Romantic good night wishes for your beloved man. Good night boyfriend in your own words

Every woman wants to surprise, to please a loved one. This can be done in different ways. But many couples do not live together or are separated.

In this case, you can express attention, love, care via SMS. It is especially pleasant to receive them before going to bed. After reading a pleasant, sincere message from his beloved, a man will fall asleep and wake up with the thought of his beloved.

note! SMS does not have to be created in verse. You can express emotions, feelings, intentions in prose in your own words.

Men note that a wish for the night, written in their own words, warms the soul and pleases more, because words come from the heart, they reflect emotions and mood. According to the written text, the attitude of a girl to a man is understood.

When writing a message, it is desirable to adhere to certain criteria.

Table: the basics of the correct writing of wishes

Criterion Description
Consider the temperament of a loved one and the degree of development of relationships If the message is written to the husband, then use erotic word forms, hints of intimacy.

If a girl and a guy did not have an intimate relationship, then you should not write sexual, erotic SMS. A man will regard the wish as a hint.

This SMS will provoke a number of questions from the guy. Erotic messages to unfamiliar guys put the girl in an unsightly light in front of the male sex

Size By nature, men do not like to read long texts. Therefore, refuse SMS in several pages.

Write a short, unusual, original, but meaningful message. Too long message a man will not read

Emoticons At the end of the letter, put a few emoticons that display boredom for a person

Be sure to use adjectives in SMS that emphasize the individuality, temperament of the guy.

Examples of adjectives:

  • Affectionate.
  • Darling.
  • Gentle.
  • Expensive.
  • Beloved.
  • Desired.
  • Courageous.
  • Kind.

Don't forget about affectionate diminutives: zaya, baby, cat and others.

Not all girls know how to express their thoughts beautifully, but I want to wish my beloved pleasant dreams romantically.

If the girl herself cannot come up with the text of the wish, then you should use ready-made examples of messages.

Beautiful short good night wishes for your beloved man:

  • « Good night, dear. Sweet dreams".
  • « May the night bring spiritual and physical rest, will fill you with strength, energy, will return vigor and strength.
  • « Beloved! I want to hug you, but this is impossible. You're far away, I can't reach. They send their hugs, let them warm on a cold, lonely night.
  • « I can't be around and whisper words of love. I miss you, but let my wish warm you.
  • « I won't close my eyes Until I wish you sweet dreams.
  • « I'm sorry I'm not around. But don't be sad. Close your eyes and imagine us together, how I warm you with love and affection.
  • « My wish is simple- have a good sleep and meet the new day full of energy and strength.
  • « Today I realized that the happiest. I have a beloved, desirable, kind and courageous husband. I want you to achieve success every day, and the night gives you strength for this.

Tender and romantic wishes for the night in prose

It is very important to diversify wishes with tenderness and romance, to remind the guy with affectionate words of joyful moments of life.

Tender and romantic messages:

  • « Sleep, my sweet night embrace, kiss, well, tomorrow there will be a meeting, I will kiss myself.
  • « fall asleep darling. Let dreams become light and pleasant, like the touch of my lips.
  • « Baby, it's hard for me to sleep. I believe that in night dreams we will meet and unite in a passionate kiss.
  • « Believe the night we'll be together fall asleep will come. In the meantime, close your eyes and don't be sad."

Important! SMS words should come from the soul, be sincere. Only then will the guy feel all the warmth and tenderness of the message.

If a young person is intellectually developed and is fond of classical literature, then send one of the quotes from world classics or famous people as a wish.

Aphorisms, expressions of the classics are not straightforward. They express the essence of human relations. In the quotes, there is a hint of a declaration of love, boredom for a loved one and the main priorities in life.

With a message of this nature, the girl will show the guy that she is erudite and has a good literary taste.

Famous people quotes:

  1. Estes Clarissa Pinkola(American poetess): "Night is the time when we are closer to essential thoughts, feelings that we do not notice in the daytime."
  2. Elchin Safarli(writer living in Azerbaijan): “When it seems that everything is hopeless and it won’t get better, you need to go to bed - it’s always easier in the morning.”

When a loved one is far away, it is important to show him care at a distance. The message will incredibly please the young man and move him to tears.

