How does temperature manifest in dogs? Body temperature in adult dogs and puppies. How to measure a dog's temperature What is the normal temperature for small dogs

In dogs, body temperature is one of the main criteria by which the general condition of the body is assessed. Its normal indicators differ significantly in different breeds due to physiological characteristics and temperament. For puppies this is a special conversation. Therefore, you should remember the norm and understand what to do when your dog has a fever increased or decreased.

What to do when your dog has an abnormal temperature

Elevated indicators are always alarming, and thoughts about an infectious pathology immediately arise. You should not immediately worry, because when infected by bacteria or viruses, the temperature is also accompanied by:

  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting;
  • change in color of mucous membranes;
  • poor appetite or complete refusal to eat.

But owners do not always pay attention to the reduced temperature, combined with drowsiness and decreased activity of the pet. Although this alarming symptom may indicate:

  • serious disorders of cardiovascular activity;
  • various traumatic injuries;
  • renal failure and other conditions that are most dangerous for the dog.

We will consider all the nuances of this problem in detail in our article and tell you what to do, If the dog has a fever different from the norm.

What is the normal temperature for dogs?

If the animal is healthy, the temperature can fluctuate from 37.5 to 39. These numbers are individual, they depend on age, breed, weight, temperament, as well as environmental conditions (heat, cold). Temperature indicators are directly dependent on metabolism - in puppies and small dogs, metabolic processes are always accelerated, which is why the temperature is higher:

  • Small breeds: puppy – 38.6-39.3; adult dog – 38.5-39 degrees.
  • Medium breeds: puppy – 38.3-39.1; adults – 37.5-39 degrees.
  • Large breeds: puppy – 38.2-39; adult dogs – 37.4-38.3 degrees.

The age/weight of the animal are the main determining factors of temperature.

The following points are also important:

  • Weather – when it’s hot, the dog lives in a room without air conditioning, the temperature can be 1.5 degrees higher, the pet will look for a cold corner, and its activity will be reduced.
  • Shortly before whelping, the temperature of bitches may drop by 1-1.5 degrees.
  • Measuring it helps the breeder determine when this important moment begins.
  • Stressful situations – it all depends on the dog’s temperament.

When a dog has a temperature, only an experienced doctor can tell you what to do after examining and studying the data from the necessary tests - there can be many reasons for the increase and decrease.

How to measure a dog's temperature correctly

For these purposes, the most common human thermometers from the pharmacy are used - mercury, electronic. Mercury is cheaper, but measuring temperature takes about three to five minutes, which not every animal will allow.

To carry out the procedure The best option would be an electronic thermometer– it’s easier for you and more comfortable for the dog. It shows the exact result within 20-30 seconds. If you are a breeder, it is recommended to have a separate device for each individual.

The process is simple, but if the dog is not trained, certain problems may arise. The first few times the procedure should be carried out especially carefully.

You can measure your temperature without discomfort and get accurate readings like this:

  • First lubricate the tip of the thermometer with petroleum jelly/baby cream, or better yet, levomekol gel.
  • Throw down the thermometer readings.
  • Lay the dog down, carefully lift the tail and insert the thermometer 1.5-2 cm into the anus. It would be ideal to place the thermometer against the walls of the rectum if possible.
  • If a mercury thermometer is used, the procedure will take about 5 minutes, if an electronic one – no more than 50-60 seconds.
  • After measurement, the thermometer is thoroughly washed and disinfected with alcohol.

You can measure temperature in other ways:

  • The thermometer is placed in the animal’s oral cavity - this method can be used for calm, absolutely obedient pets who will not chew the thermometer.
  • In dogs with little hair or a bare belly, the temperature can be measured in the groin by wrapping the thermometer in a fold of skin and holding it there until the end of the procedure.

