Is it possible for a newborn to sleep on his stomach? Is it possible for babies to sleep on their stomachs and how to organize proper rest Why do babies like to sleep on their stomachs?

The choice is, in fact, small: on the back, on the side, on the stomach.

Where to stop?

On the one hand, a number of scientists draw attention to the fact that in the stomach position, children sleep more soundly and wake up less often. The author’s personal experience and observations show that a baby who sleeps on his stomach from the moment of birth begins to hold his head up earlier; During movements, he additionally massages his stomach, making it easier for him to pass gases. With a thick mattress and no pillow, any talk about the possibility of suffocation is simply pointless. It is also unfair to say that without a pillow a child lying on his side will break his neck. If you wrap it with a dozen diapers, maybe it will fold, but if there are only one or two diapers, it will never. When sleeping on your stomach, your head is turned to the side, and this side must be changed every time. Some babies sleep best in the middle position - between on their side and on their stomach - with a diaper placed under their side and folded several times.

On the other side, without exception, all modern medical guidelines do not even recommend, but categorically affirm:

A child of the first year of life should sleep only on his back.

What is such a categorical requirement based on?

The so-called “sudden infant death syndrome” has been repeatedly described in the medical literature. The essence of this terrible and not at all rare phenomenon is as follows. A healthy child dies while sleeping, and no signs of illness are found at autopsy.

Until now, medical science has not been able to unambiguously answer the question of why this happens. The root cause is a sudden stop in breathing, but why does breathing stop?.. Statistics only indicate factors that increase the likelihood of developing the syndrome, but the mechanisms themselves are not completely clear. More often - boys, more often - at the age of 2-3 months, more often - in winter. Unfavorable factors: prematurity, twin child, mother under 18 years of age, less than a year interval between pregnancies, maternal smoking, soft bed, overheating.

Nevertheless a factor that statistically significantly increases the likelihood of sudden infant death syndrome is sleeping on the stomach .

Medical science, having convincingly proven the relationship between sleeping on the stomach and sudden infant death syndrome, still does not have an answer to the question: what actually causes this relationship.

Parents should know that in response to clenching of the nostrils, many babies, especially in the first three months of life, do not try to free themselves, and they stop breathing for 10-15 seconds. Not surprisingly, pillows and soft mattresses can contribute to nostril constriction. In addition, the slightest runny nose in combination with a room temperature above 23 ° C and dry air leads to the formation of dense crusts of mucus, which in turn block the nasal passages and lead to respiratory arrest.

It is very difficult to convince people that pillows are unacceptable, soft mattresses are unacceptable (and it is soft and even crooked mattresses that are often included in children's cribs!). Convincing people that a child should not sleep in a room with warm, dry air is even more difficult. It's easier to write in the media that sleeping on your stomach increases the likelihood of sudden death syndrome.

A child sleeps more soundly in the tummy position.

if there is a pillow;

if the room is dry and warm;

if the mattress is soft and crooked;

if parents smoke;

if there is at least one of these if - It is strictly forbidden to sleep on your stomach!!!

The arrival of a child in a family is an amazing and exciting stage in the life of parents. Every mother wants to create complete comfortable conditions for her baby, surround her with warmth and care. The issues of children's sleep do not lose relevance. Along with the common questions of how long babies sleep and how to teach a child to sleep independently, the aspect of sleep position is no less important. The position on the back or side is the most common and does not raise any doubts regarding safety. However, is it possible for a newborn baby to sleep on his stomach, when is it beneficial and when is it harmful?

In the first days, the newborn will sleep the way his parents lay him down, because babies are not able to control their movements. Nevertheless, the chosen sleeping position is no less important than other conditions: the hardness of the mattress, temperature and humidity levels, etc. If the baby is constantly located on its back, this will lead to deformation of the skull.

Placing a baby on its side increases the risk of developing joint dysplasia. The position on the stomach causes fear among parents that there is a possibility of asphyxia (may suffocate).

Before the baby is 1 month old, it is better not to place the newborn on his stomach or leave him unattended in the crib for a long time. At the age of 30 days, the baby is able to hold his head for a short time, because the vertebrae and muscles have become somewhat stronger. At this age, if the child feels discomfort, he turns his head to the side.

To ensure your baby's safety while sleeping in the first months, use a special restraint. Such a device combines the functions of vibration and motion sickness, and will also not allow the baby to change position while the mother is not looking.

