Why does blood bleed after postinor? What does brown discharge indicate after taking Postinor?

A romantic evening, turning into passionate caresses and sex, sometimes ends unexpectedly. Either the condom breaks, or lovers completely forget about it. In this case, a proven remedy, Postinor, comes to the rescue. It contains a high dose of the hormone levonorgesterol, which is effective in preventing unwanted pregnancy. But often women experience bleeding after postinoration.

These tablets can help out in an unexpected situation, but they should be used only in emergency situations. With a probability of up to 95%, pregnancy does not occur when a girl takes the drug during the first 24 hours after unprotected sex. By the end of the third day after copulation, its effectiveness decreases to 58-60%. At the same time, therefore, it must be used extremely carefully.

Moderate bleeding after taking Postinor should not be considered a health problem. Discharge appears approximately a week after taking the drug. They may be more intense than during menstruation. This is due to the fact that the loading dose of the hormone taken by a woman upsets her own balance of biologically active substances.

The amount of blood that a woman loses after taking Postinor depends on individual factors. Age, weight and height matter. The discharge may be spotting or more like bleeding. In those who have given birth they are more abundant than in those who have not yet had children. Bloody discharge may last 2-3 days longer than usual during menstruation.

The intensity of discharge gradually decreases. If after postinor the blood comes out on the 6-7th day in the same volume as at the beginning, you should consult a doctor. If by the 10th day a woman sees traces of blood, then it is necessary, without delay, to go to the gynecologist. The following conditions may also be a reason to go to the doctor:

  • excessive bleeding, during which pads are changed every hour or more often;
  • bleeding that does not stop for more than 12 hours;
  • changing hygiene products several times throughout the night;
  • release of clots for longer than 24 hours;
  • the appearance of severe weakness, shortness of breath, dizziness.

Can pregnancy occur?

Discharge mixed with blood, which appears a few days after a woman takes Postinor, can become the first symptoms of pregnancy. In such cases, bleeding is associated with embryo implantation. They are quite scarce, more . Usually, for women during this period, daily pads are sufficient.

The egg is fertilized by a sperm in the fallopian tube and then descends into the uterus a few days later. There it attaches to the inner lining of the reproductive organ. This causes slight bleeding. At the time of implantation, many women feel mild pain or cramping in the lower abdomen.

Having received a positive pregnancy test result, a woman should not hesitate to visit a doctor. During the reception, you need to say about taking postinor. Most often, it does not have a negative effect on the intrauterine development of the fetus, and the pregnancy ends with the birth of a healthy baby.

It is possible that pregnancy may develop outside the uterus. A direct connection between this event and the administration of postinor has not been identified. But in any case, a woman should undergo an ultrasound examination to make sure that the embryo is developing in the right place.

In the early stages, an ectopic pregnancy does not manifest itself in any way. However, after a few weeks, severe bleeding may suddenly appear, accompanied by abdominal pain and weakness. A rupture of the fallopian tube causes hemorrhage into the abdominal cavity and a sharp decrease in the woman's blood pressure. In such cases, urgent hospitalization is necessary.

Should there be bleeding after postinor?

Should start on day 6-7. This is a normal phenomenon that is associated with the effect of a large dose of levonorgestrel on the body. The onset of bleeding indicates that the contraceptive drug has worked.

The mechanism of action of postinor is based on blocking the release of a mature egg from the ovary.

Lack of ovulation leads to the impossibility of conception. In cases where unprotected sexual intercourse occurred after ovulation, postinor affects the uterine mucosa, preventing the fertilized egg from being implanted.

It must be remembered that postinor exhibits its effect only when it is necessary to prevent pregnancy. If it has already occurred, then the large dose of the hormone contained in the postinor will not work.

The rules for taking the drug are simple. The first tablet should be taken as quickly as possible after sexual intercourse, which ended with ejaculation into the vagina. The next one is between 12 and 16 hours after taking the first dose. In cases where a woman does not have time to take the second dose of the medicine within the specified time, the effectiveness of the drug is reduced.

There are a number of contraindications for taking postinor:

  • allergic reaction to the components contained in the drug;
  • serious disturbances in the functioning of the liver and gallbladder;
  • pregnancy;
  • the presence of blood clots in arteries and veins;
  • bleeding from the genitals, the cause of which is not clear.

