Enterol powder and capsules: for the treatment of childhood dysbiosis and relief from diarrhea. Indications for taking enterol for a child


Enterol ®


Smooth, shiny, opaque, white gelatin capsules No. “0” containing light brown powder with a characteristic yeasty odor.

Dosage form:


1 capsule contains:

Active substance:

Lyophilized Saccharomyces boulardii 250 mg.


Lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, gelatin, titanium dioxide.

Pharmacotherapeutic group.

Antidiarrheal agent.

ATX code:

Pharmacological properties.

Saccharomyces boulardii has an antimicrobial effect due to its antagonistic effect against pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms: Clostridium difficile, Candida albicans, Candida kruesei, Candida pseudotropicalis, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella typhimurium, Yersinia enterocolitica, Escherichia coli, Shigella dysenter iae, Staphylococcus aureus and others, as well as Entamoeba histolitica and Lambliae. Saccharomyces boulardii has an antitoxin effect against bacterial cyto- and enterotoxins and increases the enzymatic function of the intestine. Saccharomyces boulardii is naturally resistant to antibiotics.

After taking the drug Saccharomyces boulardii passes through the digestive tract unchanged without colonization. The drug is completely eliminated from the body within 2-5 days after stopping use.

Indications for use

Treatment and prevention of diarrhea of ​​any etiology.


1. Hypersensitivity to one of the components;

2. The presence of a central venous catheter, since rare cases of fungemia have been described in patients with a central venous catheter in a hospital setting.

Directions for use and doses

Children from 1 year to 3 years – 1 capsule twice a day for 5 days.

Children over 3 years old and adults – 1-2 capsules twice a day for 7-10 days. Enterol ® should be taken 1 hour before meals with a small amount of liquid. Do not drink hot or alcoholic drinks. For young children, as well as in cases of difficulty swallowing, the capsule can be opened and its contents given with cold or lukewarm liquid. Taking the drug for the treatment of acute diarrhea must be accompanied by rehydration.

Side effect

In rare cases, individual sensitivity to the components of the drug may occur.

Pregnancy and lactation

The use of Enterol ® during pregnancy or lactation is justified if the expected benefit outweighs the potential risk.

Special instructions.

If after two days of using Enterol ® for the treatment of acute diarrhea there is no improvement, or if the temperature rises or blood or mucus is detected in the stool, you should immediately consult your doctor. Feelings of thirst and dry mouth indicate insufficient rehydration.

Interaction with other drugs

Enterol ® is not taken together with antifungal drugs.

Release form.

Capsules 250 mg.

10, 20, 30 or 50 capsules in a transparent glass bottle with a polyethylene cap and protective film. 1 bottle with instructions for use in a cardboard box.

5 capsules in a blister made of PA/aluminum/PVC and aluminum foil. 2, 4 or 6 blisters with instructions for use in a cardboard box.

6 capsules in a blister made of PA/aluminum/PVC and aluminum foil. 5 blisters with instructions for use in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions

At a temperature of 15-25ºС, out of the reach of children.

Best before date

3 years. Do not use after the date indicated on the package.

When there are disturbances in the functioning of the intestines in children, a phenomenon such as diarrhea can often be observed. In addition to discomfort and pain, this condition can be a symptom of a viral disease. With frequent trips to the toilet, the body loses a large amount of fluid, which can lead to dehydration. And this is not the entire list of reasons why you should take drugs that restore normal intestinal flora. Many parents prefer a drug such as Enterol for children, since it is effective in combating diarrhea and is considered a safe remedy for young patients. It can be given to both a child and an adult, it is only important to follow the dosage.

The main reason for prescribing Enterol is diarrhea of ​​various origins. In addition, it helps restore the balance of microflora in the intestinal area and fights local harmful microorganisms.

It contains special living organisms that can have a detrimental effect on the components of pathogenic and opportunistic flora. In addition, this drug leads to increased local immunity and increased immunoglobulin synthesis. The product is also capable of neutralizing toxins that are formed in large quantities in the intestines as a result of the activity of microorganisms. Subsequently, they are absorbed into the blood and poison the body. Enterol binds them and brings them out, preventing intoxication.

