How to quickly remove morning swelling of a woman’s face, causes and treatment. Swelling of the face in the morning - what could be the reason. Why does the face swell after sleep and what to do about it Swollen face after sleep

The reasons why women's faces swell in the morning are varied: poor lifestyle, pregnancy, various diseases. Before choosing the right tactics for treating edema after sleep, it is important to determine the exact cause that provoked the situation.

You can quickly eliminate swelling in the morning if you understand the reasons that provoked it.

Why your face may swell in the morning:

  1. The drinking regime is broken. Swelling in the morning can be caused by either an excess of water consumption or a lack of it.
  2. Excessive salt consumption (it retains fluid in the tissues).
  3. Prolonged state of stress, depression, tears.
  4. Excessive alcohol consumption - it is alcohol intoxication that often provokes morning swelling.
  5. Morning swelling occurs due to pathologies of organs and systems (heart, kidneys, liver).

Pregnancy and swelling

Swelling of the face in the morning develops during pregnancy for the following reasons:

  1. Severe gestosis in the third trimester. Along with hormonal changes, venous edema is disrupted, causing severe swelling in the morning not only of the face, but also of the arms and legs.

Attention: gestosis is an acute condition for a child that requires close medical supervision.

  1. Swelling in the morning during pregnancy as a symptom of kidney disease and diabetes.
  2. Poor nutrition often explains why a pregnant woman's face swells in the morning. A pregnant woman does not deny herself excessive consumption of fatty, salty, sweet foods, which retain fluid in the body, causing the development of edema.

Improper functioning of internal organs

The reason why the face is swollen after sleep may signal various pathologies.

Cardiac pathologies are indicated not only by a puffy face and swelling of the hands, but also by shortness of breath when walking and bluish skin.

Swollen eyelids indicate kidney problems. The swelling is watery in the morning, most often continues in the evening, and when you press on the swelling site, a fingerprint remains.

Diseases of the upper respiratory tract are accompanied by swelling near each nasal sinus.

Hormonal symptoms are expressed by the following symptoms: swollen face in the morning, sudden weight gain, menstrual irregularities, deterioration of hair and nails.

An allergic reaction is a very serious symptom, which, if ignored, can lead to death. With pronounced, asymmetrical, rapidly developing edema, immediate emergency care is required.

A situation where the face and eyes swell in the morning can signal diseases of the endocrine system. Liver diseases are signaled not only by swelling of the face in the morning, but also by swelling of the abdomen, legs, changes in skin color and sclera of the eyes.

Cardiovascular diseases

Swelling after sleep can occur due to the development of heart failure. In this case, swelling in the morning is the result of a decrease in myocardial contractility and vasoconstriction.

In heart failure, the face swells slowly in the morning, the swelling is localized by bags under the eyes. With heart disease, swelling disappears slowly in the morning. Cardiac edema in the morning is accompanied by pallor of the nasolabial triangle, shortness of breath, and heart rhythm disturbances.

Water retention in the body

A swollen face in the morning is the result of disturbances in the process of removing excess fluid from the body.

Factors contributing to water retention in the body:

Allergy as a cause of swelling

The cause of swelling in the morning in women can be an allergic reaction of the body to contact with an allergen. Clinical symptoms of allergic edema are expressed in swelling of the lips and eyes, itching and swelling of the hands.

It is important to treat the allergy symptom as quickly as possible, for example, by taking an antihistamine. Otherwise, severe complications may develop in the form of difficulty breathing, acute urticaria, and even loss of consciousness, which can only be relieved in a hospital setting.

What foods can cause swelling?

There is a list of foods whose excessive consumption can cause severe swelling of the face in the morning:

– table salt, as well as any salted and smoked products;

- spicy dishes;

– food products made from wheat flour (allergies such as gluten intolerance);

– honey and other bee products;

– chocolate, sweets with artificial colors.

Severe swelling in the morning can result from consuming too much alcohol the night before.

