At what speed does blood move through the veins? Large and small circles of blood circulation What speed does blood move through the veins

The surface of expanded blood (plasma + blood cells) is 6000 m2. The surface of the lymph is 2000 m2. These 8000 m2 are introduced into the blood and lymphatic vessels - arteries, veins and capillaries, the length of the last 100,000 km. A surface of 8000 m, 1-2 microns thick, more than 100,000 km long, is irrigated with blood and lymph in 23-27 s. This speed of capillary flow explains, perhaps, the mysterious speed of chemical reactions in the human body with its very moderate temperature. Apparently, the role of capillary flow rate is as significant as the role of diastases, enzymes and biocatalysts.

Carrel (Carrel, 1927), comparing the volume of fluids necessary for the life of tissue in culture, calculated the fluid requirement of the human body in 24 hours and found that it was equal to the figure of 200 liters. He was completely bewildered when he was forced to state that with 5-6 liters of blood and 2 liters of lymph, the body is endowed with ideal irrigation.

His calculation was wrong. The survival of tissue grown in culture is by no means a mirror, an exact reflection of the actual life of the tissue in a living organism. This is a caricature of cellular and tissue life under normal conditions.

Tissues grown in culture have a microscopic, lilliputian metabolism compared to that of normal tissues. There is a lack of stimulants and control of the brain center. It is impossible, through a mixture of salt and water, biologically inert, to replace living blood and lymph, which purify, which every second doses nutritional substances, the waste of each molecule, the proportions between acids and bases, between oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Almost all conclusions drawn from the study of cultured tissues must be radically revised. If the vascular circulation cycle occurs in 23 s, if in 23 s 7-8 liters of blood and lymph run around their orbits, then this will be approximately 20 l/min, 1200 l/h, 28,000 l/day. If our calculations of the speed of blood flow are correct, if in 24 hours almost 30,000 liters of blood and lymph wash our body, we can assume that we are present at the bombardment of parenchymal cells with particles of blood, according to the same law that determines the bombardment of our planet by cosmic particles, the law governing the movement of planets and the Universe, the movement of electrons in their orbit, and the rotation of the Earth.

The speed of blood flow is very different when passing through territories located in the brain; in some areas it passes in a period not exceeding 3 seconds. This means that in the brain the speed of blood circulation corresponds to the speed of a lightning flash of thought.

They often talk about the reserve forces of the human body, but at the same time they are not aware of the true nature of these forces. Each atom, each nucleus of an atom, while retaining its enormous explosive force, remains inert, harmless, unless a dizzying acceleration follows, producing a destructive explosion. The reserve forces of the body represent the same explosive potency, just as dormant as the lulled power of the inert atom.

Rational balneotherapeutic procedures, increasing and accelerating circulation, intensifying the number and completeness of oxidative processes, cause an increase and spread of constructive micro-explosions.

“Everything that exists above also exists below,” Heraclitus declared more than 2,000 years ago. The parallelism between directed micro-explosions planned in the lives of animals, plants and people, on the one hand, and between gigantic explosions in myriads of suns, on the other, is obvious.

Of course not. Like any liquid, blood simply transmits the pressure exerted on it. During systole, it transmits increased pressure in all directions, and a wave of pulse expansion runs from the aorta along the elastic walls of the arteries. She runs at an average speed of about 9 meters per second. When blood vessels are damaged by atherosclerosis, this rate increases, and its study represents one of the important diagnostic measurements in modern medicine.

The blood itself moves much more slowly, and this speed is completely different in different parts of the vascular system. What determines the different speeds of blood movement in arteries, capillaries and veins? At first glance, it may seem that it should depend on the level of pressure in the corresponding vessels. However, this is not true.

Let's imagine a river that sometimes narrows and sometimes widens. We know very well that in narrow places its flow will be faster, and in wide places it will be slower. This is understandable: after all, the same amount of water flows past each point on the shore at the same time. Therefore, where the river is narrower, the water flows faster, and in wide places the flow slows down. The same applies to the circulatory system. The speed of blood flow in its different sections is determined by the total width of the channel of these sections.

In fact, per second, on average, the same amount of blood passes through the right ventricle as through the left; the same amount of blood passes on average through any point in the vascular system. If we say that an athlete’s heart can eject more than 150 cm 3 of blood into the aorta during one systole, this means that the same amount is ejected from the right ventricle into the pulmonary artery during the same systole. This also means that during atrial systole, which precedes ventricular systole by 0.1 seconds, the indicated amount of blood also “in one go” passed from the atria to the ventricles. In other words, if 150 cm 3 of blood can be ejected into the aorta at once, it follows that not only the left ventricle, but also each of the other three chambers of the heart can accommodate and eject about a glass of blood at once.

If the same volume of blood passes through each point of the vascular system per unit time, then due to the different total lumen of the arteries, capillaries and veins, the speed of movement of individual blood particles, its linear speed will be completely different. Blood flows fastest in the aorta. Here the speed of blood flow is 0.5 meters per second. Although the aorta is the largest vessel in the body, it represents the narrowest point of the vascular system. Each of the arteries into which the aorta splits is tens of times smaller. However, the number of arteries is measured in hundreds, and therefore, in total, their lumen is much wider than the lumen of the aorta. When the blood reaches the capillaries, it completely slows down its flow. The capillary is many millions of times smaller than the aorta, but the number of capillaries is measured in many billions. Therefore, blood flows in them a thousand times slower than in the aorta. Its speed in the capillaries is about 0.5 mm per second. This is of enormous importance, because if the blood quickly rushed through the capillaries, it would not have time to give oxygen to the tissues. Since it flows slowly, and the red blood cells move in one row, “in single file,” this creates the best conditions for contact of blood with tissues.

In humans and mammals, blood completes a full rotation through both circles of blood circulation in an average of 27 systoles; for humans this is 21-22 seconds.

Blood speed

For the speed of blood movement, the total total cross-section of the blood vessels is important.

The smaller the total cross-section, the greater the speed of fluid movement. And, conversely, the larger the total cross-section, the slower the fluid flow. It follows from this that the amount of fluid flowing through any cross section is constant.

The sum of the lumens of the capillaries is several times larger than the lumen of the aorta. The cross-sectional area of ​​the adult aorta is 8 cm2, so the narrowest point of the circulatory system is the aorta. Resistance in large and medium-sized arteries is low. It increases sharply in small arteries - arterioles. The lumen of the arteriole is significantly smaller than the lumen of the artery, but the total lumen of the arterioles is tens of times greater than the total lumen of the arteries, and the total internal surface of the arterioles sharply exceeds the internal surface of the arteries, which significantly increases resistance.

