Sexual development of a 12 year old boy. Premature puberty: causes, symptoms, treatment

The time of puberty, or puberty, occurs in girls between the ages of 8 and 13 years, plus or minus 1 year. The first menstruation usually occurs 2 years after its onset.

What happens during puberty?

During puberty, a girl's reproductive system changes in ways that prepare her for the birth of a child. This process occurs in several stages:

  1. The girl's mammary glands begin to enlarge. This process can take up to 5 years until the breasts reach their final size and shape. Therefore, a teenager should not worry if the bust currently does not correspond to the imagined ideal appearance.
  2. Hair begins to grow in the armpits and pubic areas.
  3. At this time, very rapid growth of the body occurs, the second fastest after the infancy period of life.
  4. Body shape changes. Weight increases, small fat deposits appear on the hips and abdomen. During this period, it is harmful to follow low-calorie diets.
  5. The smell of the skin changes, increased sweating appears in the armpits.
  6. Acne appears on the face, chest, and back.
  7. Vaginal discharge appears or changes.
  8. Teenagers experience changes in emotions and sexual sensations.
  9. Menarche occurs - the first menstruation, a regular menstrual cycle is established (read about this important period in a girl’s life).

Forms and stages of puberty

How long does puberty last for girls?

Its normal duration is 2 to 4 years. Each girl’s rate of development is individual, so all the onset dates and duration of puberty can shift by 1 year or even more.

Signs of the onset of puberty are breast enlargement and hair growth in the pubic area. Some girls develop breasts first without other noticeable signs of puberty. In others, secondary hair growth appears earlier and breasts develop later. This is a normal process. A delay in any of the symptoms does not necessarily mean that there are some pathological changes in the girl’s body.

Precocious puberty is often a variation of the norm. However, parents should consult a doctor if a girl begins to develop pubic hair at the age of 7-8 years.

In some cases, puberty is delayed. This may be due to illness or, for example, to a teenager’s passion for low-calorie diets and malnutrition. You should consult a doctor if a girl does not experience breast enlargement by the age of 14. Another unfavorable sign is the absence of menstruation 5 years after the start of breast growth.

Early puberty

It begins with an increase in the size of the hands and feet. At the same time, a “breast bud” begins to form - a small knot of tissue under the areola of the nipple. It may be slightly painful, soft or quite dense, and may develop asymmetrically. This process takes about 6 months and is controlled by estrogen.

After the initial development of the mammary glands, vaginal discharge appears. They have high acidity and can cause genital skin irritation and inflammation - vulvovaginitis (you can learn about the characteristics of the course and treatment of the disease in women, adolescents and children). Therefore, it is important to teach the girl the rules of personal hygiene, start using panty liners, and if diaper rash or irritation occurs, use creams with panthenol or zinc oxide.

Second puberty

Includes active hair growth in the pubic area. After this, signs of skin irritation caused by discharge at an earlier age disappear. Along with the growth of pubic hair, acne may occur.

Acne is a common companion during puberty.

Rapid growth occurs, as well as changes in facial features. Within six months after the start of the second stage of puberty, girls grow by 5-7 cm, and their weight can increase by 4-5 kg ​​during the same time. Then menstruation begins. This process usually occurs when the teenager turns 11 years old.

When does it end?

Puberty is considered to be complete when regular menstruation begins. However, after this the girl will continue to grow. Over the next 2 years, she will add another 5-10 cm in height. The achieved body length will be almost final; in the following years, the growth may not increase so much. Breasts continue to develop until age 18.

Hormonal changes

In girls, the peculiarities of the puberty period are caused by hormones circulating in the blood.

The primary mechanism that triggers the production of gonadotropin-releasing factor in the hypothalamus is still unclear. Regardless of the mechanism, this process occurs gradually. This is evidenced by the slowly increasing concentration of gonadotropic hormones and estrogens over several years.

Under the influence of this factor, synthesis is activated first during sleep and then at other times of the day. Later, from about 10-11 years old, and begins to stand out. The activity of these two substances levels off throughout the year. After the onset of menstruation, the secretion of gonadotropic hormones becomes cyclical.

The pituitary gland, in addition to gonadotropins, also secretes a small amount of prolactin during puberty, a hormone that affects the development of the mammary glands.

The synthesis of steroid hormones – androgens – by the adrenal glands is enhanced. In girls, their concentration increases from 6-7 years of age, but does not have a significant effect on sexual development.

An increase in the plasma level of gonadotropic hormones leads to stimulation of the ovaries, as a result of which these organs begin to synthesize estradiol, the female sex hormone. It is responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics - the growth of the mammary glands, the redistribution of fat and others. The ovaries increase in volume from 0.5 cm 3 to 4 cm 3.

Under the influence of estradiol, the uterus also develops. If in little girls it has a drop-shaped shape, the neck makes up up to 2/3 of the length of the entire organ, then during puberty it becomes pear-shaped, and its body increases in size relatively more than the neck.

Wave-like fluctuations in the level of follicle-stimulating hormone and the accompanying changes in the amount of estrogen initially do not reach the required concentration. However, the endometrium in the uterus is more sensitive, and preparatory processes occur in it for the change of proliferation and regression. When the hormones reach a certain peak level, menarche occurs. At this time, the uterus is completely ready for cyclic changes.

Emotional changes

The psychology of puberty is associated with a variety of emotional experiences. It is better if the girl has a trusting relationship with her mother, who can answer any questions that arise.