Lovely wishes for a guy who is far away:

  • « Good night, dear. I wish you sweet and pleasant dreams. I blow you a kiss and mentally hug you.
  • « Distance is not a barrier time will pass and we will meet. We will wait for this moment, count the minutes until the reunion and meet every night in dreams, which I will decorate with romance, tenderness and love.

Lovely erotic wishes for your beloved guy

Erotic SMS:

  1. « It's cold to fall asleep alone. Your hands and gentle words in your ear are not enough. Look forward to meeting".
  2. « The night is cold and dreary without you. I miss you and wait for your return to say "I want you".
  3. « I remember sweet lips and gentle hands on my body. I remember the heat of the body and the burning tenderness of the words. I look forward to a repeat of that night with impatience."
  4. « My lips gently kiss your ear, whispering "sweet dreams".

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A good night wish in the form of short messages via SMS, Viber or in another way is nice to receive for any man. To make the message pleasant, it is important to choose the right tone, those words that will sound sincere, for real.

At the same time, it is important to follow the rules of etiquette: formulate phrases carefully, avoiding ambiguous wording or slang, especially with a formal style of communication. Armed with these rules, you can start writing messages in prose and even in verse.

Universal good night wishes for a man

Most often, frank messages of this kind (SMS) are sent only to close or well-known people. The style of writing a good night wish for a man depends on the established relationship.

It is quite acceptable for a friend to write in a free form, but for a person with whom the relationship is at the initial stage of development, such a tone is not suitable, it is better to write with restraint, but with a twist.

Pleasant good night wishes to your beloved man (short messages and SMS).

Universal good night wishes for a man in the form of short SMS look like this:

  • "Pleasant dreams ... May your dreams be pleasant!"
  • "Good night! I wish you a good rest, which will give strength and energy for tomorrow!”
  • "Good night! May sleep bring rest and inspiration!”
  • “I wish you a good night and a joyful morning!”
  • “Sleep is the best energy drink! Good night and good rest!”
  • "Good night! Let dreams be light, like clouds outside the window!
  • “May all your dreams come true tomorrow! Have a nice rest!"
  • "Good night and bright dreams!"
  • "Good night! Carefree and light dreams!

Messages should be short and clear so that there is no hidden meaning in them (unless the sender initially sets himself such a task). Before sending a message, be sure to check that there are no errors in the text.

Short wishes to a friend in verse and prose

Friendly good night wishes to a man in the form of short SMS can also be written in a humorous way. For example, in this case, you can write like this: “A night without sleep is a guarantee of a headache in the morning. So drop everything and go to sleep! Good night and good dreams!”

Many try to write wishes in verse. But to send such a message, you need to be sure that the recipient will appreciate the poetic lines. On the other hand, even if these are very simple verses, the main thing is that they be sincere. Then they will make a good impression.

"Sleep is a world where dreams come true,

A world where no extra words are needed,

A world without worries, in the radiance of beauty ...

Let there be more bright good dreams!”

Good night wishes for husband in SMS or message

When one of the spouses has to leave on business, wishing each other good night will come in handy. In each message I want to say how much the second half is missing now!

  • “I am sure that tomorrow I will miss you more than now, because even at this moment I don’t want to say goodbye ... But you need to rest, so good night and sweet dreams!”
  • “Let sleep cover you with gentle palms, and may the night be good!”
  • “Sleep is a mirror in which we see our dreams, let it show you only pleasant pictures. Good night!"
  • “When you dream, you fall asleep easier, and dreams become bright and colorful. May your cherished dreams lull you to sleep, and may all your plans come true tomorrow. Good night!"
  • “Only in a dream everything is possible ... And even if today we are not close, but in a dream we are definitely together! Good night, my love!"
  • "Good night! Let sleep leave all worries behind the door, wash away worries and give rest!
  • "Good night! May your dreams be bright, like the colors of real happiness!
  • “Without your “good night”, I won’t be able to sleep peacefully!”
  • “Before you fall asleep, think about how much I love you - and then your dreams will be light and bright. Good night, kitty!"
  • “Sleep is one of the little wonders of this world, let it give you lightness and peace of mind. Sweet dreams to you, dear!
  • “Let us not fall asleep together today, but I hope that you feel my love and warmth. Sweet dreams, my love!"
  • “There are many miracles in this world, but there is one more that I appreciate more than all others, and this is your love - the most amazing and beautiful thing that could happen! Good night, my happiness! I hope you have bright and tender dreams!”
  • “I wish you colorful dreams and a relaxing holiday! Good night, my best!"

