Renal function test where to do it. Sick or healthy? Methods for checking the condition of the kidneys at home and in the clinic. An integrated approach to research

General urine analysis

Checking the chemical characteristics of urine, examining it under a microscope for pathological impurities - the OAM method. Urine tests can determine the number of good blood cells, white blood cells, as well as the color, acidity and transparency of biological fluid.

This type of examination also identifies pathogenic contaminants. A general urine test is done to diagnose pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis and urethritis.

Using this method, the following indicators are checked in patients:

  • amylase;
  • glucose;
  • creatinine;
  • uric acid;
  • urea;
  • microalbumin.

It should be noted that this type of test is not the final result. After conducting a profile study, the specialist begins to calculate functional samples. They show much more accurately the performance of the organs that excrete urine. To calculate the level of substances in the blood, it is necessary not only to know their main indicators, but also to take into account some parameters:

  • gender of the patient;
  • body weight;
  • age category.

As a result, more clear results can be obtained for a specific person based on his individual indicators and all his deviations can be identified.

Examination: symptoms of kidney inflammation

The most common and pronounced symptoms of kidney disease include the following “feelings” and signs of the disease:

  • regular increase in blood pressure (both persistent and single);
  • the presence of edema - permanent or temporary (morning or evening);
  • change in urine color;
  • constant desire to go to the toilet in small ways, especially at night;
  • change in the volume of urine excreted (with a constant diet and drinking regimen);
  • pain when emptying the bladder;
  • pulling, stabbing, aching pain in the lumbar region, lower abdomen;
  • weakness, chills, dry mouth, shortness of breath, and so on.

class=”fa”>There are a lot of symptoms of kidney problems, and all of them are obvious. However, it is important to understand that similar symptoms can occur in other diseases. In order not to confuse them, you need to use additional methods that allow you to find out exactly whether it is your kidneys or some other organ that is bothering you.

To recognize nephritis, it is necessary to carry out several sequential actions, and the presence of the following symptoms in a patient helps in deciding how to determine inflammation in the kidneys. The disease begins with a feeling of fatigue and decreased performance, and a nagging pain is felt in the lower back.

Metabolic disorders in the kidneys provoke swelling of the body (most noticeable on the face). With nephritis, the daily urine output decreases, which increases blood pressure (because of this, some patients suffer from headaches).

Then the doctor asks the patient about the possible preconditions for the illness: was there any hypothermia, what illness did you have recently, what medications are/have been taken. This concludes the initial examination.

Every doctor should know how to check the kidneys, besides palpation. If an inflammatory process is suspected, special functional tests are performed to assess its presence or absence.

The most widely used method is the "tapping symptom". It is carried out by a general practitioner who wants to rule out kidney disease.

In addition, this method is used in any hospital during the doctor’s daily rounds. The test is carried out with the patient standing or lying on his stomach.

The doctor places one palm on the kidney area, and with the other makes light tapping movements on it. After this you need to change sides.

The test allows you to assess the presence of pain in the right or left kidney. Pain indicates an inflammatory process.

Most often, a positive reaction to the “tapping symptom” is observed with pyelonephritis, a pathological condition in the tubules.

Diagnostic methods

People who suffer from kidney disease often wonder how to get their kidneys checked, what tests to take, and which doctor to make an appointment with.

There are several ways to diagnose kidney disease. The doctor who will check your kidneys and make the correct diagnosis is called a nephrologist.



The most informative methods to find out the condition of the kidneys are:

  1. Ultrasound diagnostics (USD). During the examination, the structure of tissues, the size of organs and their location are assessed. The results allow you to diagnose: inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, the presence of cysts, tumors, sand or stones, vascular disorders. The procedure is safe for children and pregnant women. The day before, you must stop eating at least 8 hours in advance and take activated charcoal.
  2. Computed tomography (CT) is a high-precision research method that involves scanning organs using X-rays. It is prescribed when it is difficult to detect pathology using ultrasound. CT scan is not performed: children under 14 years of age, pregnant women, people with diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation.
  3. Magnetic resonance imaging is an alternative to CT, which allows identifying pathology based on measuring the electromagnetic response of the nuclei of hydrogen atoms in tissues. The procedure is safe for pregnant women in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, children, but is not suitable for people with any metal objects in the body: pacemaker, middle ear implants, plates and other elements.
  4. Radiography can be performed with contrast (urography), the introduction of radioactive isotopes into the body (scintigraphy) or without additional manipulations to obtain a survey image.

Urography and scintigraphy help assess the condition of the vessels and blood supply system of the kidneys, and the extent of damage to the renal tissue.

Ultrasound is considered the safest. The remaining types are prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the condition, health, age, body weight, pregnancy and allergic reactions.

Timely diagnosis will help avoid the development of pathology to an irreversible stage, when treatment prolongs life but does not improve organ function. It is advisable to take a general urine test once a year, and for people with diabetes or high blood pressure, a test for microalbuminuria (the presence of protein in the urine).

At the initial stage of development of kidney dysfunction, homeopathic medicines and nutritional adjustments can correct the situation, otherwise diseases that can be quickly treated will require long-term therapy.