At four months of age, children can independently turn from side to side and roll from back to stomach. This makes it possible to adopt a sleeping position that is most comfortable and cozy. At 5–6 months, babies have already mastered various types of rotations and turns, so the likelihood of oxygen deficiency during sleep is reduced to zero. After 9 months, the child can independently choose the most comfortable position.

Even a six-month-old baby should not put toys, pillows, or towels in his crib at night: anything that he can bury his nose in while sleeping. A pillow is not needed for children under 1 year of age, as it can cause curvature of the cervical spine.

The benefits of sleeping on your stomach

Whether or not to sleep on the stomach of a newborn, it will be easier to decide if you become familiar with the benefits of this sleeping position. The butt-up position has many advantages. Important positive properties are:

  • self-massage of the tummy, improvement of peristalsis and removal of gases;
  • improved quality of sleep, the baby shudders less at night;
  • by lying on your stomach, you can avoid bone deformation;
  • lying on your stomach with your legs tucked under you, blood circulation accelerates, the blood is enriched with oxygen;
  • eliminates the risk of suffocation due to choking on vomit after feeding;
  • the baby’s musculoskeletal system will get stronger faster, the baby will quickly begin to hold his head up on his own;
  • The baby suffers less from heat rash.

Often, mothers with colic in newborns, in order to relieve pain, specially place the baby on his stomach during sleep. Dr. Komarovsky notes that sleeping on the stomach as a means of combating this phenomenon is ineffective.

Watch the baby. If the baby is comfortable, you should not disturb him. First practice the pose while resting during the day. And only when the baby gets older should he be placed on his stomach at night.

Disadvantages of the situation. Facts and prejudices.

Among medical specialists and young mothers, there is an opinion that sleeping on the stomach is dangerous for babies. This claim is often unfounded and lacks verified evidence:

  • Sudden infant death syndrome is what all parents fear. In the 90s of the last century, cases of healthy children unexpectedly dying in their sleep became more frequent. Numerous studies have not brought any clear results. Why this happens from a medical point of view is not fully understood. However, statistics show that SIDS was more common in babies who slept on their stomachs. It is worth noting that this connection between sleep position and the associated dire consequences for the child is indirect.
  • Danger of regurgitation. Parents are often afraid to put the baby on their stomach in a dream, because they are worried that the baby will burp, which happens after eating, and choke on vomit. In fact, this fear is unfounded. The risk of choking is much higher if the toddler sleeps on his back.
  • Another myth that makes parents afraid of sleeping on their stomach is chest compression. The opinion that it is difficult for a child to breathe in this position is wrong. If the baby sleeps normally on his stomach, snores calmly and does not flinch, there is nothing to be afraid of. If your sleep is restless or there are other reasons for concern, consult your doctor.

According to statistics, SIDS is more common in boys than in girls. The risk group is children with pathologies and premature babies.

How right. Tips for safe tummy sleep

Parents will have nothing to fear if they follow a number of simple but important rules and recommendations for organizing children’s sleep:

  • Monitor your baby while he sleeps and periodically help him change position, because the baby’s neck gets stiff. Don't be afraid to wake up the baby. In addition, periodic turning over will avoid deformation of the skull.
  • Avoid clothes with ties, laces and ribbons. Such elements can pinch the baby’s skin and lead to entanglement around the neck. Make sure your child does not dislodge the bedding or clothing. Set up the safest place to rest.
  • For up to a year, stop using pillows, feather beds, and bulky blankets. Buy a firm mattress that will not bend under the baby, even if the baby is “active” during sleep.
  • Pediatrician Komarovsky insists on creating favorable conditions for sleep. The room should be damp and cool, so in the evening, ventilate the room for a short period of time and carry out wet cleaning. Use a humidifier if necessary.
  • Carry out hygiene procedures carefully, remove crusts and mucus. If your baby is sick, monitor your sleep especially carefully.

If you are in doubt about your baby's sleeping position, it is better to choose a neutral option. Place the baby in the crib on its side with a cushion under the back, then the baby's breathing will be even and calm. When the newborn grows up, he himself will take the position that he loves and in which he is comfortable.


Even if parents notice that the baby is comfortable on his stomach with bent legs, this position cannot always be used. It is contraindicated for children with the following disorders in the body:

  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system, in this position the baby may experience cardiac arrest;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system;
  • circulatory disorders, while sleeping on the stomach, the speed of blood microcirculation decreases, the artery is pinched when the head is tilted to one side;
  • curvature of the spine (cervical spine);
  • pathologies of the central nervous system.

From the above it follows that the position is beneficial for children and can be harmful only if precautions are not observed or if the child is placed with pathological disorders. Focus on the individual characteristics of the baby and your own opinion, take care of the baby and give him love, then his sleep will be sound, healthy and will bring only positive emotions.