And there is nothing better than the moment when, in response to this message, a response will come with the same romantic wish.
And if the spouses were in a quarrel, then this is also a great chance to improve relations. Let the message or SMS "Good night, darling!" will be the first step towards reconciliation!

Good night wishes to a classmate

Good night wishes to a classmate can be neutral, friendly, just cool - it all depends on the communication style adopted between the recipient and the sender. You can say to someone: “Well, that's it, lights out! It's time to hug the pillow passionately!" And someone will have to be limited to the formal: “Good night! See you tomorrow!"

SMS can be a continuation of a previous conversation or some events that happened during the day. For example:

  • “Today was a difficult day, let everything be smooth tomorrow! Good night!"
  • “Stop chewing on the granite of science! Good night and peaceful sleep!”
  • “Well, tomorrow we will go to look for new adventures? Until then, good night!"
  • “Sleep is the best defense against nerves and panic. Good night, sleep tight and wake up refreshed!”
  • "Good night! Let the dreams be bright and colorful like pictures in a kaleidoscope!”
  • “The battery in me is dead, it’s time to recharge. And I wish you to relax and unwind! Light cloudy dreams!
  • "Good night! Light and inspiring dreams!

If the relationship with a classmate goes beyond friendship, you can hint at romantic dreams about him. This will add spice.

Short bedtime wishes for a relative

Not everyone writes SMS to relatives, limiting themselves to the circle of their closest friends. In fact, such messages are very important, because they allow you to maintain family ties and show that a person is really dear:

  • "Good night! May an angel guard your dream!
  • “Let a sound sleep wash away the accumulated fatigue! Good night!"
  • “We all had a hard day, but we managed and deserved a rest. Good night and sweet dreams!"
  • "Good night! I wish you sweet and happy dreams, and may the new day bring good luck!

Excessive emotionality in a message to a relative will only hurt.

Funny good night wishes in SMS

You can always send a funny message to a friend, urging him to quit computer games or a nightly movie theater, and go to bed.

Cool message options can be such options:

  • “Close your eyes as soon as possible, and let's sleep, otherwise I’ll call a gray wolf right now! Good night!"
  • “You can’t think a lot, otherwise there won’t be time to sleep! Good night!"
  • “I wanted to wish you good night, but it seems that the morning is closer!”
  • “You can learn more in one night before the exam than in a semester, but it’s better to get enough sleep! Good night and good luck!"
  • “Well, it’s time for me to get on the broom and fly out for a walk! Have a good sleep and good night!”
  • “Time to rest. Good night! And may you have epic dreams, three-dimensional, and with sequels!
  • “Who said that a new life must be started from a new day? Can be and with a new night! From now on, you can start going to bed early! Chocolate and caramel dreams to you!

Erotic wishes for your beloved guy in prose

Men do not see the point in ordinary chatter, even if modern technology has turned it into short messages on the smartphone screen. It is quite another thing - erotic SMS, those that intrigue, lure, give emotional buildup.

Writing such messages is a whole art, because it is very important to keep the line between tenderness and cloying, between light flirting and obsession, between flirting and outright vulgarity.

  • “You are my biggest temptation… When you touch me, my heart beats faster. I want your every kiss to last forever... Looking forward to the next meeting! In the meantime, good night and bright dreams!”
  • “Dreams are like a movie that we make ourselves. My dreams are a sensual movie about you, about your hands, about your lips and kisses. I want your dream movie to be about me. Good night and vivid dreams!
  • "I'm crazy about your smile. Your kisses still ring in me. I can not sleep, remembering the touch of your hands. But to you, my beloved, I want to gently whisper "Good night!" And I want your dreams to be sweet and exciting!”
  • “When you hug me and I feel your heartbeat, I want this moment to freeze into eternity. I want to fall asleep at the same time as you, in the same bed, in such exciting closeness, feeling your breath and the warmth of your body. May the night be warm and affectionate, my treasure!

Short messages before bed with affectionate appeals

The great Italian poet Petrarch said that a person can express how much he loves only when he loves little.

