What causes the heart to wear out. Worn out heart symptoms. Methods for treating heart disease

Almost every person has a strain on the heart. The difference lies only in the nature and degree of load on the heart. For example, professional athletes always experience such stress during training.

The heart can be compared to a pump. The operating principle of such a pump assumes that the heart muscle is able to independently regulate the load, which should be comfortable and feasible for it. Regulation of the load on the heart occurs with the help of heart contractions or beats. For example, if a person is at rest, the heart beats at a frequency of sixty to eighty beats per minute. In a minute, the heart muscle passes through about four liters of blood. This indicator is called cardiac output. If there is a load on the heart, then both the number of its contractions and the volume of blood pumped by the heart increases. Of course, such a heart is less subject to wear and tear, since the loads, as it were, harden and train it.

The heart of a healthy person is quite capable of withstanding even significant loads and strains. There will be no problems with him at this time. But like any other muscle, the heart needs time to rest. In the process of natural aging of the human body, the heart's need for rest becomes more and more noticeable, but it does not increase as much as many are inclined to believe. In other words, a reasonable and competent distribution of the load on the heart will not only not wear it out, but, on the contrary, will serve as an excellent workout.

It is believed that the increase in size of the heart muscle is a manifestation of its adaptation to fairly significant loads. Currently, there is no evidence that regular and adequate stress on the heart can negatively affect its health. In addition to the above, it is worth noting that many modern methods of hardening and training the heart include just moderate loads on it.

In addition, it was established quite a long time ago that a person with a hardened and trained heart, for example, a lover of active sports, is capable of performing a much more significant amount of work than someone who believes that exercise is harmful to the heart.

When engaging in active sports or any other physical activity, the volume of blood pumped by the heart muscle per minute increases from four to twenty liters. If a person trains constantly and regularly, then this indicator can be up to forty liters of blood per minute.

This process is caused by an increase in the volume of blood that the heart muscle releases after each contraction. In addition, the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle also has an effect. As the heart rate increases, its stroke volume also increases. However, when the pulse rate increases to such a number of beats that are uncomfortable for the heart, stroke volume, on the contrary, begins to decrease. If a person regularly loads his heart, for example, by doing active sports, then he is perfectly trained, and the limit of the heart’s work is very high. In other words, such a person is able to bear much heavier loads on the heart.

The increase in stroke volume of the heart muscle is determined by taking into account the diastolic blood volume and the degree of filling of the heart muscle with blood. As cardiac training increases, the heart rate tends to become lower. Such changes indicate that the load on the heart is reduced. And, among other things, the heart and the body as a whole get used to the physical

Grapefruit helps reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. © Shutterstock

You want your heart to be healthy and work properly. Don't be lazy to strengthen your heart muscle.

What is good for the heart?

1. Proper diet. The heart loves B vitamins, which improve fat metabolism. There are many of them in cereals, meat and offal. And also vitamins C (citrus fruits, berries) and P (tomatoes, buckwheat, cabbage), which strengthen blood vessels. In addition, the heart constantly needs iodine - there is a lot of it in seafood.

2. Movement. The heart muscle is strengthened by regular exercise. For example, running, swimming, yoga, and walking in the fresh air.

3. Stability. First of all, in emotions - stress wears out the heart twice as fast. It is important not to get upset over little things and learn to “make lemonade out of lemons.”

4. Healthy sleep and rest. Chronic fatigue and constant lack of sleep harms the cardiovascular system. Therefore, try to sleep at least 8 hours a day, follow a diet (don’t skip lunch in favor of accumulated work) and rest for at least 1.5 hours after a hard day before starting household chores.

5. Breakfast. Experts say people who don't eat breakfast are at much higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Skipping breakfast changes your metabolism and your body begins to store fat. As a rule, the body tends to take up the calories it doesn’t receive in the morning, and in excess, through unhealthy high-calorie and fatty foods.

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What harms the heart

Excess weight. Creates additional stress on the heart. A heart attack occurs 4 times more often in obese people, regardless of age.

Smoking. Smoking a cigarette narrows the arteries, increases the heart rate and burns vitamin C. In addition, nicotine promotes the formation of blood clots.

Alcohol. Causes a sharp expansion and then narrowing of blood vessels, which wears out the heart.

Foods with cholesterol. As a rule, these are semi-finished products, fast food and fatty animal products. Excess cholesterol is deposited in blood vessels, preventing normal blood flow.

Angina pectoris or coronary heart disease, like hypertension, is the main result of the previously mentioned body defects, including atherosclerotic processes. Damage to the vascular bed of the heart begins in childhood and continues throughout life.

After all, the heart never rests and its blood flow is always higher than in other organs. The heart has the densest capillary network - 3500 capillaries per square millimeter. This saves the heart and provides it with high reserves. The heart cannot work at half or one-third capacity, as happens with diseased kidneys or liver. It works entirely, everything. Another thing is that the heart can be weak, sick or healthy, strong, but it should not stop. Therefore, closure of even a very small artery can be fatal. Cutting off blood flow creates a dead zone that can interfere with the electrical signal that excites the muscle.

However, the wear and tear on the heart never stops. To be able to record all the smallest changes in the heart, starting from a young age, means to have the ability to accurately predict life and death. But this, apparently, will not happen soon. Therefore, you should always rely on your own feelings. If you get a “heart feeling” after reaching the third floor or running to the bus, then there is a problem. This is not angina yet. But it is a signal that the heart should be “listened to” and treated with respect. After all, the main “killers” - stroke and heart attack - occur when measures against hypertension and angina pectoris are not taken. But the most amazing thing is that angina pectoris, which is a layering of damage over 30-50 years, can generally be cured in 2-3 months of breathing on a simulator.

