Preferential electricity tariff: how to pay less. How to apply for and receive electricity benefits for large families: payment documents and terms of compensation for electricity Discount on electricity payments for the disabled

Calculation of benefits for electricity in public areas in 2018 In 2018, the methodology for calculating electricity for household needs changed. In this regard, the appearance of receipts has undergone changes. Electricity costs for common areas will be displayed in the “Residential Maintenance” section. The second thing that has changed is the very principle of distribution of the amount for electricity. If previously the total kilowatts were divided equally between residents, now the calculation depends on tariffs and benefits for each specific energy consumer. To do this, a standard is taken, which is multiplied by the area of ​​public spaces. After this, the result obtained is divided by the area of ​​residential and non-residential premises in the house. Next, the area of ​​the apartment and the tariff for 1 kW of an individual tenant are multiplied by the result obtained and the amount that the person needs to pay for the month comes out.

Benefits for paying for electricity in 2018

It is needed in order to know whether the beneficiary has dependents, how many people live in the apartment and calculate the standard from this. If the discount is provided only to the beneficiary and does not apply to family members, then it will be carried out by isolating the amount based on the standard value for one person;

  • a certificate confirming that the person has no debt at the time of submitting documents. Issued by the company that supplies electricity to your region;
  • birth certificate of children for large families, income certificate for the poor, papers indicating disability, etc.
    That is, any document that can confirm that you are a beneficiary;
  • application in the prescribed form. You can write on the spot or prepare in advance by downloading a sample on the Internet;
  • Bank details.

Benefits for electricity in SNT


In 2018, the benefits for disabled people of group 3 for electricity are the same as for other categories of people with disabilities. After all, the discount does not depend on income, but on confirmed citizen status. Providing benefits to people with disabilities is legislatively confirmed by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 27, 1996 No. 901 “On providing benefits to people with disabilities and families with disabled children to provide them with living quarters, pay for housing and utilities.”

The text states that “disabled people and families with disabled children are given a discount of no less than 50 percent on housing costs in state, municipal and public housing stock, payment for utilities (regardless of the housing stock), and in residential buildings, not having central heating - the cost of fuel purchased within the limits established for sale to the population.”

Benefits for electricity can also be issued at the dacha

  • full holders of the Order of Labor Glory;
  • Heroes of Socialist Labor;
  • Heroes of the USSR and Russia;
  • orphans and children left without parental care.

Persons of retirement age are not eligible to receive a discount unless they are included in one of the specified groups of persons. How are resource consumption standards determined? When determining the amount of the discount, it is extremely important to consider that the discount only applies to certain indications. This is due to the fact that the budget cannot pay charges for each citizen without restrictions.
The government of the subject carries out a special calculation, within the framework of which the volume of electricity is established sufficient for the normal life of any citizen. This indicator will be considered the norm of consumption.

Benefits for labor veterans to pay for electricity


Electricity costs for orphans are also fully reimbursed.

  • A 50% discount can be applied for by all other groups of persons who are entitled to a preference, but do not belong to the two above categories.
  • Attention! Disabled people have the right to count on 50% of the costs of their own share of consumption, but within the established standard. If, for example, a family of three spends 75 kW per month, then a 50% discount on 25 kW (personal share of the disabled person) will be allocated from the local budget. Citizens who are raising a disabled child receive benefits for the whole family.

They are given 50% of the total expenses. What is a discount? The benefit takes the form of a reverse payment. This means that the applicant who is entitled to it is obliged to repay the electricity debt in full.

Benefits for electricity in Moscow

When detecting that the power was on, the watchman turned off the power. and those people attacked him, beat him, and again, using a stick to open the door to the closet, they turned on the electricity. They called the police... Is it possible to redirect a fine from the energy supply organization to a given summer resident if the contract for electricity consumption is concluded with SNT Lawyer's answer: “Redirect” then anything can be done, but it will not be completely legal. I think that in your case it is necessary to hold the “inventor” accountable under Art.

