Healthy eating: recipes for every day. Healthy eating for weight loss

The desire to improve the quality of life is a normal desire of a reasonable person. The first thing to start with is a healthy diet based on proper distribution of calories, taking into account the compatibility and environmental safety of products.

What is proper nutrition

The goal of proper nutrition is to:

  • supply the human body with enough nutrients so that all life systems work normally, the person remains cheerful and active;

Attention! Any strict restrictions (including fasting) lead to stress. You can have a fasting day once a week, but under no circumstances exhaust yourself with hunger.

  • the daily menu brought gastronomic joy and a feeling of fullness;
  • energy balance was maintained (the correct ratio of calories consumed and consumed is necessary - depending on whether you want to lose weight, gain weight, or leave the weight parameter unchanged);
  • slow down the aging process at the cellular level (healthy nutrition differs from “ordinary” in that benign and natural products become a priority - with a complete rejection of various synthetic substitutes);
  • correct some diseases (for example, eliminating sugar against diabetes, avoiding marinades and smoked foods against gastritis, a diet rich in calcium to strengthen bones, etc.).

Basic principles of healthy eating

There are general principles underlying proper nutrition, regardless of a person’s age, gender and type of activity. Each of these principles contributes to the final positive result.

Meal frequency

Make a menu for the week in such a way that the body receives food daily in fractional parts, at least 3 times a day. The 5-day option is considered optimal;

Attention! With frequent intake of food into the stomach, digestion is adjusted to a gentle regime - the organs work without stress, easily coping with each successive portion of material.


Let all your menu items be sold on the clock - at approximately the same time every day. And so on all week. This approach adjusts the stomach to timely release digestive enzymes in the right quantities.


Avoid overeating, but at the same time, do not starve yourself for the sake of “greater goals.” Think over your diet so that you never feel hungry. It is a well-known fact that fasting people often begin to gain weight quickly after their weight loss diet ends;

Attention! The body, hungry for food, is in a state of stress, so it automatically adjusts to creating energy (and therefore fat) reserves.


There should be harmony in everything. Plan your fat, protein, carbohydrate, water and salt intake throughout the week in advance. Don’t try to “fulfill the plan” in terms of how much you eat. Emphasis on uniformity and reasonable protein/fat/carbohydrate ratios (BJU).

Also, always be mindful of calories. It is not visible from the outside, but each product, when included in the diet, supplies a certain amount of calories. Their excess will lead to an increase in fat reserves. Deficiency leads to depletion of the body.

Attention! People who are actively involved in sports or undergo a lot of physical activity should not underestimate their daily calorie intake.

According to scientists, the daily calorie requirement is:

Only the most useful

A healthy diet should include only good quality foods. Excessive heat treatment is also undesirable. The closer the structure remains to the original, the better.

Write down a set of basic rules in a visible place:

  • reduce the amount of fried, smoked, pickled foods;
  • preference - stewed and boiled food, as well as steamed;
  • Eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible every week, and if possible raw. After heat treatment, fruits and vegetables lose the lion's share of nutrients.

Attention! The benefits of plant fiber are unprecedented as a natural intestinal cleanser. The body gets rid of toxins and carcinogens, which in today's environment cannot be avoided.

How to create a healthy menu for the week

Start planning your menu for the week in advance. You probably have your favorite dishes, but try not to repeat the same dish more than once every 3 days. Invent new recipes to achieve variety.

To begin, select any example from the list of recommended dishes for one day and count the calories. After that, go further, write down your diet for the whole week (then for a month). Here are some indicative meals to get you started with your planning.


Take any example from the list or modify it:

  • buckwheat, millet, rice, oat, wheat, barley porridge - prepare the dish with low-fat milk or water, season with vegetable oils;
  • a handful of nuts (various varieties, both individually and in the form of mixtures);
  • steamed dried fruits (no more than ½ standard bowl at a time);
  • curdled milk, kefir, whey with berry juice - 1 glass;
  • whole grain bread (110-135 g per meal);
  • low-fat cheese 3-4 slices;
  • a slice of lightly salted fish;
  • vegetable salad with fresh herbs;
  • fruit salad;
  • cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream;
  • yogurt;
  • omelet from 3 chicken or 5 quail eggs.

Attention! The diet should include items that correspond to the table of caloric content and ratio of BZHU.

Healthy eating for lunches

  • fresh fruit - apple, pear, a couple of kiwis, citrus fruits (orange, tangerines, ½ pomelo), banana;
  • dark chocolate - no more than 25 g;
  • kefir or yogurt - 1 glass;

Attention! Add a spoonful of pureed fresh berries, homemade jam or honey to kefir or yogurt. This will add sweetness and diversify the range of dishes.

Lunch on your menu

Your diet will be quite varied if the following dishes appear on the lunch menu:

  • pasta from durum wheat;
  • low-fat cheese for dressing pasta;
  • vegetarian pizza;
  • vegetable cream soups (tomato, onion, vegetable), seasoned with rye bread croutons;
  • lean meats (chicken breast, turkey fillet, veal, lean beef);
  • stewed vegetables (cauliflower and cabbage, carrots, zucchini, bell peppers, onions, celery, beets);
  • soy meat goulash with the addition of low-fat sour cream and flour for gravy;
  • fish boiled or baked in the oven;
  • low-fat lasagna (for example, mushroom, vegetable or mixed);
  • vegetable soup with lean meat (shurpa);
  • legumes stewed in water (lentils, beans, peas);
  • fresh vegetable salads;
  • boiled seafood (squid, shrimp).


