Does thrush cause. But a long-term disease with periodic attenuation and relapses leads to complications. Traditional and folk treatment of thrush

Fungi of the genus Candida are part of the normal microbial flora of a woman’s vagina. Genital candidiasis develops only with certain changes in the body. The causes of thrush in women are varied, but a mandatory factor in the pathological process is a change in the vaginal environment. The disease causes physical and moral discomfort, pain, negatively affects sex life, and threatens to become a chronic fungal infection.

What causes thrush in women?

The natural vaginal environment is slightly acidic, promoting the proliferation of beneficial bacteria. A shift towards a neutral or slightly alkaline environment inhibits the normal flora and promotes the rapid development of yeast-like fungi. The consequence is dysbacteriosis, one of the forms of which is thrush. The infectious nature of the disease is determined by the presence of the pathogen, but candidiasis is not considered a sexually transmitted pathology, since it depends more on the condition of the woman’s body, the effectiveness of the immune system, and other factors.

Taking antibiotics can provoke the development of thrush in a woman, since they have a detrimental effect on the vaginal flora and suppress the immune system, therefore in gynecology, antimicrobial therapy is carried out under the guise of antifungal medications. The cause of thrush in a woman is often an unhealthy diet, overloaded with carbohydrates and poor in proteins and fiber. Excessive amounts of sweets and baked goods in the diet are a favorable background for the development of candidiasis.

The main cause of thrush is a decrease in immunity, both local and general. The presence of chronic diseases in a woman significantly weakens protective mechanisms and promotes the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. Vaginal candidiasis is a frequent companion to congenital or acquired immunodeficiency. Constant stress, unfavorable professional, family, and everyday environments can cause suppression of protective factors and the development of thrush.

Natural neutralization of vaginal contents is caused by pregnancy, artificial alkalization provokes the use of contraceptives. In both cases, hormonal changes occur, and the likelihood of thrush increases. The cause of candidiasis can be wearing synthetic or tight underwear, which interferes with normal heat exchange and impairs blood circulation.

A risk factor is improper hygiene. Constant use of vaginal deodorants and aromatic gels inhibits the vaginal flora and contributes to the development of thrush in women. Frequent douching is unacceptable - it washes out the protective mucus, dries out the epithelial cover, reduces local protection, and causes candidiasis. Untimely change of tampons and pads provokes the accumulation of secretions, irritation of the skin and vulva, and focal inflammation. This background is favorable for fungal infection.

The inflammatory process that develops in a woman affects the mucous membranes, underlying layers, and the skin of the labia. Prolonged course of the disease leads to the formation of ulcers and atrophy of the integumentary epithelium. Thrush is manifested by itching and a burning sensation. Candidiasis cannot be transmitted sexually, but it significantly affects intimate relationships, the mood of partners, and disrupts the harmony of feelings.

It is important to determine the causes of thrush, eliminate them in a timely manner, and undergo a course of treatment. Self-selected medications may not correspond to the type of fungus or the severity of the lesion; medications should be prescribed by a specialist. Often there is a need for therapy with additional agents aimed at eliminating the allergic reaction and reducing the reactivity of inflamed tissues. A diagnosis of concomitant pathology is required, without eliminating which candidiasis will become chronic.

If thrush occurs against the background of a chronic disease, correction of previously prescribed treatment, coordination of courses and regimens, and consultation with a specialized specialist will be required. The presence of a fungal infection in a pregnant woman implies special caution when choosing medications and prescribing auxiliary methods of healing. Mandatory hormonal correction for candidiasis will be required for a woman of transitional age.

Concomitant diseases that cause thrush in women

A significant risk of developing candidiasis occurs when local immunity decreases. Damage to the mucous membranes of the vagina and cervix by other infectious pathogens entails the danger of activation of fungal flora. Inflammatory processes in the genital area (colpitis, vaginitis, vulvitis) are often complicated by candidiasis or relapse of a woman’s previously treated thrush. Hormonal disorders cause changes in the vaginal environment, reduce the secretion of protective mucus, and become a cause of infection.

A woman's risk of developing thrush increases if she has a disease that requires antibiotics. Chronic kidney pathology and inflammatory processes in various organs are often complicated by fungal infections. Immune disorders contribute to the local growth of the fungus and the penetration of infection into the blood. Thrush can be caused by disorders that develop due to diabetes mellitus, cancer, or systemic diseases.

Why is vaginal candidiasis dangerous?

