What kind of business is profitable? examples for doing profitable business in the village. Economy class hair salon

The most profitable business in Russia is in the area that the entrepreneur has a passion for. In other words, you need to do only what you love. However, this business must still be profitable and generate some income. Therefore, before determining the field of activity where to organize a profitable business, you need to first select the most popular industries.

What kind of business is considered profitable?

In the modern market, the most numerous are representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. After all, it is in them that any subject can begin to function quickly, independently and without significant investments.

The main criteria for the “level of profitability” of a business are:

  • The speed of return of funds invested in the business. In this case we are talking about the operating cycle. For example, from purchasing a product to receiving money (in fact) from its sale, a minimum period of time should be spent.
  • Demand. A profitable business can only be carried out among an accessible target audience that is potentially interested in certain services.
  • Cost of materials and raw materials. Both profit and profit depend on it.
  • Profitability. This indicator is closely related to the previous two. Thus, profits will increase simultaneously with sales volume.
  • Capital productivity. This indicator characterizes the effectiveness of investments and their proportionality with the profit received.

Opening a profitable business is very easy

When organizing your own business, it is advisable for a novice entrepreneur to be interested in the political and economic situation in the country. This is the only way to determine the most profitable business in Russia today. It is necessary for yourself to identify the main indicators for each desired type of activity and monitor the expected results for them.

As a simple example, the article examines trade in basic necessities. This activity can be classified as a profitable small business. An analysis of its effectiveness was carried out according to the five criteria given above.

  • The speed of cash turnover is quite high. For example, a store purchased bread and milk, which will be sold out over the next few days.
  • The demand for the same bread, matches and soap will always be, regardless of whether there is an economic boom or a crisis or war.
  • Low cost of goods with a huge selection of suppliers, while the markup is set independently by the seller.
  • There is a direct relationship, expressed as follows: big leads to high profits.
  • High business efficiency due to good sales and inelasticity of demand.

The following types of activities can be classified as profitable businesses: beauty and entertainment industry, catering, wholesale trade, repair services, tourism and advertising business, installation and subsequent maintenance of equipment, Internet commerce, logistics, transport and educational services.

Deciding on a specific direction of activity

It is necessary to take into account the fact that, given some instability and the transitional state of the economic situation, it is not enough to identify the most profitable business in Russia, based only on standard economic parameters. We must also remember about bureaucratic and political obstacles, high competition and peculiarities of mentality in some areas, as well as the underdevelopment of certain types of activities. Therefore, every aspiring entrepreneur needs to decide what he is willing to face in order to achieve effective work. There is no need to give up those niches that may at first glance seem unpromising and crowded, but using special tools to organize the most profitable business in Russia.

Main types of successful business

  • Advertising business. Many people trade and understand that advertising is the engine of their activities. Despite the competition, there will always be demand. Advertising agencies make up a fairly large segment of the service industry. At the same time, they continue to actively develop in the future. Therefore, advertising activities can be considered as a profitable business.
  • Trade. Today it is quite difficult to break into the market with daily consumption goods. However, there is an alternative to it - online stores. This is a very profitable business in Moscow, gradually gaining momentum.

Opening a business in Moscow

The capital is a city of enormous opportunity, in which every citizen is trying to take his place. Businessmen are no exception. Let's consider the main types of activities that make up the category of “profitable business” in Moscow.

Providing small loans

In the first place is the implementation of activities in the field of small lending. Today, many offices have opened that issue small amounts of money at high interest rates. Thanks to such a high percentage, businessmen receive income. This type of activity is considered profitable, despite minor investments at the initial stage.

Grocery stores and food outlets

The second place may be taken by the sale of food products. Despite the large number of such retail outlets in the capital, they are often located near residential buildings and therefore are quite in demand. At the starting stage, small financial resources are needed to pay for renting premises, purchasing goods, paying salaries to employees and for expenses associated with obtaining various trade permits.

Placing fast food stalls can be considered as a profitable business when such stalls are located, for example, on the forecourt. This is due to significant costs of renting or purchasing premises, which can be repaid due to the high turnover of the cost of services, due to the large number of arrivals (departures).

