Pleasant wishes for the night to your beloved girl. The most beautiful good night wishes to a girl. I want to be perfect for you

Affectionate and tender words show warmth, sensuality, love, convey confidence, inspire and lift your spirits. Different categories of diminutive words will help you be unique and unite you with your loved one even more.

In verse

Compliments, pleasant words and phrases delight girls. It’s not for nothing that this is one of the old, proven methods for winning a girl’s heart. The more love there is in a relationship, the more valuable small signs of attention to each other are perceived.

Don't know what to call a girl affectionately to win her affection? Then beautiful compliments to a girl in verse will undoubtedly arouse interest in you.

You are beautiful, like a blooming garden,
In moments of bright spring,
And your voice, singing like a stream,
Filled with wondrous beauty.

You are beautiful in face and article,
Features rich in tenderness,
And unspeakable grace
This world is filled by you.

Tender as butterflies, aspiration
To get to the calling flower,
You inspire admiration
And you multiply beauty.

You are the ideal of a love night,
Your smile has no equal,
You inspire these lines
Love bringing a gentle light into them.

You are the poet's inspiration,
The light is filled with your beauty,
The Universe is warmed by you,
There are no people like you in nature.

You are more radiant than the sky
And more romantic than the moon,
You are pristine nature,
You are the beauty of spring.

You are immeasurably full of magic
A gentle goddess I guess
It has awakened in you and is silent,
It’s as if he’s doing a prayer service.

And become your languid pose,
as if he wants to tell me
What an angel and perfection you are,
Bringing love and bliss.

For the night

As you fall asleep, gently whisper kind words to your beloved girl. You'll see, she will immediately break into a smile, and in the morning she will wake up in a good mood from the words:

  • captivating;
  • inspired;
  • witchcraft;
  • affectionate;
  • wonderful;
  • the star is clear.

Warm words at night will not take a lot of energy and will not ruin your mood. Repeat them often to your loved ones. The main thing is to be sincere.

Before going to bed, in addition to wishing you good night, you can call the girl:

In the morning

Don’t forget to whisper “good morning” in your beloved’s ear, and at the same time tell her beautiful words:

  • the Amazon is captivating;
  • angelically beautiful;
  • appetizing-tasty;
  • seductively loving;
  • deafening;
  • fiery;
  • intoxicating;
  • worthy of all gifts;
  • inspiring;
  • bewitchingly charming;
  • fragrant.

After such unusual and beautiful words, the girl will melt, charge you with positivity, and you will feel how your fantasies come true. A friendly smile and gentle words in the morning will bring pleasure to both of you.


It doesn’t matter how long your sympathy for each other lasts: there were several dates or a couple of decades of married life. Girls are always pleased to hear and read beautiful words and compliments.

And let them be a little stupid or naive, but always with all their hearts. A pleasant SMS will always intrigue you, give you a positive mood and a desire to meet you soon. Feel free to write a lot of affection in SMS to your girlfriend.

Beautiful compliments

It is better to give compliments to a girl when she is not in a hurry and does not crave loneliness. Be truthful and don't make fun of romantic feelings. This can hurt your girlfriend very deeply.

It is better to speak kind words to your beloved girl while looking into her eyes and hugging her.
Complements in prose can sound much more pleasant than in poetry if they are spoken spontaneously and sincerely.

You can praise absolutely everything you like about a girl:

  • ... (girl's name), you have such cool, curly hair! They sparkle and shimmer in the sun like gold! I want to touch them... Is it possible?
  • It’s interesting to be with you: you are both a great conversationalist and know how to listen. Few can boast of such a gift.

The red-haired girl can be called the sun, the fiery maiden, the priestess of fire, the child of the sun, etc.

When she's sick

When a girl is sick or simply doesn’t feel well, you should cheer her up and look after her. Tender and caring words will definitely help you recover and feel most loved and needed.

  • Darling, when I’m around, I always want to give you tea with jam so that you get well soon. After all, when you are sick, I feel bad.
  • Honey, get well soon, it’s not easy for me without you.
  • I love you very much, I think this will help you get better...

