Water lichen treatment. Ringworm in people: symptoms, treatment, types (photos). Symptoms of ringworm in humans. Treatment of lichen planus

Skin diseases are not uncommon today. One of the most common ailments is lichen in humans. This is an infectious lesion of the skin caused by microscopic fungi and viruses.

Specialists know the following pathogens:

  • zooanthropophilic fungi - transmitted from domestic animals;
  • anthropophilic fungi - transmitted from person to person;
  • geophilic fungi - transmitted through contact with contaminated soil;
  • viruses living in the human body until the favorable moment of provoking the development of infectious infection.

So the myth that lichen is transmitted only from cats and dogs has now been debunked. It is difficult to treat lichen in humans, especially when it comes to areas of the body covered with hair. However, it can be removed with the help of medication.

It should be noted that lichen is not an isolated disease; it can be a consequence of the development of a whole “bouquet” of highly contagious skin infections. Therefore, in some cases, treatment of this disease takes a long period of time.

Reasons for development

The manifestation of lichen rash is associated with factors such as:

  • reduction or absence of the body’s immune defense - this can occur after illnesses that weaken the body’s internal reserves;
  • unformed immunity in children;
  • experienced stress and anxiety;
  • heredity;
  • infection with infectious diseases;
  • emotional and physical stress;
  • severe chronic diseases;
  • hypothermia;
  • increased sweating;
  • seborrhea of ​​the head;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • close contacts with a source of infection;
  • herpes virus;
  • hepatitis virus type 3;
  • ailments of the digestive system;
  • allergic predisposition;
  • HIV infection;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases;
  • the body's reaction to medications.

The mechanism of infection with lichen is still unknown; children, elderly and sick people are primarily at risk. Cases of the disease depriving absolutely healthy people cannot be ruled out. Also, lichen differs from others in its seasonality; in spring and autumn there is a high probability of catching it. The body develops a stable immunity to many types of this disease.

Signs of lichen on the skin

Ringworm in humans can be easily recognized by the following symptoms:

  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • pale spots on the skin;
  • excessive peeling of individual areas;
  • superficial itching;
  • blisters, small and large rashes;
  • skin redness;
  • clearly visible circles;
  • hair loss;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • increased body temperature;
  • painful sensations.

In the initial stages of manifestation, lichen is very similar to diathesis and allergic rashes. But its distinctive feature is the formation of round or shapeless blurry spots of various sizes on the affected areas of the skin.

Ringworm does not go away on its own in humans. Itchy spots spread throughout the body if treatment and prevention are not taken. Infected skin may become covered with blisters and small scales.

First of all, lichen affects open areas of the body - head, face, arms, legs. Skin rashes can be localized along the nerve columns - in the area of ​​the ribs, back, abdomen.

Types of disease

Practitioners by lichen mean not one typical disease, but a whole group of dermatoses with different etiologies of development. Ringworm can be quickly cured, or have a chronic form - manifesting itself sporadically. Below is a list of types of dermatoses classified as lichen group of diseases, as well as a photo of lichen in humans.

Lichen planus

This disease is a consequence of nervous shock and a predisposition to allergic reactions.

It appears most often:

  • in female representatives;
  • in patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • in people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

This type of lichen is recognized by multiple purple and red nodules. Characterized by strong itching. However, it is not contagious and manifests itself against the background of decreased immunity.


  • skin;
  • nail plates;
  • mucous membranes.

The main forms of lichen planus:

  • ring-shaped rash;
  • warty, shapeless formations on the skin;
  • erytomatous tubercles;
  • erosive and ulcerative rashes.


The so-called weeping lichen is a consequence of:

  • weakened immunity;
  • genetic and allergic predisposition;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • professional activities with harmful chemicals.

Ringworm affects:

  • Hands;
  • forearms;
  • cheeks;
  • chin;
  • ears;
  • back;
  • breast;
  • soles of feet;
  • elbows;
  • knees.

Eczema is not contagious; today the following varieties are known:

  • idiopathic – characterized by swelling of the skin, rash of blisters, after opening of which painful wounds form;
  • microbial - manifests itself on areas of the skin affected by chronic infections, characterized by a bluish-purple rash;
  • occupational - this type of eczema directly depends on a person’s contact with an irritant that causes an allergic reaction in the body, and is characterized by the appearance of a very itchy rash and the formation of pustules;
  • seborrheic – affects the sebaceous glands, is a scaly itchy layer;
  • callous - appears on the palms and soles, the resulting rashes thicken the skin, forming seals similar to calluses;
  • children's - characterized by profuse rashes on the face in children, is a consequence of diathesis.


Squamous lichen is also non-contagious and manifests itself in full force after:

  • experienced nervous shocks;
  • stress;
  • decreased immunity;
  • genetic abnormalities.

Psoriasis is the only type of lichen that cannot be cured. This is a chronic form that tends to recur. Psoriasis is recognized by a profuse rash that develops as a tough, flaky crust. It can form on:

  • elbows;
  • knees;
  • scalp;
  • back;
  • shins.

Wounds that form where the crust is bent can fester and be a source of proliferation of other infections.


Versicolor or pityriasis versicolor begins to develop due to:

  • profuse sweating;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • oily skin type;
  • long exposure to sunlight.

This type of disease is contagious and is caused by a fungal infection. It is transmitted through household appliances, personal hygiene products, and close contact with a sick person. It is characterized by the formation of spots of various sizes on the body, which unite and cover large areas of the body.

