My story with my nephew at the dacha. A story about a dacha. Story - Sergei Yesenin "Summer Vacation"

I’ll warn you right away that this story is real, which means there won’t be any bright porn revelations here, but just what happened one summer when I was about 14 years old, in 1989. It was, as I already said, in the summer. My mother and I arrived in the village to visit her older sister Lena, my aunt. Then she was 34-35 years old.

We came to the village every year for as long as I can remember. Therefore, for Lena I was something like a son, because she did not have her own children. She was once married, but then she got divorced, and I don’t even remember her husband. She worked as an accountant. She was slightly plump, of average height, in a word, completely ordinary. And I didn’t perceive her as a woman until that summer - just an aunt.

One day, while rummaging through a closet, I came across a tattered book. It was called "The Borgia Family". Already from the first page, I realized what a find this was for me - of course, such vigorous “literature” (then a lot of this began to be published - perestroika - and people, as they say, grabbed the strawberry). At that time I myself had no sexual experience at all, and I was left only with erotic fantasies about girls from my class and masturbation. And only a couple of days later I started thinking - how did this thing get here? The solution, naturally, was obvious - my aunt read it, the same aunt who before that seemed to me something asexual. This means that she also had a need for what I so lacked!

I didn’t take any active actions (and what could I have done) - I had plenty of new fantasies. But one day my aunt, who, of course, perceived me as a little boy, asked me to give her a massage - we often played like this in past years. "Yeah!" - you say, “There’s no need to go any further, we already know what he’s going to write now! I hit her with my twenty-centimeter, and she howled and came. Of course, of course!” Not really. I simply stroked her back, but could not be distracted from the slightly protruding cleavage between her buttocks that slightly protruded from her sweatpants (Lena usually wore them). I ran my finger over it a couple of times, and my heart was pounding. I don’t know what she felt during all this, but she didn’t ask me for more massage.

Further more. One day, when we all went to the river near the village to sunbathe, she, lying on her stomach, unfastened the harness of her swimsuit, and for the first time in my life I saw a real woman’s breasts, not all of them, of course, but only from the side, but for me this was a revelation. I couldn’t resist tickling her chest with a blade of grass, as if playing. Lena pretended not to notice anything.

After all this I finally moved. The thought that there was a real, living woman nearby haunted me constantly. Everything was complicated by the fact that we slept in adjacent rooms. I started spying on how she changed her clothes before going to bed. I won’t say that I saw a lot - a couple of times the breasts, a couple of times the ass and legs (and they were completely fine), but this was enough for me for unbridled masturbation. I don’t know if Aunt Lena noticed all this, but soon before changing clothes she began to turn off the light, so she probably noticed.

After everything, bursting with teenage hormones, I decided that I had to lose my virginity with her and literally pursued her. In the morning, passing by her bed, he looked at her meaningfully, called her to rub her back in the bath, asked to watch TV with her in bed. It seemed to me that these were obvious hints. But, of course, she didn’t understand what I really wanted, and therefore she readily agreed, because for her I was her little nephew. Naturally, I was going crazy, and there were more and more stains on my sheets.

One day I was watching TV with her (some Soviet nonsense), when a sex scene began, quite modest. There was nowhere to switch, and we watched it all. My aunt, an adult woman, of course, was not interested in anything there, but it again prompted me to the same thoughts. I, as if by chance, put my head on her shoulder, and, as if jokingly, began to kiss him. The scene ended long ago, but I continued to do this.

What are you doing? - Aunt asked incomprehensibly.
I stopped licking (having already moved on from kissing) my aunt’s shoulder, muttered something indistinctly about a joke and a game, and went to bed.

The next time I went to bed earlier, and my aunt was watching TV. Already at night I woke up and went to the toilet. Returning to my room, I saw that Lena was sleeping, although the TV was still on. I was about to turn it off when I saw that the blanket had slipped, revealing both of her breasts. It was beyond my strength to pass by. I came closer with thoughts like: “Now or never!”, then, of course, I got scared, but decided that if I stroked her a little and lost my belongings, no one would know anything. And I ran my hand over my chest. The aunt did not wake up, but turned over in her sleep on the other side. I ran to my room in horror, not even trying to imagine what would happen if she felt something, woke up, and told her mother tomorrow. But none of this happened. In the morning everything was as usual.