Girls under 16 years of age need to consult a gynecologist before taking Postinor. It is extremely rare that after consultation with a specialist, postinor is allowed to be taken by women who are breastfeeding their children. In such cases, they should take two tablets at once and skip the next feeding.

After taking Postinor, there is a possibility of some side effects. Most often among them there are rather weak bloody or brown vaginal discharge. The following phenomena are observed less frequently:

  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • soreness in the area of ​​the mammary glands, their swelling;
  • headache, fatigue.

Such conditions do not require contacting a specialist. But if a woman has difficulty breathing, she notices a rash on her body, which is accompanied by severe itching, as well as swelling of her face, this may indicate an allergic reaction to the drug. You need to see a doctor. It is worth doing the same if the vomiting does not stop, there are signs of severe bleeding and abdominal pain.

Taking the drug and bleeding

The drug Postinor provokes bleeding quite often. Sometimes bloody discharge appears soon after a woman takes the pill. It happens that this happens a few days after taking the second dose of the drug.

Most often, bleeding is associated with improper use of the drug or violation of the specified dosage. Having taken more than two tablets or not being able to wait between the first and second doses, a woman may notice that she is bleeding. In this case, uterine bleeding is quite profuse. It can last longer than expected (up to 5-7 days), often stretching to a month.

Bleeding is associated with hormonal imbalance. A large dose of levonorgestrel causes the lining of the uterus to thicken, which leads to so much bleeding.

Heavy bleeding after taking the drug not only creates inconvenience for a woman when she constantly needs to change pads. It may not have the best effect on her general condition. Manifestations such as weakness, dizziness, pale skin, rapid heartbeat, and especially loss of consciousness should be a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

How to stop bleeding

In each case, the doctor individually determines the method to stop the bleeding associated with taking postinor. Often used: Dicynon, Vikasol. If there is a large volume of blood loss, transfusion of blood substitutes, and sometimes blood or its components: red blood cells, plasma, is prescribed.

If medical methods fail to stop the bleeding, doctors have to use surgical techniques. The woman is sent for curettage to cleanse the uterine cavity of endometrial fragments.


How does Postinor work?

The action of Postinor is divided into the following main stages.

  1. The egg is blocked as it leaves the ovary. These are the main consequences of taking the drug in the first phase of the cycle. There is a significant decrease in the function of estrogen, which affects the maturation of the egg. In this case, endometrial growth slows down.
  2. In the middle of the cycle, the synthesis of a hormone that affects the release of the egg from the ovary is inhibited. The consequence of Postinor's action will be the absence of ovulation.
  3. The drug also acts on the body in the second phase, reducing the synthesis of progesterone and creating negative conditions for the process of fixation of the embryo on the wall of the uterus.
  4. The action of levonorgestrel ensures the appearance of viscosity on the mucus of the cervix, resulting in the impossibility of sperm penetration. The effect of Postinor reduces the likelihood of conception. To achieve this effect, you should take the drug immediately after sexual intercourse.

Should there be bleeding after Postinor?

The drug has a very strong effect on the female body and you need to think carefully before deciding to take it. It is characterized by significant side effects after use, which include severe nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain. The menstrual cycle may be disrupted as a result of taking Postinor, resulting in unexpected bleeding.

Thus, bleeding after taking Postinor is not obligatory. This is just a side effect of its use.

Taking Postinor as a means of contraception leads to the appearance of menstrual discharge a week after use. This indicates that the effect of the drug ensured the absence of pregnancy. If it lasts for ten days, it is necessary to consult a doctor about analyzing the woman’s general condition. In such cases, bleeding may occur against the background of severe abdominal pain, dizziness, and, in addition, the bleeding may intensify. An examination is necessary for the possible prescription of symptomatic treatment.

Heavy bleeding after taking Postinor is explained by the onset of hormonal imbalance. It can be caused by taking the drug. Most often, the situation normalizes on its own; you just need to have a set of pads and tampons on hand. You should consult a doctor only as a last resort, if the menstrual cycle does not return for ten days in a row and the discharge is accompanied by persistent abnormalities.

How long does bleeding last after Postinor?

There is no consensus on the question of what is the normal duration of bleeding after taking Postinor. It all depends on the dosage and the individual characteristics of the female body. In most cases, bleeding after menstrual irregularities caused by taking the drug stops within a week. It is recommended to consult a doctor if bleeding continues continuously for ten days. In such a situation, it is better to conduct a medical examination to avoid unpleasant consequences of using the drug.

