What languages ​​does Lavrov speak? Lavrov Sergey Viktorovich Full Cavalier of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland"

Lavrov Sergey Viktorovich

Lavrov Sergey Viktorovich - Russian statesman, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Income, property

The amount of declared income for 2011 amounted to 3.451 million rubles.




He graduated with a silver medal from Moscow School No. 607 with in-depth study of the English language.


1972 - 1976 - trainee, translator of Ambassador Rafik Nishanov, his personal secretary and assistant, head of protocol, attaché of the USSR Embassy in the Republic of Sri Lanka.

1976 - 1981 - Third, Second Secretary of the Department of International Economic Organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

1981 - 1988 - First Secretary, Advisor, Senior Advisor of the Permanent Mission of the USSR to the UN in New York.

1988 - 1990 - Deputy Head of the Department of International Economic Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.

1990 - 1992 - Director of the Department of International Organizations and Global Problems of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Until 1991 - a member of the CPSU.

1991 - 1992 - Head of the Department of International Organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

1992 - Director of the Department of International Organizations and Global Problems of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

April 1992 - January 1994 - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia

1994 - 2004 - Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations.

Sergei Lavrov's speech for first-year students of MGIMO (09/01/2011)

Hillary Clinton met with Sergey Lavrov

Special title, rank

Has the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.

Honored Worker of the Diplomatic Service of the Russian Federation.

Other positions

Permanent member of the Russian Security Council, member of the Board of Trustees of the Russian International Affairs Council.

Since March 1993 - Deputy Chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission on the participation of the Russian Federation in international organizations of the UN system.

From November 1993 - co-chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission for Coordinating the Participation of the Russian Federation in Peacekeeping Activities.

Since April 2004 - Chairman of the Russian Commission for UNESCO.

Since January 11, 2010 - Member of the Government Commission for Economic Development and Integration.

Member of the editorial board of the journal USA and Canada: economics, politics, culture.

Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

Chairman of the Board of the Alexander Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Support Fund.

Honorary Member of the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society.

Member of the Board of Trustees of the Russkiy Mir Foundation.

Member of the Supervisory Board of the Children of Russia Foundation.

Member of the Board of Trustees of the program "Restoration of the monument to the Russians in Gallipoli (Gelibol)", conducted by the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation.

Conflict situations

On February 18, 2005, while on a visit to Tbilisi, Sergey Lavrov refused to visit the memorial of the Georgian military who died for the territorial integrity of Georgia. He made this decision given the "serious emotional charge" of the issue. In response, the speaker of the Georgian parliament, Nino Burjanadze, accused Lavrov of supporting the separatists and said that his act was an unprecedented event in world history and the practice of international relations.

During his tenure at the UN, Sergei Lavrov refused to abide by Secretary General Kofi Annan's decision to ban smoking in the building. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov became very angry during a telephone conversation with his British counterpart David Miliband, and he expressed his extreme irritation with the help of profanity.


August 19, 2010 - awarded the Order of St. Mesrop Mashtots for his great contribution to the strengthening and development of the age-old Armenian-Russian friendly relations (Armenia).

March 19, 2010 - awarded the Order of Honor for his great personal contribution to strengthening the international security system, maintaining peace and stability in the Caucasus, developing friendly relations between the Republic of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation.

1998 - Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 4th class.

2005 - Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 3rd class.

2005 - Order of Dostyk (Kazakhstan).

2005 - Medal of Honor "For Participation in UN Programs" (Russian Association for UN Assistance).

2006 - Order of Friendship of Peoples (Belarus).

2007 - gold medal of the Yerevan State University (Armenia).

2007 - Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Sun of Peru.

2007 - Order of Friendship (Vietnam).

2010 - Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd class.

2010 - Order of the Holy Right-believing Prince Daniel of Moscow, 1st class.

2012 - Order of Dostyk, I degree ("Friendship").

Order of Friendship (Laos).

Order of the Holy Right-Believing Prince Daniel of Moscow II degree (ROC).

At the institute he studied English, French and Sinhala (the language of the inhabitants of Sri Lanka). He writes poetry and loves to sing with the guitar.

Heavy smoker.


Hobby - rafting.

President of the Russian Rowing Slalom Federation.

He likes to play football, his favorite team is Spartak Moscow.

Family status

Married, has a daughter.

  • Wife - Maria Lavrova.
  • Daughter - Ekaterina Lavrova.


