Fortune telling with playing cards, classic layout. How to guess with playing cards: main rules. Fortune telling for a successful marriage

There is a card game that is officially included in the list of Olympic sports - this is sports bridge.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future with the help of playing cards.

How to learn to guess with playing cards

Cards are the most accessible way to join the world of magic. It is not at all necessary to run to a special store for Tarot; an ordinary deck with kings, queens, and tens is enough. How to learn to guess with playing cards? First of all, you should buy them - only a brand new deck, never used in a game or playing solitaire, is suitable for communicating with fate.

Learning and remembering meanings

It is quite difficult to memorize the readings of all the cards; it will require practice and time. For beginners, you can briefly write down on separate sheets of paper the values ​​​​by suit from six to ace - you will get four “cheat sheets” with which it will be convenient to check when playing.

Let's take sixes, for example. Their common meaning is travel, road. What will this mean, adjusted for suit? A card of diamonds will warn of possible additional expenses during the trip, a card of hearts will predict a successful ending. Peak - hints at the futility of hopes. Cross - will make it clear that in order to achieve the goal you will have to give up something and work hard.

Main principle: from simple to complex

It’s not just the meaning of specific cards that is important; their combination tells much more. But only an experienced specialist can interpret such a detailed alignment. You shouldn’t take on something big right away; first, it’s better to limit yourself to answering one or two questions.

Clearly formulate the problem on which Fate’s advice is required. Pull out one card and see what it means. If it needs additions, you can take two more at random from the deck - the main thing is not to try to “calculate” them somehow, think for a long time and tune in, everything should go intuitively.

Has the deck already gotten used to its new owner and begun to reveal secrets? You can complicate the task by analyzing the problem according to the principle: where it all began, what state it is in today, and how it will end in the future. Should be posted according to

It is generally accepted that for fortune telling you need to use special cards, and playing cards cannot tell the whole truth. But this is a myth - there are proven methods of fortune telling with playing cards that are in no way inferior to classical methods. Let's talk about the most popular layouts and meanings of playing cards.

There are certain rules that must be followed if you decide to tell fortunes with playing cards. Here they are:

  • You must have one, your own deck - only its owner can guess on playing cards: other people’s cards will “deceive”
  • Before the fortune telling session, you need to concentrate and clearly imagine your goal - what exactly you want to know. A correctly formulated question is the key to success
  • You need to trust that the cards will tell the truth. Skeptics and non-believers in the power of fortune telling should stop trying to tell fortunes.

It's simple - get ready, prepare your deck, clearly decide what you need to ask, and go ahead!

What the cards say: meaning

After you receive the layout, you will need to decipher it. Here's what each card means:

  • Six - portends an important meeting or romantic date
  • Seven - promises luck and extraordinary success in all endeavors
  • Eight - falls to difficulties, troubles, problems and difficulties
  • Nine is the image of a rival, a competitor, a woman who has a negative attitude towards you: she is jealous or wishes harm
  • Ten - a situation will arise in the fortuneteller’s life in which he will have to make an important choice that will affect the course of his future life
  • Valet - a familiar young man from your circle
  • Lady - a girl from the fortuneteller’s close circle: relative, beloved woman, friend
  • The king is a man from the fortuneteller’s inner circle: lover, husband, friend, brother, father
  • Ace is the personification of love, and mutual: you won’t have to suffer from unrequited feelings

The suit of the card also matters:

  • Hearts mean mutual feelings of a romantic nature: infatuation, love, strong sympathy
  • Diamond cards foretell important news in the life of a fortuneteller. Moreover, the news will be pleasant and bring a lot of joy
  • Club (cross) cards - personify the material side of a fortuneteller’s life, can tell about financial affairs, attitude towards money
  • Spades cards are always for something negative - problems, difficulties, conflicts and troubles

Free fortune telling for the future

Pick up a deck of playing cards and clearly formulate a question whose answer interests you. It is important that the question is closed, that is, it can only be answered “Yes” or “No.”

For example: “Will the young man (name) ask me out on a date?” Or: “Will I get money for the business I have in mind?”

Draw one of the cards at random. If the card comes up in the heart suit, the answer is yes. Peak - negative. Diamonds indicate that you can get a positive answer, but you will have to work hard. Clubs warn: you are thinking about the wrong thing, switch your attention to more important matters.

Fortune telling using one card

Also a very simple version of fortune telling. Do everything as in the previous case, but you can ask an open question - then the card that comes out will tell you what to pay attention to and what awaits you.

For example, you asked: “What awaits me tomorrow” and the jack of spades came up. This means that the next day promises a meeting with a young man from your environment who is negatively disposed towards you (see the meanings of the cards that we described in the first section).

