Characteristics from the place of work for awarding sample. Characteristics indicating the specific merits of the person presented for the award

An employer often needs to resort to various types of incentives for their employees. This is necessary to express gratitude to a conscientious employee and inspire him to do excellent work in the future. In such cases, certificates of honor are also produced.

For special merits, an employee can also be encouraged by higher authorities. When presenting an employee for a certificate of honor, the employer should collect a whole set of documents, including a description.

A feature of this characteristic is that it usually has a positive character and is required in order to note:

  • conscientious work in the workplace
  • special merit in work
  • high moral qualities

It should be noted that it does not play the role of submission to any award. This is simply the opinion of the management of the enterprise about the need to reward an individual employee for his services in the field of his activity, expressed in writing. Therefore, you should not include expressions like “worthy of a reward” or “deserves encouragement” in the text.

The document must be of an appraisal nature. In addition to achievements in work, business and personal qualities of the employee, it is advisable for the manager to emphasize the healthy cohesion of the team, skillful management and organization of production.

Characteristic types

The characteristics are different, depending on the reason for writing and the address where each of them is sent. But there is no fundamental difference in different types of such documents.

Any characteristic has a universal nature of presenting information, but with certain nuances regarding work responsibilities and achievements.
For example, the characteristics of a person engaged in intellectual activity will be somewhat different from those of a mechanic or lumberjack.

On the one hand, the characteristics can be divided into 2 types:

  1. Internal. Prepared and stored at the enterprise. Necessary, for example, when awarding employees with certificates of honor at the enterprise itself, for other methods of encouragement or criticism, when moving up the career ladder, .
  2. External, which are required for transfer to a third-party organization, for example, an educational institution, law enforcement or judicial authorities, a bank. Or, when an employee, after leaving a given enterprise, applies for a job in another organization.

It is the external characteristics that are written for the employee whom higher authorities, including the ministry, decided to award with a certificate of honor. In addition, a positive reference from the place of work plays an important role for the guardianship authorities when adopting a child.

The characteristic may also be:

  1. Service. The most common type. Compiled at the request of higher authorities, for a higher or more responsible position, for reward or punishment. It indicates the employee’s entire career path, career advancement, length of service, skill level, and achievements in the profession.
  2. Production. Contains information about the employee’s length of service, the position he holds, the nature of his duties and working conditions. It is required to enter the amount of work he performs and the effectiveness of his activities. Most often, such characteristics are required to be provided to medical institutions, dispensaries, for medical and social examinations, medical labor commissions and medical examinations.
  3. Psychological. It is necessary if at the place of work it is necessary to professionally study the employee’s personality. Personal qualities are determined. They help create more favorable working conditions, which allows for higher returns and productivity.

General rules for writing text

Due to the lack of uniform requirements, the characteristic may turn out to be too formal or, conversely, too subjective.

Before you start writing, you should establish for what purpose the characteristic is written, what type (external or internal) it belongs to.

For example, if a reference is required for a former employee, then you should focus on the position for which he is applying for a new job. It is necessary to describe specific achievements in the workplace, if the new person will occupy the same or a similar position.

When drawing up a document, you need to consult with those who work in direct contact with this employee, as well as with him.
The employee has the right to familiarize himself with the content of the document, make changes or additions to it, and make his own point of view (part 6 of article 89 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

There are no uniform requirements and forms for compiling a characteristic. There are generally accepted rules and requirements, although the document itself should be drawn up in any form.

The following conditions must be met:

  1. Adhere to the formal business style of the letter.
  2. Submit information from a third party. Use the present tense if the person works at this enterprise, and the past tense - for already.
  3. Objectivity and reliability of information are required.
  4. What is important is the absence of emotions and feelings, restraint and specificity. That is, you need to ask specific questions and answer them: where did you study, what did you implement, what did you achieve, what did you improve, what did you publish.
  5. Unacceptability of highly specialized vocabulary.

How to apply

The characteristics are usually written on a standard A4 sheet. If the enterprise has its own letterhead, the description should be written on such a form. Two options are allowed: printed and handwritten. It is not recommended to exceed the recommended size of the specification: one page is enough. Abbreviations are not used.

