of the personal file of a candidate for training for admission to the Academy are reviewed in the personnel department of the investigative body of the Investigative Committee with the participation of employees of the internal security unit of the corresponding investigative body of the Investigative Committee.

2.10. The personnel division of the investigative body of the Investigative Committee prepares a conclusion on the possibility of studying at the Academy and the candidate’s admission to the competition for training, which is approved by the head of the investigative body of the Investigative Committee or the person performing his duties.

If the decision is positive, the head of the investigative body of the Investigative Committee or the person performing his duties issues the candidate for training a referral for admission to the Academy.

2.11. In the personal file, among others, there must be a student agreement concluded in accordance with Part 5 of Article 16 of Federal Law N 403-FZ (hereinafter referred to as the agreement).

2.12. The agreement specifies the date and place of its conclusion, the parties to the agreement, the rights and obligations of the parties, as well as all the conditions on which an agreement must be reached, in particular:

1) the citizen’s obligation to serve in the investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee for a period of at least 5 years after graduation from the Academy;

2) the obligation of the Investigative Committee to ensure that the citizen receives higher education in the specialty necessary to fill the corresponding position in the investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee;

3) an instruction prohibiting the involvement of Academy students in performing tasks associated with a threat to life or health;

4) form of mastering the educational program;

5) conditions for internship.

The terms of the agreement can be changed only by agreement of the parties and in writing.

The agreement provides for the responsibility of the parties for failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of duties and obligations assumed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The agreement is concluded in writing in two copies, each of which is signed by the parties to the agreement. One copy of the agreement is given to the candidate for training, the other is kept in his personal file.

III. Organization of admission to the Academy

3.1. Admission to educational programs is carried out on a competitive basis, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The Academy conducts admissions to specialist and master's programs based on the results of individual competitions in accordance with the results of entrance examinations.

Admission to the Academy for the first year of study in the specialty program is carried out based on the results of entrance tests in general education subjects, conducted in accordance with the List of entrance tests in the disciplines "Russian language", "social studies", "history" (hereinafter referred to as general education entrance tests) and additional entrance examination in the discipline "Russian language" in written form (essay).

The results of general education entrance examinations are recognized as the results of the Unified State Examination, obtained no earlier than 4 years before the end of the acceptance of documents and entrance examinations, inclusive, and valid on the date of entry into force of Federal Law N 273-FZ.

3.2. Admission to the Academy for the first year of study in the master's program is carried out based on the results of entrance examinations, the establishment of a list and procedure for which is carried out by the Academy independently.

3.3. The results of the Unified State Examination, recognized as the results of general education entrance examinations, confirming the successful completion of entrance examinations in general education subjects, should not be lower than the established minimum number of points.

For the general education entrance test, the minimum number of points used is the minimum number of Unified State Exam points required for admission to specialty programs and established by the federal executive body exercising control and supervision functions in the field of education (Part 4 of Article 70 of Federal Law N 273-FZ ).

The minimum number of points for the additional entrance test, as well as for the entrance test conducted by the Academy independently for admission to the master's program, is established by the Academy independently.

The minimum number of points cannot be changed during admission.

3.4. Admission to the Academy is carried out on the principles of equal admission conditions for all applicants, with the exception of citizens who, in accordance with Federal Law N 273-FZ, are granted special rights (benefits) when applying for training.

The Academy must ensure an objective assessment of the abilities, inclinations and level of training of applicants, enrollment from among applicants with the appropriate level of education, the most capable and prepared to master the educational program of the appropriate level and the appropriate orientation of candidates for study.

3.5. List of citizens who are granted special rights when admitted to the Academy for training in a specialty program: admission without entrance tests, admission within the established quota or preferential right of enrollment subject to successful completion of entrance tests and other things being equal, as well as the procedure and grounds for granting special rights are determined in accordance with Article 71 of Federal Law N 273-FZ.