Main changes in emotional state:

  • Emotional instability

The girl experiences many emotions, she has many thoughts and ideas. She may feel embarrassed and awkward, especially when interacting with boys. She also gets upset easily and takes offense, primarily at family and friends. Whims, causeless tears and a minute later laughter are a normal state for a teenager. It is worth paying attention to depressed mood and sadness if they last more than 1 week.

  • Constant fatigue

The child may get tired quickly or feel hungry all the time. Puberty is a time of very rapid growth, so you need at least 9 hours of sleep a day. He should eat a variety of healthy foods. These include whole grain bread, rice, vegetables, dairy products, meat and fish. This type of nutrition will help the teenager feel more active and reduce emotional instability. It is better to give up sweets, chips and fast food. They can not only provoke acne, but will also cause excess weight - a real “scourge” of the modern girl.

  • Dissatisfaction with your appearance

Teenagers often feel discomfort about their appearance and are embarrassed by the changes that are taking place. Comparing herself with her friends, the girl sees the difference in their development. However, you need to understand that puberty is different for everyone, so such differences are normal, and body changes will ultimately lead to the formation of a feminine figure.

  • Changes in relationships

The girl's relationship with her family changes. She prefers to spend time with friends rather than with relatives. Sometimes she has the feeling that her parents do not want to know about her experiences. This is a normal psychological reaction. In fact, parents need to be ready to unobtrusively help the growing girl, to give her confidence that she can always count on them.

Formation of the menstrual cycle

Menstruation can begin at any time during puberty, but usually it occurs after the body has undergone the changes listed above, that is, secondary sexual characteristics have formed. Here are some facts you need to know about the development of your menstrual cycle:

  • It is impossible to know the first day of menarche in advance. It usually occurs after about a 2-year period that has elapsed from the onset of breast development. The first menstruation may appear as a few drops of blood or be quite heavy. Before it starts, cramps in the lower abdomen may bother you, but this is not a necessary sign.
  • Sometimes a teenage girl is bothered by . This is a complex of physical, emotional and mental changes that lasts several days before the onset of menstruation, including the first. The child may complain of nausea or headache, cry frequently, and may experience bloating or swelling. In the first days of menstruation, there is often pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes quite severe. If this condition appears constantly after the start of the menstrual cycle, you need to contact a pediatric gynecologist to avoid hormonal disorders.
  • In the first months, the cycle is often irregular. Sometimes menstruation does not start every month. There may even be breaks between them for several months. This is normal, but for control you should immediately create a special “menstrual” calendar. If your cycle does not normalize within a year, you should consult a doctor.
  • During menstruation, it is more convenient to use pads than tampons. If menstruation begins unexpectedly and irregularly, you should always have a spare sanitary product with you. They should be changed at least every 4 hours. If a girl uses sanitary tampons, they must be removed at night to avoid a serious complication - toxic shock syndrome.
  • After the first menstruation, pregnancy may occur during unprotected sexual intercourse. This can happen even with an irregular cycle. Ovulation usually occurs only 6-9 months after the start of menstruation, but it is impossible to predict the first ovulatory cycle. There is no need to avoid such issues, and if necessary, gently advise your daughter to use condoms.
  • After the start of menstruation, the mammary glands acquire a rounded shape. At this time, you can already use a small bra so as not to tighten, but to support the developing breasts.

In an earlier article, we already talked about how the menstrual cycle is established in teenage girls, what is considered normal and what is a violation? To find out more details, read.

Changes in organs and systems during puberty

Under the influence of hormones, changes occur not only in the reproductive system, but also in other organs. This is sometimes associated with some symptoms that worry the child and parents. As a result, they are treated for a long time and unsuccessfully; over time, all these physiological changes disappear on their own. Of course, if you have doubts about the child’s health, you need to show him to a doctor. However, it is worth knowing some signs that are characteristic specifically of the puberty period in girls.

  • The cardiovascular system

The rapid growth of bones and muscles outpaces the increase in the heart and vascular bed. Therefore, to properly supply the growing body with blood, the heart beats faster. Many girls have a tendency to lower blood pressure. Against the background of rapid heartbeat, cardiac output decreases. Under the influence of any pathological influences (stress, staying in a stuffy room, fatigue) this can cause fainting. A single such case is not dangerous, but if fainting occurs regularly, it is necessary to show the child to a doctor.

  • Digestion

A teenager's digestive system is very active. Therefore, muscle spasms, periodic abdominal pain, a tendency to loose stools, and nausea are possible. It is necessary to establish regular, nutritious nutrition for the girl and be sure to monitor her weight. At this age, both weight loss and excess body weight are dangerous.

  • Breath

Sometimes girls complain of feeling short of breath. This is due to the body's increased need for oxygen. Therefore, the child should be in a ventilated room and spend more time in the fresh air. Bronchial asthma rarely occurs for the first time at this time, but if attacks of dry cough appear, you should consult a pulmonologist.

  • Nervous system

The brain and peripheral nerves are already well formed. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to any signs of trouble - headaches, cramps, dizziness, numbness or tingling in the limbs. Such signs should not exist during the normal course of puberty.

Hypothalamic syndrome

One of the common disorders is hypothalamic syndrome of puberty. This is a condition associated with a violation of the secretion of releasing factor by the hypothalamus, which triggers the entire hormonal axis “pituitary gland - ovaries - uterus”. The causes of this pathology have been little studied, but it is known that it occurs more often in girls whose parents have endocrine diseases (obesity, diabetes). A provoking factor may be increased physical or emotional stress, dieting, overeating, improper sleep patterns and other healthy lifestyle disorders. The disease most often occurs in adolescents who in infancy suffered birth trauma, encephalopathy and other conditions that could negatively affect the development of the nervous system.