The environment should be calm, otherwise the dog may become very worried and break the thermometer, which is very dangerous when using mercury devices. To calm the animal, talk to it and feed it with all sorts of treats. If the thermometer indicates increased/decreased readings without clearly defined reasons, only an experienced specialist can tell what to do at such a temperature in dogs.

Fever: benefits and harms

Temperature rises when:

  1. Heat transfer is physically impossible or impaired for various reasons;
  2. Special heat retention mechanisms are activated.

For the first case, the ideal example would be a dog locked in a car without air conditioning in hot weather. The animal overheats and suffers heatstroke very quickly - and too much heat is generated in its body, which cannot be removed properly.

Second option - heat is retained specifically to fight viruses, bacteria, various pathological substances. In this case, the elevated temperature is caused by the presence of pyrogens (any substances that cause fever) in the body. Pyrogens can be:

  • remains from the activity of viruses/bacteria;
  • formed during traumatic injuries or during the disintegration of neoplasms, destroyed tissue;
  • various substances that cause allergic reactions.

Thus, in case of infectious pathologies, injuries and the presence of neoplasms, elevated temperature acts as a protective reaction. It helps to enhance metabolic processes, as a result of which the production of interferon and antibodies is accelerated, which means that the body becomes more resistant to various pathological factors. Many pathogens lose their ability to reproduce.

There are also serious negative effects on the animal’s body:

  • The brain does not receive enough nutrition - the dog is depressed, inhibited, and can sometimes lose consciousness (in severe cases).
  • The gastrointestinal tract functions abnormally - the secretion of saliva/pancreatic juice decreases, less gastric juice is secreted, less bile, and intestinal motility decreases.
  • In the dog’s body, water-salt metabolism is disrupted, urine formation increases, and fluid is lost due to rapid breathing. The result is rapid dehydration, which entails a change in blood composition - and, therefore, the nutrition of the brain and heart will deteriorate.

What to do if your dog high temperature

So, based on the above, we can identify the following main factors causing an increase in temperature:

  • Infectious pathologies;
  • Neoplasms of various origins;
  • Inflammation;
  • Penetration of various allergens;
  • Metabolic disorders;
  • Negative effects of heat.

The following symptoms indicate an increase in temperature:

  • rapid breathing;
  • disturbance of heart rhythms;
  • general weakness;
  • decreased or complete lack of appetite;
  • trembling, tremor of limbs.

With such clinical manifestations, you should immediately take the temperature and show the animal to the veterinarian immediately (it is better to call him home). An increase in temperature pathologically affects most of the pet’s organs/systems, so before a specialist arrives, you need to take first aid measures. Especially if the readings are more than 41 degrees:

  • Should take the dog to a room where the air temperature is no higher than 18-20 degrees However, the dog should not be placed on a cold floor; drafts are also unacceptable.
  • You cannot force your pet to move.
  • To avoid dehydration, you should provide free access to clean water. If the animal does not drink on its own, force it to drink - it is more convenient to do this using a 20 cc syringe.
  • Categorically It is forbidden to force feed animal.
  • “Human” NSAIDs should not be used(aspirin, analgin, ibuprofen, paracetamol, etc.) that lower the temperature - only an experienced specialist can calculate the correct dosage. If a mistake is made, serious complications that threaten the health and life of the dog may develop.

When a dog has a fever, only a specialist can say exactly what to do, based on the clinical picture and the results of the tests performed. The treatment regimen depends on the diagnosis.

A drop in temperature is a reason to sound the alarm

A decrease in temperature (the condition is also called hypothermia) - the temperature drops below 37.5 degrees. It is observed when the heat transfer process prevails over the heat production process.

Causes of hypothermia can be:

  • hypothermia;
  • loss of strength due to unbalanced or insufficient nutrition;
  • poisoning by various toxins, poisons, drugs;
  • dehydration;
  • intense blood loss due to injuries or during prolonged surgical interventions;
  • intoxication;
  • endocrine pathologies of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands;
  • severe heart disease.