Today Enterol can be found in several forms:

  • powder to create a solution;
  • powder to create a suspension;
  • capsules.

If we are talking about capsules or powder in bags for creating a solution, then they contain 250 mg of active substances, while the powder for creating a suspension has only 100 mg. It is the latter form that is recommended for use for children. The powder is very similar in smell and color to yeast, and in order to preserve its properties, it is packaged in small foil bags. White gelatin capsules contain powder inside.

The manufacturer of this drug is the French company Biocodex, so it can be considered high quality and safe (in recommended doses). The main active ingredient is Saccharomyces boulardii, which can suppress the development of pathogenic flora.

The instructions for use prescribe giving powder to a child under 6 years of age (it is better if it is a suspension in finished form). And after 6 years, you can prepare a solution from powder or give it in capsules.

In any case, the dosage and regimen for using the drug should be prescribed and prescribed to you by a specialist. It is possible to use this drug together with antibiotics, since the microorganisms it contains are resistant to them. If the cause of diarrhea is rotavirus or another infection, you most likely cannot do without antibiotics. In what cases is Enterol prescribed?

Indications for use

In medical practice, Enterol is used when there is diarrhea of ​​bacterial or viral origin. It is also able to support the growth of normal microflora in the intestines, the composition of which is disrupted due to the use of antibacterial drugs. Because of this, Enterol is often prescribed along with them.

Thus, the main indications for the use of such a drug are assistance in eliminating dysbiosis of various origins and their prevention. It is also a good remedy for eliminating such phenomena as colitis (recurrent, pseudomembranous). With its help you can cope with diarrhea of ​​various origins (bacterial, viral) and various forms (acute, chronic). Experts prescribe Enterol to prevent diarrhea in cases where nutrition is taken through a tube for a long time.

The instructions for use determine the use of this drug simultaneously with antibiotics, and you need to start from the very first day. If you have been prescribed Enterol without an antibiotic, then you should drink it an hour before meals along with a small amount of water or milk.

In no case should you use hot drinks or hot food together with Enterol, since exposure to high temperatures has a bad effect on the microorganisms in the medicine.

If it is difficult for you or your child to swallow a whole capsule, you can open it and pour the powder onto a spoon to take it orally with a small amount of liquid (water, milk).

The patient should experience improvement within 1-2 days. If this does not happen, and there is mucus and bloody discharge in the stool, you should contact your doctor. This should also be done if there is a high temperature.

Diarrhea (diarrhea) is often accompanied by dry mouth. The reason for this lies in the excessive removal of fluid from the body during frequent loose stools. Therefore, experts advise that if you have diarrhea, drink plenty of fluids (preferably water) to normalize your water balance. During the entire period of use of the drug, there was not a single case of overdose. Despite this, you should give it to children very carefully, following the recommendations given in the instructions for use. Also, extreme caution should be given to children under one year of age.

Enterol - a drug for young children

You can give Enterol in powder form to children from the moment they are born. And although the instructions indicate that the drug is not recommended for children under one year of age, doctors still prescribe it. After all, with the help of this remedy you can easily cope with diarrhea and normalize the flora in the intestines. And for children this problem is especially relevant, since their body is still developing and is easily influenced by various factors.

Babies under one year of age are very rarely, but still sometimes prescribed, antibiotics. And in this case, they resort to the use of Enterol so that it slightly smoothes out the negative impact of antibacterial therapy. Also, indications for the use of this drug include the presence of Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella.

The powder should be given to the baby an hour before meals, having previously dissolved it. To do this, use milk, juices or water. Enterol for infants can be mixed with formula or breast milk. You need to calculate it like this: 1 packet per ½ tbsp. liquids. Remember that the temperature of the water (milk, juice) should be at room temperature, since high temperatures are detrimental to medicinal microorganisms.

Indications for use: diarrhea or prevention of dysbacteriosis. In the first case, treatment will last 3-5 days, and in the second – 10 days.

