Nutrition, diet for breast cancer. How to eat properly if you have breast cancer

As is known, until today scientists have not established the exact cause of the development of cancer in the body, but they were still able to prove that this is influenced by a combination of many factors. Dangerous causes that provoke the onset of a pathological process include, in addition to hereditary predisposition and radiation exposure, the following:

  • increased exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • entry of carcinogens into the body;
  • obesity;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • immunodeficiency in the body.

Having analyzed them, we can conclude that the appearance of a disease such as breast cancer is influenced by proper nutrition and lifestyle, which, first of all, should ensure increased immunity.

Interesting! In the 70s of the last century, it was experimentally proven that cancer remission can be achieved with the help of interferon alpha (a protein of the immune system that signals about infections), a second experiment highlighted the relationship between tumor reduction and T-cell immunity.

Nutrition for breast cancer will ensure the activity of the immune system if it is based on the complete exclusion of various carcinogens from entering the body and the intake of a sufficient amount of fiber and proteins. Let us immediately note that reviewing the daily food consumed during breast cancer will help improve overall well-being, normalize weight, improve the functioning of the digestive system and, ultimately, normalize hormonal levels and act as a preventive measure for other ailments.

Nutrition for breast cancer should be fractional (small portions), which will help the body maximally absorb all the beneficial microelements from foods. It is best to calculate the time by allowing for meals 5-6 times during the day.

It is strictly forbidden to eat fried foods, especially those containing large amounts of fat. They contain many carcinogens, which aggravates the disease process. Fast foods, instant products containing dyes, artificial flavors, preservatives, and GMOs are also strictly taboo.

When reviewing nutrition after chemotherapy for breast cancer, it is important to pay attention to sufficient fluid intake into the body, including clean water without gas (this will help remove metabolic products, toxins and drug residues from the body).

Attention! If you have breast cancer, you cannot completely give up eating or significantly reduce the amount of food consumed, even if there is no appetite at all. Remember, during this period the body needs strength more than ever to maintain resistance to the progression of the disease.

List of products that must be included in the menu in case of illness

Nutrition for breast cancer should be balanced and contain as many vitamins, micro and macroelements as possible, so it includes the following products:

  • legumes (lentils, beans, asparagus);
  • vegetables (carrots, bell peppers, beets, celery, white cabbage, zucchini);
  • cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower and kale);
  • fruits (bananas, kiwi, apples, oranges, apricots);
  • melons (watermelon, pumpkin);
  • berries (any);
  • cereals;
  • greens (all types of lettuce, parsley, arugula);
  • red fish;
  • seaweed;
  • lean meat (white);
  • cereals (for breast cancer, cereals are included in the diet in the following order of importance: rolled oats, buckwheat, corn);
  • dairy products (low fat);
  • low-fat cheeses;
  • lightly dried coarse bread.

It is separately noted that dietary adjustments for stage 1 breast cancer should begin with the fact that any fats for cooking should be vegetable, these are: olive oil, sesame oil, corn oil, unrefined sunflower oil.

List of foods prohibited when sick

Cancer patients are strictly prohibited from eating spicy, smoked, pickled, fatty and salty foods, as well as margarines. Diet for stage 2 breast cancer must necessarily limit packaged store-bought juices, canned food, and all dishes that use vinegar in their preparation. Undesirable foods include: mushrooms, processed cheese and spicy foods (including hot peppers).

Nutrition during chemotherapy for breast cancer involves reducing sugar and eliminating sweets (especially muffins and chocolate), prohibiting coffee and alcohol.

Special products after surgery

There are several types of products that scientists place some emphasis on, having conducted a series of experiments involving those who have undergone surgery to remove a tumor.

One of them is soy, which has long been a controversial component whether to include it in the diet for breast cancer after surgery. Yale University scientists have proven that moderate consumption of this product helps prevent relapse of the disease (but you should not use pills and dietary supplements that are made from soy).

Sprouted wheat grains and whole grain products are considered invaluable suppliers of microelements, as well as fish of those varieties that contain large amounts of omega-3 acids: red cod, haddock, halibut, sardine, salmon.

