Scary dreams stories from people. Dreams in stories, stories in dreams. What time of day is best for sleep?

At all times, people have had a special relationship with sleep. In a dream, we plunge inside ourselves, at this time neither religion nor government policy influences us, we sleep and are in a kind of oblivion.

In the modern world, people tend to regulate their sleep. Our natural sleep process is disrupted every morning by our alarm clock. The dream takes on social and cultural significance. We can no longer sleep the way we want, so as not to arouse suspicion: why is he sleeping when everyone else is working? We are forced to submit to certain conditions, even in such a vital aspect as sleep.

Some sources claim that early Christianity ordered people to sleep no more than 6 hours a night. This was necessary because in a dream a person became more vulnerable to evil spirits: in a dream a tempter could appear to him, offering to sell his soul to the devil. It was believed that during sleep a person lost contact with God, so some monks practiced sleep alternating with wakefulness and never slept for many hours in a row.

Medieval people divided sleep into two parts: there was sleep until midnight, then wakefulness, then sleep again.

It is believed that it is most natural to go to bed early and get up early. This rhythm is useful and practical from the point of view of the biorhythms of the planet and man. This is exactly the behavior that was observed among people in ancient times and is still practiced today.

The emergence of a capitalist society required a sharp reduction in the number of hours of sleep. If in the Middle Ages people did not keep track of time and did not control it, then the transition to industrial society required strict accounting of all hours, both waking and sleeping.

The era of early capitalism demanded incredible sacrifices from people. The working day could last 16 hours, and children who worked in factories at that time could work 36 hours, having only a short nap right at the workplace. Naturally, this was not normal and ended in a workers' revolt.

Things are completely different in the era of mass consumption. Here you don’t need to produce, but you need to offer, and 24 hours a day! This 24/7 demand is a capitalist paradise.

We can say that sleep, as such, has become a commodity. After all, time is measured by money: how much can you earn while you sleep and while you are awake? Naturally, sleep time will bring less money, because during this time nothing is produced, a person only charges his internal batteries, but does not earn money.

Sleep begins to be managed as internal capital. There are a lot of pharmacological drugs that can influence the duration of sleep and correct it.

Textbooks on the tactics of short and effective sleep are beginning to be in demand. One method is to break the dream into several parts. At night they sleep for 4 hours, and during the day they take 20-minute breaks. In Japan, there is a phenomenon of public sleeping: there is nothing wrong if a person falls asleep in public places.

The dream is associated with the performance of ancient rituals. Today we can also use our rituals when we go to bed. For example, a good ritual before going to bed is to write down on paper everything that happened during the day. Good or bad, it doesn't matter. Everything you managed to do, all the pros and cons of the past day, needs to be written down and thought about. Your sleep will be calmer and more productive.

It’s hard to say when it’s better to sleep, day or night. After all, it is at night that great works are born, and their creators are visited by their muse. Night, as a time of day, can be very productive for unusual and non-standard solutions.

In the modern world, sleep is no longer tied to the time of day. Rescue services work around the clock, a nightlife culture is developed and people can be active in the dark.

Do you have unusual dreams? Or do you like to read stories about real people's dreams? For example: prophetic dreams or dreams about love, or you have mystical dreams, creepy and scary stories - then you have come to the right place.

The world of dreams holds many secrets, and the “Dreams” section will help you lift the veil on many of them. Here you will find people's stories about how they looked into the future with the help of dreams. They visited places they had never been to, met people they were yet to meet, and even communicated with the dead. All these stories are letters sent by readers, ordinary people, just like you and me.

Reading these stories, you involuntarily begin to understand that dreams are not just meaningless pictures with which our subconscious entertains us when we sleep.

It turns out that with the help of dreams you can look into the future! You will find many examples of this in the section In dreams, people saw places where they were yet to visit. They learned about the dangers that threatened them, about what would happen to them in the future...