330 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and only after which there can be some kind of penalty. We are late in paying for electricity at SNT. Our wires were cut without notice.

Theft of electricity in SNT

Let’s say that a labor veteran lives alone in the room, no one else is registered in his apartment, and he consumed less than the norm, then: 40 kW x 50% = 20 kW, where 40 kW is the amount of energy consumed by a person per month, 50% is entitlement to electricity benefits for labor veterans in 2018. The price for 20 kW is refundable. If more energy is used than normal, for example 150 kW, then the calculation method will look like this:

  1. Let’s find out the standard: 150 kW – 50 = 100 kW;
  2. the number of watts for which you will have to pay on general terms: 100 kW – 50% = 50 kW;
  3. the final figure after adding consumption exceeding the standard will look like this: 50 kW + 50 kW = 100 kW.

How to apply for electricity benefits - types of social support

Let's consider the framework that is established for a separate category of citizens as of 2017:

  • per citizen who lives independently (no one else is registered in the house/apartment) can count on 50 kW of preferential energy. If his home is not equipped with gas appliances (an electric stove is installed), then he will pay for 80 kW at a discount;
  • a standard is allocated per family, the size of which directly depends on the number of family members living together. If the home is equipped with gas appliances, 45 kW is required, and if it is equipped with electric stoves, 70 kW. This is the norm per month for one person.

In each case, if the beneficiary exceeds the established norm, the additional expense will have to be paid at full cost. The amount will depend on the tariff in force in the region at the time of payment.

Benefits for paying for electricity at 2018 tariffs

Changes have occurred in the calculation method, causing their payments to increase slightly. This category includes:

  • disabled people of all groups;
  • disabled children.

The preference of half the payment according to the consumption rate applies to the entire family in which this beneficiary lives. Other categories Each region is free to expand the list of persons for whom the budget pays.


Thus, in some regions of the federation discounts are provided:

  • large families (from three minor children or more);
  • Labor veterans who are pensioners;
  • liquidators of accidents at Chernobyl and other nuclear power plants;
  • close relatives of the liquidators.

This group includes not only veterans of the Great Patriotic War, but also people who worked in the rear, survived the siege of the city of Leningrad, visited concentration camps, disabled people of the Second World War, and some other categories;

  • disabled people This includes disabled people of all groups and people who received disabled status from birth. Benefits apply to the entire family;
  • other categories.

    These are low-income families, large families, liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, labor veterans of retirement age, combatants;

  • orphans, heroes of Russia or the USSR, citizens who have the Order of Labor Glory.

The discount ranges from 30 to 100%, depending on the group of beneficiaries. But it applies to standard energy consumption. If a family uses more electricity, then everything in excess of the norm is paid for on its own.

Housing and communal services / Tariffs for housing and communal services

Preferential categories of citizens received additional benefits for utility bills. Sergei Sobyanin spoke about this during a meeting of the Moscow government. From May 1, disabled people, families with disabled children, and citizens affected by radiation will again be provided with a 50% discount on the entire volume of utility services consumed. And not only in the scope of the social norm.

“As you know, at the initiative of United Russia, we returned the calculation of benefits not based on the social norm, but on the total volume of consumption. This decision was made. And from January 1, we must return overpaid utility bills to disabled people and Chernobyl victims - this is about a million people,” said the capital’s mayor, Sergei Sobyanin, at a meeting of the Moscow government on April 26.

Earlier, changes were made to federal legislation according to which, from January 1, 2016, benefits for utility bills (50 percent discount) to disabled people and Chernobyl victims are provided only within the limits of consumption standards, and not for the entire volume of consumed utilities.

As a result, payments for electricity alone increased from an average of 400 to 900 rubles per apartment per month, depending on the composition of the family and the actual volume of consumption.