The course of thrush is determined by the type of yeast fungus, a feature of the woman’s body’s response to infection. Symptoms of the disease sometimes go away spontaneously when the person’s immunity is strengthened, but in most cases treatment is required. Medical capabilities make it possible to completely cure candidiasis, although the development of a chronic form of the disease is a frequent complication. There are recurrent variants of the course against the background of suppression of the protective functions of the body. Advanced thrush in a pregnant woman threatens to infect the baby during childbirth.

A dangerous consequence is a woman’s moral discomfort. Painful sensations complicate or make sexual contact impossible, and the personal relationships of partners are darkened. The painful manifestations of thrush and psychological stress impair performance and communication skills. Vaginal candidiasis can provoke depression, so timely diagnosis, determination of the type of pathogen, and treatment in the clinic is the only reasonable solution to the problem.

Video about the causes, symptoms and treatment of candidiasis

What does thrush look like in girls and women?

The severity of candidiasis determines what kind of discharge is observed in a woman with thrush. Their number varies, but their character is the same - curdled or milk-like films, which gives the disease its name. Whitish deposits form on the vulva, vaginal walls, and cervix. The inflammatory process is manifested by redness, starting at the entrance to the vagina and spreading along the genital tract, accompanied by itching, burning, and swelling.

Find out more about how to treat it in adults and children.

Thrush is caused by small fungi from the genus Candida. They live on mucous membranes, in the intestines and usually do not interfere with anything.

But sometimes they begin to actively reproduce. Then unpleasant symptoms appear that indicate a disease. In scientific terms - candidiasis, in simple terms - thrush.

Women have the most difficult relationship with Candida. 80% have encountered thrush at least once in their life.

Thrush is a capricious disease. For some, it appears after antibiotics or illness, while for others, it’s enough to overeat sweets or get nervous - and now unpleasant symptoms appear.

How to understand that it is thrush?

Thrush is difficult to confuse with something else. It manifests itself with itching and pain, and the itching intensifies after water procedures. The skin turns red and swells.

The main thing is the discharge. There are many of them, they can be transparent or white and thick, sometimes they look like cottage cheese. At the same time, discomfort appears during sex, and sometimes pain is felt during urination.

Is thrush sexually transmitted? Should my partner be treated?

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Thrush is not transmitted sexually. If you get sick, then your “native” microorganisms are to blame, and not external infections.

Therefore, it is not necessary to treat your partner either. But there is one thing: if a partner shows signs of candidiasis, he will have to undergo a course of treatment. The main thing is to get treatment at the same time and buy effective remedies. Fortunately, there is now a choice. It is convenient for women to use medications in the form of suppositories, for men a cream is suitable, and both partners can use tablets.

Is it possible to treat thrush without a doctor?

The first “visit” of thrush should be treated together with a gynecologist, who will accurately establish the diagnosis and select medications. If you have already had thrush, then you know its symptoms. In such cases, you can be treated with drugs that are sold without a doctor’s prescription, but only with reservations:

  • Are you sure that this is definitely thrush?
  • You are sure that you do not have another disease that can be carried at the same time as thrush (this means that you are not sexually active, because if you are sexually active, this cannot be such a certainty).
  • Thrush appears rarely (once a year or less), and you can use medications without causing resistance to it.

In all other situations, you should definitely go to the doctor.

Does thrush happen if I am not sexually active?

Yes, sometimes. Sex generally has little effect on fungal activity. Therefore, thrush affects even those who have not begun to be sexually active, but manifests itself just as strongly and unpleasantly.

In addition, thrush can appear in the mouth (this is a common situation among young children) and even on internal organs - this happens with cancer.

Is it possible to have sex during thrush?

Thrush is not sexually transmitted, so the only restriction on sex is how you feel. With unpleasant symptoms, there is usually no time for love; the skin is too irritated. Discharges and odors from thrush also do not contribute to special passion.

But you need to take into account that some medications for the treatment of fungal infections (suppositories, creams) reduce their effectiveness. And with thrush, the body may be more susceptible to infections. So either protect yourself additionally in other ways, or abstain if you are not sure about your partner.

Can pregnant women take medications for thrush?

Emiliano Horcada /

It is possible if these medications do not harm the child. Due to strong hormonal changes in pregnant women, candidiasis appears 2-3 times more often than in the normal state. Now there are enough drugs that are safe during pregnancy. Of course, pregnant women should not choose treatment on their own; it should be discussed with a doctor.

Unpleasant symptoms are very disturbing. When will it end?

