Tests on the topic: “Nervous system. Nervous system.docx - Biology tests on the topic "Nervous system" (8th grade, biology) Test nervous system and glands

Thematic test on the section “Human Nervous System”
The test consists of parts A, B and C. It takes 26 minutes to complete.
Options 1-2 (option 2 is in bold)
Part A
Select 1 correct answer in your opinion.
A1.What is the short process of a neuron called?
a) axon b) dendrite
c) nerve d) synapse
A1.What is the name of the long process of a neuron?
a) axon b) dendrite
c) nerve d) synapse
A2. The peripheral nervous system includes

A2. The central nervous system includes
a) brain and nerves b) spinal cord and nerve ganglia
c) nerves and ganglia d) spinal cord and brain
A3. Signals travel to the central nervous system through nerves

A3. Signals from the brain to the organs are transmitted through nerves
a) sensitive b) executive
c) mixed d) all answers are correct

A4. How many pairs of nerves depart from the spinal cord
a)30 b)31
c)32 d)33

A4. How many sections are there in the brain?
a)3 b)4
c)5 d)6
A5. The gray matter of the brain is formed

A5. The white matter of the brain is formed
a) dendrites b) neuron bodies
c) axons d) dendrites and cell bodies of neurons
A6.Where does all the information from the senses flow?
a) hypothalamus b) thalamus

A6.Which part of the brain provides coordination of movement?
a) hypothalamus b) thalamus
c) cerebral hemispheres d) cerebellum
A7. Within the central nervous system there are

A7. A nerve impulse arrives to a muscle or internal organ through
a) receptor b) interneuron
c) sensitive neuron d) motor neuron

A8.The center of thirst and hunger is in

c) pons d) midbrain
A8. The constancy of the internal environment of the body is controlled
a) cerebral cortex b) diencephalon
c) pons d) midbrain
A9. Olfactory and gustatory zones are located in. share
a) frontal b) temporal
c) occipital d) parietal
A9. Neurons of the visual zone are located in the lobe
a) frontal b) temporal
c) occipital d) parietal

A. The reflex begins with irritation of receptors.
B. The reflex arc includes receptors, the brain and the working organ

A10.Are the following judgments correct?
A. Reflexes acquired during life are called unconditioned.
B. The reflex arc is the path along which signals from the receptor go to the executive organ.
a) only A is true b) only B is true
c) both judgments are correct d) both judgments are incorrect

Part B
Q1. Select 3 correct, in your opinion, answers out of 6 and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
What features are characteristic of the autonomic nervous system?

4) regulated by the hypothalamus

Q1. Choose 3 correct answers, in your opinion, out of 6 and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
What features are characteristic of the somatic nervous system
1) controls internal organs, smooth muscles
2)subject to volitional control
3) does not obey the will of man
4) regulated by the hypothalamus
5) its center is the cerebral cortex
6) regulates the work of striated muscle tissue of skeletal muscles

Functions departments
A. regulates the functioning of the organs of the left side of the body 1. right hemisphere

B. responsible for abilities in music and fine arts 2. left hemisphere
V. controls speech, as well as reading and writing abilities
G. is responsible for logic and analysis
D. specializes in processing information that is expressed in symbols and images
E. regulates the functioning of the organs of the right side of the body

Q2. Establish a correspondence between the parts of the brain and their functions
Enter the numbers of the selected answers into the table
Functions departments
A. regulation of muscle tone 1. midbrain
B. center of salivation and swallowing 2. medulla oblongata
B. center of inhalation and exhalation
G. is responsible for the orienting reflex
D. regulates the size of the pupil and the curvature of the lens
E. the center of protective reflexes is located

Enter the numbers of the selected answers into the table
Functions subdepartments
A. activated under extreme conditions 1. sympathetic
B. reduces blood pressure 2. parasympathetic
V. increases skeletal muscle tone
D. blood sugar increases
D. the work of the digestive organs is activated
E. skin vessels dilate

AT 3. Establish a correspondence between the subdivisions of the nervous system and their functions
Enter the numbers of the selected answers into the table
Functions subdepartments
A. called the rebound system 1. sympathetic
B. increases blood pressure 2. parasympathetic
B. breathing becomes smoother and deeper
D. blood sugar levels decrease
D. the digestive organs slow down their activity
E. skin vessels narrow, the skin turns pale

C1.What part of the cerebral cortex is located under No. 2 what centers are located in it?