In puppies, hypothermia occurs quite often; it may not be associated with the progression of any diseases, but develop as a result of imperfect thermoregulation mechanisms in a young body.

An incredibly dangerous condition for a puppy is decreased temperature due to viral enteritis. This happens due to the baby’s intoxication with decay products, as well as due to dehydration. Without urgent help from a doctor, the dog dies within 2-3 days.

Symptoms of a decrease in temperature are as follows:

  • The animal wants to lie down in a warm place, curling up into a ball.
  • The fur is ruffled, thus forming additional protection to retain heat.
  • Muscle tremors are observed as a protective reaction to hypothermia, promoting the formation of additional heat.
  • The mucous membranes turn pale, become cold, the limbs are cold to the touch - all this indicates a disruption in the functioning of the heart.

When a dog has a low temperature, only a specialist can determine what to do. The animal should be taken very quickly to the veterinarian, it is better to call the doctor home. Before the specialist arrives, the owner must:

  • Place the dog in a warm room, covering it with a blanket and covering it with heating pads and warm water.
  • Give warm meat broth and warm milk.

Hypothermia with readings below 36 is critical.- this indicates that the animal’s defenses have been exhausted. There is loss of consciousness, weak pulse, respiratory failure (superficial rare), decreased heart rate - the pulse and heart rhythms are difficult to hear. You should urgently call an ambulance - only intensive resuscitation measures will help save your pet.

There is no need to take your temperature every day. This should only be done when the animal is not as usual and there is a characteristic clinical picture for a certain pathology. If you suspect something is wrong, do not hesitate to visit the clinic, because many diseases can be successfully treated only in the initial stages. Attentive care will help preserve the health and life of your pet for many years.

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Body is one of the most important indicators of the health status of our pets. Even minor deviations from the physiological norm signal systemic functional failures, the development of diseases, infections, and inflammation. Temperature readings in most cases help to find out what the dog is sick with and determine the complexity of the situation.

To monitor the condition of their dogs, owners must regularly measure and monitor their pet’s temperature and know what is normal and what is abnormal. Having determined that the dog’s temperature is elevated or below the physiological norm, you can immediately take appropriate measures to normalize its condition. Let's look at how to correctly measure a dog's temperature and what signs can be used to determine fever without the use of special devices.

Throughout their lives, dogs are susceptible to a wide variety of pathologies and diseases. One of the indicators of general malaise, a sign of many diseases and infections, is a change in body temperature up or down. Therefore, dog breeders must know exactly what the normal body temperature of a pet should be.

Important! Temperature indicators may have slight deviations from the physiological norm in dogs of different breeds and age groups. In addition, the temperature may vary slightly throughout the day.

Normally, the general body temperature of a healthy dog ​​averages 37.6-38.6 degrees. A puppy’s temperature readings are higher than those of young, adult pets – 38.8-39.1.

The body temperature of animals, as already noted, also depends on the time of day, breed, age, size, and weight. Therefore, they may differ slightly.

So, the older and larger the dog, the lower his temperature will be (37.5-38.3). For puppies, representatives of miniature, small decorative breeds (Yorkies, pugs, quinines, Italian greyhounds), temperature indicators vary from 38.2 to 38.8-39 degrees.

Important! A change in temperature of one or two degrees should be regarded by dog ​​breeders as an alarming signal that should not be ignored.

A short-term slight increase in temperature is noted:

  • after rest, sleep;
  • suffered, emotional shock, excitement;
  • physical activity, heavy loads;
  • active outdoor games;
  • after staying in a hot, stuffy room, after walking in the sun.

In bitches, the temperature rises by several degrees during estrus, especially during the period of rutting and sexual desire. Changes in indicators in females are also noted at, several days, hours before.

Read also: The puppy is afraid to walk outside! Causes and methods of overcoming phobias

To know what your dog's normal temperature should be, measure it twice a day (morning, evening) for seven days, recording the readings.