  1. Information on income, property and liabilities of a property nature, submitted by members of the Government of the Russian Federation for the reporting financial year from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011
  2. Sergey Lavrov loves to rock

Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov is a Russian statesman, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (since 2004), a permanent member of the Russian Security Council. Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador. Lavrov is a full holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland.

Sergey Lavrov's education

Sergei Lavrov in his youth

Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov was born in 1950 into a family of employees of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Trade. According to some reports, in childhood he bore the surname Kalantarov, after his father, an Armenian, and after the divorce, his mother remarried, and his stepfather adopted Sergei, giving him his surname Lavrov.

Sergey Viktorovich studied at the Moscow school No. 607 with in-depth study of the English language. He graduated with a silver medal.

In school years, S.V. Lavrov was fond of exact sciences. He liked physics, and he applied not only to MGIMO, but also to the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute. However, entrance examinations at MGIMO began a month earlier, and Sergey Lavrov became a diplomat.

Sergey Lavrov in his student years (Photo: uznayvse.ru)

Sergey Lavrov's career

Lavrov is said to be a "career diplomat". He began his career as an intern, attaché of the USSR Embassy in the Republic of Sri Lanka (1972-1976).

From 1976 to 1981 S.V. Lavrov held the positions of third, second secretary of the department of international economic organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

From 1981 to 1988 Sergey Lavrov was First Secretary, Counsellor, Senior Counselor of the Permanent Mission of the USSR to the UN in New York. From 1988 to 1992 - Deputy, First Deputy Head of the Department of International Economic Organizations, Head of the same Department of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Sergei Viktorovich was a member of the CPSU until 1991.

From 1991 to 1992, Lavrov was the head of the Department of International Organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 1992, Sergei Viktorovich was appointed director of the Department of International Organizations and Global Problems of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Further, Sergey Lavrov climbed the career ladder very successfully. On April 3, 1992, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia. Lavrov oversaw the activities of the Department of International Organizations and International Economic Cooperation of the Russian Foreign Ministry, the Office for Human Rights and International Cultural Cooperation of the Russian Foreign Ministry, and the Department for CIS Affairs of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

1995 Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations Sergei Lavrov (left) and émigré artist, master of Russian psychological portrait Mikhail Alexandrovich Verbov (right) (Photo: Kolesnichenko Ilona / TASS)

Sergey Lavrov held this post until January 1994. Since March 1993, Sergey Lavrov has been Deputy Chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission on the participation of the Russian Federation in international organizations of the UN system. Since November 1993 - co-chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission for Coordinating the Participation of the Russian Federation in Peacekeeping Activities.

S.V. Lavrov from 1994 to 2004 - Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations.

2001 The Russian delegation in the hall of the Security Council - Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN Sergei Lavrov, Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Igor Ivanov (center) and Deputy Minister Alexei Meshkov (right) (Photo: Eduard Pesov / TASS)

Sergey Viktorovich perfectly coped with all his duties. His activities were noted, and on March 9, 2004, by decree of the President of Russia, Lavrov was appointed to the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

In May 2004, after taking office of the president elected for the next term, Sergey Lavrov was again appointed to the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

2005 Russian President Vladimir Putin, Secretary of the Security Council Igor Ivanov, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (from left to right) before a meeting with members of the Security Council in Novo-Ogaryovo (Photo: Alexei Panov / TASS)

In May 2008, after Dmitry Medvedev took office as President of the Russian Federation, Sergey Viktorovich was reappointed to the same post.

On May 21, 2012, Sergey Lavrov once again received the portfolio of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation after taking office as President Vladimir Putin.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd class, and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (left to right) (Photo: Mikhail Klimentyev / TASS)

Sergei Viktorovich - Chairman of the Russian Commission for UNESCO (since April 2004).

Since January 11, 2010, Lavrov has been working in the government commission for economic development and integration.

Public speeches by Sergei Lavrov

In April 2011, speaking on the occasion of Orthodox Easter, Sergei Lavrov said that "it is impossible to enter the path of sustainable development based on the ideas of liberal capitalism." According to the minister, the global financial and economic crisis now "forces us to look at such moral concepts as self-restraint and responsibility in a new light."

S.V. Lavrov also noted that "today the question of moral guidelines, of truth, is more relevant than ever not only for an individual or a nation, but also for international relations and the world as a whole." “The creation of a harmonious and fair system of international relations is hardly possible without resorting to a common moral denominator that has always existed among the main world religions, without recognizing the highest moral law over us,” Sergey Lavrov argued.

Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov, as Minister of Foreign Affairs, advocates the revival of Russia's foreign policy independence. If at the very beginning of the century Russia's efforts were mainly aimed at strengthening cooperation with the West, especially in the field of security and the fight against terrorism, in recent years the country's foreign policy has become more and more multilateral. Minister Lavrov himself has repeatedly stated that Russia in the international sphere is guided by the multipolarity of the world and opposes the use of "double standards" by the West, against the attempts of any state to dominate others.

2015 Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (left) during his speech at the general political discussion of the 38th session of the UNESCO General Conference (Photo: Alexander Shcherbak / TASS)

Sergei Lavrov, as the head of Russian diplomacy, participated in negotiations on a Middle East settlement, on the nuclear programs of Iran and North Korea. He actively opposed the deployment of American missile defense elements in Europe and against the separatism of Kosovo.

Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov, with his professional work, arouses the respect and interest of foreign media and fellow diplomats.

2011 Sergey Lavrov and Hillary Clinton signed a number of agreements in Washington (Photo: Imago-Images/TASS)

Lavrov is remembered for his many vetoes in the Security Council, earning himself the nickname "Mr. No." One of his idols is Alexander Gorchakov, who for about 30 years was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire, who became the head of its diplomacy after the defeat in the Crimean War. “He managed to restore Russian influence in Europe after the defeat in the war, and he did this not with the help of weapons, but with diplomacy,” Sergey Lavrov said about Gorchakov.

Sergei Viktorovich is sometimes quite harsh in dealing with foreign colleagues. Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton could also question Lavrov's upbringing. He several times refused to talk to her on the phone, and once called her a hysteric.

2016 Russian Foreign Minister S. Lavrov met with US Secretary of State D. Kerry in Geneva (Photo: Alexander Shcherbak / TASS)

Hillary's predecessor, Condoleezza Rice, regularly fell under his escapades. “He knew exactly which button to press to piss her off,” recalled David Kramer of the Rice team.

Knowledgeable people categorically argue that Lavrov's supposedly unrestrained attacks are in fact a well-balanced move. As political scientist Georgy Mirsky explained: “He is a good diplomat. He knows what's what. Whatever he says, he always expresses the official line of Moscow.”

Scandals, rumors about Sergei Lavrov

In mid-September 2008, a scandalous telephone conversation took place between Lavrov and British Foreign Secretary David Miliband. A number of British newspapers, citing sources in the Foreign Ministry, accused Lavrov of using obscene language in conversation, namely, the words "Who the fuck are you to lecture me?" (“Who the fuck are you to lecture me?!”).

The Russian Foreign Ministry denied the use of profanity by its head: "Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov is a very experienced diplomat, he always correctly comments on certain events in international life."

A day later, Sergey Lavrov himself undertook to clarify the situation. At a press conference in Sukhumi, he acknowledged the use of one obscene word. But Lavrov immediately misspoke, saying that it was a quote. “Miliband defended Saakashvili in every possible way as a great democrat. In order to acquaint Miliband with a slightly different assessment, I had to tell him about the characterization of Saakashvili, which our colleague from a European country gave in a conversation with me. This characterization sounded like "fucking lunatic". ... It was a quote that was intended to show the British minister alternative views on the figure of the current president of Georgia,” Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov explained (Kommersant, September 17, 2008).

Statements of foreign colleagues about Sergey Lavrov

Former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan described Sergey Lavrov as follows:

"Wise and witty." “I have learned to appreciate both his wit and his wisdom. I consider him a friend." "Mr. Lavrov is among the most respected."

Former Austrian Foreign Minister Ursula Plassnik: "He is one of the most intelligent, informed and respected foreign policy players on the world stage." "Sergey Lavrov is an unsurpassed specialist."

American diplomat of many years, former US Ambassador to the UN Richard Holbrooke (Richard Holbrooke, died in 2010): "He is an unrivaled diplomat who serves Moscow with intelligence, energy and no small arrogance." "One of the best diplomats of our time."

2016 Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan (left to right) during a meeting. (Photo: Alexander Shcherbak/TASS)

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Labor and Social Policy of Bulgaria, former Foreign Minister Ivaylo Kalfin: “One of the best diplomats of our time. A person who is very good at identifying the goals he is pursuing and choosing the way he defends them. Once - humor, once - sarcasm, sometimes - a sharp reaction.