S1. Which lobe of the cerebral cortex is located under No. 1, what centers are located in it?

C2. Why is the parasympathetic subdivision of the autonomic nervous system called the “end light system”?
C2. Why is the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system called the “emergency system”?

Answers to the test “Human Nervous System”

Task A
Option No.



Task B.
Option No.
IN 1
AT 2
AT 3









Task C.
Option No.

Occipital lobe, visual center
It turns on after hard work. It returns the activity of the heart to a state of rest, reduces blood pressure and sugar levels. Under its influence, breathing becomes rarer, skin vessels dilate and the digestive organs are activated.

Parietal lobe. Center of musculocutaneous sensitivity
It is activated whenever the body is under tension. The heart increases its work, blood pressure rises, blood sugar increases, skin vessels narrow, and the person turns pale. The digestive organs, under the influence of sympathetic nerves, inhibit their activity.

Figure 2 Description: C:\Users\1\Desktop\3b4e802bcb240da3b763f78ee904022d.jpg15

Option 1

1. The peripheral nervous system includes:

1) 31 pairs of spinal nerves 2) 12 pairs of cranial nerves 3) medulla oblongata 4) nerve ganglia around the spine 5) segmental part of the central system 6) cerebellum 7) nerve ganglia of internal organs 8) pons

window. google_render_ad(); A)1,3,5 B)2,4,6 C)6,7,8 D)1,2,4,7 E)3,5,6,8

2. “Nucleus pallidus” and “corpus striatum” - what are they?

A) components of the gray matter of the cerebral hemispheres

B) gray matter of the cerebellum

C) subcortical region of the brain (hypothalamus)

D) inner layer of the medulla oblongata

E) Varoliev bridge

3. Which answer option correctly names the structure of the gray matter of the spinal cord?

1-pair of front horns 2-pair of rear horns 3-pair of lateral horns

a) motor neurons b) sensory neurons c) autonomic neurons

A) 1a, 2b, 3c B) 1b, 2a, 3c C) 1c, 2b, 3a D) 1a, 2c, 3b E) 1b, 2c, 3a

4. Extend your right arm forward. Use your index finger to touch the tip of your nose. Which part of the brain was involved in this movement, coordinating the activity of the arm muscles and determining the trajectory of movement?

A) spinal cord B) medulla oblongata C) cerebellum D) midbrain

E) cerebral cortex

5. The main speech center is located: 1) in the occipital 2) parietal 3) temporal 4) frontal lobe

A) left hemisphere a) right hemisphere of the brain

A)3-A B)1-A C)2-a D)4-A E)4-a

6.Inflammation of sensory nerve fibers is...

A) ganglitis B) neuritis C) neuralgia D) radiculitis E) myelitis

7. The sensory and motor functions of which human organs are provided by the nerve centers of the thoracic segment of the spinal cord?

A) skin and muscles, starting from the 5th rib of the chest to the bladder, internal

hand surface

C) skin and muscles of the head, neck, chest, outer surface of the arms

C) skin and muscles of the palm and fingers

D) tissues and organs of the abdominal cavity

E) skin and muscles of the legs and toes

8. Highlight the physical processes that regulate the thalamus and hypothalamus of the brain:

1) perception of external and internal stimuli through the senses 2) conduction of nerve

impulses to the medulla oblongata and spinal cord 3) regulation of breathing and cardiac activity

4) constancy of body temperature 5) ensuring normal metabolism 6) response to hunger

and saturation 7) protective reflexes - blinking, sneezing, coughing 8) juice and salivation

9) regulation of the activity of the pituitary gland

A)1,4,5,6,9 B)2,3,5,8 C)1,3,5,7 D)2,4,6,8 E)6,7,8

9.Location of the sensitive center of the skin...

A) occipital part of the cerebral cortex B) lower internal part of the frontal part

C) temporal part of the cerebral cortex D) anterior central gyrus of the parietal

E) in the posterior central gyrus of the vertex

10.What develops when the nerve cells of the spinal cord are damaged and the sensory and motor functions of tissues and organs are impaired?

