Logic games online for 6 7 years. Logic games

Training logical thinking (for children 5-7 years old)

Find a pattern and match the word.

Bird - feathers. Fish - ... (scales)
Cucumber is a vegetable. Chamomile -...
Teacher - school. Doctor -...
Table - tablecloth. Floor -...
Morning - breakfast. Evening -...
Man - hands. Cat -...
Fish-water. Bird -...
Red - stand. Green - ...
Autumn - rain. Winter -...

Who is this? What is this? Guess who or what is being talked about.

Green, long, juicy. (cucumber)
Brown, clubfooted, clumsy. (bear)
Cold, white, fluffy. (snow)
New, interesting, library. (book)
Small, gray, shy. (mouse)
White-trunked, tall, slender. (birch)

Choose words that have opposite meanings.

Black White.
Big -...
Funny -...
Wide -...
High -...
Kind -...
Cold -...
Good -...
Thick -...
Solid -...
Smart -...
Fast -...
Healthy -...
Bitter -...

Choose words that have opposite meanings:

Day Night.
Winter - ...
North -...
Cold - ...
A lot of - ...
Start - ...
First - ...
Welcome -...
Joy - ...
Far - ...

Answer the questions. Name different professions.

Who cooks dinner?
Who builds houses?
Who writes poetry?
Who sings the songs?
Who treats children?
Who sews the clothes?
Who paints the pictures?
Who paints the walls?
Who flies into space?
Who drives the car?

Think and solve logical problems.

1) Which is heavier: a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of iron?
2) Which lasts longer: a year or 12 months?
3) Marina and Tanya drank different juices - grape and apple. Marina did not drink apple juice. What juice did Tanya drink?
4) Kostya and Artem were wearing jackets of different colors: blue and green. Kostya was not wearing a blue jacket. What color jacket was Artem wearing?

Think and solve logical problems. Explain your answers.

1) Who will swim to the shore faster - ducklings or chickens?
2) Who will reach the flower faster - a butterfly or a caterpillar?
3) Mom has a cat Fluff, a daughter Dasha and a dog Sharik. How many children does mom have?
4) Four eggs are boiled for four minutes. How many minutes does it take to cook one egg?
5) Who will moo louder, a rooster or a cow?
6) How many mushrooms can be grown from spruce seeds?
7) Three sparrows sat on the water, one flew away. How much is left?
8) What is the best and fastest way to pick a watermelon from a tree?

Listen to the stories and answer the questions.

1) Vova woke up in the morning, ran to the window and exclaimed in surprise: “Mom, it was raining outside at night!” How did Vova guess that it was raining, since he was fast asleep at that time?
2) Looking out the window, Vera said to her mother: “Mom, you need to dress warmly, there is such a strong wind outside!” How did Vera guess that there was a strong wind outside?
3) An ant descends from a mountain, and a donkey meets it. The donkey asks the ant: “Please tell me, ant, what kind of grass is on the mountain?” “So tall and thick,” answered the ant. The donkey was happy and climbed the mountain, but no matter how hard he tried to pinch the grass with his lips, he just couldn’t. “The ant deceived me,” thought the donkey. What do you think, did the ant deceive the donkey?
4) The cat Vaska and his owner are sitting in a boat. The owner casts a fishing rod and says:
-Catch, big, big fish!
And Vaska quietly mutters:
- Little catch, little one!
Why does he say that?

Think and solve problems.

1) Nastya had 4 ribbons. She cut one of them into two equal parts. How many ribbons does Nastya have?
2) Geese were walking around the yard. Sasha counted 6 paws on all the geese. How many geese were walking in the yard?
3) Several birds were sitting on a branch. They only have 8 wings. How many birds were sitting on the branch?
4) Two friends played chess for 3 hours. How long did each of them play?

Read funny poems.

All kids need to know:
Two plus two, of course... (five?)

Everyone in the whole world knows:
Fingers on the hand... (four?)

All the guys know for sure:
Cats are very loud...(bark?)

Our kitten gallops deftly,
He really loves...(carrots?)

Our Seryozha is very smart,
He always laughs...(sad?)

They took the cat's fish,
Should he say... (thank you?)

Playful learning is considered one of the most effective ways to develop a variety of skills and abilities in children.