“Sleep, my joy, sleep...” And joy falls asleep only while lying on your tummy. And this is practically from the first week of life. What to do? Let the baby sleep the way he wants, or lull him to sleep for an hour, but lie on his back? Let's try to figure it out.

My babies slept in any position until they were six months old - no matter how you put them. But when they learned to roll over, they began to fall asleep more and more often only while lying on their belly. I didn’t stop them from doing this. They slept in the same room as me, and I could hear their every move. In addition, the beds were covered with a cotton sheet, no pillows or soft toys.

But for my two nieces, all four children slept only with their faces down from the first days. And they weren't worried about it at all. What is known about the benefits and harms of such sleep?


It seems to me that if a child quickly falls asleep in this position, then it is comfortable for him. Sleeping in a comfortable position is more restful. In addition, in this position the baby feels much more comfortable. The lower part of the body is slightly elevated, which means the blood supply to the brain improves. The muscles of the spine, shoulders and neck are strengthened much faster. If during such sleep the baby also spreads his legs wide, then this is simply a wonderful prevention of dysplasia.

Also, many mothers notice that when sleeping on their tummy, babies lose less heat, and therefore do not get cold. Another plus is that the intestines work better in this position. Everything eaten is absorbed much faster. And gases accumulate less, and colic is less likely to bother you. And it’s much easier for the baby to breathe. And if the baby suddenly spits up excess milk, then it will definitely not get into the respiratory tract.


Now a little about sad statistics. You've probably heard of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). The exact reason has not yet been determined. Many people cite sleeping on their stomach as a possible factor. But they also note that weak, premature babies are most at risk. Indeed, they still don’t have enough strength to lift and turn their heads. And if the mattress is very soft, or mom decided to add a pillow...

I also think it is important to note the need to turn the baby’s head to the other side from time to time so that the neck muscles do not become numb and the skull bones do not become deformed.


I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to allow the child to sleep in a position that is comfortable for him. And if you take precautions, then there is nothing wrong with the fact that the baby likes to sleep with his butt up. The crib should not have too soft mattresses, pillows or fluffy bedspreads. The sheet should be simple and well tucked (so that it does not crumple or bulge under the crumbs).

Well, the main thing is that under no circumstances should you leave a sleeping baby unattended!!!

What do you think about this? Do you have a different opinion? Share.

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It’s unlikely that any parent has ever wondered whether a newborn can sleep on his stomach. To make baby's sleep safe, parents should take care...

It would seem that there is nothing difficult about caring for a newborn. After all, he only sleeps and eats, make sure you change your diapers and take longer walks. But no! When you are left alone with your baby for the first time, a huge number of questions arise: how to hold him, is he really full, is he dressed warmly... And some sometimes seem completely meaningless. For example, can a newborn sleep on his stomach? It is unlikely that any of the parents thought about this before the birth of their first child. Meanwhile, the question is not so simple and relevant since mothers first heard about sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Photo: a two-month-old baby sleeping on his stomach with his legs tucked under him (frog pose)

What is SIDS and how does it relate to babies' sleep?

According to foreign statistics, of all infant deaths, up to 30% are due to SIDS. Why this phenomenon occurs is unknown. A perfectly healthy baby can fall asleep and simply not wake up. The reason is a sudden stop in breathing.

  • Patterns of manifestation of SIDS. While researching this syndrome, the Americans noticed that most often it occurs when the child sleeps on his stomach. After official recommendations appeared to place a newborn on his back, infant mortality in Europe decreased several times.
  • Risk group. SIDS occurs in babies up to 3 months of age, most often in boys. Particularly susceptible to the syndrome are premature and low birth weight babies, those who have had problems with perinatal development, as well as babies from multiple pregnancies. If the mother is too young, smokes or uses drugs, or drank a lot of coffee while pregnant or breastfeeding, the child is also at risk.
  • Alternative opinion. Other Americans have suggested that the main cause of “death in the cradle” is the loss of contact with the mother, and advise sleeping with the baby in the first months, if not together in bed, then always in the same room.

It is worth noting that these data are unofficial. Believing them or not is up to each parent.

Feature article:

On the back or on the tummy?

Besides SIDS, the main danger of sleeping on the stomach is accidental suffocation of the baby. The physiology of a newborn is designed in such a way that if you close his nose, the child will simply stop breathing. This can happen when the baby accidentally buries his face in a pillow or soft mattress.