Sale of medicines, perfumes and personal care products

This type of business is in third place in terms of benefits. The opening of at least one pharmacy in one of the central districts will provide its organizer with a significant income, which can be comparable to the profit of several similar institutions, but in a residential area.

The profitability of a business selling personal care products and perfumes is associated with the constant need for hygiene products for every person. The return on investment for this type of activity in Moscow is much higher than in other cities. A positive point is the relatively low costs associated with purchasing products and paying for rent.

Public ground transport services

The profitability of this business is guaranteed due to the annual increase in travel tariff rates. At the same time, the costs of paying taxes, paying employee salaries, gasoline and servicing rolling stock often remain at the same level.


And finally, last on the list of profitable types of business is the provision of medical services. Among the advantages of this type of activity are the following: a small staff, a small rented premises and

Over time, the main types of profitable business in Russia were determined. These areas of activity should be considered first by aspiring entrepreneurs, especially if there is a high level of knowledge in a particular area.

The areas of small business presented below allow you to receive maximum income with a limited staff. For most entrepreneurs, this approach is the most preferable.

Individual auditors

The services of such specialists will be in demand at any time, so even a financial crisis does not greatly affect their income. In addition, many clients try to cooperate with the same person or company.

To run a successful business you will need:

  • good economic knowledge;
  • ability to competently prepare financial documents;
  • skills in working with popular computer programs;
  • English language proficiency.

Attention: offered . The institution has developed quite profitable programs and services for doing business.

Accounting services

Accountants are no less in demand. Almost all services of these specialists are highly valued. However, it is worth noting that competition in this area is very high. For a successful business to thrive, customers are necessary, so advertising plays an important role.

The following services can be provided:

  • calculating wages for workers;
  • consulting on various issues;
  • maintaining accounting policies;
  • preparation of primary documents and reports.

A competent person will give you the opportunity to compete in this field of activity. You can cooperate not only with small companies, but also with large organizations. Everything will depend on the quality of the services offered and the level of promotion of your own activities.

Advertising business

With the development of business activity in general, the number of competitors increases. Advertising is beginning to play an increasingly important role. Any type of profitable business in Russia today is impossible without it. Even to promote a small business, a basic advertising campaign is needed.

Often one specialization is chosen:

  • promotion of goods and services directly on the Internet;
  • creation and placement of printed products;
  • holding special promotions at various events.

Attention: are especially popular, because organizing such activities in many cases does not require large initial investments.


Agriculture can be considered a fairly attractive direction. In Russia, a wide variety of food products are grown for sale, as well as raw materials intended for production workshops. Huge prospects are opening up in the field of crop production and livestock farming.

You can study not only traditional areas. A non-standard solution, for example, is . For this purpose, special pools are purchased and fry are purchased. If necessary, you can make containers yourself.

Another good option is. You can cultivate various species, but it is better to start with unpretentious varieties - honey mushrooms or champignons. No special conditions are required for their cultivation, so problems rarely arise.

Sales of essential goods

Inexpensive products that fall into the category of essentials are sold fairly quickly. The main focus is on small shops in residential areas of cities. You don’t need to invest a lot of money to open them. Such outlets pay for themselves very quickly and fare well in the competition.

Toys, stationery and clothing sell well. There is always a need for personal hygiene products. Various food products and household items are also selling well.

Rental Property

One of the types of profitable business in Russia is the rental of residential and non-residential premises. Renting out apartments, garages and plots of land is quite profitable. No negative changes are expected in this area in the near future.

Money can be invested in hostels, small hotels or hostels. They are in demand among tourists, students and people on business trips. Expensive hotels are gradually fading into the background in terms of profitability and payback.

Specialized clinics

Clinics that specialize in minor surgeries, examinations and cosmetic procedures are becoming widespread. It is quite expensive to maintain such establishments, but the prices for the services offered fully cover all costs incurred.

The location of the institution plays an important role. The ideal option involves opening a clinic in a busy location at the same distance from residential areas. The premises are selected taking into account the number of services provided. You will have to spend quite a lot on equipment, but with the right approach it will quickly pay for itself.

Small lending

Many citizens turn to microfinance organizations to receive a sum of money for a certain period. The activities of such companies are considered the most profitable, in contrast to banking institutions. This is one of the profitable types of small business.