Only if for a preschool child a game is the main way of understanding the world, then logic games for children 6-7 years old are more aimed at developing mental mobility.

At the same time, games should not only teach, but also entertain: this is the only way to hold the child’s attention and direct his energy in a productive direction.

By the age of six, children are quite capable of independently coming to logical conclusions and establishing an obvious connection between the causes of phenomena and their consequences. Thinking becomes more flexible and agile.

The child can adapt faster and switch from one task to another without losing concentration.

Primary skills to mentally simulate a situation appear. However, the analysis that a child is capable of is still quite elementary.

The obvious conclusions that an adult can draw based on the available initial data are not always the same for children.

Practical activity in the cognitive process is still a priority.

At the same time, the clarity and brightness of images still play a major role in solving problems. Therefore, an exciting, dynamic logic game is a sure way for a child to learn with passion and sincere interest.

Types of logic games for children 6-7 years old

Linguistic or speech games. They form correct speech, expand their vocabulary, teach them to choose a word exactly according to its meaning, and change its form.

  • Graphic – focused on consolidating writing skills.
  • Mathematical - logic here should make friends with mental calculation.
  • Combined logic games for gadgets (computer, tablet, phone).

Graphic games

Graphic games, which at the age of 4-5 are designed to prepare a child’s hand for the “severe” school tests of writing, are not losing their position. Exercise is still necessary and important, especially if it doesn't cause boredom. The development of visual perception is also key in graphic games.

Connecting dots by serial numbers (at the same time they repeated the counting), completing the missing part, continuing the pattern, coloring segments of the drawing with a certain color - all these tasks can combine logic and perseverance. The main thing, dear parents, is not to act on the principle of “sit and draw and don’t interfere.”

It’s better to solve graphic riddles and puzzles together, armed with colored pencils. You can try to organize a competition, but put not only speed, but also the quality of completing tasks at the forefront.

One wonderful dad shared this experience on the forum.. After the size of the sofa did not fit into the room, he sadly admitted to his six-year-old son that he would have calculated everything correctly and would have gone to the zoo instead of rearranging furniture all day.

Little why immediately asked a bunch of questions. And it turned out that explaining to a child what a scale is using a checkered piece of paper is not at all difficult.

Measuring and drawing up the room plan took the whole evening and turned into a fun game. We measured, reduced to scale, drew, painted, cut out and rearranged paper furniture without limiting our imagination.

The next day we started working on the nursery. And there was a place for a box of toys on the “room map”.

At the age of 7, you can easily organize family competitions in naval combat, without using modern gadgets, but by turning to a traditional checkered sheet of paper.

Speech games to develop logic

The word is the most accessible and basic material at hand. We select games depending on the purpose.

  • We develop ingenuity and speed of reaction. For example, “chain of words”: the principle of the game of cities, when the last letter of a word becomes the first for a new one. Categories: vegetables, fruits, animals - to choose from.
  • We form creative thinking and imagination. We solve riddles and use the resulting words to create a fairy tale, which we can then act out.
  • We focus on understanding. “Pantomime”, “Crocodile”, i.e. we guess the word from the visual image shown by the participants in the game.

Versions of word games: continue the logical chain of words, change one letter to get a new word, look for associations, etc. We play in transport, on the way to school. The child has fun and thinks at the same time.

Board logic games and puzzles

Mosaics, puzzles, lotto - manufacturers offer countless options. Psychologists advise choosing 5 themed board games. Less - you will quickly get bored, more - they will simply not be used.

Some popular examples of logic board games for children 6-7 years old:

Undersea world– a bright and colorful game. Funny fish, turtles and frogs play hide and seek. Players need to complete about 50 logical tasks of varying difficulty.

Tricky planks- a puzzle game. The goal is to assemble and disassemble. The puzzle is made of wood, which complements the game with pleasant tactile sensations.

Corridor for children. Maze game. You need to be the first to get your mouse out of the maze, while confusing your opponents (there can be up to 4 of them).

Domino principle. The main advantage is simple rules. But increasing the cubes expands the possibilities. The game has several difficulty levels. 2 players participate.

Convolution. 12 cubes of different colors are connected with an elastic band. There are 80 tasks in the color scheme: we bend the cubes to get the result specified by the scheme. Develops spatial thinking.

Books with games to develop logic

Any online store presents a selection of thematic books in this direction. However, in a bookstore you can look through the publication and evaluate it in terms of the complexity of the tasks.