For fifty years, starting from birth, external breathing, stress, physical activity, and illness created conditions for damage to the vascular bed. The heart has lost tens of thousands of capillaries, lost its former power and efficiency. Now new energetic blood is supplied to the heart, and with it hormones, active factors, and highly active cells of the immune system begin to flow. In a soft continuous rhythm, the cells lining the vessels began to work, and the blood flow increased due to the high fluidity of the blood and due to the complete opening of the vessels. The work includes lymphocytes, macrophages, growth factors and substances that promote the “unsealing” of non-functioning vessels. All this happens with a high energy supply created by new blood, and therefore is carried out extremely actively.

Our experience shows that every person can cure angina, regardless of the duration and severity of the disease. The approach should be built accordingly. In severe cases of the disease, the recommendations given for the treatment of hypertension should be used. With average - those indicated in the instruction manual for people with poor health. If it’s mild, the usual rules apply.

The main signs of the disease can be eliminated in a few weeks. I had to observe when a 40-year-old man, who was afraid to lift a bucket of water, carried heavy bags a month later. But please do not rush to get involved in physical work. Everything needs to be done gradually, listen to the sensations, and gently dose physical activity.

Many people see “arrhythmia” as a separate disease. But arrhythmia is a consequence of a pronounced local restriction of blood flow in the heart. It occurs when microvessels are thrombosed and a section of tissue is disabled from functioning. The affected area of ​​tissue blocks the electrical signal from reaching the muscle fibers. The doctors’ statement that arrhythmia cannot be treated is quite objective. Microvessels and capillaries, disconnected from the blood flow due to damage or thrombosis, as a rule, are not restored. The opposite has become possible with the advent of new technology. And here, too, there is no need to rush. They often say that after 6-7 days there was relief from arrhythmia. And here I must remind you that it should be considered relief from arrhythmia if it is forgotten.

During the experiment, many cases of cure of angina pectoris were observed. For example, Baranov A.A., 40 years old. Angina pectoris. The heart condition returned to normal after 4 weeks.

Orlov G.V., 56 years old. Angina pectoris. Heartache. I studied for 2 months. The pain and other symptoms of the disease disappeared.

Danilevich T. I, 48 years old. Within six weeks, the heart condition completely returned to normal.

Malyshev P. P., 61 years old. Within three months, the heart pain completely disappeared. Lightness appeared and performance increased sharply.

Today there are hundreds of examples of successful treatment of the heart with our breathing. Everyone without exception achieves success. How effective the rehabilitative effect of breathing on a simulator is was demonstrated by Muscovite V.N. Orlov, who suffered a severe form of myocardial infarction. He began breathing in May 1998, although the heart attack occurred in March. Unfortunately, he learned about our device late and before meeting it he managed to “test” the entire arsenal of modern medicine. In July, that is, two months later, this man was full of optimism. He came for a consultation to master the endogenous breathing pattern. ".I want not only to cure the disease, but also to forget which side of my heart is on." In addition to the sharp improvement in well-being, general condition, and physical capabilities (fast walking without shortness of breath), Valery Nikolaevich spoke about the observations of the attending physician. During the breathing period, he took three cardiograms. Their readings indicate a consistent improvement in blood flow to the heart.

In conclusion, I’ll tell you about an interesting case. 82-year-old Moscow resident Pavel Konstantinovich Wildgrube came to the consultation point. This is what he told me: “With your simulator, I dug up the ground well in the spring. Previously, I dug: my hands held the shovel, but my heart did not pull. Now I dig: my heart pulled, but my hands did not hold the shovel.” There is nothing surprising, because the heart is the main priority of our breathing at any age. Not enough energetic blood washes the hands of Pavel Konstantinovich. But I have no doubt that this will happen.

Sometimes they ask how many times to repeat the exercises - 5, 7, 10? It is almost impossible to give such a recipe, especially in absentia, without knowing the gender, age and health status of the person. Even the attending physician, who knows his patient, can only give a very approximate answer. Imagine that today you woke up with a headache and malaise. Then even the usual number of exercises, which you could do just yesterday, will become excessive and will not bring any benefit. Therefore, each time you should focus on your well-being, the capabilities of the body and remember that too few repetitions will be insufficient, but too many can be destructive.

One of the patients shared his misfortune: “Being absolutely healthy, I decided to take up athletic gymnastics. But, despite the fact that I still have strength, I was able to do three classes: there was pain in the joints, my left leg was swollen, my arms were working with difficulty, and I was worried about periodic severe pain in the heart area." You see, even a practically healthy person, if he immediately starts with maximum loads, can undermine his health: shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, and pain in the heart will appear... What can be done?

We must adhere to the principle of gradualism. Let us remember the popular saying: “Everything is medicine, everything is poison, you just need moderation.” But this measure is different for everyone, and no one can measure it more accurately than the person himself. Therefore, each of us should strive to understand ourselves more deeply, listen to what our own body tells us, and identify all its reserve capabilities.

An important question that a person must answer for himself is why his heart got sick and refused to work. Of course, if the disease is congenital, that’s one thing. But why, being healthy at birth, did the heart become sick?

Based on new knowledge about the role of skeletal muscle in blood circulation, it can be said that in most cases the heart becomes! unreliable in those people who from birth were brought up in conditions of reduced motor activity - destructive hypokinesia, which led to underdevelopment of the heart's assistants - skeletal muscles, and it began to wear out faster and be susceptible to diseases.

Skeletal muscles have long been considered organs of movement, labor and sports. And in relation to blood circulation, they were listed only as consumers. Indeed, when working, they consume 60-80 times more blood than at rest. Isn't this a noticeable burden on the heart? Following this logic, motor rest should be protective for him. It has become widespread in medical practice. But it turned out to be by no means protective, but, on the contrary, destructive, because a decrease in motor activity, and even more so motor rest, leads to a weakening of the micropumping function of skeletal muscles, and the heart, deprived of its helpers, has to strain unnecessarily. That is why early optimal physical activity and physical therapy, which are prescribed taking into account the nature of the disease and the capabilities of the patient’s body, are increasingly used in cardiological practice. According to clinicians, patients who have suffered a myocardial infarction recover faster the sooner they begin to move.