Profit will depend directly on the volume of loans and funds raised to issue loans. To create your own microfinance organization, you need to clearly understand the legislative framework. The main advantage over banks is a simplified loan issuance scheme.

Investment consulting

Often a business is built on investment consulting. Specialists conduct an analysis of financial assets, on the basis of which certain characteristics are determined and specific recommendations are given. They develop a management strategy.

Consultants must do the following:

  • assess the market situation;
  • calculate the economic effect;
  • prepare accompanying documents;
  • carry out comparative analysis.

On a note: worth paying attention to. Some of them involve obtaining a fairly high income for beginning entrepreneurs.

Law office

Another type of profitable business in Russia involves maintaining your own law office. Theoretically, even a person who is far from jurisprudence can open it. However, it is best to engage in this type of activity if you have a professional education.

A small business in the form of a law office is profitable. Many citizens need legal assistance. At the initial stage, you can rent a room and purchase only the necessary equipment for the office. Advertising plays an important role, so you will have to spend money on posting information about the company.

Public catering place

Snack bars, cafes, coffee shops and hot food outlets bring good profits. When organizing such establishments, you can do without large investments. Such catering establishments pay for themselves very quickly. The main difficulty lies in choosing a place to open.

For food outlets, you should purchase only high-quality products. Then there will be no problems with clients. It is necessary to understand that the conditions in which food preparation will take place must comply with the standards. Otherwise, difficulties may arise with the SES.

Property valuation

To determine the price of real estate, many people turn to a specialized organization. After examining the property, specialists give a professional assessment, taking into account all the main factors. The methods largely depend on the type of property.

You can specialize in only one area:

  • land;
  • Residential Properties;
  • commercial properties;
  • Construction in progress.

For your information: can become a source of stable income. More and more people are starting to trade. There are many advantages to this type of income.

Construction and repair

You can make a good profit when carrying out construction and repair work. To provide services at the individual level, there is no need to obtain a license or join self-regulatory organizations. You just need to decide on your field of activity.

There are many things you can do:

  • finishing of buildings;
  • installation of roofing coverings;
  • pouring foundations;
  • renovation of residential premises;
  • assembly of frame houses;
  • installation of fences and barriers;
  • construction of baths.

Insurance agency

The insurance business is quite a profitable undertaking, despite the high level of competition. A large number of services can be offered to clients. People can insure not only property, but also life, bank deposits, and liability in case of an accident.

For an insurance agency, it matters how potential clients are attracted. Advertising campaigns should contain not only information about the organization, but also information about the services offered.

Vending business

Recently, the vending machine business has been actively developing. They are installed in various places with high traffic. With their help, completely different products are sold, and there is no need to hire a salesperson, since all the work is done by the machine.

The success of a business will depend on the correctness of marketing research. You need to understand that the products that are supposed to be sold must be in demand in the place where the device is installed.

Let's sum it up

The types of profitable business in Russia listed above will help you determine the direction of business development. To increase the likelihood of success, it is necessary to choose profitable areas. In this case, the initial costs will pay off very quickly.

In small businesses, the main focus should be on the quality of the goods and services provided to end consumers. The competitive environment is of particular importance, so detailed marketing research should be conducted before starting.

Sergey Ivanisov is in touch again. I greet you with pleasure, friends. Our topic today is as timeless as the world, as interesting as the best Google search results, and as endless as the Internet itself. Let's talk about online business again. You know, no matter how many posts I write on this topic, I suspect that I am only touching on its top. How many opportunities to open your own business online exist now, and how many more will appear in the foreseeable future! Modern types of business on the Internet make it possible not only to exist comfortably – but to live to the fullest!

Having organized and promoted your own online business, get ready for the fact that those apartments, cars and resorts that just yesterday seemed out of your reach will be acquired and used with ease. But also be prepared for the fact that your business is your unplowed field, where you need to work hard, and not someone else.

And, following my habit, I am obliged to warn you so that you do not confuse business on the Internet - although these are similar things, in reality they are completely different.

1. Profitable business on the Internet: how to find it, how to do it?

What can I recommend here? Search with your heart. A little, of course, focus on demand, but more on your inner voice and your own preferences. A profitable business on the Internet is any one that you can promote. But how are you going to promote the topic of gardening, for example, if you can’t stand this business since childhood? If you have been turned off by it since those days when your parents sent you to the village to visit your grandmother every summer, to help hill potatoes and collect Colorado potato beetles on them. Yes, the days of parental dependence have passed, but the residue remains. Now you won’t be hilling anything, but you’ll have to write about it!