Ringworm affects:

  • back;
  • shoulders;
  • stomach;
  • breast.

The resulting spots tend to change from their original light pink tint to greenish and dark brown.

Pityriasis rosea

This type of disease is also contagious. Caused by a viral infection. Recognized by round spots with a pronounced pink rim and a pale center.

develops on:

  • back;
  • stomach;
  • breasts;
  • sides.

It can be transmitted both from close contact with infected people and from pets. The initial stage of tinea versicolor consists of the growth of the maternal spot to a diameter of 4-5 cm.


This type of lichen often affects adults who did not have chickenpox in childhood. The causative agent is the chickenpox virus. An itchy rash of small blisters is localized in the intercostal space.

The course of shingles is characterized by severe pain. This type of dermatous disease is one of the most insidious.

Delayed treatment can provoke:

  • blindness;
  • deafness;
  • paralysis of facial muscles;
  • muscle weakness throughout the body;
  • diseases of the nervous system.

It is contagious and spreads from person to person.


The causative agents of this type of infectious disease are fungi - trichophytons. The disease is transmitted from both people and animals, through household and personal items. Infection from pets has more serious consequences; the disease is severe.


  • scalp;
  • beard and mustache for men.

Characterized by the appearance of pink spots with white scales along the edges. Ringworm causes hair loss and hair becomes brittle near the roots. Both adults and children are at risk of infection.

Treatment options

  • Treatment of non-contagious types of lichen comes down to the prescription of antihistamines, vitamin therapy, immunostimulants, physical and psychotherapeutic measures. Along with this, corticosteroid ointments are used externally.
  • Treatment of eczema takes a long period of time. The patient is prescribed hormonal medications in the form of ointments, antihistamines, and immunomodulators.
  • Ringworm is treated with topical and oral antifungal medications. The patient is recommended to take measures aimed at strengthening the body’s immune system and avoid unhealthy foods such as smoked meats, pickles, and sweets during treatment.
  • Shingles can be defeated with the help of antiviral drugs that effectively affect the herpes infection. Also, due attention should be paid to taking immunostimulants and painkillers. Treatment of shingles is not complete without reflexology and ultraviolet irradiation of the skin.
  • Ringworm requires isolation of the patient; in case of a complex course of the disease, he is subject to mandatory hospitalization. Drug therapy consists of taking antifungal medications, treating the rash with iodine, sulfur-salicylic or tar ointments.

Prevention of the disease

The main preventive measures aimed at preventing lichen infection are as follows:

  • limiting any contact with people and pets with shingles;
  • keeping everyday clothing clean and tidy;
  • mandatory observance of personal hygiene rules;
  • disinfection of clothing in case of obvious manifestations of seborrhea and profuse sweating;
  • avoiding overwork and hypothermia;
  • minimal emotional stress;
  • balanced diet;
  • immune support with immunostimulants;
  • annual completion of fortified courses in the spring and autumn.

Ringworm is a group of infectious diseases manifested by rashes (nodules, papules, spots), itching, and changes in skin pigmentation. People associate skin diseases with something unpleasant, disgusting, and contagious. A common disease, especially among children. It causes considerable psychological, cosmetic, and moral discomfort. There are several types: multi-colored, shingles, red, scaly, pink lichen.

Ringworm on the leg is a polyetiological contagious disease. Among the reasons are:

  1. Zooanthropophilic (infection occurs from animal to human).
  2. Anthropophilic (the disease is transmitted between people).
  3. Geophilic (inhabit the human body upon contact with the earth).
  • Hypothermia, weakened immunity (HIV, hepatitis B, C, tuberculosis).
  • Constant stress.
  • Family predisposition.
  • Close contact with carriers of lichen.
  • Metabolic disease.
  • History of ARVI.
  • Chronic bowel diseases.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Failure to maintain personal hygiene, using other people's hygiene products.
  • Aggravated allergic history (to medications).

The methods of manifestation of lichen on the leg depend on the type of disease and its causative agent. There are symptoms that combine a dermatological problem:

  1. The appearance of a pale pink or dark brown spot with a bright red rim around the periphery.
  2. Changes in skin color (hyper- or hypopigmentation).
  3. Intense itching that disrupts normal sleep.
  4. Dryness and flaking are noted on the affected area of ​​the body.
  5. Complete or partial hair loss of a pathological focus.


The lower extremities are the favorite localization of different types of lichen.


  • Pink (Roseola Gibert). It is seasonal (spring, autumn), caused by viruses. The initial stage is characterized by the appearance of a maternal spot and peeling, which increases gradually. Over time, a small round rash of pinkish or brown color forms nearby, causing itching. Such spots grow in size, reaching the size of a 10-kopeck coin. Causes a feeling of skin tightness. Favorite localization is the lower extremities. It disappears on its own after one and a half to two months. After an illness, strong immunity develops. Do not forget about the existence of different forms of roseola Gibert:
  1. Urticaria (blisters appear on the skin instead of spots).
  2. Vesicular (small blisters with clear liquid).
  3. Papular (structures without a cavity are formed above the skin; after recovery, pigmented skin remains).
  4. Atypical (the maternal plaque does not appear, the disease immediately begins with a pinpoint pink rash).
  • Red flat is a chronic disease that occurs on the legs, feet, mucous membranes (mouth, genitals). The etiology of lichen planus is unknown; scientists associate its occurrence with frequent allergic reactions. Red, purple, scaly rashes appear on the skin. The nodules merge to form a huge plaque. The rash and clinical picture are similar to psoriatic disease; a dermatologist will be able to differentiate correctly. After successful treatment, pigmentation remains. Rash with lichen ruber comes in different forms:
  1. Ring-shaped - the rash is round, in the form of a ring.
  2. Warty - represented by uneven tubercles.
  3. Erythematous - inflamed tubercles, accompanied by severe itching.
  4. Erosive-ulcerative - the affected area ulcerates, erosions appear.