In addition to beautiful words, you can bring flowers, cook something delicious, or offer your shoulder.

For a birthday

Wishing a happy birthday to a girl is a special event. Beautiful words are very significant on this day. They should be touching, heartfelt, sincere.

Be cheerful, gentle, clear,
Carefree and beautiful,
So that you laugh carelessly,
So that happiness lasts forever,

May all dreams come true
And wishes came true
So that you are like spring,
Full of youthful charm.

Let everything be as you want
Let your expectations not be deceived,
And all the beautiful dreams
They will become your reality!

I wish to live in harmony with myself,
Illuminate friends and loved ones with a smile,
Know how to give and receive love,
And light up at the slightest spark.

Sweet, kind, gentle, nice!
How old you are is not the main thing.
I wish you to be the happiest in life,
Beloved by everyone, cheerful, beautiful.


Girls like it when guys call them differently than everyone else, but in a special way, even if it sounds funny.

You can call a girl affectionately by the name of almost any animal:

  • cat;
  • crocodile;
  • tiger cub
  • hippo;
  • mouse;
  • rabbit;
  • fish.

You need to be very careful with animal names and use them in a diminutive form. The funniest and coolest names like pokemon, teletubby, dinosaur can offend a girl if she is concerned about being overweight or something else.

They also often manipulate the names of loved ones: Alenulka, Oksandrik, Oksik, Irishulik, Olyunchik, etc.


Listen to your heart, it will tell you what and when to say. If a girl likes you, then even an inept word you say will sound romantic to her.

Affectionate phrases and tender words play the role of a ticket to your girl’s heart. But at the same time, you need to show your imagination in moderation, without overusing it, so that the words that come from the depths of your soul are not taken for granted.

A young man must feel when his love messages or words for his beloved are appropriate. And then the girl will read the SMS or listen to it with trepidation.

A man does not need to be a poet to express his feelings for his beloved in beautiful words. It is enough to talk about your feelings while looking into her eyes. False compliments are not successful, it’s better to remain silent, because a sensitive girl will understand everything without words.

Don't be shy to say kind words and compliments to your girlfriend. There are a lot of options for all kinds of tenderness, all that remains is to use them to the maximum.

Video: Compliments

Darling, I will give you all these wonderful night stars that you see now! My dear, do you want me to jump to the moon and pluck it from the sky, let it shine only for you! My tender one, I will give you poems about love, just be always with me!
How many more stunning phrases can you say to your beloved girl?
I think the whole night will not be enough, even if we talk and talk without interruption. But if separation from your beloved does not allow you to do this, you can send her beautiful SMS every minute so that she, too, will not sleep and think about you, so at least it will be honest.
Every guy in love sends a good night SMS to his beloved girlfriend, some come up with it themselves, others are not given it (this is, really, not a reason for grief). This section contains good night SMS messages to your beloved girl, written in poetry and prose.
But if just SMS is not enough, you want something more original, then send the girl a voice card on her mobile phone with original wishes for the night! You will definitely like her, she will tell you about your feelings in poetry or song.

If you want, I will come to you unnoticed at night, I will sit quietly by your bed, I will tenderly look at you sleeping, I will guard your sleep, I will protect you my beloved, stroke your hair, look at your graceful shoulders, chest... and under In the morning I will imperceptibly melt into the ringing dew, leaving behind only light memories of night touches.... Good night, my love!

If you look out the window now, you will read the words “Good night!” in the starry sky. I just climbed up and collected them from the stars. What's not visible? It's just clouds covering my words, the sky is crying, because... We're not together now!

My baby! May you dream about your affectionate plush kitten! I will gently touch your ass with my paw, you will like it, then I will kiss your neck, arms, shoulders, then... no, let everything else happen in reality!

Sweet dreams to you, my desired dream, my unconquered peak!

This most beautiful SMS was sent to the most beautiful and amazing girl in the world from a young man who is head over heels in love!
With warmest good night wishes!

Hello honey! Let you dream of a soft plush animal this night, hug it tenderly, cling to it tightly!
Your animal is at your feet!