Therefore, choose a niche in which work will bring real pleasure, and not sad memories. Business requires a lot of work, sometimes even seven days a week, sometimes even 12 hours, but if the work brings pleasure and income, then who will count this time?

While you have not yet figured out how to do business on the Internet, let me give you a few examples - high-profile and very well-known examples. Notice how it all started.

2. Profitable business on the Internet: the beginning of the game

Do you think that Mark Zuckerberg, when inventing his Facebook, slept and saw how the resource brought him millions in income? Nothing like this. It is used as a toy, entertainment for friends. And look what a monster he has grown into now. Social networks are a very profitable business on the Internet. Now you’re sitting and thinking: why am I a fool didn’t think of creating such a social network 15 years ago... Now I would also be a millionaire...

In the same way, the creator of VK Pavel Durov and the creator of the dating site Markus Frind did not think about multimillion-dollar turnover, or anything at all. This guy, Marcus, had absolutely no idea that you could make money on the Internet - he developed his website as a non-profit project, independently, long and persistently, using the information that he got here - on the Internet.

What am I getting at? Again, don’t focus only on earning money, otherwise you’ll see dollars in your eyes, like Uncle Scrooge. Put your soul into your project, then the financial return will be stunning.

Another example: having created his own online store, the founder of the now very popular eBay auction Pierre Omidyar offered us the first lot for sale, a broken (!) laser pointer. You can’t say anything here - the developer was immediately focused on income. But he, apparently, did not expect that the broken thing would be bought, and so quickly. The shocked seller, having completed the purchase, could not help but ask why the buyer needed a broken pointer. The answer was simple: “I collect such things.” Hence the second conclusion: for every product there is a buyer.

As you can see, all successful Internet businessmen started their business easily, like a game, and as a result they received millions in income from their projects.

3. Online business options

If a person feels the strength and desire to open his own business online, the first obstacle on his way may be such a banal obstacle as a lack of understanding of what kind of business to start on the Internet.

“Everything seems to be already taken, and if you come up with something new, it’s not a fact that the idea will be in demand.” - I gave a standard example of stereotypical thinking, which always hinders development, and fear, which most failed millionaires use to justify their inactivity. But each of us is a potential millionaire. And everyone can become real. You just need to want it and start acting.

Just watch this video clip, and then I think you will be surprised how easy it is sometimes to become a millionaire:

Under no circumstances should you be afraid to try at least all the options for doing business on the Internet: nothing that someone is already doing this, nothing that there are many similar proposals and ideas. In any case, you will bring something of your own to a not new hackneyed idea, and it will become the author’s, recognizable, original.

What ideas are popular and work great now (they also brought profit to their owners a year and five years ago, and will continue to do so in the future).

Here is a simple navigator for you through online business niches, choose your path:

3.1. Classic online earnings - website creation and promotion

It would seem that everything has already been said a thousand times about this type of business; there is nothing new to add. But if you have chosen this particular type of business, then it would not be out of place to repeat the common truths of successful webmasters several times: You see that the Internet ceases to be exclusively a method of communication, it turns into an ideal tool for generating income. Moreover, your own website is a great way , or almost from scratch - at the creation stage, the resource requires little investment.

Popular types of business remain “on-site” options: design, creation of banners, optimization and promotion of sites, filling with content.

By the way, many people consider content (articles and photos) to be income rather than business, since most copywriters and photographers “sit” on stock exchanges and work for cheap. To transform copywriting into the status of a real business, I advise you to organize a posting agency: remotely or in a standard way, recruit a staff of several authors, create (again!) your own website with a list of services and price list, and serve webmasters.

3.2. Online stores

Well, who doesn’t know them, who hasn’t at least once used the services of online sellers? This type of business is so widespread and popular that it makes sense to talk about how advisable it is to open your own online retail outlet now (during a crisis!).

I should note that the most successful projects are born precisely in times of crisis - financial difficulties force sellers to be creative, simply to “spin”, retaining customers, and if they’re lucky, attracting new ones.