Danger of bleeding after Postinor

Bleeding after taking Postinor is dangerous in adolescence, when ovarian function is developing in a girl. In such cases, infertility may develop, which will then be very difficult to treat. In addition, bleeding after taking the drug is dangerous for women who already suffer from menstrual irregularities caused by poor ovarian function. In such cases, taking one tablet of the drug is enough for persistent disruption of the menstrual cycle and subsequent infertility of the woman.

Also, severe bleeding after Postinor is dangerous due to large blood loss. The drug is prohibited for use by women suffering from kidney and liver diseases.

How to stop bleeding after Postinor

In most cases, it is not necessary to take special measures to stop bleeding after taking Postinor. A week after the normal menstrual cycle is disrupted, the bleeding stops on its own. Intervention is required mainly when women have diseases due to which the bleeding cannot stop. This also happens due to a violation of the general function of blood clotting.

If the bleeding does not stop for a long time after taking Postinor, be sure to consult a doctor. The case is delicate and requires an individual approach. In some cases, the use of drugs to ensure blood clotting is sufficient. In addition, bleeding after Postinor can be stopped through the use of medications under the supervision of a physician. You should not take them on your own, as the consequences can be very unpleasant. In any case, in case of prolonged bleeding, you should seek help from a doctor to resolve the situation and prescribe adequate measures to stop the bleeding.

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Can the emergency contraceptive drug Postinor cause heavy bleeding? What generally undesirable side effects can be expected from using postinor, and what other drugs can be used for emergency contraception?
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Sixty-five percent of the drug interacts with blood proteins. When using postinor during lactation, approximately one tenth of one percent of the drug passes into the milk.

So can postinor cause uterine bleeding?

Even the side effects listed by the manufacturer include mention of spotting, reminiscent of menstruation. The manufacturer also warns that postinor can disrupt the menstrual cycle. This is true. According to reviews of the majority of women who have used Postinor, this drug does cause disruptions in menstruation. It could be just a few days, or it could be a month. In addition, there is evidence that in extremely rare cases, postinor can provoke really severe uterine bleeding that does not stop for several days. There are not very many such cases, but they do happen.

The manufacturer categorically does not recommend using more than two postinor tablets in one menstrual cycle, since a larger amount can harm the body. And with an overdose of postinor, bleeding can begin. The manufacturer advises not to delay visiting a doctor if uterine bleeding occurs after taking Postinor, although there is no antidote to this drug.
But if you don’t have your period at normal times, you should also consult a doctor. The fact is that there is a possibility of pregnancy while using postinor. Therefore, this possibility must be taken into account. It is advisable to go to the doctor in the first days.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

On December 30, I had an unprotected period, I took Postinor, my period was supposed to start on January 4, it started on January 8, it lasted for 5 days. Now it’s the middle of the cycle, January 22, brown discharge with blood appeared. What is this?

Hello, on the 2nd day after the CD, my partner, who was not protected by PA, came inside me, after 12 hours I took the first pill, then after 12 the second, 6 days have passed since I took the pill but there is no discharge, sometimes my stomach feels tight, the temperature is 37. What does this mean? ?

Was p.and not protected. After 17 hours I took 2 tablets of Postinor. but there is no nausea or vomiting, and no bleeding either. what to do?

I had unprotected sexual intercourse, half an hour later I took the second postinor tablet as scheduled, the next day my stomach started to hurt like during menstruation, but only spotting began, the next day the same thing, after 3 days there was heavy red bleeding on the stomach, no more pain until the start of menstruation yet three days but the bleeding is now heavy and I don’t know what to do Help

After taking Postinor, menstruation began the next day, but my stomach didn’t hurt, I bought a pregnancy test that turned out to be negative, I’ve been bleeding for 12 days, at first it was spotting, now it’s heavy and red, but my stomach doesn’t hurt like during menstruation, I don’t know what to do.

I am 23 years old. I took Postinor in June, my period started 1-2 days earlier. Everything went without side effects. On July 24th my period started again and finally ended on July 28th. On July 31 there was an unprotected p.a. To be honest, I’m not sure that he came inside me, but when asked if I should take the pills, he answered yes. On August 1 (about 22 hours have passed since PA) I took the first tablet, then the second 12 hours later. On August 9, I started bleeding profusely, I felt nauseous and dizzy all day. But there is no more blood, today there is a drop of brown discharge and my head is spinning like hell, I can’t concentrate while driving, I feel terribly nauseous. Tell me, what is the probability that I got pregnant? Your period should start on August 20-21. Before that, I took Postinor in March (I think, but I’m not sure).