The heart must be protected in the same way as we all strive to protect the nature around us and correctly use its resources and wealth. A person can control the work of the heart and the tone of blood vessels only indirectly with the help of skeletal muscles obedient to his will. The following exercises will help with this. It is with them that I would advise starting a complex of morning exercises.

So, the first exercise is training the thoracic, abdominal and diaphragmatic pumps. Sit on a stool or ottoman and fasten your socks. Turn your torso to the right, left, lean back to a horizontal position and sit down again. At the same time, internal organs are rhythmically squeezed and massaged; Deposited formed elements of blood - red blood cells and leukocytes - are released from the liver and spleen into the bloodstream.

The second exercise is squats, hands on knees. They serve as an excellent workout for the muscles of the lower extremities. To facilitate the filling of the heart with venous blood, it is advisable to keep the torso in a horizontal position when squats.

The third exercise is training the skeletal muscles of the arms. Do a wide variety of movements: spreading your arms to the sides, circular movements in the shoulder and elbow joints, flexion and extension at the elbows. Men can do all of these exercises with dumbbells. If you don’t have dumbbells, you can do push-ups with your hands while standing on the wall or lying on the floor.

The fourth exercise is self-massage of the neck, base of the skull and head, and ears.
The fifth exercise is self-massage of the legs and arms, starting from the periphery towards the heart. For those who suffer from varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, and skin diseases, self-massage is contraindicated.
The sixth exercise is walking.

The seventh exercise is jogging.
All exercises must be done in the given sequence. You need to start with several repetitions and gradually, carefully increase their number to 100 or more times, but provided that there are no unpleasant sensations in the heart area. This means that the skeletal muscles switch to self-sufficiency in blood, and in this state, instead of being “dependents” of the heart, they become its excellent helpers, making it easier to work and giving the opportunity to improve itself.

Having done the complex in the morning, you can be sure that almost all the heart’s assistants have started working, facilitating its activity. But after some time, the peripheral “hearts” must again be activated by these exercises, preferably several times a day.
The achieved level of fitness, volume and intensity of movements must be constantly maintained, because with long breaks the micropumping function of skeletal muscles decreases and everything will have to start all over again.

People who work in conditions of professional hypokinesia (in particular those who spend the whole day at a desk, driving a car, on an assembly line, etc.) need to move more and use every opportunity to do so. For example, in city transport it is better not to sit down, but to stand, balance your whole body and force your muscles to work. If you live high in a multi-story building, try walking first to the second or third floor, and then take the elevator further. After a while - to the fourth, fifth floor, etc. Soon you will be convinced that it is easy for you to climb the stairs. Here you have the necessary daily training of heart assistants without gyms and sports facilities. And if, even as you approach the house, you begin to breathe deeply, saturating your blood with oxygen, then shortness of breath when climbing the stairs will begin to occur less quickly, and subsequently it will not occur at all.

The main thing is to believe in yourself, in the inexhaustible hidden capabilities of your body, understand the ways and means of restructuring and improving your lifestyle and use this knowledge to improve health, longevity and active creative activity.

Cardiovascular diseases are one of the leading causes of death. Russian statistics show that about 55% of all deceased citizens suffered from diseases of this group.

Therefore, knowing the signs of cardiac pathologies is important for everyone in order to identify the disease in time and begin treatment immediately.

It is equally important to undergo a preventive examination by a cardiologist at least once every 2 years, and from the age of 60 - every year.

The list of heart diseases is extensive, it is presented in the content. They are much easier to treat if diagnosed at an early stage. Some of them are completely curable, others are not, but in any case, if you start therapy at an early stage, you can avoid further development of pathology, complications and reduce the risk of death.

Coronary heart disease (CHD)

This is a pathology in which there is insufficient blood supply to the myocardium. The cause is atherosclerosis or thrombosis of the coronary arteries.

Classification of IHD

Acute coronary syndrome is worth talking about separately. Its symptom is a prolonged (more than 15 minutes) attack of chest pain. This term does not denote a separate disease, but is used when it is impossible to distinguish myocardial infarction from unstable angina by symptoms and ECG. The patient is given a preliminary diagnosis of “acute coronary syndrome” and immediately begins thrombolytic therapy, which is needed for any acute form of coronary artery disease. The final diagnosis is made after blood tests for markers of infarction: cardiac troponin T and cardiac troponin 1. If their levels are elevated, the patient has had myocardial necrosis.

Symptoms of IHD

A sign of angina pectoris is attacks of burning, squeezing pain behind the sternum. Sometimes the pain radiates to the left side, to various parts of the body: shoulder blade, shoulder, arm, neck, jaw. Less often, pain is localized in the epigastrium, so patients may think that they have problems with the stomach and not with the heart.

With stable angina, attacks are provoked by physical activity. Depending on the functional class of angina (hereinafter referred to as FC), pain can be caused by stress of varying intensity.

Unstable angina differs from stable angina in that attacks become more frequent, begin to appear at rest, and can last longer - 10-30 minutes.

Cardiosclerosis is manifested by chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, swelling, and rhythm disturbances.

According to statistics, about 30% of patients die from this heart disease within 24 hours without seeing a doctor. Therefore, carefully study all the signs of MI in order to call an ambulance in time.

Symptoms of MI

The pain lasts from 15 minutes (sometimes even a day). Not removable by Nitroglycerin. Analgesics only weaken it temporarily.

Other symptoms: shortness of breath, arrhythmias.

Main signs: feeling of suffocation, lack of air, panic.

Additional: cyanosis of the mucous membranes and skin, accelerated heartbeat.