But, before you show “merchant agility” and invent new marketing moves, think about the main thing: what will you trade. During times of crisis, people’s banknotes noticeably decrease and they begin to save, so immediately discard the idea of ​​trading in luxury goods and focus on essential goods (clothing, children’s products) and food.

Online stock is one of the most popular and everlasting ideas: you buy high-quality imported clothes at the stock in kilograms, and sell them individually online.

Organic food products - become an intermediary between fans of non-GMO food and an ordinary farmer who grows such products, but has absolutely no time to deal with the intricacies of online trading. Either buy batches of products from him, package them beautifully and resell them, or refer buyers to him for a commission.

In a similar way, you can enter into a franchise agreement not with a little-known manufacturer, but with a well-known brand and promote its product in your region through yours. Internet business franchises, like offline ones, require the use of a trademark, but not ownership.

3.3. Trading

One of the new and yet unexplored areas of Internet business is trading in exchange-traded assets. Now people are hearing about making money on binary options, in particular on . And although most ordinary people perceive this type of earnings as a lottery “lucky or unlucky,” or even an outright scam, people who know how to analyze a combination of factors (economic, political, international) and draw objective conclusions based on this, which do not allow them to act at random, earn a lot on options regularly.

But to become one of the successful traders, you need to carefully study all the intricacies of this matter. It's not easy, but the results are worth the effort.

3.4. Infobusiness

Only the lazy do not know about this type of business. But, nevertheless, for the vast majority it remains a mystery how you can earn big money using one of your skills. I’ll tell you, perhaps repeating myself once again.

The information business on the Internet is based on the unique way of one person to quickly and effectively solve some problems that most people have. For example, you write texts quickly and competently and earn a lot of money from it. At the same time, you have your own personal way of how to write and not get tired, not repeat hackneyed phrases, quickly find customers and reach a higher level of payment for your work.

Tens of thousands of potential or real, but less successful copywriters want to know this. Share your experience with them - create an inexpensive book or course - people will buy it. You will earn money.

There are still a very large number of types of businesses and ideas for business on the Internet. I already said this at the beginning. But what if you still want to know about even more options?

  • First, let me remind you that my blog is far from the only source with such information;
  • Secondly, you can pay attention to the section: “a catalog of my ideas for business on the Internet” (coming soon) - here I list the most interesting and promising options that I found or that came to my mind.

4. Advantages of Internet business

There is an opinion (and it is not unfounded) that Internet business is the business of the future. More and more experienced businessmen are transferring their business to an online format, significantly increasing their client bases and profits. Newbies in business also tend to come here - many of them get off to a very successful start.

But you shouldn’t make any plans for the future; let’s talk about what advantages Internet business provides today and now, and why it is so relevant among beginners who sometimes don’t have an extra penny to spare.

  1. Some types of Internet activities do not require any financial investment at all. All you need is a computer and Internet access. By the way, I wrote more about these options in this article: “ “;
  2. When running a business on the Internet, it is quite possible to earn decent money alone, without hiring staff;
  3. A businessman working on the Internet is practically inaccessible to government agencies, and therefore independent. However, I note that you should not forget about paying taxes.

5. What kind of business am I in?

I want to say that if at the time of writing this article I had a capital of millions, so 100, or maybe 200 rubles, I would be involved in many areas of business. But, I was lucky, fate decreed that I start completely from scratch.

I created my website. Or to be more precise, a blog. Why a blog?

  1. A blog can be created with minimal contributions (maximum 1000 rubles);
  2. You can promote a blog yourself without any investment;
  3. Super results can be achieved in 2-3 years (100-500 thousand rubles/month);
  4. And most importantly, I am simply delighted with this type of activity.

I talked about the benefits of blogging in more detail in this article: “ “. Actually, this is all I have friends. I want each of you to successfully build your own business on the Internet. I'm sure most will succeed. Good luck to you!

Best regards, Sergey Ivanisov.

Money is where you need to think, not work

Business profit is the main criterion by which a future businessman chooses a field of activity.

In Russia, we can name several main types, whose profitability is amazing. But in other industries you can achieve financial success if you correctly assess the capabilities of the business environment.