Try to plan 5 meals a day throughout the week. The afternoon snack takes on part of the load from the upcoming dinner, thereby unloading the body and reducing the load on the digestive tract.

Interesting options:

  • natural juice from vegetables, fruits or berries - 1 glass;
  • a handful of steamed dried fruits;
  • cottage cheese with jam;
  • sweet yogurt;
  • buckwheat, rye or rice bread 2-3 pcs.;
  • low-fat cottage cheese with fresh chopped herbs;
  • some fruits (grapes, plums, apricots, peaches);
  • unroasted nuts.


It is advisable that the evening menu contain as little animal protein as possible. Preference for dishes such as:

  • cottage cheese casseroles, cheesecakes;
  • vegetable casseroles with low-fat cheese in the oven;
  • vegetable salads, possibly with the addition of seafood;
  • a little boiled chicken white meat or a piece of steamed fish;
  • light omelette of 2 chicken eggs with vegetables;
  • chopped fresh herbs;
  • olives, olives;
  • boiled or steamed brown rice;
  • pancakes made from vegetables, sometimes with mushrooms;
  • kefir, yogurt - 1 glass;
    a couple of slices of black bread.

Menu for one week for a girl

Here is a good example of a balanced diet for a week for girls and young women. This category is most concerned about their diet, since it most directly affects their appearance.

It is the girls who are concerned about cellulite (it doesn’t threaten girls yet, it doesn’t bother older women anymore, and it doesn’t concern men at all). What should you eat all week in order to maintain both internal health and external beauty?

Attention! Cellulite occurs due to lipid metabolism disorders. Eat as little animal fat as possible. Against this background, drink 1.8-2.5 liters of clean water per day.


  • cocoa with sugar and milk - 1 glass;
  • unsweetened cheesecakes or cottage cheese casserole;
  • dried fruits - 1 handful.


  • fresh berries (150-200 g) - raspberries, currants, gooseberries, strawberries, etc. at your discretion;
  • whipped cream 100 g;
  • black tea with honey - 1 glass.
  • seafood soup with vegetables;
  • boiled brown rice;
  • a piece of fish, steamed or baked in foil;
  • sweet corn 2-4 tbsp. l.;
  • you can drink ½ glass of dry wine.
  • oatmeal cookies or light biscuit with added bran;
  • fruit juice (oranges, tangerines, kiwi, pineapple, etc.).
  • vegetable salad;
  • a piece of dietary meat cooked on the grill or in the oven (rabbit, turkey, chicken);
  • tea from currant leaves with honey.


  • milk porridge - millet or rice;
  • Cup of coffee;
  • bran bread;
  • 2-4 slices of low-fat cheese.


  • citrus juice;
  • crackers or large grain cookies;
  • sweet cottage cheese or yogurt.
  • thick borscht with meat broth;
  • sour cream for dressing 1 tsp. or tbsp. spoon;
  • potatoes stewed with meat;
  • vegetable mixture (green peas with onions or olives with bell pepper);
  • Rye bread;
  • a glass of any tea.
  • dried fruits with nuts;
  • cocoa with low-fat milk (can be without sugar, as dried fruits will provide enough sweetness).
  • light meat salad (vegetables, some boiled white chicken, chopped herbs);
  • green tea with honey.


  • coffee or tea - 1 glass;
  • fruit and cottage cheese casserole;
  • buckwheat bread with jam.


  • dried fruits;
  • sweet curd.
  • canned stewed meat;
  • side dish of vegetables or legumes;
  • green salad;
  • Rye bread;
  • tea or fruit juice.
  • tomato juice;
  • 1-2 crispy slices;
  • 3-4 slices of cheese.
  • a piece of steamed fish;
  • stewed cauliflower and cabbage with tomatoes;
  • brown or red rice;
  • lemon balm tea with oregano.


  • boiled buckwheat with mushrooms;
  • cheese 3-4 slices;
  • tea with milk;
  • crackers.


  • yogurt with fat content no higher than 6-11%;
  • fresh fruits (banana, pear or apple, kiwi or grapes);
  • green tea.
  • Rye bread;
  • vegetable stew (green beans, beets, potatoes, zucchini, tomatoes, green peas, bell peppers, cabbage);
  • a piece of turkey baked in foil;
  • cocoa with low-fat milk and honey.
  • berry compote;
  • light biscuit or oatmeal cookies.
  • low-fat cottage cheese with herbs;
  • a glass of cocoa or tea;
  • a handful of dried fruits.


  • oatmeal with milk;
  • fruit salad (banana, apple, nuts, tangerine, kiwi);
  • Cup of coffee;
  • a handful of nuts.


  • 20 g dark chocolate;
  • green tea;
  • yogurt.
  • pea soup with chicken giblets;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • chicken or rabbit cutlet;
  • greens, any vegetable salad;
  • tomato juice.
  • cheese 2-3 slices;
  • dried fruits compote;
  • crispy crackers 2-3 pcs.
  • Steamed fish;
  • vegetable stew;
  • kefir or yogurt;
  • black bread.


  • omelette with mushrooms;
  • bran or black bread;
  • fresh sliced ​​vegetables (tomatoes, bell peppers);
  • cocoa with milk or coffee with honey.


  • sweet curd;
  • fresh berries;
  • kefir or yogurt.
  • fish soup;
  • boiled brown or red rice;
  • fresh vegetable salad;
  • biscuit or marshmallow (1 pc.);
  • fresh fruit juice;
  • oatmeal cookies 2-3 pcs.
  • steamed vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, green beans, etc.);
  • boiled pasta made from durum flour;
  • a piece of lean meat or light steamed fish;
  • green tea.