Marital status, hobbies Sergei Lavrov

Sergey Lavrov with his wife, Maria and daughter, Ekaterina (Photo: stuki-druki.com)

As a third-year student at MGIMO, Sergey Lavrov got married and has a daughter, Ekaterina, with his wife Maria. His wife, Maria Alexandrovna Lavrova, is a philologist by education, a teacher of Russian language and literature, worked in the library of the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN. Daughter Ekaterina Vinokurova was born in New York, graduated from Columbia University (political science) and a master's degree in economics in London. The husband of Ekaterina Lavrova is businessman Alexander Vinokurov. Lavrov's daughter is the director of the Russian branch of the auction house Christie's. Sergei Lavrov has a grandson and granddaughter.

Sergey Lavrov during rafting

Sergei Viktorovich is fond of sports and at any convenient moment gives himself to his favorite skiing, football (Lavrov is a fan of Moscow Spartak) and rafting. His hobby is writing poetry, he is the author of the MGIMO anthem. He plays the guitar and collects political jokes, most of which he knows by heart and loves to tell.

, Foreign Secretary

Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov(March 21, 1950, Moscow) - Russian statesman, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (since 2004), permanent member of the Security Council of Russia, member of the Board of Trustees of the Russian Council on International Affairs (since 2011). Has the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.


Born in Moscow.

It is known about his father that he is an Armenian from Tbilisi, according to some sources - by the name of Kalantarov. It is known about the mother that she was an employee of the Ministry of Foreign Trade of the USSR. The website of the Russian Foreign Ministry indicates that Lavrov is Russian.


He studied at the Noginsk School No. 2 named after V. G. Korolenko (Noginsk, Moscow Region). With a silver medal, he graduated from Moscow school No. 607 with in-depth study of the English language.

In 1972 he graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Speaks English, French and Sinhala.

Work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs


  • In 1972-1976. - trainee, attaché of the USSR Embassy in the Republic of Sri Lanka.
  • From 1976 to 1981, he held the positions of third, second secretary of the Department of International Economic Organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • In 1981-1988. - First Secretary, Advisor, Senior Advisor of the Permanent Mission of the USSR to the UN in New York.
  • In 1988-1992 - Deputy, First Deputy Head of the Department of International Economic Organizations, Head of the same Department of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Was a member of the CPSU until 1991

  • 1991-1992 - Head of the Department of International Organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • In 1992, he was appointed director of the Department of International Organizations and Global Problems of the Russian Foreign Ministry.
  • April 3, 1992 was appointed Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia. Supervised the activities of the Department of International Organizations and International Economic Cooperation, the Office for Human Rights and International Cultural Cooperation, the Department for the Affairs of the CIS States. He held this post until January 1994.
  • Since March 1993 - Deputy Chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission on the participation of the Russian Federation in international organizations of the UN system.
  • Since November 1993 - co-chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission for Coordinating the Participation of the Russian Federation in Peacekeeping Activities.

Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN

  • In 1994-2004 - Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

On March 9, 2004, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed to the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. In May 2004, after taking office of the President of the Russian Federation elected for the next term, he was again appointed to the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Similarly, he was reappointed in May 2008 after Dmitry Medvedev took office as President of the Russian Federation. On May 21, 2012, he once again received the portfolio of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation after Vladimir Putin took office as President of the Russian Federation

Chairman of the Russian Commission for UNESCO (since April 2004).

Since January 11, 2010 - Member of the Government Commission for Economic Development and Integration.

According to the Kommersant newspaper, Lavrov's note to Minister Edward Nalbandyan played a decisive role in preventing the failure to sign protocols on the normalization of relations between Armenia and Turkey on October 10, 2009 in Zurich.

Lavrov has held the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs longer than anyone since the time of A. A. Gromyko (February 1957 - July 1985), since March 4, 2014, Lavrov has been the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia for more than ten years.

Russian media note that Lavrov ousted the so-called. "oil lobby"

Since May 2012, Sergey Lavrov has been the oldest ex officio member of the Russian government, as he has been in office since March 2004.