The night has come, but I can’t sleep, I think about you all the time... I’m so lonely without you that I want to howl at the moon :(

I can't sleep without you, my love! I want to find myself in your cozy warm bed, hug you and wake up still in your arms!
Nights without you are so empty and endless, promise that you will be with me forever!

Sun! Thank you for having me!
And even if I’m not with you today, but I know that we still love each other, and our dreams are one dream, our thoughts are one thought, tomorrow we will be together in the same bed, how I’m looking forward to this.. .
In the meantime, good night, little bunny :)

You know, I wanted to call you and call you my sunshine, but then I thought - you’re much brighter and more dazzling! I wanted to tell you - my little bunny, but you are a hundred times more tender! I wanted to whisper to you - my pussy, but you are more graceful than any cat! You are more expensive than diamonds and diamonds, your gait is more airy than a cloud, your embrace is warmer than fire... - you are my perfection! Goodnight, my Love.

Good night, my jelly bean!
I really want to go to bed as soon as possible,
But no, I don’t want to go to my bed,
I’m already flying to you on wings!

Darling, accept an air kiss from me! I sent it to you across the city, it will fly past our square, remember how we kissed there? Then he will rush past our bench under the lilacs, and will certainly take with him the scent of flowers! He'll drop by our seats in the back row at the last movie showing, and the passionate one will rush to you! It will plunge you into the world of erotic dreams and daydreams. Good night.

Honey, I’m sending you my SMS, and with it a hundred thousand kisses and one colorful, tender dream! Enjoy watching:)

Sorry for disturbing your sleep,
I just don't sleep, I miss you :(

Sorry for waking you up
But I haven't forgotten you!
I'm sending a text message, love!
Good night, kiss you :)

I have never loved anyone as much as you! Good night, my love!

My baby, thoughts about you don’t let me sleep! I dream of how we could be together now, kissing and basking in each other's arms. Why are you not with me this night? I'll think about you until dawn.

A month appeared in the sky. I have already whispered in his ear to guard your sleep until the morning! Darling, sweet dreams to you!

I just went to bed, fell asleep and immediately woke up from a dream! Your crib called me to it. I imagined your fluffy blanket, delicate pillow, you in lace lingerie... Darling, I’m already rushing to you, don’t sleep!

If you're not sleeping yet,
Then I kiss you
I hug you warmly
And of course, I love it!
I say goodnight
I'm very sad without you!

May you have dreams
They will contain a prince from a fairy tale,
You can dream about everything you want!
I love. Good night!

Your cellular operator is bothering you. We were informed that an unusual package has arrived in your name; it contains a sweet dream for you. But one young man had already picked up this parcel before you and asked me to tell you that you could pick it up in his warm crib. Sweet dreams!

Hello! I am writing to wish you pleasant dreams. You know, I’m looking forward to tomorrow morning to see you again!

The pillow and blanket have been waiting for you for a long time,
And the soft bear is waiting, my love.
But most of all I’m waiting for you, I’m counting the days until we meet!
Good night, sleep well, because time flies.
Just a little bit and you and I are back in the same bed...
In your arms I always sleep so sweetly!

Dear angels! Guard my beloved girl while she sleeps, my little baby! I love her so much! Just be careful, she's so fragile...

Before you go to bed, always try to think about me,
Then in my dreams I will come to you every time!

Go to sleep, my love, don’t let anything disturb you!
Let the month form your name in the sky from the brightest stars!

May sleep come to you at night,
About happiness, joy of meeting,
Let all worries be taken away,
They have a place in the world!
Good night, I say
Princess and goddess!
I only love you!
And I repeat the name!

Good night wishes for a girl should be written just before she goes to bed.

My dear (name of beloved), I am immensely happy that you are with me. I am very grateful to life for giving me you, such a beautiful and attractive girl. I feel very good next to you. You give me the best moments of my entire life. I can't live a day without you. Now I'm going to sleep, but I want to tell you that I won't be able to sleep until I look at your photo and kiss it. Darling, you are always incredibly beautiful, wonderful. I wish you good night and sweet dreams. Tomorrow morning I will wake you up with my bell. I love you madly, my dear!