Fortune telling for love

This version of fortune telling is suitable for those who want to find out what awaits them in their personal life. How to guess:

Shuffle the cards thoroughly. Select a card in advance that will represent the person you are interested in. For example, if your chosen one is a dark-haired older man, he will be the king of spades. If it's a young blonde girl - the queen of hearts

Take this card out and place it in the center of the table. Divide the remaining deck at random into 9 parts and place the top card face up:

  • Three stacks are above the central card. This is what happened in the past in your relationship
  • Three piles are under the central card. This is what awaits you and your other half in the future
  • The remaining three piles are your current relationships

See the meanings of the cards in the first section of the article.

Watch the video about fortune telling with playing cards:

Fortune telling with playing cards for the future

Before starting fortune telling, you need to remove all sixes from the deck. Then you must wish for any card that comes to mind first.

  • Shuffle the deck thoroughly and divide it into two equal piles
  • Choose one of the piles to which your heart lies most
  • Set one card from the pile aside and divide the remaining cards into three equal piles.

As a result, you will have four stacks of cards:

What is in the first is the personification of the person who is being told fortunes. His desires, aspirations, goals. The second pile is family life, predicts events that will take place in the house. The third contains cards that will indicate in which direction you need to move. And the fourth is unexpected events that will happen in the very near future.

How to check cards before fortune telling?

To be sure that the cards will tell the truth, they need to be checked before fortune telling. To do this, shuffle the deck, close your eyes and mentally transfer your energy to the cards. Then ask the question: “Will you tell the truth or a lie?” and take out any card. If it is red, you can guess. If it is black, it is better to postpone fortune telling until a more opportune moment.

Playing cards are one of the oldest predictive systems, which are still used by many today. This deck is simpler than the Tarot deck, however, fortune telling with playing cards is no less interesting and very effective. They make fortunes about love, career, and the future; You can ask them any question and receive a very specific, comprehensive answer.

It is believed that fortune telling on a playing deck is quite simple. This is both true and false... Indeed, anyone can master it. However, firstly, in order to correctly interpret the layouts, you need to master a whole layer of information, and of a rather special nature, and secondly, working with playing cards, as with the Tarot, requires compliance with a number of conventions plus developed intuition. Meanwhile, online fortune telling with playing cards allows you to get the same result, but with a minimum of effort and time. Here you will find a whole section of such fortune-telling, and you can use them for free and at any convenient or desired moment. Here they are…

Fortune telling with playing cards

Fortune telling on playing cards by a person's name allows you to understand what exactly the person you have in mind feels towards you or thinks about you at the present time.

Fortune telling with playing cards is an opportunity to figure out how realistic it is to fulfill what you would really like, but what you currently doubt. Fortune telling is free, it works in on-line mode, so you can use it completely freely and at any time convenient for you.

Having a problem? Has the present raised questions for the future? We invite you to resolve all your doubts and get all the answers right now, online, using this fortune telling for the near future. Moreover - pay attention! - absolutely free. The layout is done on playing cards. It allows you to cover a time period from the recent past to the near future, and also shows slightly more distant prospects. With its help, you will see the full picture of the situation and be able to draw the necessary conclusions for yourself.

Free online fortune telling with playing cards for love is an ideal way to sort out problematic relationships with your loved one. In 6 positions of the layout you will find answers to key questions that usually arise in such a situation: what are his thoughts, what does this person want and what, on the contrary, is unpleasant for him, what could happen in the near future, etc.

This free layout is ideal for cases when doubts make it impossible to choose between several candidates for your heart. By the way, with its help you can identify sympathies that you don’t even know about. After all, it may be that someone from your environment is secretly in love with you, but is afraid, hesitant, or for some reason does not want to admit his feelings...

This online Yes-No fortune telling with playing cards will help you get answers to any questions. Moreover, very specific answers. This is convenient because we don’t always need long discussions “on a given topic”; more often we need a clear and accurate forecast - will it come true or not, will it happen or not, should we start or wait...

Fortune telling with playing cards online, which allows you to comprehensively consider the situation around your loved one. His (or her) aspirations, worries, doubts, and besides this, possible surprises and probable events - you will find the answers to all this in such a fortune-telling.

This free relationship fortune-telling will allow you to figure out whether there are problems in your union with your loved one, and to understand how deep and sincere the feelings of your loved one are. The layout is done on playing cards online, so you can use it exactly at the moment when it is most relevant to you.

You can guess with playing cards for any situation. They, like the Tarot deck, can be asked any questions. But correctly understanding the answer we receive from them is not the easiest task. And that is why we offer you a set of detailed meanings for each of the playing cards in the deck. With their help, you can interpret any layout, regardless of its complexity or the essence of the issue.