The resistance in the capillaries (external friction) increases greatly. Friction is especially great where the lumen of the capillary is narrower than the diameter of the red blood cell, which is difficult to push through it. The number of capillaries in the systemic circulation is 2 billion. As the capillaries merge into venules and veins, the total lumen decreases; the lumen of the vena cava is only 1.2-1.8 times greater than the lumen of the aorta.

The linear speed of blood movement depends on the difference in blood pressure in the initial and final parts of the systemic or pulmonary circulation and on the total lumen of the blood vessels. The greater the total clearance, the lower the speed, and vice versa.

With local dilation of blood vessels in any organ and unchanged general blood pressure, the speed of blood movement through this organ increases.

The highest speed of blood flow is in the aorta. During systole it is mm/s, and during diastole it is mm/s. In arteries the speed is mm/s. In arterioles it drops sharply to 5 mm/s, in capillaries it decreases to 0.5 mm/s. In the middle veins the speed increases to dom/s, and in the vena cava - up to 200 mm/s. Slowing down the blood flow in the capillaries is very important for the exchange of substances and gases between the blood and tissues through the capillary wall.

The shortest time required for blood to pass through the entire circulatory system is s. In humans, blood circulation time decreases during digestion and during muscular work. During digestion, blood flow through the abdominal organs increases, and during muscular work, through the muscles.

The number of systoles during one circuit is approximately the same in different animals.

Blood flow speed

in separate capillaries determined using biomicroscopy, supplemented by film, television and other methods. Average completion time red blood cell through a capillary systemic circulation is 2.5 s in a person, 0.3-1 s in a small circle.

Movement of blood through veins

Venous the system is fundamentally different from arterial.

Blood pressure in veins

Significantly lower than in arteries and may be lower atmospheric(in the veins located in the chest cavity, - during inhalation; in the veins of the skull - with a vertical position of the body); venous vessels have thinner walls, and with physiological changes in intravascular pressure, their capacity changes (especially in the initial section of the venous system); many veins have valves that prevent the reverse flow of blood. The pressure in the postcapillary venules is 10-20 mm Hg; in the vena cava near the heart it fluctuates in accordance with the respiratory phases from +5 to -5 mm Hg. - therefore, the driving force (ΔP) in the veins is about 10-20 mm Hg, which is 5-10 times less than the driving force in the arterial bed. When coughing and straining, central venous pressure can increase to 100 mmHg, which prevents the movement of venous blood from the periphery. The pressure in other large veins also has a pulsating nature, but pressure waves propagate through them retrogradely - from the mouth of the vena cava to the periphery. The reason for the appearance of these waves is contractions right atrium And right ventricle. The amplitude of the waves as they move away from hearts decreases. The speed of pressure wave propagation is 0.5-3.0 m/s. Measuring the pressure and volume of blood in the veins located near the heart in humans is often carried out using phlebography jugular vein. The venogram reveals several successive waves of pressure and blood flow, resulting from obstruction of blood flow to the heart from the vena cava during systole right atrium and ventricle. Phlebography is used in diagnostics, for example, in case of tricuspid valve insufficiency, as well as in calculating blood pressure in pulmonary circulation.

Reasons for the movement of blood through the veins

The main driving force is the pressure difference in the initial and final sections of the veins, created by the work of the heart. There are a number of auxiliary factors that influence the return of venous blood to the heart.

1. Movement of a body and its parts in a gravitational field

In a distensible venous system, the hydrostatic factor has a great influence on the return of venous blood to the heart. Thus, in the veins located below the heart, the hydrostatic pressure of the blood column is added to the blood pressure created by the heart. In such veins the pressure increases, and in those located above the heart it decreases in proportion to the distance from the heart. In a lying person, the pressure in the veins at the level of the foot is approximately 5 mm Hg. If a person is transferred to a vertical position using a turntable, the pressure in the veins of the foot will increase to 90 mm Hg. In this case, the venous valves prevent the reverse flow of blood, but the venous system is gradually filled with blood due to the inflow from the arterial bed, where the pressure in the vertical position increases by the same amount. The capacity of the venous system increases due to the stretching effect of the hydrostatic factor, and an additional 400-600 ml of blood flowing from microvessels accumulates in the veins; accordingly, venous return to the heart decreases by the same amount. At the same time, in the veins located above the level of the heart, venous pressure decreases by the amount of hydrostatic pressure and may become lower atmospheric. Thus, in the veins of the skull it is 10 mm Hg lower than atmospheric pressure, but the veins do not collapse, since they are fixed to the bones of the skull. In the veins of the face and neck, the pressure is zero, and the veins are in a collapsed state. Outflow occurs through numerous anastomoses the external jugular vein system with other venous plexuses of the head. In the superior vena cava and the mouth of the jugular veins, the pressure in the standing position is zero, but the veins do not collapse due to the negative pressure in the chest cavity. Similar changes in hydrostatic pressure, venous capacity and blood flow velocity also occur with changes in the position (raising and lowering) of the arm relative to the heart.

2. Muscle pump and venous valves

When muscles contract, the veins running through them are compressed. In this case, the blood is squeezed towards the heart (venous valves prevent backflow). With each muscle contraction, blood flow accelerates, the volume of blood in the veins decreases, and the blood pressure in the veins decreases. For example, in the veins of the foot when walking the pressure is 15-30 mm Hg, and in a standing person it is 90 mm Hg. The muscle pump reduces filtration pressure and prevents the accumulation of fluid in the interstitial space of the leg tissues. In people who stand for long periods of time, the hydrostatic pressure in the veins of the lower extremities is usually higher, and these vessels are more stretched than in those who alternately strain their muscles shins, as when walking, to prevent venous stagnation. If the venous valves are defective, contractions of the lower leg muscles are not as effective. The muscle pump also increases outflow lymph By lymphatic system.

3. The movement of blood through the veins to the heart

The pulsation of the arteries also contributes, leading to rhythmic compression of the veins. The presence of a valve apparatus in the veins prevents the reverse flow of blood in the veins when they are compressed.

4. Breathing pump

During inhalation, the pressure in the chest decreases, the intrathoracic veins dilate, the pressure in them decreases to -5 mm Hg, blood is sucked in, which helps the blood return to the heart, especially through the superior vena cava. Improved blood return through the inferior vena cava is facilitated by a simultaneous slight increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which increases the local pressure gradient. However, during exhalation, the blood flow through the veins to the heart, on the contrary, decreases, which neutralizes the increasing effect.