  • Sunny or white. Diseases with a favorable prognosis. Rounded areas of white color often appear on the skin of the legs in winter. Patients may not complain of itching and burning.
  • Ringworm - often affects the lower extremities and scalp. The pathological area looks like it is trimmed or completely devoid of hair. A fungus of the genus Trichophyton causes brittle hair. Redness with clear, even edges forms on the skin of the legs. A distinctive feature is a pink ridge with bubbles and crusts on the periphery, the center is represented by a light spot with scales. If toenails are affected, their shape and structure change (thick with jagged edges, crumble).
  • Multicolored. The disease is caused by yeast-like fungi that disrupt the functions of melanocytes. Spots of various shapes, sizes, colors (dark and light) appear on the skin of the lower extremities. Pathological foci merge into large spots. Tinea versicolor is not contagious, but is chronic.
  • Shingles and chickenpox in children are caused by the same herpes simplex virus. The virus seems to surround the body for the rest of its life. When the immune system is weakened, hypothermia occurs, a characteristic rash appears along the nerve - a group of blisters with cloudy contents. Shingles in children and adults appears after chickenpox. The disease is preceded by symptoms of tingling, itching, and general malaise. After some time, the blisters burst and form painful ulcers. Herpes zoster is a chronic disease with frequent exacerbations and relapses.
  • Weeping. Eczema is an unpleasant phenomenon. On the legs it appears in the form of red spots, turning into small blisters with serous fluid. Bubbles burst and weeping forms. Then the blisters dry out and crust over. Repeats several times.

Scaly. A serious disease called psoriasis. A typical picture is red papules merging into plaques of dense consistency. White peeling is visible on the surface of the pathological lesion. The patient suffers from intense itching, pain and general malaise.

Treatment methods

In a child, the healing process is always faster than in an adult. Various forms of lichen on the leg should be treated with medications or a more economical option - home remedies. General recommendations for caring for the affected area:

  1. Diet. Eliminate allergenic foods from your diet (red foods, nuts, chocolates, eggs, citrus fruits).
  2. During illness, do not wear woolen or synthetic items (tights, socks).
  3. Do not further irritate the skin with rashes (do not scratch with nails or household items).
  4. During bath procedures, use only a soft washcloth to prevent additional damage and secondary infection.


Before treatment, you should definitely consult a qualified doctor. He will be able to determine the cause of the pathology and cure it.

Among the drugs used:

  1. Antiviral agents.
  2. Antiallergic (Suprastin, Diphenhydramine, Loratadine).
  3. Antibiotics locally.
  4. Antifungal drugs (Ketoconazole, Nizoral, Orungal, Clotrimazole, Terbinafine, Griseofulvin).
  5. Antiseptics (iodine, sulfur and zinc ointment).

Red flat and pink - go away without treatment. If complications develop or pathological flora joins, local antibiotics and treatment of rashes with salicylic alcohol are prescribed. If you are concerned about itching, take antihistamines.

Ringworm and versicolor on the leg should be treated topically with corticosteroid creams and antiseptics. Systemic - antifungal drugs. Treatment of eczema and psoriasis is prescribed only by a doctor.

The shingles type has specific therapy (antiviral drugs in the form of tablets and ointments - Acyclovir, Gerpevir, Valavir, Cycloferon). For severe pain, analgesics (Ketanov, Dexalgin).

At home

A pharmacy is not always nearby. Folk methods will help you heal at home: mix birch tar with butter 1:1. Rub the resulting ointment into the affected area, apply a sterile bandage on top, and leave overnight. Carry out the procedure until the disease disappears. During the day, wipe the affected area of ​​the skin with a decoction of buckwheat (take 1 tbsp. cereal and 2 tbsp. water).

A proven grandmother's method is to make a flat cake from yeast dough, place it on the lichen, put cellophane on top, and tie it with an old sheet. After 2 hours, wash off the compress with warm water. The effect will not take long - the sore will go away in a few days. A compress with apple cider vinegar 5-6 times a day has the same result. An effective method is to apply grated pumpkin on a cloth and apply it to the painful area. Change the compress every 12 hours.

It is important not to self-medicate, but to seek medical help in time.

Complications and prevention

It is not the disease itself that needs to be feared, but its consequences.

Preventive actions:

  1. Maintaining body hygiene.
  2. Use only your own bathroom accessories.
  3. Be careful when in contact with possible carriers of the disease (animals).
  4. Timely treatment of chronic diseases.
  5. Vitamin therapy.
  6. Healthy lifestyle.

If the disease cannot be avoided, self-treatment is not recommended. Contact your doctor promptly if your child gets sick.

Ringworm is a collective name for skin diseases that have different causes and similar external signs. The appearance of “unexplained” spots on the body bothers a person from a cosmetic point of view. Most people have a question about the contagiousness of this pathology. Let's try to figure out this problem.

There are several types of lichen. Some are infectious in nature, while others arise against the background of damage to the nervous or immune system. Our article provides photos and a detailed description of each disease. Treatment of lichen should be carried out by specialists - dermatologists. The success and speed of recovery depends on this.