The itching, burning and discharge during thrush can be so severe that they interfere with exercise, swimming, rest and prevent you from concentrating on work. Many modern antifungal drugs help relieve symptoms already on the first or second day of use, but this does not mean that the course of treatment should be stopped as soon as it becomes easier. If it is not finished, the thrush may return. Complete treatment takes about a week, maximum two.

Is it true that you can’t get rid of thrush forever?

The thrush loves to come back like a boomerang. It comes to half of the sick women again and again. If this happens, it means that the body requires complex treatment.

The source of infection is usually located in the intestines. It is from this that fungi spread throughout the body. But candidiasis does not develop just like that. If thrush often returns, this is a reason to wonder why this is happening. Maybe you have a hidden chronic disease (for example, diabetes is starting), maybe your lifestyle is far from healthy and it’s time to get rid of obesity and switch to proper nutrition.

Maybe folk remedies are better?

Folk remedies were needed when it was necessary to fight thrush without effective drugs. Therefore, all kinds of herbal decoctions and soda solutions worked - there was nothing to replace them with. Modern medicines have been tested, are effective and help faster than any traditional recipes.

Which has become very active lately. Most often, the genital organs are affected (“vulvovaginal candidiasis” in women, “urogenital” in men), but can occur in the form of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth or intestines. This disease is easy to diagnose and quite simple to treat for the first time. But if done incorrectly, it can quickly recur.

The Candida fungus that causes the disease can actually live in small quantities on the skin and mucous membranes; it multiplies more actively when blood sugar increases; it is influenced by the woman’s hormonal background and the cleanliness of the genitals (and mouth) of the sexual partner. But the disease does not appear on its own. The most common causes of thrush in women:

  • recent use of antibiotics, although it can also occur while taking these drugs;
  • changes in the balance of female hormones due to taking contraceptives in tablets;
  • decreased immunity due to pregnancy, serious illness, undergoing antitumor treatment, very severe stress, HIV infections;
  • oral-genital contacts with carriers of the fungus;
  • sex with a man suffering from urogenital candidiasis;
  • diabetes.

Wearing tight underwear, poor adherence to intimate hygiene rules, a love of sweets, and hypothermia can aggravate the course of thrush, but they are not its cause.

The main manifestations of thrush are white (less often greenish or creamy) in color; they are abundant, thick (“curdled”), with an unpleasant odor, and intensify before menstruation and after sex.

Severe itching or burning sensations in the genital area are also noted. Sometimes this makes it painful to urinate (urine gets on the inflamed external genitalia) or have sex. What is thrush? How to treat the disease? The gynecologist will answer these and other questions after examining and examining your smear. And all because:

  • The causes of thrush in women are not only Candida fungi, which are quite easy to kill (they have learned to produce protective enzymes for themselves), there are also other fungi of this kind, which are much more difficult to deal with;
  • thrush can be “paired” with a bacterial or other vaginal disease;
  • you may have concomitant diseases or complications of thrush, which your doctor takes into account when treating you.

Modern pharmaceuticals have come up with many drugs for both local use (in the form of suppositories, gels, tablets or ointments) and for general use (in the form of infusion solutions and tablets).

The correct treatment should be prescribed depending on the cause of thrush in women (that is, determining which subtype of fungus caused it and what the microflora is sensitive to). To do this, you need not only to take a regular smear, but also to culture the vaginal discharge on a nutrient medium with the determination of drugs that will destroy the isolated microbe (this is called “bacteriological culture with determination of sensitivity to antibiotics”).

Usually, treatment for thrush begins with the use of local agents: Clotrimazole (Candid-gel), Miconazole, Terconazole, Nystatin. During pregnancy, Pimafucin is used.

Drugs for systemic use for thrush include: Fluconazole, Nystatin, Nizoral, Itraconazole.

A large number of women are faced with a disease such as vaginal candidiasis or thrush. This disease is considered by many to be harmless, but it brings serious discomfort and contributes to the development of complications. Its occurrence is provoked by fungi of the genus Candida, which are classified as conditionally pathogenic. In the article we will look at what thrush is, what are the causes, symptoms of thrush in women and men, as well as methods of treating thrush in women and pregnant women.

What is thrush? And what causes thrush?

Thrush or candidiasis is a fairly common disease and affects not only the outer skin, but also the internal organs. The causative agent of thrush is the yeast-like fungi Candida, which are constantly found in the mouth, vagina and rectum of a woman.