5. Suction action hearts

promotes blood flow in the vena cava in systole (expulsion phase) and in the rapid filling phase. During the expulsion period, the atrioventricular septum moves downward, increasing the volume of the atria, as a result of which the pressure in the right atrium and adjacent sections of the vena cava decreases. Blood flow increases due to the increased pressure difference (suction effect of the atrioventricular septum). At the moment of opening of the atrioventricular valves, the pressure in the vena cava decreases, and the blood flow through them in the initial period of ventricular diastole increases as a result of the rapid flow of blood from the right atrium and vena cava into the right ventricle (suction effect of ventricular diastole). These two peaks of venous blood flow can be observed on the curve of the volumetric flow velocity of the superior and inferior vena cava.

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At what speed does blood flow? In one circle, blood travels an average of about 240 dm from one half of the heart to the other. And it only takes her about 40 seconds to do this.

Task 1. Determine the average speed at which blood flows.

When walking at a leisurely pace, you walk at a speed of about 5 dm/s.

Task 2. Determine how many more decimeters your blood travels in 1 minute than you do while walking.

When running, your speed is approximately 50 dm/s.

Task 3. Determine how many seconds you can “overtake” your blood at a 100-meter distance.

Arteries, veins and capillaries have different sizes and different distances from the heart. Therefore, the speed of blood movement through them is different. Blood moves fastest through the arteries. In them, its speed is on average 40 cm/s. During the same time, blood travels a path that is half as long as through the arteries. It takes blood 20 times longer to travel through capillaries than to travel the same distance through arteries.

Task 4. At what speed does blood move through the veins? At what speed does blood move through the capillaries?

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  • Krasnoyarsk20
  • good guy

240:40=6 (dm/s) blood speed

6*60=360 (dm) blood will pass in 1 minute

5*60=300 (dm) a person will walk in 1 minute.

60 (dm) is how much more blood will pass in 1 minute than a person walking.

1000:50=20 (s) time. for which a person will run 100 meters.

1000:6=166 (s) time for blood to travel 100 meters

166-20=146 (s) time. by which a person will outrun blood at a 100-meter distance.

It’s not very clear about veins and arteries. I didn’t find any mention of veins in the text at all, the speed of the arteries is already in cm/s?? Outcomes from the available data can be concluded. that the speed through the capillaries is 40 cm/s divided by 20, we get 2 cm/s.

At what speed does blood move through the veins?

Blood in our body runs, on average, at a speed of 9 meters per second. If a person is sick with atherosclerosis, then the blood speed increases. A complete turnover through both circles of blood circulation in humans is 20-22 seconds

The pulse wave runs through human vessels at a speed of 9 meters per second, causing their walls to expand in anticipation of a new batch of blood. But the blood itself does not move at such a speed. This would be simply unrealistic, and would make any medical intervention in the human body impossible. Imagine a fountain of blood gushing out of a patient at a speed of 9 meters per second - one second would be enough for a person to lose all his blood, and the ceiling would resemble Hollywood horror films. Therefore, the speed of blood movement through the veins is small - only centimeters per second, which is slightly less than the speed of blood movement through the arteries, but of course a hundred times faster than the speed of blood in the capillaries.

The approximate speed of blood movement through the veins is 10 meters per second. Thus, the full circle of blood circulation passes through our body in seconds. Only world record holders in the 100 meter race can achieve this speed.

at what speed does blood move through the veins

In the Other section, to the question: How fast does blood flow into us? the best answer given by the author Natasha is Blood symbolizes the flow of life: in pre-Christian cultures it was believed that it carries fertilizing power and contains part of the divine energy. For example, blood spilled into the ground will make it more fertile.

Blood flows through blood vessels differently than water through water pipes. The vessels that carry blood from the heart to all parts of the body are called arteries. But their system is built in such a way that the main artery already branches at some distance from the heart, and the branches, in turn, continue to branch until they turn into thin vessels called capillaries, through which blood flows much more slowly than through the arteries. Capillaries are fifty times thinner than a human hair, and therefore blood cells can only move through them one after another. It takes them about a second to travel through the capillary. Blood is pumped from one part of the body to another by the heart, and it takes about 1.5 seconds for blood cells to pass through the heart itself. And from the heart they are driven to the lungs and back, which takes from 5 to 7 seconds. It takes about 8 seconds for blood to travel from the heart to the vessels of the brain and back. The longest path - from the heart down the torso through the lower limbs to the very toes and back - takes up to 18 seconds. Thus, the entire path that blood makes through the body - from the heart to the lungs and back, from the heart to different parts of the body and back - takes about 23 seconds. The general condition of the body affects the speed at which blood flows through the vessels of the body. For example, increased temperature or physical work increases the heart rate and causes blood to circulate twice as fast. During the day, a blood cell travels around the body to the heart and back.

Features of blood movement through vessels

The movement of blood through vessels (hemodynamics) is a continuous closed process, determined both by the physical laws of fluid movement in communicating vessels and by the physiological characteristics of the human body. According to physical laws, blood, like any liquid, flows from a place where the pressure is greater to a place of less pressure. Therefore, the main reason that blood can move in the vessels of the circulatory system is different blood pressure in different parts of this system: the larger the diameter of the blood vessel, the less resistance to blood flow, and vice versa. Hemodynamics are also ensured by heart contractions, during which portions of blood are continuously pushed into the vessels under pressure. A physical quantity such as viscosity causes a gradual loss of energy received by the blood during contraction of the heart muscles as the vessels move away from the heart.

Small and large circles of blood circulation

In the body of mammals, which includes humans, blood moves through the pulmonary and systemic circulations (they are also called pulmonary and bodily). To understand the mechanism of blood movement in the large and small circles, you must first understand how the human heart works and works.

The heart is the main circulatory organ in the human body, it is the center that provides and regulates hemodynamics.

The human heart consists of four chambers, like all mammals (two atria and two ventricles). The left half of the heart contains arterial blood, and the right half contains venous blood. Venous and arterial blood never mix in the human heart; this is prevented by partitions in the ventricles.

It should immediately be noted the differences between venous and arterial blood, as well as between veins and arteries:

  • blood flows through the arteries in the direction from the heart, arterial blood contains oxygen, it is bright scarlet in color;
  • through the veins it goes towards the heart, venous blood contains carbon dioxide, it has a rich dark color.

The pulmonary circulation is designed in such a way that the arteries carry venous blood, and the veins carry arterial blood.

The ventricles and atria, as well as the arteries and ventricles, are separated by valves. Between the atria and ventricles there are leaflet valves, and between the ventricles and arteries there are semilunar valves. These valves prevent flow in the opposite direction, and it flows only from the atrium to the ventricle, and from the ventricle to the aorta.