The instructions for Enterol capsules provide for their use for children from 6 years of age. However, in some cases, when there are indications, the doctor may prescribe them from 3 years of age. They should also be taken before meals (an hour before) and washed down with a small volume of warm liquid. You should not use hot tea or compote for this purpose, as this will reduce the effect of the medicine.

A child aged 3-6 years can drink 1 capsule in the morning and evening. However, such treatment can last no longer than 5 days. For older children, the instructions allow taking 1-2 capsules up to 3 times a day, and the course can last 10-14 days.

Reception features

The instructions for the drug indicate that the use of Enterol during pregnancy is not recommended. The reason for this lies in the fact that pharmacists have not conducted tests on pregnant women, and therefore are not entirely sure of its effect on the female body during such a special period.

However, sometimes expectant mothers are prescribed this remedy in order to get rid of colic, bloating, diarrhea or prevent dysbiosis. With this drug, you can forget about discomfort in the abdominal area and not worry about dysbiosis during the changes taking place in your body. It can also be used to normalize stool.

Treatment with the drug for both pregnant women and children under one year of age should be prescribed by a doctor. At the same time, he will write out a dosage regimen that will not harm the fetus, and will relieve the mother from unpleasant sensations.

Enterol also helps to cope with giardiasis. This disease is caused by Giardia, the activity of which is suppressed by microorganisms that are inside the drug. If you or your child have frequent bloating, tests show anemia, allergic reactions occur, and developmental delays are observed (in children), then most likely you are faced with giardiasis. In addition to its own unpleasant symptoms, it can aggravate the manifestation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and even hide behind them.

Contraindications of the drug

Despite the safety of this drug, there are still contraindications for its use. You should definitely read them before you start taking the medicine. The main reason for refusing to use the drug may be severe sensitivity to its components. It is also not recommended for people who have problems with the absorption of galactose-glucose or have a central venous catheter. To prescribe this drug to pregnant and nursing mothers, there must be indications and a doctor’s recommendation.

If within a few days after taking Enterol you do not observe an improvement in your condition and, more likely, we can talk about a worsening of some symptoms, you should immediately contact a medical institution for help. After all, diarrhea (along with fever and pain in the abdominal area) can be a symptom of a serious illness. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Intestinal upset is a fairly common problem for young children. It may be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and dehydration. The baby’s condition needs to be stabilized as quickly as possible, for which drugs called probiotics are often prescribed. One of them is called “Enterol”, and we’ll talk about it.

Composition and release form

In the composition of "Enterol" includes beneficial microorganisms necessary to normalize the human intestinal microflora. This is a specially dried, but still living, single-celled yeast fungus Saccharomyces boulardii.

The following may be present as auxiliary components: gelatin, magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate, titanium dioxide, colloidal anhydrous silicon dioxide, fructose, flavoring additives.

Did you know? This beneficial yeast has long been used by humanity to treat intestinal disorders, although people did it unknowingly. In particular, the Indochinese aborigines, when poisoned, always ate the fruits of certain plants, which interested a certain Frenchman named Henry Boulardi. It was he who managed to isolate beneficial bacteria from the fruits, which were later named after him.

"Enterol" for children is available without a prescription and has two main forms of release - powder and capsules.

Powder for suspension

The powder has a light brown color and a pleasant fruity smell, which kids really like. Packaged in paper, polyethylene and aluminum bags of 100 and 250 mg of active ingredient. In the first case, the mass of the contents of one sachet is 306 mg, in the second - 765 mg. One package can contain 10, 14, 20 or 50 sachets of a smaller volume, or 10, 20 or 30 sachets of a larger volume.

The powder is intended to be diluted in water and given to children orally. As a rule, Enterol is given in the form of a suspension, but sometimes, if the baby refuses to take the medicine, it is added to milk or directly to food.


With this form of release, the drug (250 mg) is placed in a gelatin shell, which quickly dissolves in the gastrointestinal tract. The capsule has a smooth and shiny white surface. The Enterol powder inside does not contain fruit flavors (since in this case they are not necessary), so when you open the capsule you can feel the characteristic smell of yeast.