At the initial stage of kidney inflammation, additional diagnostics may be prescribed. One of the ways to determine nephritis is ultrasound, during which you can visually determine changes in the pelvis, calyces and canals of the kidney.

A similar algorithm is used to perform an X-ray examination to identify stones. Angiography and CT are prescribed in order to unambiguously diagnose chronic pyelonephritis.

Nephroscintigraphy is the last of the possible additional methods. Allows you to study the functional activity of the kidneys using a contrast agent.

  • Physical diagnostics;
  • Physical

    This group includes an initial examination of the patient, collection of anamnesis, complaints and possible causes of the disease

    1. Physical diagnostics;
    2. Laboratory methods for testing kidneys;
    3. Instrumental methods of examination.

    After studying and evaluating the results of laboratory tests, it is necessary to examine the kidneys to determine the extent of their damage. The doctor chooses diagnostic methods depending on the patient’s age and the expected disease. Research methods that use radiation are strictly prohibited for pregnant women.

    Such informative examination procedures as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are not prescribed for young children and people with mental pathologies. During the kidney check, it is necessary to remain completely still for an hour, which these categories of patients are incapable of. The following studies are usually carried out at varying levels of complexity:

    • ultrasonography. The procedure allows you to assess the condition of the calyces, pelvis and tubules, differentiate benign and malignant neoplasms, and determine the localization of the infectious focus. The study allows you to detect stones in the kidneys or bladder and suggest their chemical composition. This is the only diagnostic method that has no contraindications and does not require special preparation;
    • urography. The method is indispensable for establishing the degree of damage to the kidney vessels and assessing the blood supply to the organs of the urinary system. Before the procedure, patients are injected with a contrast agent. After it spreads through the veins, arteries and capillaries, the smallest vessels are visualized on the computer screen. Urography is contraindicated for people who have individual sensitivity to contrast agents;
    • X-ray examination. During the procedure, the human body receives a dose of radiation that is considered safe. The photographs are not always informative, since the images are obtained only in one or two projections;
    • scintigraphy. The static method allows you to determine the shape of the kidneys, their location relative to each other, and assess the degree of damage to the pelvis and calyces. During dynamic scintigraphy, patients are injected with a contrast agent. On the monitor screen, the specialist monitors the movement of blood through the pelvic vessels in real time, checks the integrity of the veins, arteries and capillaries;
    • Magnetic resonance imaging. The procedure is contraindicated for patients with pacemakers, metal dental implants, and even tattoos. There are also some restrictions for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Modern diagnostic techniques make it possible to obtain three-dimensional images of the kidneys and evaluate the functioning of a single kidney after removal of the other. After completing the study, the patient receives a transcript of the results within 15-20 minutes;
    • CT scan. This diagnostic method is used to study possible damage to the renal structural elements, assess the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment, and determine the area of ​​surgical intervention. Using CT, you can evaluate the condition of the kidney before making a decision to remove the second one.

    When examining the kidneys, the urologist always examines the bladder using cystoscopy. To do this, a thin catheter with a built-in camera is inserted into the hollow organ, and the diagnostic results are visualized on a computer screen.

    Cystoscopy is an auxiliary method for recognizing a decrease in the functional activity of the kidneys. If blood or pus is found in the urine, then it is necessary to determine the location of the inflammatory focus.

    Tests for verification

    Most patients think about how to check their kidneys, what tests need to be taken, whether the procedures for collecting tests will be painful, and so on.

    There are several types of tests that are taken if kidney disease is suspected, as well as to determine the progress of treatment.

    A general urine test allows you to quickly (and, if necessary, instantly) determine the main problems of the body.

    Shows the level of protein, salts, urea and other substances in the human body. From this analysis alone, the doctor can predict with 75% accuracy what disease has overtaken you.

    This test is given in small quantities - no more than 30-50 grams of urine. It is advisable to provide a morning portion for analysis. But if you urgently need to know the result, then collecting material at any time of the day is allowed.

    On the eve of this analysis, it is better not to consume foods and substances that can turn the urine dark or any other color, for example, beets.

    It is also not recommended to take antibiotics (if you are constantly taking any medications, you must inform your doctor about them), dairy products, as well as fatty and spicy foods. Otherwise, the results of the analysis (not only this, but all others) may show unreliable data.

    A general blood test, or the well-known “finger blood”, allows you to notice the slightest changes in the human body, shows the level of cholesterol, leukocytes, red blood cells and other important parameters.

    In general, the rules for preparing for the test are the same as for taking a general urine test. You can donate blood from your finger on a full stomach at any time of the day.

    A biochemical blood test is a detailed and complete analysis that allows you to find out everything about the patient. It is “biochemistry” that allows you to “specify” the diagnosis and accurately select treatment.

    Blood is donated for biochemical research from a vein, always on an empty stomach. The principles of preparation for analysis are the same. It is also worth paying special attention to the use of blood thinning drugs - aspirin, Cardio Magnyl and others. These drugs contribute to significant distortion of test results.