A) hematoma B) neurosis C) paralysis D) aneurysm E) stroke

11. When what nerve centers are damaged, the perception of external and internal stimuli is disrupted?

A) midbrain B) pons C) thalamus D) hypothalamus E) C, D

12.Which receptor impulses are perceived by the associative zone of the cerebral cortex?

A) sensory organs B) muscles and tendons C) has no connection with tissues and organs of the body

D) skin E) joints and bones

13. In what part and what hemisphere of the cerebral cortex is the center that gives melody to human speech located?

A) temporal right hemisphere B) temporal left hemisphere

C) parietal right hemisphere D) frontal right hemisphere

E) frontal left hemisphere

14.What parts of the nervous system regulate the lower functions of the body?

A) spinal cord, pons B) medulla oblongata, cerebellum

C) midbrain, diencephalon D) A, B, C

E) cerebral cortex

15.Which part of the brain is associated with the formation of biologically active substances and the implementation of humoral regulation? Name that department.

A) intermediate B) middle C) medulla D) cerebellum E) forebrain

16. How many parts does the reflex arc consist of?

A) two B) five C) three D) four E) six

17.Which answer correctly indicates the reflexes of the spinal cord?

A) smell, digestion, breathing B) urination, pupil dilation

C) chewing, coughing, salivation D) movement, reading, speaking, learning

E) cry, sense of smell, coordination of movement

18. Determine which organs are controlled by the autonomic nervous system?

A) heart, intestines, endocrine glands, chest muscle metabolism

B) cardiac and neck muscles

C) kidneys, lungs, eye muscles

D) pancreas, chest muscles

E) salivary glands, liver, back muscles

19. Encephalitis is inflammation...

A) membranes surrounding the brain B) brain tissue

C) the membrane surrounding the spinal cord D) the tissue of the spinal cord

E) nerve cells of the spinal cord

20. In what part of the brain is the nerve center located that moves the eye?

A) medulla oblongata B) diencephalon C) midbrain

D) cerebellum E) pons


window. google_render_ad(); 1. What reflexes are provided by the diencephalon: 1) sensation of cold 2) overheating of the body 3) desire to sleep 4) increase in blood sugar 5) blinking 6) cough 7) inhalation and exhalation 8) increase in thyroxine 9) thirst

A)1,2,4,5 B)3,4,5,6 C)4,5,6,7 D)6,7,8,9 E)1,2,3,4,8,9

2. The structure of the gray matter of the spinal cord in a cross section has the shape of a butterfly and consists of nerve cells. Find out how many horns the gray matter has and what nerve cells are in them.

A) one pair of anterior horns - motor neurons, one pair of posterior horns - sensory neurons

B) one pair of anterior horns - sensory neurons, one pair of posterior horns - motor neurons

C) one pair of anterior horns - motor neurons, one pair of posterior horns - interneurons, one pair of lateral horns - sensory neurons

D) one pair of anterior horns - all types of neurons, one pair of posterior horns - all types of neurons

E) one pair of anterior horns - motor neurons, one pair of posterior horns - which includes the processes of sensory neurons, one pair of lateral horns - motor neurons of the autonomic nervous system

3. What does the gray matter in the thickness of the white matter of the brain consist of?

A) serotonin B) fats, proteins, carbohydrates C) nucleus pallidum, striatum

D) white matter E) axons and dendrites

4.Where is the main speech center located?

A) in the occipital part B) in the hemispheres C) in the temporal part of the left hemisphere

D) in the midbrain E) in the temporal part of the right hemisphere

5. Inflammation of motor nerve fibers is...

6.The centers of the autonomic nervous system are located...

A) in the spinal cord between 1st thoracic and 3rd lumbar segments

B) in the medulla oblongata C) in the midbrain D) A, B, C

E) in the hypothalamus

7.The human somatic nervous system controls...

A) movements B) sense organs C) heart function D) higher nervous activity

E) the work of the stomach

8.What is the sequence of the excitation pathway when a hand is burned? 1) receptor 2) centrifugal neuron

3) centripetal neuron 4) interneuron 5) gray matter of the spinal cord

6) cerebral cortex 7) muscle

A)1,3,4,6 B)1,2,5,6,3 C)2,4,3 D)1,3,4,2,7 E)3,4,2

9. The influence of which nerves causes increased heart rate and constriction of blood vessels?

A) cranial B) sympathetic C) spinal

D) parasympathetic E) somatic

10. Regulation of chewing, swallowing, sneezing, coughing, as well as protective digestive reflexes are associated with...