Capsules go on sale:

  • in a glass bottle of 10, 20, 30 or 50 pieces;
  • in blisters of 5 pieces, packed in cardboard boxes of 2, 4 or 6 blisters;
  • in blisters of 6 pieces, packed in cardboard boxes of 5 blisters (30 capsules).

Important! Enterol is a European drug produced by the French pharmacological company Prespharm. There is also a medicine available in the United States to treat intestinal disorders by administering the live yeast Saccharomyces boulardii. Its trade name is "Florastor".

Pharmacological properties

The main purpose of taking Enterol is to normalize the intestinal microflora, Moreover, unlike many other probiotics, this drug has a very wide spectrum of action. The live yeast included in its composition prevents the development of pathogenic bacteria in the body and, at the same time, helps to increase the growth of “useful” microorganisms.

The active ingredient of the drug is resistant to antibiotics, due to which it is often prescribed to eliminate the side effects of such drugs simultaneously or after long-term use.

Active substance "Enterola" secretes enzymes that are capable of breaking down toxins released by pathogenic microflora when metabolic processes are disrupted or the kidneys and liver are not functioning properly. In addition, yeast suppresses inflammatory processes in the intestines and promotes the restoration of cells of the intestinal mucosa - the so-called enterocytes (hence the name of the drug). By freeing the intestines from “garbage”, the probiotic thereby opens up space for the development of beneficial microflora, launches the immune system and improves the functioning of the entire digestive tract. For this reason, it is indicated not only for bacterial but also for viral infections.

Unlike antibiotics, some of them are also fungal in nature and suppress the activity of pathogenic bacteria due to the fact that the latter, like flies to honey, are attracted to yeast molecules, stick to them and can no longer develop freely in the body.

In this way, the drug can neutralize various types of candida, dysenteric amoebas, vibrios cholera, pseudomonas, shigella, clostridia, yersinia and other bacteria that cause various serious diseases.

has another advantage compared to other probiotics: it is resistant to acidic conditions and, thus, acts even in conditions of increased acidity of gastric juice, when most lacto- and bifidobacteria die.

Saccharomyces boulardii, Once in the stomach, they pass through the entire digestive tract directly into the intestines, where, having fulfilled their function, they are excreted from the body with feces (usually this occurs at least two, maximum five days after taking the drug).

Did you know? Only clostridia against which it is effectiveEnterol causes at least three diseases classified as deadly - tetanus, botulism and gas gangrene.

Indications for use

A common indication for the use of Enterol is intestinal disorder. Considering the wide range of pathogens against which the drug shows its effectiveness, as well as the additional positive functions it has on the immune system and gastrointestinal tract, this remedy can be used almost regardless of what specific microbe (or even virus) caused diarrhea. In addition to the above, the probiotic is indicated for children with:

  • long course of antibiotics (for the treatment and prevention of dysbacteriosis);
  • colitis of various nature (recurrent, pseudomembranous, etc.);
  • viral infections;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • other painful conditions when the child was fed through a tube for a long time.
Another specific indication for the use of the drug- so-called traveler's diarrhea. It is characterized by the fact that when visiting other countries (especially with an unusual climate and food), the child cannot establish regular bowel movements for a long time, suffers from abdominal pain, flatulence, headaches, nausea and vomiting. To prevent this condition, you need to start drinking Enterol five days before the start of the trip and then until you return home (but no more than a month).

According to the generally accepted classification of medications, Enterol belongs to antidiarrheal and antimicrobial agents, which, in addition, contribute to the normalization of intestinal microflora.

Can it be given to children under one year old?

Despite the fact that the instructions for use "Enterola"(even in powder form with a minimum dose of 100 mg) it is said that it can be used to treat children over one year of age, in fact this drug is so safe that it is sometimes prescribed even to newborns.

Important! In children under one year of age, unlike older patients, the drug can be given only as prescribed by a doctor and preferably under his direct supervision.

Long course of antibiotics and severe diarrhea- factors that allow the use of Enterol from the first days of a child’s life, because in this case the risk from dysbiosis and dehydration exceeds the risk from taking a probiotic. The maximum daily dose is 250 mg.