“Naturally, this raised questions among disabled people and society. This topic was raised at meetings with deputies of the Moscow City Duma and State Duma. She also became the main one at the United Russia forum, which discussed the problems of people with disabilities,” said Vladimir Petrosyan, head of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Moscow.

In Moscow, it was decided to return benefits for utility bills for disabled people and “Chernobyl survivors”

As a result, the United Russia faction submitted to the Moscow City Duma a bill “On amendments to Article 9 of the Moscow City Law of November 3, 2004 No. 70 “On measures of social support for certain categories of residents of the city of Moscow.” It is expected that it will be considered at the next meeting.

And at a meeting of the Presidium of the Moscow Government, a resolution was adopted “On the procedure for providing additional measures of social support for paying utility bills to disabled people, families with disabled children, and citizens affected by radiation.”

This document defines the mechanisms for returning benefits for utility bills to Moscow disabled people, families with disabled children, and Chernobyl victims. From May 1, they will again be provided with a 50 percent discount on the entire volume of consumed utilities without taking into account consumption standards.

How will benefits for utility bills now be calculated for disabled people and “Chernobyl victims”?

The Moscow government reports that the standard procedure for receiving benefits is maintained. Citizens living in the old territory of the city will be provided with benefits in payment for utility bills in kind.

Residents of TiNAO (new Moscow) - in the form of monetary compensation. To exercise their right to receive benefits, most beneficiaries will not need to write an application. If information about them is available in the information databases of the Moscow Government, a 50 percent discount on utility bills for the entire volume of consumption will be established automatically.

Muscovites whose information is not available in the information databases of the Moscow Government can contact any “My Documents” public service center, as well as the district departments of the City Center for Housing Subsidies to establish benefits.

The restored benefits apply to the beginning of this year. Money previously paid for utilities will be refunded

The resolution also provides for the return of overpaid utility bills to disabled people, families with disabled children and Chernobyl victims starting from January 1, 2016. Refunds will be made over four months: January, February, March, April.

Excess funds spent on electricity payments will be returned in the form of a lump sum cash payment to the bank accounts of beneficiaries. Refunds will be issued starting in May.
“This is about a thousand to one and a half thousand rubles for each family,” added Vladimir Petrosyan.

If the excess funds were also spent on paying for other utilities (heat, hot and cold water, etc.), then the corresponding payments will be reduced in the single payment document for May. Residents of the TiNAO will receive back all overpaid funds in the form of a one-time cash payment.

Additional expenses of the Moscow budget for these purposes will amount to three and a half to four billion rubles.

Utility benefits for disabled people and Chernobyl victims. Question answer

Who can count on a refund of overpayments for housing and communal services? More than one million Moscow disabled people, families with disabled children, Chernobyl victims and other victims of radiation disasters. These categories of citizens will again have the right to enjoy benefits for utility bills, regardless of the volume of their consumption.

How to get a recalculation? Most beneficiaries do not need to write an application. If information about them is in the information databases of the Moscow Government, a 50 percent discount on utility bills for the entire volume of their consumption will be established automatically. Muscovites whose information is not in the information databases of the Moscow Government or if they do not see the benefit for the entire volume of consumption in the payment document for May 2016, to establish a benefit, can contact any public service center “My Documents”, as well as the district departments of the City Center housing subsidies.

How will the overpayment be refunded? Citizens living in the old territory of the city will receive benefits in paying for utility services in kind. Residents of New Moscow - in the form of monetary compensation. Excess funds spent on electricity payments will be returned to beneficiaries living in the old city territory in the form of a one-time cash payment to bank accounts. Payments will be made in May 2016. Excessive funds paid by beneficiaries living in the old territory of the city, spent on paying for other utilities (heat, hot and cold water, etc.), will be returned by reducing the corresponding payments in a single payment document for May 2016. Residents of New Moscow will be refunded overpaid amounts for all utilities in the form of a one-time cash payment also in May 2016.

