Games for speed reading. Eliminating inner speech. Exercises to develop speed reading and memory

In modern flows of written information, speed reading plays a critical role in cognition and development.

Many people ask: How to learn to read quickly, what is the speed reading technique, what exercises should you do to increase your reading speed?

Today on the site website You will learn not just how to teach yourself and your children to read quickly, but also how to correctly perceive the text when reading quickly, developing perception, memory and attention.

How to learn to read quickly - speed reading technique

The usual reading speed of an adult is 120-180 words per minute, if higher, then, as a rule, this is already viewing the text, and not reading with normal perception, understanding and memorization of what was read.

If you consciously understand the essence of how to quickly learn to read printed and written text, not for skimming, but for understanding and memorizing the necessary material, then by performing simple speed reading exercises you will be quite quickly learn reading techniques at a speed of 600 to 1000 words per minute,those. 3-5 times faster than usual.

However, it should be understood that learning to read quickly does not mean learning to instantly understand the meaning and quickly remember what you read, for example, in fiction.

But for office work and business papers, speed reading is very suitable, provided that you clearly understand the essence of the work issue.

For example, if you are a bank employee who understands terminology, then your ability to quickly read contracts and so on will suit you, unlike an ordinary person who, using the speed reading technique, will not understand the essence of an agreement, say a loan...

In general, developed peripheral vision will suit you not only in speed reading, but also in the perception of any visual information (for example, instant perception of car instruments and the situation on the road for instant decision making), i.e. where a lot of information is simultaneously received for brain processing.

Schulte table - exercises for speed reading

One of the methods for speed reading exercise is the Schulte table. You should take a standard book sheet of paper and draw a square Schulte table on it, consisting of five rows and five columns - numbers in different orders from 1 to 25. (When practicing on a computer monitor and on a smartphone screen, adjust the table to the full size and not use cursor)

How to conduct speed reading exercises using the Schulte table to learn how to read quickly:

  • Keep a distance from your eyes just like when reading normally;
  • Fix your gaze on the center of the Schulte table and do not move it;
  • Look for numbers one by one in ascending order from 1 to 25 as quickly as possible, and the main thing is not to move your eyes (look with peripheral vision) and do not say the numbers out loud or to yourself;
  • Do not practice speed reading with tables to the point of fatigue;
  • As your skill in quickly reading numbers (or letters in alphabetical order) increases, you can expand the tables by the number of rows and columns (6x6, 7x7, etc.)

Other speed reading techniques

After practicing speed reading on Schulte tables, you can go directly to the text.

At first, to perform quick reading exercises, you should take texts from newspaper columns, because... The lines there are smaller than a regular book page. Then move on to broader texts.

It is important to learn to see (perceive) almost the entire line of text, so that there is as little movement of the eyes along the line as possible.

Also, for quick reading, it is important to learn to grasp the main concepts and theses in the text you are reading and discard “water” (words that do not carry a special semantic load).

How to teach children to read quickly

To teach children peripheral vision and quick perception of information, for example, in the Schulte table, you can use drawings (pictures) instead of numbers.

Parents should understand that the child has object-figurative thinking, and not, like an adult, verbal-logical thinking, so exercises on speed reading letters (words) and numbers in the usual form can be very tiring for him.

It is better to first use pictures and objects to teach children to read quickly (for example, letters, words in the form of pictures and objects)

Problems that prevent you from learning to read quickly

In the process of speed reading exercises you will get rid of these problems:

  • Inability to see peripherally (learning to perceive as many words as possible, almost the entire sentence)
  • Internal pronunciation of the text (perception of the text visually)
  • Returning the eyes to what has already been read (development of quick memory)
  • Concentration (reducing automatic perception of internal and external interference)
  • Inability to quickly find key concepts and theses (learning to quickly understand meaning based on speed reading)

Read others

Reading is not only an exciting activity, but also a certain obligation for a person. Thanks to the ability to read, a person receives maximum information in his life - determines the format of the store, the composition of the product, learns about the diagnosis and much more.

The question of how to learn to read quickly is considered in childhood, however, even for an adult, this skill or familiarization with it turns out to be important. Next, we will consider ways to read quickly, because reading quickly means doing more and learning more.

The Importance of Speed ​​Reading

The technique of reading quickly is called speed reading. Why is it necessary in principle? The fact is that a person acquires new knowledge only under the condition of visible perception.

More than 95% of the information entering the human brain is provided by the ability to see.

At the same time, reading important information that is necessary to achieve your goal is no exception.

Imagine the situation: you have legal troubles, and the only help is brochures with the Criminal, Tax, Labor or Civil Codes of the Russian Federation. It is unknown which book to look for the information you are interested in, and the time to solve the problem is limited. What to do in such a situation?