Other positions and responsibilities

  • Member of the editorial board of the journal USA and Canada: economics, politics, culture
  • Chairman of the Board of Trustees of MGIMO
  • Honorary Member of the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society
  • Member of the Board of Trustees of the Russkiy Mir Foundation
  • Member of the Supervisory Board of the Children of Russia Foundation
  • Member of the Board of Trustees of the program "Restoration of the monument to the Russians in Gallipoli (Gelibol)", conducted by the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation
  • Honorary Doctor of DSTU

Interesting Facts

  • On September 12, 2008, an article was published in the British Daily Telegraph newspaper, according to which, in a conversation with his British colleague D. Miliband in connection with the settlement of the conflict in South Ossetia in August 2008, Lavrov used obscene language to the interlocutor, while Lavrov was attributed the words “Who are you to f… lecture me?” (Who are you... to lecture me?!).
    On September 14, Lavrov voiced his version of the conversation in an interview with journalists: “In order to acquaint Miliband with a slightly different assessment, I had to tell him about the characterization of Saakashvili, which our colleague from a European country gave him in a conversation with me. This characterization sounded like 'fucking lunatic'", and on September 15, in an interview with the BBC, Miliband clarified "That's not entirely true ... it's not true that he called me 'fucking' and so on, it's not true."
  • In April 2011, speaking on the occasion of Orthodox Easter, Lavrov said that "the global financial and economic crisis has convincingly demonstrated the impossibility of entering the path of sustainable development based on the ideas of liberal capitalism", in his opinion, this "makes us look at such concepts from the field of morality, like self-restraint and responsibility. He also noted that “today the question of moral guidelines, of truth, is more relevant than ever not only for an individual or a nation, but also for international relations and the world as a whole”, and that “the creation of a harmonious and fair system of international relations is hardly possible without appeal to a common moral denominator that has always existed among the main world religions, without recognizing the highest moral law above us.
  • Sergei Viktorovich is a heavy smoker. There is a well-known story about how Lavrov protested against the decision of UN Secretary General Kofi Annan to ban smoking at the headquarters of the Organization, when he objected that this was impossible because Annan did not own the building, literally “This house belongs to all members of the UN and its Secretary General just a manager."

Family, hobby

He is married and has a daughter, Ekaterina. The daughter graduated from Columbia University (USA) and a master's degree in London. Currently lives in Moscow, is co-director of the Russian branch of the auction house Christie's.

He writes poetry and loves to sing with the guitar.

Hobby - rafting.

Sergei Viktorovich loves to play football, his favorite team is Spartak (Moscow).


  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (2010)
  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree (2005)
  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (1998)
  • Order of Honor (1996)
  • Honored Worker of the Diplomatic Service of the Russian Federation (2004)
  • Order of the Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow, 1st class (ROC, 2010)
  • Order of the Holy Right-believing Prince Daniel of Moscow II degree (ROC)
  • Order of Dostyk, I degree (“Friendship”) (Kazakhstan, 2012)
  • Order of Dostyk (Kazakhstan, 2005)
  • Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Sun of Peru (2007)
  • Order of Friendship of Peoples (Belarus, 2006)
  • Order of Friendship (Vietnam, 2009)
  • Order of Friendship (Laos)
  • Order of Honor (March 19, 2010) - for his great personal contribution to strengthening the international security system, maintaining peace and stability in the Caucasus, developing friendly relations between the Republic of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation
  • Order of Saint Mesrop Mashtots (Armenia, August 19, 2010) - for a great contribution to the strengthening and development of centuries-old Armenian-Russian friendly relations
  • Gold medal of Yerevan State University (Armenia, 2007)
  • Medal of Honor "For participation in UN programs" (Russian Association for UN Assistance, 2005)
  • Certificate of Honor of the Collective Security Council of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (December 20, 2011) - for active and fruitful work on the development and deepening of military-political cooperation within the framework of the Collective Security Treaty Organization.

Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov - photo

Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov (famous politician) was born on March 21 back in 1950 in Moscow. At the moment, he directly occupies the post of Minister of Russia. The biography of Sergei Lavrov is certainly interesting to many. Let's talk about this truly amazing person in more detail.