When to take your dog's temperature

Even if the dog is active, energetic, and feels normal, veterinarians recommend periodically taking control measurements for preventive purposes.

Despite the fact that this procedure is unpleasant for animals, your pet needs to be accustomed to it from an early age. After the procedure, be sure to reward the dog with a treat and a gentle tone.

It is mandatory for dogs to have their temperature measured in the following cases:

  • for sudden weight loss:
  • in case of a sudden decrease in activity;
  • unnatural, inappropriate behavior;
  • if the dog had contact with stray, infected animals;
  • refusal to feed, decreased appetite, indigestion;
  • before and after , .

Measure the temperature if the dog constantly sleeps, is reluctant to go for a walk, looks lethargic, and apathetic. Causes for concern are: increased thirst, profuse mucous, mucous-catarrhal discharge from the eyes, nose, pallor, cyanosis of the mucous membranes.

These and other symptoms that are not typical for a healthy dog ​​may indicate the development of systemic pathologies and diseases of various etiologies.

Healthy dogs should also have their temperature taken throughout pregnancy, before giving birth, and for several days after the birth of the offspring. The day before giving birth, the bitches’ temperature drops by about 0.5-1 degrees.

How to correctly measure a dog's temperature at home

To measure and find out your dog’s temperature, purchase a regular mercury or digital thermometer from a veterinary pharmacy. To facilitate the procedure, you will also need Vaseline or vegetable oil.

Advice! Using a regular thermometer, the procedure takes 5-6 minutes, and when using a digital thermometer, it takes no more than a minute. In addition, electronic devices provide a more accurate picture. Contact thermometers are also commercially available.

Body temperature is measured rectally. Before the procedure, calm the dog down in a gentle tone. Don't shout or use physical force. Since the dog can break free during measurement, it is more convenient to carry out the procedure with an assistant who will properly fix the dog in the desired position.

We perform actions in the following sequence:

  • Lubricate the tip of the thermometer with Vaseline and oil. Calm the animal. The procedure takes place in as calm an environment as possible. The animal should not be scared or excited, as this will affect the indicators and they may be distorted.
  • Lay the dog gently on its side, move its tail up and to the side. You can measure your pet's temperature while standing.
  • Slowly insert the thermometer into the anus 2-2.5 cm.
  • Constantly reassure the dog, make sure that it does not make sudden movements.

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After five minutes, remove and record the obtained readings. Hold digital until a beep appears. Reward the dog with a treat, praise the pet, wipe the thermometer with alcohol and put it in a protective case, put it away. Please note that the thermometer should only belong to your pet!

How to find out temperature without a thermometer

If you don’t have a thermometer at hand, you can determine the temperature without a thermometer. Any changes or deviations from the norm will affect the condition and behavior of your dog. In addition, there are certain points on the animal’s body that can be used to determine whether the dog has a fever.

You can find out your dog’s body temperature without a digital mercury thermometer:

  • along the nose, ears;
  • condition of mucous membranes, gums;
  • behavior;
  • appearance;
  • skin condition.

Without a thermometer, you can determine your dog's temperature by looking at his nose. In extreme heat, the pet's nose will be warm and hot to the touch. White stains, dry crusts, and scabs are noticeable on the lobe. Healthy dogs have a moist, clean nose, and the color of the earlobe is not changed. There should be no discharge from the nostrils. But do not forget that a dry dog ​​nose does not always indicate a high temperature. For example, a warm earlobe can be after sleep, active games, or a walk in warm weather.

Touch the back of your hand to your armpits and groin area. With hyperthermia, if the dog has a fever, these areas will be hot to the touch. The skin is stretched and slightly swollen.

If the fever is due to infection, palpate regional lymph nodes. They will be hot, painful, and enlarged due to inflammation.