In this case, the untrained brain will not find the necessary answer to the questions, and even if it does find it, it will not be able to perceive it to the proper extent. As a result, the problems that arise will only get worse.

Experts say that a person who not only reads a lot, but also masters speed reading techniques:

  • self-assured;
  • has adequate self-esteem, is somewhat self-critical, which is also useful in most situations;
  • achieves the goals set for itself.

Such statements are not groundless; specialists from various systems have conducted numerous studies to this end. They came to the conclusion that it is possible to obtain a decent education in life only with the help of a large number of books read.

An educated person can always find a job he likes and with good financial support. A successful person strives for self-improvement, which is also achieved by reading certain updated literature.

You can get the necessary information only from newspapers or other sources that need to be not just read, but read quickly. People with speed reading skills learn new things faster.

Why is a person slow to read?

Even special speed reading exercises do not always help achieve the desired result. There are certain reasons in which speed reading techniques are “useless.” These include:

  • low vocabulary– the problem can be eliminated by reading interesting literature ( artistic or scientific);
  • lack of proper concentration on the text– in this case, the problem is explained by a weak articulatory apparatus, which can be easily trained with the help of special exercises;
  • untrained memory– can be developed only through constant reading of books and discussion or simple recollection of what has been read;
  • complex content of the book– a child or even an adult cannot always perceive a confusing plot or a large number of complex sentences in the text;
  • constant return to a certain word– often there is some incomprehensible word in the text that needs to be clarified.

Explanation of a complex and unknown word in the text should be done by parents if the child is reading and wondering. Otherwise, you should consult a dictionary or the Internet.

The whole truth about speed reading. Video:

Basic tricks for speed reading

Learning to speed read should begin with studying the basic points in technology. Such basics include the following:

  • You need to read only useful books. If you want to become successful, then you should choose the autobiographies of talented entrepreneurs and so on.
  • Choose books only with easy-to-understand presentation– these include manuscripts of modern authors. Classics in this case will be inappropriate, since the text will contain a large number of already outdated words.
  • The selected book must be read quickly 2 times. The first time is an introduction to the information, and the second time is a speed reading technique.
  • Read only in places that are convenient for you– preferably at home and at least 1-1.5 hours without interruption for important matters.
  • You should not read a work you don’t like, as well as “unnecessary”— a person who wants to succeed should not start reading science fiction.

These are just the main points that will help you master speed reading at home. Next, you should study the subtleties of the technique.

Speed ​​reading techniques

In fact, speed reading is a complex of numerous techniques that are used to master the skill.

The methods are divided into groups - intended for children or adults. If we talk about adults, we can highlight the following methods for mastering speed reading:

  • Reading a book from beginning to end, and then vice versa– from end to beginning. In this case, it means the ability to increase reading speed.
  • Reading Diagonally– the technique is very interesting, but reading diagonally helps in quickly flipping through books. This method is mainly used in the study of fiction.
  • Driving your finger along the bottom of the line– this method is also used in studying reading techniques in preschool age. This is explained by helping in concentration.
  • Appropriation technique– is based on highlighting key words in the text, which are no longer read, but are perceived.
  • Empathy technique– it is important to visualize the main character of the book, to feel him. The presented actions make it easier to perceive the text being read.

There is also an interesting method on how to quickly read books. The method is called simply: “Assault method”. It is used by intelligence officers when they need to understand and assimilate a large amount of information. The method is to use a book of scientific literature.

The volume of the book is at least 100 pages. The technique involves preliminary preparation of the pages - it is necessary to draw a vertical line with a pencil on each page strictly in the middle.

The presented technique is taught to an individual, but anyone can master it.

You can also read special books on speed reading - these are the works of numerous specialists offering various methods and techniques for improving reading speed. Everyone will find the most interesting option for themselves, which will help to a greater extent.

How to learn to quickly and better remember what you read? Video:

On the importance of reading comprehension

It is not enough to know how to learn speed reading; you need to perceive quickly read information, which is not easy to achieve.

Firstly, you need to learn to simply extract useful information from the text you read. This helps you perceive the meaning of what you read much faster.

Secondly, It is important to use the understood information in practice - in this case, a person begins to use speed reading to his advantage. Such actions and basics are comparable to learning foreign languages ​​- if there is no practice, the memorized words will quickly be forgotten.

There are the following rules on how to learn to read quickly and remember what you read:

  • Talk about what you read acquaintances and friends.
  • Take notes as you read– it is necessary to highlight phrases or entire paragraphs that are important to you.
  • Read only during hours of intense brain activity– depending on the type, a person is divided into “night owl” or “lark”. You should choose the time when your brain is most active.
  • Never read out loud– this distracts from the perception of information.
  • It's important to focus on reading– if a person is tormented by more important events, it will be much more difficult to perceive and remember information.