The document is usually drawn up by the immediate supervisor, who knows the employee well, or. In some cases, the reference may be written by the person who is applying for the award.

  1. Name of the document (write the word “characteristics” in capital letters).
  2. Personal information, date of birth, level of education, position held are entered.
  3. Professional and service qualities, duration of work in a given place, and professional growth are assessed.
  4. Business and moral qualities, service achievements, contribution to the development of the enterprise, and merits are characterized.
  5. The presence of awards and promotions is noted.
  6. The nature of relationships with management and colleagues.
  7. It is indicated what the characteristic is intended for and where it is sent.

At the end you need to put the date of writing, signature and full name of the person who draws up the document.
The signature must be put by the head of the enterprise or the person who has been given such authority. A seal is required. The document is prepared in two copies: one remains with the employer, the other is transferred to its intended purpose.

If the customer of the specification is the employee himself, then before writing it is advisable to ask why this document is being written, and what points need special attention.

In the case when a characteristic is needed for awarding a diploma of honor, it is necessary to focus on the labor successes and achievements of the person, his scientific or innovative activities.

It is imperative to identify those positive qualities and abilities that helped the employee reach certain heights and receive awards and encouragement.

Components of a document form

If the employee will be awarded by a higher authority, for example, a ministry or regional committees, for special merits and achievements in his career, then a characteristic of the external form will be developed.

To fill out such a document, state standard R 6.30-2003 has been developed with uniform rules and requirements. The unified form requires the following information:

  1. Details of the company that issues the description: telephone numbers, legal and email addresses.
  2. Title of the document (in capital letters), with mandatory indication of content.
  3. Numbers and dates of writing, according to the numbering of the enterprise.
  4. Employee profile data.
  5. Professional, business and moral qualities, professional development.
  6. A detailed description of achievements and discoveries, implementation of project and innovation activities.
  7. Participation in seminars and conferences.

Mandatory personal data of an employee include:

  • Date of Birth
  • level of education (educational institutions and diplomas)
  • Family status
  • work experience
  • availability of awards, titles, promotions
  • publications and scientific works

What should not be in the description

The administration should not use or distribute personal data other than those related to his work area. That is, it is illegal to enter information about political or religious views and beliefs, living conditions, family life, trade union or social activities.

Consequently, if a person is repeatedly guilty of drinking alcoholic beverages in public places, then this is his personal matter, which is prohibited from being mentioned in the description.

Or he is a member of a public organization, for example, for the protection of animal rights, this also has nothing to do with the characterization.

Objectivity lies in the fact that one should not, for example, write that a person is responsible and diligent if he has had repeated disciplinary sanctions or has been found to have improperly performed his duties.

Before entering any type of confidential information, the employee should (Part 4 of Article 9 of the Law on Personal Data).

The exception is cases when this is permitted by law (Article 88 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) or the characteristic is needed to prevent a threat to the life and health of the employee himself.
Violation of the law on personal information will result in a fine of up to 50,000 rubles for the enterprise administration.

Characteristics of the caretaker

Writing a character reference for a caretaker has its own characteristics related to his professional responsibilities. On the one hand, it can be classified as working professions that do not require the use of extensive mental abilities and scientific knowledge.

On the other hand, a supply manager is an administration employee, a middle-level manager, under whose command there is a whole staff of service personnel. The favorable working and psychological atmosphere of the enterprise depends on his well-coordinated work.

To skillfully coordinate the actions of personnel and the activities of other departments, the supply manager must have great organizational skills, an analytical mind, and the ability to develop production strategy and tactics.

Effective leadership from an experienced and knowledgeable manager ensures the smooth running of the entire organization.

In addition, it is extremely important that the caretaker knows how to get along with people, find a common language and understanding, in order to provide an optimal psychological atmosphere, so that even the cleaning lady in her place does her job with pleasure.

Example of characteristics for an award

MKOU "Secondary school No. 4 village. Beautiful"

Characteristics for awarding a certificate of honor to a caretaker

Suprunov Sergey Vasilievich, born in 1965, has been working as a caretaker since 1998. Has secondary specialized education. The total work experience is 32 years, the work experience in this institution is 19 years.