Common types of lichen in humans

The appearance of lichen varies greatly, but there are common signs that help distinguish it from other dermatological pathologies. This is a pigmentation disorder (the skin takes on a variety of shades), peeling or blisters with clear liquid and itching of varying intensity in places where the elements are localized.

Each lichen looks different. This is the basis for a clinical diagnosis, which is not difficult for a dermatologist. There are erased forms, which require additional laboratory testing to confirm. The types of lichen are as follows:

  • – has a presumably infectious (viral) nature, but is of insignificant contagiousness. Another name is Zhiber's disease. Women are more often affected; seasonality is pronounced (spring-autumn period).
  • is a type of herpes infection (the same type that causes chickenpox). Skin manifestations (vesicles with transparent contents along the intercostal nerves) often occur due to the activation of “dormant” intracellular forms of the virus after infection.
  • – the most contagious type, affecting, including the scalp and leading to local hair loss. It is transmitted not only from person to person, but also from animals through contact. The causative agent is fungi of the genus Trichophyton.
  • – occurs when affected by the yeast-like fungus Pityrosporum orbiculare. It is common in countries with hot climates, as the pathogen actively reproduces in the sun. Not contagious.
  • – affects the inner surface of the forearms, the area of ​​​​the ankle and wrist joints. The reason has not been fully studied: viral, nervous, toxic theories.
  • – typical mainly for children and adolescents. Doctors are inclined to believe that the cause is infectious – fungi of the genus Malassezia. They produce substances that block the effect of ultraviolet radiation on the skin. Whiter areas appear in these places.
  • – known as psoriasis. It is non-infectious in nature. More often this is a systemic lesion with the appearance of extensive areas of peeling or rough keratinization on the skin. There is no definitive opinion on the medical reasons.

We see that of all the types described, only ringworm is the most contagious. Most types do not cause serious changes in the body and go away on their own. In any case, if you detect any changes in pigmentation on the skin, you should contact a dermatologist.

Symptoms and treatment of lichen in humans

For most people, a diagnosis of shingles is a scary one. They are afraid of infecting their loved ones or losing hair on their heads, since the word is associated only with the cutting type. In fact, timely treatment allows you to completely get rid of even this most contagious form.

Ringworm is usually treated at home. But only a specialist prescribes drugs. To do this, you need to consult a dermatologist in a timely manner. Descriptions of the main symptoms of the pathological process will help with this.

Occurs more often in young people. Children and the elderly get sick much less often. The most likely cause is a virus, but this issue has not been fully studied. The course is favorable: it goes away on its own in 6-8 weeks.

The occurrence of lichen has a seasonality (increasing incidence in the autumn-spring period). Provoking factors are everything that reduces immunity - ARVI, stress, overwork, poor diet and daily routine.


It is characterized by pink spots on the body that flake but do not cause severe itching. First, one large element appears (maternal plaque). After a week, the rashes spread throughout the body. They are small (up to 1 cm in diameter), oval in shape, with areas of peeling in the center (reminiscent of medallions).


After diagnosis (visual examination by a dermatologist), it requires gentle treatment. There are no specific drugs. Ointments, creams and other traditional "skin" preparations can cause the rash to spread. Use only antiallergic drugs (both locally and internally) if itching is present. You should not get carried away with bathing and steaming.

Disease of the elderly. The causative agent, the herpes zoster virus, remains in the body for life after chickenpox. With age, the body's defenses decrease and the virus is reactivated, causing shingles.

Unlike many lichens, this type is contagious, including to young children who have not had chickenpox. Depriving lichen is characterized by the stages of a typical viral process: first, malaise (incubation period), then an increase in temperature and the appearance of rashes, and finally, resolution of the process (normalization of temperature and drying of skin elements).


A typical sign of the disease is a rash along one of the nerves: one-sided, first in the form of spots, which quickly turn into vesicles with transparent contents. The most common localization: intercostal space and face. As the rash progresses, pain is felt (from a slight burning sensation to unbearable pain).


Must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Specific antiherpetic drugs (acyclovir, valacyclovir or famciclovir) are prescribed only for severe forms (severe intoxication, high fever, extensive rashes). In other cases, symptomatic drugs are recommended: antipyretics, analgesics, sedatives.

It is highly contagious and causes serious cosmetic problems (hair loss). Not only the scalp is affected, but also all parts of the body. The causative agents are fungi of the genus Trichophyton, Epidermophyton and Microsporum.

The source of infection is a sick person, animal, objects with which the infected person has been in contact (fungal spores remain on them). Predisposing factors are reduced immunity, cuts and microtraumas of the skin, and lack of hygiene habits.


It appears as pink spots on the skin with well-defined edges. They peel and cause slight itching. If the localization of the process is the scalp, the hair breaks off almost at the root. Then the diagnosis is established accurately.


Varies depending on location. If only smooth skin is affected, local treatment is used: ointments containing sulfur, iodine, hormonal drugs to reduce the symptoms of local inflammation. If the lesion is located on the head, you need to undergo a course of systemic antifungal treatment (griseofulvin, terbinafine) in combination with local antifungal ointments.

Another name for the disease, lichen versicolor, speaks for itself. The stratum corneum of the skin is affected. The causative agent is a well-studied fungus of the genus Pityrosporum. Mostly young people (25-35 years old) are affected.

The infectiousness (contagiousness) of the process is low. Pityriasis versicolor can only be infected as a result of close contact in the presence of favorable factors (decreased immunity, increased sweating, endocrine pathology, stress).