Treatment of coronary artery disease

Long-term therapy: Aspirin, beta-blockers, statins, ACE inhibitors.

In the hospital, the patient will be given calcium antagonists (Verapamil, Diltiazem) and Aspirin. The latter will need to be taken on an ongoing basis.

Upon arrival, doctors will immediately begin this treatment: they will inhale oxygen, administer a morphine solution, if Nitroglycerin does not relieve the pain, and administer Heparin to thin the blood.

Further treatment: pain relief with intravenous Nitroglycerin or narcotic analgesics; preventing further necrosis of myocardial tissue with the help of thrombolytics, nitrates and beta-blockers; constant use of Aspirin.

Blood circulation in the heart is restored using the following surgical operations: coronary angioplasty, stenting, coronary artery bypass grafting.

This is a condition of the heart in which it is unable to fully pump blood throughout the body. The reason is heart and vascular diseases (congenital or acquired defects, ischemic heart disease, inflammation, atherosclerosis, hypertension, etc.).

In Russia, more than 5 million people suffer from CHF.

Stages of CHF and their symptoms:

  1. 1 – initial. This is mild left ventricular failure that does not lead to hemodynamic (circulatory) disturbances. There are no symptoms.
  2. Stage 2A. Poor circulation in one of the circles (usually the small circle), enlargement of the left ventricle. Signs: shortness of breath and palpitations with little physical exertion, cyanosis of the mucous membranes, dry cough, swelling of the legs.
  3. Stage 2B. Hemodynamics are impaired in both circles. The chambers of the heart undergo hypertrophy or dilatation. Signs: shortness of breath at rest, aching pain in the chest, blue tint of the mucous membranes and skin, arrhythmias, cough, cardiac asthma, swelling of the limbs, abdomen, enlarged liver.
  4. Stage 3. Severe circulatory disorders. Irreversible changes in the heart, lungs, blood vessels, kidneys. All the signs characteristic of stage 2B intensify, and symptoms of damage to internal organs appear. Treatment is no longer effective.


First of all, treatment of the underlying disease is necessary.

Symptomatic drug treatment is also carried out. The patient is prescribed:

  • ACE inhibitors, beta blockers or aldosterone antagonists - to lower blood pressure and prevent further progression of heart disease.
  • Diuretics - to eliminate edema.
  • Cardiac glycosides - for the treatment of arrhythmias and improvement of myocardial performance.

Valve defects

There are two typical types of valve pathologies: stenosis and insufficiency. With stenosis, the valve lumen is narrowed, making it difficult to pump blood. In case of insufficiency, the valve, on the contrary, does not close completely, which leads to the outflow of blood in the opposite direction.

More often, such heart valve defects are acquired. They appear against the background of chronic diseases (for example, ischemic heart disease), previous inflammation or poor lifestyle.

The aortic and mitral valves are most susceptible to disease.

Symptoms and treatment of the most common valve diseases:

At a severe stage, attacks of angina pectoris, fainting during physical exertion, pale skin, and low systolic blood pressure appear.

Mitral valve prolapse

Another common pathology is mitral valve prolapse. Occurs in 2.4% of the population. This is a congenital defect in which the valve leaflets “sink” into the left atrium. In 30% of cases it is asymptomatic. In the remaining 70% of patients, doctors note shortness of breath, pain in the heart area, accompanied by nausea and a feeling of a “lump” in the throat, arrhythmias, fatigue, dizziness, and frequent increases in temperature to 37.2–37.4.

Treatment may not be required if the disease is asymptomatic. If the defect is accompanied by arrhythmias or pain in the heart, symptomatic therapy is prescribed. If the valve changes significantly, surgical correction is possible. Since the disease progresses with age, patients need to be examined by a cardiologist 1-2 times a year.

Ebstein's anomaly

Ebstein's anomaly is a displacement of the tricuspid valve leaflets into the right ventricle. Symptoms: shortness of breath, paroxysmal tachycardia, fainting, swelling of the veins in the neck, enlargement of the right atrium and the upper part of the right ventricle.

Treatment for asymptomatic cases is not carried out. If the symptoms are severe, surgical correction or valve transplantation is performed.

Congenital heart defects

Congenital anomalies of the heart structure include:

  • Atrial septal defect is the presence of communication between the right and left atria.
  • A ventricular septal defect is an abnormal communication between the right and left ventricles.
  • The Eisenmenger complex is a high-lying ventricular septal defect, the aorta is displaced to the right and connects simultaneously with both ventricles (aortic dextroposition).
  • Patent ductus arteriosus - the communication between the aorta and the pulmonary artery, which is normally present at the embryonic stage of development, is not closed.
  • Tetralogy of Fallot is a combination of four defects: ventricular septal defect, aortic dextroposition, pulmonary stenosis and right ventricular hypertrophy.

Congenital heart defects - signs and treatment:

If the defect is larger than the specified size: shortness of breath with light exertion or at rest, heart pain, cough.

Average life expectancy is 12–15 years. 50% of patients die before the age of 3 years.

In early childhood, surgery is performed to create an anastomosis between the subclavian and pulmonary arteries to improve blood circulation in the lungs.

At 3–7 years of age, radical surgery can be performed: simultaneous correction of all 4 anomalies.

Inflammatory diseases

  1. Endocarditis – affects the inner lining of the heart, the valves.
  2. Myocarditis – muscle membrane.
  3. Pericarditis is the sac around the heart.

They can be caused by microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi), autoimmune processes (for example, rheumatism) or toxic substances.

Heart inflammation can also be complications of other diseases:

  • tuberculosis (endocarditis, pericarditis);
  • syphilis (endocarditis);
  • flu, sore throat (myocarditis).

Pay attention to this and consult a doctor promptly if you suspect flu or sore throat.