Directions for use and dosage

As a general rule, Enterol should be taken one hour before meals, take the capsule with a small amount of water or milk or dilute the powder in the same amount of liquid. However, if the drug is taken to prevent dysbiosis during antibiotic treatment, the appropriate portion of the powder (or capsule) must be drunk along with the antibacterial drug in a “single course”, from the first day of therapy.

The duration of treatment for ordinary diarrhea lasts from three to five days; for dysbiosis, chronic disorders and irritable bowel syndrome, the course can be up to two weeks or longer, until the symptoms completely disappear.

As for the dosage and preferred form of release, they depend on the age of the patient.

Oral powder, 100 mg

For children under six years of age, Enterol is best taken in powder, since a capsule can easily choke in a small patient.

Did you know? Breastfed babies are practically not susceptible to either intestinal disorders or infectious diseases of the digestive system, since their intestinal microflora consists mainly of bifidobacteria. At the same time, a person’s own microflora, independent of diet, is formed only from the second year of life.

Enterol powder 100 mg is given to children in the following doses:

  • at the age of one to three years - 1-3 powders twice a day;
  • over the age of three years - 2-4 powders twice a day.

Oral powder, 250 mg

According to the instructions, Enterol powder 250 mg is intended for children over 6 years of age. Usually, one sachet is prescribed to be taken once or twice a day, but with a long course of antibiotics, for the treatment of pseudomembranous colitis and other severe conditions, the daily dose can be increased to four sachets - two powders twice a day.

To prevent traveler's diarrhea, take one powder in the morning, an hour before breakfast.


"Enterol" in capsules, as already mentioned, is recommended give to a child after he or she reaches six years of age. Simply take the drug with a small amount of liquid. But if the baby cannot swallow the drug for one reason or another, the capsule can be opened and its contents dissolved in water or milk in the same way as the powder sold in sachets.

The dosage when taken in capsules is the same as for the powder 250 mg (1 sachet of powder = 1 capsule).

special instructions

"Enterol" in powder form can not be diluted, just pour it into your mouth and wash it down with a small amount of liquid. For very young children this method of administration is not very suitable, but older ones may find it much more convenient.

The yeast contained in the preparation is living, but “put to sleep” creatures. The most favorable temperature for them to wake up is is 37 °C(above room temperature, but not hot yet). It is to this temperature that the liquid with which the powder should be diluted should be heated. In this case, you first need to heat the liquid itself, and then pour the contents of the bag into it, but under no circumstances heat the diluted drug (especially in a microwave oven). The diluted drug should be taken immediately. You should also not divide the contents of the sachet into several doses.

Diarrhea in children is especially dangerous due to dehydration. For this reason, while taking probiotics, babies need to be given a lot of water, and for these purposes it is good to use special products for oral rehydration (they are sold in pharmacies, but can also be made at home, for example, raisin decoction will play this role perfectly). In the youngest patients, cases of diarrhea that are not too severe are treated exclusively by drinking plenty of fluids, without taking any additional medications.

Important! At a temperature of 50 °C and above, saccharomyces boulardii dies, so the drug cannot be diluted or washed down with hot water (eating hot food)!

Dry mouth and thirst when taking Enterol are usually associated not with the effect of the probiotic, but with dehydration, which is caused by diarrhea. If such symptoms appear, you need to feed the child more intensively, and not stop taking the drug.

However, indications for consulting a doctor about changing the dosage or discontinuing the drug are:

  • lack of a pronounced effect of treatment more than two days after the start of therapy;
  • diarrhea is accompanied by bloody discharge;
  • clots of mucus are present in the stool;
  • The patient's body temperature rises.

Compatibility with other medications

"Enterol" in general can be used with any other medications, without fear of any incompatibility. Even antibacterial drugs do not suppress its activity. However, given the specifics of treatment with probiotics, it is better not to use antifungal agents during this period (either orally or by injection), since they neutralize the effect of microorganisms that are part of this dosage form.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug has virtually no contraindications, and side effects in the vast majority of cases do not occur even with serious overdoses.

However, an individual allergic reaction to substances contained in the dosage form, although unlikely, is still possible.

As a rule, such side effects are not considered as a reason to refuse further use of the drug.