Hypothalamic syndrome is less common in girls than in boys. It develops after puberty, 2-3 years after the start of menstruation. Its manifestations are associated with excessive secretion of gonadotropins, androgens, gestagens, as well as a relatively low amount of estrogen.

Main symptoms of the pathology:

  • increased body weight and accelerated growth;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • feeling hot, sweating;
  • facial hair growth;
  • headache;
  • increased body temperature for no apparent reason;
  • emotional disorders - changes in eating behavior, apathy, lethargy, drowsiness.

Hypothalamic syndrome in adolescents does not have clear diagnostic criteria, and its existence is not recognized by all doctors. Typically, girls are prescribed treatment, including a balanced diet, sedatives and hormonal medications, and general restoratives.

Anomalies of puberty

Precocious puberty is diagnosed by the presence of pubic hair or breast enlargement in girls aged 7 years. In this case, an in-depth examination of the child is necessary to identify the following diseases:

  • brain tumors;
  • Recklinghausen's neurofibromatosis;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • congenital adrenal hyperplasia;
  • hyperinsulinism.

Delayed puberty is considered to be cases where mammary glands do not enlarge at age 13, or if menarche does not occur within 3 years after the start of mammary gland formation. If menstruation does not occur at the age of 16, they speak of primary menstruation.

In these cases, it is necessary to exclude the following diseases and conditions:

  • eating disorder (anorexia);
  • polycystic ovarian changes;
  • agenesis or fusion of the vagina.

The earlier the disease is identified, the more effective its treatment. In the future, such girls have a greater chance of having a normal pregnancy and external compliance with accepted norms for a female figure.

Treatment for delayed or premature puberty is individual. It is prescribed by a pediatric gynecologist after a mandatory consultation with an endocrinologist. A gentle regimen, full sleep, absence of negative emotions, and a healthy diet are recommended. If necessary, hormonal drugs are prescribed. If the cause of changes is in the anatomical defects of the genital organs (for example, with vaginal atresia), the best treatment method is surgical.

Today, the duration of adolescence is the longest in human history. At what age does puberty begin in girls and boys now, and why are they ahead of their parents and grandparents in these indicators?

How to determine the onset of adolescence

Determining the beginning and end of this age is traditionally subjective. As a rule, experts correlate its onset with the onset of puberty, since it is easy to establish; it has an obvious outcome (puberty), and this biological process is universal. In societies where rites of passage have been adopted, puberty has long been used as an indicator of the end of childhood.

Although there is no formal initiation ceremony in modern society, we still continue to consider puberty as the transition into adolescence. Coming to a consensus on when adolescence ends is somewhat more difficult.

Although there are objective biological differences between adolescence and adulthood (for example, the point at which a person stops growing or being able to bear children), they can hardly be taken as a criterion. For some people, the growth phase ends at 12–13 years old, while others can even physically become parents at this age. At the same time, few of us, at least in modern society, are ready to call a 13-year-old teenager"adults".

Therefore, social indicators such as reaching adulthood, working full-time, or living separately from parents are often used to define the boundary between adolescence and adulthood. That's why experts say that adolescence begins with biology and ends with sociology.

Are girls' teenage years getting longer?

To make sure whether there has really been an increase in the duration of adolescence, let's consider the most convenient indicators from this point of view: the onset of menstruation and marriage. Both indicators can be tracked and marked with reasonable accuracy.

For most women, the first appearance of menstruation is an important event, and its date is recorded in the medical record. Western scientists have been tracking the average age of first menstruation since around 1840, so they have a good idea of ​​how the onset of puberty has changed since then.

The age at marriage is usually even more carefully documented than menarche, so that we have accurate statistics on this indicator for several centuries.

In the mid-19th century, adolescence lasted approximately five years: that's how long it was in the mid-1800s. took place between the onset of menstruation in girls and marriage. At the turn of the twentieth century, on average, girls first menstruated at the age of 14–15 years, and they got married after 22 years. In the 1900s adolescence lasted just under seven years.

In the first half of the twentieth century, young people began to marry at an earlier age, however, the beginning of the puberty period also shifted towards a decrease. Because of this, the length of adolescence has remained the same: about seven years.

In 1950, for example, girls' first menstruation began on average at 13.5 years old, and they got married at about the age of twenty. However, since the 1950s. the situation began to change. The decline in the age of onset of puberty continued, but people began to marry later and later. Every ten years, the average age at first menstruation fell by about three to four months, while the average age at marriage increased by a year. By 2010, the average difference between the start of menstruation and marriage for girls was 15 years.

If this trend continues (and for reasons I'll explain later, it should), by 2020 it will take an average of 20 years from the start to the end of adolescence.

Adolescence in boys: when does it begin and end?

In order to trace historical patterns regarding the onset of puberty in boys, researchers have to use more sophisticated methods. Based on indirect evidence, it has been noted that boys today also enter puberty much earlier than what happened in the past.

One of the obvious indicators of the onset of puberty in boys is the so-called voice break, when the voice changes and becomes deeper. Specialists involved in organizing children's choirs pay close attention to this. Choirmasters have long documented when voice changes occur in their singers. According to these data, the average age at which boys' voices change has dropped since 18 in the mid-1700s. to about 13 years in 1960 and to about 10.5 years today.

Voice changes usually occur at the beginning of puberty, about three years before the end of puberty. This makes it possible to extrapolate: if the “breaking” of the voice today occurs in boys at an average of 10.5 years, their puberty ends at approximately 13 years. This means that the decline in the age at which boys reach puberty over the past few centuries has occurred at about the same rate as that of girls: by about three to four months per decade.