A) diencephalon B) nuclei of the medulla oblongata and pons

C) midbrain D) cerebral hemispheres of the forebrain

E) cerebellum

11.What is a reflex?

A) the body’s response to impulses sent and controlled by the central nervous system

B) regulation of the activity of the nervous system

C) nervous and humoral activity of the body

D) the influence of the external environment on the nervous system

E) there is no correct answer

12.Where are the digestive centers located and what nerves increase the functioning of the digestive organs?

A) intermediate, parasympathetic B) cerebral cortex, sympathetic

C) brain stem, sympathetic D) brain stem, parasympathetic

E) oblongata, intermediate, parasympathetic

13. Where are the sensitive and motor functions of the fingers provided?

A) brain B) cervical segment of the spinal cord

C) only in the right hemisphere D) in the elbow joint E) A, B

14. What does human mental activity depend on?

2. What makes up the gray matter of the brain?

A) nucleus pallidum and corpus striatum B) corpus pallidus and nucleus striatum

C) cells of the hypothalamus D) gray body, white nucleus

E) stem cells

3. What is the mass of the human medulla oblongata?

A) 100 g B) 10 g C) 70 g D) 7 g E) 1 g

4. Inflammation of neuromuscular fibers is...

A) ganglitis B) neuritis C) neuralgia D) radiculitis E) myositis

5. Why does spinal cord injury lead to paralysis?

A) ascending pathways are destroyed

C) descending pathways are destroyed

C) the dorsal roots of the spinal nerves are damaged

D) the anterior roots of the spinal nerves are damaged

E) the connection between the spinal cord and brain is interrupted

6. Where is the visual area?

A) in the occipital lobe B) in the parietal lobe C) in the temporal lobe

D) in the frontal lobe E) anterior central sulcus

7. What is the reflex arc path of the knee reflex?

A) muscle-receptor-nerve cell-intercalary cell-motor nerve cell

B) receptor-sensitive cell-intercalary cell-motor cell

C) receptor-sensitive nerve fiber - sensitive nerve cell-

interneuron - motor neuron-motor nerve fiber-muscle

D) sensitive neuron - interneuron - motor cell - sensitive

cell - muscle - receptor

E) muscle - receptor - interneuron - motor neuron - sensory cell -

nerve motor fiber - muscle

8. Indicate the main properties of nervous tissue.

A) excitability, contractility B) elasticity, contractility

C) excitability, conductivity D) automation, conductivity

E) automaticity, excitability

9. Motor nerves are...

A) nerves consisting of dendrites B) nerves consisting of axons and dendrites

C) nerves consisting of axons D) nerves consisting of axons of motor neurons

E) all answers are correct

10. Regulation of chewing, swallowing, sucking, as well as protective digestive reflexes are associated with...

A) diencephalon B) midbrain

C) nuclei of the medulla oblongata D) cerebellum

E) the cerebral hemispheres of the forebrain

11. Neuroglia is...

A) disease of the human nervous system

B) part of the spinal cord

C) cells with processes that are not part of the nervous tissue

D) cells that make up the nervous tissue and are located around the neurons of the brain

and spinal cord

E) cells not related to the nervous system

12.Which part of the brain is the higher nervous activity of higher mammals associated with?

A) middle B) dorsal C) oblong D) intermediate E) cerebral hemispheres

13.What is the segmental part of the central nervous system represented by?

A) spinal cord and lower parts of the brain

B) higher nerve centers and the cortical part of the brain

C) hemispheres of the brain

D) brain and spinal cord E) spinal cord and hemispheres

14.Which nervous system regulates the activity of the endocrine glands?