Photo of thrush: What does thrush in the vagina look like in women

If the body's microflora is normal, their number is insignificant and does not affect the person in any way. Thrush in women develops due to the rapid growth of Candida fungi, which is provoked by some unfavorable factors.

Thrush in women is an inflammatory lesion of the vaginal mucosa. It is characterized by causing discomfort to the woman, and if thrush is not properly treated, it can develop into a chronic form, expressed by constant relapses. At the same time, thrush in women appears at least 4 times a year and approximately a week before the start of menstruation. If you do not consult a gynecologist in a timely manner, then the treatment of thrush is difficult to quickly recover, and thus candidiasis is fraught with the development of complications.

When it enters the chronic stage, thrush can have a negative effect on the organs adjacent to the vagina: the bladder, urethra and cervix. If this disease occurs together with other genital tract infections, then thrush in women can cause infertility.

Causes of thrush in women

Thrush develops under the influence of certain factors that lead to changes in the vaginal microflora. At the same time, the number of beneficial bacteria that inhibit the growth of Candida fungi decreases, so they begin to actively multiply, exhibiting their pathogenic properties.

The main reason for the development of thrush (candidiasis) is decreased immunity. Also, the causes of thrush may be the following:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • diabetes;
  • poor nutrition;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • treatment with antibiotics, which destroy not only pathogens, but also beneficial bacteria;
  • stress;
  • pregnancy;
  • hypothermia;
  • sudden climate change;
  • long-term diseases that depress the body: oncology, HIV, tuberculosis.

The causes of thrush can also occur after contact with its carrier:

  1. By airborne droplets.
  2. Direct contact both with the carrier of the disease and with objects containing mushrooms
  3. During sexual intercourse.
  4. Infection in the first year of life.

Other causes of thrush include: wearing tight underwear, oral contraceptives, poor personal hygiene, using sanitary pads with fragrances, and a tendency to allergic reactions.

Symptoms of thrush in women

Symptoms of thrush in women are often confused with other diseases of the genital organs. Representatives of the fair sex, as a rule, notice symptoms of thrush shortly before the onset of menstruation. In women prone to allergies, the disease manifests itself more actively. The main symptoms of thrush are as follows:

Often thrush can have subtle symptoms, when there is only one clinical manifestation or several, but mild ones. Symptoms of thrush may disappear at the beginning of menstruation, which is associated with the formation of a more alkaline environment in the vagina during this period, which is not so favorable for the proliferation of fungi.

Symptoms of thrush in men

Men can also suffer from candidiasis (thrush). In this case, the glans penis is mainly affected, and the following symptoms of thrush in men appear:

  1. Itching and burning.
  2. Redness of the penis.
  3. White coating on the genitals.
  4. Painful sensations during sexual intercourse.
  5. Pain when urinating.
  6. Swelling of the glans penis.

Symptoms of thrush in men are more pronounced in the evening or during sleep, as well as after washing in warm water.

Can thrush be transmitted to men?

Most often, women suffer from thrush, but candidiasis can also occur in men. At the same time, there is a possibility of infection from a woman, but some subtleties must be taken into account. They consist in the fact that thrush affects the male body from the inside, and only a superficial effect appears on the genitals. This is due to the fact that the structure of the male genital organs does not allow fungi to gain a foothold, and infection occurs only as a transmission of the pathogen.

In almost a third of cases of infection, thrush is transmitted to a man from a woman through sexual contact. In another half of the cases, through household means through clothing, dishes, and personal hygiene products. Another way of transmitting thrush in men is orally. Often a man is a hidden carrier of thrush, so if it is detected in a woman, it is advisable to treat both partners.

The risk of contracting thrush in men also increases with decreased immunity and the presence of concomitant diseases. A strong male body can often get rid of the development of thrush on its own. But, if you suspect a disease or have persistent symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor. Often other sexually transmitted diseases are disguised as thrush.

Sometimes, thrush in men is manifested by the following conditions:

To diagnose thrush in men, the doctor will conduct a blood and discharge test, as well as conduct a visual examination. If the urinary organs are affected, urine microscopy is performed. Although thrush in men usually does not cause complications, if the disease is not treated, the partner can constantly become infected from it. Treatment of thrush is carried out both locally with the help of ointments, and systemically by taking antifungal agents orally.

Diagnosis of thrush

To accurately diagnose thrush, a gynecologist or urologist, in addition to the patient’s complaints and symptoms, needs the results of a laboratory test - microscopy of a vaginal smear. It is taken with a special spatula or sterile swab, and then examined in the laboratory under a microscope.