Statistics for 2019

The main contribution to the GDP of any country in the world is made by large business, which accounts for the majority of financial, labor and other resources. In Russia, large businesses account for 70 to 80% of the national GDP, which is a very high figure compared to Western countries.

According to various estimates, the share of medium-sized businesses in Russia accounts for 10 to 12% of GDP. It is quite difficult to accurately identify this figure, since the general indicator is calculated for small and medium-sized businesses, which, by the way, is also quite contradictory. Having averaged data from several sources, such as Rosstat, banking organizations and well-established experts, the indicator for SMEs was determined at the level of 20-30% of the country’s GDP.

At the end of 2013, GDP growth in the Russian Federation amounted to 1.3%, with preliminary forecasts from 1.3 to 3.8% (World Bank). The largest share in GDP came from wholesale and retail trade and repairs ( 18,3% ), mining brought 10,8% GDP.

The maximum profitability was observed in the mining sector (24-33%) and chemical production (16.7%). In all areas of large business, there was a drop in profitability associated with a decrease in prices and consumption on world markets. The growth of the small and medium segment of the economy amounted to about 0.9% of GDP, although negative trends were observed here too.

GDP growth forecasts for 2019 were based on 4.3%, but due to the turbulent geopolitical situation and the general decline in economic indicators, the forecast was lowered to 3.7% (Ministry of Economy) and the IMF lowered its forecasts to 0.9%.

Experts predict industrial growth to be zero; wholesale and retail trade may grow by 2.1%.

In general, the statistics are not very reassuring and in all respects resemble the situation in 2013.

By scale

Based on its scale, business is divided into three categories: large, medium and small.

  • Large businesses include national and transnational companies with annual turnover over 1 billion rubles. and staff from 500 people.
  • To the average – regional companies conducting their business in one or several regions and having in their staff from 50 to 500 people and much smaller financial turnover ( up to 1 billion rubles).
  • Small businesses are small firms that have on their staff (depending on the type of activity) up to 50-100 people and annual turnover - up to 500 million rubles

Big business

In large business, oil and gas companies continue to be the most profitable. They are followed by large transport, chemical and metallurgical enterprises and banking enterprises.

Over the past few years, the profitability of these types of activities has been slowly but surely declining. And 2013 was marked by a sharp drop in profitability in all areas of large business.

The metallurgical industry fell especially sharply in price.

Some enterprises have crossed the profitability threshold in the opposite direction and were forced to close. This is due to the heavy dependence on demand and prices on world markets, which have fallen rapidly over the past couple of years.

Medium business

The most profitable medium-sized companies are rightfully considered to be communications enterprises, construction and transport companies, as well as firms working in the marketing and advertising services sector.

Recently, the healthcare industry has been rapidly approaching them, or rather the segment of private clinics, which show an average profitability of 10-15%.

Enterprises of retail and wholesale trade in consumer goods also demonstrate consistently good performance.

Small business

In the small business segment, it is difficult to single out a separate type of activity that can be considered the most profitable. Since the profitability indicators of many of them are very close.

Still, construction, installation and repair work are considered the most profitable; according to some data, their profitability can reach 80-90%.

Also highly profitable is the segment of public catering and consumption, consulting services ( 16,5%) . According to Forbes magazine, this also includes the services of chiropractors, dentists, as well as accounting and legal services, which have an average level of profitability within 13,5 – 16% .

To summarize, we can say that the basis of small business is the sphere of private services, which is the most profitable.

Business profitability depending on location

The size of the settlement cannot be ignored. It is clear that it is almost impossible to achieve the same heights in the same type of activity in Moscow and Tula. Experts have compiled their rating of the most profitable enterprises at different city levels.

In the metropolis

Megacities are characterized by a greater turnover of money and a higher standard of living, which also affects the profitability of various types of activities.

An important distinguishing feature of business in large cities is the very high level of competition.

Both large and small businesses are very well developed here.

The most profitable types of business activities include:

  • Construction and real estate work.
  • Sales of services in various fields.
  • Trade and catering.

The best profitability indicators are demonstrated by small companies providing services:

  • private audit,
  • private medicine (including cosmetology and dentistry),
  • accounting and tax calculations,
  • lawyer and notary offices,
  • small lending.