Summer was coming to an end. We had to leave soon. One day, late in the evening, our friends took us by car to pick mushrooms. After picking mushrooms, on the way back, while shaking, my hand accidentally fell on my aunt’s thigh (it was hot and she was wearing a skirt this time). A little later, I realized what chances this gave me, and with each jump of the car over potholes (and there were tons of them on this country road), I pushed my hand deeper, and my entire palm was between Lena’s legs. And suddenly my aunt put her hand on my thigh. I don’t think she did it consciously, but then I decided that she understood everything and didn’t mind.

In the evening, as usual, while watching TV, Aunt Lena began to change clothes, telling me not to watch. Of course, at first I pretended not to look, but when she undressed but had not yet put on her nightgown, I opened my eyes and looked at her. I had never seen a completely naked woman before. My heart almost jumped out, my hands shook, and my penis stood up like steel. She, of course, didn’t see this, smiled and said: “What are you spying on, hooligan!” and went to bed.

And I'm with you! - I said, hastily undressing to my panties and crawling under the blanket with her. She wanted to object, but for some reason she remained silent.
Inflamed by the “events of the day,” the fictitious reciprocity, thoughts of an imminent departure, I could no longer restrain myself. I started stroking her leg and put the other one in my panties. Then, no longer able to restrain myself, I put my hand under my aunt’s nightgown, and, looking at her face (she was carefully looking at the TV or pretending to look), I began to caress her thigh (she was still looking at the TV, not at all without changing his face), and then suddenly felt something furry under his fingers. And when I realized what it was, I finished. I've only had such an orgasm a couple of times since then.

I lay there and felt my penis twitching and sperm running down my legs. The brains, which had previously switched off from an excess of hormones, suddenly turned on. I was ashamed and scared that my aunt would scream, call my mother, and hit me. And she turned in my direction, looked kind of tired and said: “Go to sleep.” I went to my room, and she went to the kitchen, telling everyone that she wanted to have tea.

That's how it ended. Three days later we left back for Moscow. The aunt didn’t tell anyone anything. Soon I made myself a friend from among the street girls who were crazy - “I always don’t mind.” (Although it would take a long time for me to repeat the sensations of that summer evening). Everything became like everyone else. And when we arrived in the village, my aunt and I communicated as if nothing had happened.

Or maybe nothing like that ever happened? It's not incest, is it?

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In general, my aunt and uncle invited us to the dacha, since my mother had not seen her, so to speak, and to the bathhouse at the same time. At first I wanted to stay at home with Leon, since our car was being repaired and there was nothing to drive. But my uncle said that he would pick us up and take us back, or, in extreme cases, we’d call a taxi. Or the option was for more relatives to come to the dacha, where their son is driving - he will take him. We went - me, Leon, my husband and my mother. And our stroller.
We arrived, Leon immediately fell asleep in the stroller, we took a circle around the garden, then put the stroller on the veranda. Leon was sleeping. Mom and aunt went to the bathhouse, these relatives arrived.
I tell this boy - will you take us?
He - yes, your husband is going to the bathhouse and I’ll take you.
I think - great, we'll be home by 10 pm.
Digression - the boy is 18 years old, he got his license a week ago, his parents gave him a car, but he drove it in his area and only on business.
He went to pick up our younger brother to bring him to the dacha. We are waiting for him... he is not there. Then the calls came from him and his little brother, the connection there was bad, the conversation was constantly interrupted, the aunt and mother of this boy were almost hysterical - it turns out that he took his little brother and instead of coming to us, excuse me, he decided not to take his brother to the city center classmate. And he got into an accident, he was wrong, he didn’t let the car go through the main road. Thank God, they were all fastened with seat belts. No one flew through the windshield. The car is now not drivable. The victim did not have severe damage, scratches, I would say . Well, tell me why the hell did he go there, especially in such weather and with such little experience?! I *** with the current guys, like adults! Car repairs cost 60 thousand, mom is a teacher, dad is retired, works part-time as a security guard.
This boy’s uncle and parents went there to investigate. My uncle had been drinking, so they called a friend, and he had a wife at home with contractions and a small child with a fever. They left, leaving me, Leon, my husband, my mother and my aunt. We call a taxi - the answer is that cars do not go to the gardens at night and in the evening. Fuck it. I didn’t take things for the child, only what was necessary, but I took it for three hours, it was hot in the house, the child was sweating. There’s nothing to change into... It’s my own fault, I didn’t foresee it. But most of all my husband was surprised. I say, call at least one of your friends, maybe there is an opportunity to come for us. It’s Friday, everyone’s out and about. He didn’t even try to call!!!
In short, at one o'clock in the morning a friend whose wife was in labor came to pick us up and took us home. My kitten was so tired in this house in this stuffiness (((We won’t go to this dacha again without our car!!! Lots of words, I just got nervous yesterday like everyone else. My little lion didn’t sleep all night((but my husband doesn’t care, he’s sleeping as if nothing had happened(((
The moral about today's youth is that show-off is more valuable than money. If you didn't show off your car in front of your friends, your parents' nerves would be intact.