  • oatmeal, millet or barley groats, boiled in low-fat milk;
  • fresh berries;
  • kefir or yogurt;
  • Cup of coffee.


  • dark chocolate 20-25 g;
  • crispy slices 2 pcs.;
  • uncooked coarse bun;
  • fruit juice.
  • chicken soup;
  • vegetables stewed with garlic;
  • hard cheese 2-3 slices;
  • tomato juice.
  • a handful of nuts;
  • fruit salad;
  • whipped cream with jam or berry syrup;
  • stewed fish;
  • fresh vegetables in the form of salad or sliced;
  • brown rice or pasta made from coarse flour;
  • herbal tea (mint, oregano, thyme).

No matter how carefully your menu is, remember about additional measures to improve your health: good sleep, physical activity, positive thinking. As for the nutrition system, you need to monitor its effectiveness, monitor weight and other vital indicators. If you feel better, then you are moving in the right direction.

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“A man is what he eats.” The ancient sages, as always, turned out to be right, and we can be convinced of their rightness by looking at ourselves in the mirror and leafing through volumes of our medical histories... Today it is fashionable to scold the poor ecology, stress and the frantic pace of life, blaming them for our poor health, but the truth sooner or later it opens up to everyone - as long as we, without thinking, throw whatever we can into ourselves, we can’t even dream of good health.

There is one principle that helps to smoothly switch to a healthy diet: everything that is not harmful is healthy. It is known that the products we consume are conventionally divided into useful and harmful. What are the so-called harmful products? Unfortunately, the average person cannot imagine their menu without many of them. But if you really decide to eat healthy foods, give them up. We are talking about semi-finished products, canned food, spicy and fatty foods, soda, sweets with artificial confectionery fats and products with an abundance of preservatives, chemical dyes and flavors. Separately, I would like to say about fast foods and instant food. They should not be used under any circumstances! Even if you simply exclude this “set” from your diet, your body will feel a huge relief. Now you will steam, stew and bake using a steamer, oven or multicooker. The maximum task is to get all the most useful things from any product. This doesn’t mean that you will forever have to give up your favorite crispy-skinned chicken or fried potatoes, it’s just that these dishes will appear in your diet much less frequently.

Now about useful products. Scientists have long proposed a universal food pyramid, which indicates what and in what proportions you need to eat in order to live a long, healthy and happy life. First of all, it is worth saturating your diet with fruits, vegetables and whole grains, which will not only enrich the menu with fiber and healthy carbohydrates, but also provide the necessary amount of vitamins, minerals and microelements. In summer it can be all fresh vegetables: cucumber, zucchini, cauliflower, eggplant, bell pepper, etc. In winter - radish, beets, carrots, sauerkraut and other vegetables and fruits prepared with simple, “folk” means (fermentation , soaking, salting and canning in its natural form without salt and sugar). Consuming salted and pickled vegetables should be done in moderation. By the way, there should also be a limit on sugar. You can use frozen vegetables and fruits. Our site has repeatedly talked about how you can freeze the gifts of summer with minimal loss of benefits and maximum preservation of taste and aroma.

Your diet must contain protein foods: lean meat, cottage cheese, eggs, fish or vegetable proteins (legumes, soy, wheat, nuts). The healthiest meats are considered to be lean pork, veal and chicken (especially breast). This does not mean that you need to completely abandon the use of, say, offal, which has its own beneficial properties for the human body, just that a certain balance must be maintained between lean meat and meat products with a high amount of fat. As for fish, you can eat a lot of it and any fish, because even fatty sea fish will not harm your figure, but on the contrary, it will enrich the body with healthy Omega-3 acids. When choosing eggs, give preference to quail eggs - they are healthier and safer than chicken eggs. Normally, the average adult needs 1 chicken or 3-4 quail eggs per day.

You can and should use vegetable oil; it will not affect your figure. It makes sense to try other types of vegetable oils, besides the usual sunflower, both exotic and traditional, the main thing is that these oils are prepared by cold pressing and are not subjected to refining and deodorization. Of course, at first the aroma of the same sunflower oil will be unusual and even heavy. By the way, sunflower oil is far from first place in terms of benefits. Olive, cedar, and mustard oils are much lighter and richer in composition. The choice is huge now, you just have to be interested. Various vegetable oils make it possible to play with flavors when preparing the same fresh salads. Vegetable oils in interaction with fresh vegetables and fruits have the effect of maximizing metabolism acceleration.

Dairy products (cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir and milk) will help compensate for the lack of vitamin D and calcium. By the way, this does not mean at all that you need to choose only completely low-fat dairy products when creating your daily menu. Animal fat, like vegetable fat, is vital. It is a natural source and accumulator of energy, and is also required for the production of cholesterol (a substance that we are all accustomed to fear, but without which the normal functioning of our body is impossible). Therefore, your diet should include butter, sour cream, and milk with normal fat content - the main thing is not to exceed the limits of reason. But let's get back to calcium. Milk and dairy products, traditionally considered the main and main suppliers of this mineral to the body, are not able to provide it with calcium in the amount that is really necessary. But sesame seeds, poppy seeds and almonds cope with this A+ task. If you want your child to receive enough calcium every day, or you yourself belong to a risk group (for example, women over 35 years old), nut milk should be on your table much more often than cow's milk. It’s easy to prepare, and if you add honey to this milk or use it in the form of a smoothie or healthy cocktails, then the healthy stuff becomes tasty too!