Bankknigi.com and Mirknigi.com offer interesting download options. Publication format – DJVU, PDF, i.e. for e-books and tablets – budget option:

E. Boyko “The best active and logical games for children from 5 to 10 years old”: logic games can be not only static. The child will definitely not get tired or bored from the ones offered.

Development Academy. "The Big Book of Logic Games and Puzzles": the tasks in the book are divided into 3 levels of difficulty and are aimed at developing speech, attention, and creativity. A huge plus is non-trivial plots and characters, bright illustrative material.

T. Obraztsova "Logic games for children": book yes for many years. Games and tasks for children and teenagers.

V. Zaparenko "Big Game Book": we solve crosswords and puzzles with fairy-tale characters, and look for a way out of intricate labyrinths.

S. Fedin "Logic puzzles for a young detective": Detective Buslya conducts an investigation, solving logical problems. Very attentive guys will be able to help the detective.

Computer games to develop logic

Modern children start googling and chatting almost simultaneously. Therefore, computer games that develop logic are no longer a novelty, but a traditional part of the learning process.

The main thematic blocks of computer games:

Focused on the development of memory and thinking (“Luntik. Training memory and attention”).

In a playful animated form, presenting a foreign language (“Non-boring lessons. English”).

Games - travel, quests, or “adventure games”, with the completion of logical tasks (“Three Heroes and the Shamakhan Queen”).

Teaching math, reading, etc. in a fascinating form with elements of logic (“Baba Yaga and Prosha: a year full of worries”).

Review of online games for developing logic

Internet resources are replete with a variety of games. So before you let your child dive headlong into the World Wide Web, at least play the game yourself.

Select the difficulty level taking into account the age characteristics and level of “advancedness” of your young user.

Very simple games for beginners are presented, for example, by the resource www/gamesforchildren24.rf/logicheskie: Find a figure, Choose a sign, Invent a drink, Tic-tac-toe, etc.

The resource www/gameflasher.ru/logicheskie/index.html is aimed at more advanced users. In addition to games that are essentially Tetris-like (Help a Mole Build, Crystal Mania, Fruit Blocks), here is a presentation of a strategy game (Life of a Prince, We Have to Build a City, Locked in a Room).

Traditional games are easier for a child to understand and master with modern heroes. For example, instead of the usual X's and O's there are multi-colored Angrybirds.

Games for smartphone

Interesting options for the Android platform

  • Catlandia - first we look for a kitten, then a mate for it, performing arithmetic operations.
  • WungiPirates – in the fairy-tale world of pirates we solve various logical riddles.
  • CaptainCat – Let's catch fish. A logic game with nice graphics. Many difficulty levels. Very exciting.

For iPad and iPhone

  • MysteryMathTown is a travel game that reinforces mental arithmetic skills.
  • Petson's inventions are the most interesting puzzles.
  • A more difficult game - My first money. Details on video

In all logic games for children 6-7 years old, the main thing is to find a balance between play and study, and then study will not turn into an endless unproductive game, and the game will not become a boring study.

Logic is a field of knowledge that studies methods and forms of mental activity, but logical thinking is a special type of thinking that uses logical laws, terms and concepts.

One of the most complex forms of thinking is precisely logical activity, which develops in full by the beginning of the school period, that is, by the age of 6-7 years. The basis of logical thought is abstract, creative thinking, which must be formed in a given age period.

The formation and improvement of children's logical thought is a difficult, multifaceted process that covers a huge number of cognitive functions and includes a variety of activities. This is the ability to explain difficult issues in simple language, teach him to identify the relationships between objects, analyze the data obtained and draw conclusions.

Formation of logical thinking in a child 6-7 years old

A child himself will not be able to form and develop logical activity, but during preschool age psychologists advise helping children in the formation of logical and abstract thinking. The most important thing here is to be able to interest children, so classes should be conducted only in a playful way, since this form of organizing the educational process is interesting and brings visible success.

We all know that the world of children is significantly different from the world of adults. During the preschool and primary school periods, the dynamic formation of abstract and verbal thinking occurs. The little person begins to consciously determine the cause-and-effect relationship between objects, so his mental activity during this period is very active and mobile.