    You also need to avoid drinking alcohol, fatty and spicy foods, smoked meats, dairy products, and kvass at least a day before the test. Only if all these measures are followed will the analysis be reliable and the diagnosis correct.

    Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko is a daily collection of urine in order to identify the progress of the disease, the daily volume of discharge and many other indicators. Urine is collected in separate containers by the hour - every hour for 12 hours continuously.

    Some patients cannot do tests so often, so they divide one portion into two. This is unacceptable, as the test results will be completely incorrect.

    Nechiporenko analysis is a serious study that can reveal not only “ordinary” diseases, but also the presence of the initial stages of oncology, neoplasms and other complex processes.

    class=”fa”>How to check your kidneys, tests and diagnostics - this is what should worry you the least. After all, if your doctor is a competent specialist, then he will do everything correctly, and very soon you will get rid of the disease and return to a full and joyful life.

    From the analysis readings, the levels of certain substances are established, then the doctor studies the patient’s indicators and compiles a transcript:

    What tests do you need to take to check your kidneys? Correct diagnosis involves undergoing a medical examination of the kidneys. The very first tests will be urine and blood tests.

    Urine check

    In fact, all people are required to undergo a urine test every six months. Laboratory workers count red and white blood cells and find out a lot of related characteristics. Urine is also checked for harmful impurities.

    To diagnose kidney disease, there is not only a general urine test:

    • Nechiporenko method - used to determine inflammation processes;
    • Bence-Jones protein analysis - detects malignant tumors or other formations.

    General blood analysis

    To take a blood test for kidney disease, you will need blood from a finger and a vein.

    Finger blood reflects the concentration of creatinine and the appearance of uric acid, and venous blood will determine the presence and level of inflammation.

    What are the requirements for this analysis? The day before the test, you need to completely stop drinking alcoholic beverages and pharmacological agents.

    You also need to reduce physical activity and you should not eat immediately before donating blood.

    What tests should be taken if the results obtained are not enough? In this case, the specialist will refer you for additional research:

    • Ultrasound – Ultrasound examination shows structural changes in the kidneys, if any. Absolutely safe even for children.
    • X-ray - reveals a variety of renal formations. Sometimes urography is required, which is initially accompanied by the administration of contrast.
    • Scintigraphy – compared to ultrasound, reveals more parameters. In particular, it determines the size and dysfunction of internal organs.

    The Zimnitsky method test is used to determine changes in the quantitative composition of urine. Deviation of the analysis from the norm indicates a violation of the concentration function of the kidneys.

    The main indicator that is assessed when performing the Zimnitsky test is the relative density of urine, which should change throughout the day. When it decreases, you can think about a large loss of fluid, which is often observed with diabetes.

    If the density remains at the same level all the time, then one should suspect a disorder in which the kidneys lose the ability to concentrate urine, that is, the ability to reabsorb. The test consists of taking tests throughout the day, every 3 hours (8 servings).

    In conclusion, daily diuresis, the ratio of daytime and nighttime urination are assessed, and protein loss is calculated.

    First of all, general urine and blood tests. Based on the results, the doctor will make assumptions and, if necessary, prescribe additional ones. And tests and examinations from the lists above. It is very important to be able to collect tests correctly. Some types of research require special preparation.

    Timely examination, in the presence of painful symptoms and complaints, gives detailed results and allows us to identify even incipient pathologies. The current diagnostic base can be considered truly luxurious. Thanks to the constant development of medical science, diagnostic errors are eliminated.

    After conducting an external examination of the patient and listening to his complaints, the urologist will tell you where to start the examination and what tests are necessary. As a rule, the results of laboratory and biochemical tests of urine and blood are needed to make an initial diagnosis.

    The content of white and red blood cells, as well as epithelial tissues, is determined in urine. The clarity, color and specific gravity of urine must be assessed.

    The concentration of casts, proteins and glucose is a determining factor in the presence of an infectious focus in the kidneys.

    An informative method for studying the functioning of paired organs is the daily volume of urine. It is necessary to submit to the laboratory urine collected during the day, excluding the first emptying of the bladder. In this way, it is possible not only to establish the presence of an inflammatory focus, but also the location of its localization in one of the organs of the urinary system.

    In order to determine the type of pathogenic pathogen, laboratory technicians inoculate a biological sample in a nutrient medium. This method reveals the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibacterial drugs that will be used in treatment.

    • from a finger to establish or refute the inflammatory process and the extent of its spread;
    • from a vein to determine the concentration of proteins and urea.

    For reliable test results, you must not eat food 12 hours before the procedure. If you suspect an endocrine etiology of decreased functional activity of the kidneys, you should not drink any liquid or even brush your teeth. People with systemic diseases need laboratory tests every 6 months.

    Indications for research

    Regardless of the type and type of future examination, it is necessary to carry out serious preparatory work. The kidneys are a powerful filter of the body, taking the brunt of the impact, so their health must be taken care of especially carefully.