Symptoms and treatment of inflammation

Rhythm disorders

Causes: neuroses, obesity, poor diet, cervical osteochondrosis, bad habits, intoxication with drugs, alcohol or drugs, coronary heart disease, cardiomyopathies, heart failure, premature ventricular excitation syndromes. The latter are heart diseases in which there are additional impulse pathways between the atria and ventricles. You will read about these anomalies in a separate table.

Characteristics of rhythm disturbances:

Lack of complete contraction provokes acute circulatory failure and fainting.

Syndromes of premature excitation of the ventricles:

Treatment of rhythm disturbances

It consists of treating the underlying disease, adjusting diet and lifestyle. Antiarrhythmic drugs are also prescribed. Radical treatment for severe arrhythmias is the installation of a defibrillator-cardioverter, which will “set” the rhythm of the heart and prevent ventricular or atrial fibrillation. In case of conduction disturbances, electrical cardiac stimulation is possible.

Treatment of premature ventricular excitation syndromes can be symptomatic (elimination of attacks with medications) or radical (radiofrequency ablation of the abnormal conduction pathway).


These are myocardial diseases that cause heart failure, not associated with inflammatory processes or pathologies of the coronary arteries.

The most common are hypertrophic and dilated cardiomyopathies. Hypertrophic is characterized by the growth of the walls of the left ventricle and the interventricular septum, dilated - by an increase in the cavity of the left and sometimes right ventricles. The first is diagnosed in 0.2% of the population. Occurs in athletes and can cause sudden cardiac death. But in this case, it is necessary to carry out a careful differential diagnosis between hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and non-pathological enlargement of the heart in athletes.

Then shortness of breath, fainting, arrhythmias, and heart pain appear.

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The first signs of heart disease

What are the first symptoms of heart problems?

The very first sign of incipient heart problems. Shortness of breath occurs when the heart is still slightly damaged, but can no longer pump enough blood.

These are signs of vascular disorders. Edema due to heart disease begins to appear in cases where the heart can no longer cope with the increased load and decompensation occurs.

If there is circulatory failure of the heart, a pale or bluish color of the lips is noted. If the lips are completely pale, anemia (anemia) should be excluded.

If you see an obese person in front of you, you are almost guaranteed to suspect cardiovascular disease. Extra pounds are a serious additional burden on the heart.

Bluish-red cheek color may be an indicator of mitral valve dysfunction.

A red, bumpy nose streaked with blood vessels suggests hypertension.

Signs of conditions requiring emergency medical attention:

  • superficial shortness of breath, in which the patient cannot take a full breath;
  • extreme pallor or abnormally red complexion;
  • weakly palpable but frequent pulse;
  • suddenly clouded vision;
  • the appearance of slurred speech;
  • the patient’s inability to respond to speech addressed to him;
  • loss of consciousness.

You should not ignore the feeling of discomfort in the chest, heaviness or pain behind the sternum, pain radiating to the arm, back, under the shoulder blade, throat, jaw, lack of air - these are symptoms of a heart attack.

Sick heart: hidden signs

The signs of a heart attack are well known to us: pain or pressure behind the sternum, shortness of breath, irregular heart rhythm, a feeling of fear, sweating, dizziness, and sometimes loss of consciousness. However, there are a number of signs by which you can suspect and prevent an attack long before an attack.

The first signs of cardiac dysfunction begin to appear several months, or even years before a heart attack. These may be the following signs.

What can pain from angina be confused with? with heartburn, with toothache, with intercostal neuralgia, with muscle pain, with pinched nerve. The test is simple: take nitroglycerin. Angina pain will significantly decrease or stop.

Periodically occurring “pains” in men over 40 years of age and in women over 45 years of age should be a reason to contact a physician for a heart check.

Feeling short of air

Shortness of breath is rapid breathing and a feeling of lack of air that occurs during physical or emotional stress, and then during everyday activities. This is a symptom of problems with either the lungs or the heart.

“Cardiac” shortness of breath most often occurs in a lying position. It happens that heart patients even sleep sitting or suffer from insomnia a few days before an attack.

Increased fatigue, tiredness

This symptom is noted by most women who have had a heart attack. Uncharacteristic fatigue from daily work may have plagued them for several months before the attack, but they did not pay attention to it.

65% of men diagnosed with coronary heart disease may have suffered from erectile dysfunction for several years prior. In women, this manifests itself as decreased libido and difficulty achieving orgasm.

If the problem with erection persists for a long time and does not depend on stress at work or physical fatigue, this is a reason to consult a therapist or cardiologist and have your heart checked.

Snoring and sleep apnea

Statistically, sleep apnea triples your risk of having a heart attack over the next 5 years. That is why difficulty breathing during sleep and snoring should not go unnoticed - these are problems that require immediate correction by a therapist. Perhaps together with a cardiologist.

Gingivitis and periodontitis

Oddly enough, gum inflammation and bleeding can also be associated with heart disease.

There are two theories to explain this fact. Firstly, with cardiovascular diseases, the blood supply to the body deteriorates, small arteries suffer, and the tissues around the tooth are very sensitive to the amount of incoming oxygen. Secondly, it is known that diseases of the oral cavity can be complicated by heart diseases (for example, myocarditis after a sore throat). This means that bacteria that cause gum inflammation may be involved in damage to the arteries that supply the heart and in the development of inflammation in them.

When the heart stops working at full strength, the blood cannot remove waste products and fluid from the tissues. As a result, edema forms - this is a sign of heart failure. At first unnoticeable, they grow over time. Swelling can be suspected by shoes and rings. This symptom requires a mandatory examination of the heart.

Heart rhythm disturbances can appear long before an attack. Sometimes it only appears under load. A preventive ECG helps to identify it, which should be performed once a year for men after 40 years and women after 45.