The formation of the foundations of logic in children 6-7 years old occurs in several stages:

1. Mastering the basic properties, qualitative and then quantitative features of an object, as well as the ability to use them in the future;
2. Performing cognitive operations with objects of verbal stories;
3. Replacement of verbal activity with the activity of internal operations of thinking.

Today, there are a large number of different methods and activities for children that are aimed at developing and improving mental abilities and imaginative thinking.

Logic games for children

Games for a 6-7 year old child to develop logic can be divided into the following groups:

1. Graphic. Games of this type are designed to improve fine motor skills in children and adapt children's hands to writing. Such activities include drawing exercises by cells, coloring images with designated colors, and connecting a picture by dots.

2. Math puzzles. The basis of such games is to teach children to count orally, comprehend the basics of logic and creative thinking.

3. Verbal. The purpose of such games is to improve children's speech instrument, enrich the thesaurus, this leads to clarity and purity of words. Children learn to perceive information by ear. For example: the teacher says two words (cherry and plum), the student must be able to verbally express their differences among themselves.

4. Games literature. A wonderful method for instilling a love of reading and learning to understand the environment with the help of books, as well as games that contribute to the development of memory and attention. Today, stores offer a huge selection of books that will help in the development of children's logic, but it is best to focus on the following books: Maltseva I.V. “Logic for preschoolers” and workbook by Bortnikova E. “Developing attention and logical thinking.”

Logic game "Home dictation"

Target: improvement of fine motor skills, receptivity of information by ear.

Materials: a piece of checkered paper (preferably larger), colored pencils.

The adult must dictate the child's actions. For example: three cells randomly, vertically, five cells starting from the second of three to the right, one cell from the first of five upwards. Then ask the little participant to decorate the resulting figure. Other .

Logic game "Triangles"

Target: teaching numeracy and lateral thinking.

Materials: 5 matches.

An adult asks the child to use five matches (toothpicks, ice cream sticks) to make two triangles; if the participant in the game succeeds, then ask him to remove one match so that a rhombus is formed.

Logic game "Make a story"

Target: development of continuous conversation skills, improvement of vocabulary.

Materials: pictures that together make up a single story. For example: the first picture is a girl, the second picture is the same girl walking, the third picture is the same girl standing near the store. You can print and cut the character cards from the picture below.

An adult should lay out pictures in front of the child and ask him to tell him what is happening on them, but only in the form of a continuous story.

Logic game "Opposites"

Target: vocabulary development and ability to spot differences.

Materials: Not needed.

An adult says words, but he looks for the opposite meaning. For example: white - black, sad - cheerful, wet - dry.

Logic game "Tree"

Target: develop the skills of logical thought and sense of consistency.

Materials: four pictures reflecting the stages of trees (the first - trees with buds (first leaves), the second - flowering trees, the third - trees with fruits, the fourth - yellowed (fallen) leaves).

The adult puts them in different orders, which do not correspond to the correct sequence, and asks the child to put them in such a way that the sequence of tree development is not disrupted.

Video “Logic games for children 6-7 years old”

Logical games contribute to the development of a child’s intelligence, teach him to look at things from different angles, and perceive the world in an unconventional way. Such games are, rather, tasks that can be offered to the child for independent completion.

In the process of developing logical thinking in children aged 5-8 years, it is important to teach them to find interesting ways to solve a problem. All this contributes to the overall development of the child.

In search of treasure

Through this game, the child learns to navigate the terrain and space using a plan. This game also helps develop the child’s memory, attention and thinking. Your baby can play this game alone or in the company of friends.

Before you start playing, draw a room plan with your child. Draw a diagram of everything that is located in the room: furniture, doors, windows. Explain to your child that the plan is a view of the room from above. Then ask the child to leave the room, hide the toy in the room. On the plan, mark the location of the treasure with a cross. Invite your child to find the “treasure” on his own. Gradually, this game can be complicated: draw a plan of the entire apartment or summer cottage and hide the treasure there.

What if...

This game promotes the development of a child's logical and creative thinking and imagination. In this game you have to ask your baby questions that he must answer. Questions could be:

What happens if you walk barefoot in the snow?

What happens if a sheet falls into a bathtub of water? What if it's a ball? Stone?

What happens if you touch a hedgehog with your hand?

You can then switch roles and answer your child's questions.