    All studies are painless and do not cause any discomfort to the patient, so they should not be postponed. Such tests must be carried out for the following indications:

    1. 1Elevated blood pressure, which remains at 139/89 mmHg. Problems associated with the functioning of the cardiovascular system should not be confused with pathologies in the development of the kidneys. Only a full analysis carried out in a medical institution will make it possible to distinguish between these two pathologies.
    2. 2 Frequent nighttime urges to go to the toilet, which cannot be fully satisfied.
    3. 3 Significant reduction in the amount of urine excreted - you should also be very careful with this indicator. In some cases, we are not talking about serious kidney problems, but about metabolic disorders.
    4. 4Discomfort and pain in the lumbar region, which many mistake for gout, salt deposits, etc.
    5. 5 Increased body temperature.
    6. 6Heaviness in the lower abdomen and back, which is not entirely correct to attribute solely to problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
    7. 7Pain when urinating.
    8. 8 Changes in the color or smell of urine - this indicator should very much alert a person. Here we can talk not only about kidney problems, but also about the risk of developing cancer.
    9. 9 Blood clots in the urine.
    10. 10Decreased hemoglobin levels.

    Each of these reasons must be considered exclusively comprehensively, so you should not even try to make a diagnosis yourself at home, while prescribing treatment for yourself. Some kidney pathologies are latent in nature, and their symptoms can be deceptive. In this regard, the resolution of such issues must be entrusted to doctors.

    Kidney disease is familiar to many people. Inflammation, kidney stones, malignant tumors - this is just a small list of kidney pathologies. Much less often, a small organ located next to the kidney, the adrenal gland, suffers from various ailments. The result can be a lack or excess of hormones. Modern medicine has many laboratory tests that can be used to detect abnormalities in the functioning of the kidneys and adrenal glands. The test results will help determine the nature of the disease and select effective treatment methods.

    Kidneys: a reflection of the state of the body

    The kidney is an organ that takes an active part in the functioning of the body. It controls many important processes:

    How to check your kidney: blood tests

    There are several types of laboratory tests that can be used to draw conclusions about the functioning of the kidneys. A blood test is a priority measure in diagnosing the condition of the body. If kidney disease is suspected, general and biochemical blood tests are performed.

    General blood analysis

    A standard blood test requires taking material from a finger or vein. To ensure the reliability of the results, blood is donated on an empty stomach. The condition of the kidneys is primarily indicated by the number of red blood cells. A normal kidney, with the help of erythropoietin, maintains this number at a certain level. There are different standards for children, adult men and women. A deficiency of red blood cells is called anemia. As a rule, the cause is serious kidney ailments: hydronephrosis, chronic pyelonephritis, malignant tumors.

    The kidneys influence the formation of red blood cells (erythrocytes)

    Hydronephrosis - video

    The white blood cell count will tell your doctor a lot about the condition of your kidneys. White blood cells, leukocytes, perform the function of protecting against infections in the body. If the kidney suffers from the influence of pathogenic microbes, then the number of leukocytes in the blood increases. The more pronounced the inflammatory process in the kidneys, the higher the content of white cells in the blood. This situation is observed with two characteristic ailments: acute pyelonephritis and exacerbation of a chronic process.

    Leukocytes - immune blood cells

    Pyelonephritis - video

    An indicator called ESR plays a similar role in diagnosing kidney conditions. The rate of erythrocyte sedimentation to the bottom of the test tube normally does not exceed 10 millimeters per hour. With inflammation, this figure increases significantly. ESR reacts with an increase not only in infectious pyelonephritis, but also in immune inflammation of the glomeruli, glomerulonephritis.

    Standards for general blood test indicators - table

    Blood biochemistry

    The biochemical composition of blood is one of the main indicators of kidney performance. Blood, as for general analysis, is taken from a vein on an empty stomach. First of all, the level of those chemicals that the kidney is supposed to cleanse the blood from is assessed. These include two metabolic products - urea and creatinine. They are toxic, so their excess can cause significant harm to the body. This situation is called renal failure. It happens for two reasons. In the first case, a large number of nephrons die simultaneously. In the second, this process is extended over time and is chronic. The cause is hydronephrosis, chronic pyelonephritis, diabetic nephropathy. In case of renal failure, potassium levels also increase, which a specialist will definitely pay attention to.

    Kidney failure is the result of a serious illness

    Norms of some biochemical blood parameters - table

    Urine tests

    The composition of urine is a direct reflection of kidney activity. Most kidney diseases lead to various changes. There are several methods for laboratory testing of urine. Virtually all indicators play a role here. A urine test using standard methods is mandatory. In addition, cumulative tests are used to more accurately diagnose kidney diseases.

    General urine analysis

    In a general urine test, each indicator plays its role. An average portion of morning urine is used to collect the material. Normally, urine contains water and a small amount of coloring pigment. Urine contains protein in almost negligible quantities - no more than 0.033 g/l. Exceeding this indicator occurs for various reasons. The first and most common cause is inflammation: acute and chronic pyelonephritis. In second place is immune inflammation of the glomeruli, glomerulonephritis. The immune nature of the disease is evidenced by a protein content in the urine of 1 g/l or more. The appearance of leukocytes in the urine indicates an inflammatory process in the kidneys. Usually their number does not exceed one or two cells in the field of view. With severe inflammation, their number reaches 50–60, and sometimes more.