People with risk factors for myocardial infarction should be especially attentive to the presence of these symptoms. These include: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, previous heart attacks in the patient himself or in relatives, smoking, diabetes. physical inactivity. obesity.

The first signs of coronary heart disease

Coronary artery disease consists of several diseases, the root cause of which is a lack of oxygen. This factor has a significant impact on the functioning of the heart muscle, as a result of which the organ loses its previous performance.

Like any other disease, it is better to prevent or treat coronary artery disease in the early stages, rather than to neglect it. Therefore, it is very important to be able to identify the symptoms of this disease.

Depending on the form of the disease, the symptoms of coronary heart disease will vary. Many people live with the disease for several years and do not even realize that their heart muscle is experiencing an acute lack of oxygen. If you visit massage chairs several times a week. If you run in the morning, eat a hearty lunch and dinner, and do not feel discomfort in the heart area, then such coronary disease is considered asymptomatic. In most cases, a person feels some pain in the heart area, but cannot understand what is causing it.

Don't think that the pain will be constant. There are so-called peaks and troughs of coronary artery disease. This disease develops slowly, and the symptoms of the disease themselves may change over time. Sometimes it seems that the disease has receded, but in fact it has begun to develop in a different way.

The first symptoms of the disease may be pain in the back. Some people begin to feel pain in the left side of the jaw and in the left arm. If you begin to notice a rapid heartbeat and excessive sweating, you should consult a doctor. The most common symptom of the disease is pain in the left side of the chest. You may not even be able to use the massager. because you will feel his touch incredibly strongly. When overexcited or under heavy load, a patient with coronary artery disease experiences shortness of breath.

There is a so-called arrhythmic form of coronary artery disease, in which a person experiences a change in the frequency of contraction of the heart muscle. The most popular form of the disease is atrial fibrillation. Interruptions in the heart, at the same time, people sometimes hardly feel and do not pay attention to them for a long time. All the symptoms we cited above are characteristic of a moderately severe disease. If a person has started the disease, then oxygen starvation will not only cause severe pain in the heart area, but can also lead to myocardial infarction.

In the latter case, the scary thing is that after a heart attack, some of the heart muscle cells die and cannot be restored.

Heart diseases

Heart disease is one of the main causes of early mortality, accounting for more than 55% of all deaths. Every year, almost 1.5 billion people die from cardiovascular pathologies in the Russian Federation, many of them are under 55 years of age. Competent prevention and timely treatment will help reduce the risk of developing dangerous diseases and avoid disability.

Heart disease is the main cause of early mortality in the population

Heart diseases

The list of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels is quite extensive; the sooner a dangerous problem is diagnosed, the easier it is to eliminate it or achieve stable remission, since many diseases are considered incurable. Without timely treatment, complications develop, the disease progresses, and everything can end in death.

The most common cardiac pathologies are rhythm disturbances and heart rate deviations from the norm. They develop in the presence of excess weight, cervical osteochondrosis, severe intoxication with alcohol and narcotic substances. Other cardiovascular diseases can provoke tachycardia, ventricular or atrial fibrillation, and extrasystole.

Blood pressure is closely related to the normal functioning of the heart; with chronic hypertension, hypertensive heart disease develops.

Cardiac ischemia

IHD - organic lesions in adults develop when there is a deterioration in the blood supply to the myocardium due to poor vascular condition. The main cause of the disease is atherosclerotic plaques, thrombosis, which develops when addicted to junk food. The disease can be a consequence of smoking, obesity, physical inactivity, and hypertension. ICD-10 code – I 20–25.

Types and symptoms of IHD

· anginal – pressing, burning pain, radiating to the left limb and part of the face, shortness of breath, arrhythmia, the attack can last a day, Nitroglycerin does not improve the condition;

· Asthmatic – an asthma attack occurs, the person lacks air, the skin and mucous membranes become bluish, and the heartbeat increases;

· arrhythmic – pressure decreases, heart rate increases, loss of consciousness;

· abdominal – symptoms are similar to problems of the digestive system, pain is localized in the upper abdomen, accompanied by vomiting and nausea;

Cerebrovascular – numbness of limbs, fainting, vomiting

Chronic heart failure

CHF develops when a worn-out heart does not pump blood well; the reasons for the development of this condition are hypertension, inflammatory processes, and deterioration of blood vessels. You can see what the organ looks like with this disease in the photo. ICD-10 code – I 50.

Healthy heart and heart with chronic failure

Stages and symptoms of the disease:

  1. At the initial stage, mild left ventricular failure occurs, blood circulation is not impaired, and there are no signs of pathology.
  2. Stage 2A – blood circulation in the pulmonary circle is impaired, the left ventricle increases in size. Shortness of breath, an unproductive cough, severe swelling of the legs appear, the pulse increases even with minimal exertion, and the mucous membranes acquire a bluish tint.
  3. Stage 2B – pathological changes are observed in both circles of the affected organ. Shortness of breath and arrhythmia bother a person even at rest, aching heart pain occurs, the mucous membranes turn blue, cardiac asthma develops, the limbs and abdomen swell, the liver increases in size.
  4. At the third stage, irreversible pathological changes develop in the heart, lungs, kidneys and blood vessels, and symptoms of concomitant diseases join the main signs of the disease. Drug therapy is ineffective and surgery is required.

Acquired defects of the heart clans

The disease can be congenital; an acquired heart defect develops against the background of chronic heart diseases, inflammatory processes, and poor lifestyle. ICD-10 code – congenital defects – Q20–26, acquired – I34–37.

Types and signs of acquired valve pathologies:

  1. Artery stenosis. At the initial stage, the disease is asymptomatic and can only be detected during examination. As the pathology develops, fainting appears, signs of a decrease in systolic arterial parameters, and the skin becomes pale.
  2. Aortic valve insufficiency. The disease is accompanied by frequent attacks of suffocation, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, and decreased diastolic pressure.
  3. Mitral stenosis. Pain in the heart rarely appears, the liver and the size of the abdomen increase, the limbs swell, shortness of breath, the voice becomes hoarse.
  4. Mitral valve insufficiency. Pain in the sternum is aching in nature, non-productive cough, asthma, shortness of breath.