Suprunov S.V. is an initiative, conscientious worker. During his time working in this institution, he established himself as a responsible, executive manager of the economic department. Sergei Vasilyevich is capable of taking responsibility for the results of his work.

Achieves excellent results within the framework of the job description and his own efforts, and always acts in cooperation with all structures of the school.

The structure of activities established by the caretaker allows all departments and divisions to interact quickly and effectively.

Discussion: 2 comments

    Everything needs to be short and to the point. However, I noticed that each organization has its own individual requirements. And if some are satisfied with a small description, then others require an expanded one, on three sheets, no less.


    Probably, a person is pleased that his work did not go unnoticed and he is given a certificate of honor. Will this award have material meaning for him, will it somehow affect the size of his pension?


Incentives in the professional and labor spheres require the preparation of a document such as a characteristic for rewarding an employee. This is not exactly what is used for presentation to government bodies and organizations or for. When drawing up a document for awarding an employee, it is necessary to take into account: the level of the award (state, municipal, departmental, local from the organization, etc.), the presence or absence of appropriate requirements for the submission of documents for the award.

Since it is difficult to provide a universal sample of characteristics for rewarding an employee, given the existence of different levels of awards and for various achievements in professional activities, the example below can be adapted to a specific situation. And if you have any additional questions, you can always ask the duty lawyer on our site.

Example of characteristics for rewarding an employee


Chief Power Engineer of JSC Novosibirsk Machine-Building Plant

Cherepov Konstantin Anatolyevich began his career at the Novosibirsk Metallurgical Plant in 1984 after graduating from the Novosibirsk Technical University with a degree in electrical power supply, Faculty of Industrial Energy, and worked his way up from an engineer in the plant’s energy bureau to the head of the electrical measurement group. Hired at the Novosibirsk Machine-Building Plant CJSC in 2002 as the head of the energy department, since 2010 he has been the chief power engineer of the CJSC.

During the period of his working career at the enterprise, Konstantin Anatolyevich Cherepov has established himself as a qualified specialist, a high professional, an initiative leader and a leader with high organizational skills.

Cherepov Konstantin Anatolyevich is the initiator of the development and implementation at the enterprise of a number of technical innovations in the entrusted field of activity, including the introduction of alternative energy sources in industry. This made it possible to reduce the cost of manufactured products, which allowed the company to compete with foreign suppliers and participate in state and municipal procurement.

Over the years of his working career, he has repeatedly been sent to advanced training courses in the specialty “electricity supply”, and strives to independently improve his professional and managerial level. While working at the company, he received a second higher education in the specialty “Human Resources Management”. He is distinguished by high efficiency, non-conflict, and stress resistance. In the department of the chief power engineer, under his leadership, a stable team has been formed, the atmosphere in which is characterized by initiative and hard work. Personally monitors the safety of working conditions.

During his work, Konstantin Anatolyevich Cherepov was repeatedly encouraged by departmental and municipal certificates, including the Certificate of Honor of the Department of Economic Development of the City of Novosibirsk, and letters of gratitude from the General Director of Novosibirsk Machine-Building Plant CJSC.

General Director of JSC "Novosibirsk Machine-Building Plant"

Odintsov P.K.

What is a characteristic for rewarding an employee?

Let us immediately make a reservation that the document in question is not a submission for an award. That is, the characteristic only accompanies the written position of management on the need to reward the employee for his professional contribution to the development of his business. Therefore, include the wording in the characteristics - worthy of an award, etc. - it's pointless.

The characteristic for rewarding an employee is an evaluation document. It describes professional achievements, work activities, business and personal qualities. For managers, it is important to reflect in the document the presence of a cohesive and stable team, management and organizational abilities.

Despite its evaluative nature, the reference for rewarding an employee is an official document. It must reflect the employee’s services to the enterprise or organization, which are the basis for reward. The document is drawn up in writing in an official business style (there should be no inaccuracies, ambiguity, corrections, speech repetitions, etc.).

Structure of characteristics for rewarding an employee

For ease of use, we offer the following algorithm for filling out characteristics for awards:

  1. Name “characteristic”, full name, year of birth, education, position
  2. Information about general work activity, length of service at the enterprise, “movement” in the service
  3. Assessment of business and personal qualities, contribution to the activities of the enterprise and department, specific merits, results (examples), specific quantitative indicators of work
  4. Relationships in the team and management
  5. Information about available awards and incentives

The document must be signed by the head of the enterprise. If the award is of a local nature, then by the immediate supervisor. The reference for awarding an employee must be certified by the seal of the organization.