For what period will the recalculation be made? The resolution provides for the return to disabled people, families with disabled children, Chernobyl victims and other victims of radiation disasters of overpaid funds for utilities starting from January 1, 2016 (that is, reimbursement will be made for four months - January, February, March, April).

What documents need to be provided for recalculation? Benefits according to the new (returned) rules will be accrued automatically, since all beneficiaries are in the databases of Moscow social security departments.

How long will it take from submitting documents to receiving money? Cash compensation will automatically be sent to the account to which social benefits are transferred to each beneficiary. If for some reason the beneficiary does not receive compensation or a payment with new calculations in May, he can write a statement at the City Center for Housing Subsidies or any “My Documents” government service center.

It should be understood that a benefit is not a subsidy, and when a receipt for payment of utility bills arrives, you must pay the entire amount. After this, money will be returned to your bank account in the amount of the discount provided. Benefits for paying for electricity did not change in 2018. The only thing that has changed is the calculation method, so the numbers in the receipts will be an order of magnitude higher than in the previous heating season. Electricity benefit groups in 2018 Electricity benefits in 2018 remained at the same level as before. Conventionally, they can be divided into 3 groups:

  • complete exemption from utility bills. A 100% discount is given to heroes of the Soviet Union, the Russian Federation, children who have lost their parents and holders of the Order of Labor Glory;
  • 50% discount.

Electricity benefits for disabled people: who is entitled to it and how to get it

An example of calculating the amount of preferential payment for electricity for disabled people If a disabled person or a family with disabled people consumed during the billing period - in our country this is a calendar month - less electricity (based on electric meter readings) than provided by the standards, then fifty percent of the benefits apply for this entire volume. For example, the meter reading is 60 kilowatts; in such a situation, payment with a fifty percent discount will be made for 30 kilowatts.

If the volume of preferential electricity standards established by law is exceeded, a fifty percent discount only works up to the standard limit. The remaining kilowatts are paid at the full 100% tariff.

What benefits for electricity are provided to disabled people of group 1?

Please note: Benefits for pensioners in paying for electricity in Moscow, if these pensioners do not belong to one of the above categories, are not provided. However, as a rule, only young pensioners remain without privileges - citizens of the older generation are in one way or another affected by the sad events of the Great War, and therefore have the status of a home front worker, a participant in the Second World War, or receive benefits as people who survived the blockade of Moscow.

I'm a beneficiary! Where to go? A citizen who wants to know how to get a discount on electricity payments should apply to the housing office department at their place of residence. Moscow residents submit applications to the Center for Housing Subsidies - it is better to check the operating hours of the department for receiving applications from citizens in advance by phone or through the official website

Is it possible to cancel benefits for disabled people in 2018 for electricity?

It is required to determine the standard electricity consumption per family member;

  • a statement of the established form in which the applicant declares his right to a benefit;
  • bank statement with account details for crediting payments;
  • a certificate confirming the fact of 100% payment of debt on electricity payments.

Attention! If the applicant does not repay the electricity debt in a timely manner, he may be denied a discount. Electricity consumption standards in Moscow and how do they affect the amount of compensation? The presence of a benefit does not guarantee that a citizen enjoys unlimited electricity. Local authorities approve the standards within which the discount applies.

Benefits for paying for electricity at 2018 tariffs


Free throughout the Russian Federation Ask a question

  • 1. General Provisions
    • 1.1 Who do they rely on?
  • 2 What benefits for paying for electricity will be provided to citizens in Moscow?
    • 2.1 What is a discount?
  • 3 Procedure for registration and list of documents
    • 3.1 Innovations in 2017

General provisions The Government of the Russian Federation reserves the right to assign electricity benefits to regional authorities. Local executive bodies themselves determine the procedure for granting preferences and the size of the discount.