Heart diseases are inherited - if relatives in the ascending line have similar problems, the risk of developing pathology in a child increases by 25%.

In the early stages of arterial stenosis, the disease occurs without symptoms.

Congenital heart defects

The causes of congenital heart defects are influenza and rubella in a woman during pregnancy, diabetes mellitus, rheumatism, thyroid pathologies, taking potent medications, and poor environmental conditions.

What are the names and manifestations of pathologies:

  1. Mitral valve prolapse is a congenital pathology; in some people it occurs without any special symptoms; deviations from the norm can only be noticed during an examination. Other patients experience nausea, frequent increases in temperature to subfebrile levels, a feeling of a lump in the throat, pain in the sternum, and increased fatigue.
  2. Ebstein's anomaly is a rare congenital disease, accompanied by tachycardia, fainting, and enlarged veins in the neck. Surgical correction is required.
  3. Defects in the interatrial septum are the first signs in the form of weakness, shortness of breath may appear after 40 years, and CHF gradually develops.
  4. Ventricular septal defects – with a small defect size, only shortness of breath appears during physical exertion. If the defect is large, then breathing problems occur even at rest, pain in the sternum, and an unproductive cough appear.
  5. Eisenmenger complex. The main sign of pathology is the presence of blood clots in the sputum, blue discoloration of the skin, and additionally symptoms of CHF appear.
  6. Tetralogy of Fallot is a serious fatal disease, accompanied by blue discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes; children are retarded in growth, physical and mental development, they often have convulsions, arterial hypotension, and develop CHF. Every second child with a similar pathology does not live to be three years old, in rare cases - until 13–15 years old.
  7. Patent ductus arteriosus - the pathology can occur without any special symptoms; with age, symptoms of heart failure appear, and diastolic pressure readings decrease.

For most congenital pathologies, the only effective treatment method is surgery.

Mitral valve prolapse is a congenital disease

Inflammatory pathologies

They occur when bacteria, viruses, or fungi enter the body; they can be caused by rheumatism or poisoning by toxic substances; depending on the type of pathogen, antibacterial drugs are selected. Most often they develop as a complication of tuberculosis, syphilis, and long-term colds. ICD-10 code – I 30–52.

Types and signs of cardiac inflammatory processes:

  1. Endocarditis - against the background of high temperature and heavy sweating, the condition of the valves quickly deteriorates, throbbing pain in the heart appears, noises are heard, and an enlargement of some internal organs is observed. A characteristic symptom is hemorrhages in the eyes and under the nails due to increased fragility of blood vessels; the first phalanges of the fingers become thicker.
  2. Myocarditis - the disease can manifest itself in the form of heart failure or tachycardia; the doctor will make an accurate diagnosis after receiving the results of a blood test for specific cardiac enzymes.
  3. Pericarditis - unproductive cough, pain in the sternum and right hypochondrium, rapid heartbeat, weakness.
  4. Rheumatic heart disease occurs if, against the background of pharyngitis or tonsillitis, inflammatory processes begin in the connective tissues. Pathology leads to the development of heart disease.

Myocarditis - inflammation of the heart muscle

Which doctor should I contact?

If you experience chest pain, shortness of breath, numbness in the limbs, changes in skin color, or frequent bouts of dizziness, you should visit a cardiologist - this specialist specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular pathologies.

If necessary, consultation with a cardiac surgeon or endocrinologist will help; in emergency cases, an emergency doctor can provide timely assistance.

If you have heart problems, you should consult a cardiologist

Diagnosis of heart disease

Modern medicine makes it possible to identify any pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. The doctor can make the initial diagnosis after interviewing and examining the patient, listening carefully to the heart and measuring blood pressure. But in order to accurately understand the cause of the disease and draw up a detailed clinical picture, you will need to undergo a comprehensive examination.

  1. An ECG is one of the simplest and fastest examination methods that allows us to identify most heart diseases. If prescribed by a doctor, an ECG can be done with drug tests, hyperventilation or orthostatic load.
  2. Holter monitoring uses a special device to record the work of the heart throughout the day.
  3. Stress testing - an ECG is done while the patient is working on a cardio machine, it allows you to determine the tolerance to physical activity and the compliance of endurance with indicators of a healthy heart.
  4. EPI (electrophysiological study) - small electrodes are inserted into the veins, arteries or directly into the heart chambers, which makes it possible to determine the nature of heart rhythm disturbances.
  5. Ultrasound or echocardiography of the heart - a three-dimensional image allows you to see the degree of deterioration of the heart, functional and morphological changes in the organ.
  6. X-ray – the images show the size and condition of the heart tissue.
  7. CT scan allows one to recognize anatomical abnormalities in the structure of the heart and coronary vessels; a contrast agent is first administered intravenously.
  8. MRI allows you to obtain a high-quality image of the organs of the cardiovascular system, but the procedure is complex and expensive, and has many absolute contraindications.
  9. Radionuclide research - radioactive tracers are injected into the patient through a vein, their radiation is recorded by a special device, and the picture is displayed on the screen. The procedure is performed in the presence of heart pain of unknown pathogenesis.

MRI is one of the types of heart diagnostics

To accurately assess the condition of the heart muscle and blood vessels, the doctor can insert catheters into a vein or artery, and their progress is recorded using continuous X-ray imaging. One of the new diagnostic methods is positron emission tomography, which allows you to see areas with poor blood supply, traces of heart attacks, and ischemia. But due to the high cost, this diagnostic method is used only in extreme cases.