Some people dreamed of strangers, and after some time they met in reality. You will read about how the authors met their future wives and husbands and unborn children in the stories under the heading

An interesting property of dreams is that they provide answers to seemingly insoluble questions and even find lost things. You will find many such cases in the section.

No matter how strange it may be, it is in a dream that you can dream of something that you will never see anywhere. Sometimes the plot of a dream can be compared to the plot of a book or even a film. It often happens that you dream of something so strange that it is difficult to even describe it in words.

Dream Diary

Here are the most interesting and useful articles about dreams, they will help you better understand the nature of sleep, you will find answers to the following questions:

What is sleep

Can it be controlled and how?

Is it possible to travel through time?

Why is almost half of our life spent sleeping?

Do prophetic dreams really exist?

What do our nightmares talk about?

How to fall asleep quickly?

What are lucid dreams?

What prevents you from falling asleep?

What does this or that dream mean and many others.

Sleep for me is a small journey that I take every night. And where I will end up next time, I don’t know.

The Dreams section is not only about the supernatural or exciting things that have come true, what you have probably seen before, most likely in dreams, about the fact that your city has changed and you are walking through familiar terrain, but everything is new there. Lucid dreams and other similar stories related to dreams. It is most interesting if you suddenly find yourself in the future in a dream. Meetings in dreams with mystical creatures (brownies, bereginyas, goblins, ghosts, dragons, etc.) are also very interesting. In a word, write whatever you think is necessary! Write your comments on other people’s dreams, and also be surprised at what unusual dreams others have!

The events took place in 2015.

One day, one beautiful summer, we flew to Turkey to visit our uncle. My mother, sister and grandmother and I have been dreaming about this trip for a long time. And for how long I haven’t seen my beloved uncle. Moreover, I missed him very much.

Well, actually, the road was not easy, there were passports, documents, a flight and sleepless nights on the way to him. Everything was fine, we arrived successfully. When we arrived, he met us at the exit and we immediately headed to Ayvacik - this is an island where not many people live, a place where you can calmly relax in silence from the bustle of the city and where the Aegean Sea, which plays one, but a very terrible role in our lives, but more on that later.

When we arrived, of course, we started swimming, diving and splashing in the sea under the rays of the sun, we had a good time and every evening our family had games. Everything seemed to be going as usual, but when I went to bed on one of these beautiful days, I dreamed that someone was going to die soon and that someone was an older person. The next morning I woke up, of course, not without a state of shock. But I decided that I no longer believed in everything otherworldly, so I didn’t attach any importance to this dream. In the following nights from that moment on, I periodically began to have such dreams more often. The next night I dreamed that the man’s death was approaching and would soon reach him. I woke up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, but tried to calm down and went back to sleep. This morning I decided to tell one person about this - my sister. She also became worried and began to be wary of what would happen in the future.

Hours passed since then, I thought about it for a long time, I realized that this was not just a dream and that I didn’t just dream about it every night. I assumed that perhaps it should be my mother, but I thought about it and remembered one more detail; the dream clearly stated that this would be the oldest person in the family. Then I realized that it was about my grandmother. I understood, but decided not to tell anyone else about it, you never know, they won’t believe you, you never know they’ll take you for a schizophrenic, after all, I once tried to warn about other important things, but they never believed me, so I realized that even this since no one will understand me seriously. So I decided to keep quiet in the following days.

And then, again, the night... This night was special, then in a dream an incomprehensible silhouette of a man came and said that she would die, but he never said who, I long ago understood who he was talking about...

The dream has passed. Morning has come. And this morning was special, this morning everything was perfect, everyone had breakfast and we went to the market for groceries and other important matters. Grandmother refused, as always, because of her sore and swollen legs. She was left alone. We left.