Therefore, it is not surprising that it can be difficult to find words or even just an affectionate address. But you can just use a few tips:

  • "Good night, my fluffy kitten!"
  • "Sweet dreams, little bear!"
  • "Good night, my fire!"
  • “I love you, my dragon, rest and let you have vivid dreams!”
  • "Good night, my bright prince!"
  • "Good night, my gentle boy!"
  • "May your dreams be bright, my knight!"
  • "Let the night lull you, my most beloved!"
  • "Good night and see you soon, my friend!"
  • “I want to wish you cozy dreams, my baby elephant!”

Better yet, call your loved one by name. Only first it is worth clarifying which abbreviated form he likes. For example, Denis may not like the abbreviation "Deniska" because it seems infantile to him.

How to say good night to a man in English?

Good night wish in English sounds like this: “Good night”. To this we can add the wish "Sweet dreams". For example, it would sound like " I wish you sweet dreams“, although often this phrase is reduced to the last 2 words.

Added to this is a sweet touch. For example, " Sweet dreams, my angel» (« Sweet Dreams, my angel"). You can remember the lullaby “Good night. Sleep tight. See you in the morning light" with wishes of good night and sound sleep.

How to wish pleasant dreams in French?

The words "Good night" in French sound like this - "Bonne nuit". If at the same time the sender wants to say "Good dreams", you can add "Dormez bien".

There are many ways to say goodnight in French, just like in Russian. If the sender wants to write in SMS a wish for a sound, like a baby, sleep, then it will sound like

"Dormez comme un bébé" (the spelling must be exactly the same transcription). This phrase can be translated as "Sleep like a baby."

In Russian, after a hard day, you can wish a person a sound sleep like this - sleep like a groundhog. In French it would sound like this: "Dormez comme un loir". The last word is translated as "sleepy", and in this context it is quite appropriate.

You can just wish sweet dreams. Then it will sound like: "Fais de beaux reves." The penultimate word translates as "beautiful" - this is how it is customary to formulate this wish in France.

How to wish good night in Ukrainian?

Good night wishes to a man in the form of a short SMS in Ukrainian can be literally expressed very succinctly - “Na dobranich!” (although there is also a fused spelling).

You can wish sweet dreams like this - “Na dobranich! Sweet dreams! And pleasant dreams - “On dobranich! Receive dreams!

If SMS is sent to a loved one, then in Ukrainian it can be written like this: “Na dobranich, kohany!”

How to say good night in Italian?

Good night wishes to a man in the form of a short SMS can really be reduced to a single word - “Buonanotte”.

And when they want to wish good dreams, they say - "Dormi bene".

The appeal itself depends on the relationship between the sender and the recipient. For example, you can send SMS to your loved one: “Buonanotte, tesoro mio!” It translates as "Good night, my treasure!".

Or you can send an even more tender confession - “Buonanotte amore mio! Ti aspetto nel mondo dei sogni" ("Good night, my love, I am waiting for you in the world of dreams").

The expression "Sweet dreams, my baby" can be translated into Italian as "Dormi bene, bambino mio". And friendly communication can be completed with the phrase: “Well, sweet dreams,” which in Italian will sound like this: “Alloro, sogni d’oro.”

Wishes in SMS after a romantic date

Psychologists do not recommend sending passionate SMS immediately after a date, in hot pursuit. After all, this will only demonstrate to the man excessive interest, and at this stage of the relationship, you should not do this. This evening it is better to confine yourself to good night wishes and light conversation.

You can write an SMS on a topic that will interest both (for example, if a guy and a girl have common hobbies), and at the end of the message, wish them good night. For example, if both love cinema, you can remember that the premiere of a new film is coming soon, which all the media write about (or, conversely, they don’t write about it yet, and it’s all the more interesting to watch it).

It is easy to replace cinema with a photo exhibition, a sports match or any other event - the main thing is that it is interesting for both. And after a mini-discussion, end the conversation like this:

  • "It's a pleasure talking to you! Good night!"
  • “I had a great time, hope to see you again! Good night and see you again!”
  • “Time has flown by with you. Sorry it's time to say goodbye! I wish you good night and bright dreams!”
  • “Thank you for the pleasant conversation! Good night!"
  • “The evening was pleasant, I hope that tomorrow will be successful! Pleasant dreams!"
  • “It's nice to talk with such a witty interlocutor! I hope we continue this conversation! In the meantime, good night!"