Story- Sergei Yesenin "Summer Vacations".

/SERGEY YESENIN/ SUMMER HOLIDAYS. My name is Annie. I was born into the family of a forester. Our house, where we lived, was in the wilderness, far from a country road, and until I was 16 years old, I rarely saw strangers. My life and studies took place in a closed women's convet. Only once a year, during the summer holidays, was I taken home, and for two months I enjoyed complete freedom in the forest. Life flowed monotonously: teaching, prayer, and hard work in the field. For 10 months we saw no one but nuns. Our parents were not allowed to visit us. There were no men in the convet. Our young years passed so monotonously. I turned 16 when my parents died in a fire. A distant relative of my mother, Uncle Jim, took charge of me until I came of age. Thanks to a strict regime and physical education, I was well developed: my friends looked at my figure with envy, I had small beautiful breasts, well-developed wide hips, slender legs, and my whole body was very tender. It was time for the holidays, and my distant relative, Uncle Jim, came to pick me up. He was a handsome man of 40 years old. Arriving at his large estate, located in a picturesque corner, I met his nephew, Robert, who was staying with his uncle at that time. Robert was 3 years older than me. Uncle Jim’s confessor, Brother Peter, became my acquaintance. He lived two miles from the estate, in a monastery, he was 35 years old. Time passed quickly and cheerfully. I rode Uncle Jim's horses, which were harnessed to a wonderful team, swam in the pond, and sometimes spent time in the garden, picking berries and fruits. I very often went to the garden, wearing nothing but a dress, because it was very hot. One day, it was about two weeks after my arrival, while squatting under a tree, I felt the bite of some insect on a place covered with curly hairs and a moment later I felt itching. I immediately sat down on the grass, leaning against a tree trunk, lifted my dress, and trying to look at the bitten area, I instinctively ran my index finger up and down the bitten area between two wet lips. I felt like I was electrocuted by the touch of my finger on this place that I had never touched before. I suddenly felt a sweet languor, and forgetting about the bite, I began to gently move over my pink body, and felt a pleasure that I had not yet experienced. Because of the feeling that gripped me, I did not notice Robert, who quietly crept up to the place where I was sitting and was watching me. He asked: “Do you feel good, Annie?” Startled in surprise, I instantly lowered my dress, not knowing what to answer. Robert watched me, then said: “I saw everything, was it very pleasant for you?” With these words, he moved closer to me, hugged me by the shoulders and said: “It will be even more pleasant for you if I do what you did!” Just let me kiss you, Annie. Before I could say a word, his hot lips slammed into my mouth. One hand, hugging my shoulders, lay on my chest and began stroking, the other hand touched my knee and slowly began to approach the wet cavity. As if by accident, I reached down, spreading my tender lips towards the bottom. Soft fingers touched my wet ruby ​​body. A trembling went through my entire body. Robert opened my teeth with his tongue and touched my tongue. His hand, which was lying on my chest, slipped under my dress, found my nipples and began to tickle them pleasantly, then his two fingers stroked my pink body, bringing me still frantic sweetness. My breathing quickened, and apparently sensing my condition, Robert increased the movements of his tongue, which made me feel even sweeter. I don’t know how long it would have lasted, but suddenly everything in me tensed to the limit, I shuddered with my whole body, feeling how all the muscles were relaxed, and a pleasant bliss spread throughout my whole body. Robert’s breathing stopped, he froze, and then carefully released me from his embrace, we sat in silence for a while, I felt completely powerless and was not able to figure out what had happened to me. Suddenly Robert asked: “It was nice for you, wasn’t it, Annie?” - Yes, but I have never experienced anything like this before. Robert, what is this? -And this means that the woman in you has awakened, Annie. But this is not yet complete pleasure, which you can get if you wish. -What could it be? - I asked in bewilderment. -Let's meet at 5 pm and I'll teach you something, okay? After that Robert left. Having collected a full basket of plums, I followed him. At lunch I was very distracted. After dinner I began to look forward to Uncle Jim's departure. Finally I heard the sound of a carriage driving away. I rushed to the window and saw Uncle Jim and his brother Peter driving out of the gate. It was 17 o'clock. I quietly left the house, made my way through the garden and went out into the grove. Immediately I saw Robert sitting on an old tree stump. Robert stood