Many parents think sleeping on their back is safer, but this is not true. At first, newborn babies only sleep and eat, or combine one with the other. In such cases, parents do not wait for the air swallowed during feeding to come out. Not everyone will carry a sleeping baby in a column, so sometimes the baby burps while lying in the crib. If at this moment he sleeps on his back, vomit may enter the lungs.

More about sleep:

The safest position

In the days when children were swaddled, such questions did not arise, because babies could not roll around, getting comfortable in the crib. But even today, a newborn and one-month-old baby can be “fixed” in the correct position with the help of bolsters or folded diapers.

Photo: toddler fell asleep on his knees booty up

How? On the side! This is the safest position for babies to sleep. Just remember! The bones of an infant's skull are very malleable and can become deformed if the baby is not shifted from side to side. Additionally, lying on one side can lead to torticollis and misalignment of the hip joint.

If your child stubbornly turns his head to his favorite side, regularly change his position in the crib in the opposite direction.

What will Komarovsky say?

The most famous pediatrician asks parents not to interfere with their child's sleep in a position that is comfortable for him. Regarding sleeping on the stomach, the doctor speaks unequivocally. This pose is useful for children, as it strengthens the muscles of the back and neck. A baby sleeping on his stomach begins to raise his head and roll over much earlier than his peers.

Thematic video of a famous pediatrician

Moreover, Komarovsky recommends teaching a baby to sleep this way. After all, lying on the baby’s stomach is more likely to release the gases accumulated in the intestines, which means the likelihood of colic, which is typical for babies in the first months of life, decreases.

To make baby's sleep safe, parents should take care of high-quality bedding and cool air in the bedroom.

For the first weeks, it is better to place the baby on its side. A one-month-old baby should be taught to lie on his stomach for at least a short time to prevent colic.

5 rules for safe sleep

If you take some precautions, sleeping on your stomach will not be dangerous for your little creature.

  • Remove the pillow. Children under one year old do not need it at all. No matter how much your grandmothers try to persuade you, scaring you that this will affect the development of the cervical vertebrae, the pillow can turn out to be the main danger for the child at night.
  • Buy a hard mattress. A soft, uneven surface is what is really harmful to the baby’s musculoskeletal system. By burying his nose in a “carefully” laid blanket or pillow, a child may suffocate.
  • Treat a runny nose. When a toddler develops snot, crusts begin to form in the nose. And this prevents him from breathing normally. Be sure to read: how to clean a newborn's nose.
  • Ventilate and moisturize. In winter, when heating devices are on, the air becomes too dry. This will lead to the formation of the same crusts. The ideal temperature at which children need to sleep does not exceed 20 degrees. Especially prevent cigarette smoke from getting into your baby's room.
  • Remove clutter from the crib. Mothers often hang diapers or blankets on their backs, not suspecting that in their sleep the child may accidentally throw them over themselves and suffocate.

If you place a small cushion under the mattress, the baby's head will be slightly higher than his feet, which will make breathing a little easier and prevent regurgitation.

So is it possible for a newborn to sleep on his stomach or not? There is no clear answer from medicine. But remember, fate loves the cautious. Be close to your baby, organize a safe space and clean air for him, and very soon your child will grow up and will choose a position that is comfortable for himself.

How does your baby like to sleep? Share your experience in the comments.

A baby has appeared in the family. What could be more joyful? Children are a great happiness that cannot be described. New worries give pleasure. All parents want to be the best for their child. All mothers and fathers want to protect the baby from troubles and illnesses.

Babies who sleep on their tummy begin to hold their head up earlier. After all, this pose develops the back muscles and helps get rid of colic, thanks to self-massage. When a child sleeps on his stomach, the hip joints are formed correctly.

Many parents wonder: is it possible for a baby to sleep on his stomach? If it’s so convenient for the child, why not. The main thing is to make sure that he doesn’t bury his nose anywhere and suffocate. That's the only thing that scares me. In the first three months of life, the child does not react in any way to the blocking of the nostrils, so he does not even try to change his position or start breathing through his mouth if the nostrils are closed. Even in completely healthy children, holding the breath for 15 seconds and cardiac arrhythmia are completely normal phenomena.

Your baby can sleep on his stomach if there is no pillow in the crib. Until a child is one year old, there should be no pillow at all in the crib. The mattress should be hard and even, like a “Spartan”. In addition to the fact that a hard mattress will prevent the baby from suffocating, it will also help to form the musculoskeletal system.

Parents should ensure that the child does not have a stuffy nose. It is necessary to promptly clean the nasal passages and remove dried crusts. Too dry and warm air in the room dries out the mucous membrane, so it is necessary to humidify and often ventilate the room in which the baby is located.