3.6. The right to admission without entrance tests are the winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren (hereinafter referred to as the winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad), members of national teams of the Russian Federation who participated in international Olympiads in general education subjects and formed in the manner established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as members of national teams), if the specialty (direction of training) corresponds to the profile of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren or an international Olympiad. The correspondence of the profile of these Olympiads to the specialty (direction of training) is determined by the Academy’s admissions committee.

3.6.1. Orphans and children without parental care, as well as persons from among orphans and children without parental care have the right to be admitted to the Academy for training at the expense of budgetary allocations within the established quota. The admission quota for the specified categories of candidates for training is established annually by the Academy in the amount of no less than 10 percent of the total volume of control figures allocated to the Academy for the next year under the specialty program.

3.6.2. Preferential right to enroll in the Academy is granted to graduates of general education organizations under the jurisdiction of the Investigative Committee and implementing additional general education programs aimed at preparing minors for public service.

3.6.3. Winners and prize-winners of Olympiads for schoolchildren, held in the manner established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as Olympiads for schoolchildren) (Part 3 of Article 77 of Federal Law N 273-FZ), are granted the following special rights when admitted to study in a specialty program, subject to compliance specialties (areas of training) in the profile of the Olympiad for schoolchildren:

a) admission without entrance tests to study in a specialty program. The correspondence of the Olympiad profile to the specialty (direction of training) is determined by the Academy’s admissions committee;

b) be equated to persons who have scored the maximum number of Unified State Examination points in a general education subject corresponding to the profile of the school Olympiad, or to persons who have successfully passed an additional entrance test.

These special rights may be granted to the same training candidates. In the case of granting the special right specified in subparagraph "b", candidates for training are given the highest result (100 points) of the corresponding entrance test(s).

These special rights are granted by decision of the Academy's admissions committee. The special right granted to the winners of the School Olympiad is also granted to the winners of the School Olympiad. The special right granted to the winners or winners and prize-winners of school Olympiads of the III level is also granted, respectively, to the winners or winners and prize-winners of Olympiads for schoolchildren of the I and II levels of the corresponding profile, the special right granted to the winners or winners and prize-winners of Olympiads for schoolchildren of the II level - also, respectively, to the winners or winners and prize-winners of Olympiads for schoolchildren of the first level of the corresponding profile.

3.6.4. By decision of the Academy's admissions committee, candidates for study are given an advantage by establishing the highest result (100 points) of a general education entrance test corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad, or an additional entrance test corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad:

winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad, members of national teams, winners and prize-winners of school Olympiads - upon admission to study without the use of special rights specified respectively in subclause 1 of part 4 and clause 1 of part 12 of article 71 of Federal Law N 273-FZ.

3.6.5. Candidates for training who are winners and prize-winners of the School Olympiad must have USE results not lower than the established number of USE points:

to use the special right specified in subparagraph "a" of paragraph 3.6.3 of the procedure and conditions - in one or more general education subjects determined by the Academy's admissions committee from among those corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad;

to use the special right specified in subclause "b" of clause 3.6.3 of the procedure and conditions, or an advantage by establishing the highest result (100 points) of a general education entrance test or an additional entrance test corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad - in a general education subject corresponding to the entrance test.

The Academy sets the specified number of Unified State Exam points in the amount of at least 65 points for each of the specified general education subjects.

3.7. Monitoring compliance with the procedure and conditions for admitting citizens to the Academy is carried out by the Personnel Department of the Investigative Committee.

3.8. The Academy, insofar as it does not contradict the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as the Procedure and Conditions, annually develops and approves admission rules that determine the deadlines for sending personal files of candidates for study to the Academy, the deadlines, list, form and procedure for conducting entrance tests, rules for submission and consideration of appeals, procedure and conditions of the competition.

3.9. When selecting candidates for training, the investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee must familiarize them with the admission rules.

3.10. To review the materials of personal files of candidates for study for admission to the Academy, organizational support for admission to study, including the organization and conduct of entrance tests, additional entrance tests, competition and enrollment at the Academy, an admissions committee is created, the chairman of which is the rector of the Academy.