Products that help relieve swelling

You can avoid morning puffiness on the face by enriching your diet with the following foods:

  1. Buckwheat. Porridge boiled without salt is not only a nutritious dish, but also a guarantee that in the morning there will be no trace of swelling on your face.
  2. Apples. Regular consumption of this fruit will help get rid of extra pounds, normalize digestion, and remove excess fluid from the body. As a result, you can forget about morning swelling forever.
  3. Fresh berries. Their regular consumption will help improve heart function and relieve swelling on the face in the morning.
  4. Red bell pepper is the leader among vegetables in potassium and magnesium content. Its consumption will help cleanse the body of toxins and relieve swelling in the morning.
  5. Fresh cucumbers. Freshly squeezed cucumber juice is an indispensable means of preventing edema.
  6. Eggplants remove salts from the body, which are the main cause of fluid retention and edema.
  7. Dried apricot has a good diuretic effect. Compotes made from dried apricots are especially useful. Attention: dried apricots are not recommended for consumption by those who suffer from high blood pressure and bronchial asthma.
  8. Cranberry. Fresh or in the form of fruit drink, this berry is useful in any form. Cranberry quickly relieves swelling and is approved for use by children and pregnant women.

If your face swells in the morning, what to do with folk remedies?

Morning swelling on the face is an unpleasant phenomenon, and the following will help you get rid of it at home:

– a contrast shower, after which it is useful to apply a cold towel to your face;

– ice compress (ice cubes must be wrapped in cloth). If you don't have ice, you can use frozen food;

– ice shower (the stream is directed to the site of swelling);

– massage that stimulates lymph flow. Soft and smooth movements under the eyes lead towards the nose, on the forehead and cheeks - along massage lines to the outer contour of the face.

Infusions and natural decoctions

A variety of decoctions and infusions will help you quickly get rid of puffiness on your face in the morning:

  • Rosehip helps quickly get rid of puffiness and saturates the body with essential vitamins and microelements. To properly prepare a rosehip decoction, take fifteen to twenty berries per liter of water. The infusion is prepared in a thermos, steaming the berries with boiling water. The infusion is kept for at least a day. They drink a decoction of rose hips with honey.

Important: you can take rosehip decoction for no longer than twelve days.

  • Corn silks. For a glass of boiling water you will need several tablespoons of corn silk. The dry ingredients are steamed, infused (for at least three hours), then filtered and taken a tablespoon every day before meals.
  • Corn silk is a natural, safe remedy if swelling appears on the face in the morning.
  • Important: if swelling does not go away after treatment (especially if swelling intensifies), you should consult a doctor.


Anise will help quickly relieve puffiness in the morning.

Three spoons of seeds brew half a liter of boiling water. This is best done in a small enamel teapot. Infuse the product for twenty minutes. During this short time, anise manages to release all the necessary substances that activate the urinary process.

Attention: before drinking, strain the anise infusion thoroughly.

Take the medication three times a day. To prevent the appearance of swelling in the morning in the future, it is necessary to take a course of taking anise tincture (about twelve days).

Medicines and cosmetics

In a situation where elegant products did not help, medications can help remove swelling from the face in the morning:

Important: diuretics are useless if swelling is caused by allergies or injury.

Masks and special compresses

Special masks and compresses will help quickly remove swelling from the face in the morning. As practice has shown, they are no less effective than the use of other medicines, decoctions and tinctures. Another undeniable advantage of using face masks is that they are very easy to prepare at home from available ingredients.

Several recipes on how to remove morning swelling from the face:

  • Potato mask. Potato tubers are boiled in their skins and mashed with a fork. The slightly cooled puree mass is applied to the face. After fifteen minutes, wash off the mask. In cases where there is absolutely no time to cook potatoes, the raw tuber is simply cut into thin slices, which are applied to the areas of swelling.
  • Parsley mask is one of the effective facial skin care products. Important: in the process of preparing the mask, only the root of the plant is used. It is scrolled through a meat grinder. The resulting paste is used to cover problem areas on the face and leave for twenty minutes. Afterwards the mask is washed off with cold water.
  • Tea compresses. For those who don’t know what to do with morning puffiness of the face, we recommend using a proven, very effective remedy - a green tea compress. A thin cloth is impregnated with tea leaves, which is applied as a compress to the swelling. The compress is kept until it warms up. You can achieve a noticeable effect if you repeat the tea compress procedure several times.
  • Oil based mask. Use any vegetable oil: olive, sunflower or soybean. By adding a few drops of rosemary or geranium essential oils to the oil, you get an excellent facial care product. The oil is rubbed into problem areas. Excess is removed with a soft cloth.
  • Bay leaf compress. Boil a few bay leaves in water. After the product has boiled for twenty minutes, cool it and thoroughly moisten a cloth in it, apply a compress to the site of swelling.
  • Sour cream mask. Apply the fermented milk product to the girl’s swollen face for ten to fifteen minutes. Afterwards, wash off the mask with warm water. Tip: add dill chopped in a blender to the sour cream. This will help enhance the anti-edematous effect of the mask.
  • Pumpkin. This autumn product will not only help relieve swelling from the face, but also solve many health problems. To prepare the mask, boil a small piece of pumpkin, puree it and mix with honey until a paste is obtained.
  • Apply an aloe compress to prevent swelling on your face in the morning. Several leaves of this medicinal plant are ground and filtered through a sieve. A piece of natural fabric is moistened in the resulting mass and applied to the swollen areas.

Swelling during menopause or menopause, what to do?

Failure of hormonal balance during menopause and menopause leads to multiple changes: the outflow of lymphatic fluid is disrupted, the water-salt balance changes. As a result, morning swelling of the face appears.

In addition, there are many factors that provoke morning swelling of the face in women during menopause and menopause:

  • excess weight;
  • sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work;
  • excessive physical and emotional stress.

Also, do not forget that menopause occurs in women over forty years of age, and by this age the anamnesis is replenished with a large number of diagnoses of diseases of the liver, kidneys, and heart, which contribute to the appearance of swelling on the face.

A doctor will help reduce the manifestation of menopause in the form of morning swelling, who, based on the examination, will prescribe the necessary therapy. As a rule, it includes hormone replacement therapy.

Proper lifestyle to prevent edema

You can prevent the appearance of morning swelling of the face by following certain recommendations for a healthy lifestyle:

  • Watch your diet. Forget about late-night snacks and fast food. Fill your menu with fresh foods filled with vitamins and fiber.
  • Remember to drink plenty during the day (not at night). At least two liters of clean water is the best option. The main thing is not to drink before bed, and reduce food and water intake to a minimum three hours before going to bed.
  • Avoid alcohol, soda and coffee.
  • Try to get more rest. The key to a beautiful, fresh face in the morning is a healthy sleep in a clean, well-ventilated room, on a fairly elastic pillow.

You can eliminate the appearance of facial swelling in the morning for a long time by determining exactly the cause of its appearance and coordinating treatment tactics with your doctor.

Many people are faced with a situation where a swollen face in the morning creates significant discomfort throughout the day, because a stale appearance leads others to draw ambiguous conclusions. In fact, the problem cannot be ignored, because it may be a symptom of the development of a serious disease.

Why does my face swell in the morning?

If you encounter this problem every morning, then you need to undergo a full medical examination. Based on the test results, the specialist will make a diagnosis and give competent recommendations. If it appears periodically and is not associated with a disruption in the functioning of internal organs, then most likely the cause is on the surface. The primary source of this state of affairs is bad habits such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Often, to escape extreme heat, we drink a lot of water. The body does not have time to remove it in full, which contributes to swelling. It is for this reason that nutritionists prohibit drinking water, tea or juice before bed. Women may notice the above-mentioned symptom appear during PMS. This process is considered natural and does not require intervention. Most women in an interesting position cannot fully enjoy a wonderful period, as they suffer from fluid accumulation. Especially in the last trimester, swelling causes significant discomfort: it becomes difficult to walk, bend over, etc. An equally common category of aggressive factors includes poor diet or an allergic reaction to foods, drinks, medications or cosmetics.

How to quickly remove swelling from the face?