up, put his arm around my waist and led me into the depths of the grove. On the way, he stopped several times and hugged me tightly to him, tenderly kissed my eyes, lips, and hair. Arriving at the old oak tree, we sat down on the grass, leaning our backs against the trunk of the mighty oak tree. -Have you seen a naked man? - Robert asked after some silence. “No, of course,” I answered. -So, so that everything becomes clear and understandable to you, I will now show you what a man has that is intended for a woman. Without giving me time to think of anything, Robert unbuttoned his trousers with a deft movement and grabbed my hand, putting it in his trousers. Instantly I felt something long, hot, and hard. My hand felt a pulsation. I moved my fingers carefully. Robert pressed himself against me, his hand, as if by chance, slipped along my legs and his fingers touched my wet ruby ​​body. The feeling of bliss overcame me again. Robert's already familiar caress was repeated, and several minutes passed. Everything in me was tense to the limit. Robert, laying me on the grass, spread my legs, wrapped my dress high on my stomach, and knelt between my legs, lowering my trousers. I didn’t have time to properly examine what first appeared before my eyes when Robert bent over me and parted my plump lips with one hand, and with the other put his tool between them. then he put his hand under me. I screamed and moved my hips, trying to escape, but Robert's hand, which grabbed me, held me tightly. Robert's mouth covered mine, his other hand was under my dress and caressed my breasts. Robert rose and fell, causing his tool to smoothly slide inside me. Still trying to escape, I moved my hips. the pain went away, and instead I began to feel the familiar pain. I will not hide that she was much sweeter to me now. I stopped struggling and, wrapping my arms around Robert, pressed myself even closer to him. Then suddenly Robert froze, and then his movements became faster and faster, everything in me tensed. Suddenly Robert thrust his instrument with force and froze. I felt warmth spreading through my body and became powerless, but before I could come to my senses, a stern cry was heard above us and I was horrified to see my uncle’s spiritual brother Peter leaning over us. -Oh, you scoundrels, that’s what you’re doing! Robert was instantly blown away by the wind. Out of fear, I remained lying on the grass, covering my face with my hands, not even realizing to lower my dress to cover my naked body. “You have committed a great sin,” said Peter. His voice seemed to tremble. -Tomorrow after Mass you will come to me to confess, for only fervent prayer can atone for your sin. Now go home and don’t say anything to anyone. Uncle is waiting for you for dinner. Without waiting for my answer, he turned abruptly and walked towards the monastery. Having difficulty getting to my feet, I wandered home. Arriving home, I refused dinner and went up to my room. Having undressed, I saw drops of dried blood on my legs. Then I went to take a bath. The cold water calmed me down a little. In the morning I woke up late and barely had time to get myself in order to be in time with Uncle Jim for mass. During prayer, I was not so much occupied with prayers as with the thought of my upcoming confession with Brother Peter. When the service ended, I went to Brother Peter, telling Uncle Jim that I would stay to confess. Brother Peter motioned to follow him and soon we found ourselves in a small room, the entire decoration of which consisted of an armchair and a long high table. Entering the room, Brother Peter sat down in a chair. Trembling, I stopped at the door. -Come in, Annie, close the door, come to me, get down on your knees! - His orders were heard one by one. Fear gripped me more and more. Closing the door, I knelt down in front of Brother Peter. He sat with his legs spread wide apart, which were covered by a black cassock touching the floor. Timidly looking at brother Peter, I saw his gaze fixed on me, holding it, I lowered my eyes again. “Tell me in detail, without hiding anything, how everything that I saw yesterday in the grove happened to you,” Brother Peter demanded. Not daring to disobey, I told about the feelings that unexpectedly flared up in me after the insect bite and when I got to the incident with Robert, I suddenly noticed that Brother Peter’s cassock moved somehow strangely. The daring thought that the same instrument as Robert’s was moving made me fall silent. “Continue,” I heard brother Peter’s voice and felt his hand carefully lay on my head, slightly pulling me towards him. Involuntarily touching my cassock with my hand, I felt something hard and trembling under it. Now I understood and had no doubt that every man has it. The feeling of the instrument’s proximity awakened in me yesterday’s desire, I became confused and interrupted the story. -What's wrong with you, Annie? Why don't you keep