Biography of Sergei Lavrov: work

Unfortunately, little is known about the politician's childhood years. In 1972, he quite successfully graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. Almost immediately after studying at a higher educational institution, he went to work at the USSR Embassy in Sri Lanka. Then he was appointed to the main post of secretary (second) of the Department of International Economic Organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In the period from 1988 to 1990, Sergei Viktorovich worked as deputy (first) head of the so-called Department of International Economic Relations of the Russian Foreign Ministry. Of course, all the activities of the politician were somehow connected with So, in 1994, the biography of Sergei Lavrov took a new turn. The thing is that he was appointed permanent representative of our country to the UN. By a decree of 2004, Lavrov was already appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, while, of course, he was a permanent member

Politician's family

Sergey Lavrov's parents worked all their lives in Vneshtorg. It is noteworthy that the circle of their friends in one way or another related to foreign politics. From early childhood, Sergei listened to numerous stories about other countries, which, of course, influenced the choice of his future profession. It should be noted that at the school of the future diplomat, not only foreign languages ​​were attracted, but also, in particular, physics. Most likely, this happened only because the teacher in this subject was not just a teacher, but a real friend for many children. Sergei decided to apply to both MEPhI and MGIMO at the same time. However, in the last institution of higher education, exams began a little earlier (literally one month). These 30 days determined the further fate of the diplomat. The thing is that the boy immediately obeyed his parents and made a choice in favor of MGIMO.

Personal life

The biography of Sergei Lavrov always brought him unexpected surprises, and this happened with his personal life. He met a teacher of Russian language and literature, Maria, while still at the institute. They officially legalized their marriage already in their third year. Sergey Lavrov's wife, after graduation, accompanied him to various meetings and conferences, starting with the very first trip to Sri Lanka, which was discussed a little higher. Soon the daughter Catherine was born. She decided not to follow in the footsteps of her parents, and quite successfully entered the prestigious

Entertainment and hobbies

In the circle of friends, the politician is known primarily for playing the guitar perfectly and even sings along in a hoarse voice, like Vysotsky himself. Moreover, he writes poetry and songs well, plays football. Lavrov is known for his love of banya, Scotch whiskey and Italian cuisine.

Recently, Sergei Viktorovich has become seriously interested in rafting (this is a descent on special rafts along mountain rivers). He tries to carve out about two weeks from his busy schedule every year in order to fully devote time to this hobby. Hobby companions know a few unspoken rules. So, during such a rest it is not allowed to listen to the radio, watch television or read newspapers. In principle, this is a complete disconnection from the external problematic world and all the accompanying difficulties. Only when the team arrives at the destination in a few days, you can return to the usual pace of life again.

Sergei Lavrov, whose biography is replete with numerous trips abroad, has always been considered a heavy smoker. Moreover, he even defended this right, as they say, at the highest level. And he had a very comical conflict with Secretary General Kofi Annan. He decided one day to introduce a smoking ban at the UN headquarters itself, which is located in New York. However, Sergei Viktorovich himself simply ignored such restrictions. He stated that the headquarters is a kind of home for absolutely all members of the UN, and the Secretary General himself only takes on the function of manager. This position aroused respect on the part of himself. When Lavrov was subsequently appointed directly to the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs, he made a special report in which he spoke of the high professionalism of the politician.


It is safe to say that the politician is literally fluent in English, also at a high level in French and even Sinhala. Note that the Sinhalese are called the indigenous population of Sri Lanka, where the man worked at the beginning of his career for a rather long period of time. Moreover, S. V. Lavrov was awarded several orders, including the following: "For Merit to the Fatherland" of the first degree, and the so-called "Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow" of the second degree.


In this article, we talked about who Sergey Lavrov is. The biography of this person really causes exceptional respect. After successfully graduating from a higher educational institution, he immediately set about his international career. At the moment he is the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia. Lavrov, of course, has proven himself only on the positive side. He never hid from journalists, and did not create grounds for writing devastating articles that discredit his reputation. This truly outstanding politician manages to resolve world conflicts in time, maintain an appropriate environment and relationships with other powers. We hope that later SV Lavrov will work only for the benefit of the country.

Sergei Lavrov is a talented politician, diplomat, and for many years the permanent Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia.


Born on 03/21/1950. native Muscovite. He has Caucasian roots, his father is an Armenian, originally from Georgia. Mother worked for a long time in Vneshtorg.

Sergei Viktorovich received an excellent education. He studied well at school, for the successful completion of which he received a silver medal. The mother did everything to ensure that her son studied at a prestigious school. From early childhood, he showed remarkable abilities for learning, especially for learning foreign languages. Excellent studies allowed him to easily pass the exams at the prestigious MGIMO to study oriental studies.

Carier start

Lavrov took his first position after graduating from MGIMO in early 1972. He went to the island of Sri Lanka and, after completing his internship, was left there to work as an attaché of the embassy of the Soviet Union. In this capacity, he worked for 4 years, and then was again transferred to Moscow.