When emergency help is required, you can quickly get your face in order thanks to masks and lotions based on natural ingredients. Everyone knows that they are restored after washing with ice cubes. You can enhance the positive effect if you freeze calendula or sage the day before. There are situations when the swelling is quite strong, and therefore simply will not go away. Then you will have to spend 15-20 minutes on your skin. After brewing, do not throw away the bags, but apply them to your eyelids. Followers of traditional medicine recommend lubricating a swollen face with the juice of raw potatoes or grinding the product on a grater and applying it as a mask. It's no secret that after a sleepless night or a busy week of work, parsley will save you from them. Grind a small bunch with a blender, apply the pulp to the problem area in its pure form or with the addition of a small amount of freshly brewed tea.

Puffy face: prevention

In order to look fresh and cheerful in the morning, you need to follow simple rules. First of all, you should ensure that you get a full eight hours of sleep at night. Salty, spicy, smoked and fried foods should be excluded as much as possible from the diet. The largest amount of daily water intake should be drunk in the first half of the day. The last meal should be taken three hours before bedtime, no later. In addition, you should be especially careful when choosing cosmetics for your face so as not to cause an allergic reaction with low-quality products.

Some people notice swelling on their body in the morning. Moreover, this phenomenon sometimes persists until lunchtime, and sometimes does not go away until the evening. Yes, this happens due to excess fluid retention in the body. Moreover, swelling is expressed in physical, sometimes serious discomfort, negatively affecting a person’s aesthetic perception. In addition, if they occur frequently, we can talk about the presence of some disease or the need to reconsider your lifestyle. But be that as it may, swelling that occurs in the morning should in no case be ignored. After all, any, even the most minor, deviations can develop into chronic pathologies. And as in any other case, when swelling occurs in the morning, it is important to diagnose the disease in a timely manner in order to begin its treatment.

Why does swelling in the morning spoil your mood? What are their main causes and treatments? Let's try to understand this issue.

Main reasons

What causes swelling in the morning? The main reasons for this are:

  1. Improper drinking regime. The causes of swelling in the morning lie not only in excessive water consumption. Sometimes this phenomenon is caused by a lack of fluid. Based on accepted standards, each person needs to consume at least 60 ml of water per kilogram of weight. It is this amount that contributes to the stability of the water-salt balance in the blood. If it is disrupted, fluid will be retained in the vascular bed.
  2. Excessive salt intake. This product, if present in large quantities in dishes, also contributes to the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space.
  3. Frequent stress. Constant worry and anxiety, lack of normal rest are also important factors that cause swelling. This happens due to the production of steroid hormones by the adrenal glands. As a result, the body stops secreting the required amount of fluid.
  4. Alcohol. Alcohol can also dehydrate the body. Along with the liquid, some of the salts necessary to normalize blood pressure are also removed. This leads to the fact that water leaves the intercellular space and edema forms.
  5. Wrong place to sleep. Sometimes swelling in the morning occurs due to the fact that the head was too low during rest. This happens when using a very hard or too soft pillow.
  6. Passion for fashionable diets. Many girls, wanting to become the owners of ideal figures, do not eat cottage cheese and milk, legumes, eggs and meat. In other words, they follow a protein-free diet. However, it is worth keeping in mind that such restrictions are very dangerous for the body. And this is despite the fact that for some time the person continues to feel good. Of course, the process of losing extra pounds will be in full swing. However, this will not happen at all due to fatty tissue. A person on a protein-free diet loses muscle mass. After just a few weeks of eating this way, anemia, heart failure, excessive fatigue, and the development of edema are likely to occur.

Solutions to the problem

What can you do to avoid swelling in the morning?