The left cardiac ventricle has the most massive wall, because contractions of this wall ensure blood circulation in the large (corporal) circle, forcefully pushing blood into it. The left ventricle, contracting, produces the highest blood pressure, and a pulse wave is formed in it.

The small circle ensures the normal process of gas exchange in the lungs: venous blood enters there from the right ventricle, which in the capillaries releases carbon dioxide through the capillary walls into the lungs, and from the air inhaled by the lungs it takes the oxygen necessary for the functioning of the brain. Saturated with oxygen, the blood changes direction and (already arterial) returns to the heart.

In the systemic circulation, oxygenated arterial blood from the heart disperses through the arterial vessels. The tissues of human internal organs receive oxygen from capillaries and give off carbon dioxide.

Vessels of the circulatory system (large circle)

The systemic (bodily) circulation consists of vessels of various structures and specific purposes:

Shock-absorbing vessels include large arteries, the largest of which is the aorta. The peculiarity of these vessels is the elasticity of their walls. It is this property that ensures the continuity of the hemodynamic process in the human body.

Blood speed

In different parts of the circulatory system, blood moves at different speeds.

According to the laws of physics, at the greatest width of the vessel, the liquid flows at the lowest speed, and in areas with a minimum width, the liquid flow speed is maximum. This raises the question: why then in the arteries, where the internal diameter is the largest, blood flows at maximum speed, and in the thinnest capillaries, where according to the laws of physics the speed should be high, it is the least?

Everything is very simple. Here the value of the total internal diameter is taken. This total lumen is smallest in arteries and largest in capillaries.

According to this calculation system, the aorta has the smallest total lumen: the flow rate is 500 ml per second. The arteries have a total lumen greater than that of the aorta, and the total internal diameter of all capillaries exceeds the corresponding parameter of the aorta by 1000 times: blood moves through these thinnest vessels at a speed of 0.5 ml per second.

Nature has provided this mechanism so that each part of the system fulfills its role: the arterial ones must mobilely supply oxygen-rich blood to all parts of the body at the highest speed. Already in place, the capillaries slowly carry the oxygen delivered to them and other substances necessary for human life through the tissues of the body, and slowly take away the “garbage” that the body no longer needs.

The speed of blood through the veins has its own specifics, as does the movement itself.

Venous blood flows at a rate of 200 ml per second.

This is lower than in arteries, but much higher than in capillaries. Features of hemodynamics in venous vessels are that, firstly, in many areas of this blood flow, the veins contain pocket valves that can only open in the direction of blood flow towards the heart. When the blood flows back, the pockets will close. Secondly, venous pressure is much lower than arterial pressure; blood moves through these vessels not due to pressure (it is not higher than 20 mm Hg in the veins), but as a result of pressure on the soft elastic walls of the vessels from muscle tissue.

Prevention of circulatory disorders

Cardiovascular diseases are the most common and are also the most common cause of early mortality.

The most common of them are directly related to various reasons for the movement of blood through the vessels of the circulatory system. These include heart attacks, strokes, and hypertension. If these diseases are diagnosed in a timely manner, and not if you consult a doctor only at a critical stage, health can be restored, but this will require considerable effort and large financial costs. Therefore, the best way to eliminate the problem is to prevent it from occurring.

Prevention is not that difficult. You need to completely give up smoking, drink alcohol in moderation and exercise. Proper nutrition without overeating will prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels, which contribute to their narrowing, which ultimately leads to poor circulation. The diet must contain the required amount of minerals and vitamins that affect the condition of the vascular system. In a word, prevention is a healthy lifestyle.

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Blood circulation - Wikipedia

Human blood circulation diagram

Circulation is the circulation of blood throughout the body. In primitive living organisms, for example annelids, the circulatory system is closed and is represented only by blood vessels, and the role of a pump (heart) is performed by specialized vessels that have the ability to contract rhythmically. Arthropods also have a circulatory system, but it is not closed into a single circuit. In primitive chordates, such as lancelets, blood circulation occurs in a closed circuit and there is no heart. Starting with representatives of the fish class, the blood is set in motion by the contractions of the heart and circulates through the vessels. Blood supplies the body's tissues with oxygen, nutrients, hormones and delivers metabolic products to the organs of their excretion. Enrichment of blood with oxygen occurs in the lungs, and saturation with nutrients occurs in the digestive organs. In the liver and kidneys, metabolic products are neutralized and removed. Blood circulation is regulated by hormones and the autonomic nervous system. There are small (through the lungs) and large (through organs and tissues) circles of blood circulation.

Blood circulation is an important factor in the life of the human body and a number of animals. Blood can perform its various functions only by being in constant motion.

Using the example of the cardiovascular system of fish, amphibians, reptiles and birds, we can demonstrate (visually show) the various stages of the evolution of the circulatory system. The circulatory system of fish is closed, represented by a single circle and a two-chambered heart. Amphibians and reptiles (except crocodiles) have two circulatory systems and a three-chambered heart. Birds have a four-chambered heart and two circuits of blood circulation. The circulatory system of humans and many animals consists of the heart and vessels through which blood moves to tissues and organs and then returns to the heart. Large vessels through which blood moves to organs and tissues are called arteries. The arteries branch into smaller arteries, arterioles, and finally into capillaries. Vessels called veins return blood to the heart. The heart is four-chambered and has two circulation circles.

Even researchers from ancient times assumed that in living organisms all organs are functionally connected and influence each other. A variety of assumptions have been made. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, and Aristotle, the greatest Greek thinker, who lived almost 2500 years ago, were interested in issues of blood circulation and studied it. However, their ideas were not perfect and in many cases erroneous. They represented venous and arterial blood vessels as two independent systems not connected to each other. It was believed that blood moves only through the veins, while the arteries contain air. This was justified by the fact that during autopsies of human and animal corpses, there was blood in the veins, but the arteries were empty, without blood.

This belief was refuted by the work of the Roman explorer and physician Claudius Galen (130-200). He experimentally proved that blood moves through the heart through both arteries and veins.

After Galen, until the 17th century, it was believed that blood from the right atrium somehow entered the left atrium through the septum.

Blood pressure: the highest in the arteries, the average in the capillaries, the smallest in the veins. Blood speed: the highest in the arteries, the smallest in the capillaries, the average in the veins.

Systemic circulation: from the left ventricle, arterial blood first travels through the aorta, then through the arteries to all organs of the body.

In the capillaries of the systemic circle, the blood becomes venous and enters the right atrium through the vena cava.