Look at your pet's gums. If the dog has a fever, the mucous membranes will be pale, anemic or, conversely, hyperemic. At high temperatures, gums are often swollen, dry, warm, bright orange, scarlet in color. A healthy dog's mucous membranes are moist and pale pink. There should be no sores or ulcerations on their surface.

Touch the dogs' ears and paws. There are many blood vessels running through these areas, so if your dog has a fever, they will be hot.

In a dog, not only the general, but also the local temperature increases when the inflammatory process is localized in any organ or part of the body. For example, the skin may be hot in the area of ​​the wound, if the auricle or paws are damaged. But you shouldn’t relax, since inflammation develops quickly without treatment, and the local temperature often provokes fever and fever.

Other signs of fever in dogs

Fever in dogs always manifests itself as an increase in temperature by several degrees. Note that elevated temperature is a kind of protective reaction of the body. When it increases, a certain part of the brain is activated, which is responsible for thermoregulation and most pathogenic agents die instantly due to high temperature.

Once born, puppies are unable to independently regulate their heat exchange for several days. Besides this they have no tremor reflex. It is difficult to assess whether the offspring are frozen. Temperature plays a vital role in dogs. It determines the well-being and health of the dog.

Important! At first, helpless puppies are not separated from the nest and the temperature of the brood, as well as the room where the newborns are located, is monitored.

During the first 2 weeks, puppies’ body temperature ranges from 34.5 to 36 degrees. Within these data it is normal, but any decrease in temperature, even by a hundredth, should be considered hypothermia. The baby should be warmed up slowly, without using too hot devices that cause a sharp dilation of blood vessels.

When warming up quickly, the puppy's body begins to lose even more heat and vital energy. An excellent option would be to warm up for 3-4 hours under the owner's jacket or sweater - hold the puppy close to your body and wait for the temperature to rise.

Body features at this age

The brood tries to cuddle together, reducing heat transfer. Thus self-preservation instinct kicks in. But if the ambient temperature drops below 30 degrees Celsius, the puppies quickly freeze.

And a sharp decrease threatens with irreversible consequences: first, disturbances occur in all metabolic processes in the body of newborn dogs, then a point of no return and death occurs. There are 2 types of hypothermia:

  1. moderate;
  2. strong.

In the first case In puppies, the heart rate gradually decreases. Babies are able to suck mother's milk, but their body no longer absorbs it.

In the second breathing activity noticeably slows down, switching to only rare sighs, the pulse is practically absent along with unconditioned reflexes. Puppies cannot suckle and die.

To avoid hypothermia, immediately after the puppies appear, place electric heating pad. The device will help maintain ideal living conditions for the offspring.

What should be from 2 weeks to 2 months?

Beginning from 3 weeks of life to 60 days, the temperature of puppies is gradually approaching the norms of adult dogs, i.e. is approaching 37.5-39 on the thermometer.

Important! As the brood matures, it is necessary to reduce the temperature of the nest. Every week it is reduced by 3 degrees, bringing it closer to normal room temperature. And the room must be regularly ventilated to allow clean air.

What does it depend on?

This indicator is immediately affected several factors:

  • breed;
  • individuality;
  • age indicator;
  • physiology.

The larger the breed of puppies and the greater their weight, the lower the temperature will be. Depending on the size of the dog, the speed of metabolic processes will change and degrees will drop:

  • small breeds - 38.7-39.3;
  • average - 38.3-39.1;
  • large - 38.2 - 39.

Also on fluctuations in body temperature of the younger generation such circumstances influence:

  1. fright;
  2. amount of fur;
  3. aggression;
  4. physical loads;
  5. excitement;
  6. heat.

These factors create short-term effect temperature rise or fall up to 1.5 degrees. But she quickly bounces back.


Important! Any deviation from the norms of thermoregulation of the puppies' body will inevitably lead to changes in metabolic processes. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly control and prevent overheating and hypothermia of the offspring.