The latest statistics tell us the same thing. A 2012 report based on data from pediatricians across the United States found that boys were starting puberty nearly two years earlier in 2010 than in 1970. The age at which boys begin adolescence continues to decline, as does girls.

Age at marriage is easily tracked for both women and men. In 1950, the average American got married at about 23 years old. By 2011, this average age had risen to 29 years. The increase was about one year per decade - almost the same as for women.

In 1960, when boys ended puberty at about 16 and young people married on average at age 23, the length of adolescence was about seven years. Today, with the completion of puberty at about 14 years of age and first marriage at about 29, adolescence for young people, like girls, lasts about 15 years.

Is the age of onset of puberty still declining?

The age at puberty declined steadily between the 1850s and 1950s. In the second half of the 20th century, this trend stopped, leading scientists to conclude that we have reached the biologically possible minimum age for the onset of puberty.

When in the late 1990s. Reports began to appear that the age of puberty was once again declining; they were received with skepticism. However, numerous studies have only confirmed this trend. Moreover, there are good reasons to believe that this is not the limit.

About three years before the onset of the first menstruation, girls begin to show the first visual signs of the onset of puberty: the growth of mammary glands and pubic hair. If girls today experience their first period around age 12, that means the average American girl enters puberty at about age nine.

We do not have reliable data on the average age at which breast growth began in the distant past, since doctors and scientists recorded only the age at which the first menstruation began. However, we have reliable information about the changes that have occurred over the past few decades. According to a large study of American children born in the early 1960s, the average age at which girls began to develop mammary glands was about 13 years. By the mid-1990s. it dropped to ten years.

Today, pediatricians are reporting an increase in the number of girls who are showing signs of breast growth as early as seven or eight years old. According to recent research conducted in the United States95 based on data from the mid-2000s, 10% of all white girls and almost a quarter of all black girls have developed breasts by the age of seven (first or second grade).

For boys, there have been far fewer similar recent studies, but they confirm a similar decline in the age of onset of puberty. The first sign of puberty in boys is enlargement of the testicles. According to studies examining this rate, by 2010, 10% of white boys and 20% of black boys began to show signs of puberty at age six.

It can be concluded that for modern children, both boys and girls, adolescence begins earlier, ends later and lasts longer than at any time in human history: three times longer than 150 years ago, and twice as long than in the 1950s.

Why does puberty begin earlier in children?

It was generally accepted that the timing of a person's puberty was determined by his genetic code: a child of parents with early puberty would most likely inherit this developmental feature. However, today it is known that the age of puberty is determined not only by genetic factors, but also by environmental influences.

The most important elements of this influence are health and nutrition. On average, children whose mothers were well-nourished and healthy during pregnancy, and who grew up healthy and well-nourished themselves, are more likely to have an early onset of puberty. Significant decline in the onset of puberty between 1850 and 1950s. can be attributed mainly to improved child and maternal health.

Comment on the article "When does puberty begin in girls and boys?"

When does puberty begin in girls and boys? Is the age of onset of puberty still declining? puberty of a girl 9.5 years old. My daughter is 9.5 today. A year ago, 5 inches of hair grew in my armpits.

Section: Adoption (Raising adopted teenage children, problem teenagers). I'm so sick of adolescence. Who else is like this? And why is this more complicated than the problems of natural children, with serious incurable diseases, psychiatry, and teenage quirks?

But very often the onset of adolescence reveals itself out of nowhere with aggressive behavior and rudeness. Transitional age. Adolescence is a difficult time for children and their families.

And the masculine principle is also the ability to give in to a woman, forgive her an insult, and show leniency towards her weakness. When does puberty begin in girls and boys? When does a child become a teenager? How to communicate with your teenage daughter.

Education and relationships with teenage children: adolescence, problems at school, career guidance, exams, Olympiads, Unified State Examination, preparation for university. Section: Psychology, adolescence. When does the hormonal surge in teenagers end?

How to survive adolescence? Now the youngest (13 years old) has begun a transition period. Parenting and relationships with teenage children: adolescence, problems at school, career guidance In reality, everything did not happen like that.

How to survive adolescence? Psychology, adolescence. Teenagers. Education and relationships with teenage children: adolescence, problems at school, career guidance, exams, Olympiads, Unified State Examination, preparation for university.

When does puberty begin in girls and boys? Despite the presence of objective biological differences between adolescence and Parenting and relationships with adolescent children: adolescence...

Are girls' teenage years getting longer? To make sure whether the increase really occurred. Today, pediatricians When do boys start growing? Moreover, this happens in boys and girls, at different ages - girls “start” earlier...

When does puberty begin in girls and boys? For some people, the growth phase ends at 12–13 years old, while others can even physically become parents at this age. One of the obvious indicators of the onset of puberty in boys...

The next one usually occurs during adolescence - the beginning of puberty. When does puberty begin in girls and boys? The age at which boys begin adolescence continues to decline, as does girls.

Prolonged fever in a teenager. Girl 13.5 years old. Last year, the temperature from 37.3 to 38.5 lasted for 2.5 months until approximately mid-March, i.e. until sunny days. Numerous drippings in different directions actually yielded nothing.

Education and relationships with teenage children: adolescence, problems at school, career guidance, exams, Olympiads, Unified State Examination, preparation for university.

When does puberty begin in girls and boys? The decline in the age of onset of puberty has continued, but people can conclude that in modern children, both boys and girls, adolescence begins earlier and ends...