My affectionate bunny, I want to say that now you need to fall asleep. Try not to think about anything in order to quickly see interesting and good dreams. And tomorrow morning I will call you and you will tell me everything that you saw in your dream.

Darling, I walked you to your house just twenty minutes ago. I want to say that during this time I managed to miss you! I know that you are already lying in your warm bed. I wish you fairy-tale dreams in which you will be a kind princess, and I will be a gentle and affectionate prince. Go to sleep quickly, my love. See you tomorrow morning!

My girl, sweet dreams to you. Today you had a hard day. Sleep soundly so that tomorrow you wake up with new strength. I'll call you in the morning, my love. Good night!

A loving young man should almost always remember that he very often needs to say beautiful words to a girl for the night. For a woman, this will mean that the man sincerely wants to be with her. And this, in turn, will strengthen relationships between young people.

Goodnight wishes for a girl can contain compliments.

Honey, good night to you. Today you were irresistible. I still can’t forget your look, which was so beautiful this evening. I am proud of you, dear, because I see that you are more beautiful than all women. Love you. Till tomorrow!

My kitty, I wish you pleasant dreams. You are so beautiful, gentle, economical, affectionate. I'm very lucky to have met you. See you in the morning, my little bunny.

Beautiful wishes for a girl at night can consist of advice that will be useful to her in the morning.

Darling, good night. Don't forget to get up early tomorrow, because you have a lot of things to do around the house. Don’t think anything bad, because I sincerely want your parents not to scold you. Kiss!

My dear candy, sweet dreams to you. Set your alarm for about 7 am, but not later, because you may be late for the station. Better yet, wake up even earlier, because... you may have more time to get yourself ready and have a proper breakfast. Call me after you get out of bed. Till tomorrow!

You can write goodnight wishes to a girl on pieces of paper and discreetly place them under the pillow. Only in this case is it necessary to leave a signature. Such wishes could be as follows:

Sunny, sweet dreams to you! I want you to sleep soundly and gain strength so that tomorrow is successful. Your cat.

My baby, good night. You are my best. Have pleasant dreams, my little bunny. I adore you. Your prince.

Dear, have a good night! Sleep well and think that tomorrow we will go for a walk in our favorite park. I love. Your man.

Romantic good night wishes for a girl can contain pleasant memories from the life of young people together.

My little squirrel, good night to you! Now I can’t sleep because I remember the day we met. You have changed and become more feminine and gentle. I want us to always be together. Kiss.

Honey, happy dreams to you. Call me after you wake up and do all your chores. Tomorrow will be exactly one year since our first kiss. I want us to go to the same cafe where we sat on that happy day. I'm looking forward to tomorrow. See you in the morning, my love.

How to beautifully wish a girl good night via SMS, write a beautiful SMS, please!



I want to be with you now, to see the sparkle of my beloved eyes, to hear your gentle voice! I want you to be with me! Good night)
2) When night falls on the city, and the stars shine above. When my soul can’t sleep, I remember you. I remember your hands, your smile and eyes. And I understand that there is no one more beautiful in the world than you! Good night)
No.) Good night, sweet dreams. The path to the valley of dreams is such that it can be so tempting, so beautiful and so deceptive! That we can’t get out of its sweet clutches....


Forget Andrey Kosenko in Yandex, he has a good website, it’s all about love


astral dreams...

Little Lion

Wish her pillows as soft as a cloud and sweet, sweet dreams....)))))

Alena Koshechka

Sleep sweetly, kitten, I want to come to your bed. You're lying in that crib, I want you BABY!!!


I'll write what you feel... close your eyes... imagine HER and: "Good night, my love... I will guard your sleep and wake you up with a gentle kiss... I LOVE...." Is it suitable? The century will remember, especially if you don’t marry her...