3.11. The selection committee may include representatives of the Academy’s divisions, the central office of the Investigative Committee, as well as representatives of the investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee. The powers and work procedure of the selection committee are determined by the Regulations on the selection committee, approved by the rector. Meetings of the selection committee are documented in minutes, which are approved by its chairman.

3.12. The work of the admissions committee, office work, personal reception of candidates for study and their parents (legal representatives, guardians, trustees) is organized by the executive secretary, who is appointed by order of the rector of the Academy.

3.13. To organize and conduct entrance examinations and additional entrance examinations, the chairman of the admissions committee approves the composition of subject examination and appeal commissions, the formation procedure, powers and activities of which are regulated by the relevant provisions approved by order of the rector of the Academy.

3.14. The powers and procedures of the examination and appeal commissions are determined by the relevant regulations approved by the chairman of the selection committee.

IV. Organization of informing citizens entering the Academy

4.1. Before accepting documents, the admissions committee posts the following on the information stand and on the official website of the Academy:

a list of specialties and areas of training for which the Academy announces admission to study, indicating the conditions for admission;

a list of entrance tests for each individual competition;

information about the special rights and benefits provided to candidates for training when admitted to study in a specialty program (with the exception of special rights and benefits due to the levels of school Olympiads).

admission rules approved by the Academy;

information on the possibility of submitting documents for admission to study in electronic form;

information about the priority of entrance examinations when ranking candidates for training based on the results of entrance examinations;

information on the forms and programs of the entrance test, additional entrance test;

information about the language in which the entrance test and additional entrance test are taken;

information on the procedure for recording individual achievements established by the admission rules approved by the Academy;

information about the need for candidates for training to undergo a mandatory medical examination;

the minimum number of points for each entrance test, additional entrance test for each competition;

information about postal addresses for sending documents required for admission.

the number of places for admission to study for each set of admission conditions;

information about places for receiving documents required for admission;

rules for filing and considering appeals based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the Academy independently;

information on the availability of a dormitory and the number of places in the dormitory for non-resident candidates for study;

information about the special rights and benefits provided to candidates for training, depending on the levels of school Olympiads.

schedule of entrance examinations;

the date of completion of the submission by candidates for training of the original document of the established form at each stage and at each stage of enrollment upon admission to training.

4.2. During the period of accepting documents, the admissions committee posts daily on the official website information about the number of applications submitted and the competition for each area of ​​training (specialty), organizes the functioning of telephone lines to answer questions related to the admission of citizens to the Academy.

V. Conditions of admission

5.1. Citizens of the Russian Federation selected by the investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee who have a standard document on secondary general education, secondary vocational education, as well as a document on primary vocational education, if it contains a record of receiving secondary (complete) general education, are accepted into the Academy for training in the specialty program education that successfully passed the competitive selection.

When entering a specialty program, competitions are not held depending on the level of education of candidates for training.

Citizens of the Russian Federation selected in the prescribed manner by the investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee who have a higher education confirmed by the award of the qualification (degree) “Bachelor”, or higher professional education confirmed by the award of the qualification “certified specialist”, who have successfully passed the competitive examination, are admitted to the Academy for training in the master’s program. selection.

5.2. If the personal files of candidates for training meet the established requirements, the admissions committee sends information to the investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee about the acceptance of the personal file of the candidate for training and his admission to study for the entrance test, additional entrance test, indicating the time of arrival at the Academy.

5.3. Within the period established by the rules of admission, a candidate for study at the Academy, when registering his arrival, must present an identification document (passport) and provide the admission committee with the original document on education, the results of the Unified State Examination (if available), for which he will be given an admission receipt documents. In the absence of an identity document, the candidate for study is not allowed to take the entrance examination.