Write a story

Invite your child to write a story about one of his toys. Ask questions at first. Where does the dog (doll, bunny, etc.) live? What does she (he) like to eat? What doesn't he like? Does the toy have a family? What about friends? Pets? What does the toy like to do? Subsequently, your child will learn to invent stories on his own. If your child can already write, ask him to write down a story. Or maybe he will decide to draw a fictional story?

Come up with a riddle

Does your child love and know riddles? Can you guess them? Invite him to come up with a riddle on his own. Try to guess what you made up. This game trains the child’s creative thinking and develops his imagination.

Homemade puzzles

This game will help children learn how to assemble puzzles. Take two identical postcards. Using scissors, cut one of them into 6-8 pieces. Pieces of a postcard can be of various shapes: triangles, squares, trapezoids, etc. Looking at the whole postcard, your baby will have to fold the cut one. After your child completes the puzzle, ask him to put the pieces into an envelope.

Gradually, when the child learns to assemble puzzles well enough, the task assigned to him can be complicated. You can take larger postcards or pictures from magazines, or you can offer your child purchased puzzles.

What is drawn?

For such a game you will need drawings in which images of objects are superimposed on each other. Such drawings are easy to make if you transfer several images of individual objects onto one sheet of paper using carbon paper. You should not draw more than six objects. First, you can draw objects that belong to the same semantic group: for example, vegetables or fruits, dishes or animals. Subsequently, the task can be complicated by depicting geometric shapes. Offer the drawing to your child. He must recognize and name the objects shown in the picture. To simplify the task, you can outline the outlines of objects with multi-colored pencils.

After the child names all the objects, ask him to draw each of them separately.

We measure

Invite your child to think and answer the following questions.

How and with what is the best way to measure: a mosquito, the height of a baby, a residential building, the height of a wall in a room, a pen, the road from home to kindergarten? Let the child tell you how he could measure the above objects.

What is the best way to measure the ingredients used to bake a pie: flour, sugar, milk, salt, cocoa, butter?

This game will prepare your child to learn about measures and weights.

Find the difference

This game involves the development of creativity, attention, and logic in a child. You will ask questions that your child will have to answer. Or you can offer your child pictures of various objects and ask him to say how one of them differs from the other. For example, how is a closet (computer, notebook, car, wardrobe, shoes) different from a dog, felt-tip pen, bird, refrigerator, tape recorder? Associative connections between individual objects (cabinet - refrigerator) are easier to find. They are similar in form and function: used for storage. They differ in what is stored in them, color, etc. In some cases, your baby will have to use his imagination. The child must find as many differences as possible.

What does the doll look like?

Give the baby one of his dolls, ask him to look at it for 5 seconds. Put the doll away and ask your child to describe it in as much detail as possible, not forgetting hair and eye color, height and clothing. Then imperceptibly change something in the doll’s image: untie the belt or lace on the shoe, undo the braid. Your child's task will be to determine what has changed in the doll's appearance. This game is designed to develop the child's memory and attention.

Vice versa

Explain to your child that you will ask him questions to which he will have to answer “yes” or “no.” Only the baby will have to say “no” instead of “yes”, and vice versa.


This game is aimed at developing logical thinking and mathematical abilities. For it you will need various geometric shapes. Draw a sheet of paper with 3 by 3 cells. Draw geometric shapes on the sheet. For example, the top row has a circle, a triangle and a square. In the middle one, a square, a circle and leave an empty cell, and in the bottom line draw a circle and a triangle, but leave the middle cell empty. Your baby will have to complete the drawing of the desired figure in the cells. Gradually you can complicate the task: draw shapes of different colors, increase their number, etc.

Find the odd one out

To offer your child such a game, cut out four geometric figures from colored paper. Explain to your child that each of them is an animal. For example, a large red triangle would be an elephant, and a small green square would be an eagle. Place images of different animals, wild and domestic, in front of your baby. One of the pictures, for example, shows sparrows, another - chickens, the next - a tiger and a cat. Explain to your child that he must arrange geometric shapes in the pictures: a square-eagle will go to the image of a sparrow. Explain that the eagle cannot be allowed near the chickens, because chickens are domestic birds. Sparrows live in the wild. Using the same principle, your child should arrange the rest of the figures into pictures.