talking? - asked brother Peter. His voice was gentle, his hand stroked my head, touching my neck and left shoulder. The color began to flood my face and in confusion I confessed that the desire of yesterday’s feeling had once again gripped me. -The fire that Robert lit in you is apparently very strong and it must be cooled down. Tell me, do you want to repeat what happened yesterday? - asked Brother Peter. -This sin is very pleasant, if possible, I would like to get rid of it. -This is really a big sin, Annie, you are right, but you are right that he is pleasant and you don’t have to part with him, only the fire that is burning in you now needs to be extinguished. -Will it be similar to yesterday? If yes, then I really want it, I exclaimed. “Of course,” said Brother Peter, “but only I will illuminate the fire and thereby deliver the fire of fire and sin.” Brother Peter got up from his chair and left the room. Desire burned within me and I forgot the fear with which I went to confession. Not at all doubting what would follow after Peter’s return, I took off my panties and put them in the pocket of my dress, and began to wait, burning with the desire of brother Peter. He was absent for a short time; when he entered, he was holding some kind of jar in his hands, closed the door and came up to me. “Take off everything that interferes with putting out the fire,” he whispered. “It’s already ready,” I answered, smiling for the first time. -Oh, you’re quick-witted, sit down on the table quickly and lift up your dress. I didn’t keep him waiting long, I immediately sat down on the table and as soon as I exposed my legs, lifting my dress over my stomach, Brother Peter opened his cassock and I saw his instrument. It was a copy of the instrument that I saw at Robert's, but this one was somewhat larger and more sinewy. Brother Peter opened the box, lubricated the head of his instrument, ran the same finger over my wet lips and pink body, took my legs, lifted them and placed them on his chest, which is why I was forced to lie on my back on the table. Brother Peter's tool trembled, touching my plump lips and ruby ​​hot wet body. Leaning forward and holding my shoulders, Peter carefully began to plunge his tool, spreading his plump lips into the hot and wet recess, touching the ruby ​​body. The pain I experienced yesterday from Robert was no longer there, but I was seized by a frantic desire, the instrument, pulsating, sank deeper and deeper, and soon I felt a lump under the instrument pleasantly tickling me with its hair. For some time the instrument froze, and then just as slowly began to leave me. The bliss was indescribable, I breathed intermittently, my hands caressed Peter’s face, I hugged his shoulders, trying to press him closer to me. My dress fell open, revealing my left breast with a protruding, swollen nipple. Seeing this, Peter kissed him passionately, taking half of his chest into his mouth, and goosebumps spread across my body. The tool began to move faster and faster. From the fullness of my feelings, I pressed myself closer to him and gently whispered: “Faster, faster.” Brother Peter followed my call, it seemed to me that I was about to lose consciousness from bliss and suddenly shuddered, feeling a pleasant warmth and powerlessness spreading through my body: this was transmitted to brother Peter and he shuddered, trembling with his whole body and stabbing his instrument into me, swollen and pulsating, frozen. I felt a stream of warm moisture spray out from Peter’s instrument with great pressure, and Peter moaned. We didn’t move for several minutes, then I felt the instrument begin to contract and come out of me. Brother Peter straightened up and raised his head, I saw a small, limp and wet instrument. Brother Peter staggered away from me and sat down in a chair. Lowering my feet to the floor, I felt warm moisture flowing down my legs. -Well, Annie, did you like it? - asked Brother Peter. “It was very nice,” I answered enthusiastically. -You still don’t know how and don’t know much, Annie, would you like to know and learn to put out the fire with great feeling? -Oh yeah! - I exclaimed and went up to brother Peter and sat on his lap. -Why has your instrument become so ugly and soft? -He gave you all his strength, Annie, but don’t be discouraged, a little time will pass and he will again become elastic and hard, beautiful. 