Reducing the recurrence of cancer, according to scientists, guarantees that in case of oncology, eating foods with a large amount of carotenoids (these are natural red and orange pigments) after removal of the mammary gland. Accordingly, carrots, bell peppers of various colors, and pumpkin must be included in daily consumption.

When planning a diet for breast cancer (after surgery), we must not forget about drinking: mineral water (always without gas) and green tea are best. In addition, freshly squeezed vegetable juices (especially beet and carrot) are added.

Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in women. Effective fight against a formidable disease requires a radical change in the nutritional diet, in particular, when undergoing chemotherapy courses and after a mastectomy. Following a diet helps not only to replenish the energy that goes into fighting pathology in large quantities, but also to prevent deterioration in well-being.

Scientists have repeatedly proven that if nutrition during breast cancer is competent, the likelihood of a cancer recurrence after its successful treatment is significantly reduced. In addition, normalization of weight is important, since extra pounds or low weight can slow down recovery, as well as cause the recurrence of the disease, the development of heart problems or diabetes.

The essence of the diet for breast cancer is to:

  • strengthen the immune system (the outcome of treatment directly depends on the full functioning of the immune system);
  • maintain body weight within normal limits (while undergoing therapy, the patient risks significantly gaining or losing weight, which will aggravate the symptoms of the disease).

Nutrition for breast cancer involves following simple rules:

  1. Doctors recommend refraining from excessive consumption of food. You should eat in small portions - 5-6 times a day, portions should be small.
  2. It is important to adhere to the drinking regime (1.5-2 liters per day), and it is useful to consume both plain water and herbal decoctions.
  3. Only fresh food should be on the table.
  4. Dishes cooked in the oven, steamed or grilled will benefit.
  5. You should regularly eat a lot of fruits, greens, berries, and raw vegetables.
  6. Food and drinks should be at room temperature.
  7. The menu does not contain any products containing any artificial additives.

In some cases, after discovering breast cancer, women become severely depressed and refuse to eat. It is extremely undesirable to do this, because the body needs strength to fight a dangerous illness and to fully recover.

If the need arises, the doctor will select vitamin complexes as a supplement to the diet, for example, Vitrum, Alphabet, Multitabs, Complivit, etc.

Nutrition during and after chemotherapy

To cope with cancer, you need to undergo a course of treatment that involves the use of aggressive drugs. The peculiarity of such drugs lies in their ability to inhibit the growth of abnormal cells. Unfortunately, therapy can not only kill cancer cells, but also negatively affect healthy tissue, causing adverse reactions - nausea, diarrhea, hair loss, etc.

During treatment, the likelihood of weight gain increases, which may reduce the effectiveness of anticancer drugs and worsen symptoms. A properly designed menu will help you avoid weight gain, and if you are diagnosed with obesity, it is important to reduce the calorie content of your meals.

Chemotherapy can negatively affect bone health, often causing the development of osteoporosis. To preserve bone mass you need:

For many women, chemotherapy sessions provoke attacks of nausea. Doctors recommend combating this unpleasant consequence by drinking plenty of fluids (up to 3 liters per day), and it is not advisable to drink water during meals. It’s good if your diet contains cherry plum, lingonberry or cranberry, which help cope with vomiting. On an empty stomach, it is useful to eat crackers or chew dry bread.

In general, it is necessary to remove from the menu any dishes that are harmful to a weakened body.

Nutrition after surgery

Surgery for a patient suffering from a malignant tumor in the mammary gland is quite a serious test. A mastectomy is often performed. Since this type of surgery involves complete removal of the affected breast, the woman will experience serious psychological discomfort and difficulty adapting to society.

After undergoing surgery, the patient must regularly work on herself, monitoring minor changes in well-being in a timely manner. You will also need to carefully adjust the menu so that recovery occurs without any disturbances. It is important to avoid excessive stress on the kidneys and liver, so you will have to avoid fried, spicy, salty and smoked foods. Food must contain enough nutrients.

After removal of the mammary gland or part of it, the following is encouraged in the diet:

  • fruits, vegetables and grains, which help normalize metabolic processes and help to recover faster;
  • soybeans and soy products that have an antitumor effect;
  • sprouted cereals, characterized by the presence of a huge amount of vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, macro- and microelements, and also have a detoxifying effect;
  • nut and vegetable oils with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect;
  • fish and seafood.