  1. Eat better. The more efficiently a person’s digestive organs work, which is possible by eating less fried and refined foods, as well as alcohol, the more the load on the lymphatic system will be reduced. If the possibility of lymph stagnation is eliminated, the occurrence of swelling will also become impossible.
  2. Rub your ears. There are areas on our body with a large number of biologically active points. You can find them in the center of the palms, on the feet and on the ears. These points have a direct connection with the digestive organs. Of course, if you eat fast food and then rub your ears, it is unlikely that this will relieve the digestive system from the effects of the harmful product. But it’s just great if the procedure of lightly rubbing the ears becomes a daily, unnoticed habit during long stays in traffic, working at the computer, or becomes a ritual performed after taking a shower.
  3. Massage using a dry brush. Performing this procedure for just five minutes perfectly stimulates the activity of the lymphatic system. It is recommended to do this massage before taking a shower. The body must be massaged with a brush in movements directed from the fingers and toes to the heart. In problem areas where swelling occurs, it is recommended to perform manipulations in a circle. This massage will improve blood circulation. You need to choose a washcloth or brush for it that is pleasantly stiff, but do not press it on the body, but make long movements, the direction of which coincides with the lymph flow.
  4. Deep breathing. It is no coincidence that teachers constantly remind us of it during yoga classes. Deep inhalation and exhalation help speed up the lymph flow process. This should be taken into account during stress. Don't hold your breath when you're worried. On the contrary, during times of stress, you need to take a deep breath and exhale through your nose. The same is recommended during walks. It will help prevent morning swelling and deep breathing during work, for which you can take short breaks. This will benefit not only the lymphatic system, but also the nervous system.
  5. More movement. The key to good functioning of the lymphatic system is physical activity, which should be daily. You can do any exercise. The main thing is that the person likes them. A wonderful way to cleanse the lymphatic system and eliminate the problem of fluid retention in the body is jumping on a mini-trampoline. This sports equipment will take up no more than 1 square meter in the apartment. meters. But after just 10-15 minutes of exercise, it will have a beneficial effect on lymph flow and provide excellent cardio exercise.
  6. Compliance with drinking regime. With insufficient drinking water, the functioning of the lymphatic system deteriorates significantly. There is no need to be afraid to drink a lot. Swelling in the morning does not occur because of this. The opposite principle works here. That is, with an increase in the amount of fluid you drink, the likelihood of morning swelling decreases.
  7. Drinking green plant juice. Fresh greens contain large amounts of chlorophyll. This “plant blood” perfectly cleanses our blood and lymph. By drinking freshly squeezed green juices or smoothies, the body receives the necessary portion of chlorophyll along with beneficial vitamins, enzymes, amino acids and minerals.
  8. Cold and hot shower. A sharp change in the temperature of the supplied water can also speed up lymph flow. This happens due to the alternating narrowing and dilation of blood vessels.
  9. Probiotics. Their consumption will be an excellent support for the functioning of the digestive system. This cannot but have a beneficial effect on the state of lymph flow. Probiotics will be good helpers for the body during periods of stress, weakened immunity or fun feasts.

Puffiness of the eyes not associated with pathology

What are the causes of swelling in the morning? A tumor in the lower or upper eyelid becomes noticeable due to the particularly thin layer of skin in this area.

The following are the causes of eye swelling in the morning, which are not associated with pathological processes in the body:

  1. Lack of sleep. Lack of rest always affects human health. It also causes swelling of the eyes in the morning. To prevent this phenomenon, wakefulness and sleep patterns should be normalized.
  2. Excessive fluid intake. Often, swelling of the eyes in the morning is caused by drinking large quantities of alcoholic beverages, tea or coffee before bed. To eliminate this phenomenon, you will need to avoid excessive drinking.
  3. Tears. What causes swelling of the eyelids in the morning? They can appear in cases where a person had to cry before going to bed. The tear fluid contains a large amount of salt, which is why it retains fluid. In addition, salt has an irritating effect on the skin, which contributes to swelling and slight inflammation in the eye area.
  4. Violation of the rules for the use of cosmetics. A woman who forgets to remove mascara or eye shadow at night may wake up in the morning with puffy eyes. This happens due to the skin's inability to breathe. You need to cleanse your face of makeup every day, using a special makeup remover.
  5. Eating excessively salty foods. Such food causes thirst, which can be quenched by drinking plenty of water. But salt that enters the body retains fluid in it. This is the reason
  6. Age. Over the years, it becomes increasingly difficult for the skin to maintain fiber and fatty tissue. At the same time, water metabolism in the body deteriorates due to poor kidney function. The result of such changes is swelling of the eyes in the morning.
  7. Hereditary predisposition. With congenital excess fat in the eye area, the eyelids appear swollen from a very early age.
  8. Tired eyes. The blood supply to the eyelids may deteriorate when reading in poor lighting or when sitting in front of a computer for a long time. In this case, the eyes swell due to their tension, which provokes the transition of intracellular fluid into the tissue of the eyelids.
  9. Changes in hormonal levels. Why do my eyes swell in the morning? This sometimes happens at the onset of menstruation, due to the ability of the hormone estrogen produced in large quantities to retain fluid in the body.