15 minutes passed during which Peter gently caressed my breasts, kissed them, and then, clinging to one of the nipples, almost drawing the entire breast into himself, he took my hand and put it on his instrument. Spreading my legs and plump lips, he took the hot ruby ​​body with his finger and began to gently and pleasantly caress it. Gently stroking his tool, I soon felt how, from my caress, it was increasing in size and becoming harder. From Peter’s caress of my ruby ​​body, from the touch of the instrument, which became hard and long, desire aroused in me. Guessing my condition, since I began to slowly move on his lap, Peter released the nipple from his mouth and whispered: “Sit down facing me, Anna.” Feeling something new, I quickly moved, pressing my stomach against the instrument, feeling its warmth and elasticity, my desire became unbearable. Peter hugged me tightly and slightly lifted me from his knees, lowering me. With a subtle movement of his hips, the head of the instrument ended up between the plump lips, touching the hot pink pupil. Taking hold of my shoulders, Peter sharply pressed them down, my knees bent and the instrument, as it seemed to me, pierced me right through, entering the recess with its entire length and thickness, ripping my plump lips. We sat motionless for a minute, I felt like the instrument was resting against something solid inside me, giving me indescribable bliss. I felt that I would soon lose consciousness from this. Through heavy breathing, Peter whispered: “Now get up and down yourself, Annie, just not very quickly.” Taking me by the buttocks, he lifted me off his knees so that the instrument almost jumped out of me. Out of fear of losing bliss, I instinctively sank back onto his knees, feeling the head of the instrument tickling something inside me, then I myself began to rise and fall without help. At first, I managed to rise twice and lower myself slowly, but I didn’t have enough strength for more, since the head tickled something inside me more and more and my movements became faster and faster, as if in a dream I heard Peter's voice: - Take your time, prolong the pleasure, not so fast. However, I was in ecstasy and did not pay attention to his requests, since I did not hear them, being in a semi-fainting state and moving faster and faster. Soon I felt bliss spreading throughout my whole body and I suddenly sank onto the instrument, froze, losing consciousness, grabbed Peter by the neck, and pressed closely against him. Peter, looking at me, did not move and only the instrument trembled nervously in me. This surprised me. A little later, having come to my senses, I looked questioningly at Peter, and he, as if guessing my question, smiled and said: “You were in a hurry, dear Annie, my instrument is still full of strength, rest a little and as soon as the desire awakens in you again, we will repeat everything.” at first. I don’t remember how much time passed, we silently looked at each other, suddenly Peter took me by the buttocks and began to slowly lift and lower me onto his instrument, after several such movements I was again overcome by desire. Now Peter himself directed the movements - now lifting, now lowering, now forcing me to make circular movements with my hips. When the instrument was completely inside me, resting and tickling what was hard inside, it gave me bliss and whispered: “Faster, faster.” Peter increased his movements, excitement began to reach its limit, I felt powerlessness coming to me and I began to lose consciousness from the fullness of feelings. Shuddering, I grabbed Peter with my arms and legs, then, losing consciousness, I froze in that state. Peter also shuddered several times, shook the tool up and down, pressed himself against my nipple and froze. Coming into me, I felt the trembling of the instrument inside me. It was a pleasant pleasure and bliss that prolonged my powerlessness. In this position, huddled close to each other, we sat for some time and I felt warm moisture flowing out of me, rolling down Peter’s curly lumps, flowing through my hair to the hole below the recess in which the instrument stuck out, and dripping onto the floor. Peter lifted me up and sat me down on the floor. I took my panties, wet them and put Peter’s tool in order, which, from my touching it with it from the warm water, began to swell a little, after caressing it a little I went to the sink. Taking off my shoe, I put one foot on the sink and began to get myself in order, washing the ruby ​​body in the recess. Apparently my position aroused him. Before I had time to remove my foot from the sink and wipe the hole and feet, Peter came up to me and asked me to put my right foot back a little. Thinking that he wanted to help me, I put my foot down. Peter bent over a little and I felt the instrument fit tightly between the plump lips. The position did not allow me to help with my hips or anything. Then, bending down even lower, I began to caress Peter’s lumps, and with the other hand I tightly squeezed the plump lips at the top of the recess, wrapping them even more tightly around the instrument. Moving the tool back and forth, Peter used it to get something hard inside me even stronger than before; the head tickled me inside. But then I felt that I would soon lose consciousness, Peter sped up his movements, then suddenly groaned, stuck the tool in and froze, losing consciousness, I stopped squeezing my lips and released the lumps, starting to lose