    Pyelonephritis - infectious inflammation of the renal pelvis

    Normally, red blood cells are not found in urine. The reason for their appearance may be different. A large number of red cells is a natural sign of glomerulonephritis. In addition, this situation is often observed with urolithiasis. The sharp edges of the calculus damage the wall of the renal pelvis and ureter. When the ureter in the pelvis is completely blocked, the sharply increased pressure damages small venous vessels and bleeding occurs. Another reason for the appearance of red blood cells in the urine is a malignant tumor. The neoplasm has many small blood vessels. If the tumor size is significant, they are damaged and red blood cells appear in the urine.

    Red blood cells in the urine are a typical symptom of urolithiasis

    Urolithiasis - video

    Casts in the urine are another sign of kidney disease. These structures repeat the shape of the nephron tubules and are formed when the composition of urine changes. There are several types of cylinders: leukocyte, erythrocyte, granular, waxy. During normal kidney function, there are no casts in the urine. Their appearance is evidenced in inflammatory kidney diseases: acute and chronic pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis.

    Salts are another component of urine that the doctor focuses on when checking the condition of the kidneys. There are no salts in normal urine. There are four types of salts. They are formed from uric (urate), oxalic (oxalates), phosphoric (phosphates), cystic (cystinates) acids. A pathological condition in which a large amount of salts is found in the urine is called dismetabolic nephropathy. The presence of salts itself does not affect kidney function. However, under certain conditions, salt crystals can precipitate and combine into large stones. In this case, nephropathy passes into the stage of urolithiasis. Knowledge of the chemical composition of salts helps to develop tactics to combat kidney stones. Under a microscope, crystals of different types of salts have a certain shape, which can be used to determine their chemical composition.

    Oxalates - salts of oxalic acid

    Bacteria are another indicator that is examined in a general urine test. Normal urine is sterile and does not contain any germs. Microorganisms appear in the urine during infectious inflammation - acute and chronic pyelonephritis. Using the method of general urine analysis, a laboratory technician can only determine the presence of bacteria. Microbes are identified by viewing samples of urine sediment under a microscope. In this case, it is impossible to speak about the specific affiliation of bacteria to a certain species. For this purpose, other studies need to be carried out.

    Normal values ​​for general urinalysis indicators - table

    Cumulative samples

    Cumulative tests are mandatory if kidney disease is suspected . With their help, it is possible to clarify the results obtained from urine testing using a general method. Cumulative tests take into account several indicators: the number of red blood cells, leukocytes, casts and protein. There are several types of cumulative samples:

    • For the Nechiporenko test, the middle part of the morning urine sample is used. The number of red blood cells, white blood cells and casts is measured in one milliliter of urine;
    • for the Amburger test, urine must be collected for three hours;
    • For urine analysis using the Addis-Kakovsky method, a daily amount is used.

    Among the cumulative samples, urine analysis according to Zimnitsky stands out. For this purpose, the material is collected into eight containers during the day. Each one measures one indicator - relative density. Eight values ​​can be used to indirectly determine kidney performance. Low levels indicate a disorder - renal failure.

    Standards for indicators of cumulative urine samples - table

    Sample name Content standard
    red blood cells
    Content standard
    Content standard
    Nechiporenko testNo more than 1000 in 1 mlNo more than 2000 in 1 mlNo more than 20 in 1 ml
    Amburger's testNo more than 1000 per minuteNo more than 2000 per minuteNo more than 20 per minute
    Addis-Kakovsky testNo more than 1 million per dayNo more than 2 million per dayNo more than 50,000 per day

    Urine culture for flora and sensitivity to antibiotics

    Urine testing in a bacteriological laboratory is another way to check your kidneys. For an accurate result, urine is collected using a urethral catheter directly from the bladder. A special nutrient medium is used to grow microbes. The material is kept in a special thermostat for several days at body temperature. Microbial colonies are studied under a microscope and using laboratory tests. As a result, the specialist finds out the specific species to which the causative agent of the disease belongs. In addition, it is possible to determine the sensitivity of the microbe to different types of antibiotics. The result will allow the doctor to prescribe the most effective drug for treatment.

    Urine culture is carried out in a bacteriological laboratory

    Biochemical urine analysis

    Using laboratory tests, the content of certain chemicals in urine can be determined:

    • hormones: adrenaline, norepinephrine and their precursors;
    • minerals sodium, potassium and calcium;
    • amylase enzyme;
    • vitamins

    These tests are used to diagnose rare hereditary diseases that affect the metabolism of the kidney tubules. Typical examples: phosphate diabetes, de Toni-Debreu-Fanconi disease.