Please tell me, the condom broke during intercourse, my period should be on the 16th, I was 6-7 days after it, I drank Postinor as expected, after four days bleeding began, but not much, less than during menstruation, it has lasted for two days already, Is there a high chance of pregnancy in this situation? and is it possible to do a test if the bleeding goes away?

I also have a similar situation. I visited 5 days ago, the condom broke a little, the guy bought me a postinor at my request. I took the pills according to the instructions (first one, and the second 12 hours later). after 5 days, with a slight strain, blood comes out of the vagina in clots, but not in the urine, as happens during menstruation. Is this the effect of postinor? help me please...

Is it possible to get pregnant if there is a hormonal imbalance after taking postinor during bleeding?

Hello, I had an unprotected PA, after which I took two tablets at once. The menstrual cycle was supposed to start at 15.10, and already on 29.10, I checked myself for tests, they were negative. Is it possible that this is a long delay or am I pregnant?

After taking the 2nd tablet of the drug, a week later bleeding began, the body became weak, my stomach hurt, I felt terrible...
What to do, help!?

I had to take Postinor... I did everything according to the instructions. The first tablet 16 hours after intercourse, the second after 12. There seem to be no side effects, but the anxiety is unbearable, this is the first time I have used such a drug. After 4-5 days, I began to see bloody discharge, I’m afraid that there might be bleeding. How to recognize?

Good day.
All my life I’ve been saving myself with lemon, but this time I didn’t have any at hand, and these are dangerous days. I drank (for the first time in my 35-year-old life) Postinor within 8 hours. My period came day after day (as always) and has been going........for 16 days now......As I understand it, it all smoothly reorganized into bleeding. I understand, of course, that this is better than an abortion, but after all. since the lemon will always be in my bag, and not the postinor))). Now I want only one thing - to stop the bleeding and for my body to have no consequences.

Please tell me. I accepted the postinor as written. According to the calendar, your period should start in 10 days. But the bleeding has started now......what is this, tell me??? This is bad???????

During PA, the condom broke after 5 hours. I took Postinor 2 tablet after 12 hours. Everything was fine. After 5 days, bleeding began and lasted for 2 days. This is fine? Please advise what to do?

After taking Postinor, everything was as in the instructions, but there was one big “BUT” - bleeding for 12 days already, not much, but still...is this normal?

After an unprotected PA, 12 hours later I took Postinor (it was the last day of my period)... on the 3rd day I started having brown discharge for 3-4 days.. now my period has been delayed for a week... but my lower abdomen hurts... reminiscent of the symptoms before the onset menstruation but not there... what could it be??....

Tell me, is it possible to find out whether there was an abortion after taking Postinor? are there any signs?

What is the probability that there could be an abortion if the unprotected vagina was on the first day after menstruation (cycle 28 days, hymen stretched)

I’m 24 years old, I took Postinor 2 times in my life, everything was according to the instructions, I didn’t feel any effects on the body. And the last time after taking Postinor, bleeding started 5 days later, as if I had a heavy period. Although I took Postinor on the 5th day of the cycle. In general, I went to the doctor, he prescribed injections, suppositories and tablets. He said that under no circumstances should I wait until the bleeding goes away on its own.

I drank Postinor after sexual intercourse (one hour later and 12 hours later). 4 days passed, discharge began for 2-3 days. Now your period is supposed to be two days late? was it a glitch or a pregnancy?

Postinor is a drug used to prevent unwanted pregnancy. When using it, a side effect appears such as bleeding after Postinor. The reasons for its appearance are worth understanding.

Should there be bleeding after Postinor?

As a result of using this remedy, bleeding will certainly appear after a week. This is considered the norm. The reason for the appearance of this symptom is the effect of the active substance levonorgestrel on the female body. When slight bleeding appears, the medication begins to work.

The instructions say that Postinor is effective if you want to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Otherwise, the drug will not have the desired effect.

As for the rules for using this remedy, the first tablet should be taken immediately after sexual intercourse. The next one should be taken one day after taking the first tablet. The following contraindications exist for the use of this medicine:

  • Allergy to certain ingredients of the medication.
  • The gallbladder does not work properly.

This remedy is contraindicated for those who often experience bleeding from the reproductive organs. Patients under 18 years of age are advised to use this drug only when necessary, for example, after rape.