Food after surgery should be easily digestible, of natural origin and fresh. It can be consumed boiled, stewed and baked.

To prevent intestinal problems, you should eat dried apricots, apples, prunes, and beets. The fluid norm per day is 1.5-2 liters in the absence of renal disorders.

If a malignant neoplasm is detected, a woman should know what not to eat if she has breast cancer. If you ignore recommendations regarding a nutritious diet, the symptoms of the disease may worsen and recovery may take a longer period.

Patients with oncology, as well as with breast adenoma, are prohibited from eating:

  1. Fatty meat, lard, smoked and dry-cured sausages. The reason is the presence of a huge number of carcinogens, which significantly increase the risk of developing cancerous tumors.
  2. Canned food (fish, meat), vegetable marinades. Due to the toxic effects, the state of the immune system, weakened by the disease, may further deteriorate, which will affect the patient’s well-being.
  3. Dairy products with a high percentage of fat content. The ban is explained by the content of estrogen in them, which provokes the formation of an oncological process. As a last resort, the fermented milk product is consumed in minimal quantities, and it must be low-fat.
  4. Chocolate. Since it contains milk, it also contains estrogen.
  5. Baking. Its use stimulates estrogen synthesis.

Sweets should be excluded from the menu compiled for breast cancer, since cancer cells feed only on sugar (glucose).

You cannot quench your thirst with drinks with gas, which cause bloating. Also contraindicated is alcohol, which causes disruptions in the functioning of the entire body. You should refrain from using hot spices, as they irritate the walls of the stomach and disrupt the digestion process.

Patients often ask whether it is possible to drink coffee if they have breast cancer. On the one hand, coffee is a powerful antioxidant and immune system stimulant. But on the other hand, due to the intake of caffeine, especially in large quantities, blood pressure levels increase. In patients with increased blood clotting, drinking coffee can lead to the formation of blood clots. Therefore, the drink is considered prohibited.

The diet for breast cancer and the usual diet have significant differences. In the first case, the emphasis is on plant-based foods containing antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

When it comes to nutrition for cancer patients, it is planned to include a whole list of useful products in the menu:

  1. Fruits, vegetables. The antioxidant content in them makes it possible to strengthen a weakened body, in particular when using chemicals.
  2. Yagod. Cancer cells produce toxins, and berries contain substances that neutralize them. Each cell receives protection from the harmful effects of chemicals, and malignant cells are destroyed.
  3. Fish and seafood. Containing the required amount of Omega acids strengthens the immune system and normalizes the functions of the cardiovascular system. Numerous studies have proven that if you regularly eat fish, the formation of new cancer cells slows down significantly.
  4. Bobovykh. They affect the tumor, preventing its further growth, and promote the regeneration of affected tissues.
  5. Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, kohlrabi, cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, white cabbage, etc.). They reduce the likelihood of relapse after surgery to a minimum, improve liver function, and accelerate the elimination of toxins.
  6. Nuts (walnut, nutmeg, pine, almond, cashew) and seeds. For example, almonds contain a substance (leatril) that can kill malignant cells. For tinctures, it is recommended to use black or green walnuts. Flax, sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds contain lignans, due to which excess estrogen is quickly eliminated from the body.
  7. Tomatov. They have antitumor properties.
  8. Brown algae. They are rich in iodine, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. She, in turn, regulates sugar metabolism. If the process is disrupted, conditions are created for the formation of a tumor. In addition, seaweed contains selenium, which is an antioxidant. If selenium is supplied to breast cancer in insufficient quantities, excess synthesis of cancer cells is observed. This element not only destroys abnormal cells, but also helps restore the structure of affected tissues.
  9. Onions and garlic. They are distinguished by the presence of antitumor and detoxifying properties.
  10. Turmeric. The seasoning has an anti-cancer effect due to its curcumin content.
  11. Green tea. One of its components are antioxidant substances - polyphenols, which prevent the division of malignant cells.

It would be appropriate to eat greens, as well as instead of sugar. The use of salt should be reduced as much as possible. As for dairy products, they should be low-fat.