Puberty occurs in girls at 12.5 - 13 years, in boys - at 14 - 15 years. At this age, girls begin menstruation, and when does puberty begin in girls and boys? Is the age of onset of puberty still declining?

adolescence crisis in adolescents. Psychology, adolescence. Teenagers. adolescence crisis in adolescents. Virgos, who came across? Mine gave me this yesterday, I still can’t come to my senses... I’m 13 years old... I didn’t sleep all night, and now I’m sitting at work...

puberty of boys. Mommies, tell me at what age do boys begin to mature? When does puberty begin in girls and boys? Children grow up, and one day there comes a moment... when they grow up - it won’t last forever for them to grow?

When does puberty begin in girls and boys? Adolescence in boys: when does it begin and end? Is the age of onset of puberty still declining?

When does puberty begin in girls and boys? Education and relationships with teenage children: adolescence, problems at school, career guidance, exams On the other hand, there is some kind of relief...

Whether we like it or not, children grow, mature, turning into young boys or girls, so reminiscent of mom and dad in their youth. Just yesterday, my little son was not against his mother’s kisses and “hugs,” but today he announced a boycott of any manifestations of tenderness and affection. Yes, this is not Peter Pan, who wanted to remain a child with baby teeth forever, hormones still take their toll. Changes in behavior are a signal of the beginning of a boy’s sexual development.

Key points in boys' sexual development.

1. Intrauterine development.

At approximately 12-16 weeks of intrauterine life, the child finally develops its main characteristics that distinguish it from a girl - the penis and scrotum. The testicles (testicles) remain in the abdominal cavity almost until the very end of pregnancy and only in the last weeks descend into the scrotum.

2. Puberty of boys. A stage called “childhood”.

So, the period from the moment of birth until the beginning of puberty of a boy is called childhood (infantile period). At this time, the boy grows and develops like all other children, not significantly different from his peers. The penis and scrotum increase slightly in size. Puberty in boys begins around 9-11 years of age and is called neopuberty. Externally, the child practically does not change in any way; all development processes occur at the level of the pituitary gland.

IMPORTANT! It is best to tell your son where babies come from at this stage of boys' sexual development. You should not embellish the story with fairy-tale characters, such as the kind stork; it is better to tell the child everything as it is. There is no need for intimate details of conception at this age.

3. The initial stage of a boy’s puberty.

Around the age of 10-13, childhood gives way to puberty. At this time, the boy’s body is preparing for big changes, after which he will turn into a young man. The brain, namely the pituitary gland, produces a large amount of hormones (somatotropin, follitropin), which help accelerate growth and increase bone and muscle mass. Under the influence of pituitary hormones, the development of the gonads begins. Puberty of boys at this time is gaining momentum.

The most important sign of puberty in boys is an increase in the size of the testicles and penis. Despite the absence of “vegetation” in the armpit area, the first hairs appear in the pubic area. This period is characterized by changes in the voice, as well as an increase in the smell of sweat, due to the intensive work of the sweat glands.

IMPORTANT! The changes that happen to your child can be scary. There's never been a better time to talk about Boys' Puberty! It is best if the child’s questions are answered by a man he trusts (father, older brother, uncle, etc.).

4. Puberty of boys. Activation of the gonads.

By about 12-13 years of age, puberty in boys reaches its goal - activation of the gonads, which promotes the secretion of sex hormones (androgens, estrogens). Almost imperceptible pubic fluff is replaced by coarse and dark hairs. Androgens are male sex hormones that contribute to the growth of the penis and an increase in the size of the testicles. An excess of female sex hormones - estrogens - often contributes to the development of gynecomastia - swelling and enlargement of the mammary glands. Such changes are short-term and disappear without a trace after 2-3 months.

This stage of puberty for boys ends by the age of 12-16 years. By about 15 years of age, the penis reaches its final size, the boy becomes even more elongated in height, and intense hair growth occurs in the pubic and axillary areas. It’s too early to talk about a full beard, but by this time a mustache is already decorating the teenager’s upper lip.

Puberty of boys and acne are two inseparable companions. Hormonal changes in the body affect the activity of the sebaceous glands, which produce excess sebum. With insufficient care, acne appears on the skin of the face and neck, which is sometimes quite difficult to get rid of.

IMPORTANT! The little boy has long turned into a man, so it’s time to talk to him about “adult” topics. By the age of 14-15 years, the mechanism of sperm maturation begins, which coincides in time with the appearance of emissions - involuntary ejaculation, most characteristic of the night. The main task of parents during this period of puberty for a boy is to explain to the teenager that there is nothing shameful or unnatural about this. Well, of course, just in case, it’s worth mentioning contraceptive methods, of which the most suitable and reliable is a condom.

5. Puberty of boys. The final stage.

The end of puberty in boys occurs around the age of 17-18, but some boys continue to grow until they are 20-22 years old. By this time, the formation of the reproductive system is completed, which means that the genital organs of a teenager are no different in size and appearance from those of an adult man. It is difficult to recognize the once little boy in this guy, since his facial features and physique have become masculine and have long lost their former rounded outlines. Hair grows according to the male pattern, that is, on the pubic area, inner thighs, face, chest, lower abdomen.

IMPORTANT! Despite the fact that puberty in boys has already been completed, psychologically a young man of 17-19 years old is not yet ready for procreation. As a rule, the desire to start a family comes several years later. This fact should be taken into account during sex education. When a teenager enters into sexual relations, he must understand the responsibility that lies on his shoulders. The parents' task is to protect the young man from sexually transmitted diseases and the unwanted pregnancy of his girlfriend.