How to teach a child to read quickly and correctly?

Speed ​​reading for children also exists, and the technique should be used as soon as the baby is ready to learn the skill. In the future, this will help you quickly and easily perceive information received at school.

When to start training?

A child should be taught to read only after a full and independent analysis of his condition. A child is ready to learn if the following points are present:

There is more useful information here.

  • The baby speaks fully– he can speak in whole sentences, uses uncommon words in a conversation with an adult.
  • He has developed phonemic hearing- Does the child perceive words well by ear, and can he name the initial and last letter in a word spoken to him?
  • The baby has no problems with hearing or pronunciation– all sounds in the child’s speech are delivered, the correct tempo of sentences is maintained ( the child focuses on the key words in the sentence).
  • The child can freely navigate in space– he has a well-developed vestibular apparatus, he knows the concepts of “left”, “right”, “up” and “down”.

It turns out that teaching a child to read and teaching him speed reading techniques is possible only if there are no developmental problems. You should not start training at an early age if the baby is not interested in it - the work will not bring the desired results, and training may even “get stuck”.

Step-by-step instruction

To instill in a child speed reading skills ( It is not fully recommended to teach him this technique in preschool age), you need to do the following steps:

Determine which technique is easier for him - and use it at first. As speed reading develops, change the methods with more complex options.

Often, younger schoolchildren's studies are not going well because they read very slowly. The low speed of obtaining information affects the speed of completion of all work as a whole. As a result, the child sits for a long time over the textbook, and his academic performance is at the “satisfactory” mark.

How to teach a child to read quickly and at the same time comprehend what he read (more details in the article:)? Is it possible to ensure that reading becomes a cognitive process that provides a lot of new information and does not become a “dumb” reading of letters and syllables? We will tell you how to teach a student to speed read without losing the true meaning of the lesson. We read quickly, but efficiently and thoughtfully.

Where to start learning speed reading?

Speaking about the classic technique of speed reading, we emphasize that its basis is a complete rejection of internal pronunciation. This technique is not suitable for younger students. It should start no earlier than 10-12 years. Until this age, children better assimilate information that is read at the same speed as when speaking.

Parents and teachers can still learn a number of useful principles and techniques that are included in this technique. A child’s brain at the age of 5-7 years has every opportunity for full development and improvement - many teachers of venerable schools say this: Zaitseva, Montessori and Glen Doman. All of these schools begin teaching children to read at this age (about 6 years), only one world-famous Waldorf school begins the process a little later.

All teachers agree on one fact: learning to read is a voluntary process. You cannot force a child to read against his will. Parents can help their child find the inner strength to master a new skill by using games.

Preparing preschoolers to read

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Today on store shelves there is a huge assortment of reading aids. Moms and dads, of course, begin this process by studying letters, for which they buy alphabet books in a variety of forms: talking books and posters, cubes, puzzles and much more.

The ABC comes to the aid of the youngest children

The goal of all parents is extremely important, but you should remember that you need to teach right away so that you don’t have to re-teach later. Often, without knowing it, adults teach using the wrong methods, which ultimately creates confusion in the child’s head, which leads to mistakes.

The most common mistakes parents make

  • Pronouncing letters, not sounds. It is a mistake to name the alphabetical variants of the letters: PE, ER, KA. Correct learning requires a brief pronunciation of them: P, R, K. An incorrect beginning will lead to the fact that later, when composing words, the child will have a problem in forming syllables. So, for example, he will not be able to identify the word: PEAPEA. Thus, the baby cannot see the miracle of reading and understanding, which means that the process itself will become absolutely uninteresting for him.
  • Erroneous learning to connect letters into syllables and read words. The following approach will be incorrect:
    • we say: P and A will be PA;
    • spelling: B, A, B, A;
    • analyzing a word only with a glance and reproducing it without taking into account the text.

Learn to read correctly

The baby should be taught to draw out the first sound before pronouncing the second - for example, MMMO-RRRE, LLLUUUK, VVVO-DDDA. By teaching your child this way, you will see positive changes in learning much faster.

Reading skill is closely related to the correct pronunciation of sounds

Very often, reading and writing disorders take their basis in the child’s pronunciation base. The baby pronounces sounds incorrectly, which subsequently affects reading. We advise you to start visiting a speech therapist starting at the age of 5 and not wait for speech to develop on your own.

First grade classes

Famous professor I.P. Fedorenko has developed his own method of teaching reading, the main principle of which is that it is not how much time you spend on a book that matters, but how often and regularly you study.

You can learn to do something at the level of automaticity even without grueling long sessions. All exercises should be short-term, but carried out with regular frequency.