On the doctor’s recommendation, the patient can supplement the daily diet with vitamin and mineral complexes, as a result of which it will be easier for the body to cope with the manifestations of the disease. In particular, there is a need for calcium, selenium, zinc, magnesium, amino acids, vitamins A, E and C, and carotenoids.

The patient's diet should be adjusted taking into account the stage of the disease. Accordingly, the diet at different stages of oncology development will look like this:

  1. In the presence of stage 1 cancer, the emphasis is on foods containing fiber. Its benefit is that it will help maintain the functioning of the stomach and avoid constipation.
  2. When cancer passes into phase 2, the patient needs to strengthen her immune system, so you cannot do without vitamins and minerals, which are abundant in vegetable and fruit juices. In addition, it is necessary to get rid of waste and toxins in a timely manner, that is, it is important to ensure a regular intake of fiber into the body.
  3. If stage 3 cancer is diagnosed, the main goal at this stage is to eliminate the consequences of the therapy. Fiber will help with this again. Most vegetables contain substances (selenium, pectin, antioxidants, carotenoids) that can protect against the destructive effects of ionizing radiation.
  4. At the last stage, the spread of metastases to the lymph nodes is noted, so the oncologist will advise you to include in the menu products that only alleviate the symptoms of cancer.

The menu for 2-3 days for a tumor in the chest can be very diverse.

First day

  • have breakfast with oatmeal with water or skim milk, and then drink green tea;
  • have a sandwich (rye bread + cottage cheese spread) and wash it down with dried fruit compote;
  • dine on meatless borscht, a piece of stewed rabbit meat, beet salad and drink herbal tea;
  • eat some almonds for an afternoon snack;
  • have dinner with zucchini casserole with a slice of Borodino bread, and wash it down with green tea;
  • Before going to bed, drink kefir (1 cup).

On the second day

  • a mixture of cottage cheese with raspberries and green tea is suitable for breakfast;
  • you can snack on a banana;
  • an excellent lunch will be made from cabbage soup, fish with herbs, baked in the oven, rye bread and compote;
  • an afternoon snack may consist of a piece of low-fat cheese, whole grain bread and apple juice;
  • dinner should be a vinaigrette, a piece of dark bread and green tea;
  • At night, yogurt without sweeteners is allowed.

On the third day

  • in the morning you are allowed to have breakfast with rice pudding and tea with the addition of low-fat milk;
  • An apple is suitable for a light snack;
  • for lunch, you should prepare pea soup, bake chicken fillet with bell peppers and brew green tea;
  • the next snack may consist of grapes (one handful);
  • for dinner it is useful to eat buckwheat porridge, salad (tomatoes + cabbage), a slice of rye bread and drink dried fruit compote;
  • shortly before bedtime, you can refresh yourself with a glass of kefir.

This is just an approximate diet for a patient with cancer. The menu is allowed to include any products that help get rid of breast cancer. The main thing is to avoid overeating.

What dishes can you prepare?

The menu of a patient suffering from breast cancer can be quite varied, despite the absence of many products. To curb tumor growth, drinking beetroot, pumpkin and grape juices will be helpful.

It is worth paying attention to the recipes for some dishes.

Cheese snack

To make a cheese spread that is spread on a sandwich, mix fermented baked milk (0.5 l), kefir (0.5 l), yogurt (0.25 l) and lemon juice (1 tbsp.).

The mass is laid out on a colander covered with gauze, under which you need to place a container for the draining whey. Before use, the paste should stand for 1.5 days in the refrigerator.

Tender casserole

If you want to enjoy a delicious casserole, you need to beat a grated apple and an egg, and beat the white and yolk separately. Fill the molds with the resulting mixture, sprinkle cinnamon on top, and then place in the microwave for 7 minutes.

Diet soup

For the puree soup, you will need to take washed and peeled young zucchini (4 pieces), which are cut into pieces and boiled. You need to mix a little broth with flour (2 tbsp) and lightly fry in a frying pan until a thick consistency is formed. Next, according to the recipe, you should cut the pepper (1 pc.) and tomatoes (3 pcs.). All available components, including zucchini broth, are placed in a blender and ground until a puree is obtained. The mixture is lightly salted and served with crackers and chopped dill.