    Standard indicators of some chemicals in urine - table

    Protein From 0 to 0.33 g/l
    Urea From 330 to 580 mmol/day
    Glucose From 0.03 to 0.05 g/l
    Uric acid From 23.3 to 29.6 mmol/day
    Ketones From 0 to 0.5 mmol/l
    Bilirubin From 0 to 5 µmol/l
    Calcium From 2.5 to 7.5 mmol/day
    Diastasis No more than 100 units/l
    Potassium From 30 to 100 mmol/day
    Magnesium From 2.5 to 8.5 mmol/day

    Cancer tests

    Modern medicine has laboratory tests that are used to diagnose malignant kidney tumors. For this purpose, blood is taken from a vein on an empty stomach. There are several substances that may be elevated in kidney cancer. According to their chemical structure they are proteins:

    These substances are produced by malignant kidney tumors. However, you should not rely only on tumor markers in diagnosing tumors. Their level may be increased if there are tumors in other locations in the body (testicles, stomach, liver, small and large intestines). In addition, tumor markers may exceed normal levels due to non-tumor diseases.

    Levels of some tumor markers in the blood - table

    Tests and diseases of the adrenal glands

    The adrenal gland is a small organ located next to the kidney. However, it is impossible to overestimate its effect on the functioning of the body. This small endocrine gland regulates several processes in the body with the help of hormones:

    Normal levels of some adrenal hormones in the blood - table

    To diagnose adrenal diseases, the determination of hormones or their precursors in the blood and urine is used. Excess, as well as deficiency, is a pathology and will inevitably affect the coordinated functioning of internal organs. There are a number of adrenal diseases that are accompanied by changes in hormonal levels.

    Adrenal diseases - table

    Type of disease Hormonal changes Additional symptoms
    PheochromocytomaIncreased production of adrenaline and norepinephrineSudden rises in blood
    pressure to high numbers
    (more than 200 mm Hg. Art.)
    Primary hyperaldosteronism (Conn's syndrome)Increased aldosterone levels
    • muscle weakness;
    • rapid heartbeat;
    • thirst;
    • high blood pressure;
    • large amounts of urine excreted.
    Itsenko-Cushing syndromeIncreased content of glucocorticoid hormones
    • obesity;
    • moon-shaped face;
    • pronounced hair growth;
    • high blood pressure;
    • high blood sugar.
    Addison's disease (chronic adrenal insufficiency)Reduced levels of glucocorticoid hormones
    • bronze skin tone;
    • weakness;
    • low blood pressure.
    Adrenogenital syndromeThe production of steroid hormones is impaired
    • changes in genital anatomy;
    • increased hair growth;
    • infertility.
    HypoaldosteronismReduced aldosterone levels
    • low blood pressure;
    • rare pulse;
    • fainting.

    Currently, many different tests are used to diagnose the condition of the kidneys and adrenal glands. The doctor should determine the necessary list of laboratory tests based on the picture of the disease. Interpretation of the results is also a task for an experienced specialist. You should not self-medicate. Timely consultation with a doctor is the key to correct diagnosis and treatment of kidney and adrenal diseases.

    It is necessary to keep all systems of our body in order, so people should know clearly when and how to check their kidneys. In medical practice, there are many ways to check kidney function, each of which is used when a certain pathology is suspected. The choice of research method is carried out by the local therapist, with whom you need to make an appointment at the first symptoms. If the physician sees a risk of developing a chronic disease, he may refer the patient to a nephrologist for further advice.

    Indications for kidney examination

    Regardless of the type and type of future examination, it is necessary to carry out serious preparatory work. The kidneys are a powerful filter of the body, taking the brunt of the impact, so their health must be taken care of especially carefully. All studies are painless and do not cause any discomfort to the patient, so they should not be postponed. Such tests must be carried out for the following indications:

    1. Increased blood pressure, which remains at 139/89 mmHg. Problems associated with the functioning of the cardiovascular system should not be confused with pathologies in the development of the kidneys. Only a full analysis carried out in a medical institution will make it possible to distinguish between these two pathologies.
    2. Frequent nighttime urge to go to the toilet, which cannot be fully satisfied.
    3. A significant reduction in the amount of urine excreted - you should also be very careful with this indicator. In some cases, we are not talking about serious kidney problems, but about metabolic disorders.
    4. Discomfort and pain in the lumbar region, which many mistake for gout, salt deposits, etc.
    5. Increased body temperature.
    6. Heaviness in the lower abdomen and back, which is not entirely correct to attribute solely to problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
    7. Pain when urinating.
    8. A change in the color or smell of urine - this indicator should very much alert a person. Here we can talk not only about kidney problems, but also about the risk of developing cancer.
    9. Blood clots in the urine.
    10. Decreased hemoglobin levels.

    Each of these reasons must be considered exclusively comprehensively, so you should not even try to make a diagnosis yourself at home, while prescribing treatment for yourself. Some kidney pathologies are latent in nature, and their symptoms can be deceptive. In this regard, the resolution of such issues must be entrusted to doctors.

    Methods for diagnosing pathologies

    Any kidney examination begins with urine and blood tests. After reviewing the composition of urine, the doctor will make a conclusion about the state of health based on the following indicators:

    • the number of leukocytes, indicating the presence or absence of an inflammatory process in the body;
    • epithelium;
    • presence of glucose;
    • slime;
    • pathogenic bacteria of various etiologies;
    • salt;
    • additional impurities that can significantly narrow the radius of searching for the cause of the ailment;
    • red blood cells;
    • average weight;
    • presence of cylinders;
    • presence of protein.