The rashes do not have a clear localization. They are multi-colored spots (pink, brown, yellow or brown), with uneven edges, protruding above the surface of the skin. Peeling is typical, but there is no pain or itching. If the patient complains of discomfort, it means there is a concomitant bacterial or fungal infection.


The pathogen is sensitive to many antifungal drugs (salicylic ointment, lamisil, mycozolon, terbinafine, salicylic and resorcinol alcohol). Treatment should only be carried out by a dermatologist, as a combined fungal infection is possible.

The cause of the disease is unknown. Adults suffering from chronic and allergic pathologies are more likely to get sick. The appearance of deprivation is provoked by stress, overwork, injuries to the skin and mucous membranes.

The localization of the elements is characteristic: the inner surface of the forearms and thighs, shins, groin, armpits. The mucous membranes are often affected (especially the oral cavity and genitals). The course of lichen planus is chronic, with periods of exacerbation followed by remission.


The rashes are small, shiny nodules that contrast sharply with the surrounding skin. The color is red or bluish, some have a depression in the center. Some of the nodules merge together to form large plaques. When stained with iodine, a reticular pattern appears on them. Other symptoms include: itching, damage to the oral mucosa (whitish formations, grouped at the junction of the teeth), pathology of the nails (they become brittle, thin, and cloudy).


Usually requires examination of the patient to identify the causes of decreased immunity and chronic pathology of other organs. Only symptomatic remedies are used (itching is treated with antiallergic drugs, bacterial complications with antibiotics). The lichen goes away on its own, but after a few years it can occur again.

More often affects children. It is characterized by a favorable course - it goes away on its own without treatment by the age of 16-18 years. The disease is fungal in nature (fungi of the genus Malassezia).

Skin manifestations are rarely widespread. If the spots are located in closed areas, they are not paid attention to. It must be remembered that simple white lichen may hide more serious health problems. To exclude them, it is better to conduct a comprehensive examination by a dermatologist and therapist.


From the name it is clear that the main manifestation of the disease is white spots. They do not bother the patient (no itching, no pain). The edges of the elements are uneven and blurred. Rarely (usually when another infection is attached) the spots begin to peel off and itch a little.


It is carried out only if the elements are located on the face or open areas of the body and cause cosmetic problems. The main remedy is hydrocortisone ointment. Alternative treatment to restore pigmentation is also possible.

This is a systemic disease that affects not only the skin, but also joints, nails, and internal organs. There is no consensus on the causes. There is a neurogenic, infectious, genetic theory of the development of scaly lichen (psoriasis).

People of all ages, both men and women, are affected. This is a chronic process that accompanies a person throughout his life. Stress and chronic infections predispose to exacerbation.


The appearance of psoriatic elements resembles drops of wax - silver or whitish-gray in color, a slight elevation above the surface of the skin. Frequent localization: skin of the buttocks, folds of large joints, palms, soles, scalp. Psoriasis is characterized by numerous symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia, weakness, fatigue, decreased immunity, and muscle atrophy. During exacerbations, the temperature sometimes rises.


Therapy is necessarily based on the principle of complexity: normalization of daily routine and nutrition, exclusion of stressful situations, sedatives, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory drugs and diuretics. Locally, the lesions are treated with anti-inflammatory ointments (salicyllium, ichthyol, tar). Physiotherapy is carried out. The best remedy for psoriasis is to normalize the functioning of the entire body as a whole.

Video: how to treat lichen in humans with folk remedies

To treat lichen, they offer a record number of folk methods, which are difficult to understand without preparation. We suggest watching the program of the “Traditional Medicine” channel, which describes various types of disease. Folk remedies are given in convenient recipe form and can be useful in getting rid of this problem.

Ringworm is an infectious skin disease that affects people regardless of age. In addition to the skin, the pathology sometimes affects the mucous membranes and scalp.

How to treat lichen in humans? First, the patient must undergo an examination and submit a scraping of the affected tissue. Most often, therapy is prescribed locally, with ointments rubbed into problem areas. The approach to eliminating the disease is not the same for different cases, because lichen is not limited to one or two varieties.

Features of the course and treatment of lichen simplex

Lichen simplex, also known as white, appears on the body as faded spots the size of a 5-kopeck coin. Round-shaped lesions form in different parts of the body and do not tend to merge. The spots themselves are white, smooth, flat and slightly flaky.

People with such a sore do not experience any particular discomfort. Sometimes there may be a slight itching that makes you want to scratch the spot. Favorite places of localization are usually the face and neck, so the person tries to get rid of the disease as soon as possible. Arms and legs may also be affected. The peak incidence occurs in the warm season, especially during the beach season.

Lichen simplex does not require treatment as such. The pathology tends to resolve on its own and does not cause health problems. To avoid sunburn of discolored areas, doctors recommend reducing exposure to its rays.

As part of drug therapy, local treatment of lichen spots with a baby cream or ointment based on lanolin is indicated. This action will help soften the affected skin.

In winter, whitish spots can dry out and become inflamed. In this case, you should use hormonal 1% hydrocortisone ointment.

Video: simple, white lichen - treatment.

How to remove pityriasis rosea

Known under other names. Doctors diagnose it as Zhiber's disease, and people define it as a cold variety. The pathology progresses in autumn and spring, when the immune system does not have high protective properties. It also worsens during periods of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, which is why the disease is nicknamed the cold.