Cooking food, as well as eating it, should be a joy. And these are not the problems of ancient philosophies, but the rule of a good mood. Healthy eating every day involves a responsible approach to food. Let's say you adhere to the classic scheme: breakfast, afternoon snack, lunch, dinner and second dinner. And if intermediate snacks can easily replace tea and fruit, for the main three meals you will have to do some magic.

Since childhood, we have been told that breakfast is the main meal of the day. We have learned this truth throughout our lives. It is breakfast that gives a boost of energy for the whole day and the impetus for great things. The fact is that people who have a hearty breakfast and a good lunch, in the evening, as a rule, do not overeat before going to bed, but are more inclined to eat light foods. You've probably already noticed that after fasting all day, by the evening you really want to eat and it's almost impossible to resist. The energy received from breakfast and lunch is spent during the day, and after a heavy dinner it will definitely remain in the form of adipose tissue, because at night you will not waste energy. By keeping this in mind and properly distributing food throughout the day, you will not only gradually lose weight, but you will also be alert and energetic throughout the day. An excellent morning option is oatmeal with berries and honey, corn flakes, buckwheat; once or twice a week you can indulge in a light omelet with vegetables. For drinks, fresh juices, green tea or high-quality still mineral water are perfect.

Lunch gives even more room for creativity. You can boil or bake poultry, fish, lean meat, prepare vegetable soup or puree soup, sauerkraut cabbage soup, nutritious broth. If you cannot give up bread, give preference to products made from wholemeal flour, whole grain bread or baked goods with bran. A fresh vegetable salad will be a useful vitamin addition to your healthy diet for weight loss. The good habit of preparing salad every day is simply bound to take root in your home! When choosing meat, keep in mind that the sirloin contains the least amount of fat and bones. Ground beef is one of the lowest in fat. If you find it too dry, try adding minced chicken to it - your cutlets will become much more tender. If you cannot completely eliminate salt from your diet, add moderate amounts to your food. Don't push yourself to extremes: sometimes you can add a little salt or seasoning to your favorite dish. Everything should just be in moderation.

For dinner, you can cook a vegetable stew, bake a bird, prepare buckwheat porridge or unsweetened pancakes. If you are too lazy to cook, you can dine on biscuits with kefir. Or pour homemade muesli or granola with natural yogurt or milk - this is an excellent light dinner and a very tasty treat. True, for men it is still better to cook something more substantial, say, fish casserole or pilaf. An oven and a slow cooker will be excellent helpers for this. Very soon you will understand that proper nutrition is the easiest path to health and beauty.

If possible, try to follow a diet. This can be achieved with proper planning of the day. To avoid force majeure, try to think ahead about everything you prepare. On our website you can get acquainted with materials on menu planning, this is great for organizing and frees up a lot of time. You may now have to spend a little more money on groceries, but previously you spent it on making your health worse. A compelling argument for spending a little money, isn't it?

And one more recommendation. Drink enough water throughout the day, about 1.5-2 liters. Pure water is a vital product for the human body. Experts advise starting your day not with exercise, but with a glass of hot water. Drinking on an empty stomach, it washes and warms the intestines, starting its work. To properly start the process, you need to know that you need to drink hot water (in moderation, of course: you shouldn’t pour boiling water into yourself) and as soon as possible after waking up. You can, of course, drink it cold. Only you should know that after drinking cold water you can start breakfast 20 minutes later, and after drinking hot water - after 40. Limiting fluid will not lead to weight loss, everything happens just the opposite. A strict drinking regime can only lead to a slowdown in metabolism and the appearance of edema. So drink water. It is better to do this half an hour before meals, then, firstly, you will know for sure whether you are hungry (after half an hour a feeling of hunger usually appears), and secondly, the stomach will be ready to eat food, all food will be well digested and absorbed, and the metabolism will be very fast. As for other drinks, it is important to know the following. The consumption of coffee and black tea should either be eliminated altogether or reduced to the norm of “1 day - 1 cup”. Freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices significantly diversify your diet and provide vitamins, because they do not contribute to the formation of fat deposits. It is better to blend fruit juices with vegetable juices, since in their “pure” form they raise blood sugar levels. The only exceptions are grapefruit, lime and lemon juices. And, of course, forget about Coca-Cola, sweet sodas and similar drinks. They cannot give anything useful to your body.

Don't eat what you don't want. Eating healthy every day for good health and well-being should eventually become the norm, and the process should be enjoyable. Experiment, come up with a new dish, find new food combinations. Make your menu so that it is varied. And remember the main principle of healthy eating - eat only when you feel hungry. Many people are so accustomed to constantly chewing something that they can no longer distinguish a real feeling of hunger from ordinary psychological dependence. This will be the most difficult thing, but even if you have a snack, it’s better to do it not with candy or crackers, but with an apple or other fruit. Start changing your life gradually, because few people manage to dramatically change their habits. The main thing is to take the first step and don’t stop, and at some point you will understand that healthy eating every day is the only correct method, and you like it.

Nutrition culture is also very important. Whatever dish graces your table, remember to eat slowly. Eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly, often, but in small portions. Don't force your body to stock up in case of a hunger strike. Let him be calm and know that he will soon receive another portion of energy. The food consumed must be fresh. It is necessary to prepare dishes in such quantities that they are eaten immediately. Reheated yesterday's cabbage rolls will not bring you any benefit; on the contrary, it has been proven that stale dishes clog the body with toxins.

And the last, but most important rule: to maintain health, focus not on the quantity, but on the quality of the food you consume. Don’t forget that you need to eat in order to live, and not the other way around!

Eat varied and healthy and be healthy!