It is necessary to understand the question of whether it is worth using this remedy if a woman had unwanted sexual intercourse during her menstruation period. If a patient has irregular periods, she may become pregnant even if she has menstrual bleeding. So it is necessary to use Postinor.

How many days later does it start

Due to the characteristics of the body, as a result of using such a medication, blood may begin to be released a little later - after 2 weeks. The timing of the onset of such a symptom may be influenced by the following factors:

  • tablet dosage;
  • phase of the menstrual cycle - the proximity of the beginning of the next menstruation;
  • patient's age;
  • history of gynecological diseases;
  • disturbed hormonal levels.

A type of normal is considered when there is no bleeding. To check whether conception has occurred after taking Postinor tablets, the patient must take a gonadotropin level test a week later.

As for women who have already given birth, their discharge is more abundant than that of nulliparous girls.

Bleeding after taking Postinor continues for 3 days longer than during menstruation.

If a girl begins to have discharge with blood clots, it means she is pregnant. The cause of bleeding after taking Postinor during pregnancy is embryo implantation. In this case, the discharge is scanty and looks like daub. They last 2 days.

This medication has side effects. So, in addition to the release of blood clots, the patient may experience symptoms such as nausea, fatigue and swelling of the face. This is a sign of an allergy to the medication.

Why does blood bleed after taking it?

There are various reasons why bleeding occurs from Postinor. So, normally, blood clots are released first, and then a brown secretion appears. Such discharge indicates the beginning of artificial menstruation.

As a result of using this remedy, bright scarlet bloody discharge may appear. They signal possible disturbances in the functioning of the reproductive system. Also a dangerous symptom is the persistence of heavy bleeding for several days. You should be wary if the discharge turns into acute blood loss.

It often happens that the patient does not bleed. There are various reasons for the absence of such a symptom:

  • Use of this medicine while using hormonal drugs.
  • The medicine didn't work.
  • Untimely use of the drug (3 days after sexual intercourse, when the embryo is attached).

The reason for slight bleeding after taking Postinor is the presence of hormonal changes in the body. As for the presence of brownish secretion, it does not guarantee the absence of pregnancy.

Norm and deviations

Normally, after using the drug Postinor, bleeding is brown. A deviation is considered when the blood after Postinor is accompanied by symptoms such as weakness and shortness of breath. If the discharge is pinkish, it means the woman has an ectopic pregnancy.

Bleeding as a result of using this medication is considered especially dangerous. The fact is that during this period the functions of the female ovaries are formed.

It should also be remembered that Postinor is a hormonal drug. The use of such drugs is considered to interfere with the functioning of the endocrine system. So this medication should be used with caution. When taking the drug, you should take hormone tests to monitor the body's response to the level of exogenous hormones.

How to stop

Separately, it is worth mentioning how to stop bleeding after Postinor. To stop bleeding, doctors prescribe hemostatic agents, for example, Vikasol. If a lot of blood is lost, then a transfusion of blood substitutes is performed. Patients are often prescribed transfusions of individual blood components, such as plasma.

If it is not possible to relieve such a symptom with the help of medications, doctors resort to surgery. A woman is prescribed curettage to cleanse the uterus of endometrium.

Bleeding after taking Postinor is a natural phenomenon. After all, this contraceptive is intended for use in exceptional cases, in order to avoid unwanted pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse. Postinor is an effective drug, but it has many side effects that can negatively affect the female body.

Effect of the drug

An effective remedy is Postinor, bleeding after it is a natural process. However, it is used only in emergency situations, since its composition can disrupt hormonal levels. It is usually used to prevent accidental pregnancy. If you drink the drug within 24 hours after intimate contact, then conceiving a child is 95% impossible. On the second day its effectiveness decreases by 75%, and on the third – 58%.

As a rule, bleeding after Postinor occurs on days 6-7. This is usually a heavier discharge than your monthly period. A woman loses about 40-75 ml of blood. This condition indicates a change in hormonal levels.

Bleeding after Postinor is considered a normal indicator, and you should not worry about it. These days, it is recommended to change hygiene products more often and monitor your condition. After taking Postinor for a month, the menstrual cycle is restored, it can only change the date of menstruation.

A woman should pay attention to the duration of bleeding. It may last two to three days longer than your normal period. If on the fourth day the discharge decreases and does not cause discomfort, then the process of termination of pregnancy was normal, the bleeding will end in a few days.