Before you start, take a look at a photo of a person’s lichen and decide which form of it bothers you. Each type of disease has its own characteristics.

So, pityriasis rosea develops from a maternal plaque - a colored papule with a diameter of 2 - 3 cm. After some time from the moment it pops up, the initially pink spot turns yellow and becomes crusty. From the main plaque, daughter elements with a diameter of up to 1 cm are formed. They are covered with scales and acquire a bright pink outline.

Despite the rather unpleasant symptoms in the form of itching, burning and tightness of the skin, treatment of colds is most often carried out conservatively. But the signs of the disease disappear only after a month and a half - during this period the body finally rejects the pathogenic infection.

Be that as it may, drug therapy significantly weakens the bright clinic and stabilizes the nervous system, because due to unbearable itching, a person becomes restless and loses sleep. An important point in choosing how to treat lichen in a person is strengthening the immune system. Thanks to this measure, the body will increase efficiency and gain resistance to the effects of pathogens.

The basis of treatment for depriving Zhiber is taking antihistamines and following a hypoallergenic diet. During treatment, it is advisable to avoid synthetic and woolen clothing, which irritate the skin.

Trichophytosis or ringworm - ways to get rid of it

With ringworm, people most often turn to dermatologists. The disease is transmitted through the “human-human” or “animal-human” chain. The causative agent is the fungus Trichophyton, which damages the scalp and skin tissue.

Nizoral shampoo will help get rid of trichophytosis that affects the scalp. The product is therapeutic - it eliminates unpleasant symptoms such as burning, itching, and peeling of dermis particles. But hair in problem areas needs to be cut off once a week.

For those that have affected small areas of the skin, doctors prescribe ointments:

  • Miconazole;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Lamisil.

If a large area of ​​epidermal tissue is affected, treatment with ointments is combined with the use of antibiotics (Griseofulvin, Orungal). An integrated approach will help kill Trichophyton cells - there is no other way to get rid of it.

Gels have been developed against ringworm that are quickly absorbed and do not stain clothes:

Nutrition for trichophytosis should be complete. To maintain immunity, it is useful to eat meat and dairy products, herbs, vegetables and fruits. Fermented milk drinks are especially good in this regard, normalizing microflora and preventing allergies.

Video: diagnosis and treatment of ringworm.

Pityriasis versicolor, also known as beach versicolor: how to deal with it?

For proper treatment of beach lichen, it should be differentiated from other skin pathologies with a similar course. A characteristic sign of the disease is the leopard skin color, that is, the presence of pink, brown, brown spots on the human body.

Local fungal therapy involves treating the lesions with ointments:

  • Econazole;
  • Ketoconazole;
  • Bifoconazole;
  • Ciclopirox.

The allylamine compound terbinafine, which is beneficial for the skin, is available in the form of a spray and cream. The drug is applied to the skin a couple of times a day. Complex common forms require the inclusion of systemic antimycotics in the course. These are Itraconazole and Fluconazole.

Among folk remedies, buckwheat decoction works well. It is prepared from a glass of cereal, boiled in 600 ml of water over a low flame. The product is filtered and cooled. Use it to irrigate the affected areas three times a day.

Herpes zoster and lichen planus - features of therapy

How to cure shingles in humans of the shingles type? The treatment regimen is as follows:

It is recommended to lubricate scratched areas with Socoseryl. The ointment supplies the tissues with oxygen and fills them with glucose. It accelerates the regeneration of the integument and promotes the healing of ulcers and erosions. For non-deep ulcers, the effect is observed on the 2nd day from the start of use. The drug is applied a couple of times a day for 14 days.

In humans, treatment requires comprehensive treatment. Patients, the majority of whom are women, are prescribed penicillin antibiotics, antihistamine Tavegil, and hormonal hydrocortisone ointment.

For irrepressible itching and intense pain, analgesics are indicated. To improve the general condition of the body, experts advise taking a course of vitamins and immunomodulating medications.

Antiallergic non-hormonal ointments include Gistan. The drug is presented as an extract from herbs and plants. It eliminates immune inflammation and reduces allergies. After treatment with Gistan, papules resolve faster, and the integument remains clean. The duration of its use is prescribed individually, but in general the product should be applied to the tissue in a thin layer of 2 - 4 r. in a day.

Healing methods for treating lichen

1. How to treat lichen on the skin without medications? Experts in alternative medicine recommend using garlic infused with vodka (50 g of vegetable to 250 g of alcohol). Infusion is carried out for a week, then the product should be filtered. It is used for trichophytosis by rubbing into the affected scalp. The product is not washed off.

Ringworm on the leg is a skin disease, the formation of which leads to discomfort. They have not only a physical side, but also a moral one. This is explained by the fact that lichen has a tendency to spread and when it appears on open parts of the body, the sick person will be given undue attention and inquired about the nature of the pathological manifestations.

be careful

People suffering from dermatitis often make one big mistake:

The patient is trying to eliminate the external signs of the disease, but eliminating the external manifestations of psoriasis does not solve the problem from the inside.

Roughly speaking, even if it is possible to remove the signs of dermatitis from the outside and put the skin in order, inside the body the disease continues to devour the autoimmune system, which provokes severe diseases, many of which are fatal. Particularly scary is the fact that dermatitis can provoke cancerous tumors.

The only remedy that is currently available for independent use by patients with dermatitis is the special remedy "ZDOROV".

Read details in official source.

Basic aspects of pathology

First of all, it should be noted that the definition of lichen includes many diseases of an infectious-allergic nature, which have various clinical manifestations and treatment.