Larisa Shuftaykina

There are many ancient wisdoms, sayings and advice from the present time about proper, wholesome and healthy food. In search of this information, each time we find more and more new answers to these questions. What advice and rules should you listen to? After all, they are sometimes similar to each other, and sometimes completely opposite, and in real time it is not always possible to follow these instructions.

Let's analyze our daily menu. For most modern people, it's coffee in the morning, a few sandwiches in the afternoon, and a hearty home-cooked meal in the evening before going to bed. Have you asked yourself the question: what can such nutrition lead to? You've probably caught yourself many times thinking that it's no good. It turns out that during the day the stomach goes hungry, and in the evening, when it is supposed to rest, a real “bomb” falls on it in the form of a hearty dinner. Moreover, the brain remains without recharge, while working all day. And what can we say about the body as a whole - poor health, unsatisfactory appearance, and these are just the beginnings.

You need to understand that to prevent such health problems, it is not at all necessary to adhere to special diets, it is enough to pull yourself together and start eating right. To do this, you need to remember simple rules:

You can eat anything;
- the diet should be balanced;
- it is necessary that the food is high in calories, but in moderation;
-do not eat too much fat, sugar and salt;
- take a break between meals - no more than 4 hours;
- healthy food must be tasty and make you happy.

The basic principle of proper nutrition is that when you eat, you should have pleasure and enjoyment. To do this, it is not at all necessary to turn lunch into a grandiose event of the day; you should not load your body with various tasty treats, but keeping it healthy is a must. For proper nutrition, you need to remember about the availability of basic foods that should be consumed every day: vegetables, fruits, fish, some bread, and do not forget about dairy products, cheese, meat.

Now let's look at the components of a menu for a healthy diet for every day. Before this, we note that women need a minimum of 1000-1200 calories per day. For men - 1700-2000 calories per day. By the way, fitness trainer Lev Goncharov recently talked about how to calculate how many calories you need to consume per day in order to lose weight to your desired weight. To do this, you need to multiply your desired weight by 28. That is, if you want to weigh 67 kg, eat no more than 1876 calories per day. At the same time, you should not underestimate your weight and bring yourself to the weight of a dystrophic person. We calculate the ideal weight by subtracting the value = 110 from the actual height in centimeters. That is, for a height of 173 cm, the ideal weight is 63 kg. In order for this weight to remain the same all the time, neither decrease nor increase, you need to consume 63 * 28 = 1764 calories per day. So, taking this into account, you can figure out what healthy and wholesome food you should have in your diet every day.

Let's start with breakfast

In order to lose weight, some people are ready to give up breakfast, thinking that it will help them. But that's not true. After all, only a full breakfast helps prevent overeating during lunch and dinner. In addition, by eating in the morning, you get nutrients that help your body survive until lunch. And most importantly, by skipping breakfast, the body’s metabolism slows down by 6-7 percent. This is the road to weight gain.

What kind of breakfast is considered ideal?

To begin with, keep in mind that breakfast should contain 25-35 percent of the daily calorie intake. Next, remember, it should not be bulky and light. For example: an egg omelet and vegetables or a fruit salad or cereal with milk or a small sandwich with bacon and cheeses, as well as croutons, porridge, muesli, and finally a cup of cocoa. And here is an example of a second breakfast, for those who for one reason or another do not have time to have lunch on time: a small sandwich with sweet pepper and cucumber and tea or a chicken sandwich with a light salad or a glass of kefir with a bun. This will keep the body’s digestion in good shape; moreover, these ingredients contain a large number of various vitamins.

Now let's look at what healthy food can be for a complete lunch

Since lunch is the richest meal of the day, you should not eat it in large portions, because the classic dishes for lunch are first, second, third and vitamin juice. By the way, lunch should make up 50 percent of the daily calorie intake.

Basic principles of proper lunch:

At the beginning of lunch, you need to take a salad or just a plate of fresh vegetables. After this, eat something warm or hot, such as meat broth, soup or cabbage soup, with this

You will saturate the body and help stimulate it. If you want, eat something else: liver, meat, potatoes, etc., but only be careful - do not overeat, then drink a glass of juice, compote or a cup of tea.

What to have for dinner?

Under no circumstances should you give up a proper and healthy dinner. This fact will still not relieve you of excess weight; over time, it will only add to your stomach problems. Just don't eat a big dinner right before bed. And don’t forget that dinner should account for 15-25 percent of the daily calorie intake.

Principles of a proper and healthy dinner:

Evening meals should be low in calories;
- dinner should include low-fat and light dishes;
- eating is best and healthiest from 17.00 to 20.00.

Do not have dinner very late - this is harmful to the functioning of internal organs and leads to weight gain.

The most healthy dishes for dinner are fermented milk products, seafood, cheese, fish and vegetables, boiled or stewed. Avoid meat, mushrooms, and legume dishes. These products will lead to swelling and headaches in the morning.

Thus, the editors of the website and I can draw a certain conclusion - do not under any circumstances refuse meals, eat healthy foods and excellent health, as well as a normal weight for you, are guaranteed.

We present a proper nutrition menu for every day for weight loss with recipes! This menu and recipes will help you lose weight and eat right every day without any problems!

There are more and more enemies of diets among professional nutritionists. Many experts are convinced that in order to bring your body into the required condition, it is not at all necessary to torment your body with diets or grueling mono-diets. It is necessary to influence not the symptom of the problem, but its cause. And in 90% of cases the reason is the same - incorrect lifestyle and diet!

In attempts to lose extra pounds without professional support, many people, especially women, develop chronic diseases of internal organs. Agree, this price is too high and not worth a slim figure. This does not mean at all that there should not be a beautiful figure, quite the opposite, but there should be a rational and thoughtful approach to everything!