A) somatic B) vegetative C) peripheral D) central E) suprasegmental

15. What function does the white matter of the spinal cord perform?

A) transmission of impulses of the spinal cord and brain B) motor function

C) regulation of the activity of internal organs D) humoral function

E) regulation of respiratory function

16. Specify diseases of the central nervous system.

A) otitis, paratitis B) hepatitis, osteochondrosis C) myelitis, encephalitis

D) heart attack, ischemia E) gastritis, colitis

17. What is the disease characterized by chorea?

A) involuntary sudden movements of the limbs, blinking of the eyes

C) changes in handwriting, unsteady gait D) decreased pain and heat sensitivity

C) depressed mood, weight loss E) mood swings, decreased muscle tone

18.What zones is the surface of the human cerebral cortex divided into, depending on the functions,

performed by cortical cells?

A) sensitive, auditory, visual B) motor, sensitive, olfactory

C) frontal, parietal, temporal, motor D) sensitive, motor, associative

E) sensitive, visual, muscular

19.What is characterized by paralysis resulting from damage to brain tissue?

A) muscle tone of the limb increases and the limb becomes stiff

C) pain appears in the limb, then it becomes paralyzed and hangs like a whip

C) sensitivity and movement of the limb decreases

D) pain in the skin and muscles, trembling of the arms and legs

E) all answers are correct

20.Where are the centers of the somatic nervous system located?

window. google_render_ad(); A) evenly in all parts of the spinal cord and brain

B) in the lower parts of the brain

C) from the first thoracic to the third lumbar segments of the spinal cord

D) in the sacral part of the spinal cord

Thematic test on the section “Human Nervous System”

The test consists of parts A, B and C. It takes 26 minutes to complete.

Options 1- 2 (option 2 is in bold)

Select 1 correct answer in your opinion.

A1.What is the short process of a neuron called?

a) axon b) dendrite

c) nerve d) synapse

A 1 .What is the name of the long process of a neuron?

a) axon b) dendrite

c) nerve d) synapse

A2. The peripheral nervous system includes

A2. The central nervous system includes

a) brain and nerves b) spinal cord and nerve ganglia

c) nerves and ganglia d) spinal cord and brain

A3. Signals travel to the central nervous system through nerves

A3.Signals from the brain to the organs are transmitted through nerves

a) sensitive b) executive

c) mixed d) all answers are correct

A4. How many pairs of nerves depart from the spinal cord

A4.How many sections are there in the brain?

A5. The gray matter of the brain is formed

A5. The white matter of the brain is formed

a) dendrites b) neuron bodies

c) axons d) dendrites and cell bodies of neurons

A6.Where does all the information from the senses flow?

a) hypothalamus b) thalamus

A6.What part of the brain provides coordination of movement?

a) hypothalamus b) thalamus

c) cerebral hemispheres d) cerebellum

A7. Within the central nervous system there are

A7. A nerve impulse travels to a muscle or internal organ through

a) receptor b) interneuron

c) sensitive neuron d) motor neuron

A8.The center of thirst and hunger is in

c) pons d) midbrain

A8.The constancy of the internal environment of the body is controlled

a) cerebral cortex b) diencephalon

c) pons d) midbrain

A9. Olfactory and gustatory zones are located in…. share

a) frontal b) temporal

c) occipital d) parietal

A9.Neurons of the visual area are located in... lobe

a) frontal b) temporal

c) occipital d) parietal

A10.Are the following judgments correct?

A. The reflex begins with irritation of receptors.

B. The reflex arc includes receptors, the brain and the working organ

A10.Are the following statements correct?

A. Reflexes acquired during life are called unconditioned.

B. The reflex arc is the path along which signals from the receptor go to the executive organ.

a) only A is true b) only B is true

c) both judgments are correct d) both judgments are incorrect

Q1. Select 3 correct, in your opinion, answers out of 6 and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

What features are characteristic of the autonomic nervous system?