In Moscow, he began work in the department of international economic organizations. A few years later, Sergey Lavrov moved again, this time to the American continent. For about 10 years he worked in New York, making a successful career at the Permanent Mission of the USSR to the UN. This invaluable experience was very useful to him in his subsequent work.

After another transfer to Moscow, Sergey Lavrov was appointed to work in the Department of Economic Organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he successfully worked until 1992.

big politics

After the collapse of the USSR in 1992, Sergei Lavrov was appointed Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia. In this capacity, he oversaw several very important areas, including the international economy, the human rights department, and the department for the newly created CIS union. Lavrov worked in this difficult position for more than two years.

All this time, he maintained constant contacts with the Russian Mission to the UN, and in 1994 he was officially appointed to the post of Russia's permanent representative to the UN, where he worked for more than 10 years, also being involved in peacekeeping projects.

Ministerial portfolio

Sergey Lavrov first received the ministerial portfolio from Putin's hands in 2004, when the president was busy forming his team. The talented politician coped well with the difficult duties assigned to him. And after Putin was re-elected for a new term, the president again returned to Lavrov the portfolio of the minister, which since then has remained with him unchanged until today.

In addition, Sergey Lavrov is actively involved in peacekeeping, educational and foreign economic activities and holds a number of posts in various international organizations. He edits the prestigious international journal US and Canada: Economics, Politics, Culture, which aims to strengthen Russia's relations with these states.

Sergey Lavrov is also a member of a number of supervisory and trustee boards, including the board of trustees of MGIMO, his alma mater, which gave him a start in big politics. Since 2004, Lavrov has been the permanent Chairman of the Commission for UNESCO. Oversees many charitable programs. He is a member of the Antiterrorist Council of Russia.

Personal qualities

Many are interested in what kind of person the outwardly stern and rather tough Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia is. Of course, work in such difficult positions could not but leave an imprint on the personality of the Minister.

Strong and principled, he can indeed be quite tough and harsh in situations where it is politically justified. However, as a politician from God, Sergei Lavrov is extremely restrained and correct, which allows him to honorably get out of the most difficult political situations.

All his activities are aimed at the development and prosperity of the Russian state. Not for a second does he forget that above all, above all, the political and economic interests of Russia and Russians.

However, despite the seeming severity of his temper, Sergey Lavrov is a positive and sociable person, with a great sense of humor, who is not averse to laughing at a fresh joke, and sometimes even telling a new anecdote himself.

Like any mortal, Lavrov has his own little weaknesses. One of them is an addiction to cigarettes, which he never managed to get rid of. This habit even almost aroused the opinion of him as a brawler when, after the introduction of a smoking ban in the UN building, Lavrov continued to pace it with a lit cigarette and an ashtray in his hand, talking about human rights. However, the passions subsided, but the habit, alas, remained.

In the company of relatives and close friends, Sergey Lavrov often picks up a guitar. In his free time, he often writes poetry. And he prefers to spend the weekend actively. Favorite sports are water sports. He is fond of rafting, and even manages to act as president of the Russian Rowing Slalom Federation.

After the presidential elections in the Russian Federation in the spring of 2018, where Vladimir Putin won the race for the presidency, the entire government was fired.

When the new composition of the Cabinet of Ministers was announced in May, Lavrov was again offered to take the post of head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Lavrov didn't mind.

He has made many business trips around the world. He skillfully fends off all the accusations of the international community towards the Russian Federation regarding such issues as the poisoning of the Skripal family, military conflicts in Syria, in eastern Ukraine, etc.

He made a number of high-profile statements about the withdrawal of the Russian Federation from the European Union.

From 2004 to this day, Lavrov has been doing an excellent job with his professional duties, so he is once again reappointed to his position.

Wife and daughter of Sergei Lavrov

There is practically nothing to tell about the personal life of a politician. Having married early, still in the 3rd year of MGIMO to Maria Alexandrova, he showed himself to be a monogamous and a person for whom the value of traditional family relationships is unshakable.

In the photo - Sergey Lavrov with his wife

His wife accompanied Lavrov everywhere, as befits a faithful loving wife. Their only daughter Catherine was born in New York. There she received a prestigious education at Columbia University, then received a master's degree in London. Currently, Sergei Lavrov's daughter lives with her family in Moscow, she is married and has a son, Leonid.

In the photo - Sergey Lavrov with his daughter