There is also a culture test that helps determine the type of Candida fungi, as well as their sensitivity to drugs. To do this, after scraping the affected area of ​​tissue, culture is done on nutrient media, and then the grown colonies are studied. Their quantity and characteristics are taken into account: a small number of mushrooms is the norm. Most often, this method is used to determine severe forms of candidiasis.

If thrush is confirmed, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment for the patient. Also, if candidiasis is detected, it is recommended to donate blood and urine to determine sugar levels: sometimes thrush is a symptom of diabetes. It is also recommended to consult with a gastroenterologist: Candida fungi normally live in the intestines, and with a pathogenic increase in their number, they can enter the vagina.

Chronic candidiasis (thrush), manifested by frequent relapses, becomes the reason for a complete examination of the patient in order to identify the negative factors that cause the disease. If thrush in a man causes complications in the urinary organs, then a consultation with a urologist is necessary for referral for testing.

Treatment of thrush in women

Treatment of thrush in women is carried out only in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations, which are individual for each patient. Bacteriological cultures are taken into account so that the treatment of thrush has both a general effect on the fungi and a local one. It is also taken into account that thrush is a secondary disease, so you need to look for concomitant diseases and the factors that provoked it.

It is important to strengthen the immune system and restore normal microflora of the vagina and intestines. During the treatment of thrush in women, a special diet is followed, stressful situations are avoided and sufficient sleep is taken into account.

Medicines for the treatment of thrush are divided into: local and systemic drugs. Local effects are provided by: creams and ointments, tablets and vaginal suppositories. The former are used to treat thrush on the skin and external genitalia. Tablets and vaginal suppositories are necessary for the development of candidiasis in the internal female genital organs. Tablets are most often prescribed for recurrent manifestations of the disease.

Typically, the following topical preparations are used:

  • nystatin (Poliginax, Terzhinan);
  • clotrimazole (Canbibene, Kanesten, Antifungol);
  • ketoconazole (Nizoral, Oronazole, Livarol, Ketoconazole);
  • natamycin (Pimafucin);
  • miconazole (Ginezol, Gina-daktarin, Klion-D).

Local treatment of thrush in women is sometimes replaced by taking Fluconazole tablets or its analogues (Medoflucon, Diflazol, Mikosist, Flucostat). This drug is also prescribed for recurrent disease and is taken once a week for a month.

The course of treatment for thrush during primary development lasts at least 10 days. In this case, the asymptomatic period is captured. For effective control, local drugs are used, as well as, if necessary, general antifungal and immune-strengthening agents. This helps prevent relapse of the disease.

Any medicine has its own contraindications and side effects, so they can only be used after consulting a doctor. If the dosage of drugs is chosen incorrectly or the course of treatment for thrush is not completed to the end, it does not give the desired effect. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that Candida fungi quickly develop resistance to drugs.

In addition to drug treatment, you can also add treatment for thrush in women with folk remedies:

  1. Soda bath (dilute 1 tsp of soda per 1 liter of warm boiled water). Sit in the solution for 20 minutes.
  2. The soda bath can be alternated with the same solution, but with the addition of another 1 tsp. Yoda. This treatment must be carried out until recovery.
  3. Washing with a decoction of oak bark or calendula.
  4. Drink a glass of carrot juice before meals for several weeks.
  5. Use echinacea decoction and other folk remedies to increase overall immunity.

Thrush cannot be treated only with folk remedies: they remove the symptoms of thrush, but not the causative agent of the disease. Such methods must be combined with medications.

The effectiveness of thrush treatment is confirmed by repeated laboratory testing, since the disappearance of symptoms does not always guarantee a cure.

Thrush during pregnancy

Thrush often manifests itself during pregnancy. According to statistics, thrush during pregnancy is found in every third expectant mother, regardless of the period of her pregnancy. This is due to a decrease in the immunity of a pregnant woman, as well as changes in hormonal levels.

Thrush during pregnancy poses a certain threat to the woman and the unborn child. Because of thrush, the course of pregnancy worsens, and there is also a risk of infection of the child or. In this case, the following fetal organs are most often affected:

  • umbilical cord;
  • skin tissue;
  • mucous membranes.

Infection can occur both in utero and during the passage of the child through the birth canal. An advanced stage of thrush in pregnant women can be disastrous for the baby. In this regard, candidiasis must be identified and timely treatment initiated to avoid possible negative consequences.

How to treat thrush during pregnancy?