Today, the most popular option for making predictions is traditional fortune telling with a deck of playing cards. This method of obtaining answers to the most pressing questions is very simple and accessible to everyone, which is why it is in great demand among all generations. We will present the most common methods of fortune telling with playing cards, allowing you to find out your future or get an answer to a question about love.

The desire to lift the mysterious veil of your future, find out the attitude of your loved one and determine the prospects for a union is natural for every person. And for those who want to quickly and easily get answers to the most exciting questions, various methods of fortune telling have been invented using a regular deck of playing cards.

To use one of the methods of making a prophecy using playing cards, you should first become familiar with the features of such rituals. Although these types of fortune telling are very simple, there are special recommendations and general rules for each of them. They must be adhered to if the fortuneteller wants to receive the most open and reliable answer to his question.

Who can use these methods of fortune telling?

Anyone can guess with playing cards. However, at the same time, a person needs to master magical practice for a long time in order to be able to correctly interpret the mystical pictures that form the card layout. At the same time, for primitive fortune-telling, it is enough for the questioner to determine the main combinations of cards and their meaning.

Of course, in order to get the most detailed answer that provides reliable information about the fortuneteller (his immediate future, what the attitude of his loved one is, what love has in store), many turn to experienced fortune tellers. Each fortune teller has her own deck, through which she makes a prophecy for each specific person.

Which cards will tell the truth?

To try different methods of fortune telling with a deck of playing cards, a person needs to know which cards will tell the truth. As a rule, any ordinary playing deck can provide a very reliable layout. However, it must be new.

It is advisable to buy a new deck that has not previously been used in games before the fortune-telling ritual. Subsequently, with such cards you can tell fortunes about love or your future. However, as soon as the deck is used in the game, it is no longer suitable for fortune telling.

Basic rules of fortune telling

To get a true layout showing the future on playing cards, you need to adhere to other rules. Their implementation will provide the fortuneteller with an accurate answer, and magic will contribute to the fulfillment of what is shown.

Primary requirements:

  • Only the owner can use a deck of playing cards intended for fortune telling. Anyone who owns a new deck will be able to try out a variety of fortune telling methods on it. It is strictly not recommended to transfer it into the hands of another person. Otherwise, it will become unsuitable for prophecy;
  • It takes the right approach and focus. When starting to implement magical actions with a playing deck, you need the right attitude. Therefore, before the ritual, it is recommended to clear your mind and concentrate on the topic that interests you most (future, love, attitude of your loved one, etc.);
  • Correct formulation of the question is the key to a reliable and truthful answer. When forming a layout, it is necessary to ask the question as accurately as possible without being disingenuous. Deception regarding playing cards during fortune telling can generate counter deception by providing an untrue prophecy;
  • Faith in the result. When guessing on the cards of a regular playing deck, you must believe in the result and their prediction. With such an attitude towards magic, the fortuneteller will always be able to receive reliable predictions.

Types of predictions

There are quite a few ways to tell fortunes with a deck of playing cards. A correctly formed alignment and its careful interpretation is the key to unraveling the mysteries of the future in the area of ​​interest. However, the type of fortune telling chosen will also be important. If you want to get answers to burning questions, it is important to choose the right type of prophecy.

The main types of such fortune telling include:

  • A method of fortune telling for the future - layouts that reveal the secrets of the future fortuneteller can be “circular”. Their interpretation demonstrates how connected the past and decisions made are with the future. By correctly interpreting the meaning of each card and card combinations, you can get a detailed picture of the events ahead of a person.
  • Fortune telling about love and the attitude of a lover. Thanks to such manipulations with a regular deck, you can get a decoding of the chain of phenomena and factors regarding the love area. In this case, the cards help you understand what you can expect from your loved one, how promising the relationship is, what feelings the questioner will experience in the near future, etc. Such card layouts and their interpretation help solve a lot of personal problems.
  • Fortune telling by wish. Usually, these are the simplest ways to receive a prophecy, since it provides only a definite answer (Yes/No). Usually, this arrangement allows a person to more clearly understand the circumstances and receive additional support from above.

Depending on what question interests a person, he can choose the most suitable option for making a prophecy by using a deck of ordinary cards for the game. We will tell you further how to use them and what to expect from such magical helpers.

The most common layouts

To have an idea of ​​what the options for fortune telling may be, we offer an example of the formation of a layout, each of which represents one of the most common types of making predictions.