Funds intended to pay off debt are allocated from the budget of the city or district. Government Decree No. 850-PP, as well as Law of the Moscow Region No. 36/2006-OZ “On social support for certain categories of citizens in the Moscow Region” dated March 23, 2006.

operate throughout Moscow and the region.

What is the electricity discount for disabled people in Moscow from 01/01/2016?

For example, the monthly electricity consumption of one disabled person is 300 kilowatts (according to meters), from this figure it is necessary to subtract a preferential discount, which will be 40 kilowatts: 80 kilowatts according to the standards minus 50% of the benefits provided for disabled people living alone. According to these calculations, 260 kilowatts will be paid for (300 kilowatts consumed minus 40 kilowatts discounted). Let's look at another example based on real facts. According to standards, a family disabled person using an electric stove can use an average of 70 kilowatts/hour.


At the same time, a fifty percent discount in the form of utility benefits is valid for 35 kilowatt/hour. If converted to rubles according to the tariff schedule (in March 2018, 1 kilowatt/hour costs 3 rubles 52 kopecks), we have: 35 kilowatts is 123 rubles 20 kopecks.

Benefits for paying for electricity in 2018

W + 50 kW = 90 kW.

  • In money as of March 2017:
  • 90 kW x 3.52 rub. = 316.80 rub. (here 3.52 is the price per kilowatt). You need to carefully look at the distribution of the discount: is it assigned only to the beneficiary or to the whole family. Regional differences Discounts and preferences are established by local authorities. This also causes confusion. For example, in the capital, single pensioners are eligible for benefits.
    And in the region there are no discounts on electricity for such people. There are also categories of citizens who are subject to reduced tariffs. These include:
  • honorary donors of the Russian Federation and the USSR;
  • combatants and others.

To accurately determine the size of preferences and categories of citizens, you need to look at the regulations of the regional government. Typically, this information is posted on the official websites of both the government authority and the company providing the services.

Benefits for disabled people of group 1

Important: If a person has the right to apply for 2 or more reasons, for example, he is disabled and a participant in the Second World War, the discounts are summed up. The citizen can choose the basis himself, although there is no big difference in the amount of the discount. The following package of documents should be provided to the Housing Office:

  • Russian Federation passport.
  • A document confirming the basis for granting a discount. Such a document can be a certificate of disability or a certificate of a labor veteran.
  • A certificate confirming that the beneficiary is now paying the full price for utilities.
  • Application for benefits. The form for such an application can easily be found on the Internet.

According to the procedure for providing benefits for electricity payments, the discount begins to apply from the next month after the application.

Benefits for electricity in Moscow

In the “Virtual Reception” in the “Frequently Asked Questions” tab you can find the following information:

  1. About changing data in your personal account.
  2. About benefits.
  3. How the benefits provided are calculated:
    • fifty percent discount on consumption;
    • half of the standard;
    • one hundred percent of consumption.
  4. About examples of benefit calculations:
    • for a single-tariff electric meter (with lower and higher electricity consumption);
    • for a multi-tariff electricity meter (if tariff standards are exceeded).
  5. About paying bills for electricity consumption.
  6. About the status of your personal account.

This site also provides registration of individuals and access to the client’s personal account. Using the services provided by Mosenergosbyt, you can pay bills for consumed electricity.

List of benefits for people with disabilities for 2018

So, half of the established norm per person can be paid by:

  • WWII participants;
  • disabled members of their families;
  • rear workers;
  • citizens who survived the siege of Leningrad.

The preference applies only to the beneficiary. There are honored citizens whose benefits are taken into account for the whole family. These include:

  • disabled people of the Second World War;
  • concentration camp prisoners;
  • WWII participants who became disabled later.

For them, the discount will be 50% on the consumption norms of the entire family. Preferences can be obtained only for one apartment: by registration or by actual residence. Disabled people The next large group of citizens considered socially vulnerable. Electricity discounts for these people have changed slightly in 2018. The percentage of preferences remained the same - 50%.