It is difficult to gain public success in big cities. Image means a lot here - it must be crystal clear. It is difficult to start in such conditions; impressive capital is required (even for a small enterprise).

In a small town

The profitability of a business in a small city can differ significantly from its counterparts in large populated areas.

For comparison: a fast food outlet in Moscow brings its owner about 3 million rubles. per year, and the same establishment in Belgorod earns no more than 100 thousand.

It all depends on the standard of living of the population, regional mentality, and competitive intensity in each specific city.

However, for almost all regions, the construction and repair and installation business, as well as funeral services, traditionally have good profitability. The last few years have seen a constant increase in demand for private consulting services in the regions, which are characterized by high profitability and very low start-up investments, which makes it very interesting for beginning businessmen.

In the village

The situation with the standard of living in rural areas still remains at a very low level. Therefore, business related to the provision of services is either not in demand here at all, or is demonstrating record low profitability.

Traditionally, good profitability indicators remain in agriculture and small trade. True, the trade niche has mostly already been occupied and there is no point in entering into competition with old-timers, but the products of small farms and crop production are in very good demand, thanks to trends towards a healthy lifestyle among the urban population.

Seasonal factor

When to start your own business is also an important question. Some activities have a very pronounced seasonality. Let's look at the most popular and profitable seasonal businesses.

In summer

Summer is a period of vacations, relaxation and not always justified spending of money. Almost all businessmen know this principle and use it.

The profitability level of summer businesses can reach up to 200%.

The first place in the list of the most profitable summer activities is taken by off-site sales of ice cream, kvass, beer and souvenirs. The level of income from such a point depends on a single factor - a good location. The more advantageous it is located, the higher the markup and the more sales.

Also a very profitable niche is entertainment services on the water and the beach. The highest incomes are observed in resort areas and public recreation areas near large cities.

in winter

The winter period also has its own seasonal types of business. Their profitability is correspondingly higher than average, as in any seasonal business.

These types of activities include:

  • Snow removal (with and without special equipment).
  • Organization of entertainment (snowmobiling, skiing, snowboarding, slides, open-air skating rinks).
  • Trade in hot drinks and fast food (pies, hot dogs, etc.)

The profitability of winter types of business is still inferior to their summer counterparts and ranges from 30 to 60%.

The location of the business is also important here, but this dependence is not as strong as in the summer, and business is linked mainly to large and medium-sized cities.

Rating of business ideas by gender

It is no secret that the attitude of women and men to choosing a business and its development is not the same. Although recently the gender factor has lost its relevance, differences still remain.

For women

Women have a more subtle perception of the world around them, better taste and greater perseverance than men. As a rule, a lady who decides to start a business rarely owns start-up capital, but has enviable persistence in achieving her goal. Therefore, the rating of business ideas is based on these advantages.

Among the private business options that do not require large initial investments and are the easiest to implement, women are more suitable:

  • Providing design services for interior planning in a private house, apartment, and arrangement of garden plots.
  • Making original decorations for the home, cottage, handmade body jewelry (so-called hand made, which has become very popular in recent years).
  • Freelancing (earning money on the Internet) – working with texts, photographs, design.
  • Making culinary products (cakes, cookies) and home-cooked dishes at home.
  • Nowadays, residents of big cities devote almost all their time to work and eat fast food, which everyone is tired of and is harmful to their health. Therefore, this type of service such as catering can be in great demand.
  • Production and sale through online stores of clothing, linen, bedding.

This does not mean that women can only earn money through manual, light work. The mental resources of the female business representatives are also in great demand. For example, a lady will be able to open and manage an accounting agency with greater ease.

For men

The best business ideas for men are related to those jobs that, due to physical characteristics, can only be performed by men, or those that are more effective when performed by men. They are also the most profitable, if done correctly.

These include:

  • “Husband for an Hour” services, specializing in minor household repairs.
  • Auto repair shops (from garage repairs to large service stations).
  • Consulting services.
  • Minor installation, repair and construction services.
  • Freelancing (copywriting, website development and promotion).

All of these types of activities have fairly high profitability, and most do not require capital investments, or even involve starting from scratch. The main requirement at the start of these types of activities is good qualifications and level of knowledge in the chosen direction.