If the guy lives in another area, and the time is already late, then it will not be out of place to find out how he got home. Such a message will show that a man is not indifferent, his well-being is important. And such SMS can be short and straightforward. For example: “I hope you made it home safely! Good night!"

These rules apply to first romantic dates. If a couple has been dating for a long time, then you don’t need to artificially limit yourself.

And one more rule - do not put too many exclamation marks. This can be perceived as excessive emotionality and enthusiasm, and not everyone likes it. You don't need to put a lot of emoticons - one at the end of the sentence should be enough.

And it has to fit the general mood. Good night wishes to a man in the form of short messages or SMS, overloaded with emoticons and emoji, do not look very attractive. Such a text can be regarded as fawning, as a desperate attempt to please this person.

Rules are made to be broken. And if this helps the sender to form his own style in SMS, unique and inimitable, like his personality, you can only adhere to the most general requirements of etiquette. We write SMS in order to convey our feelings to the addressee, to convey our attitude towards him, and not in order to follow the protocol adopted in official communication.

Useful videos about pleasant messages for a beloved man

My beloved boy, I want to wish you good night! Let the starry sky hide you from the hustle and bustle of the day and give you amazing dreams. I hug you, kiss you tightly and wish you good night!

Good night, my beloved, my dear. I wish you the most wonderful dreams, the most vivid and incredible fantasies. May this night fill you with strength and power, may a sound sleep and good rest give you inspiration for the whole coming day and a wonderful mood from morning to evening.

My beloved, good night and sweet dreams, may you see love, harmony and happiness. Even in the world of night dreams, I and you will always be there.

Good night, my dear and beloved, my sweetest and most good. I wish you a good night's sleep and watch the kindest and most colorful dreams this night, and in the morning get up on that foot and with an unquenchable thirst make the new day a celebration of your heart and the realization of your dreams.

Good night honey. I wish my hero the best dreams. My dear, may this night give you a great rest, so that you start the morning with cheerful stretches and a joyful smile, so that tomorrow you have a great mood and a desire to do something brilliant all day!

My beloved man, I want to wish you good and good night. The most pleasant and sweet dreams. Great well-being and wonderful gloomy bliss from the evening calm and tranquility. I love you, hug you and cherish you tightly!

Good night my love. I wish you to get enough sleep and replenish your strength by 100 percent, I wish you to meet the morning with cheerfulness and a huge boost of energy. Let this night give my cat a fairy tale, where he will be the main character. I kiss you a hundred times and cover you with a blanket of my tenderness.

My beloved and dear, good night to you. May you have good and bright dreams, may your rest be wonderful and comfortable, may your body be filled with incredible strength, and may your soul be inspired by brave ideas. I kiss you sweetly and hug you.

Sleep sweet, sleep beloved, sleep dear! Let the yellow-sided moon guard your sleepy peace. Let vivid dreams fill your night. Let fatigue, and the heaviness of the past day, forever drown in the darkness that envelops the sleeping city. I wish you to gain fresh strength, have a good rest, and wake up with my beloved smile, on a sleepy adored face. Sweet dreams, dear!

Darling, good night. May this night you dream of something incredibly interesting and fantastic, may this night allow you to have a good sleep and fully relax. I wish you night comfort, an exciting journey through the land of dreams and a sweet morning awakening.

If you are not shy about expressing your feelings for your lover, then wishes for a pleasant sleep will come in handy. After all, when you are in love, you want everyone in the world to know about your happiness, and for your loved one to know that you will always be support, support for him and continue to love him even in a dream.

I want to sleep in your arms

My dear, I so want to fall asleep in your arms, I want to hear your gentle velvety voice, to feel the touch of your strong hands. I so want to meet you in the land of fabulous dreams. Good night, I fall asleep thinking only about you, my love.

I don't want to leave

My sweet, I really would not like to part with you now and continue to talk about everything in the world all night, but, unfortunately, it's time to rest. Good night, my joy. I hope that we will meet in a dream, so as not to part even for a minute.