4) regulated by the hypothalamus

IN 1.Choose 3 correct answers, in your opinion, out of 6 and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

What features are characteristic of the somatic nervous system

1) controls internal organs, smooth muscles

2)subject to volitional control

3) does not obey the will of man

4) regulated by the hypothalamus

5) its center is the cerebral cortex

6) regulates the work of striated muscle tissue of skeletal muscles

Q2. Establish a correspondence between the parts of the brain and their functions

Functions departments

A. regulates the functioning of the organs of the left side of the body 1. right hemisphere

B. responsible for abilities in music and fine arts 2. left hemisphere

V. controls speech, as well as reading and writing abilities

G. is responsible for logic and analysis

D. With specializes in processing information that is expressed in symbols and images

E. regulates the functioning of the organs of the right side of the body

AT 2.Establish a correspondence between the parts of the brain and their functions

Enter the numbers of the selected answers into the table

Functions departments

A. regulation of muscle tone 1. midbrain

B. center of salivation and swallowing 2. medulla oblongata

B. center of inhalation and exhalation

G. is responsible for the orienting reflex

D. regulates the size of the pupil and the curvature of the lens

E. the center of protective reflexes is located

Enter the numbers of the selected answers into the table

Functions subdepartments

A. activated under extreme conditions 1. sympathetic

B. reduces blood pressure 2. parasympathetic

V. increases skeletal muscle tone

D. blood sugar increases

D. the work of the digestive organs is activated

E. skin vessels dilate

AT 3. Establish a correspondence between the subdivisions of the nervous system and their functions

Enter the numbers of the selected answers into the table

Functions subdepartments

A. called the rebound system 1. sympathetic

B. increases blood pressure 2. parasympathetic

B. breathing becomes smoother and deeper

D. blood sugar levels decrease

D. the digestive organs slow down their activity

E. skin vessels narrow, the skin turns pale

C1.What part of the cerebral cortex is located under No. 2 what centers are located in it?

C1 What lobe of the cerebral cortex is located under No. 1, what centers are located in it?

C2. Why is the parasympathetic subdivision of the autonomic nervous system called the “end light system”?

C2. Why is the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system called the “emergency system”?

Answers to the test “Human Nervous System”

Task A

Option No.

Task B.

Option No.

Task C.

Option No.

Occipital lobe, visual center

It turns on after hard work. It returns the activity of the heart to a state of rest, reduces blood pressure and sugar levels. Under its influence, breathing becomes rarer, skin vessels dilate and the digestive organs are activated.

Parietal lobe. Center of musculocutaneous sensitivity

It is activated whenever the body is under tension. The heart increases its work, blood pressure rises, blood sugar increases, skin vessels narrow, and the person turns pale. The digestive organs, under the influence of sympathetic nerves, inhibit their activity.

Option 1

Exercise. Choose one correct answer.

1. The basis of thinking and speech is work:

A. Respiratory system

B. Nervous system

B. Circulatory system

2. Capable of generating nerve impulses:

A. Lymphocytes

B. Red blood cells

B. Neurons

3. The white matter of the brain is formed:

A. Axons

B. Dendrites

B. Cell bodies of neurons

4. Impulses from the body of neurons pass through:

A. Axons

B. Dendrites

B. Receptor endings

5. The transformation of external stimuli into nerve impulses occurs in:

A. Brain

B. Receptors

B. Spinal cord

6. Neurons that conduct impulses from the central nervous system to the working organs are called:

A. Sensitive

B. Insertion

B. Motor

7. The accumulation of neuron cell bodies outside the central nervous system is called:

A. Nerve ganglia

B. Nerves

B. Receptors

8. The part of the nervous system that innervates skeletal muscles and skin is called:

A. Autonomous

B. Somatic

V. Central

9. The part of the nervous system that innervates the internal organs is called:

A. Vegetative

B. Somatic

V. Central

10. Blinking, sneezing, coughing are examples:

A. Conditioned reflexes

B. Acquired reflexes

B. Unconditioned reflexes

11. Neurons that are located within the central nervous system and participate in the implementation of the reflex are called:

A. Sensitive

B. Insertion

B. Effector

12. The average length of the spinal cord is:

A. 40 cm

B. 45 cm

H. 50 cm

13. In the central part of the spinal cord is located:

A. Gray matter

B. White matter

B. Nerve fibers

14. The number of spinal nerves is:

A. 21 pair

B. 40 pairs

B. 31 pair

Option 2

14. A pair of spinal nerves departs from the spinal cord.

15. The spinal cord contains the centers of many..., it also transmits impulses from organs to... the brain and back, that is, it performs... a function.

Option 3

Exercise. Give a short answer of one or two sentences.