Many parents, unwittingly, put a spoke in the wheels of their child’s desire to learn to read. In many families, the situation is the same: “Sit down at the table, here’s a book for you, read the first fairy tale and don’t leave the table until you finish.” The reading speed of a child studying in the first grade is very low and therefore it will take him at least an hour to read one short story. During this time, he will become very tired from mental toil. Parents with this approach kill the child’s desire to read. A more gentle and effective way to work through the same text is to work on it in portions, for 5-10 minutes. Then these attempts are repeated two more times during the day.

Children who are forced to read usually lose interest in literature completely.

When a child sits down to a book without pleasure, it is important to use a gentle reading mode in this case. With this method, the baby gets a short break between reading one or two lines.

For comparison, you can imagine viewing slides from a filmstrip. In the first frame, the child reads 2 lines, then studies the picture and rests. Then we switch to the next slide and repeat the work.

Extensive teaching experience allowed teachers to use various effective methods for teaching reading, which can be used at home. Below are examples of some of them.


Syllable speed reading table

This set contains a list of syllables that are repeated many times in one reading session. This method of practicing syllables trains the articulatory apparatus. First, children read one line of the table slowly (in unison), then at a slightly faster pace, and the last time - as a tongue twister. During one lesson, from one to three lines are practiced.

The use of syllabic tablets helps the child to quickly remember combinations of sounds

By studying such syllable tables, children begin to understand the principle by which they are built, it is easier for them to navigate and find the required syllable. Over time, children understand how to quickly find a syllable at the intersection of vertical and horizontal lines. The combination of vowels and consonants becomes clear to them from the point of view of the sound-letter system, and in the future it becomes easier to perceive words as a single whole.

Open syllables need to be read both horizontally and vertically (more details in the article:). The principle of reading in the table is twofold. Horizontal lines represent the same consonant sound with different vowel variations. The consonant is read drawn out with a smooth transition into a vowel sound. In vertical lines, the vowel remains the same, but the consonant sounds change.

Choral recitation of the text

They train the articulatory apparatus at the beginning of the lesson, and relieve excessive fatigue in the middle. On the sheet that is given to each student, a number of tongue twisters are proposed. First graders can choose to practice a tongue twister they like or that is related to the topic of the lesson. Pronouncing tongue twisters in a whisper is also excellent training for the articulation apparatus.

Performing articulation exercises improves speech clarity and helps speed reading

Comprehensive reading program

  • repeated repetition of what has been written;
  • reading tongue twisters at a fast pace;
  • Continue reading an unfamiliar text with expression.

Joint implementation of all points of the program, pronouncing in a not very loud voice. Everyone has their own pace. The schedule is as follows:

The read and conscious content of the first part of the fairy tale/story continues with a choral reading in a low voice of the next part. The task lasts 1 minute, after which each student makes a mark to what point he has read. Then the task is repeated with the same passage, the new word is also marked and the results are compared. In most cases, the second time shows that the number of words read has increased. Increasing this number creates a positive attitude in children and they want to achieve more and more success. We advise you to change the pace of reading and read it as a tongue twister, which will develop the articulatory apparatus.

The third part of the exercise is as follows: a familiar text is read at a slow pace with expression. When children reach an unfamiliar part, the pace of reading increases. You will need to read one or two lines. Over time, the number of lines needs to be increased. You will notice that after a few weeks of systematic training, the child will show clear progress.

Consistency and ease of exercises for a child are very important in learning.

Exercise options

  1. Task "Throw-notch". When performing the exercise, students' palms are on their knees. It begins with the words of the teacher: “Throw!” Having heard this command, children begin to read the text from the book. Then the teacher says: “Notice!” It's time to relax. Children close their eyes, but their hands remain on their knees all the time. Having heard the “Throw” command again, students look for the line where they stopped and continue reading. The duration of the exercise is about 5 minutes. Thanks to this training, children learn to visually navigate text.
  2. Task "Tug". The purpose of this exercise is to control the ability to change the pace of reading. First graders read the text together with the teacher. The teacher chooses a pace that is comfortable for the students, and the students should try to keep up. Then the teacher proceeds to read “to himself,” which the children also repeat. After a short period of time, the teacher begins reading aloud again, and the children, if they catch the pace correctly, should read the same thing with him. You can improve your reading level by doing this exercise in pairs. The better reading student reads “to himself” and at the same time runs his finger along the lines. The neighbor reads aloud, focusing on the partner’s finger. The task of the second student is to keep up with the reading of the stronger partner, which should in the future increase the reading speed.
  3. Find the other half. The students’ task will be to search the table for the second half of the word:

Program for children over 8 years old

  1. Search for words in the text. In the allotted time, students must find words starting with a specific letter. A more difficult option when teaching speed reading techniques is to search for a specific line in the text. This activity helps improve vertical visual search. The teacher begins to read the line, and the children must find it in the text and read the continuation.
  2. Inserting missing letters. The proposed text is missing some letters. How much? Depends on the children's readiness level. There may be dots or spaces instead of letters. This exercise helps speed up reading and also helps to combine letters into words. The child matches the initial and final letters, analyzes them and composes a whole word. Children learn to read the text a little ahead in order to correctly select the right word, and this skill is usually formed in children who read well. A simpler version of the exercise for children over 8 years of age is a text with missing endings. For example: Veche... came... to the city.... We moved... along the paths... between the garage... and notice... a small... kitten... etc.
  3. Game "Hide and Seek". The teacher begins to randomly read some line from the text. Students must quickly find their bearings, find this place and continue reading together.
  4. Exercise “Word with a mistake.” While reading, the teacher makes a mistake in a word. Children are always interested in correcting inaccuracies, because this increases their authority, as well as their confidence in their abilities.
  5. Self-measurements of reading speed. On average, children should read about 120 words per minute or more. Achieving this goal will be easier and more interesting if they start self-measuring their reading speed once a week. The child himself counts the number of words read and writes the results in a table. This task is relevant in grades 3-4 and allows you to improve your reading technique. You can find other examples of speed reading exercises and videos on the Internet.

Reading speed is an important indicator of progress and should be monitored regularly

We stimulate with results

Assessing positive dynamics is very important. The child will receive a good incentive for further work if he sees that he has already achieved some success. You can hang a table or graph above your workplace that would display the progress in learning speed reading and improving the reading technique itself.

As you know, “first there was the word,” and then they began to depict it, write it, print it, and humanity already has one more problem. How to teach a child to read with less expenditure of not only physical, but also mental strength? How to turn reading into an accessible and necessary assistant?

During school years, a lot is built on the student’s ability to work independently with a book. Provided that the student completes all homework and class assignments, the volume of reading increases with each period of school. So, when moving to the 5th grade it doubles, and by the eighth grade it triples. Wherein reading skills schoolchildren remain at the same level of primary school. Then the child develops according to one of the following patterns: either he spends five hours doing homework, acquiring various health complications; or does not prepare lessons properly, neglects reading and goes with the flow.

Various reading problems later in life are explained by the fact that throughout our lives we read the way we were taught in first grade. At the same time, we do not know how, we do not have the opportunity, desire or concept to use faster reading techniques.

When reading, children experience a number of problems, among which:

  1. When reading the text “to themselves,” they articulate. Movement of the lips and tongue occurs in approximately 80% of adults; most pronounce the text to themselves. In this case, the eyes stay in one place for too long, and they are able to scan the complexes.
  2. Most people rely more on hearing when reading, although vision, i.e. eyes perceive and transmit information several tens of times faster.
  3. Most children have a small field of vision. The human eye perceives information only during the stop period. How much he sees indicates the size of his field of vision. Unfortunately, most techniques do not include exercises designed to expand the field of vision.
  4. When a reader reads aloud or accompanies reading with articulation, the path of information processing becomes longer: to the hearing/speech center, speech center, and only then analysis of the information received. When using the speed reading technique, information travels a shorter path: the eyes, the speech center.
  5. During traditional reading, a large number of unnecessary mechanical repetitions occur, which results in unnecessary loss of time. While with speed reading, the reading speed increases significantly.

What is speed reading for a child?

Since elementary school is the only place where attention is still paid to reading technique, and its speed is measured and controlled, it is at this stage that you need to learn how to read effectively and eliminate errors so as not to carry them with you into adulthood. It was precisely because of numerous errors in reading technique among elementary school students that speed reading for children arose (previously it was aimed only at adults). Most popular mistakes are: stuttering, involuntary change of letters, rearrangement of letters and syllables, underreading of endings. Such errors, together with the above-mentioned reading problems, sharply reduce reading speed and turn this process into a rather complex one. And passing reading standards often frustrates children who cannot read easily and fluently.

Speed ​​reading helps not only to eliminate these errors, but also to automatically increase the speed of reading, not by rushing the child, but by eliminating “slowing down” moments. When nothing interferes with a child’s reading, the speed increases accordingly. Speed ​​reading provides tools that allow children to work through and correct emerging difficulties in reading, and when reading does not cause difficulties, the child takes up the book himself.

When speed reading, attention is paid to the quality of understanding and memorizing the texts read. Often children are practically incapable retell what you read, do not grasp its meaning well, paying attention only to minor details. When retelling, the child uses only words from the text, does not tell in his own words, because he is afraid that he misunderstood the meaning, and it would be much safer to use the words read in the text. Speed ​​reading approaches the solution of the problem of qualitative understanding, as well as memorizing texts, from the position of organizing such mental processes as attention, imagination, memory, thinking. Children are provided with an algorithm for working with text, allowing them to see what is important and correctly understand what they are reading. Then the child knows what to pay attention to, what is essential. This approach makes children's reading structured, conscious, and focused on extracting information. It is important to activate the child’s memory so that it is easy to answer in class, retell texts after a while, and study new subjects.