But in case of intolerance or malabsorption of glucose, galactose or fructose, as well as lactase deficiency, Enterol is really contraindicated (however, these conditions are very rare).

When talking about the possible risks of taking Enterol, people sometimes remember a very dangerous type of sepsis called “fungimia”. It occurs when a fungus enters the bloodstream and begins to multiply in it.

Important! Fungemia can occur as a result of taking any probiotic, not just"Enterola". But for such a serious consequence additional factors are needed. Usually this is a previous operation or other serious condition, when the patient had a venous catheter installed, during feeding through a tube, etc. For safety reasons, it is usually recommended not to even open bags of powder near such patients in order to prevent mechanical entry of the fungus into the blood .

Thus, treatment of ordinary diarrhea in a child with Enterol- the process is completely safe in the vast majority of cases. This is a non-toxic and very effective drug for the treatment of intestinal disorders, both adults and children. In addition, with a long course of taking antibiotics, the drug helps to overcome the negative impact of these drugs on the beneficial intestinal microflora.

By group affiliation, Enterol is an antidiarrheal drug. However, in terms of its chemical composition, it is a biological agent, since its active components are considered to be dried yeast fungi Saccharomyces boulardii. The medicine has a triple effect: the microorganisms that make up Enterol are antagonists in relation to certain pathogens and intestinal infections; its use strengthens the body's immunity; and its activity in the body weakens the toxic effect caused by the presence of pathogenic microbes.

The conclusion is obvious: Enterol destroys the membranes of pathogenic infections that have entered the body, prevents their large-scale reproduction and normalizes the intestinal microflora.

The medication is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract for a long time, and is excreted in its original form a few days after completion of treatment.

Enterol is produced in the form of white gelatin capsules and in the form of a suspension for the preparation of a medicinal solution.

Among Enterol's analogues, Polisorb MP, Loflatil, Atoxil, Regidron, Hunyadi Janosh, Enterosgel, Mucosa compositum and Polyphepan are known.

Indications and contraindications for the use of Enterol

This medication underlies the productive treatment of acute viral and bacterial diarrhea in patients of all ages, dysbiosis and irritable bowel syndrome. In addition, it acts as a reliable prevention and effective treatment of colitis and diarrhea caused by long-term use of antibiotics. Enterol is also used when there is a sudden change in the usual cuisine.

Contraindications include hypersensitivity to Enterol's treatment substances, as well as the presence of a central venous catheter. Use with caution in children, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Side effects and overdose of Enterol

When using Enterol, there are no side effects due to its plant origin and gentle effect on the site of pathology. However, one should not exclude the peculiarities of the sick organism, where in some clinical pictures there is a skin rash of an allergic nature, caused by intolerance to such treatment. In such cases, it is recommended to replace the medication by choosing a more suitable analogue.

No cases of Enterol overdose have been found.

Instructions for use of Enterol

Enterol capsules. The recommended pharmacological formulation of Enterol depends on the age of the patient. Children aged 1 – 10 years – one pill, and over 10 years – two twice a day. According to this scheme, acute diarrhea is treated for up to 5 days, and dysbiosis and chronic diarrhea syndrome – for up to two weeks. Take capsules before meals and drink a moderate amount of liquid. For children, the contents of the capsule can be mixed with milk.

Enterol powder lyophilized. For newborns, no more than a sachet per day under the supervision of a pediatrician, up to 6 years old - one sachet up to two times a day, and over 6 years old - two sachets twice a day. Treatment periods are similar.

Features of the use of Enterol

Enterol is used during pregnancy and lactation, provided that the benefit received by the mother is higher than the harm caused to the child by such treatment.

If the drug does not give the desired results during the first days from the start of treatment, or the treatment itself is accompanied by an elevated temperature, you need to consult a doctor.

During the treatment period, driving and engaging in work activities are allowed.

Drug interactions. When Enterol is combined with antifungal drugs, its activity in the body decreases, so this combination is contraindicated.