A woman should consult a doctor immediately if symptoms of thrush appear during pregnancy. The doctor will conduct a microbiological examination and prescribe appropriate treatment for thrush during pregnancy. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate.

The course of treatment for thrush during pregnancy usually consists of several stages. Both general and local therapy can be prescribed, depending on the complexity of candidiasis. Systemic medications are used only in particularly severe cases of the disease, as they have many side effects and are toxic.

As a rule, during pregnancy, women are prescribed creams and ointments, suppositories and vaginal tablets. In the first trimester, while all the organs and systems of the fetus are developing, the non-toxic drug Natamycin or Pimafucin is prescribed. But, due to the low effectiveness of the product, thrush may return at a later date. In the second trimester, the doctor prescribes nystatin suppositories, and in the third, it is acceptable to take Miconaloz, Clotrimazole, Cyclopirox, Natamycin and Isoconazole. The dosage and duration of treatment for thrush during pregnancy is determined individually by the gynecologist.

Pregnant women should be wary of folk remedies for treating thrush, especially herbal infusions, so as not to harm the baby.

Due to the possibility of re-infection from a partner, the man also needs to undergo treatment for thrush. 10 days after the symptoms disappear and the medication is stopped, a follow-up examination is carried out. Then a course of bifidobacteria, probiotics or lactobacilli is prescribed to help restore normal microflora. The doctor may also prescribe medications that strengthen the body’s overall immunity.

Why does thrush appear in women? and what is this problem? Thrush or candidiasis(sexual manifestations) is a fairly common problem among the fair half of humanity. After all, almost every second person knows first-hand about this trouble.

Normally, a woman’s vaginal microflora contains numerous microorganisms. Candida fungus included. And this is not a deviation. The human body is home to a huge number of different bacteria, fungi, rods, etc. They are everywhere. Thrush (mycosis) is an inflammation of the mucous membranes in the vagina when fungi of the genus Candida rapidly develop. 1

What are the causes of thrush?

What causes thrush in women? The causes of candidiasis are numerous, these are:

  1. These are hormonal disorders in the body,
  2. long-term use of antibiotics,
  3. use of hormonal drugs for contraception
  4. depression and stress,
  5. sudden climate change,
  6. non-compliance or neglect of hygiene rules,
  7. decreased immunity,
  8. deficiency or excess of vitamins,
  9. sexual transmission,
  10. synthetic underwear,
  11. during pregnancy, since quite often this condition provokes a decrease in immunity and, as a result, mycosis.

It is possible to reduce the incidence rate if you take care of your diet, hygiene and health.


What symptoms occur with thrush?

  1. itching, burning and discomfort in the vagina,
  2. white, thick, curd-like discharge,
  3. redness of the genitals, swelling,
  4. unpleasant smell,
  5. The temperature may rise and a state of general malaise of the body may occur.
Sometimes a chronic form of mycosis appears. What causes this type of thrush? Often as a relapse due to undertreatment or improper treatment. In this form, the disease may not be so pronounced, but, nevertheless, it brings uncomfortable sensations periodically or constantly.

Often, an exacerbation of symptoms occurs before the onset of menstrual periods. The disease can be acute or asymptomatic.


How to treat thrush?

It is necessary to treat the disease. For correct diagnosis and treatment, you should consult a doctor.

In the treatment of mycosis, at the first signs, local medications can be used, such as suppositories with clotrimazole, nystatin, pimafucin or perineal ointments with the same active ingredients. In more severe cases of the disease, oral administration of fluconazole or its derivatives (Diflucan, Flucostat, etc.) is recommended. Modern remedies are usually taken once.

In the chronic form, treatment is longer: with local agents - 10-14 days, and orally - on days 1, 4 and 7 - with fluconazole

However, when taking many drugs, disturbances in the microflora of the vagina and intestines often occur. Bacteria such as lactobacilli, which are needed in the body to suppress pathogens. In these cases, dysbacteriosis develops. It is necessary to restore the balance of microorganisms. This is why substances containing lactobacilli are prescribed - lactocide, lactobacterin and others.

Traditional medicine also offers its own methods for treating the disease, such as: douching with soda and herbal decoctions, chamomile, for example, homemade candles and ointments from medicinal plants. In any case, thrush should be treated under the supervision of a gynecologist.

It is possible to eliminate some causes on your own and reduce the incidence rate if you eat right, do not overindulge in sweet, fatty and salty foods, keep your genitals and underwear clean, remain calm and avoid stress.


What is thrush? How to determine it?