In most cases, lichen is transmitted by contact, that is, through close contact between a sick person and a healthy person.

The formation of the disease can be caused by a decrease in the body's resistance against the background of previous illnesses that had a severe course or prolonged exposure to stressful situations. Quite often, lichen can be found in children, because their body is in a state of formation of immune defense and does not have enough strength to overcome pathogenic fungi and bacteria.

Ringworm in humans is classified into:

  • shearer;
  • red flat;
  • pityriasis;
  • encircling.

Each type of pathological condition is characterized by certain features of the course. However, there are also signs that are characteristic of all types of lichen, namely:

  • the formation of spots and plaques of various sizes on the skin;
  • change in skin color, it becomes hyperpigmented or hypopigmented;
  • the appearance of itching, which can have varying intensity;
  • peeling of the skin in places where the pathological process is localized.

If you detect at least one of the listed symptoms, you must not waste time and be sure to seek advice and help from a dermatologist. The obligation to contact a medical professional is explained by the fact that certain types of lichen can pose a danger to others, and the sick person should know about this. After all, this will make it possible to prevent infection of loved ones and the spread of the disease.


Ringworm must be understood as a fairly severe disease of infectious origin that affects the skin, hair and even nail plates. The source of infection most often becomes a sick person, pets or wild animals. As for the transmission of infection, it occurs as a result of the use of common household items (combs, bed linen), as well as hats. In most cases, children who have not yet reached school age are affected. It is customary to distinguish the following forms of ringworm:

Clinical picture

What doctors say about dermatitis

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Belyaev A.S.
Work experience in the field of treatment of psoriasis and dermatitis - 12 years.

Dermatitis kills! Save your loved ones, they are in great danger! Get rid of dangerous skin rashes in two weeks.

Already 2 years on the European market there is a miracle drug for the treatment of dermatitis. It is several times more effective than its analogues - it not only gives a quick effect after the start of use, but also restores the natural functions of the skin, and has no side effects.

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  1. Microsporia, before its appearance, is caused by fungi belonging to the genus Microsporum. It can affect both people and animals. In most cases, infection occurs as a result of contact with street cats or pets that do not have the necessary vaccinations or through contact with contaminated soil. The peak incidence occurs in the summer-autumn period, because it is during this period that the number of homeless animals increases significantly, and high levels of air humidity become a contributing factor in the spread of the disease. The pathological process most often develops on the skin of the body or on the scalp. If lichen is localized on the skin of the legs, the patient will develop spots with pityriasis-like peeling, which have clear contours and are usually round in shape. The symptom that distinguishes this pathological condition from others is the absence of itching. Quite often, when ringworm is detected on the lower extremities, in parallel it also appears on the scalp.
  2. Trichophytosis, caused by fungi of the genus Trichophyton. The clinical picture of the disease is accompanied by the formation of a pathological process on the skin of the legs of a round or oval shape, the areas of which merge with each other. Their formation is not accompanied by a feeling of itching or pain. If, next to the pathological process, which is localized on the legs, lichen also appears on the scalp, then it will be accompanied by hair breaking and the formation of so-called black stumps. In the central part of the lesion, peeling begins to appear, which resembles bran in appearance, and along the edges - blisters are filled with purulent exudate.

It should be noted that this pathological condition can be quite easily cured in males who have not reached adulthood. As for girls, their disease most often becomes chronic. In this case, the formation of foci of peeling on the skin of the upper and lower extremities will be observed, which will have a pink-bluish color. The pathological process can spread to areas of the palms of the hands and soles with the appearance of deep folds. The chronic course of the disease is quite often accompanied by involvement of the nail plates of the toes in the pathological process.

Please note that in any case, do not start treatment without consulting a qualified specialist, because the use of certain medications can cause the pathological process to spread throughout the skin of the entire body.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, it is necessary to prepare for the fact that the treatment measures will continue for quite a long time, even several months. This type of lichen on the legs can be treated by applying topical antifungal drugs to the skin. These products have the ability to kill fungus and its spores, as well as speed up the healing process of affected areas. If the pathological process has spread over the skin of the entire body, then in this case therapy should be carried out with antifungal agents that have a systemic effect. The prescription of drugs for treatment should be carried out and monitored only by a dermatologist.

Pityriasis rosea

Pityriasis rosea or Zhiber's lichen is considered a pathological process of an allergic nature, which is formed as a result of a decrease in the body's resistance. This lichen in humans is not dangerous to others, because it is not transmitted by contact. Most often, the pathological process appears as a result of a previous cold, flu or other diseases of infectious origin.

The first manifestation of the disease (the first spot) on the skin is called the maternal plaque. It is a formation that has a round shape and pink color, measuring up to 2 cm in diameter (so it does not go unnoticed). Over time, peeling begins to form in the center of the spot. A few days after the appearance of the maternal plaque, spots begin to form throughout the body, but their sizes are much smaller. This rash is often accompanied by a feeling of itching.

A characteristic feature of the appearance of spots is that they are located in the form of lines, which are called Langer's lines. Please note, try not to scratch the rash, because trauma to the skin can cause a purulent infection.

As for treatment, to this day there is no specific scheme. Typically, the spots that accompany this disease disappear on their own, without outside help, after a month. In rare cases, their presence can be observed for up to six months. If the rash is accompanied by a feeling of unbearable itching, then in this case you can use topical antihistamines and corticosteroids in the form of ointments and creams.