There are many simple recipes that can be used if the breast is affected by a malignant tumor. Accordingly, there will be no problems with preparing your daily diet.

Thanks to the revision of nutrition, the patient will tolerate treatment much easier, and recovery will occur much faster. Eating healthy foods will strengthen the body, which will help more effectively fight a dangerous disease.

The diet for breast cancer should include an hourly (every 2-3 hours or 5-6 times a day) diet. Portions should be minimal. To rid the body of toxins, carcinogens and excess drugs and metabolic products, a drinking regime should be established - at least 1.5-2 liters of water, including non-carbonated mineral water.

Proper nutrition during cancer

The diet for breast cancer should be aimed at weight loss, which helps prevent breast cancer relapses, increase the chances of survival and improve the quality of life. After chemotherapy or radiotherapy, patients usually gain weight, so you cannot increase the amount of food you eat until the end of treatment. Losing weight will reduce: the risk of increased fat levels, insulin levels in the blood and symptoms of cancer.

You should not break the hourly diet and not eat if you have no appetite during cancer treatment. During this period, the body urgently needs nutrients, vitamins and microelements - strength to fight the disease.

Important! Vegetables that can be eaten raw do not need to be cooked.

To increase your chances of recovery you should:

  • reduce the daily calorie intake by 1/3, limiting carbohydrate foods;
  • increase the content of protein foods by 1/3;
  • Consume five or more servings of fruits and vegetables daily, including fresh juices;
  • increase physical activity through exercise therapy and half-hour brisk walks in green areas;
  • If possible, practice restorative yoga.

Prohibited Products

You need to know what you shouldn’t eat if you have breast cancer, like the multiplication table when fighting the disease. You can't eat:

  • refractory fats, margarines, butter;
  • fatty dairy products, rich broths, fried meat and fish, so as not to replenish the body with fat cells, carcinogenic substances that worsen health during cancer treatment;
  • smoked meats, marinades, canned food and semi-finished products, fast foods;
  • products: colored with GMOs and flavors;
  • salty and spicy dishes, too sweet;
  • pickled vegetables and fruits, home-made and store-bought preserves, especially with table vinegar;
  • baked goods, white flour products, fresh baked goods;
  • mushroom dishes, including soups;
  • salted and processed cheese;
  • chocolate and coffee;
  • packaged nipples, sweet store drinks;
  • alcoholic beverages simultaneously with smoking.

Informative video on the topic: “Nutrition and breast cancer”

The diet for breast cancer after surgery is selected individually and is aimed at minimizing the load on the kidneys and liver. During chemotherapy and radiation, these organs work hard to remove harmful carcinogenic substances. Fats in foods required per day are 90 g (20% of all calories), including 30 g of vegetable fats. You need only 80 g of protein per day (10-20% of all calories), so you can include a small amount of beef or veal, lean pork and cottage cheese, sea fish and eggs in your diet. Soy is an excellent plant source of proteins; it removes radionuclides. Therefore, it is recommended to include soybean dishes in the diet during breast radiation therapy (daily 30 g/day of vegetable protein). By combining grains and legumes, vegetables and herbs, you can get the protein you need.

Sugar consumption is reduced to 30-40 g/day, including its presence in foods. If you are not allergic to honey, it is preferable to include it in your food instead of sugar. Starch, fiber and pectins in products are required in an amount of 350 g/day. Porridge should be cooked from buckwheat and oatmeal, and rarely from semolina. With normal acidity, you need to eat bread with bran.

To stimulate the functioning of the gallbladder and intestines, you need vegetables and fruits (60-80% of all calories), rich in fiber, natural antioxidants - vitamin C and beta-carotene. Red and yellow vegetables and fruits contain bioflavonoids that restore cell membranes. It is important to include them in the diet for breast cancer after chemotherapy, as well as after radiation exposure.

To restore cell membranes, substances are needed that are found in fish oil or lean varieties of fish. To replenish the blood with potassium and enhance the excretory function of the kidneys, you should eat dried apricots and raisins, and to replenish microelements, seaweed. It is especially important to include them in your diet during chemotherapy for breast cancer.