Puberty for boys is much easier if there are people nearby who will help with advice and support in difficult times. Parents are simply obliged to raise a real man who takes a shower every day, knows how to shave, takes care of his appearance and treats the fairer sex with care. All these skills cannot be acquired in one day. It will take more than one year to teach your son to behave like a gentleman. But it’s never too early to start raising a child to be a successful, kind and responsible person.

Is your son already 11 years old? The girls in his class, most likely, sometimes already begin to use cosmetics, quickly gain height, and in general no longer look like little girls, but like full-fledged girls. Boys, most likely, are still boys, playing “war games”, and so far they look at girls only from the point of view. What is the most convenient way to pull the pigtail? It’s okay, soon our little boys will enter puberty (usually for boys it begins one and a half to two years later than for girls).

Physical aspect and quantitative measurements

In boys, puberty usually begins at the age of 11-12, sometimes, however, it can be delayed up to 14-15 years.

The muscles and skeletal system noticeably increase, the voice breaks, the figure changes. The muscles of the shoulder girdle develop. The genitals also become enlarged. At seven years of age, the length of the testicles on average reaches 2.7 cm, and the length of the penis in a calm state is 3-3.5 cm; by the beginning of puberty, these figures increase slightly: 2.8-3 cm for the testicles and 3.8 cm for the penis .

During puberty, the dynamics of growth of the genital organs is much higher, because there is an intensive production of male sex hormones. At the age of 13, these important indicators will be 3.6-3.7 for the testicles and 6.3 cm for the penis, by 15 - 4 cm and 6.7 cm, respectively. Of course, these are average readings, and a step to the right or left does not count as an escape (unless, of course, it is a giant step).

Puberty is also marked by the appearance of hair, primarily on the pubic area. By the age of 14-15, hair appears under the arms and - hurray! - youthful fuzz on the upper lip and chin.

Simultaneously with the appearance of hair, the voice breaks and, unfortunately, your child’s face often becomes covered with acne. Some people have more acne, some lucky people have less or none at all. If acne bothers you a lot, you can contact a specialist. And, of course, monitor the healthy lifestyle of your growing “baby”: sports, proper nutrition, keeping the skin clean - all this can significantly reduce the number of these nasty acne. Although, of course, by the age of 16-17 they will disappear on their own.

Around the same time (age 14), the first wet dreams may appear. This means that the sperm is already ready and your “baby” is quite physically capable of making you a grandparent. It's time to talk about "pistils and stamens" if you haven't already. And, naturally, about responsibility for the girl and (pah-pah) for a possible child. And about contraception.

Another very important indicator of puberty for a boy is height. Usually there are two leaps: the first comes at 10-11 years (the boy grows 10 centimeters). The next leap is 13 years, the boy gains another 7-8 centimeters.

Parents should know that all signs of puberty may well be delayed for a year or two, there is nothing wrong with that. The main thing is to support your son if he is worried that he still does not have facial hair and is shorter than everyone else in his class.

But sometimes, to correct some disorders, the help of specialists is required. So if the signs of puberty are delayed, visit a urologist or andrologist, because, as you know, prevention is easier than treatment, and at the age of 12-13, if there are any problems, it is much easier to correct everything.

Personal hygiene rules are changing

Don’t forget to teach your son the basics of personal hygiene, because uncleanliness can lead to balanoposthitis and other diseases. Daily toilet, frequent change of underwear is a mandatory item in the personal care program not only for girls, but also for boys. Don’t forget that a boy’s sex glands are more active and, naturally, an unpleasant odor appears. The boy himself may not notice this, but his classmates and friends (and, of course, girls) will definitely notice. Don’t forget to pay attention to this and - again - “long live scented soap” and neutral deodorants.

Psychology of a growing boy

So, the boy changes not only physically, although, of course, it is physical changes that entail psychological maturation. Your son becomes shy, gets upset over the slightest defect in appearance, exaggerating its significance. The boy’s movements are angular, because his body is growing so quickly that it takes time to adapt to it.

A teenager is easily offended, his mood often changes: now he feels like an adult, and after 5 minutes he is a baby again and wants to be close to mom and dad.

In addition, unclear sexual desires also create confusion. At this time, boys (and girls too) have idols: teachers, movie characters, etc. etc., at first usually of the same sex as the child. A little later, an idol of the opposite sex appears, while he is also a movie star, or a popular musician. And then it slowly turns out that the classmate is also quite okay, and can be an object of sympathy. True, open expression of emotions is still a long way off.

In addition, during puberty, a teenager fights for his freedom from parental care and insists on his rights and independence, but this does not mean that parents should “bend” to these demands. As a rule, a child fights for freedom, but at the same time is afraid of it: psychologists working with teenagers, they say that many teenagers admit that they would like their parents to be stricter and teach them what is good and what is bad.

If the parents' decision is reasonable, then the teenager accepts it, so do not forget to trust your child and discuss moral standards with him. As a rule, a healthy upbringing and confidence in the trust and attention of parents is exactly what a young man needs.


In America, where everyone is obsessed with sexual harassment, they have gone so far that in the state of Colorado, a six-year-old boy was expelled from school and charged with sexual harassment for kissing his classmate's hand!

Comment on the article "Puberty of boys: anxieties and problems"

Relatively healthy, there are problems with the structure of the jaw and braces, vision decreases after an injury and lags behind in maturation by approximately Because no one usually has spare children. And I’m on the author’s side here, we have a catastrophe in our region with teenage suicide.

Puberty of boys: worries and problems. mine calmed down at 18 started at 14.5. I had a cycle for two years. Nowadays this is very common after the age of 8, my friend’s daughter also has fluff in her armpits. They say that children eat well...