Principles of healthy eating

By following the principles of a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating, you can not only achieve the desired result, but also, most importantly, maintain your health! Of course, the result will not be quick, but, as they say, patience and work will grind everything down!

You should not expect that the extra pounds accumulated over several months, or even years, will go away in a couple of days. Know that if someone promises you instant results, they are simply deceiving you, or they are putting your health at serious risk. Whether you need it or not - decide for yourself! In order not to expose your body to severe stress, you should gradually change your diet and lifestyle! Only by following the principles of proper nutrition can you painlessly normalize your metabolic processes and easily get your figure into the desired shape!

Let's look at the basic principles of proper nutrition:

  • Fractional meals. You shouldn’t overeat in one sitting, it’s better to eat less, but more often!
  • Mandatory breakfast. Forget about drinking a cup of coffee on an empty stomach. Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the entire day!
  • Give dinner to the enemy. There's no need to give it away at all. A light dinner 3 hours before bedtime is ideal.
  • Water is our everything. 1.5 - 2 liters of water is exactly how much a healthy person should drink every day.
  • Sweets only for dessert. A sweet snack is the most useless, and even harmful, meal. Reduce your intake of sugar and fast carbohydrates to a minimum.
  • Remove from your diet fried fatty foods, minimize the consumption of alcohol and salt.
  • More fiber. It is found in large quantities in vegetables and fruits.
  • Don't drink while eating. Are you used to drinking tea with your food? It's time to get rid of this habit! Drinking is allowed only 15-20 minutes after eating.
  • Chew your food thoroughly. Do not swallow chunks of food, this will not only complicate the digestion process, but can also lead to oversaturation. The feeling of fullness comes some time after eating food, so never rush while eating.

At first glance, it seems that there are a lot of restrictions here, and at the same time you need to follow a bunch of rules. Habit will do the trick! Remember that the main thing is to start. You don’t have to start following everything at once if it’s difficult for you. Move from point to point, moving it from the “rule” category to the “habit” category.

By following these principles of healthy eating, you will normalize your digestive and metabolic processes, tone your body, and fill it with strength. In addition, proper nutrition is the most important key to losing weight without harm to your health!

Proper nutrition menu for weight loss

We present to you a menu of proper nutrition for weight loss for every day. The diet can be very flexible and change according to your preferences and tastes. In addition, if you wish, you can create 2-3 similar menus for yourself to alternate between them. This will help you diversify your diet so that the food, so to speak, does not become boring.

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
MondayA glass of buckwheat porridge, 1 hard-boiled egg, carrot salad with olive oil. AppleBoiled beef or chicken breast 150 g, fresh cabbage or broccoli salad. A portion of dried fruits with tea, or an apple. Stewed vegetables, steamed beef cutlet, a glass of kefir.
TuesdayOatmeal porridge 200 g, traditional with water or skim milk, berries. Favorite fruit or beet salad with bread. Steamed fish - 100 g. Salad of tomatoes, fresh cabbage and herbs. Apple or low-fat cottage cheese. Buckwheat or rice - 100 g. Boiled chicken fillet - 100 g.
WednesdayOatmealApple.Boiled buckwheat without salt - 200 g, chicken fillet AppleSteamed fish and vegetables, kefir.
ThursdayOmelette of 2 eggs with onions and herbs. Carrot salad with olive oil. Apple or grapefruit. Potato soup with zucchini. A portion of dried fruits with tea. Low-fat cottage cheese or pilaf with champignons. Green salad.
FridayOatmeal 1 cup. Favorite fruit.Low-fat pea soup, 1 stuffed pepper or chicken breast of your choice, 2 diet bread. Stewed cabbage with vegetables. Fresh cabbage salad. Low-fat cottage cheese - 100 g. Kefir.
SaturdayBoiled eggs 2 pcs, stewed carrots with apple. Fresh fruits.Tuna with vegetables. Mushroom cream soup. Vegetable salad or a handful of dried fruits with tea. Stewed white cabbage, cottage cheese or kefir.
SundayPearl barley porridge 1 cup. A handful of nuts or dried fruits. Fresh fruits.Turkey or chicken breast, baked in the oven - 200 g. Vegetable soup and fresh vegetable salad. Skim cheese. Boiled or steamed fish. 1 glass of kefir.

Depending on your initial weight, or rather its excess volume, you can adjust the portions of this menu. Accordingly, the more you want to lose weight, the smaller the portions should be, but without fanaticism! The body must receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals from your food. You shouldn't risk your health for the sake of the desired numbers on the scales!

What foods can you eat?

What foods should you not eat?

Try to eliminate or minimize your consumption of the following foods:

Principles of nutrition for weight loss

In order to eat not only right, but also to lose weight, you must follow one most important principle - you need to consume fewer calories than you burn. Everything comes from this principle; you need to build your menu from this principle.

If you are used to consuming, say, 3000 kcal per day, without having any physical activity and ask the question “where does excess weight come from?”, then you just need to look at things objectively. At a minimum, you need to get active and exercise, bring your diet into line with permitted and prohibited foods, and gradually reduce the number of calories you consume daily.

Don't do this in one day, otherwise it will be a lot of stress for your body! Consistently adjust your diet step by step until you begin to lose excess weight.

Recipes: proper nutrition for weight loss



  • Chicken fillet - 200 g;
  • Onions - 50 g;
  • Carrots - 100 g;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Greens to taste.