Breeding and vaccinated puppies require a special temperature schedule. For simple breeds, you don’t have to stick to a schedule, but you shouldn’t leave everything to chance.. Through observations, the baby’s normal individual temperature must be determined.

Measured with thermometers - mercury or electronic rectally. There are a number of signs of high and low temperature. Low:

  1. the grown puppy begins to tremble;
  2. the body is covered with goosebumps;
  3. drowsiness;
  4. the puppy is poorly oriented in space;
  5. inadequate response to environmental stimuli;
  6. lethargy.


  1. detachment from the general brood;
  2. vomiting reflex;
  3. no appetite;
  4. ears and paws are hotter than usual;
  5. dry nose;
  6. lethargy;
  7. enlarged lymph nodes;
  8. Brick-colored gums, swollen.

If one or more symptoms are detected Veterinary help should be sought immediately. This is the best action on the part of the breeder, the owner.

Temperature fluctuation is a hallmark of a disease. Only an experienced veterinarian can identify the disease and prescribe the correct therapy.


Puppies have a low temperature is a sign:

  • parvovirus enteritis;
  • helminthic infestation.

On the way to the doctor, you can try to warm the puppy with your body, not with a hot water bottle or compress.

Attention! Avoid sudden changes in degrees and overheating.


Fever is a sign:

  1. plague;
  2. piroplasmosis;
  3. heatstroke.

Is it possible to shoot down?

When going to the veterinarian, grab a cold, wet towel and periodically wipe the animal with it. It is also necessary to give your puppy plenty of fluids. Raspberry and chamomile infusions are ideal. If there is a sharp increase to 40 degrees, you should immediately visit a doctor.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to change the temperature yourself, raising or lowering it. Fluctuations in heat exchange in themselves cannot be considered a source of disease. Knocking down or increasing the temperature will not affect the course of the disease, nor will it eliminate its source.

A change in temperature before being examined by a doctor can aggravate and complicate timely diagnosis. The doctor will not correctly determine the source of the problem and will not prescribe treatment. You should not try to influence the situation on your own by giving the puppy medication without consulting a doctor. Such actions will only worsen the situation, especially if there are hidden diseases in the body:

  • tumor;
  • infection;
  • toxins;
  • endocrine disorders.

Puppies are quite fragile creatures, especially in the first months of life. Since temperature can clearly indicate the onset of illness, it must be strictly controlled and ensure that there are no prolonged deviations from the norm.

In contact with

Owners and breeders of large breeds of dogs know how important it is for the pet to be healthy (according to the generally accepted rules, large dogs are considered height at the withers exceeds 60 centimeters and weight exceeds 26 kilograms).

Body temperature in such animals is an important indicator of condition. If you suspect a deterioration in the well-being of your pet or his body, the first thing to do is before seeking help from a specialist.

Important! Extremely dangerous for dogs is 1-2 degrees gradually, systematically. And below 36 degrees it can even be life-threatening.

Normally, a dog's body temperature can increase by 0.3-0.5 degrees for short periods of time.

Normal body temperature indicators for large breed dogs may be associated with the characteristics of each specific breed:

  • Deerhound – from 37.5°C to 39°C;
  • Labrador – from 38°C to 39°C;
  • French bulldog – from 38°C to 39°C;
  • greyhound – from 38°C to 39°C;
  • mastiff – from 37.5°C to 39.3°C;
  • Alabai – from 38°C to 39°C;
  • Great Dane – from 38°C to 39°C;
  • Shepherd – from 38°C to 39°C;
  • setter – from 38°C to 39°C;
  • pointing dog – from 37.5°C to 39°C;
  • Laika – from 38.5°C to 39.4°C;
  • Dalmatian – from 37.5°C to 38.5°C;
  • – from 38°C to 38.5°C;
  • retriever – from 38°C to 39°C;
  • wolfhound – from 37.5°C to 38°C;
  • sentry – from 37.5°C to 38.5°C;
  • Saint Bernard – from 38.5°C to 39°C;
  • Malamute – from 38°C to 38.5°C.