Blood pressure is usually measured in the brachial artery using a manometer (Fig. 78). In young healthy people at rest, on average it is 120 mmHg. Art. at the moment of heart contraction (maximum pressure) and 70 mm Hg. Art. with a relaxed heart (minimal pressure).

Rice. 78. Blood pressure measurement Pulse. With each contraction of the left ventricle, the blood hits the elastic walls of the aorta with force and stretches them. The wave of elastic vibrations that arises quickly spreads along the walls of the arteries. Such rhythmic vibrations of the walls of blood vessels are called pulse. The pulse can be felt on the surface of the body in those places where large vessels lie close to the surface of the body: at the temples, on the inside of the wrist, on the sides of the neck (Fig. 79).

Rice. 79. Locations of large arteries close to the surface of the body (red circles)

Each pulse beat corresponds to one heartbeat. By counting the pulse, you can determine the number of heart contractions in 1 minute.

Over time, the area of ​​predictions based on blood type has expanded greatly: the matter is not limited to nutrition, researchers have suggested that character may depend on blood type.

Thus, those with the first blood group are characterized by a desire for leadership, ambition, and enthusiasm. At the same time, they can be arrogant, narcissistic and selfish.

The second blood group is characterized by: accuracy, a tendency to order and systematization, and patience. The flip side of these qualities can be excessive stubbornness and secrecy.

The third group is originals, creators and individualists. They don’t have a good relationship with society, but they value independence, their own and that of others. Disadvantage: increased emotionality, inability to control one’s own emotions.

The fourth group: organizers, diplomats, understanding, tactful, honest, sensitive to the point of complete selflessness. The disadvantage is that they have difficulty making decisions, and they are also characterized by frequent internal conflicts that reduce self-esteem.

(diastolic) - 70-80 mm Hg. Art. (systolic) pressure is 110-120 mm Hg. Art., and the minimum pressure in adult healthy people is maximum. The lowest pressure during diastole is the lowest pressure during diastole - the highest pressure during ventricular systole is called fluctuating. During ventricular systole and blood ejection into the aorta, the pressure in the arteries increases, and during diastole it decreases. Due to the rhythmic work of the heart, blood pressure in the arteries

Resistance vessels include smaller arteries and arterioles. The functional purpose of resistance vessels is to ensure sufficiently high pressure in larger vessels and regulate blood circulation in the smallest vessels (capillaries). They are called muscle-type vessels due to their structure: along with a small lumen of the vessels inside, outside they have a thick layer consisting of smooth muscle tissue.

Exchange vessels include capillaries. Their thin walls, due to their structure (membrane and single-layer endothelium), ensure gas exchange and metabolism during the passage of blood in the human body through the vascular system: with their help, waste substances are removed from the body and those necessary for its further normal functioning are introduced.

And finally, the capacitive vessels include veins. They got their name because they contain the bulk of blood in the body, about 75%. The structural feature of capacitive vessels is a large lumen and relatively thin walls.

Blood speed

Diameter of the largest hollow veins is 30 mm,

veins--5 mm, venulus-- 0.02 mm. Veins contain

about 65-70% of the total circulating blood volume. They are thin

easily stretchable, as they have a poorly developed muscle layer and

a small amount of elastic fibers. Under force

heaviness of blood in the veins of the lower extremities tends to

stagnate, which leads to varicose veins.

The speed of blood movement in the veins is 20 cm/s or less,

in this case, the blood pressure is low or even negative. Vienna, in

Unlike arteries, they lie superficially.

Large and small circles of blood circulation. In the human body

blood moves through two circles of circulation - the large

(trunk) and small (pulmonary).

Systemic circulation starts in the left

ventricle, from which arterial blood is ejected into

the largest artery in diameter - aorta. The aorta does

arc to the left and then runs along the spine, branching

into smaller arteries that carry blood to the organs. In organs

arteries branch into smaller vessels -

arterioles, that go online capillaries,

penetrating tissues and delivering oxygen and nutrients to them

substances. Venous blood through the veins collects into two large

vessel - top And inferior vena cava, which

pour it into the right atrium (Fig. 13.8).

  • One of the common vascular diseases is varicose veins. In this hereditary or lifelong disease, a defect develops in the valves of large veins, usually in the lower extremities. As a result, the lumen of the veins increases unevenly, nodes and convolutions appear, and the walls of the veins become thinner. All this leads to stagnation of blood, bleeding, and ulcers on the skin. Varicose veins of the legs are often observed in those people who are forced to stand for a long time during the day: salespeople, hairdressers. After all, the muscles of their legs are in the same state for a long time, and for good venous blood flow it is necessary that the muscles surrounding the veins contract all the time, pushing the blood up the veins. Then there will be no stagnation of blood in the veins.

Test your knowledge

Particular attention should be paid to the role of peripheral muscles. Arinchin even called it the peripheral heart - contraction of the muscles of the limbs can ensure the movement of blood into the vena cava even when the heart is turned off in the experiment. Any rhythmic work greatly accelerates venous circulation. On the contrary, static work, i.e. prolonged muscle contraction, in which the veins are compressed for a long time, prevents venous outflow. This is one of the reasons why static work is so tedious.

Venous pulse. In the capillaries the pulse wave usually fades. She

absent in small and medium veins. But in the large veins near the heart and large arteries a pulse is again noted, but the causes of the venous pulse are completely different from those of the arterial pulse. On the venous pulse curve there are three teeth - A, C, V.

Wave A coincides with the beginning of atrial systole and is caused by the fact that at the moment of atrial systole, the place of confluence of the veins is clamped by the annular muscles, as a result of which the flow of blood from the veins into the atria is suspended. Therefore, the walls of large veins are stretched by inflowing blood during each atrial systole and relax again during atrial diastole. At this time, the venous pulse curve drops sharply.

Wave C is due to the fact that when the leaflet valves close, the shock from the ventricles when systole begins is transmitted through the atria to the veins.

Wave V is due to the fact that during ventricular systole the leaflet valves are closed and blood fills the atria, which causes a delay in blood flow in the veins and a slight increase in pressure in them. During ventricular diastole, the leaflet valves open and blood from the atria and veins quickly enters the ventricles, which causes a new drop in the venous pulse curve.

The fact that the waves of the venous pulse coincide with certain phases of cardiac activity lies in the interest of its study. By recording the venous pulse, one can judge the duration of the cardiac phases. Thus, time A-C corresponds to atrial systole, C-V - ventricular systole, V-A - general pause. Registration methods are in class.