  1. Rinse the fillets well under cold water;
  2. Pour water into a saucepan, add salt, put on fire;
  3. Peel the vegetables, place in boiling water along with the chicken fillet;
  4. Cook for 10-15 minutes over low heat;
  5. Remove the fillet, cut into pieces and serve with vegetables.



  • Buckwheat - 1 cup;
  • Low-fat minced meat - 450 g;
  • Onion - 2 pcs.;
  • Egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Creamy horseradish - 2 tbsp;
  • Garlic - 1 clove;
  • Wheat flour - 3 tbsp;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Ground black pepper a pinch;
  • Sugar a pinch;
  • Grapeseed oil for frying;


  1. Boil buckwheat until crumbly;
  2. Grind the lean minced meat through a meat grinder with onions, season with sugar and black pepper. Knead the resulting mass thoroughly;
  3. Mix buckwheat porridge and minced meat;
  4. Meanwhile, boil the eggs, grate them on a medium grater, finely chop the garlic and dill, mix everything with creamy horseradish. The resulting mass is the filling for the cutlets;
  5. Divide the minced meat into portions, form flat cakes into which we put 1 spoon of filling;
  6. Make cutlets, roll them in flour;
  7. Fry the cutlets in grape seed oil. We do this over low heat on both sides. If necessary, finish cooking in the oven. Bon appetit!



  • White cabbage - 500 g;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • Processed cheese - 50 g;
  • Sour cream - 300 ml;
  • Greens - 1 bunch;
  • Chicken egg - 4 pcs.;
  • Onions - 2 pcs.;
  • Allspice - 1 pinch;
  • Salt - 1 pinch;


  1. Wash the cabbage and chop it;
  2. Lightly fry the cabbage in a frying pan with oil;
  3. Peel the carrots, grate them, and then add them to the cabbage;
  4. Peel the onion, chop it finely and add to the pan;
  5. We wash the tomatoes and herbs. Cut the vegetables into small pieces and chop the greens. Add ingredients to the pan. We continue to fry.;
  6. Beat sour cream, eggs and cheese in a container until smooth;
  7. Pour the contents of the pan into a baking dish and pour the resulting sauce. Bake for 20 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees. Bon appetit!
170 votes

Since the fashion for healthy food has been gaining momentum lately, there are already a lot of recipes for healthy eating. The most popular of them should be considered in more detail and you can begin to delight yourself and your loved ones with the right culinary masterpieces.

“We are what we eat” is a common phrase and was first said by the famous healer from Ancient Greece, Hippocrates. Proper nutrition is one of the main fundamental foundations of health. But it is important not only to know the theory, but also to successfully apply it in practice. Simple recipes for healthy nutrition for every daywill allow you not only to diversify your diet, but also to pamper yourself with tasty and interesting treats without making much effort.

Healthy breakfasts

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It will perfectly cheer you up after waking up early and give you a boost of energy for the whole day. Hearty and healthy breakfasts include cottage cheese dishes, cereals, omelettes and scrambled eggs.
Banana cheesecakes

  • 400 g cottage cheese 5%;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 ripe banana;
  • 4 tbsp. rice flour;
  • A pinch of vanillin;
  • Sweetener.

So that the cheesecakes do not spread, but turn out neatly shaped (in pucks), you need to heat the pan in advance and remember - it must be dry.

So, beat the egg well separately. Grind the cottage cheese with a blender, this gives an airy consistency to the cottage cheese. Add banana to the curd mass and puree. Add beaten egg, sweetener and vanillin to the resulting homogeneous mass. Done, you can start frying.

Since the cheesecakes are dietary, there is not much flour. The dough may start to stick to your hands, so wet them with plain water. Roll into a ball and gently press it onto a non-stick frying pan.

Fry at low temperature until golden brown. Then turn it over to the other side and fry again under the lid until the desired color on the other side. Tender cheesecakes are ready. You can top them with sugar-free syrup or low-calorie jam. Bon appetit!

On a note! When losing weight, choose cottage cheese up to 5% inclusive. You should not buy only the low-fat version; it contains much less nutrients and vitamins, and the taste is blander.

A classic of the genre is oatmeal. One of the favorite breakfast options for an athlete, someone losing weight, and even the simplest person who doesn’t particularly care about the balance of nutrients in his body.

But when you constantly eat the same thing, it gets boring. You simply can’t give up healthy food, so it’s easy to create a new tasty option.
Oatmeal with cottage cheese

  • 40 g oatmeal;
  • 150 ml milk/water;
  • 125 g soft curd;
  • Nuts/berries/fruits;
  • Sweetener.

Pour a mixture of milk and water over the oatmeal and leave for 2 minutes. into the microwave. Next, season the porridge with cottage cheese. To your taste, add berries, nuts, you can pour stevia syrup or add a sweetener. Thanks to cottage cheese, the porridge acquires an original taste and becomes more satisfying.

Lunch on healthy nutrition

The second meal is no less important than the first. It is an important abundant and satisfying component of our diet. As a rule, while sitting at work, everyone is looking forward to the onset of this meal in order to enjoy hot food: aromatic soup or just a salad.

In order not to suffer from heaviness or indigestion the rest of the day, lunch should also be healthy! In this case, basic recipes for proper nutrition are suitable - spinach and mushroom soups.

Mushroom cream soup

  • 500 g of mushrooms (preferably champignons);
  • 600 g potatoes;
  • 200 g onion;
  • 1.5 liters of vegetable broth;
  • A glass of milk / 20% cream;
  • Salt/pepper/seasoning to taste.