Currently, employee characteristics are a fairly popular document. After all, it helps the head of an organization evaluate the personal and professional qualities of an official when he is hired or dismissed from work. Many employers draw up this document, referring to the established form.

Why is this document needed?

Based on this document, it is impossible to nominate an employee for an award; he is an accompaniment of the written position of the head of the enterprise on remuneration of a worker who takes professional participation for the benefit of the company. Characteristics for encouraging an official considered an assessment document, where information on his work activity, professional achievements, business and personal qualities is recorded.

If this document is created for a managerial employee, then it is necessary to indicate the abilities in management, organization, and the formation of a work team that has become stable and cohesive.

Despite the evaluative characteristics of the characteristics, in order to encourage the employee, it is of an official nature. This reflects the well-deserved actions of the worker in relation to the company, presented for encouragement.

The document is drawn up in writing, in an official business style, that is, without corrections, inaccuracies, verbal repetitions, ambiguity and other errors.

Document structure

The characteristics of an official usually consists of the following sections:

Such a document is signed by the general director of the company. The immediate supervisor signs if the document is local. When it is necessary to reward an employee, a mandatory condition will be the presence of the company seal in the characteristics.

Rules for registration

The basic types of characteristics are:

  • internal;
  • external.

The first type is associated with the presentation of an employee for an award, provided for by corporate management, and operates within the company. It helps large organizations increase the motivation of their workforce.

Similar the characteristic is compiled in an arbitrary form, since the legislation does not provide specific details and recommendations for registration.

The formation of external characteristics for a worker is carried out by a certain enterprise, if a request is sent for their provision. This document may be needed by the following structures:

  • police;
  • educational institutions;
  • government institutions;
  • municipalities.

Basic rules for filling out characteristics for employees nominated for an award.

A competently compiled description is evidenced by the presence in the document of the following points:

  1. Headers in which you need to enter the name, the outgoing number of the document, then it must be signed by the head and the compiler, and also stamped. In the same place, the date of creation must be indicated.
  2. After the name, the surname of the employee should be noted, along with the first name, patronymic, year of birth, marital status, information about children.
  3. Next, data about the career of the awarded employee is entered: the date he was hired, what positions he was in, awards, bonuses, personal participation in the company development process.
  4. Below, the direct characteristics of the employee are noted, listing the positive aspects of his character, expressed by punctuality, attentiveness, high qualification degree, knowledge of foreign languages ​​and other signs.
  5. The last paragraph records the purpose for which the characteristics are being compiled. As a rule, it is needed to reward an official for his work merits. You can indicate that the document is intended for the place of request. When this paper is requested by a specific structure, it would not be amiss to note the name of this organization.

Internal characteristics for issuing a certificate to a worker are written on a sheet of paper, A4 format, in free text. If this is a state format, then this document must be compiled using official, company letterhead.

The procedure for filling out this form is suitable for large enterprises and private entrepreneurs.

List of main actions:

  1. Having indicated the details of the organization, you should note the name of the document.
  2. Then proceed to fill out the questionnaire, consisting of: employee position; his last name, first name, patronymic; marital status; information about children; the year of birth; statements of education and past work activity.
  3. The next step is a description of all positions held by the employee during the period of his employment, as well as merits and personal qualities.
  4. The employee's existing awards are listed below, and more specific information is entered regarding the information listed above. When giving a state award, it is required to note when the award was issued, its name, and who provided it.
  5. A summary of the information presented is then compiled. According to which they decide how to reward an official: with a diploma, title or in another way.

Who writes the characterization?

Internal characteristics for awards are formed by superiors:

  • divisions;
  • departments;
  • branches;

This document is also drawn up by the general or executive director of the enterprise, including the immediate supervisor of the employee nominated for the award.

The high status of the official who signed the characterization gives value to this document. It confirms the employee’s services to the company’s management. When such a paper is assigned to an accountant, in order to reward him for his work, it is drawn up by the chief accountant or the head of the organization.