However, you should not select an activity solely based on gender characteristics. It all depends on the personal characteristics of a particular person. No one can answer with certainty who is better able to cope with the role of a manager, for example, or a retail chain of stores. In the first place, you should put your own experience and awareness in the industry of interest.

international experience

International experience and trends in the country’s economy show that in the coming years the profitability of large businesses and its share in the country’s total GDP will decrease significantly, while the segment of medium and small businesses is expected to grow. But in the long term, the profitability of all types of business will decrease, this is due to increasing competition in all areas of activity.

The profitability indicators in the most developed countries are thought-provoking. Today, the average profitability of large US businesses is about 15%, and in the EU this figure is at the level 7-8% . At the same time, the profitability of small businesses is accordingly 25% in the USA and 16% in Europe.

The share of GDP that falls on small and medium-sized businesses is within 50-60%, which has a very good effect on the economy, because small businesses are not so dependent on prices on foreign markets and are more flexible in times of crisis.

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Forecast: which business will be the most profitable in the near future?

In Russia, in the coming years, the most profitable business will remain related to production and refining in the oil and gas industry. In the sphere of medium and small businesses, there is a noticeable trend in the growth of the share and profitability of service sector businesses (especially consulting, auditing, medical services), the niche of vending services (sale from a machine) remains half filled.

It is also worth noting business on the Internet, which demonstrates enormous growth rates and has great untapped potential in the markets of the CIS countries.

Experts expect growth in the call center segment, the production and sale of natural products, and Internet intermediation. So we can safely say that, despite working in a crisis, small and medium-sized businesses will grow and develop.

Choosing a field of work based solely on profitability indicators will not bear the expected fruits. If you are completely unfamiliar with the structure of the car. There's no point in opening a car repair shop. It is better to establish a mini-bakery, the technology of which was understood at a young age.

The main conclusion that a future businessman should draw from this article is this: those who work hard in a familiar field and never stop learning new things earn millions.

Current situation the situation with small businesses in Russia is deplorable. Someone has good ideas, but cannot implement them due to lack of initial capital, someone has financial capabilities, but is in search of a profitable niche or is stuck at the start due to bureaucracy, bribery, peculiarities of Russian legislation, etc. .

However, despite the poor economic and political situation in the country, it is quite possible.

The most promising business- this is one to which you can devote yourself completely, that is, your hobby can turn into something that you do with great pleasure. Do you have a good camera and love taking photos? Collaborate with photo studios, photograph holidays, ceremonies, weddings. Sports fan? Open your section. Children's ones are especially popular now. Can't tear yourself away from your computer? Become an internet entrepreneur.

Which business is better? TOP 10 most promising options:

1. Hostels

In modern Europe, at every step you come across hostels - mini-hotels that can accommodate up to 12 beds in one room.

It is worth noting that hostels are quite suitable for Russia and the most profitable.

What you will need to open a hostel:

  • Purchasing or renting premises;
  • Registration of individual entrepreneurs;
  • Opening a bank account;
  • Permission from municipal authorities;
  • Permission from the fire inspection and sanitary and epidemiological station;
  • Advertising and promotion.

What is the price


The costs include obtaining a permit for this type of activity and purchasing equipment. We budget an average of $350-450 for these purposes.
Another $70 or so will need to be invested in customer acquisition and supplies.


The level of income is influenced by the professionalism of the master, the location of the workshop, and the literacy of the advertising company. Payback – 3-6 months. Earnings – 300-600 dollars per month.

10. Tattoo parlor

You will need to rent premises, purchase equipment, hire a specialist and other expenses. Opening a tattoo parlor in a city with an average population will cost approximately 14-15 thousand dollars.

Equipment costs can be recouped in 6-12 months, that is, the income will be from 700-800 dollars per month, since the cost of these types of services is quite high.

Rating of the most profitable destinations for starting your own business in Russia

  • IT sphere. Global growth rates have been observed recently. This is due to the widespread spread of high technology among the population.
  • Mobile connection. One of the most highly profitable types of business.
  • Sales of natural resources. The most profitable business in the country.
  • Trade in consumer goods. You can get started with minimal investment.
  • Providing services to the population. You can start your business from scratch.

In fact, there are a huge number of good ones, for example, at the moment, there are already about 4,000 business ideas and more than 800 options for making money, which, if desired, can also be turned into a business.

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