A glass of fresh tomato juice or a sour apple half an hour before meals will improve your appetite. It is useful to start the day with a glass of still mineral water:

  1. with reduced secretion - “Mirgorodskaya”;
  2. with increased secretion - “Truskavetskaya”.

Diet for breast cancer chemotherapy with a variety of foods and sufficient fluid intake improves the body's condition. You should not undereat, because due to fatigue, headaches and dizziness, the body loses its ability to resist. Then infections appear that interfere with effective treatment of oncology.

Nutrition for stage 1 breast cancer should cleanse the blood, so your daily diet should include beets, carrots and their juices with the addition of apple juice.

You can lower your cholesterol levels with the following foods:

  • apples, avocados, walnuts, herbs;
  • oatmeal, beans, buckwheat;
  • olive oil, sea fish and seafood.

Nutrition for stage 2 breast cancer should have an anti-cancer effect with the help of products:

  • vegetables (eggplants and tomatoes, pumpkins and radishes, turnips and bell peppers, soybeans, ginger and herbs);
  • fruits (dates, kiwi, grapefruit, oranges);
  • nuts (Brazil and walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds);
  • cereals (buckwheat and brown rice);
  • seafood, flaxseed and olive oil;
  • green tea and pumpkin seeds.

To block metastases you need to eat the following foods:

  1. cabbage of all kinds;
  2. oily fish: herring, mackerel and cod;
  3. bright green and bright yellow vegetables and garlic.

To maintain immunity, you need berries and fruits with a high content of vitamin C. They are found in rose hips, currants, lemon and others. And also in juices: tomato, orange, carrot, pumpkin, apple.

Breast cancer in women may be accompanied by osteoporosis, especially after chemotherapy and antihormonal therapy. Therefore, it is necessary to replenish the body with vitamin D. It is found in fish oil, cod liver, tuna, sardines, salmon, herring, eggs and hard cheese. Vitamin D regulates the balance of calcium in the blood, so calcium should be added to the diet every day - 2 g for all women and 2.1 g for after menopause.

Important! Consumption of foods with Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, which are found in fish: halibut, salmon, herring, mackerel, as well as in vegetable oils, walnuts, flaxseed. Flax seeds are also rich in dietary fiber, magnesium, selenium, vitamin E and phytoestrogen - useful in the treatment of breast cancer. But per day you need to eat up to 30 g of flax seeds (about 5 tsp), but no more, so as not to cause a laxative effect, impair the absorption of drugs in the intestines and delay the effect of anti-blood clotting drugs: Aspirin and Coumadin.

Conclusion. Breast cancer in women should be treated using comprehensive progressive methods, including a complete and balanced diet of fresh and healthy foods for the body’s functioning.

Recent scientific studies indicate that nutrition in breast cancer, in particular, is responsible for the prognosis of this oncology. But diet alone cannot prevent breast cancer or cure breast cancer. In most cases, experts note the positive effects of a healthy diet (low fat and high in vegetables and fiber) and moderate physical activity.

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Can eating right prevent breast cancer?

There are no special diets that can protect a person from cancer. Experts indicate that properly selected nutrition for breast cancer by activating the immune system can reduce the risk of relapse and improve the results of anticancer therapy.

Normalizing weight reduces the risk of primary cancer and recurrence of breast cancer. Consistently maintaining a healthy body weight can prevent breast cancer. Modern research has shown that women who gained excess weight after a cancer diagnosis had an increased likelihood of developing a recurrence of breast tumors after surgery. A healthy diet plan for these patients should also include moderate exercise.

Low fat intake reduces the incidence of cancer recurrence. According to statistics, women whose diet included 25% less fat had a more favorable recovery period than patients on a traditional diet. Recent statistical studies have found that postmenopausal women who consume a limited amount of fat and patients with a traditional diet are equally likely to develop relapses.

There are no foods or dietary supplements that directly cause cancer. After a diagnosis of breast cancer, doctors recommend that many patients include vitamin and mineral supplements in their diet. In particular, during the rehabilitation period, cancer patients need to consume sufficient amounts of vitamin A and calcium.