By lowering the temperature with antipyretics, you will improve your pet’s well-being for a short time, but this may make diagnosis somewhat difficult.

If at home you are unable to bring the animal’s body temperature to the required values, and you do not observe any visible reasons, urgently consult, and perhaps make an appointment with your pet at the veterinarian to determine the specific reasons for changes in temperature indicators and prescribe an adequate course.

An unreasonable increase in the temperature of an animal’s body temperature may indicate the presence of complex, non-noticeable diseases. Timely treatment will help your pet continue a happy, healthy and fulfilling life next to you.

In contact with

It is known that normal temperature in dogs is the key to proper development and physical activity. It is its indicators that indicate the health and well-being of the animal as a whole. It does not have constant indicators; it is individual for each breed. If in the human body body temperature is regulated by sweating, then dogs cannot sweat, since only some breeds have sweat glands, the rest cool their body by breathing frequently and sticking their tongue out.

Normal temperatures in dogs can vary throughout the day, especially as they age. Significant deviations in one direction or another indicate the presence of some kind of disease.

For a healthy animal, the normal temperature should be 37.5°–39.3°. The indicator may vary depending on the physiology, age of the dog, the environment where it is located and the breed.

In addition to size and age, a slight increase in temperature (0.5–1.5 ° C) may occur in hot weather. The animal is looking for a cool place, breathing frequently. Large dog breeds have a particularly hard time withstanding heat.

Emotions play a very important role for dogs; for example, when they are frightened, in an aggressive state or overexcited, the temperature can jump. This is normal physiology and you should not be afraid of it.

Important! If the temperature deviates significantly from the norm, especially in the presence of other clearly observable symptoms of the disease, the animal should be immediately shown to a veterinarian.

A certain dependence of the temperature of dogs on breed, age and size was revealed. For example, in small dogs it is slightly higher than in adults. This happens due to metabolic processes in the body - in puppies they pass faster, therefore, the puppy’s body is much warmer in comparison with an adult dog. Moreover, the heart rate of puppies is also higher and ranges from 60 to 120 beats/min. If the normal temperature in a healthy dog ​​is 37.5° and higher (up to 38.5°C), then in puppies it is about 1 degree higher.

Below is a table of average body temperatures depending on the age and size of the animal:

But there are individual characteristics that affect the deviation of values ​​from the norm; they exist in every breed and in every specific animal. This is associated, for example, with physical exertion, a state of fear, during childbirth or during the female’s estrus.

Timely treatment and diagnosis are the key to successful recovery from even serious illnesses. That is why monitoring changes in temperature and health is considered the main task of a dog owner if he decides to get one and place it in his home.

Important! If the pet refuses to eat and drink, and the nose has become dry, possibly hot, when other signs of malaise are observed, then the most correct and correct decision is to measure the body temperature.

For these purposes, you can use a conventional medical thermometer: electronic or mercury. This manipulation is not difficult, but still requires careful handling of the dog.

Measurements are made by inserting a thermometer into the rectum (anus):

  1. First, the thermometer should be completely zeroed and lubricate its tip with Vaseline.
  2. The animal is laid on its side, the tail rises slightly, slowly and very carefully the measuring device is inserted into the depths of the anus, about 2 cm.
  3. The dog at this moment must be absolutely calm; excitement or fear are unacceptable, since they can provoke an increase in temperature values. Also, if the dog suddenly jumps up, it can injure itself or break the thermometer, so the animal should be secured in a lying position if possible. To calm her down or as a reward, you can give her some goodies.
  4. Positive emotions have a beneficial effect on the animal, so it should be praised both before and after the procedure.

Measuring the temperature with a mercury thermometer is very inconvenient since it will take at least 5 minutes. It is much easier to measure it electronically - it will show the exact result in just 1 minute.