Time passed, we returned home in the evening at 18:00, before that I felt something was wrong in the car, I began to hesitate, but after a while we arrived and began to lay out the purchased things and gifts for my grandmother, after all, it was supposed to be her birthday after three days. And some time passed, while my sister was putting away her shopping, I began to look for my grandmother, I looked, we looked, another hour passed and we really began to worry like never before. But I didn’t know what was happening, it was as if someone had possessed me, someone in my body furiously snatched the lantern from my mother and ran to the beach. As a result, as I approached, I saw a hand, parts of the body and ran faster, I came! It was my grandmother, she was 300 meters from our rented house. Part of her body lay on the shore, the other in the sea, she was turned over facing the sky, I realized that she had fought for a long time to swim to the shore and there she could no longer stand it and died.

And it was night, nothing was visible, at the time we arrived it was even darker, but she went swimming, as it turned out, two hours before our arrival, and at that hour it was already quite dark. She never did this, there was a lock on the gate and we took the key for ourselves. However, the lock was open. How? We never found out. The gate was small, but the grandmother could not climb over it with such legs and weight, and somehow she managed! After a while, we transported her to Russia and buried her in Khirino.

Several weeks have passed since then. I remembered how three days before the New Year I also had a dream about a death in my family, and on the same day my aunt died in a car accident. She died long and painfully, as the doctors said.

Also, a couple of months ago, when my mother and I were in St. Petersburg, I dreamed of the cemetery where my grandfather would be buried. In October, he underwent coronary bypass surgery, the result was terrible, his body was mutilated beyond recognition and he was buried in the Perpechensky cemetery.

The other day I had a dream again. It's about my father...

I had a friend Zhenya, we lived nearby, grew up from the cradle, and a guy lived nearby, Nikolai, my first love. Significant guys in my life.
I was already married, had a child, sometimes called each other on the phone, but did not communicate with my beloved guy. I lived with my family in another place.

I had a dream that my boyfriend, my first love, died. He died right near his home. I saw him in a dirty ditch in a dream, it seemed like he tripped on large concrete piles, flew down and crashed. There are no piles there now and the fence of his yard has been moved, and the place that he dreamed of is already part of the yard.

In general, I dreamed that I was so upset, so creepy, he was young. I tell him, the deceased, in a dream: “Go upstairs (we have a street up there), find my father. He also died, you will be there with him, they say, we are all mortal.” Then I see in a dream that on a hill, quite far away, my Nikolai is standing with my father.

I woke up, was impressed all day, and in the evening I called my friend Zhenya to ask how Nikolai was, how long had it been since we saw each other? The dream told. “Alive,”
speaks. “I recently saw something like something with drugs, not very good.” Well, we talked and that's it.

Less than a month has passed, my friend Zhenya calls me. “Come,” he says. “We will bury you, your dream is prophetic.”
Then I found out that he hanged himself.
Buried. I began to dream about Nikolai often.

Six months passed, my friend Zhenya periodically called each other, he also said that Nikolai was dreaming. Alms were given.
I had a dream. When we were children, about eleven years old, we played near an abandoned house. Me, Nikolai and Zhenya. The house no longer has a roof, but there are walls that are as high as my chest. We run around these walls, then I want to climb over the wall, I pull myself up, but I don’t have enough strength. And I see my guys on the other side, playing with me, ticking, but it turns out I can’t climb up. A distinct dream about the late Nikolai and the living Zhenya.

I woke up, got scared, called Zhenya and told her about my dream. He says: “Yes, I recently dreamed of Nikolai, he called me with him. I was even scared." Well, everything seems fine. We discussed it, worried about it, and remembered that house and our childhood.
Zhenya's friend died three weeks after the call. In the very place where I dreamed near an abandoned house, where I dreamed about Nikolai.

An autopsy showed bilateral purulent pneumonia. And that house, when I actually saw it the last time, it was already abandoned, but still had a roof.
When they found Zhenya near him, I went there, the whole house was dismantled, almost to the foundation.

But that's not all. Zhenya took care of his mother who was sick after a stroke. Mom died after the death of her son about a year later, I didn’t even go to the funeral, I didn’t know. So, now I very often dream about both Zhenya and his mother. They seem to be alive, but I know in a dream that they died and all sorts of stories with the two of them. Sometimes I remember, light candles, order magpie, I still dream and dream about it.