consciousness. Peter caught me, without letting me down from the instrument, letting me finish. When I came to my senses, I felt like a tool, resting against something hard inside me, was tickling me. Peter felt that I had woken up, carefully removed me from the instrument, and then from the sink, and since I was not able to walk on my own, he sat me down in a chair. “Rest, Annie, I’ll take care of you,” taking my panties and moistening them with warm water, he lifted me to my feet, wiped the indentation and legs. Lounging in a chair, I rested blissfully, and Peter, going to the sink, began to wash the limp instrument and the lumps under it. Having dressed me, and putting on the cassock himself, he said: “Annie, monastic affairs await me.” We were unable to continue our lessons and parted with him, agreeing to meet tomorrow after the service and continue our lessons. The next day, when I arrived at the monastery, I not only listened to the divine service, but rather looked for Brother Peter with my eyes and thought about the upcoming lessons with him. But then the service ended and, not finding Brother Peter, I went to the exit in disappointment. And at that moment someone stopped me by the elbow, I stopped and turned around. A handsome monk, about 28-30 years old, stood in front of me. He called himself Klim. Smiling, he handed me the letter. Having unfolded the letter, I realized that it was from brother Peter. He apologized that he unexpectedly left on business and could not continue his lessons with me, but added that whoever gave this letter to me could well replace him and give me useful lessons. I looked at Klim, he smiled and asked: “Well, Annie, do you agree?” Looking at him and his slender figure, I nodded my head convincingly, he took me by the hand and led me into one of the monastery rooms. Entering the room, he gently hugged me to him. I very clearly felt his standing instrument. Klim took me in his arms and, coming closer to the bench, put me on the floor, then threw off my cassock and what was revealed to my gaze exceeded all my expectations. The instrument was somehow different from that of Robert and Peter. It was about 22 cm long, the head shone, and the further towards the base it became thicker, forming something like a cone. Caressing me, Klim asked me to bend down and lean on the bench. Burning with curiosity and desire, I bent down and grabbed the tool with one hand, and lifted my dress with the other, trying to guide the tool into the recess. Feeling warmth and tenderness, Klim, without allowing me to direct the instrument, began to quickly move it between his legs. It passed between the legs and rested on the stomach. Bending down, I saw him shudder and slide past the recess. Then I bent over and guided it with my hand, thanks to which it began to slide over my tender lips. At this moment, Klim's instrument was huge, its base was greatly thickened. Feeling the wet slit with the tool, Klim directed his tool inside it, but did not push it as fast as he could, for fear of hurting me, making small movements back and forth, constantly thrusting it deeper and deeper. Finally, the thickening touched close to my lips, stretching them, and the huge, shiny head pressed hard against something hard inside me. I felt this and spread my legs wider, and with my hands I strongly pushed apart the stretched lips, allowing the instrument to go even deeper, although it hurt a little. From the quick thrusts, the thickening of the instrument sank into my body and I felt with bliss how the strongly stretched lips tightly clasped the thickening. At that moment, the instrument almost forcefully came out of me and pierced again, tickling something inside me. From the fullness of the feelings of bliss, I began to lose consciousness, but Klim held me tightly by the hips, as if impaling me. At this moment, powerlessness set in. When I woke up, I felt something warm pulsating inside me. We were both in a daze of voluptuousness, the movements stopped, we stood motionless for some time, not having the strength to move, enjoying this phenomenon. Having put our hole and Klim's tool in order, we got dressed. Klim was recalled to the parish and our lessons with him ended. I never saw Klim again. Since Brother Peter was absent, I spent time walking in the garden and reading books, thinking about Klim’s instrument. One hot day, I was reading a book in the hot living room and fell asleep imperceptibly, and since it was very hot, I was completely naked - I covered myself only with a sheet. I woke up from the feeling of someone's gaze on me. Carefully opening my eyes, I saw Uncle Jim standing over me and looking intently at me. His gaze was not fixed on his face. Following him, I noticed that the sheet had bunched up, exposing my body to my stomach. However, Uncle Jim did not see that I woke up and was watching him. Instantly realizing that this was wonderful, I moved my