Good night, my little bunny. You are my dearest. I want to tell you a secret... Secret: I love you!! !
You know, I don’t know myself how to express what I want... I just want to say that for some reason I’m waiting for you, for some reason I miss you, for some reason I want to do something for you and for some reason I believe you! Good night and thank you for being there - my dream and hope!
[link blocked by decision of the project administration]

Vladislav Mukin

Anatoly Fedoryaka

Dmitry Bondarev

Good night, it's over

I need a beautiful SMS wishing good night to a girl, preferably not cliché =)))



In the morning you will wake up and quietly open your eyes. And you will remember that there is a heart in the world that needs you so much!


Write to her: Good night, dear! Your Morozov! She will be yours!))))


When the words run out
And you close your eyes
I'll appear for the last time
To say good night.

When the words run out
One thing left to wish
So that everything unsaid out loud
Someday you will understand without words

Alena Kirpichnikova

You look into the night sky and there you will see three stars, three stars are burning at the top, they say good night to you!
The night comes quietly
Your sleep gently guards,
The stars hum gently
Sleep, kitten, good night!


sleep goat.


Good night, Darling!
Let the pillow be soft!

Vika O.

(Girl_name) didn’t wait long, went to bed,
she is tired, a beautiful dream will come to her
It will take away all the sorrows...
Will drag you into a fairy tale
There's a sled ride there
Will put you to sleep on the bed
will read a fairy tale
Before you fall asleep
you'll get a kiss on the nose =)

And-...just good dreams!!!:)

Let your dream be as bright as a star, as bright and gentle as silk as the sun, as cheerful as a clear murmuring stream, so that you greet the new day with joy!

Closing your eyes, turning off the light, hiding in the blanket, remember me, and in a magical dream I will come to you with a sweet kiss and a gentle hug!! !

Good night! I kiss your eyes, like a prince and a princess in a sweet fairy tale!

My kitten, I wish you good night.
And such beautiful dreams.
You are a gentle, affectionate little bundle.
I miss you very much!

What else could you wish for besides a good night and sweet dreams to a girl without words, love, kisses, stupid poems and vulgar hints



May your sleep be sweet and your awakening pleasant)


tell her to dream about you

Nyusha ^^

erotic, wet dreams ^__^

Marina Davlatshoeva

See you soon honey.


sing a lullaby

Tired admins are sleeping, mice are sleeping...
Flash drives and keyboards are waiting for the guys...
Windows goes to sleep too
So that we can dream at night,
ICQ is closed. ... Bye-bye.
All normal contacts have been sleeping for a long time...
The virus crawls through folders, still...
Soon he will go to bed too, but we will help him -
Update the databases, bye-bye...


You know, I don’t know how to express what I want... I just want to say that for some reason I’m waiting for you, for some reason I miss you, for some reason I want to do something for you and for some reason I believe in you!
Good night and thank you for existing - my dream and hope!

May you have the most beautiful and fabulous dreams today. And when you wake up, I will try to make them come true.

Or something else like this...

Do you want me to come to you in your dreams?
I'll sit on the bed in silence,
I’ll quietly touch you: “Honey, wake up!”
Extend your hand and smile.

Tell me more about yourself,
Show me how you can be sad.
Let your hand lie in mine
We will disperse the clouds of sadness,

I won't let you sleep until morning,
I'll kiss you until dawn,
And when the earth wakes up at dawn,
I will melt quickly in silence...

Good night to you, ***!
This night I want to give you a kiss that will sweep through the blocks of a sleepy city and burst into your window, plunge you into a sweet veil of dreams and fantasies, pass through your body in a burning wave and return to my lips with your sweet taste and delicate aroma.

Darling, good night.
I miss you, I can't help it.
Close your eyes quickly
Good night, bye-bye.

May you have wonderful dreams,
Let your dreams come true in them.
Let them become reality, if you want,
Well, now you go to sleep. Good night!

Good night, darling,
I wish you with all my heart.
My beloved, dear,
I miss you so much.
Good night my baby
We see each other often,
But I'm not with you now,
I want to touch you with my eyes!

I wanted to wish you good night!
Whisper in your ear about love.
Now it’s far away, it’s a pity it’s not near me!
On the mobile phone the answer is: “I’m not sleeping, dear!”
Sometimes nights pass without sleep.
Love and separation, winter and spring...
Calm and quiet, pleasant and gentle,
I wish my beloved serene dreams!