Traffic light

For this game, prepare red, yellow and green circles. Explain to your child the basic rules of the road: when to walk and when to wait for cars to pass. Invite your child, for example, to clap his hands when he cannot cross the road and stomp his feet if the path is clear. Show him circles of different colors alternately. This activity not only trains the child’s knowledge, but also provides him with the opportunity to move. You can offer your child a variety of exercises, which he will perform depending on the color of the traffic light.

Trains of figures

For this game you will need number cards. Place a card with any number in front of your child and ask him to line up cards with numbers up to that number. For example, you put a card with the number 6 in front of the baby. The child should lay out cards with the numbers 1,2, 3,4, 5 in front of it. You can also offer the baby another version of the same game. Lay out the number cards incorrectly and ask your child to correct the mistake. The same can be done with the letters of the alphabet.


This game is aimed at developing the ability to classify different objects according to one or more criteria. Place a gymnastics hoop in front of your child or lay out a circle using a string. Place various geometric shapes in front of your baby: circles, ovals, triangles, quadrangles, pentagons and stars. Ask your child to arrange the shapes so that all the shapes with four corners (five, three, no corners) are inside the hoop. After your child completes the task, ask him which figures are inside the hoop and which are not, what the figures in the circle have in common, etc.


In this game, invite your child to guess who or what you are talking about. After that, describe an object, animal, natural phenomenon or fruit. For example. He is standing in the kitchen. It has a white door and stores a lot of tasty things in it. Answer: refrigerator. In the same way, “make a wish” for pets, rain and snow, and your baby’s favorite toy. Then invite your child to ask you a riddle. Let the child come up with a description of the object in such a way that you do not immediately guess what he is talking about.

The game promotes the development of imagination, speech and the formation of logical connections in the child. If at first your child finds it difficult to guess, offer him images of the objects you are guessing.


Give your child a square, lined with 3 by 3 cells. Ask your child to draw red, yellow and green circles so that there are no identical triangles in each row or column. This game engages your child's logical thinking.

Does this happen?

For this game, give your child a ball. Explain to him that he must throw and catch the ball if what you say happens. Then name a variety of situations, for example: “Masha is eating soup; the cat loves apples; a crocodile lives in a tree; a bus flies across the sky; a sparrow is a fish,” etc. If the child makes a mistake, correct him. You can also invite your child to explain his mistakes himself.

Name it

Invite your child to name as many words as possible that denote one concept. For example, let the child name words for pets, flowers, air transport, vegetables, fruits, etc. This game is aimed at developing the child’s speech and logic.

What is it impossible to live without?

Thanks to this game, the baby will learn to identify the most important signs of objects or phenomena. At the beginning of the game, you pronounce the name of a phenomenon or object and a number of words, from which the child should choose the two most important ones, without which this phenomenon or object cannot do. For example, you suggested the word “home” to your baby. What are the most important words: door, window, family, bed, kitchen, TV, roof, floor, etc.? Let the child explain why he chose certain words.

You can also offer such tasks. Shoes: heel, sole, laces, bow. City: bike, street, bus, houses, people. School: books, chairs, tables, teacher, students. Lake: beach, frogs, water, fish, algae.

In the world of professions

With this game you can introduce your child to the world of professions. For it you will need drawings that depict different professions, tools and tools. At the first stage, you show the drawings to the baby and ask him:

Who treats the sick?

Who teaches children in schools?

Who builds houses?

Who cooks the food?

Who brings the letters?

Who sews the dresses?

Who waters the flowers and trees?

Who drives the car?

The kid must answer your questions and match them with drawings. Then ask your child other questions. For example:

What does the teacher do?

What does a hairdresser do?

What does a cook do?

What does a janitor do?

What does the driver do?

What does a writer do?

What does an artist do?

The child must also answer your questions and match pictures to his answers.

Then you ask your child questions about what tools are needed for what profession. For example:

What does a driver need?

What does a chef need?

What does a gardener need?

What does a hairdresser need?

What does the postman need?

What does a janitor need?

Who needs thread and a needle?

Who needs a bus?

Who needs scissors?

Who needs a saucepan?

Who needs a syringe?

The child must also answer questions and select the necessary pictures to accompany his answers.

Curious kid

Invite your child to play this game. You name any quality of an object, for example color, shape, taste, and the child must quickly name an object that has this quality. This game uses not only logical thinking, but also promotes the development of memory, attention, and quick reaction.