    For preventive purposes, a general urine test must be taken by healthy people at least once every 6 months. Those who have risk factors need to visit a medical facility even more often to take not only a urine test, but also a Rehberg test, which has certain indications. The local therapist and nephrologist will tell you what tests need to be taken.

    A common means of identifying various kidney problems are diagnostic techniques, divided into several types:

    1. Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the kidneys is used in the initial diagnosis, as well as to assess the actual condition of the kidney tissue. The doctor has the opportunity to assess the dynamics and quality of the patient’s urinary tract. The frequency of ultrasound appointments ranges from 12 to 14 months. Children need to undergo it once every 8 months.
    2. X-ray examination serves to obtain an objective visual representation of the functioning of the kidneys. For this purpose, an X-ray tube is used in medicine. In some cases, the doctor needs to introduce a special contrast to highlight the required area. Carrying out such an examination is indicated no more than once a year.
    3. Computed tomography of the kidneys is a more informative method that makes it possible to conduct a more targeted examination. The use of this remedy is possible only if there are appropriate indications.
    4. Radionuclide scintigraphy involves the injection of a small dose of a radioactive substance. It is carried out only if there are necessary indications.
    5. Magnetic resonance imaging is based on the use of a special magnet, which helps to select the required area for examination.

    An integrated approach to research

    Despite a fairly wide selection of diagnostic tools, none of them can be considered completely reliable. A qualified doctor will always resort to several ways to confirm or refute the guess made, for example, the patient may be asked to donate blood to check the kidneys. In some cases, you need to undergo a number of other tests, each of which will narrow the range of causes of the ailment.

    Do not think that a nephrologist is an unqualified doctor who forces patients to take the same tests a large number of times.

    Numerous kidney problems cannot be accurately determined by just one test.

    That is why various methods are used that make it possible to look at the clinical picture of the disease from different angles.

    Untimely treatment is no less dangerous than incorrect treatment, so excessive haste here is simply unacceptable and can be fraught with consequences. When talking about diagnosing kidney problems, it is necessary to highlight one important fact. Reasonable prevention is the key to a healthy life. As many may think, various abnormalities in the functioning of this organ are immediately noticeable and are associated with severe pain, but this is not entirely true.

    In many cases, we may be talking about a latent problem that can get worse over a long period of time. It will seem to a person that here we are talking about a mild malaise, a slight cold or overwork. Subsequently, the aching pain will increasingly remind itself, telling the person about the need to visit a doctor. Official medical statistics show that early diagnosis of problems of the urinary system allows them to be completely eliminated in 2-4 weeks.

    The emphasis will be on homeopathic remedies and traditional medicines, selected taking into account the specific cause of the disease, the patient's health status, immune system characteristics, etc. If the patient does not know how to check the kidneys and seeks help at a later stage, then there is a high probability spreading the disease further. In this case, the entire course of treatment can last for several months or even years.


    A general clinical blood test can reveal the presence of an inflammatory process in the body, including in the kidneys. An increase in erythrocyte sedimentation rate and a pathological increase in leukocytes in the blood are detected in various inflammatory processes, acute and chronic infections. Blood for general clinical analysis is taken from a finger prick in the morning on an empty stomach.

    It is necessary to donate blood for a biochemical study, including quantitative determination of the level of total protein, urea, a, potassium and sodium. The normal level of total protein in human blood is 62-83 g/l. One of the reasons for the decrease in the amount of total protein in the blood may be its increased loss in urine in kidney diseases.

    The normal level of urea in the blood is considered to be 3.5-8.3 mmol/l. An increase in urea content is an important sign of impaired renal excretory function. Together with urea in the blood, the creatinine content is determined. Creatinine levels depend on the volume of muscle mass, so the norm depends on the gender of the person taking the test. For this: 44-100 µmol/l, for women: 44-88 µmol/l. In the presence of kidney dysfunction, creatinine in the blood increases.

    With kidney disease, the amount of potassium and sodium increases. Blood sampling for biochemical testing is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach. It is acceptable to drink a glass of water on the day of the test. On the eve of the study, you should follow a diet that excludes the consumption of fatty and fried foods.

    A general clinical urine test is the main test to confirm the presence of kidney dysfunction. Urine is submitted for general analysis in the morning, after taking a shower with soap. An average portion of freshly released urine is collected in a sterile container for biological material, purchased at a pharmacy. The container is marked with the last name, first name, patronymic and date of delivery and is delivered to the laboratory in a short time.

    Changes in urine color, relative density, reaction, and the presence of turbidity occur when the filtration capacity of the kidneys is impaired. An increase in the amount of protein, red blood cells, leukocytes, and the appearance of casts (granular, waxy, epithelial, erythrocyte) occurs with changes in the functioning of the urinary system.