In some cases, the following pathological processes may be observed:

  1. Excessive hemorrhage during the day, changing hygiene products every half hour.
  2. Large blood clots are released for more than one day.
  3. Prolonged blood loss for more than ten days.
  4. Anemic signs are present: pain, shortness of breath and dizziness.

If these signs are present, you should immediately consult a doctor or call for medical help. Even if the bleeding is not severe, it is prolonged - more than ten days.

Probability of pregnancy

It should be remembered that taking Postinor may not always give 100% results. If after taking the pills a slight hemorrhage lasting one or two days occurs and stops, then a pregnancy test should be performed to check.

Often this condition may indicate pregnancy. Implantation bleeding usually occurs 6-12 days after conception and is sometimes confused with regular menstruation. In contrast, a little blood is released, and the woman gets by on a daily basis.

This is explained by the fact that the embryo enters the uterus a few days after conception, and a slight hemorrhage occurs. At this time, the woman may experience mild pain. If the test results are positive, you need to go to the hospital, because taking Postinor can negatively affect the unborn baby and cause various defects.

Often, after taking Postinor, an ectopic pregnancy may occur. How this happens has not yet been revealed, but a woman should pay attention to her condition and contact a medical facility.

Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy:

  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • cramps in the lower abdomen;
  • malaise.

The possibility of an ectopic pregnancy cannot be ruled out, so it is necessary to immediately take measures to eliminate the pathological process. A timely visit to a medical facility will help clarify the situation.

Side effects and contraindications

Usually bleeding from Postinor indicates that the drug has worked. It blocks a mature egg in the ovary and prevents its release. As a result, conception does not occur, and menstruation begins.

If pregnancy has already occurred, then a large dosage of the hormone in the drug will not terminate the pregnancy in any way, but may negatively affect the development of the embryo.

It should also be remembered that Postinor has side effects, so there are contraindications:

  1. Thrombosis in arteries and veins.
  2. Pathology of the liver and gall bladder.
  3. Allergic reaction.
  4. Bleeding from the vagina due to other ailments.

Young girls under 16 years of age are allowed to take the drug only as prescribed by a doctor, so that they can have children in the future. After all, they are just beginning to develop ovarian function. Side effects can cause infertility. During lactation, it is recommended to take two tablets at once and skip one feeding. Breast milk should be expressed into a container and poured out.

Bleeding is dangerous after taking the drug and for women who have constant problems with the menstrual cycle caused by improper functioning of the ovaries. In this case, even one pill can cause infertility. Postinor is also not recommended for women with liver and kidney problems.

Postinor can cause the following condition:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • swelling of the mammary glands and pain in them;
  • headache;
  • fast fatiguability.
  • brown bleeding.

Before taking Postinor, you should consult your doctor. Side effects from taking the pills can negatively affect the female body, change hormonal levels and lead to severe bleeding.

Instructions for taking the drug

For the drug to work, you need to know how to take it. After all, ignoring the instructions can lead to pregnancy, and the side effects of the drug can negatively affect the development of the fetus, as a result of which the child may be born with defects.

Postinor is taken immediately after unprotected intimate intercourse. It contains the hormone Levonorgestrel. The package contains two tablets, each containing 0.75 mg of this substance. A positive result occurs if a woman takes these pills, observing an interval of 12 hours. If these indications are violated, the drug may not work, and side effects that disrupt the imbalance of hormones are also likely to occur.

Bleeding after taking Postinor may vary. It all depends on the dosage and the individuality of the body. In many cases, bleeding continues for about a week. If it lasts more than 10 days, then you should contact a gynecologist and find out the cause of the pathological process.

For prolonged bleeding, drugs that ensure blood clotting are prescribed. Medicines are selected by a doctor taking into account individual characteristics, and they are taken under his supervision.

The following drugs are often prescribed:

  1. Vikasol.
  2. Dicynone.
  3. Ascorutin.

If there is a large loss of blood, a transfusion is required; for this, red blood cells and plasma are used. If it is not possible to stop the bleeding with the help of drug treatment, then they resort to the surgical method. Curettage of the uterus is performed to clean endometrial fragments.

Thus, bleeding from taking Postinor is possible; it will be profuse, but not more than a week. This means that the drug worked and protected against unwanted pregnancy. However, to ensure a positive result, you should take a pregnancy test and be examined by a doctor.