Let's tell fortunes about the events of the upcoming future

To find out what fate has in store for the fortuneteller in the coming future and to find the relationship between actions committed in the past and their consequences, you can use this layout. Having purchased a new deck of playing cards, you can begin the ritual.

Having taken the entire deck in your hands, you should carefully shuffle it, while thinking about your future in a certain field of activity (work, relationships with partners, etc.). Next, use your left little finger to remove part of the deck from above and put it under the bottom. Then, one by one, from the first top card, begin to form the layout so that you get three vertical columns, each of which would have three cards. Their interpretation follows.

Decoding the layout begins with the left vertical column, which symbolizes the fortuneteller’s past. The next deciphered is the central column, which represents the present. The ritual ends with an interpretation of the last column, which demonstrates the possible development of future events. The key to fortune telling is the interpretation of the digital values ​​and suit of each card.

Key to fortune telling:

6 – meeting, date;

7 – good luck awaits you;

8 – troubles, problems;

9 – rival or envious person;

10 – making an important decision;

B – guy;

D - good friend, girlfriend;

K - buddy, comrade, friend;

T – mutual love;

Hearts - reciprocity;

Diamonds - good news;

Clubs – financial issues;

Peaks - problems, troubles.

Having received the key to this version of fortune telling, you can draw up a detailed chain of expected events in the future. Their likely fulfillment will depend in part on the present. By determining the sequence of actions and the relationship of events, you can protect yourself from some problems.

How to find out about your partner's feelings?

This version of fortune telling will allow you to tell fortunes on playing cards in order to find out the attitude of your loved one. Using this layout, the questioner can clarify the whole picture of a possible union and find out the prospects of the couple. To tell fortunes about your lover’s love and attitude in this way, you will need an ordinary deck of playing cards, as for fortune telling for the future.

Before you begin this option for making a prediction, you need to choose a card that best matches the appearance of your loved one:

  • clubs - a man with dark hair and/or brown eyes;
  • tambourines - a free young man (not married), a guy with blond hair and light shades of eyes;
  • worms - a young man, married, with blond hair (blond, brown-haired);
  • spades - a man, usually older, a soldier or official, with dark hair and/or dark eyes.

Having chosen a suitable card, place it in the center of the table and proceed to the next step. The next step is to shuffle the deck. After thoroughly shuffling all the cards, take out 8 cards in no particular order and arrange them in this order:

1 – to the right of the central map;

2 – under the central map;

3 – left;

4 – from above;

5 – in the upper left corner;

6 – in the lower left corner;

7 – in the lower right corner;

8 – in the upper right.

The key to fortune telling

Having formed such a layout, you can begin to interpret it. It’s worth noting right away that the attitude of your beloved guy can only be determined by the merits of the cards. Their suits do not play a role in this fortune telling.

So, if it comes up:

6 – a long road, a journey, a trip that will separate lovers for a short time;

7 – soon planned meeting, date;

8 – conflict or unpleasant conversation, which may end in a quarrel or break in relations;

9 – mutual love, which will end in legal marriage;

10 – the person has only friendly interest in you;

B – wasted effort, unnecessary worry;

D – gossip or rival (sometimes – betrayal);

K – friend, good buddy who will help at the right time;

T is a symbol of reciprocity and sincerity.

It’s so easy to understand what’s in a person’s soul and whether a relationship with him is promising. This arrangement is very accessible and simple, so girls often use it even at home.

Will your wish come true?

This layout is no less simple than the previous two. For this, it is worth stocking up on a new playing deck and patience, as well as correctly formulating the question in advance. To get the most accurate answer, you need to construct the question correctly in order to get an unambiguous answer - only “Yes” or “No”.

Focusing on your question (about love, work, upcoming events, etc.), you should carefully shuffle the entire deck. Then, with your right ring finger, slide part of the deck towards you, removing it and subsequently putting it underneath. After this, you must first remove the top card, then the bottom and the last one from the middle of the deck.

They are all laid out face down and the interpretation of fortune telling begins based on the suits. In this case, dignity does not play a role. So the values ​​could be as follows:

  • Hearts - a positive answer;
  • Spades are also a positive answer;
  • Tambourines – negative;
  • Clubs – negative.

The answer to the fortuneteller’s question will be obvious if all three cards of the same value fall out. If one means “No” and the other two mean “Yes” or vice versa, the situation will be twofold, which indicates possible complications.

That’s how simple it is, having only a deck of the simplest playing cards, you can tell fortunes about your future, love or desire. Such layouts are very popular even today, because they can easily and simply provide a person with answers to his questions.

Each person may have a difficult situation in life, from which it is difficult to find a way out on their own. In this case, many turn to cards for help. Fortunately, today there are various layouts that can be performed even by beginners. In this article we will look at fortune telling by cards: layouts and meaning of cards.