Characteristics are an official document that reflects the qualities of an official in personal and professional terms. It contains information regarding all the employee’s merits, his knowledge and experience in his work. It plays an important role when placing an employee at a new place of duty. Thanks to such paper, it is easier for workers to get the desired position.

TEACHER has a higher pedagogical education. Pedagogical experience as a technology and drawing teacher for 27 years.

The teacher has the highest qualification category of a pedagogical worker. Throughout his professional career, the teacher works to improve pedagogical skills through studying advanced pedagogical experience in the system of technological education, active work in the regional methodological association of technology teachers, completing course training on the basis of the Institute of Educational Education in Kirov, exchanging experience with colleagues from other regions through participation in inter-district seminars, interregional conferences and via the Internet. Works on presenting the pedagogical experience of the teacher were published in the collection of participants of the 2013 interregional conference “Current problems of innovation in technological education” and on websites on the Internet. He confirms his knowledge and teaching skills as part of the regular certification of teaching staff.

In his activities, the teacher actively uses advanced methods and pedagogical technologies in the process of teaching and educating students: elements of student-centered and differentiated education, ICT technologies, design technology, being a supporter of innovations in the processes of teaching and education. Training sessions conducted by the teacher are always methodically structured correctly, taking into account the age characteristics of the children. The teacher structures each lesson so that it brings students something new that can help them understand the secrets of the world around them and can be applied by them in practice. To conduct training sessions, the teacher prepares didactic materials and handouts every day, thinks through individual, creative tasks, exercises for practicing and applying knowledge and skills in practice, and selects individual objects of work for each student. The motto of a teacher’s work is “Create, invent, try,” and the teacher’s attitude to work is a shining example for students. A teacher is a participant in professional competitions, subject-methodological Olympiads, pedagogical projects at various levels:

  • names of events and terms of participation (year, duration) are listed

Teacher through training sessions and activities of the “Handicraft” circle. Domovenok,” which has been teaching for 6 years, strives to discover and develop creativity in every student, the desire to achieve high results, as evidenced by the results of student participation not only at the district level, but also at the regional and even All-Russian levels:

  • All awards are listed (event name, location, etc.).

The teacher is an active participant in the social life of not only the school, but also the rural community. Actively takes part in various events: labor, sports, creative, professional.

Since 2009, the teacher has been organizing the work of the school site. The teacher believes that work in the school area is one of the factors contributing to the organization of adequate nutrition for students, the creation of an individual image of the institution and the labor education of students. The school plot is expanding, which makes it possible to create a year's supply of vegetables for the canteen, as well as sell part of the grown products. Under the guidance of the teacher, a huge amount of work continues to be done to improve the flower beds, change the appearance of the playground, and a project has been developed to create a large sports ground for high school students with a football field and an obstacle course.

Since 2008, under the leadership of a teacher, the open-ended pedagogical project “Beautiful School” has been implemented. As part of the project, a lot of work is being done to create cozy and comfortable conditions for preschool children and students on the school grounds.

In the 2010-2011, 2012-2013 academic years, based on the results of the review competition, the school became the winner of the regional competition “Beautiful School”. Currently, work on the further implementation of a long-term pedagogical project and landscaping continues: existing flower beds and alpine slides are being improved, new flower beds and buildings are created.

Throughout her teaching career, the teacher performed the functional duties of a class teacher. Under the guidance of an experienced teacher represented by a teacher, students actively take part in all school events, taking prizes: subject Olympiads, creative competitions, sports competitions, labor affairs.

When communicating with children, the teacher always maintains a friendly tone, listens carefully to each child, fairly judges controversial issues between students, is constantly interested in the achievements of his students at home, and creates conditions for the individual disclosure of the personality of each student. The teacher maintains close contact with the parents of his students, actively involves them in holding various events and creating comfortable conditions for children in the classroom. And parents, in the person of the teacher, find an indispensable assistant in resolving various pedagogical situations and problems with children at home.

In the teaching staff, the teacher enjoys authority and respect from colleagues and school employees.

For the full text of the material Characteristics of a teacher for awarding a diploma of the Department of Education, see the downloadable file.
The page contains a fragment.