Figurative memory is considered the strongest in children. In order for a child to imagine colorful, vivid and memorable images, it is necessary to develop his imagination, which is the main process of cognitive activity in younger schoolchildren. When a child can imagine images, he remembers material more successfully and learns new subjects. In addition, many parents say that their children are distracted when reading, distracted by any stimulus, and when they stop reading, they do not remember where they stopped. Sometimes it happens that the eyes are still moving through the text, but the thoughts in the head are already somewhere far away. Speed ​​reading develops attention, composure and concentration, and this improves the perception of material and its long-term memorization.

You can teach your child the basics of speed reading at home. To do this, you need to do some exercises with it regularly. It should be taken into account that the system of teaching reading developed in educational institutions and tested over the years by practice is a solid foundation for competent writing and studying science in the future, but at the same time this system does not contribute to expanding the possibilities of independent perception of the material. When teaching your child the basics of speed reading, you should not abandon the methods that have been proven over the years. You just have the opportunity to see what a faster reading method can do, which can be used from the elementary grades.

Class structure

You should work with your child for 15-20 minutes three times a week. The lesson has the following structure:

  • Warm up. Reading a short text (up to 100 words) followed by questions to test your reading comprehension.
  • Schulte tables. Such tables are a square on which objects are arranged in random order (usually numbers or letters). They help develop the speed of finding objects in a set order, for example, numbers from 1 to 9. For elementary school students, it is worth using tables in which the field is simply divided into equal rectangles, while the number of numbers in the table is 25 and 36, and the number of letters is 20.
  • Damaged text. First, the text needs to be cut into two parts, glued to the card, shifted by 1-2 lines. Then the tasks become more complicated: parts are cut out in the middle of the text, letters are missing at the beginning or end of the line. After reading, you need to have a conversation about the text.
  • Vocabulary work, in which exercises are performed to quickly perceive groups of words.
  • Exercises that develop logical thinking. To avoid overwork, such exercises are often based on mathematical material. You can periodically replace them with drawings on the topic of the text you read.

The first stage of classes assumes that the focus will be on eliminating such reasons for slow reading like acticulation and small field of view. Reading is performed under the condition of mechanical restraint of the articulatory apparatus, with the creation of noise and interference. Already starting from the first grade, you should work with Schulte tables; it will expand the field of vision and serve to develop attention.

The next stage involves focusing on improving the quality of reading comprehension. The damaged text is read, which is divided into 2-3 stripes, separated by 1 centimeter. They read two texts of different structures at the same time, for example, a fairy tale about animals and a story about nature. Then the child is asked to draw and remember something similar. Children in primary school often cannot see the meaning in each individual line and independently choose the pace of reading for different reading purposes. Such activities significantly improve children's ability to retell texts.


It is important to perform exercises aimed at developing and activating vocabulary, transforming words, composing sentences or a story based on given words that are not related to each other.

Don't forget about the basics of learning to read. So, at the initial stage, conduct general exercises with your child that increase reading speed. Start with the simplest ones, developing clarity of pronunciation (“cars are going zh-zh-zh”, “a snake is crawling sh-sh-sh”, etc.). Read tongue twisters and sayings with him. Read several consonants in a row in one breath, then add a vowel to them. Add words from halves using about 3-10 words and asking your child to quickly put together meaningful words from the two halves.

There are also several exercises aimed at the ability to determine the desired reading speed and change it where necessary. For example, you read “to yourself”, accompanying the reading by moving your finger along the text, the child reads aloud using your finger, i.e. keeping up with you. Naturally, you should not set the speed too high.

Repeated reading exercises can arouse positive emotions towards reading. For a minute, invite your child to read the text and mark where he left off. Then he should read this passage again, naturally, as a result, a few more words will be read, which will arouse positive emotions and faith in his abilities in the child. This exercise should not be repeated more than three times.

Development of skills and qualities

To develop a skill navigate the text, use the “throw-notch” exercise. The child places his hands on his lap and begins reading the text at the command “throw”. As soon as the command “notch” is heard from the adult, the baby takes his eyes off the book, while continuing to keep his hands on his knees, closes his eyes and rests for a few seconds. The adult again says the command “throw”, after which the child must use his eyes to find in the text the place where he completed reading, and continue from that moment to read the text out loud. The duration of the exercise is up to five minutes.