Therefore, it is more advisable to purchase an electronic thermometer, especially if the pet participates in exhibitions or competitions, because such dogs should have their temperature measured several times a day.

To understand the reasons for the increase in body temperature in a dog, you need to know the main features of heat exchange processes. In a calm state, the animal receives the required amount of heat and must release the same amount of heat into the environment.

When the body receives significantly more than it is capable of releasing, the dog develops a fever, which contributes to disturbances in the functioning of the body and vital processes in it.

Symptoms accompanied by an increase in body temperature in a dog:

  • loss of appetite (complete or partial);
  • lethargy and weakness;
  • gastrointestinal disorder (diarrhea);
  • vomiting or frequent urge to vomit;
  • complete refusal of normal activity;
  • dry nose, sometimes it can be hot;
  • the appearance of seizures;
  • hair loss.

Remember! A high temperature is only a symptom of some disease, so if it is present, the animal should be diagnosed to identify the disease and prescribe the correct treatment.

Several main reasons for a drop or rise in temperature:

  1. A significant increase in indicators may indicate the development of piroplasmosis, endometritis (usually in females), when receiving heat stroke, and so on.
  2. A decrease in value may be evidence of parvovirus enteritis (in young individuals or puppies), the presence of helminthic infestations, and so on.

That is why it is very important to know what the animal’s temperature is. Unfortunately, not every dog ​​breeder understands that low or high temperature is only a symptom, the result of the pet’s body’s struggle, and not the disease itself.

In such a case, consultation with a veterinarian is simply necessary. You can call a specialist to your home or take your pet to the veterinary hospital yourself. During transportation, the following rules should be followed if the temperature:

  1. above 40° C - the dog should be disturbed less, if possible, put cold on the body (a bag of ice);
  2. 36.5° C and below - the dog needs to be wrapped up and a warm heating pad applied to the body so that the animal does not become hypothermic.

Regardless of what temperature the dog has (high or low), self-medication is extremely undesirable. If you bring down a high temperature before visiting a veterinary hospital, then there is a possibility that: firstly, you can greatly aggravate both the dog’s condition and the disease itself, and secondly, it will make it difficult to establish the correct diagnosis.

Important! Only after a correct diagnosis in a veterinary clinic, determination of the type of infection, the severity of the disease and the prescription of therapy can one begin drug treatment as prescribed by the veterinarian.

The owner of a sick dog can independently try to bring down the high temperature a little to make the pet feel better, before starting full-scale treatment. These simple steps will help avoid dehydration of the animal’s body at elevated temperatures:

  • ventilate the room;
  • cool the room by at least 2° C;
  • curtain the windows with thick fabric or curtains to protect it from the sun's rays;
  • wet a regular cloth in cool water and apply it to the dog’s tummy;
  • Place a bowl of cold water next to it, changing it regularly.

Medication methods should be used exclusively in emergency cases, when the temperature is much higher than normal and exceeds 40.5 ° C:

  1. An injection is considered an effective antipyretic. The injection should consist of: 2 ml of analgin solution, 1 ml of no-shpa in liquid form and 0.5 ml of diphenhydramine. The injection is administered intramuscularly.
  2. If it is not possible to give an injection, then you can give the dog 0.2 tablets (this is one fifth): analgin, paracetamol, diphenhydramine or suprastin. Any of the above remedies can bring down a high fever. The main thing is not to exceed the dosage, as this is very dangerous for the health of the animal.
  3. What is the treatment method for puppies? To reduce the fever, the baby should be given children's medications. Products intended for adults are strictly prohibited from being given to puppies.

It is best to use medications specifically designed for dogs, for example: vedaprofen(quadrisol) and carprofen(Rimadyl). These medications are safe for animals, unlike most analogues used in human treatment.

Even if you managed to cope with the fever, you don’t need to calm yourself down; you should definitely show the dog to a veterinarian to find out the reasons for what happened.