About adolescence. Boys. So I decided to scour the Internet - how it all begins and signs and everything - in all articles only about Parenting and relationships with teenage children: adolescence, problems at school, career guidance V...

puberty of boys. Mommies, tell me at what age do boys begin to mature? My son is 8.5 years old and already has quite noticeable hairs on his scrotum; if he plays sports, then he looks so masculine. Is this normal for his age?

puberty of boys. Mommies, tell me at what age do boys begin to mature? My son is 8.5 years old and he already has quite noticeable hairs on his scrotum; if he plays sports, then he will have this Puberty of boys: anxieties and problems.

puberty of boys. Mommies, tell me at what age do boys begin to mature? My son is 8.5 years old and he already has quite noticeable hairs on his scrotum; if he plays sports, then he will have this Puberty of boys: anxieties and problems.

Puberty of boys: worries and problems. Early puberty? What do you think? Puberty occurs in girls at 12.5 - 13 years, in boys - at 14 - 15 years. At this age, girls begin to menstruate and boys begin to have wet dreams.

puberty of boys. Mommies, tell me at what age do boys begin to mature? My son is 8.5 years old and already has quite noticeable hairs on his scrotum; if he plays sports, then he looks so masculine.

Check out other discussions: Boys' Puberty: Anxieties and Problems. When does puberty begin in girls and boys? This makes it possible to extrapolate: if the “breaking” of the voice today occurs in boys on average at 10.5 years old, their...

Puberty of a boy: approximate timing. Today's parents understand that the genitals of boys and girls should be called by their proper names from a very early age and told in time Puberty of boys: anxieties and problems.

I just have the same problem, all tests are normal. It was like that for us. Only for a boy) And vice versa: a year ago the temperature was 37.1-37.5 for several months, but this year a 9-year-old boy has a temperature of 37.2 for a week after an acute respiratory infection. Blood and urine are normal. I need to measure it right away...

Puberty of boys: worries and problems. At the age of 13, these important indicators will be 3.6-3.7 for the testicles and 6.3 cm for the penis, by 15 - 4 cm and 6.7 cm, respectively. A child (boy) 2 years old has problems with his pee.

Puberty of boys: worries and problems. Early puberty? What do you think? Puberty occurs in girls at 12.5 - 13 years, in boys - at 14 - 15 years. At this age, girls begin to menstruate and boys begin to have wet dreams.

A severe, non-speaking autistic boy began puberty and stimulation of the genital organs and molestation began. I thought about castration: I ask everyone, and especially the parents of adult boys, to answer the question why it is not customary to castrate severe...

puberty of boys. Mommies, tell me at what age do boys begin to mature? My son is 8.5 years old and he already has quite noticeable hairs on his scrotum; if he plays sports, then he will get this Puberty of boys: anxieties and problems.

But tell me about the boys. Psychology, adolescence. Teenagers. Education and relationships with teenage children: adolescence, problems at school, career guidance, exams, Olympiads, Unified State Examination, preparation for university.

Health. Teenagers. Education and relationships with teenage children: adolescence, problems at school But I also reached puberty a little later than average. First wet dream at 14 and a half. I didn't take any medications that speed up...

It is clear to everyone that the process of growing up is inevitable. Cute little babies turn into wayward and naughty teenagers. Over time, this too passes, humanity is replenished with adult men and women. Puberty of boys and girls occurs differently, at different age periods. This process is physiological, but sometimes has pathological deviations. It is useful for parents and adolescents to know what processes occur in the body during puberty. Today we will talk about turning a boy into a man.

Puberty in boys affects not only changes in anthropometric data, anatomy and physiology of the genital organs, but also the psycho-emotional sphere. The main role in the changes that occur is played by the central nervous system and endocrine glands. Around the age of 11–13 years, the brain begins to produce substances called gonadoliberins in the subthalamus region of the brain. At first they are produced only at night, but soon the secretion becomes constant. Gonadotropin-releasing hormones act on the pituitary gland appendage to the brain and activate the production of pituitary hormones, including growth hormone (GH).

Under the influence of HGH, the boy begins to grow. Growth occurs in spurts, first by 10 cm per year at the age of 10–11 years, by the age of 13 the growth is another 7–8 cm. Growth continues until approximately 22 years, but at a slow pace. The development and lengthening of the bone skeleton goes in parallel with the increase in muscle mass. These processes are usually not balanced. Outwardly, the teenager looks somewhat awkward, with long arms and legs, enlarged hands and feet. Exercising and proper nutrition help a teenager quickly get rid of inhibitions and gain confidence in communication.

Under the influence of pituitary hormones, the production of androgens begins, of which testosterone is the main one. The transformation of a boy into a man occurs under his influence.

Androgens affect the lengthening and coarsening of the vocal cords and the growth of the larynx. For this reason, by the age of 15, the voice breaks down and acquires a masculine timbre. The larynx also undergoes changes due to the appearance of the Adam’s apple, which is also called “Adam’s apple,” emphasizing its masculine gender.

Androgens increase sebum production by the sebaceous glands. This is related to the problem of youthful acne and acne. Boys experience this problem no less painfully than girls. The sweat glands also begin to work actively under the influence of hormones. The groin, armpits, and feet also become a source of problems for a teenager. Parents should reassure the child by explaining the temporary nature of skin problems and the need for hygiene measures, and prohibit squeezing pimples.

Signs of adolescence

Much more attention of the teenager is occupied by the signs of maturation in boys associated with the increase in testicles, penis and male hair growth. It is no coincidence that when “male dignity” is mentioned, everyone understands what we are talking about.