In order to protect your child from a tragic accident, it is important to ensure that there are no unnecessary things in the crib, such as blankets, clothes and toys.

Is it possible to leave a baby to sleep on his stomach?

There is such a thing as SIDS or sudden infant death syndrome. Scientists have not yet established the cause of this phenomenon, but every year 20% of perfectly healthy babies around the world die for unexplained reasons. They just stop breathing and that’s it. This is why doctors do not recommend that parents place sleeping children on their tummy. You can simply lie on your stomach while you are awake, but it is better not to sleep all night. Although if the child lies on his back and burps at this moment, gastric contents may enter the respiratory tract. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to turn the child's head to the side, then lying on his back he will not choke on anything.

Whether a baby can be left to sleep on its stomach or not is a question that will always cause a lot of controversy. Because there are many pros and cons of placing your baby on his stomach. The child should sleep on his stomach, on his back, on his right side, and on his left - throughout the day it is necessary to change body positions. After all, a newborn’s skull is soft, and if he sleeps on his back all the time, the back of the child’s head will become flat.

In the first months, babies sleep in the fetal position, tucking their legs and arms under them. Firstly, they are so used to it. Secondly, they have increased flexion muscle tone. If the child is so comfortable, do not disturb him and give him the recommended position.

Baby sleeps on mother's stomach

All children, even older ones, love their mother’s hands and their warmth. This is why newborns fall asleep with great pleasure in their mother’s arms. Frequent hugs allow you to establish a close emotional connection between the child and the mother. Sleeping in this position is pleasant, but not very comfortable, so you should not abuse this position.

When a child is not sleeping, placing his stomach on your stomach or chest is possible and even necessary. This will not only give the joy of communication, but also relieve the baby from colic, and also develop muscles.

When a baby sleeps on his mother's stomach, he feels her heartbeat, and the mother smells of milk. All this calms and calms the child, allowing him to calm down.

Is it possible to put a baby to sleep on his stomach?

Children sleep as they wish. The question is, is sleeping on your stomach safe? Is it possible to put a baby to sleep on his stomach? If parents are light sleepers, then you can even take the child to bed with you. Many people are afraid to do this because they think that in their sleep the child could be crushed or strangled. Only a deathly tired or drunk mother can crush the child; other mothers feel every movement of the baby, every sigh and groan, so they will never crush the child. Many pediatricians believe that if a baby sleeps with his mother until he is three years old, he will grow up calmer and more balanced. Sleeping together is pleasant not only for the baby, but also for the mother, because if the baby suckles, then the mother does not even have to get up. He himself will find a source of milk and eat without even waking up.

Why can't babies sleep on their stomachs?

Children are a natural continuation of their parents, so you don’t have to think that they were thrown into the house from another planet and now you need a specialist who will tell you how to deal with the red squeaking lump. There's no need to complicate things. It's better to trust your intuition and just do what your inner voice says.

Why can't babies sleep on their stomachs? And who said that they can’t sleep like that? This pose has many advantages. If the child is comfortable, let him sleep like that. In order to ensure normal breathing for your baby, you need to ventilate the room before going to bed, remove everything unnecessary from the crib and listen to the baby’s breathing.

As for SIDS, even scientists don’t know why a baby stops breathing without any good reason. And clearly this is not due to the position on the stomach.

The baby sleeps on his stomach, what should I do?

Today it has become fashionable to open the Internet for no reason or reason, as if there are professors on the World Wide Web who are ready to answer all questions related to medicine. In fact, you can’t completely trust the Internet; there are good sites where professionals give advice, but there are just dumps of information that even a specialist can’t always figure out. Even if a competent specialist advises, without a personal appointment and tests, he will still never be able to make an accurate diagnosis. Therefore, you should not rely entirely on a cheap source of self-examination and self-medication, but go to your clinic and talk to a live, not virtual, specialist.

The young parents had a newborn, their first child, in the house, and so he began to sleep on his stomach. How do moms react? They immediately grab their computers and phones and begin an active search, typing into the search engine: “The baby is sleeping on his stomach, what should I do?” So what should we do? It’s okay, if he wants to, let him sleep, there’s no need to disturb him at all. When an adult sleeps in a certain position, for some reason no one asks the question on the Internet: “An adult sleeps on his side, what should I do?” This sounds and looks more than comical. Young parents, use logic and common sense. If something really worries you about your child’s behavior or appearance, it’s better to invite your local pediatrician or visit a children’s clinic.