5.4. When registering candidates for training at the Academy, the fact of familiarization with the license for the right to carry out educational activities of the Academy and its annexes in the chosen field of study (specialty) is recorded and certified by the signature of the candidate for training. In the same order, the signature of candidates for training certifies the following:

Receiving higher education at this level for the first time;

Confirmation of filing applications for bachelor's or specialty programs at no more than five universities (including the Academy);

Authenticity of the submitted documents;

Familiarization (including through public information systems) with the date of submission of the original state document on education;

Familiarization (including through the official website or information stand of the Academy) with the rules for filing an appeal;

The decision to use or not to use the special rights available to him when entering the Academy.

5.5. The start and end dates for accepting documents to the Academy for training in each educational program, the start and end of the entrance examinations are established by the rules of admission.

5.6. A candidate for study who has the right to admission without entrance examinations may submit an application (applications) for admission to study at a higher education organization without entrance examinations (at the expense of budgetary allocations - only to one organization.

Candidates for training who have special rights for admission to a specialty program can take advantage of the special rights specified in Part 4, Subclause 1 of Part 12 of Article 71 of Federal Law N 273-FZ by submitting an application of their choice for admission to one educational organization of higher education. education for one state-accredited educational program of the choice of the candidate for study (regardless of the number of grounds determining the corresponding special right).

Simultaneously with submitting an application for admission to study using each of the above special rights, the candidate for study has the right to submit an application (applications) for admission to study without using the specified special rights to the Academy, as well as to other higher education organizations for the same and (or ) other educational programs.

5.7. The original state document on education and other documents can be returned to the candidate for study only on the basis of a written application and an identity document within the next working day after the application. The issuance of documents of a candidate for study is possible to the parents of the applicant(s) (legal representatives, guardians, trustees) and other persons on the basis of a simple written power of attorney to receive documents.

5.8. The compliance of the documents of candidates for training with the requirements of these procedures and conditions and the decision on the admission of candidates for training to the competitive selection is carried out by the selection committee. This decision is documented in a protocol, which is approved by the chairman of the admissions committee and brought to the attention of the investigative authorities before the start of the entrance examinations.

The Academy publishes on its official website a list of candidates for training who have submitted the documents required for admission, indicating information about admission or refusal to accept documents (in case of refusal, indicating the reasons for the refusal).

VI. Entrance tests

6.1. Candidates for training whose personal files are drawn up in accordance with these procedures and conditions are allowed to take entrance examinations at the Academy.

6.2. The dates for conducting entrance examinations are indicated for the entire period of their conduct.

6.3. For applicants to the master's program, an entrance test is carried out in the form of an interdisciplinary exam in the scope of the federal state educational standard of higher education for the Bachelor of Law preparation program.

An additional entrance test in the Russian language for citizens entering a specialty program is carried out according to the entrance test program approved by the chairman of the admissions committee, compiled in the scope of the curriculum of secondary general education on the basis of the federal state educational standard of secondary general education and the federal state educational standard of basic general education.

6.4. Final exams at preparatory departments, courses (schools) at universities are not counted as entrance tests.

6.5. Winners and prize-winners of Olympiads for schoolchildren, if the profile of the Olympiad corresponds to the field of study (specialty), are granted special rights when admitted to the Academy under a specialty program.

6.6. The schedule of entrance examinations (subject, date, time, examination group, test location, consultations, date of announcement of results) is approved by the chairman of the admissions committee and brought to the attention of candidates for study within the period established by the admission rules.

The names of the chairmen of the examination commissions and examiners are not indicated in the schedule of entrance examinations.

The admissions test schedule provides for an additional reserve day(s) for study candidates who did not appear for the admissions test for a valid reason (illness or other documented circumstances).

6.7. Candidates for training take entrance examinations in Russian.

6.8. Candidates for study who withdrew documents after the completion of their admission, did not appear at the time specified in the schedule without good reason for the entrance test, additional entrance test, or who received a result in the entrance test, additional entrance test below the established minimum number of points confirming successful completion of the entrance test, are eliminated from the competition.

6.9. A candidate for training who does not appear for the entrance test or additional entrance test for a valid reason (illness or other circumstances confirmed by documents) is allowed to attend on an additional reserve day.