1. What is the importance of the nervous system?

2. What are the structural features of neurons?

3. What functional groups can neurons be divided into?

4. How is the relationship between neurons carried out?

5. Present the classification of parts of the nervous system that you know.

6. What is a reflex? Types of reflexes. The meaning of reflexes.

7. What is the essence of neurohumoral regulation?

8. How does the spinal cord work?

9. What important functions does the spinal cord perform?

Option 4

Exercise. Give a full detailed answer.

1. The newborn firmly grasps any object that falls into his hands. What is the significance of this reflex? What happens to him next?

2. Some people with spinal cord injuries and paralysis of the trunk and limbs retain vitality and mental activity. How can you explain this?

3. The speed of excitation along nerve fibers increases sharply from fish to mammals and humans. What does it matter?

4. Classify the given examples of reflexes.

A. The child smacks his lips when he sees a bottle of milk.

B. Suddenly the phone rings and you reach out your hand.

B. Momentarily withdrawing your hand from the hot frying pan.

D. If a person comes out of the darkness into a bright light, he closes his eyes.

D. When lemon enters the mouth, saliva is released.

E. If there is a strong odor, the person sneezes.

G. To find out what time it is, you look at your hand, even if you forgot your watch at home.

5. At an appointment with a neurologist, the doctor taps the patient’s knee with a hammer. Why is he doing this?

6. You put on a new dress (suit) for the holiday, but the evening was ruined by an unpleasant event; it was very difficult to wear this outfit the next time, and soon you put it away. What is the reason for this situation?


The structure and significance of the nervous system. Structure and functions of the spinal cord

Option 1

1 – B; 2 – B; 3 – A; 4 – A; 5 B; 6 – B; 7 – A; 8 – B; 9 – A; 10 – B; 11 – B; 12 – B; 13 – A; 14 – V.

Option 2

1. Neurons, processes, impulses. 2. Dendrites, gray, axons, white. 3. Receptors, irritants, nervous. 4. Synapses. 5. Head, central, nodes, peripheral. 6. Neurons, nerves, nerve ganglia. 7. Somatic, internal, autonomous (vegetative). 8. External, internal, reflex. 9. Innate, unconditional, conditional. 10. Reflex arc, receptor, intercalary, executive (effector). 11. 45 cm, vertebral, membranes. 12. Butterflies, central, spinal. 13. Fibers, spinal, head. 14. 31. 15. Reflexes, head, conduction.

Option 3

1. Coordination of the work of all organ systems, interaction of the body with the external environment, ensuring mental processes - thinking, speech, behavior.

2. Neurons consist of a body and processes: short, branching, conducting impulses to the body of the neuron - dendrites, forming the gray matter of the brain, and axons - long, non-branching, conducting impulses from the body of neurons and forming the white matter of the brain.

3. Sensitive (affector) neurons conduct impulses from receptors in the central nervous system; their bodies are located outside the brain and spinal cord in nerve nodes (ganglia). Intermediate neurons are located in the central nervous system and transmit impulses from sensory neurons to executive neurons. Executive (effector) neurons transmit impulses from the central nervous system to the working organs, their bodies lie within the central nervous system.

4. At the points of contact between the membranes of neuron endings, connections are formed - synapses, the interaction of cells is carried out through the transfer of biologically active substances - neurotransmitters, changing the activity of neuron membranes and transmitting a signal.

5. The central nervous system is represented by the brain and spinal cord, the peripheral - by nerves, nerve ganglia and endings. The nervous system can be divided into somatic, which controls the work of muscles and is subject to human consciousness, and autonomous, or vegetative, which controls internal organs regardless of the will of the person.

6. Reflex is the body’s response to external and internal stimuli, carried out and controlled by the central nervous system. Reflexes can be unconditioned (congenital), inherited to ensure the vital functions of the body (swallowing, blinking, sneezing, coughing, salivation, etc.), and conditional, acquired during life, allowing the body to adequately respond to any changes in the environment and adapt.

7. Nerve impulses regulate the secretion of hormones by the internal glands

early secretion, and hormones affect the susceptibility of receptors and the functioning of the central nervous system. The functions of organ systems are controlled by the nervous system and the endocrine system.

8. The spinal cord is a cord 45 cm long, located in the spinal canal, starting from the base of the skull to the second lumbar vertebra, protected by membranes. At the center of the brain is a butterfly-shaped gray matter and a central canal filled with cerebrospinal fluid. On the outside is white matter containing nerve fibers and nerves. 31 pairs of spinal nerves arise from the spinal cord.