Good night, sleep baby,
And remember me.
May you dream this night
My love and eternal paradise.

I love you, you know it
I have nothing to say.
You close your eyes
It's time to sleep soundly.

I wish you good night,
My beloved darling.
I'll wrap a blanket around you,
May you sleep until the morning.

I wish you good night,
My priceless beloved.
And so that no one disturbs your sleep,
I will keep you safe.

And tomorrow early in the morning at dawn
I'll wake you up with a gentle kiss.
And I'll hug you so tightly
After all, I love you so much!

I am writing to you today,
So that you know: I love you.
Good night. Dreams fly
They want to make you happy.

My baby, go to sleep
Lower your eyelids.
Your beautiful eyes
I'll dream about it until the morning.

Good night my precious
Get under the blanket
So that your hands and feet warm up there,
And sleep sweetly, bye-bye.

My beloved baby
Let the wonderful dream come to life.
I am your cat, you are my mouse,
The crib is calling you again.

Good night my baby
You are like sweet candy!
You are my gentle breeze
You are my boat at sea.

Sleep sweetly, fall asleep,
Don't forget about me!
Remember the caress of my lips,
All this is just for two!

For you and for me,
Sleep, my beloved!
Sweet night, sweet dreams,
May there always be love!

Good night sweet dreams,
Let love come in a dream,
May the angel protect you
Sits above the bed.
My dear girl
Hugs and kisses!
I love you, my
I wish you tender words!

I made an appointment for us
In the best of all worlds,
And today exactly at midnight
We will meet in the kingdom of dreams.

So don't yawn for too long
Close your eyes.
Go to sleep my love
I'm bored here without you!

It's getting darker outside the window,
The stars are just shining.
Close your eyes quickly
My girl.

And let them dream about you
Sea and flowers
Let your dreams come true
All your dreams.

Go to sleep, my dear,
Sleep, my love!
Good night dear,
Sweet dreams to you!

My darling, I love you very much. You are the most precious thing I have, and I really want to wish you the most tender and peaceful sleep. May you dream of white bear cubs in a pink sunset and guard your sleep! I kiss you tenderly, hug you tightly and love you very, very madly!

My beloved, beloved person! I wish you a quiet and peaceful night, tranquility and bliss. May I come to you in your dreams in the form of a beautiful fairy. I will fulfill all your wishes and dreams, I will always be your beloved, friend and faithful assistant! Let the singing of birds remind you of our love, and let the stars give their distant cosmic light! I love you!

I wish you a most pleasant, calm and good night! May your dreams be only beautiful and filled with the most fantastic dreams. And may this night give you the strength to turn every dream into reality!

My sweetie, I really would not like to part with you now and continue to talk about everything in the world all night, but, unfortunately, it’s time to rest. Good night, my joy. I hope that we will meet in a dream, so as not to be separated even for a minute.

Good night wishes for a man in your own words

My beloved, I wish you good night. May you have wonderful dreams and imagine cherished dreams, may your sleep be strong and comfortable, may the night give you a lot of ideas and confident strength for a successful and eventful day.

Good night, my beloved. I wish that you have a good and wonderful dream, that you get a good night’s sleep and wake up in a great mood and with inspiration in your soul. May this night be filled with comfort and peace, and may the morning bring bright joy and rays of good luck.

There is so much I want to tell you, but most of all I want to say thank you for becoming the most beloved and handsome prince of my fairy tale. And I won’t trade you for any magic wands. I believe that you will defeat all the dragons on our way, and in order to achieve victory you need to rest properly. May this night be quiet and peaceful for you. I know we will meet in a dream.

I wish you this evening to be truly good, and the night to be truly calm. May you have the most beautiful and definitely colorful dreams!

There are also good night wishes for your loved one.

Wishing good night to a girl in your own words

My tenderness, my beloved beauty, outside the windows the night has long received its powers, and you are still not sleeping. Leave everything you're doing, dive under a warm blanket in your favorite bed and fall asleep. Good night, my incredible, sophisticated, magnificent one. May you have exceptionally good dreams that will fill your new day with lightness, brightness and joy. Go to sleep, my girl. I promise that no one and nothing will disturb your peace, as I will take care of it until the morning. I kiss your sweet lips and cute little nose. My love is with you.