Blood circulation in capillaries (microcirculation) and transcapillary exchange. Capillaries are of utmost importance in life processes, because. exchange of substances between blood and tissues occurs through their walls. The walls of capillaries consist of only one layer of endothelial cells, through which diffusion of gases and substances dissolved in the blood occurs. It is believed that there are more than 160 billion capillaries in the large circle, so in the area of ​​the capillaries the bloodstream is very expanded. According to Krogh, 1 ml of blood in the capillaries is spread over a surface of 0.5-0.7 square meters.

The length of each individual capillary is 0.3-0.7 mm. The shape and size of capillaries in different tissues and organs are not the same, as is their total number. In tissues with a high intensity of metabolic processes, the number of capillaries per unit area is greater.

passes through the right atrium, right ventricle, pulmonary artery, pulmonary vessels, pulmonary veins.

passes through the left atrium and ventricle, aorta, organ vessels, superior and inferior vena cava. The direction of blood flow is controlled by the heart valves.

Blood circulation occurs along two main paths, called circles, connected in a sequential chain: the small and large circle of blood circulation.

In a small circle, blood circulates through the lungs. The movement of blood in this circle begins with the contraction of the right atrium, after which the blood enters the right ventricle of the heart, the contraction of which pushes the blood into the pulmonary trunk. Blood circulation in this direction is regulated by the atrioventricular septum and two valves: the tricuspid valve (between the right atrium and the right ventricle), which prevents blood from returning to the atrium, and the pulmonary valve, which prevents blood from returning from the pulmonary trunk to the right ventricle. The pulmonary trunk branches into a network of pulmonary capillaries, where the blood is saturated with oxygen due to ventilation of the lungs. The blood then returns from the lungs through the pulmonary veins to the left atrium.

The systemic circulation supplies organs and tissues with oxygenated blood. The left atrium contracts simultaneously with the right and pushes blood into the left ventricle. From the left ventricle, blood enters the aorta. The aorta branches into arteries and arterioles that go to various parts of the body and end with a capillary network in organs and tissues. Blood circulation in this direction is regulated by the atrioventricular septum, bicuspid (mitral) valve and aortic valve.

Thus, blood moves through the systemic circulation from the left ventricle to the right atrium, and then through the pulmonary circulation from the right ventricle to the left atrium.

  1. was the first, even before Harvey, to discover blood circulation - he described a large circle of blood circulation. Andrea Cesalpino Some scientists believe that
  2. Rähr (1981).
  3. According to the textbook by B. A. Kuznetsov, A. Z. Chernov and L. N. Katonova (1989).
  4. Described in the textbook by N.P. Naumov and N.N. Kartashev (1979).
  5. .ISBN84-X The Vertebrate Body. - Philadelphia, PA: Holt-Saunders International, 1977. - P. 437–442. - Romer, Alfred Sherwood.

Poor circulation what to do

Currently, diseases of the circulatory system are the main cause of death in the world. Very often, when the circulatory system is damaged, a person completely loses his ability to work. In diseases of this type, both different parts of the heart and blood vessels are affected. The circulatory organs are affected in both men and women, and such ailments can be diagnosed in patients of different ages. Due to the existence of a large number of diseases belonging to this group, it is noted that some of them are more common among women, while others are more common among men.

How to quickly relieve heart spasms

Myocardium, i.e. Cardiac muscle is the muscle tissue of the heart, which makes up the bulk of its mass. Measured, coordinated contractions of the myocardium of the atria and ventricles are guaranteed by the conduction system of the heart.

It should be noted that the heart consists of two separate pumps: the right half of the heart, i.e. the right heart, pumps blood through the lungs, and the left half of the heart, i.e. The left heart pumps blood through the peripheral organs. In turn, the two pumps consist of two pulsating chambers: the ventricle and the atrium. The atrium is a weaker pump and pushes blood into the ventricle. The most important role of the “pump” is played by the ventricles, thanks to which blood from the right ventricle enters the pulmonary (lesser) circulation, and from the left - into the systemic (systemic) circulation.

What kind of blood is in the pulmonary artery

Pulmonary embolism, or PE, is an acute blockage of the branches of the pulmonary artery by blood clots formed in the veins of the systemic circulation. When this disease occurs, 20% of patients die, most of them in the first two hours after the formation of an embolism. The incidence of the disease is one case per hundred thousand population annually. PE ranks third in mortality among patients from diseases of the cardiovascular system.

What matters in blood is the total total cross-section of the blood vessels.

The smaller the total cross-section, the greater the speed of fluid movement. And, conversely, the larger the total cross-section, the slower the fluid flow. It follows from this that the amount of fluid flowing through any cross section is constant.

The sum of the lumens of the capillaries is 600-800 times larger than the lumen of the aorta. The cross-sectional area of ​​the adult aorta is 8 cm2, so the narrowest point of the circulatory system is the aorta. Resistance in large and medium-sized arteries is low. It increases sharply in small arteries - arterioles. The lumen of the arteriole is significantly smaller than the lumen of the artery, but the total lumen of the arterioles is tens of times greater than the total lumen of the arteries, and the total internal surface of the arterioles sharply exceeds the internal surface of the arteries, which significantly increases resistance.

The resistance in the capillaries (external) increases greatly. Friction is especially great where the lumen of the capillary is narrower than the diameter, which is difficult to push through it. The number of capillaries in the systemic circulation is 2 billion. As the capillaries merge into venules and veins, the total lumen decreases; the lumen of the vena cava is only 1.2-1.8 times greater than the lumen of the aorta.

The linear speed of blood movement depends on the difference in blood volume in the initial and final parts of the systemic or pulmonary circulation and on the total lumen of the blood vessels. The greater the total clearance, the lower the speed, and vice versa.

With local dilation of blood vessels in any organ and unchanged general blood pressure, the speed of blood movement through this organ increases.

The highest speed of blood flow is in the aorta. During systole it is 500-600 mm/s, and during diastole - 150-200 mm/s. In arteries the speed is 150-200 mm/s. In arterioles it drops sharply to 5 mm/s, in capillaries it decreases to 0.5 mm/s. In the middle veins the speed increases to 60-140 mm/s, and in the vena cava - up to 200 mm/s. Slowing down the blood flow in the capillaries is very important for the exchange of substances and gases between the blood and tissues through the capillary wall.

The shortest time required to pass through the entire blood circulation is 21-22 s in humans. In humans, blood circulation time decreases during digestion and during muscular work. During digestion, blood flow through the abdominal organs increases, and during muscular work, through the muscles.

The number of systoles during one circuit is approximately the same in different animals.