In a seven-year-old child, the testicles have an average size of 2.7 cm, and the penis is 3-3.5 cm. By the age of 13-15, the testicles increase to 3.6-3.7 cm, the penis - approximately 2 times. The enlargement of the testicles is accompanied by the beginning of the process of spermatogenesis, the seminal vesicles produce sperm. At the age of 12–14 years, a teenager experiences spontaneous erection, accompanied by ejaculation. At this age, manifestations of signs of maturation are expressed in the form of emissions - spontaneous night ejaculation.

Under the influence of testosterone, the process of hair appearance on the genitals and armpits begins.

The first hair appears around the penis. Then hair growth continues on the pubis and rises higher along the front wall of the abdomen - to the navel. The next stage of hair growth is the thighs, armpits, chest and nipples. A youthful fuzz first appears on the face on the upper lip, usually at 14–15 years of age, and by 17–18 years of age there is growth of a beard. The size of the penis is of concern not only to growing boys. Maturity in a man makes him want to compare the size of his dignity with others, to allay fears that he has a small reproductive organ. It is not necessary to compare with friends; focusing on the parameters of the norm is enough.

How to measure the penis correctly? The penis should be erect, the penis should be tilted parallel to the floor, a ruler should be applied to it and the size should be measured from the pubis to the head. The thickness of the penis is measured with a measuring tape along the circumference in the middle of the shaft. There is the following gradation:

  • The length of the penis during erection is less than 10 cm - micropenis;
  • 10–12 cm – small penis;
  • 12–18 cm – average penis;
  • more than 18 cm – large penis;
  • The average girth of the penis is 12–13 cm.

What influences the size of a man's penis? It may seem strange to some, but race determines the size of the penis. The average size is for Europeans, small for Chinese, and the largest for representatives of the Negroid race.

The size of the penis depends on the level of testosterone in the blood, but the height of a man and the size of his dignity are in no way connected.

Sex therapists say that penis size is nothing more than just numbers. Sexual technique, duration of sexual intercourse, and the ability to give a woman true pleasure do not depend on the size of the penis. Summarizing the above, we note the main stages of puberty in boys:

  • Spasmodic body growth;
  • Increase in the size of the testicles and penis;
  • Gradual body hair growth according to the male type.

The stages presented are typical for most boys, but there are deviations in both directions.

Disruption of the maturation process

Lack of puberty occurs most often with hereditary diseases and chromosomal abnormalities. The following situations serve as examples.

  • Klinefelter syndrome is an excess of the X chromosome. The child's karyotype is 47ХХУ. Such an individual has a micropenis, they are tall, but have a eunuchoid constitution, often have gynecomastia, scanty hair growth, and reduced intelligence;
  • Anorchism or absence of testicles. There are no signs of ripening;
  • XX-man. Somehow the female X chromosome transforms into a male X chromosome. The constitution is male, average height, there is a penis, intelligence is preserved. Sexual life is possible, but there is infertility;
  • Gonadal dyskinesia - in the presence of a penis, the individual has internal female organs (uterus, appendages).

Delayed maturation is caused by:

  • Chronic diseases;
  • Previous injuries and surgeries;
  • State of neuroendocrine status;
  • Features of the constitution.

Early puberty in boys is said to occur when secondary signs appear in children under the age of 10 years. It can be true or false. The difference is that with true precocious puberty, the testicles enlarge; with false precocious puberty, this does not occur with all other signs.

What about the girls?

Puberty of boys and girls differs primarily in that in females it occurs under the influence of another hormone - estrogen, but with the participation of androgens. Estrogens are responsible for the growth and formation of the mammary glands, the female pelvis, enlargement of the labia minora, fat deposition, and the appearance of libido. Androgens affect the growth of pubic hair, armpits, enlargement of the labia majora, and the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands of the skin, which leads to pimples and acne. Girls' growth begins at 8–9 years old; at 10–12 years old, initial hair growth occurs and the mammary glands enlarge. At 12–14 years of age, menarche appears; by 17–18 years of age, she is a physiologically and psychologically mature sexually mature woman.

A little about phimosis

Phimosis is a condition in which the foreskin is adjacent to the head of the penis and its exposure is impossible. In children under 3 years of age, this is a physiological condition. Parents should know that nothing should be opened by force. Usually by the age of 4, the foreskin begins to move and the glans is easily exposed. In the absence of inflammatory changes, you can wait until the head opens for up to 7 years. At this time, you should consult a doctor so that the boy does not have problems with sex life and urination in the future.

Inflammation can occur against the background of the accumulation between the leaf of the foreskin and the head of a large amount of smegma - the secretion of the sebaceous glands, desquamated epithelial cells, which is a good breeding ground for microbes.

A little about Sunnet

Let's look from a modern perspective at the Muslim and Jewish ritual of circumcision of the foreskin of boys. Circumcision is performed by a surgeon or a specially trained clergyman at 3, 5, 7 years of age (in odd-numbered years). The delicate mucous membrane of the head becomes coarser due to friction against the underwear. This is not only hygienic, since smegma has nowhere to accumulate.

A hardened head prolongs sexual intercourse and prevents premature ejaculation.

It has also been noted that after circumcision, susceptibility to AIDS is reduced by 2 times, viral diseases, including human papillomas, are not transmitted. It is not difficult to raise a boy into a healthy man. Be attentive to all changes in his physical and mental state, especially during the period of maturation, jointly engage in sports, tourism, lead a healthy lifestyle, avoiding nicotine and alcohol, and eating a healthy and balanced diet. It is important to instill in a boy a respectful attitude towards women. Emerging problems must be solved together with a urologist, andrologist and psychologist.