Lichen planus

Discussions are still ongoing about the reason for the formation of this pathological condition. One group of doctors and scientists believe that lichen planus is a disease that is genetic and occurs as a result of the production of antibodies to one's own tissues. This is precisely what explains the use of immunosuppressive drugs in the treatment of this deprivation, and the exclusion of the use of antibacterial and antifungal agents.

Stories from our readers

Defeated dermatitis at home. It's been a month since I forgot about these terrible red spots and itching. Oh, how much I suffered. The rashes were in visible places, so I constantly noticed strange looks on myself, and my self-esteem was correspondingly below par. And everything itches periodically. How many times have I gone to dermatologists, how many traditional methods have I tried - all to no avail. But everything changed when I came across this article. A must read for anyone with dermatitis!

Read the full article >>>

The clinical picture of lichen ruber on the legs is characterized by the formation of flat plaques, which are bright and irregular in shape, their size does not exceed 3 mm. A feature of this rash is its tendency to merge. The surface of the rash elements looks shiny, as if covered with wax. Once the spots disappear, they leave behind areas of hyperpigmentation. The disease is accompanied by extremely intense itching, which quite often deprives patients of sleep for a fairly long period of time.

In order to carry out a differential diagnosis of lichen ruber, it is necessary to observe Wickham's symptom. To do this, you need to wet the lichen planus stain with vegetable oil; the lichen planus will begin to become covered with dots and lines of white color that intertwine with each other. This is explained by the fact that the affected area of ​​the skin is covered unevenly with the surface layer of the epidermis. This feature is not typical for other types of lichen.

To eliminate the pathological manifestations of this disease, it is necessary to use drugs of the GCS group. These medications are endowed with the ability to suppress the human immune defense, eliminating factors that cause the formation of lichen on the skin. However, it should be noted that such treatment is typical only for severe cases of the disease, if the pathological process spreads to the mucous membranes of the oral cavity or even internal organs.

In all other cases, drugs that have the ability to influence the body’s supporting ability in a certain way are not used.

Quite often the disease becomes chronic; its course will not be accompanied by pathological sensations.

Treatment of lichen planus in most cases consists of using:

  • ointments of the GKS group, which should be applied to the localization of spots and plaques;
  • antiallergic drugs, the use of which will eliminate the manifestations of itching;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures such as Diadynamic or Electrosleep;
  • interstructural therapy, through the use of interferons.

Pityriasis versicolor

This lichen is also commonly called versicolor; it is a fungal disease of an infectious nature that has a chronic course. Before its appearance, it leads to damage to the body by yeast-like fungi. It should be noted that this type of fungus does not appear on the feet often enough. But when it spreads, its manifestations can be localized on the tibia and femoral surfaces of the lower extremities.

This pathological condition is characterized by the appearance of a rash, which looks like dark red or brown spots with clear edges. A feature of pityriasis versicolor is the appearance of pityriasis versicolor in areas where the infectious process of fungal origin is localized. In parallel with the rash, an itching sensation appears, its intensity is at a fairly high level. It can prevent the patient from leading a full rhythm of his life. The rash does not tan when exposed to direct sunlight in the summer, and this leads to a strong contrast between healthy and affected skin.

In most cases, pityriasis versicolor begins to manifest itself against the background of a decrease in the body's resistance and exacerbations of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment of pityriasis versicolor consists of the use of agents that have an antifungal effect. The best option is to use them in the form of sprays, lotions or solutions. If the disease is severe or is accompanied by complications, then it is recommended to take systemic antifungal tablets. The course of such treatment usually lasts for a period of time, the duration of which can range from two to four weeks.

For this pathological condition, seasonality of formation is considered characteristic, because the largest number of cases is recorded in spring and summer.

Please note that in case of exacerbation of the disease, it is necessary to limit exposure to direct sunlight of the affected areas of the skin.


The disease occurs as a result of the negative impact on the human body of the varicella zoster virus, which belongs to the group of herpes viruses. The peculiarity of its formation is that it occurs most often in people with a history of chickenpox. This is explained by the fact that the virus remains in the body in the nerve cells of the spinal cord and as soon as conditions favorable for it appear, it immediately manifests itself.

The clinical picture is accompanied by the appearance of a rash in the form of vesicles filled with transparent contents. In most cases, the rash is localized on the torso or face, but when the body's resistance decreases, it can also appear on the legs.

Treatment of this pathological condition differs from previous cases, because it is based on the use of antiviral drugs, such as, for example, Acyclovir. In young people, the pathological manifestations of the disease may disappear without drug intervention after 10 days. Some patients may experience itching and soreness in the areas where the rash elements were localized.

Now you have basic information about how lichen can manifest itself in the human body and how to treat this pathological condition.

Drawing conclusions

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that you or your loved ones suffer from dermatitis.

We conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and, most importantly, tested most of the methods and means for treating dermatitis. The verdict is:

If all the drugs were given, it was only a temporary result; as soon as the treatment was stopped, the disease began to progress sharply.

The only drug that secured the result is cream-wax Zdorov from dermatitis.

Having appeared in the Russian Federation less than a year ago, this drug has made a real revolution in the fight against dermatitis and in the prevention of many serious diseases leading to death.

Attention! Cases of sales of counterfeit cream-wax Zdorov for dermatitis have become more frequent. If you want to receive a guaranteed quality product, then you need to purchase it ONLY at official website.

In addition, when purchasing on the official website, you receive a money-back guarantee (including transportation costs) if the drug does not have a therapeutic effect.