The rate of blood circulation in the body is not always the same. The movement of blood flow along the vascular bed is studied by hemodynamics.

Blood moves quickly in the arteries (in the largest ones - at a speed of about 500 mm/sec), somewhat more slowly in the veins (in large veins - at a speed of about 150 mm/sec) and very slowly in the capillaries (less than 1 mm/sec). Differences in speed depend on the total cross-section of the vessels. When blood flows through a successive series of vessels of different diameters connected at their ends, the speed of its movement is always inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area of ​​the vessel in a given section.

The circulatory system is built in such a way that one large artery (aorta) branches into a large number of medium-sized arteries, which in turn branch into thousands of small arteries (the so-called arterioles), which then break up into many capillaries. Each of the branches extending from the aorta is narrower than the aorta itself, but there are so many of these branches that their total cross-section is larger than the cross-section of the aorta, and therefore the speed of blood flow in them is correspondingly lower. As a rough estimate, the total cross-sectional area of ​​all capillaries in the body is approximately 800 times the cross-sectional area of ​​the aorta. Consequently, the flow velocity in the capillaries is approximately 800 times less than in the aorta. At the other end of the capillary network, the capillaries merge into small veins (venules), which interconnect to form larger and larger veins. In this case, the total cross-sectional area gradually decreases, and the speed of blood flow increases.

Research has revealed that this process is continuous in the human body due to the difference in pressure in the vessels. The flow of liquid is traced from the area where it is high to the area where it is lower. Accordingly, there are places that differ in the lowest and highest flow speed.

Distinguish between volumetric and linear blood velocity. Volume velocity refers to the amount of blood that passes through the cross-section of a vessel per unit time. The volumetric velocity in all parts of the circulatory system is the same. Linear speed is measured by the distance that a blood particle travels per unit of time (per second). Linear velocity is different in different parts of the vascular system.

Volume velocity

An important indicator of hemodynamic values ​​is the determination of volumetric blood flow velocity (VVV). This is a quantitative indicator of fluid circulating over a certain time period through the cross section of veins, arteries, and capillaries. OSC is directly related to the pressure present in the vessels and the resistance exerted by their walls. The minute volume of fluid movement through the circulatory system is calculated using a formula that takes into account these two indicators. However, this does not indicate the same volume of blood in all branches of the bloodstream over the course of a minute. The amount depends on the diameter of a certain section of the vessels, which does not affect the blood supply to the organs, since the total amount of liquid remains the same.

Measurement methods

Not long ago, the determination of volumetric velocity was carried out using the so-called Ludwig blood clock. A more effective method is the use of rheovasography. The method is based on tracking electrical impulses associated with vascular resistance, which manifests itself as a reaction to exposure to high-frequency current.

In this case, the following pattern is noted: an increase in blood supply in a certain vessel is accompanied by a decrease in its resistance; with a decrease in pressure, the resistance correspondingly increases. These studies have high diagnostic value for identifying vascular diseases. To do this, rheovasography is performed on the upper and lower extremities, chest and organs such as the kidneys and liver. Another fairly accurate method is plethysmography. It involves tracking changes in the volume of a specific organ that appear as a result of its filling with blood. To record these oscillations, types of plethysmographs are used - electric, air, water.


This method of studying the movement of blood flow is based on the use of physical principles. A flowmeter is applied to the area of ​​the artery being examined, which allows control over the speed of blood flow using electromagnetic induction. A special sensor records the readings.

Indicator method

The use of this method of measuring SC involves the introduction into the artery or organ of interest of a substance (indicator) that does not interact with blood and tissues. Then, after equal time intervals (over 60 seconds), the concentration of the administered substance is determined in the venous blood. These values ​​are used to plot the curve and calculate the circulating blood volume. This method is widely used to identify pathological conditions of the heart muscle, brain and other organs.

Linear speed

The indicator allows you to find out the speed of fluid flow along a certain length of the vessels. In other words, this is the distance that blood components travel within a minute.
The linear speed varies depending on the location of the movement of blood elements - in the center of the bloodstream or directly at the vascular walls. In the first case it is maximum, in the second case it is minimum. This occurs as a result of friction acting on blood components within the network of blood vessels.

Speed ​​in different areas

The movement of fluid through the bloodstream directly depends on the volume of the part being examined. For example:

The highest blood velocity is observed in the aorta. This is explained by the fact that this is the narrowest part of the vascular bed. The linear speed of blood in the aorta is 0.5 m/sec.
The speed of movement through the arteries is about 0.3 m/second. At the same time, almost identical indicators are observed (from 0.3 to 0.4 m/sec) in both the carotid and vertebral arteries.
In capillaries, blood moves at the slowest speed. This occurs due to the fact that the total volume of the capillary section is many times greater than the lumen of the aorta. The decrease reaches 0.5 m/sec.
Blood flows through the veins at a speed of 0.1-0.2 m/sec.

Determination of linear speed

The use of ultrasound (Doppler effect) makes it possible to accurately determine the SC in the veins and arteries. The essence of this type of speed determination method is as follows: a special sensor is attached to the problem area; a change in the frequency of sound vibrations, reflecting the process of fluid flow, allows you to find out the desired indicator. High speed reflects low frequency sound waves. In capillaries, velocity is determined using a microscope. Monitoring is carried out on the progress of one of the red blood cells through the bloodstream.


When determining linear speed, the indicator method is also used. Red blood cells labeled with radioactive isotopes are used. The procedure involves injecting an indicator substance into a vein located in the elbow and monitoring its appearance in the blood of a similar vessel, but in the other arm.

Torricelli's formula

Another method is to use the Torricelli formula. This takes into account the property of the throughput of blood vessels. There is a pattern: the circulation of liquid is higher in the area where there is the smallest cross-section of the vessel. Such a section is the aorta. The widest total lumen in the capillaries. Based on this, the maximum speed is in the aorta (500 mm/sec), the minimum is in the capillaries (0.5 mm/sec).

Oxygen use

When measuring velocity in the pulmonary vessels, a special method is used that allows it to be determined using oxygen. The patient is asked to take a deep breath and hold his breath. The time at which air appears in the capillaries of the ear allows one to determine a diagnostic indicator using an oximeter. Average linear speed for adults and children: blood passes through the entire system in 21-22 seconds. This norm is typical for a person’s calm state. Activities accompanied by heavy physical exertion reduce this time period to 10 seconds. Blood circulation in the human body is the movement of the main biological fluid through the vascular system. There is no need to talk about the importance of this process. The vital activity of all organs and systems depends on the state of the circulatory system. Determining the speed of blood flow allows you to timely identify pathological processes and eliminate them with the help of an adequate course of therapy.