Benefits for disabled people of group 1 for electricity payments

Citizens who previously considered it inappropriate to waste time on applying for benefits on electricity payments are now standing in queues at housing office offices. This is not surprising: electricity prices are rising as rapidly as citizens’ incomes are falling - in times of crisis, Russians grab at any opportunity to save, like a drowning man clutching at a straw.

Any “utility” privileges are provided by regional legislation - for example, in Moscow there is Government Decree No. 850-PP, according to which the list of persons who can claim benefits for paying for electricity in Moscow is quite wide. Who is entitled to privileges? There are 13 categories of citizens who can apply for benefits on electricity payments - these are:

  • Disabled people.

Benefits for disabled people of group 1 for electricity payments

If you know the price per 1 kW, then it is easy to calculate this figure in monetary terms. Electricity benefits in 2018 for disabled people of groups 2 and 3. Electricity benefits for disabled people in 2018 amount to 50% of standard energy consumption.

And it is calculated according to the example above. This year, despite rumors, there are no plans to cancel the discount. Every month, indicators are taken from the electricity meter, according to which calculations will be made. If a disabled person does not have such a device, then the average standard values ​​will be taken into account in the calculation. Therefore, you should not be surprised when the benefits for electricity for a disabled person of group 2 in 2018 are the same as for everyone, or the amounts in receipts for people with disabilities living in the same house will differ significantly. Indeed, in most cases, a person with a meter will pay less.

Relatively recently, the population of the country received disappointing information regarding the abolition of benefits intended for people with disabilities. The cancellation, according to the information, concerns those services that helped pay disabled people the amount for electricity, and since in 2019 the payment for it increased again, everyone is worried about the current situation.

Has the benefit actually been cancelled?

Analysts claim that such an event is not being prepared for 2019, and people with disabilities will need to pay about the same amount for electricity as last year. However, certain changes in the preferential system did occur.

Preferential changes primarily apply to those disabled people who live in the capital of Russia and are considered low-income citizens of the country. In particular, they touched upon:

  • citizens who are partially or completely unable to find work due to illness;
  • Russians who are unable to provide for themselves due to injuries received or any type of injury;
  • families raising disabled minors;
  • categories of persons who have become disabled due to radiation exposure.

In 2019, benefits for electricity and the use of housing and communal services are provided for the above-mentioned citizens of the country, but not in the same quantity as before. From 2019, people with disabilities will be able to pay half the amount for the following types of services:

  1. City heating.
  2. Electricity and natural gas.
  3. Cold and hot water supply.
  4. Use of sewerage.

The law, created in 2017, states that people with disabilities are provided with the same 50% discount on the payment for the above services, but the amount for electricity will become larger, as there have been changes in the preferential payment procedure.

New preferential payment

In 2019, people with disabilities will be recalculated with a preferential discount using a different system based on the total volume of utilities used by low-income citizens of the Russian Federation. It will be removed by control and statistical authorities from special devices that are designed to keep track of utility bills. During this event, all instrument readings will be monitored. Control authorities must prove that the readings from the devices of low-income citizens who need benefits do not exceed the consumption standards approved by the legislation of the country.

If people with disabilities have not been provided with data recording devices, then all calculations regarding the receipt of fifty percent benefits will be based on averages. This point affects all utilities and electricity.

What do people with disabilities need to have to apply for electricity benefits?

In order for people with disabilities to receive a preferential discount on electricity in 2019, they need to visit the USS (Social Security Administration). The following documents must be submitted to the territorial government agency to receive a preferential discount:

  • original and photocopy of personal passport;
  • a certificate indicating the composition of the family;
  • medical confirmation of disability;
  • certificate of retirement age, if there is such a document;
  • a handwritten application to the USS, which will contain a request for benefits for utility bills or electricity.

It is worth adding that if all the documents are correctly completed, and the debt for electricity or other types of utilities has not been repaid, then disabled people will be denied a discount.