Methods for treating heart disease

Therapy for cardiovascular diseases is a long process, often requiring medications for a lifetime. In advanced forms of pathology and their rapid progression, surgical intervention will be required.


To improve the condition of the heart and blood vessels, various groups of drugs are used; their choice depends on the diagnosis, age of the patient, and severity of the disease.

List of effective heart medications:

  1. Antiplatelet agents – Aspirin cardio, Cardiomagnyl, Clopidogrel, Plavix. Prevents the aggregation of blood clots, reduces the risk of blood clots, but can cause severe bleeding.
  2. Statins – Rosuvastatin, Simvastatin. Medicines are designed to reduce the level of bad cholesterol, they are used to prevent the progression of pathologies that negatively affect the muscles and liver.
  3. ACE inhibitors – Ramipril, Captopril, Perindopril. They prevent narrowing of the arteries, help with arterial hypertension, reduce the load on the heart muscle; with long-term use, a dry cough may occur.
  4. Beta blockers – Nebilet, Concor. They reduce blood pressure, normalize heart rate, and reduce myocardial oxygen demand. The main side effects are deterioration in sleep quality, increased frequency of attacks in asthmatics, and increase the risk of developing diabetes.
  5. Angiotensin receptor antagonists - Micardis, Losartan. They have a small number of side effects and contraindications; they are prescribed if ACE inhibitors are poorly tolerated.
  6. Calcium channel blockers – Verapamil, Amlodipine. Vasodilators improve blood circulation, reduce blood pressure, and can cause migraines and swelling.
  7. Nitrates – Nitroglycerin, Nitrospray. They effectively eliminate an attack of angina pectoris and have a vasodilating effect. Side effects - swelling of the limbs, redness of the skin.
  8. Diuretics – Furosemide, Veroshpiron. They remove excess fluid from the body, due to which the signs of hypertension, edema, shortness of breath disappear, which can cause dehydration and deterioration of kidney function.
  9. Glycosides – Korglykon, Strophanthin. They increase the strength of heart contractions, while slowing down their frequency. The drugs are toxic, have many contraindications, and during treatment, dyspeptic disorders, temporary visual impairment, and hallucinations often occur.
  10. Anticoagulants – Warfarin, Xarelto. They normalize blood clotting, reduce the risk of thrombosis, and are used after cardiac surgery. In emergency cases, in case of myocardial infarction, injection solutions are used.
  11. Medicines based on potassium and magnesium - Panangin, Asparkam. Prevents the development of atherosclerosis and normalizes heart rhythm.
  12. Metabolic drugs – Riboxin, Mildronate. Improve metabolic processes, eliminate oxygen deficiency in tissues.

Warfarin normalizes blood clotting

Surgical methods

In the absence of positive dynamics during drug therapy, a sharp deterioration in condition, a worn-out heart, ischemia, heart attack, acute heart failure, the person will require surgical intervention to eliminate the pathologies.

Types of cardiac surgical interventions:

  1. Installation of artificial valves and pacemakers is carried out in case of myocardial valve insufficiency.
  2. The operation according to the Glenn and Ross method is used to eliminate congenital defects in children, which allows the child to lead a full life in the future.
  3. Coronary artery bypass surgery - during the operation an additional vessel is sewn in, which allows you to restore normal blood circulation in clogged arteries.
  4. Arterial stenting - a stent is placed into the lumen of the heart vessels, which looks like a spring. The operation is indicated for heart attack, ischemia, and accumulation of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels.
  5. Radiofrequency ablation is the least traumatic surgical intervention and can eliminate heart failure and arrhythmia.

Coronary artery bypass grafting helps normalize blood flow in the heart

Surgical interventions are mandatory for congenital and acquired heart defects; modern technologies make it possible to use this method of treatment even for small children.

Validol is not a cardiac drug; the medicine has a mild sedative effect, so it will help eliminate pain only if it is caused by nerves.

Possible complications

Any heart problems, even with timely treatment, can cause serious complications that cause complete or partial disability and death.

Consequences of heart disease:

  • heart attack;
  • cerebral stroke;
  • acute heart failure;
  • chronic hypertension;
  • embolism of large arteries.

If left untreated, heart disease can cause a stroke

Prevention of heart disease

In the prevention of cardiovascular pathologies, proper nutrition is of great importance; it is necessary to include wholemeal bread and other high-fiber foods in the diet every day - this will help cleanse the blood vessels of cholesterol and reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

How to prevent heart disease:

  • minimize the consumption of foods high in fat, sugar, and salt;
  • replace animal fats with vegetable oils;
  • eat more fruits and vegetables - they contain all the necessary vitamins and microelements that support the normal functioning of the heart muscle; pumpkin, pomegranate, broccoli, dried apricots, and viburnum are considered the most beneficial;
  • sea ​​fish and seafood contain fatty acids that have a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels and the heart;
  • give up bad habits, even passive smoking has a negative impact on the state of the cardiovascular system;
  • avoid stress - the ability to relax and meditate will help you maintain calm and make it easier to endure difficulties;
  • monitor blood counts, undergo preventive examinations in a timely manner;
  • drink unboiled purified water - when boiled, the calcium content decreases, which provokes the development of cardiovascular pathologies;
  • get rid of excess weight.

An active lifestyle will help maintain a healthy heart for a long time. Cardio training with the right load perfectly strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Daily walks, good sleep, favorite hobbies - all these factors have a beneficial effect on your health.

To prevent cardiovascular diseases, every woman over 40 years of age needs to take a course of calcium and magnesium supplements twice a year.

It is useful for a person at any age to know the signs of a healthy heart - endurance, good work capacity, absence of shortness of breath after moderate physical exertion, pulse, blood pressure, normal weight, chest pain does not occur. If such symptoms are not all present, it is necessary to visit a cardiologist, undergo examination every 2 years, and after 60 years - annually.