    The kidneys are a paired organ of the excretory system; they remove metabolic products and other toxic substances from the human body. The state of human health depends on their normal functioning. Therefore, if a violation occurs, their robots should know how to check the kidneys. There are many ways to do this, which should be used only after consulting a nephrologist - a doctor specializing in kidney diseases.

    Indications for examination and basic methods

    The kidneys are also called the main filter of the body, since their main function is to remove decay and metabolic products in the process of life. These substances, remaining in the body for a long time, become toxic and can poison it. There are a number of indications for kidney diagnostics. Among them:

    It is also necessary to undergo a routine examination for the following phenomena:

    If one of these signs is identified, then a visit to a nephrologist is mandatory. He will prescribe a diagnosis of kidney disease. It includes the following kidney examination methods:

    • physical methods(examination and questioning of the patient, history taking, palpation of the kidneys);
    • laboratory diagnostics(general and biochemical blood tests, urine tests);
    • instrumental methods of kidney research(Ultrasound, X-ray, computed tomography and others).

    This or that research method can be prescribed exclusively by a nephrologist, depending on the presence and severity of symptoms, as well as other indications and possible contraindications. Therefore, if you have problems with your kidneys, you should visit a doctor who will determine what tests you need to take and how they should be done.

    Physical examination

    Physical examination is primary. After all, before prescribing certain tests, an experienced doctor must first make sure that the patient has kidney problems. Several methods are used for this:

    Laboratory diagnosis of kidneys

    If deviations are detected using physical methods, additional research is indicated. What tests should I take to check my kidneys completely? For kidney diseases, laboratory tests are required. This type of examination involves the use of several methods:

      Blood analysis. In a biochemical blood test, kidney tests make it possible to assess the condition of the kidneys and their ability to cope with their functions. They check for the presence of creatinine, urea and uric acid in the blood, which a healthy organ completely removes from the body. If kidney tests detect these substances in large quantities, this indicates the presence of problems with the kidneys (often kidney failure). Before taking kidney samples, you should exclude from the diet:

      They can distort test results and kidney tests will not show an adequate picture of the state of the excretory capacity of the kidneys. Also, a blood test for kidney diseases should be performed on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning. Only if these rules are followed, kidney tests are an effective method for diagnosing kidney damage.

      Analysis of urine. It happens:

      • general Allows you to evaluate changes in color, odor, character of urine, as well as its biochemical parameters and bacteriological composition. It is collected in the morning before eating.

        Before collecting urine, you should thoroughly wash and dry the external genitalia. For a few days, it is better to give up alcohol, salty and fried foods, and some products (for example, dairy). It must be delivered to the laboratory within 3 hours (otherwise it will become unsuitable for research);

      • according to Nechiporenko. Collect a medium portion of urine (volume 10 ml);
      • according to Zimnitsky. Urine is collected throughout the day in the amount of 8-12 samples. The method allows you to evaluate its density and quantity with each urination. This will identify some kidney diseases, as well as dehydration.

      Physical and laboratory research methods are required if there are patient complaints of back and lower back pain, swelling, changes in skin color, and problems with urination. They are completely safe and have no contraindications.

      Instrumental methods

      The use of instrumental diagnostic methods is possible only if prescribed by the attending physician. There are several methods for such research. Which one to use to check the kidneys can only be decided by a doctor, taking into account the age and condition of the patient.

      Ultrasound testing of kidney function is most often used. It is the safest and can be prescribed to all categories of people (even infants). Its use does not require special preparation, and there is no need to introduce harmful substances into the body.

      An ultrasound of the kidneys will help diagnose an increase in their size, the presence of cysts, tumors, and stones. Its implementation requires ridding the intestines of excess gases so that they do not obscure the kidneys. To do this you need:

      • 3 days before the procedure, avoid foods that cause gas formation and bloating (cabbage, potatoes, brown bread, dairy products, raw vegetables, berries and fruits, confectionery);
      • take enterosorbents (Espumizan, Activated carbon) that can suppress flatulence;
      • do not overeat on the eve of the ultrasound;
      • do a cleansing enema.

      A less gentle method is x-ray diagnosis of kidney diseases, since it involves harmful x-rays that can provoke many diseases in humans. There are these types:

      This method requires special preparation of the patient. For this purpose, cleansing enemas and refusal to drink before the procedure are used.

      The following radiation methods are also widely used to study the kidneys:

      • CT scan;
      • radionuclide diagnostics;

      Radiation methods have a number of contraindications due to some risks that arise during their implementation. This may be the negative impact of X-rays and other rays on the following groups of people:

      For them, the appointment of radiation treatments is not recommended at all or is applicable only if there are vital indications. Quite often, a puncture biopsy (taking a piece of an organ for analysis) is used in the diagnosis of kidney disease. Usually. This method is indicated for suspected cases of various types of kidney tumors. This method is quite traumatic and requires the use of anesthesia.

      The appointment of one or another method of kidney diagnostics is carried out exclusively by a specialist - a therapist or nephrologist, having previously studied the patient’s medical history. To make a diagnosis, he must take into account his age, the nature of the symptoms and the general condition of the patient.