Good and gentle, good night to you, my love! Let the moon gently whisper to you my words about how much I adore, love and appreciate you, and let the stars shower your face with the tender kisses that I send you! And then the night will pass fabulously, bringing you and me a new day and our love as a gift!

So the remains of the day burned out, and a gray evening descended on the earth. Let the old day take away with it all disturbing thoughts and experiences. And you, wrapped in a blanket, close your eyes and surrender to a peaceful sleep. May you certainly dream of happiness. Good night.

At night, the edge of the world opens up to us from a completely different side. The world is becoming so romantic and mysterious. And finally, after a hard day at work, you can lie down in your favorite bed and just relax, close your eyes and leave this world before the sun rises. I wish you a good and pleasant night. Let your body, soul and mind rest from the hustle and bustle of the day and fall asleep. Let millions of bright stars wink at you and each bring you a small piece of happiness.

Good night wishes to your beloved in your own words

So the long day, full of events and vivid impressions, has ended. Close your tired eyes and you will be carried away by a night's sleep - fabulous and unique. Let it be kind and colorful, and in the morning you wake up in a great mood. In the meantime - good night!

Good night, my beloved, gentle, desired and most wonderful. May you dream of an ocean of possibilities, the shores of your cherished desires, an island of hope and our love, fabulous lands of joy and carefree life, and most importantly, I wish you to see in your dreams the key to any clues and the answer to any questions. Sleep sweetly and soundly, wake up with a smile and tender trembling in your soul. Kiss.

Night falls, dark, quiet, calm. Everything around is calming down, calming down, The bustle is behind us, and now it’s time to rest. I wish you, my beloved, good night. May your sleep be sweet and pleasant. Let you dream of a good fairy tale in which you will certainly be a princess, and I will be your prince. I will declare my love to you, and let this declaration continue in the morning, but not in a dream, but in reality. Let the stars guard your sleep and sing a lullaby. Sleep, my joy, sleep, may your rest be peaceful.

Good night, my beloved and beloved. I wish that you dream of an extraordinary miracle, that your sleep takes you to the land of a good fairy tale, that the bright light of the moon and the twinkling of magical stars fill you with new strength and inspiration, that the night passes calmly and beautifully, that the morning begins with a smile and luck.

Short SMS wishes for good night and sweet dreams

Good night! May she bring you only the most beautiful and vivid dreams. May it give you strength and energy for a wonderful day tomorrow.

Let the bright moon not interfere with your sweet sleep, I wish you tender and colorful dreams!

May the God of sleep shower you with white and red poppy petals, intoxicate you with the honey aroma of blooming gardens and take you with him into a sweet sleep full of bliss and tenderness! Sweet dreams my beloved!

Sweet, gentle, glorious, I wish you sweet dreams and good night. Let sleep become a happy time for you to rest and recuperate.

Beautiful and very gentle good night wishes in your own words

Your smile drives me crazy and doesn't let me sleep! The last words you said with such a soft and gentle aspiration are spinning in my head... You have some kind of power over me! My most favorite person on this planet, Good night! Yesterday, today, tomorrow I am yours! Kiss you!

Darling! Let your dream be like a fairy tale, bright, colorful and magical! And in the morning I will wake you up with a tender kiss, and we will meet a new day together! Have a good and wonderful night!

As soon as you touch me, I shudder, goosebumps run down my back, butterflies flutter in my stomach. Every tip of my long hair feels the tenderness of your touch! The heart beats more violently, as if it wants to jump out of the chest, the lips freeze in a smile, the eyes sparkle, and there is wild excitement in the soul. What will happen to me when you fall asleep next to me? I look forward to our meetings! Sweet Dreams, baby!

I love your hugs and kisses! I would give anything just to be next to you now! I want to feel these exciting touches, listen to your velvety voice, feel light breathing and hear your heartbeat! My tender words for you, baby! May this night be as long as you need to sleep! Sweet dreams!