Pathological causes of puffy eyes

With constant repetition of eyelid swelling, the development of certain diseases can be suspected.

  1. Diseases of blood vessels and heart. If, in addition to swelling, a person begins to be bothered by chest pain and shortness of breath, then it is necessary to urgently seek advice from a doctor.
  2. Allergy. In this case, swelling of the eyelids is caused by certain substances - allergens. If this phenomenon is accompanied by itching and rashes on the skin, then taking antihistamines will help eliminate it.
  3. Kidney diseases. With such ailments, swelling of the eyelids is associated with disturbances in the processes of removing fluid from the body. To eliminate this phenomenon, you will need to see a doctor and undergo the appropriate course of treatment.
  4. Inflammatory processes. Swelling of the upper eyelid in the morning is often infectious in nature. Sometimes swelling is caused by sinusitis, sinusitis, a sore tooth, as well as an inflammatory process involving the facial nerve. In this case, contacting a doctor is mandatory.
  5. Facial injuries. Blows from the top of the head or forehead can cause swelling of the eyelid. In these cases, the intercellular fluid falls down.
  6. Pregnancy. Swelling of the eyelids is caused by hormonal changes. This phenomenon does not pose any danger. However, to clarify its cause, it is better to consult a doctor and get tested.

Swelling of the face

Sometimes a person can be very upset when he sees himself in the mirror in the morning. And the reason for this is facial swelling.

What factors provoke the occurrence of this phenomenon? The causes of a swollen face may be the following:

  • irrational drinking regime;
  • excess salt in food;
  • frequent stress and little time allocated for rest;
  • drinking alcoholic beverages before bedtime;
  • allergy;
  • incorrect body position during sleep;
  • diseases of the urinary organs, provoking the development of renal pathologies;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the heart muscle.

Facial swelling in the morning in women often occurs due to hormonal imbalances.

Taking preventive measures to help prevent this unpleasant phenomenon lies in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In the presence of pathologies, which may be indicated by various additional signs, a person must undergo a course of treatment prescribed by a doctor.

Swelling of the hands

Sometimes a person notices how his fingers swell in the morning. This phenomenon can spread to all hands. A similar problem occurs in people of all age groups and does not depend on the lifestyle they lead.

The reasons for this phenomenon are divided into two types - functional and diagnostic. Let's take a closer look at them.

Functional reasons

Swelling of the hands in the morning can be caused by:

  • excessive salt consumption;
  • pregnancy;
  • premenstrual syndrome.

Organic causes

Swelling of the hands provokes various diseases. Among them:

  • osteochondrosis of the spine (cervical spine);
  • rheumatoid and rheumatoid arthritis;
  • skin infection;
  • vascular thrombosis;
  • allergy;
  • consequences of injuries;
  • neurology;
  • kidney and heart diseases.

Swelling of the legs

The reasons why the lower extremities swell are similar to those that cause swelling of the arms in the morning. But in addition to them, the legs can swell due to venous disease, which is especially common in women.

Also, a similar phenomenon occurs under heavy loads and wearing high-heeled shoes. It is also provoked by a sedentary lifestyle.