legs as if in a dream and spread them wide, giving Uncle Jim the opportunity to see all the beauty between my legs. In the twilight, I saw Uncle Jim flinch, but without moving and looking closely, I saw that Uncle Jim was wearing a vest, which was somehow unnaturally protruding on his stomach. Realizing that this was a ready-made tool sticking out, realizing the beauty of my body and wanting to amuse my uncle even more, I threw off the sheet with a movement of my hand, completely exposing my body. After standing in a motionless daze, Uncle Jim, without taking his eyes off his parted lips, from which a delicate pink eye peeked out, untied the belt of his robe and released his instrument, suddenly rushed towards me and, to my surprise, clinging to me and spreading his lips wider lips to the wet ruby ​​eye, pulled it into his mouth and began to caress it with his tongue. An incomparable feeling came over me. For the first minutes I did not move, but as the desire in me grew from my uncle’s caress, I quietly moved several times, the desire grew so much that I forgot about caution and pressed my uncle’s head closer to me. Feeling my touch, Uncle Jim boldly extended his hands to my breasts and, finding my swollen nipples, began to gently caress them. Seized by strong desire and passion, with the movement of my hips, I began to help him caress my tender body with his tongue, the heat of languor unusually slowly increased, making the caress more voluptuous than the movement of the instrument, but to my great desire this could not last too long and, having reached the limit, it ended in my powerlessness . The end was so violent that, losing consciousness, I pressed my uncle’s head even more tightly to the depression. Having sucked in the moisture of the tender body and taken a sip, Jim rose from his knees again and lay down next to me. Seeing his instrument, full of strength, which was trembling, I turned to his chest, clasping his thigh with my tender body. He grabbed me and kissed me tenderly. We stayed like that for quite a long time. Jim let me rest, caressing my nipples with his tongue and I felt desire again. Wrapping my hands around Jim’s head, tearing him away from my chest, in a fit of passion I began to kiss his face, his lips found mine and he passionately bit into them. Using his tongue to spread his teeth, he entered my mouth and began to caress my tongue. Unable to pull away any longer, Jim turned me onto my back and lay on top of me. I spread my legs wide, bending my knees. Jim was not satisfied with this position, he ordered to tuck his legs on his stomach and hold him with his hands. In this position, the plump lips parted and the ruby ​​eye beckoned the instrument, leaving the gap open for the instrument. Seeing this, Jim grabbed the back of the sofa with his hands and his beautiful tool finally entered me. Having driven it to its full length, Jim, without removing it, began to make circular movements with his hips and the large head of the instrument rested against something hard inside me - in this position I could help him, the feeling was amazing. “Faster, faster,” I whispered. Jim responded to my call with a furious movement of his hips. I felt that I was unable to contain my real languor and whispered: “Jim, honey, I’m losing my strength.” And just at that moment his body began to beat convulsively and he drove the instrument in with force, then froze... Through Jim’s efforts, I became weak six times during a stormy night. My studies ended so unusually well, wonderful studies that night. In the morning I could not go out to breakfast, feeling weak throughout my body. It seemed to me that something thick and huge was sticking out in my gap, preventing me from moving my legs, but by lunchtime everything went away, I got stronger and the obstacle between my legs disappeared. For five days, tirelessly caressing me, Jim spent every night with me. In addition to repeating the lessons learned several times, I acquired new knowledge. We solved problems lying down, changing places - then Jim was on top, in the latter case, putting me on the instrument, Jim gave me the opportunity to act on my own, remaining motionless. This made it possible to prolong the blissful state, and since powerlessness set in quickly in this position, I, remaining on the instrument, prolonged the bliss, and then collapsed next to Jim, leaving him to care for my cavity and my limp instrument. He took a clean towel and moistened it with water, wiped his swollen lips, and then, parting them with his fingers, wiped the ruby ​​eye and the wet cavity.To be continued in the next issue.________________________________________________________________ Editorial telephone: (017) 249-89-60 Sergey Editorial address: 220085 Minsk, Rokossovsky Ave., 85, apt. 187 Internet addresses: [email protected] marked [email protected] EROTIC!________________________________________________________________