Reviews about Enterol, price

Reviews about the effectiveness of Enterol are positive, but it is necessary to clearly understand that this is an auxiliary treatment agent, which is very often prescribed along with antibiotics in order to soften the effect of the latter in a sick body. And, nevertheless, many patients claim that it was thanks to this antidiarrheal drug that they were able to eliminate acute diarrhea and finally get rid of dysbiosis. By the way, Enterol is often prescribed for the treatment of dysbiosis in children.

However, on medical forums you can also read polar reviews that report that Enterol turned out to be absolutely useless and could not normalize intestinal function.

Here it is important to understand that the effect of Enterol is not shocking, but only additional, so you should not “sin” on the uselessness of treatment, since perhaps the main treatment was not chosen correctly. One way or another, the treatment regimen must be selected by a doctor.

Price for Enterol capsules. 250 mg No. 30 — 420 rubles

06:23 Enterol: instructions, use, reviews -

The name Enterol itself speaks volumes. Definitely, this medication is associated with the intestinal microflora, and, to be more precise, its action is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the digestive organs. General description of the drug Enterol By group, Enterol is an antidiarrheal drug. However, in terms of its chemical composition, it is a biological agent, since its active components are considered to be dried yeast fungi Saccharomyces [...]

Enterol is an antidiarrheal drug.

This is a drug from the group of probiotics - drugs used to normalize the composition of intestinal microflora. According to the instructions, Enterol is made using Saccharomyces boulardii, a yeast fungus. They compete with opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms for space on the intestinal walls. This opposition explains the antimicrobial effect of Enterol in relation to clostridia, klebsiella, candida, shigella, yersinia, staphylococcus and other pathogenic microorganisms.

The probiotic also has a neutralizing effect on toxins in the intestines. These include both the body’s own toxins and those resulting from the vital activity of bacteria. The use of Enterol orally helps to increase the enzymatic activity of the intestine.

The probiotic does not change during passage through the digestive tract, colonizes the intestines and is excreted from the body naturally two to five days after the end of administration.

Release form

According to the instructions, Enterol is available in capsules, as well as in sachets (for use by children) of 250 milligrams.

Indications for use

The drug is used for diarrhea, regardless of its origin (bacterial, viral or traveler's diarrhea). In addition, the use of Enterol is necessary to prevent diarrhea, for example, in the case of treatment with antibiotics.


This probiotic is not used if the patient has hypersensitivity to the constituent components of the drug, as well as in case of malabsorption of galactose and glucose.

There are no known reviews of Enterol when treating pregnant and breastfeeding women. For this reason, the drug is not recommended for use by this category of patients.

The use of the drug by patients with reduced immunity is unacceptable if they have a central venous catheter installed (due to possible colonization of the intravascular part of the catheter by Saccharomyces fungi).

Directions for use and dosage

The drug is taken orally. It is recommended to swallow the capsules whole with plenty of water. If there is a need to use Enterol for indications in young children or when swallowing is impossible or difficult in adults, open the capsules or use the drug in sachets, adding it to the drink. According to reviews of Enterol, to obtain the maximum effect from treatment, the drug should not be taken immediately after meals - it is necessary to maintain an interval of one to two hours.

It must be remembered that the probiotic is based on living cells, so it should be added to drinks or food with a temperature below fifty degrees, in addition, it is not recommended to mix the drug with alcohol. In addition to the use of Enterol to combat diarrhea, additional fluid administration from the outside is necessary, using any possible route - orally or parenterally.

The daily dosage for adults is from two to four capsules of the drug.

Enterol is allowed to be used even for newborns. Dosage for children under one year of age - one capsule or sachet per day, from one to three years - one capsule or sachet twice a day, for children over three years old - one to two capsules twice a day. The duration of the course depends on the degree of intestinal damage and is prescribed by the attending physician.

special instructions

The patient should be aware that if after using the drug within two days the condition does not improve, or the body temperature rises, or blood or mucus appears in the stool, an urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary.

A feeling of dry mouth and thirst is a sign of insufficient water supply to the body.

Storage conditions for Enterol

Enterol storage temperature is from 15 to 25 degrees Celsius. The drug should be kept in a place protected from access by children. If the optimal temperature conditions are observed, the shelf life of this probiotic is three years.