Blood circulates through the vessels at a certain speed. Not only blood pressure and metabolic processes depend on the latter, but also the saturation of organs with oxygen and necessary substances.

Blood flow velocity (BF) is an important diagnostic indicator. With its help, the condition of the entire vascular network or its individual sections is determined. It also identifies pathologies of various organs.

A deviation in the blood flow rate in the vascular system indicates spasm in its individual areas, the likelihood of cholesterol plaques sticking, the formation of blood clots, or an increase in blood viscosity.

Patterns of the phenomenon

The speed of blood movement through the vessels depends on the amount of time required for its passage through the first and second circles.

The measurement is carried out in several ways. One of the most common is the use of fluorescein dye. The method consists of injecting a substance into a vein in the left arm and determining the time interval after which it is detected in the right.

The average statistical indicator is 25-30 seconds.

The movement of blood flow along the vascular bed is studied by hemodynamics. Research has revealed that this process is continuous in the human body due to the difference in pressure in the vessels. The flow of liquid is traced from the area where it is high to the area where it is lower. Accordingly, there are places that differ in the lowest and highest flow speed.

The value is determined by identifying two parameters described below.

Volume velocity

An important indicator of hemodynamic values ​​is the determination of volumetric blood flow velocity (VVV). This is a quantitative indicator of fluid circulating over a certain time period through the cross section of veins, arteries, and capillaries.

OSC is directly related to the pressure present in the vessels and the resistance exerted by their walls. The minute volume of fluid movement through the circulatory system is calculated using a formula that takes into account these two indicators.

The closedness of the channel makes it possible to conclude that an equal amount of liquid flows through all vessels, including large arteries and smallest capillaries, within a minute. The continuity of this flow also confirms this fact.

However, this does not indicate the same volume of blood in all branches of the bloodstream over the course of a minute. The amount depends on the diameter of a certain section of the vessels, which does not in any way affect the blood supply to the organs, since the total amount of liquid remains the same.

Measurement methods

Not long ago, the determination of volumetric velocity was carried out using the so-called Ludwig blood clock.

A more effective method is the use of rheovasography. The method is based on tracking electrical impulses associated with vascular resistance, which manifests itself as a reaction to exposure to high-frequency current.

In this case, the following pattern is noted: an increase in blood supply in a certain vessel is accompanied by a decrease in its resistance; with a decrease in pressure, the resistance correspondingly increases.

These studies have high diagnostic value for identifying vascular diseases. To do this, rheovasography is performed on the upper and lower extremities, chest and organs such as the kidneys and liver.

Another fairly accurate method is plethysmography. It involves tracking changes in the volume of a specific organ that appear as a result of its filling with blood. To record these oscillations, types of plethysmographs are used - electric, air, water.


This method of studying the movement of blood flow is based on the use of physical principles. A flowmeter is applied to the area of ​​the artery being examined, which allows control over the speed of blood flow using electromagnetic induction. A special sensor records the readings.

Indicator method

The use of this method of measuring SC involves the introduction into the artery or organ of interest of a substance (indicator) that does not interact with blood and tissues.

Then, after equal time intervals (over 60 seconds), the concentration of the administered substance is determined in the venous blood.

These values ​​are used to plot the curve and calculate the circulating blood volume.

This method is widely used to identify pathological conditions of the heart muscle, brain and other organs.

Linear speed

The indicator allows you to find out the speed of fluid flow along a certain length of the vessels. In other words, this is the distance that blood components travel within a minute.

The linear speed varies depending on the location of the movement of blood elements - in the center of the bloodstream or directly at the vascular walls. In the first case it is maximum, in the second case it is minimum. This occurs as a result of friction acting on blood components within the network of blood vessels.

Speed ​​in different areas

The movement of fluid through the bloodstream directly depends on the volume of the part being examined. For example:

  1. The highest blood velocity is observed in the aorta. This is explained by the fact that this is the narrowest part of the vascular bed. The linear speed of blood in the aorta is 0.5 m/sec.
  2. The speed of movement through the arteries is about 0.3 m/second. At the same time, almost identical indicators are observed (from 0.3 to 0.4 m/sec) in both the carotid and vertebral arteries.
  3. In capillaries, blood moves at the slowest speed. This occurs due to the fact that the total volume of the capillary section is many times greater than the lumen of the aorta. The decrease reaches 0.5 m/sec.
  4. Blood flows through the veins at a speed of 0.1-0.2 m/sec.

The diagnostic value of deviations from the specified values ​​lies in the ability to identify a problem area in the veins. This allows you to promptly eliminate or prevent the pathological process developing in the vessel.

Determination of linear speed

The use of ultrasound (Doppler effect) makes it possible to accurately determine the SC in the veins and arteries.

The essence of this type of speed determination method is as follows: a special sensor is attached to the problem area; a change in the frequency of sound vibrations, reflecting the process of fluid flow, allows you to find out the desired indicator.

High speed reflects low frequency sound waves.

In capillaries, velocity is determined using a microscope. Monitoring is carried out on the progress of one of the red blood cells through the bloodstream.

Other methods

A variety of techniques allows you to choose a procedure that helps you quickly and accurately examine the problem area.


When determining linear speed, the indicator method is also used. Red blood cells labeled with radioactive isotopes are used.

The procedure involves injecting an indicator substance into a vein located in the elbow and monitoring its appearance in the blood of a similar vessel, but in the other arm.

Torricelli's formula

Another method is to use the Torricelli formula. This takes into account the property of the throughput of blood vessels. There is a pattern: the circulation of liquid is higher in the area where there is the smallest cross-section of the vessel. Such a section is the aorta.

The widest total lumen in the capillaries. Based on this, the maximum speed is in the aorta (500 mm/sec), the minimum in the capillaries (0.5 mm/sec).

Oxygen use

When measuring velocity in the pulmonary vessels, a special method is used that allows it to be determined using oxygen.

The patient is asked to take a deep breath and hold his breath. The time at which air appears in the capillaries of the ear allows one to determine a diagnostic indicator using an oximeter.

Average linear speed for adults and children: blood passes through the entire system in 21-22 seconds. This norm is typical for a person’s calm state. Activities accompanied by heavy physical exertion reduce this time period to 10 seconds.

Blood circulation in the human body is the movement of the main biological fluid through the vascular system. There is no need to talk about the importance of this process. The vital activity of all organs and systems depends on the state of the circulatory system.

Determining the speed of blood flow allows you to timely identify pathological processes and eliminate them with the help of an adequate course of therapy.