How to use?

This game promotes the development of creative imagination, creative thinking and helps generate non-standard, original ideas. Invite your child to think about what can be done with the most ordinary object. For example, you can drink from a glass, you can put pencils and pens in it, you can put flowers in it, you can use it to make circles from dough or plasticine. Invite your child to imagine in the same way how you can use other objects familiar to him.


Ask your child to describe an object or phenomenon in such a way that you can guess what the baby is talking about. To make things easier for your child, you first wish for the objects. For example:

A wild animal, small, lives in the forest, on a tree, loves nuts. (Squirrel.)

Pet, furry, purrs. (Cat.)

An orange vegetable, long, it can be put in soup or cabbage soup. (Carrot.)

Delicious, sweet, cold. (Ice cream.)

Pay close attention to ensure that your child matches the words correctly in his descriptions.


This game promotes the development of a child's logical thinking, as well as his creative abilities. It allows you to move away from stereotypes and learn to express original, interesting ideas. Draw some completed schematic drawing on a piece of paper and invite your child to say what it looks like. Write your answer options next to the image. Then invite the child to name several objects (this could be living creatures, fairy-tale characters, objects) that are as little similar to the drawing as possible. Write your answers in the second column. And after that, ask the child to prove how the drawing is similar to each of the listed objects.

You can repeat the game with several different designs. You can also invite your child to play such a game on his own, and later promise to evaluate his results.


The most ordinary riddles can distract and entertain a child. After all, they seem familiar to us, known for a long time, but for children, in every riddle lies a mysterious world of as yet incomprehensible logical connections and associations. In general, it is necessary to make riddles for a child. Below we present some ancient riddles. Get ready for the fact that at first you will have to explain a lot to your baby.

Invite the children to solve these riddles.

The field is not measured

Sheep are not counted

The shepherd is horned. (Sky, stars, month.)

A bird flies across the blue sky,

Wings spread out

The sun was covered up. (Cloud.)

A bridge is being paved without planks,

Without an ax, without a wedge. (Ice.)

It flies and buzzes.

As soon as he sits down, he remains silent. (Bee.)

No hands, no axe

A hut has been built. (Nest.)

Looks like a wedge

If you unfold it, damn it. (Umbrella.)

Not a man, but a storyteller,

Not a shirt, but sewn. (Book.)

Four brothers stand under one roof. (Table.)

Red maiden

Sitting in prison

And the braid is on the street. (Carrot.)

old grandfather

Dressed in a hundred fur coats.

Who undresses him?

He sheds tears. (Onion.)

Above grandma's hut

A piece of bread is hanging.

Dogs bark

But they can’t get it. (Month.)

A lanky man walked

Stuck in the ground. (Rain.)

The tablecloth was white and covered the whole world. (Snow.)

There is a sieve hanging - not made by hand. (Web.)

Who carries their home on themselves? (Snail)

Make up the figures

This task is for children 5 - 6 years old. Such games contribute to the development of a child’s logical and imaginative thinking. Offer your child different exercises with shapes.

Show your child the first drawing and ask him to mark those parts of it that will make a circle.

If this task seems difficult for the child, redraw the images on a piece of paper, cut them out and invite the child to act experimentally.

Recently, computer logic games for your children aged 3-4-5-6-7 years have become popular among parents. With their help, you can not only have fun, but also relieve stress, as well as learn to cope with assigned tasks. The most popular online games are loved by everyone, both young people and older people. The most famous online games among children 4-5 years old are considered analogues of logical board games, such as Monopoly or Tetris. The results of Swedish research have proven that play surrounds us in everyday life, which contributes to the accelerated learning of a child. Logic games for your children teach a lot of things that will be useful in adulthood. For example, to think correctly, remember, analyze and compare facts.
Free Puzzle Games for Kids 4-5-6 years online contain several types at once: adventure, strategy and logic. You can try yourself in such a logic game not only by attacking, but also by growing intellectually, developing strategy schemes and vigilance.
Educational logic games for your children not only help the child to take a break, they guide the child’s thinking, developing his deduction abilities for solving puzzles. There are different ways of puzzles, some develop the child's thinking, teach him to make decisions, others are taught in school during lessons, for example, mathematics. The best method for developing your baby is to play a logic game with him.