An interesting exercise aimed at understanding texts and developing reading skills. The text is readable with the top of the line covered. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the child’s intelligence will allow him to notice a certain feature - when reading the top line in half letters, the bottom line remains completely open, so it is “advantageous” to quickly read the bottom line while it is open, and then quickly produce the finished result when it will be closed. This exercise contributes to the formation of several important educational qualities:

  • Since the reading of the bottom line needs to be hidden, silent reading develops;
  • Since several words need to be retained and stored in memory for some time, verbal-logical memory develops;
  • As the child reads a given line aloud and silently the underlying line, the ability to distribute attention and simultaneously perform at least two tasks develops.

By instilling in your child a love of reading, which is only possible if this process is carried out effectively and efficiently, you will help him in the future make it easier for him to complete many tasks, succeed in his studies and not experience a number of learning difficulties.

If you have any difficulties or problems, you can contact a certified specialist who will definitely help!

Reading quickly and comprehending what you read is the path to a bright future for a child. All processes of cognition in school itself and, even more so, after it are based on reading. The level of achievement is directly related to the child’s reading speed.

The speed reading technique has its own methods, which can be comprehended through special exercises. Reading is a complex mental process; it includes comprehension of what is read and technical correctness, expressiveness and speed.

When can you teach speed reading to children?

It is not for nothing that in the primary grades teachers pay so much attention to checking reading speed and the absence of distortions. Every year, speed reading tests are taken in elementary grades. Here are approximate standards that it is advisable to adhere to:

  1. During the first year at school, the child should learn to read 30 words per minute.
  2. By the end of the second year, the norm increases to 50 words per minute
  3. In third grade - 70 words
  4. And by the end of the fourth year, 100 words

These standards vary somewhat depending on the standards of the educational institution itself. But it’s time to teach your child to master speed reading—primary school. Because the ability to perceive information and remember it, when thinking is not yet fixated by any taboos, is the best time to learn speed reading. The baby is not yet surprised that fairy-tale animals speak and dragons live in the forest. For a child, the natural process is to invent unrealistic characters, connecting them together logically, from the point of view of adults, in ways that are impossible.

Errors leading to decreased reading speed in children

When trying to teach your child to read quickly, you may encounter some difficulties. The fast reading technique provides for some rules; breaking them, the level of speed of information absorption, which a priori should be high, is lost.

  1. Speed ​​reading for children has its own problems - one of the main ones is articulation or pronunciation of words, as well as inner speech. When a child tries to say everything he has read out loud or mentally, this reduces the speed at which he absorbs information significantly. Therefore, if you want to teach your child to read quickly and fluently enough so that the speed reading technique is at its best, try to eliminate this factor. But in this case, we are talking about children who can already read quite fluently, without errors, that is, 8-10 years old.
  2. The eye must see not only the point where the gaze is directed, but also within a certain radius around it. As a rule, children have a small field of vision. But there are very few methods for expanding a child’s field of vision.
  3. The next error that slows down reading speed is the regression effect. This is the most common drawback. The method of increasing reading speed does not allow you to make reverse eye movements in order to read what has already been covered again. The habit of regressing is formed very tightly and is difficult to eradicate, so it is worth teaching the child not to make this mistake from the beginning. Pay attention to returns in the text: is it a lack of attention or misunderstanding of what was read?

However, there is an exception - if regression occurs as a result of rethinking or the emergence of new ideas, then this is called reception and is a justified action.

But, since the goal of the speed reading technique is to develop speed reading in children, it is better to comprehend a previously read text after the entire text has been read. Otherwise, unnecessary eye movements are considered a fault leading to slow reading. Freeing yourself from regression increases your reading speed by two or three times.

In addition to the above, the perception of information during speed reading is hampered by the problem of the child not understanding the meaning of the text. Psychologists interpret understanding as a connection between a subject and existing knowledge. When memorizing a text, you first need to understand it better.

Exercises to develop speed reading skills

The first important rule on how to learn speed reading is to complete the norm every day. Set the norm for your child yourself, according to his age. In case of constant repetition of actions, speed reading methods begin to be included as a program for technical re-equipment of the brain. That is, this is not at all for the elite, which is important for the parents of every child.

There are many techniques for how to cover a larger piece of text, comprehending it instantly and at the same time remembering it. But to achieve this result, you need to do some simple exercises.


Decoding anagrams is a great way to train your brain. The child needs to read the name of the animal, despite the fact that the word is mixed. You need to start with simple words. Here's an example:


Every adult can easily read these words; not everyone will even notice that the letters in them are rearranged. An anagram can be an entire text. Here is an excerpt from L. Tolstoy’s story “Childhood”:

“Voldoya visibly became depressed: it must be that he was laughing at the fact that he was riding on the Ochthonian road, and pretending that he was very sweet. It may also be that he already had too much good sense and too little imagination to fully enjoy the igyuro at Rosinbon. This game was based on the previous story from Ronibzon, which we read shortly before the issue.”