During the time of our ancestors, the magic of fortune telling was known to at least one member of the family. In most cases, it was an elderly woman.

Before making an important purchase, making a fateful decision, starting sowing or harvesting, this woman was asked to make a card layout that showed how well the situation would develop. Then fortune telling played a huge role in people's lives, and its results were never in doubt.

Rules for fortune telling on cards

In order for the prediction result to be true, it is important to follow certain rules. First, you will need to choose a card that will be “you” in the fortune telling process. This is done this way:

  • if you are a young unmarried girl, take the Queen of Diamonds;
  • representatives of the fair sex in the age category from twenty-five to fifty years old must use the Queen of Hearts;
  • older women choose the Queen of Clubs.

For men, you need to choose cards in the same way.

From this video you can learn how to tell fortunes using ordinary cards, as well as Tarot cards

Card layout “What was and what will be..”

Fortune telling on cards on the topic: “What happened, what will happen, how the heart will calm down” has always been extremely popular among girls. This alignment appeared a long time ago, with its help you can find out the features of your past and future, as well as receive practical advice on how to improve the current state of things in your life.

Fortune telling was actively used by our great-grandmothers, although, it should be noted, since then there have been some modifications in the meanings of the cards, but its meaning remains the same.

Now let's look at how to correctly perform fortune telling:

  • the best time to conduct it is at night. You will need to thoroughly shuffle all the cards from the deck;
  • then remove the first five cards with your left hand towards you and lay them out on the table surface;
  • repeat the described manipulation again;
  • perform the same action again, while one of the cards must be set aside separately. As a result, you will receive 5 piles of cards, each with 3 cards and one will be placed separately.

The cards are interpreted as follows:

  • 1 stack– characterizes you as a person;
  • 2 stack– will shed light on your worries and worries that torment you;
  • 3 stack– your home, loved ones and relatives;
  • 4 stack– events of the past;
  • 5 stack- future events.

And the very last card will tell you how the matter you are thinking about will end. From her you will receive the main recommendation.

How to interpret the meanings of cards in a classic layout

To understand what exactly the cards are telling you, remember their correct interpretation.

Heart suit

  • Six - you will be very lucky;
  • Seven - feel free to take risks, everything planned will come true;
  • Eight - it’s worth revaluing what you have, you are already happy enough;
  • Nine - you are in a good environment;
  • Ten - get financial benefits;
  • Jack - comrade;
  • Lady – a woman you don’t know;
  • The king is an unknown man;
  • Ace - take care of your family.

Diamond suit

  • Six - everything planned will come true;
  • Seven - you have a great friend, you need to take care of him;
  • Eight - the person you are guessing sincerely treats you;
  • Nine - everything will end successfully;
  • Ten - cast aside doubts, they are of no use to you;
  • Jack - they are trying to “lead you by the nose”;
  • Lady - you have a secret admirer;
  • King - someone secretly admires you;
  • Ace It is important for you to learn all the latest news so as not to miss important things.

Club suit

  • Six - you should listen to what they are saying;
  • Seven - Lady Luck is with you;
  • Eight - promises to receive a present;
  • Nine - life will soon change for the better;
  • Ten - buy an expensive thing;
  • Jack - pleasant vanity;
  • Lady is a family woman;
  • The king is a family man;
  • Ace - receiving interesting news.

Spades suit

  • Six - you will have to go through a breakup;
  • Seven - events will not unfold in the best way;
  • Eight - you will cry because of betrayal;
  • Nine - take a closer look at your health;
  • Ten - your actions will push you away;
  • Jack is empty vanity;
  • Lady - ignore envy with slander;
  • King - you have a secret enemy;
  • Ace - bad news.

Fortune telling for the fulfillment of what you want

The deck of cards is shuffled well, then you remove the cards with your left hand and think of your secret desire. Then the cards are laid out one at a time in four piles, with the back facing up.

Then take the first pile on the left side, turn it face up and remove all the cards except the first ace. Do the same with all the stacks of cards until they are all connected together.

The resulting stack should be divided into three parts, with the cards facing up. Then repeat the previous manipulations (eliminate all cards up to the first ace). But do not forget to turn the right stack face up each time and place it on the left one, without shuffling it.

The cards that remain must be divided into two parts and the described steps must be repeated again. At the end, arrange the remaining cards in two piles, mix well and place them in one line. If all 4 aces come together, your secret dream will definitely become a reality.

By resorting to fortune telling with cards, it is easy to understand the true state of things in your life, because cards act as an “independent expert” who will help you find answers to your questions and make the right choice in a difficult situation.