Today, active scientific research continues on the relationship between the development of breast cancer and special dietary nutrition. Dietitians recommend that patients with breast cancer adhere to the following rules:

  1. Keep your weight within normal limits. To do this, patients should calculate their ideal weight using their body mass index.
  2. Eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible.
  3. Try to limit fat to 20% of total calories. This is quite difficult to do at once. Doctors recommend reducing the fat composition of food gradually. First of all, you need to stop eating foods with the highest fat content (fried foods and margarine).
  4. Include foods high in omega-3 fatty acids in your daily diet.
  5. Avoid consuming trans fats, red meat and smoked foods.

Features of the diet

The preparation of an individual nutrition plan should be carried out by a nutritionist who takes into account the characteristics of the body’s condition, the type of constitution and the nature of metabolic processes. Most researchers indicate that the healing properties of food ingredients are enhanced when taken in combination. It is much more advisable to balance the diet in protein, carbohydrate and fat composition than to increase the amount of food.

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  • Vitamins C and E. The required amount of these substances can be included in the diet in the form of at least ten types of fruits and vegetables. The body of cancer patients should receive ascorbic acid in an amount of 2000 mg daily. The daily requirement for vitamin E is 400 international units.
  • Soy protein, which is very beneficial for cancer patients. But the dosage of this ingredient remains controversial to this day. Many types of legumes also contain ample amounts of protective phytochemicals.
  • Coenzyme Q 10. This element takes part in the processes of intracellular energy release. During stressful situations, chemotherapy and surgery, the activity of energy reactions decreases. Daily consumption of 60-120 mg of Coenzyme Q 10 can provide the body with sufficient energy.
  • Sulfur and amino acids play an important role in the detoxification processes of liver tissue. Antioxidant substances must be included in.
  • Vitamin D3 also has protective properties. This substance can be synthesized in the skin under the influence of direct sunlight. If women have cancer, additional intake of vitamin D3 helps prevent cancerous osteoporosis. An excellent source of this vitamin complex are fatty fish (trout, salmon, tuna, herring, etc.). Fish products are also considered a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory and immune-stimulating effects.

It must be balanced in proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. Also, it is necessary to exclude the consumption of toxic foods from the diet of cancer patients. Doctors especially recommend that patients with breast tumors give up strong alcoholic drinks and smoking.

Adhering to a certain diet during treatment for breast cancer is useful both in preparation for therapy and during and after completion of the main therapy. Chemotherapy or radiotherapy can greatly change eating habits, body weight and the amount of food consumed. Therefore, the recommendations of a nutritionist are important in order to help the body fight the disease and, if possible, neutralize the side effects of the treatment.

In recent years, a number of studies have been conducted on the effect of diet on the course of the disease, treatment outcomes and quality of life of women with breast cancer. It turned out that a proper diet reduces the risk of developing secondary breast cancer, and also reduces the risk of other chronic diseases: diabetes, obesity, hypertension, etc.

Maintaining body weight

Not being overweight greatly prevents recurrence of breast cancer, increases your chances of survival and improves your quality of life. Since patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy tend to gain weight, you should refrain from increasing the amount of food until the end of treatment.

If you are overweight, it is recommended to gradually reduce it. Losing weight by 5-20% over 6-21 months has been shown to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as high levels of fat in the blood, the amount of insulin in the blood, and parameters associated with the development of cancer.

  • The caloric content of food should correspond to body weight: the higher the weight, the fewer calories should be in the diet
  • Give preference to vegetables, fruits, cereals
  • It is beneficial to eat whole flour products with added fiber.
  • Eat less fat; vegetable fat is healthier than animal fat
  • There is no consensus on soybeans yet. For women diagnosed with hormone-dependent breast cancer, soy consumption should be limited. Do not take dietary supplements containing phytoestrogens
  • To maintain healthy bones, you should consume 2-2.1 grams of calcium per day, as well as monitor your vitamin D levels and bone density
  • Strictly abstain from drinking alcohol, which is one of the risk factors for developing breast cancer
  • You should reduce the amount of processed food, particularly those with dietary fiber removed, as well as drinks with high sugar or fat content.
  • Although sugar itself is not a nutrient for cancer cells, excess sugar leads to obesity, which is a risk factor
  • Limit consumption of processed and cured meats and red meat as much as possible.