If it is impossible to appear for the entrance test, the candidate for training must inform the admissions committee about this before the start of the test and submit the relevant document. In this case, he is given the opportunity to take the test on a reserve day or individually in the period before their complete completion.

6.10. When organizing the entrance test, additional entrance test, conducted by the Academy independently, for each field of study (specialty) of higher education, the candidate for study is not allowed to participate in the entrance test again during the current year of admission.

6.11. Candidates for training admitted to the entrance test and additional entrance test are given an examination sheet with a photograph, sealed.

6.12. Candidates for training are required to arrive for the entrance test and additional entrance test with an identification document (passport) and an examination sheet. Candidates for study who came to the entrance test without documents (passport and examination sheet) are not allowed to take the entrance test.

6.13. For the entrance test and additional entrance test, a grading scale and a minimum number of points are established, confirming the successful completion of the entrance test (additional entrance test) (hereinafter referred to as the minimum number of points).

The results of the entrance test (additional entrance test) are assessed on a 100-point system.

A training candidate who receives a test score below the established minimum number of points is not allowed to further participate in the competition. In case of disagreement with the test result, the candidate for training has the right to appeal.

6.14. During the period of entrance examinations, the Academy creates appeal commissions, the composition of which is approved by order of the rector. The Academy's appeal commissions do not have the right to accept appeals regarding the procedure and results of entrance examinations in the form and based on the Unified State Examination materials.

VII. Enrollment in the Academy

7.1. Candidates for training who have successfully passed the entrance examination are enrolled in the Academy on a competitive basis.

7.2. The admission procedure is preceded by posting on the official website and on the information stand of the Academy within the period established by the admission rules, approved by the chairman of the admissions committee, complete lists of names:

applicants without entrance examinations for each set of admission conditions;

applicants who have passed the entrance examinations (hereinafter - the competitive lists), for each competition, indicating the number of points scored for each entrance test, as well as the total number of points scored (hereinafter - the sum of the competition points).

7.3. Lists of applicants are updated daily until the relevant orders for enrollment are issued.

7.3.1. Lists of applicants without entrance examinations are ranked as follows:

members of national teams;

winners of the All-Russian School Olympiad;

winners of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren;

winners of school Olympiads;

winners of school Olympiads.

Within each of these categories, higher places in the list are occupied by candidates for training who have a preferential right to enroll.

7.3.2. Competitive lists are ranked as follows:

in descending order of the amount of competitive points;

if the sum of competitive points is equal - in descending order of the number of points scored based on the results of individual entrance examinations, in accordance with the priority of entrance examinations;

in case of equality according to the previous criteria, a higher place in the list is occupied by candidates for training who have a preferential right to enrollment.

To rank the competitive lists, the Academy sets the priority of entrance examinations.

7.4. The decision to enroll citizens to study at the Academy is made at a meeting of the admissions committee. The decision to enroll is formalized in a protocol, on the basis of which a corresponding order is issued by the rector of the Academy.

7.5. Orders for admission indicating the number of points scored in the entrance examinations and the basis for admission are posted on the official website of the Academy and on the information stand of the admissions committee on the day of their publication and must be available to users within 6 months from the date of their publication.

7.6. Enrollment of citizens entering the Academy for the first year, as well as posting of relevant information about enrollment on the Academy’s official website, is carried out within the time limits established by the admission rules.

Candidates for training included in the list of persons recommended for enrollment and who have not submitted (withdrawn) the original document of the established form within the prescribed period are eliminated from the competition and are considered as having refused enrollment.

7.7. The Academy, no later than ten days after the issuance of the order of the rector of the Academy on enrollment in training, sends extracts from the order for citizens enrolled in training to the investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee.

7.8. If there are places left vacant after enrollment based on the results of the competition or the return of documents to applicants, the founder of the Academy in exceptional cases may grant the Academy the right to announce additional admission to the field of study (specialty).

The organization of additional admission and the terms of enrollment are carried out in accordance with the rules of admission.