New electricity consumption standards in 2019

As mentioned earlier, starting from 2017, low-income citizens of Russia and people with disabilities can apply for a preferential discount on housing and communal services. This innovation applies to both citizens living in the capital of the Russian Federation and Russians located in other cities of the country. The electricity benefit will be calculated based on the total amount of resources used when reading meter readings. During this event, the consumption rate is taken into account, which should not exceed the indicator approved by the legislation of the country. There are certain standards regarding electricity consumption for disabled people, which do not exceed the limit allowed by law:

  • for a citizen who has received a disability and lives in an apartment without a family, 75-80 kW/h per month is provided for using an electric stove and 45-50 kW/h per month for using a gas stove;
  • for disabled people living in a family, 65-70 kW/h per month is provided for an electric stove and 40-45 kW/h for a gas stove.

If preferential standards have not been used within a month, they are not carried over to the next month.

How does preferential payment work in 2019?

If a Russian citizen who has a disability and received a benefit for paying for electricity consumption consumed less electricity during a calendar month in 2019, which is calculated from instrument readings, then a 50% benefit will apply to the entire volume consumed. That is, if, when taking readings, the device shows a consumption of 50-60 kilowatts, then you will have to pay only 25-30 kilowatts, exactly half of the device readings.

If the volume of preferential consumption standards turns out to be higher than the indicator provided for in the legislation, then disabled people must pay as much money as provided within the normative indicators, taking into account a fifty percent discount. The remaining payment for exceeded standards will have to be paid without benefits, that is, at the regular rate.

An example can be given: if, when taking a meter reading, the device shows that 300 kilowatts of electricity were used in a month by a family where a disabled person lives, then 35 kilowatts must be subtracted from this indicator (a preferential discount, which in total provides for 70 kilowatts, and when subtracted 50% turns out to be a preferential 35 kilowatts). As a result, 265 kilowatts are subject to 100% payment, and 35 are subject to preferential rates.

Payment for electricity by region of the country

Since the economic conditions of different regions of Russia are not equal, individual regions were allowed to independently indicate electricity consumption standards in 2019 for disabled people and low-income citizens. This point also applies to payment for housing and communal services, for which Russian citizens have the right to receive payment benefits.

Throughout 2019, single Russians over 70 years of age can receive an additional 50% discount for major renovations of their apartment or private home. And if a citizen is over 80 years old, then they can be completely exempt from this payment.

How is electricity payment calculated for beneficiaries?

The Mosenergosbyt company explained that the amount of payment for electricity, calculated taking into account the benefits available to residents, depends on a number of factors: a single-tariff or multi-tariff meter is installed in the apartment, the house is gasified or equipped with electric stoves (they apply different tariffs and consumption standards). And when calculating the fee taking into account benefits in one apartment, its size depends on whether the energy consumption in the billing month exceeded the established standard or, conversely, whether the residents spent less than the standard.

What standards are set for electricity?

According to Moscow government decree No. 1161 of December 20, 1994, the following electricity standards apply in the capital: in apartments with a gas stove - 50 kW/h (single citizens), 45 kW/h (family citizens, for 1 person); in apartments with an electric stove - 80 kW/h (single citizens), 70 kW/h (family citizens, for 1 person).

Why is the amount different every month?

For labor veterans, a discount on electricity is established in the amount of 50% of the standard. If two or more citizens who have the same benefits live in an apartment, then their standards are summed up.

Mosenergosbyt explained that if a resident spent electricity less than the preferential standard, then a 50% discount is provided for the entire volume. At the same time, the “remaining” kilowatts of the standard are not carried over to the next month.

If a resident has spent more than the standard, then a 50% discount is provided for the volume within the standard, and the remainder is paid in the amount of 100% of the tariff.

With multi-tariff metering, a discount is provided for electricity consumed during the most expensive peak period (morning and evening).