I don't want to sleep alone

Darling, if you only knew how I do not want to fall asleep alone, how I want to feel protected in your strong arms. You are my ray of sunshine, my weakness, my personal brand of heroin. Sweet and sweet dreams.

My fairy prince

I want to tell you so much, but most of all I want to thank you for becoming the most beloved and beautiful prince of my fairy tale. And I won't trade you for any magic wands. I believe that you will defeat all the dragons on our way, and in order to achieve victory, you need to have a good rest. May this night be peaceful and peaceful for you. I know we'll meet in a dream.

I wish dreams come true

Beloved, I wish that all your best and brightest dreams come true. I wish that in a dream solutions to all problems come to you. My only one, I miss you, I'm waiting for you.

Today was good

Today I felt very good and comfortable with you, and I would not want to part with you, but we need to rest, therefore, my dear, I would like to wish you the best, brightest and most tender dreams and a quiet night.

You `re incredible

You are the most charming, incredible and amazing man. You gave me a lot of happiness, smiles and tenderness. I want us to turn into one ocean, I can't forget about you and I want to meet in a dream. Have a good and amazing night, my one and only.

You are my happiness

You are my joy, my madness and happiness. I am infinitely grateful to fate for the fact that such a bright ray appeared in my life and healed my wounded heart. Thank you for making me happy. Now I would like to be next to you, hug, kiss you. Good night, I love you and miss you.

Everything will be fine

In the morning, when you wake up, everything will be fine. Do not think about anything, because the guardian angel will protect your sleep. Candy dreams, adorable Bunny.

Good night Kitty

My cat, without you, every night seems too long to me, and I will try to fall asleep faster in order to wish you a good day in the morning. Murky dreams to you.

I want you under the covers

My only one, when I close my eyes, I imagine that I am with you under the covers on such a cold winter night. I'm sorry I can't be with you right now. So for now, I can only wish you pleasant and warm dreams. Rest, my dear.

Beloved man

My gentle, affectionate, intelligent and most beloved man, I wish you dizzying sweet dreams. A soft and comfortable bed for you, my protector.

Sweet dreams, Baby

There are not enough words in the world to describe my feelings for you. It's a pity, honey, that I can't hug and kiss you right now. Being with you is happiness for me. Sweet dreams, my gentle Pupsy.

I wish you good sleep

I hope I didn’t tire you with my chatter, because I really didn’t want to say goodbye to you. I want you to sleep well and go into battle tomorrow with renewed vigor. Adore you.

You light my way

The only one, you, like a bright star in my life, illuminate my path with your flawless radiance. And I want you to always shine brightly for me all my life. I love you and wish you the most fabulous and pleasant dreams.

You're driving me crazy

If I behave strangely and inadequately, then this is all due to the fact that you drive me crazy. And now, when I'm lying in my bed, I dream that you were next to me, I dream that your touch would drive me crazy, that dizzy kisses would deprive me of air. I fall asleep thinking about you and I hope it's mutual. Sweet dreams, dear and beloved.

Another night without you

My happiness, today is another night that I will spend without you. But the longer the separation, the happier the meeting will be. Good night, sweetheart. Sweet dreams.

Sending a passionate kiss

I believe that soon we will fall asleep in the same bed. In the meantime, I will hug your shirt and imagine that it is you next to me. Sweet dreams, the only one, I send you my passionate kiss.

I miss every minute

With all my heart I miss you madly every minute, and I look forward to when we fall asleep together again embracing. In the meantime, I wish you magical dreams and sincerely hope that we will meet in the land of fabulous dreams.

Strong and sweet dreams

I still feel the taste of your kisses on my lips, and I look forward to the next meeting. But we need to gain strength before tomorrow's difficult day, so I go to sleep and wish you the strongest and sweetest dreams.

thanks for a wonderful evening

Thank you for giving me this wonderful day and wonderful evening. I have already missed you, and I so want to always be there. I am lucky to meet you on this big planet, and I am grateful for the happy moments that you give me. And now I wish you amazing dreams and a soft bed.

It's late and it's time for me to sleep

My dear, it's already very late and it's time for me to go to bed. And I want us to succumb to the charm of this beautiful night together. Dear and only, I wish you good and interesting dreams.