Mushroom soup can be cooked with both meat and vegetable broth. Since the soup is dietary, the broth will be vegetable. To do this, you need to boil the onion, carrots, potatoes and celery, season with a couple of peppercorns and salt. After the vegetables are cooked, they can be removed, with the exception of potatoes.

Finely chop the onion and fry in a dry frying pan until transparent, add a drop of water and leave to simmer.

At the same time, cut the mushrooms into slices, add to the onion, add salt and pepper. Fry until all the liquid has evaporated.

Next, add the fried mushrooms and onions to the potatoes with vegetable broth and puree with an immersion blender until smooth. Pour cream and milk into the resulting mass. Add salt to taste and bring to a boil.

On a note! Croutons go well with cream soup. And to make them dietary, you just need to take regular rye bread without unnecessary additives. Cut it into squares and dry in the oven without oil.

Cream soup with spinach

  • 200 g spinach;
  • 300 g potatoes;
  • 100 g onion;
  • 100 g arugula;
  • 1 bunch of lettuce;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 1.5 liters of vegetable broth;
  • A glass of 10% cream/milk;
  • Salt/pepper to taste.

Preparing this vitamin-rich and, most importantly, delicious dish will not take you more than 30 minutes.

Boil vegetable broth from carrots, onions, potatoes and a couple of peppercorns. Once the broth is ready, remove all vegetables except potatoes.

While the vegetable base of the soup is preparing, finely chop the spinach leaves. Chop the onion.

Cut the boiled potatoes into pieces, add cooked spinach and onions to them, chop until smooth.

Pour the resulting mass into vegetable broth, add cream and bring to a boil.

Season the aromatic soup to taste. You can add greens or croutons when serving.

Interesting! Spinach belongs to the category of foods that fight excess fat, and is also considered one of the healthiest leaf salads.

Dinners on healthy nutrition

When eating right, it is very important not to forget to eat dinner. After all, long breaks between meals cause serious harm to health, especially the digestive system.

For dinner, it is better to avoid light carbohydrates and too fatty foods. The ideal plate will consist of vegetables and protein, be it fish, meat or cottage cheese. They will saturate our body and protect muscles from catabolism throughout the night. Fortunately, there are plenty of fitness recipes for proper and healthy eating that correspond to a light dinner.

Salad "Gourmet"

  • Lettuce leaves;
  • 200 g cherry;
  • 1 avocado;
  • 200 g shrimp;
  • 50 g low-fat cheese;
  • 50 g pine nuts;
  • 100 g Natural yogurt/Caesar sauce.

Finely chop cherry tomatoes, avocado, lettuce leaves. Boil shrimp with pepper, peel and add to salad. Grate the cheese into the resulting mixture on a coarse grater. Sprinkle with pine nuts.

You can season the salad with natural low-fat yogurt. And to enhance the taste, you can use homemade Caesar dressing. It is based on natural yogurt plus chopped garlic, salt and paprika. It will replace harmful mayonnaise with a bang. A delicious salad for dinner is ready!

Dietary “Meat in French”

  • 600 g chicken fillet;
  • 3 large tomatoes;
  • 2 onions;
  • 150 g low-fat cheese;
  • Natural yogurt/sour cream 10%;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

In order for the meat to be tender and juicy, the fillet must be cut into thin strips and beaten well. Place in pan, add salt and season.

Cover the pan with foil first to prevent the dish from burning!

Thinly slice the onion into rings and place in a neat layer on the meat. Chop the tomatoes into circles; this will be the next layer on top of the onions.

Grease the tomatoes with natural yoghurt.

The finishing touch to the dish will be grated cheese.

Bake in the oven until the cheese is golden brown!

A festive, but at the same time light dish is ready! Bon appetit!

Remember! The classic “French-style meat” is made from pork, but if your goal is to lose weight with proper nutrition, then it is better to avoid fatty pork. Choose turkey or chicken.

Chicken cheesecakes
Among healthy recipes for proper nutrition, chicken dishes occupy one of the lucky positions. Unusually, cheesecakes are not only buttery. You can make them from meat and, without fear of extra pounds, enjoy them at dinner according to all the rules:

  • 800 g chicken fillet;
  • 5 eggs;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 tbsp. oat/rye bran;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • Greenery;
  • Salt/pepper to taste.

Grind the chicken fillet in a blender until minced, or chop it very finely. Finely grate the carrots, finely chop the onion and garlic, you can grind them in a blender.

Add vegetables and chopped herbs to the minced chicken. Add bran to the mixture, then add salt and season.

Line a baking tray with foil or baking paper.

Make nests, making a depression in the middle, and place on a baking sheet. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes.

After half an hour, pour the egg into the nest. Place in the oven for another 15 minutes.

The finished dish can be sprinkled with your favorite fresh herbs. Bon appetit!

Dessert on healthy nutrition

On the Internet, in glossy magazines and books, there are now a huge number of ways to prepare healthy food. Recipes for healthy eating with photos are distinguished by their accessibility, ease of preparation and amazing taste. Therefore, the reluctance to switch to proper nutrition can only be explained by one’s own laziness and neglect of health.

The article contains recipes for treats that are suitable for the menu for the whole week. And so that there is no longer any doubt about choosing the right diet, let there be another very tasty recipe.

Banana ice cream
Summer is here, which means it's getting harder and harder to pass up ice cream. But, unfortunately, in the store it is full of harmful additives. There is always a way out.

All you need is a banana. Cut it into small circles and put it in the freezer for several hours. After the banana is frozen, grind until smooth in a blender.

If desired, you can add coconut flakes, cocoa, nuts.

This very simple recipe completely replaces store-bought ice cream. After all, the consistency of frozen banana is simply divine!