9. The reflex function is a reflex center that ensures the functioning of the respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, urinary systems, contraction of the skeletal muscles of the torso and limbs. Conductive function. Impulses pass through the spinal cord, connecting the brain with all cells of the body in a forward and backward direction.

Option 4

2. The controlling organ of the nervous system is the brain, where the highest centers for regulating the activity of all organ systems are located, therefore damage to the spinal cord is not fatal in all cases.

3. The maximum speed of nerve impulses allows the body to react faster to external and internal stimuli and, therefore, better adapt and adequately structure its behavior.

4. Conditioned reflexes: A, B, G. Unconditioned reflexes: B, D, D, E.

5. To determine the presence and normal expression of the knee reflex. This is necessary to diagnose the level of reflex activity of the patient and determine the state of the functioning of his nervous system.

6. The dress served as a conditioned stimulus, reinforced by an unconditional – negative emotional state; a conditioned reflex arose to the appearance of this stimulus.

"Human Nervous System"
Option 1
Part A
Select 1 correct answer in your opinion.
A1.What is the short process of a neuron called?
a) axon b) dendrite c) nerve d) synapse
A2. The peripheral nervous system includes
a) brain and nerves b) spinal cord and nerve ganglia c) nerves and nerve ganglia
d) spinal cord and brain
A3. Signals travel to the central nervous system through nerves
a) sensitive b) executive c) mixed d) all answers are correct
A4. How many pairs of nerves depart from the spinal cord
a)30 b)31 c)32 d)3
A5. The gray matter of the brain is formed
a) dendrites b) neuron bodies c) axons d) dendrites and neuron bodies
A6.Where does all the information from the senses flow?
a) hypothalamus b) thalamus c) cerebral hemispheres d) cerebellum
A7. Within the central nervous system there are
a) receptor b) interneuron c) sensory neuron d) motor neuron
A8.The center of thirst and hunger is in
a) cerebral cortex b) diencephalon c) pons d) midbrain
A9. Olfactory and gustatory zones are located in…. share
a) frontal b) temporal c) occipital d) parietal
A10.Are the following judgments correct?
A. The reflex begins with irritation of receptors.
B. The reflex arc includes receptors, the brain and the working organ
a) only A is true b) only B is true c) both judgments are correct d) both judgments are incorrect
Part B
IN 1.
Choose 3 correct, in your opinion, answers out of 6 and write down the numbers under which they
What features are characteristic of the autonomic nervous system?
1) controls internal organs, smooth muscles 2) is subject to volitional control
3) does not obey the will of a person 4) is regulated by the hypothalamus

5) its center is the cerebral cortex
6) regulates the work of striated muscle tissue of skeletal muscles
Q2. Establish a correspondence between the parts of the brain and their functions

Functions departments
A. regulates the functioning of the organs of the left side of the body 1. right
B.responsible for abilities in music and fine arts 2.left hemisphere
V. controls speech, as well as reading and writing abilities
G. is responsible for logic and analysis
D. specializes in processing information that is expressed in symbols and images
E. regulates the functioning of the organs of the right side of the body
AT 3. Establish a correspondence between the subdivisions of the nervous system and their functions
Enter the numbers of the selected answers into the table
Functions subdepartments
A. activated under extreme conditions 1. sympathetic
B. reduces blood pressure 2. parasympathetic
B.increases skeletal muscle tone
D. blood sugar increases
D. the work of the digestive organs is activated
E. skin vessels dilate
C1.What part of the cerebral cortex is located under No. 2 what centers are located in it?

Answers to the test “Human Nervous System”
Task A

Task B.
Option No.
Task C.
Option No.
Parietal lobe. Center
IN 1
AT 2
AT 3
occipital lobe,
visual center
It turns on after
hard work. He
heart activity in
state of rest,
reduces blood pressure and
sugar content in
blood. Under her influence
breathing becomes
more rare
skin expands
vessels and
organs are activated
It activates
the body is in
voltage. Heart
strengthens its work
blood levels rise
sugar content in
blood, skin vessels
taper, man
turns pale. Organs
digestion under