I ordered a good mood for you

My sun, for tomorrow I ordered a good mood for you, and in order to get it, you need to go to bed now. So I wish you bright and romantic dreams.

Waiting for you to be there again

My happiness, I look forward to when you will be there again, how you will hug me tightly and kiss me. Thank you for having you, and I will do everything to make you happy. Best dreams to you.

Sweet dreams sunshine

My gentle, dear, beloved, beloved, incredible, my sun, may all the most pleasant and beautiful dreams be yours. I kiss and hug you tightly, I love you.

“Bai, baiushki bai” - once, many years ago, a mother sang at night to her little son. He obediently closed his eyes and fell asleep sweetly. At least 2 decades have passed, and the need for “purring” before going to bed has not disappeared from the guy. And even a brutal male, oddly enough, an affectionate word for the night will be pleasant. What is it to wish a sweet lover to sleep sweetly?

Voice is better than "dry" SMS

Remember when you were little, snuggled up to your mother, even when she was talking to someone else, only to hear her voice “from the inside”. All children do this because it makes them feel cozy and comfortable. It is the voice that can pleasantly lull, even on the subconscious.

Therefore, if you want to sincerely wish your beloved "Good night", then it is better to do it verbally. And it doesn’t matter if you are nearby, or if you say it on Skype or on the phone, the main thing is with your voice.

You're near

This is the simplest, but nevertheless the most important. The smell of your body, so beloved and dear to a spouse or boyfriend, gentle touches and kisses - all this can “say” much more than a thousand words. But if you add a gentle whisper of affectionate words to these tactile and kinesthetic sensations, then you definitely made his night with sweet dreams.

Are you on Skype"

There are no tactile sensations. Yes, and you are far from your beloved. He will spend the night alone. But he can see you. How does a man love? Eyes. Makeup and your ideal look are secondary for him, since the primary ones are your eyes and facial expressions. Sadness, coupled with tenderness in her eyes, will “say” a lot: “We are apart, but still together!” And the words ... according to the dialogue, most importantly spoken with tenderness and reassurance. After all, a night without a loved one is near, even a little, but stress.

You are on the phone

Here, for sure, all the power is in the voice. Intonation, loudness and the right words are the three main components. No clarification of the relationship - only a lullaby purring. Like how to cuddle up to your mother in childhood and listen to her voice "from the inside" - in the same way, on the phone, your loved one should feel you through the distance.

Imagine how he clamped the phone between his ear and pillow, closed his eyes and listens to you. And instead of you, let your favorite teddy bear be next to him. It touches both, doesn't it?

It is clear that all feelings cannot be conveyed through messages, and the SMS themselves seem to be a dry set of letters and words. Can't even convey the tone. But that's what emoticons are for. Even a colon with a parenthesis can convey all emotions - whether you are sad or happy. Here are a few rules for conveying feelings through text:

    It’s not scary if the good night wish is replete with emoticons. The more of them, the more powerful the fantasy works for both.

    A short dialogue before going to bed is much better than long and boring texts: every person loves to be listened to and is burdened by hanging problems. Especially at night.

    More humor and affection in your own words according to your usual communication. Imagine how, after your message, he makes eyebrows “house” or smiles alone after each of your written messages.

    And, of course, the set “point” in communicating via SMS is a good night wish with an additional affectionate word, as you call it. "Fish-bird-pebble" or whatever you have.

What you say at night to your beloved man depends on his sleep and comfort with him. And most importantly, the next day. But his productivity in the morning is so important. Even if the unspokenness of some problem or relationship between you gnaws at you, be wiser - do not find it out before going to bed.

Beautifully spoken or written words are the key to a healthy rest and a sweet dream for your beloved. Well, what can you “purr” for him to sleep in? Something sexy, being away from him - excite and not give due. Therefore, only touchingly affectionate. Well, here are some examples for you, if you are separated by kilometers:

Baby, don't be sad! Be patient a little more, and you will fall asleep in my gentle embrace.

Tonight I will definitely dream of you in the lightest dream! And soon it will happen again!

Bayushki, my kitten. I love you and will always be with you. Soon it will be just that!

Trite? Sickeningly sweet? Yes. But this is a special, psychological mood in which a person relaxes, the future prospect seems rosy to him, and the night alone already begins to seem not so evil.