In addition to being a good impetus for the development of speed reading, such a text will be interesting to the child because it represents a riddle. Parents themselves can make similar puzzles from any text. Using such a text as an example, a child can see for himself how ineffective reading by words or letters is. The next level of this method can be the transition to slid (gliding) reading, when the gaze no longer lingers on any of the words or phrases, but glides over the text. Sliding allows you not to read the letters at all; your eyes choose the meaning on their own.

In tow

To reach the level of sliding reading, do the “In Tow” exercise with your child. The child reads aloud, and you follow the text with your finger. First, move your finger along the line, and then gradually begin to speed up the speed of your finger movement. Thus, you set the child’s reading speed, as if pulling him in tow. At the same time, he will strive to keep up with you, increasing his reading speed.

Tongue Twisters

Another useful exercise for kids that increases reading speed is. Start with a simple “sh-sh-sh the snake is crawling”, “zh-zh-zh-zh-zh-zh-zh-zh-flying train”, “ssss sugar is pouring in” and so on. Invite your child to pronounce several consonant letters together BGD, TRP, SPF, MDT, RPSh, SZP, KRH. Then you can substitute one vowel into the sound combinations and offer to read it as a sentence: BGDA TRPU SPFE MDTO RPSHI SZPYU KRHE.

Expanding the field of view

The small radius of lateral vision greatly slows down the reading speed. In this case, the child is not able to simultaneously see several words at once. His gaze is fixed on one single word. There are good exercises for this:

  • Draw a sun in the center of the sheet. Draw a circle around the sun. Ask your child to look only at the sun, but name the other shapes.
  • Draw a table of numbers. Let the numbers be arranged in 4 columns and 5 rows. Write the numbers out of order. Invite your child, pointing with his finger, to name all the numbers from 1 to the maximum number as quickly as possible.
  • We develop photo memory. We print the words ICE CREAM CREEK CAT FEATHER HAND SOFA. We invite the child to look at the words for 20 seconds. Then we ask the question, is the word “...” among these words?
  • We play “finds” with words. Tell your child the page number and start reading. Its task is to find the page, the specified text and adjust to your reading pace.

Are your eyes tired?

There is nothing complicated in such training, the main thing is daily practice. During classes, be sure to do simple gymnastics for your child’s eyes:

  1. Close your eyes. Lightly press your eyeballs with your palms.
  2. Under closed eyelids, rotate your eyes 4 times in each direction.
  3. Now slowly open your eyes.
  4. Repeat the rotations with your eyes open.
  5. Hold your gaze at the tip of your nose, then move it to the sky. Repeat several times.
  6. Finally, lightly press your palms onto your eyelids again.

Memory: how it relates to fast reading and how to develop it to improve reading speed

Children think completely differently than adults. Children don’t think so much as they perceive and absorb. In their perception, everything is very connected, all images, actions, feelings - everything is inextricably linked. Children can be amazed when they see an ordinary stone. Their perception is much brighter than that of an adult individual.

What memory is is images and connections, analogies deposited in the depths of consciousness. A person remembers what particularly touched him. This is why we remember how dad’s beard smelled in our childhood, but we don’t remember the sodium benzoate formula from the education system program. Because these were inanimate memories. How to develop a child’s memory so that his studies are successful?

Children when learning to speed read have the following problem: the child reads a sentence, after reading 6-7 words, he forgets where he started reading. To do this, develop his imaginative thinking. A child will remember much more words if he perceives them as pictures and events. An excellent way to achieve this is to learn to imagine what is happening on the screen of your inner vision, as if it were a cartoon or a movie. Such “videos” need to accompany the material being read in your mind, then it will not be difficult to “rewind the film” and remember the meaning of what was written earlier.

Try to ask your child non-standard questions:

  • Draw an animal that hides from the milestones, so no one has seen it.
  • Sing what songs the clouds sing.
  • What color is your mother's perfume?
  • What happens if you touch the blue color in the rainbow?

Ask your child to describe what kind of associations arise in his thoughts when he hears words (name words that are well known to him first): pear, book, doctor, backpack, dog, sand, smile, speed, and so on. When the child understands the task well and begins to cope with it easily, then complicate it - let the child listen to unfamiliar words and try to draw analogies with them.

Another exercise: collect a whole set of buttons, small construction set parts, pieces of different materials, paper, and so on. Speak words to the child, and let him try to put together from this improvised mosaic what he imagines with this word.

It is useful to play “revive”. Let the child take any object and bring it to life, giving it intelligence. What will he do when he becomes alive? Let the child compose a whole story about this object and who he became when he came to life.

It is very important that the process of quick reading does not become a mechanical repetition of words whose meaning is incomprehensible to the child. It is necessary not only to quickly read the work, but also to understand and feel it. This is the full reading process.