Soy and breast cancer

Soy is a grain that is commonly present in the diet and is part of a vegetarian diet. Soy contains many nutritional components, in particular phytoestrogens, i.e. estrogens of plant origin. The amount of phytoestrogens in soy products depends on a number of factors: where the original grain is grown, the type of fertilizer used and the method of industrial processing. For example, soy flour contains much more phytoestrogens than soy milk.

There is no consensus regarding the effect of phytoestrogens on the course and prognosis of breast cancer. On the one hand, soy phytoestrogen can bind to the same receptor as the body's own estrogen, and thus interfere with the effect of this hormone on cancer cells. But on the other hand, it is unknown to what extent phytoestrogen itself is capable of stimulating the growth and development of breast cancer cells. Since breast tumors are often hormone-dependent, the presence of phytoestrogens in the blood, similar to biological estrogens, can do more harm than good.

Consuming moderate amounts of soy products as part of a vegetarian diet helps reduce the amount of animal protein in your diet. One to two servings of soy products per day are safe for breast cancer patients in recovery. Among other things, soy contains dietary fiber, antioxidants and other beneficial components. At the same time, women diagnosed with breast cancer should limit their consumption of soy products. Additionally, soy products with added phytoestrogens/isoflavonoids should not be used.

Healthy bones, calcium and vitamin D

Bone loss—osteoporosis—is a normal aging phenomenon among women. However, in women with breast cancer receiving chemotherapy or antihormonal therapy, osteoporosis often occurs as a side effect of treatment. Therefore, periodic checks of bone density and determination of vitamin D levels in the blood are recommended.

Because women with breast cancer are deficient in vitamin D, it is recommended to increase their intake of foods containing this vitamin. Among them are fish oil, cod liver, herring, salmon, sardines, tuna, eggs, cheese. In this case, you should be careful and carefully read the labels on the packaging. Daily vitamin D intake of more than 1,500 units may cause other health problems.

Since vitamin D regulates the balance of calcium in the body, it is recommended to include 2 grams of calcium per day in the diet for all women and 2.1 grams of calcium per day for postmenopausal women.

Omega 3 and Omega 6

Omega 3 fatty acids are vital for health. Among the foods rich in these acids are fatty fish from the northern seas: mackerel, herring, salmon, halibut. In addition, some Omega 3 acids are found in walnuts, vegetable oil, flax seeds and other grains.

Omega 6 fatty acids are also necessary for the body, but the content of these acids in a regular diet exceeds the required level. Any type of vegetable oil is a source of Omega 6: soybean, corn, sunflower, etc. Therefore, it is recommended to adjust the diet in such a way as to reduce the consumption of Omega 6 and increase the consumption of Omega 3.

It should be noted, however, that the benefits of consuming Omega 3 for patients with breast cancer (and cancer in general) have not yet been proven. On the other hand, scientific evidence suggests the benefits of Omega 3 acids for reducing triglycerides in the blood and preventing heart disease. Therefore, it is recommended to eat a portion of oily fish (from the above list) at least once a week. However, this recommendation does not apply to patients taking medications that reduce blood clotting (eg, aspirin). These people should not add Omega 3 acids to their food.

Flax seeds

Flaxseed contains Omega 3 fatty acids, dietary fiber, magnesium, selenium, vitamin E and phytoestrogen. Like soy, the benefits of flax seeds for breast cancer patients have not been proven. In particular, it is unknown to what extent flax seeds stimulate or, conversely, inhibit tumor growth. According to the American Association for Cancer Research, it is safe to consume flax seeds in women who have never had cancer. The same applies to women receiving tamoxifen or other antihormonal treatment. Moreover, dark or yellow seeds are preferable to flaxseed oil.

The amount of flaxseeds in food should not exceed five teaspoons (approximately 30 grams) per day. It should be remembered that whole grains are not absorbed by the body at all, so they need to be ground.

Flax seeds have a laxative effect, so excessive consumption of these grains can cause diarrhea and interfere with the absorption of drugs from the intestines. Additionally, flax seeds delay the effects of anti-clotting medications such as aspirin or Coumadin.