You can get rid of swelling, if it is not caused by pathology, without taking medications:

  1. An infusion using 1 tbsp will allow you to return your face to its former shape. l. corn silks. This volume of raw material is poured into 1 glass of boiling water, left for 3 hours, and then taken twice a day before meals.
  2. Mint, previously crushed and placed in gauze, will perfectly relieve swelling under the eyes. Make a compress with it, applying it under the eyes for 10 minutes.
  3. Allergic swelling is relieved by a mixture of red rowan fruits, which should be crushed and mixed with sugar. This potion is boiled over low heat and added to a cup of tea in a volume of 3 tbsp. l.
  4. For edema caused by heart pathologies, a tincture of St. John's wort and plantain, nettle, bearberry and rose hips will help. Raw materials in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. pour 400 ml of water and boil for several minutes. The drug should infuse for an hour. Take it at any time, divided into 4 servings.

It is impossible to take medications without a diagnosis and prescription of a course by the attending physician.

Only in this case will a person get rid of the problem of puffiness in the morning.

When a person discovers facial swelling immediately after waking up, it can ruin his mood for the whole day. A swollen face looks painful and unattractive. But the aesthetic aspect in this case is not the only trouble. If a person’s face swells, especially after sleep, then this feature may indicate the development of certain diseases in which fluid accumulates in the intercellular space of the soft tissues of the face. A swollen face after sleep is often regarded as a sign of an unhealthy lifestyle. Why does a person's face swell after a night's sleep?

Errors in lifestyle:

  1. Eating foods high in salt and spices for dinner: lovers of salty foods immediately after a meal are faced with a strong feeling of thirst. The fluid that enters the body after eating salty and spicy foods is retained in the soft tissues, causing the face to swell, especially after sleep, when a person lies down for a long time.
  2. Alcohol abuse: many people who indulged in alcohol the night before find swelling on their face after sleep. Alcohol (even in small doses) leads to intoxication of the body and metabolic disorders, which causes swelling. The problem is aggravated if the person has not slept much after the party.
  3. Errors in nutrition: people who are addicted to diets experience a deficiency of vitamins and microelements necessary for normal metabolism in the body. This leads to disruption of water metabolism in the body, causing the face to become very swollen after sleep.
  4. Crying on the eve of sleep: if a person cried before going to bed, then there is a high probability that after sleep he will be unpleasantly surprised by unaesthetic bags under his eyes. Why is this happening? The thing is that when crying, the lacrimal glands function intensively, which causes vasodilation. In addition, tear fluid enters the nasal cavity, which causes swelling of the latter.
  5. Incorrect pillow height while sleeping: Incorrect head position causes compression of the lymphatic and blood vessels, leading to facial swelling.

Some women experience swelling in their face after sleeping on the eve of their next period. Changes in hormonal levels before menstruation contribute to fluid retention in the body, which causes swelling of the face. However, after the onset of menstruation, the swelling goes away on its own.

If a person is forced to be treated with corticosteroids, antidepressants and anti-inflammatory drugs, then the likelihood that the face will be swollen in the morning increases.


The face may swell in the morning due to a malfunction in the human body:

  1. Kidney disease: a person's lower eyelids swell. The swelling itself is soft and watery. Towards the middle of the day the swelling goes away.
  2. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine - this disease leads to disruption of blood flow in the vessels of the head and neck, causing the face to swell after sleep.
  3. Allergy: with an allergic reaction to plant pollen, animal hair, cosmetics (especially decorative) and other substances, the face swells significantly. So, a person’s eyelids become swollen, lips and cheeks swell. Swelling appears immediately after exposure to an allergen on the body.
  4. Colds: with sinusitis and frontal sinusitis, the face swells in the area of ​​the paranasal sinuses and lower eyelids.
  5. Infectious eye diseases: Viral and bacterial conjunctivitis often causes puffiness around the eyes.
  6. Dental diseases: with caries, inflammation of the nerve or gums, unilateral swelling of the face occurs.
  7. Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve: with this disease, the face swells on one side.
  8. Hypothyroidism: with this disease, there is a deficiency of thyroid hormones, which negatively affects the course of metabolic processes in the body. This causes swelling.