How to count the day a child is conceived. Conception calculator. Methods for determining the best days to conceive

Every woman, especially when the moment of pregnancy approaches, should be attentive to her health. One part of this process is tracking your menstrual cycle and ovulation process. To make the process more efficient, we offer an online calculator that will allow you to determine favorable days for conceiving a child.

We suggest using the “Conception and Contraception Calendar” service - by indicating the initial data: the first day of the cycle and its duration, you can determine favorable days for conceiving a boy or girl, the beginning of the next cycle, ovulation. The conception calendar cannot guarantee a 100 percent result, since much depends on the body and everything is individual. The work of the calendar is based on average statistical data.

First day of the cycle:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2018 20 19

Your cycle:

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 days

Your calendar

Fill out the form above. Specify the first day of the cycle, the duration of the cycle and click “Calculate”


1 - first day of the cycle;

2 — beginning of the next cycle;

3 - safe sex;

4 — conditionally safe days;

5 - conception of a girl;

6 - conception of a boy;

7 - ovulation;

8 - poor health (PMS).

What is a calendar?

The conception calendar is an online form in which you only need to enter your first period and the duration of your cycle. The program itself will calculate when ovulation occurs, and which days will be the most successful for fertilization (and dangerous for some!).

To make the operation of the program that calculates the date of ovulation and pregnancy clear, we present the main factors that were taken into account when creating it:

  • For many women (although it all depends on the individual factor), ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle. The calculator calculates the middle of the time period after the start of menstruation and its end, and also makes calculations taking into account the most dangerous or, conversely, favorable days on which pregnancy may occur
  • Fertilization. Does not occur during menstruation and at the end of the cycle: conception almost does not occur these days

The calendar also calculates relatively safe days when pregnancy is unlikely. These are the days at the beginning and end of the cycle. In the middle of the cycle, the calculator marks the day of ovulation, and can also determine the day the next period begins.

To calculate the days of ovulation, you just need to enter your period data into the online calculator. After that, press the button, and the calculator itself will calculate the day of ovulation and the favorable day for conception. Of course, there is no guarantee that the data provided will be absolutely accurate, but they can roughly indicate to you the dangerous days on which ovulation occurs and the onset of pregnancy.

Calculation of the day of ovulation and potential pregnancy can be done for the whole year. This way you will know in advance when to plan sexual intercourse depending on whether you want to get pregnant or not.

The calendar form is very convenient to use. The required days are marked in different colors, so they are immediately noticeable. The pregnancy calendar will help you speed up the conception of a child and get closer to the long-awaited event.

How to determine the sex of the baby?

Any parent who wants to have a child thinks about how to calculate his gender. Traditional and folk medicine offer different ways for this.

A calculator for determining the sex of a child is another method, although it does not give 100% results. You can create a conception calendar for a girl or boy for yourself if you use the same pregnancy calendar. The conception calendar for a girl or boy is based on the theory that a girl is obtained if sperm enters the woman’s body before ovulation and stays there for several days. If sperm enters the body of the expectant mother immediately after ovulation, the result is a boy.

The calendar for conceiving a boy or girl, of course, also does not provide a 100% guarantee, but it allows you to get closer to the desired result. Doctors have proven that fertilization after ovulation leads to the birth of a boy, and before ovulation - a girl.

After you have found out the favorable days for conceiving a child and determined what gender the baby may turn out to be, it is time to plan your pregnancy.

In order to calculate dangerous or, conversely, favorable days for conception after menstruation or to determine the sex of the child, a woman will have to record some data about herself and her health. This data will help her create her own calendar for conceiving a boy or girl. However, it is worth remembering that the day of ovulation and favorable days for conceiving a child of one gender or another, calculated by an online calculator, are relative. Each woman’s body is individual and unique, and many more factors influence the determination of the child’s sex.

If a woman has realized that she is ready for motherhood, and at a family council with her husband it was decided that it is time to have a baby, couples often wonder when is the best time to conceive a child. There are many methods that help determine which days are favorable for conception: calendar and vaginal, test or ultrasound, traditional methods or a special calculator. A fairly common method is the child’s conception calendar, which will have to be kept for about three months.

Every parent wants their future baby to be healthy and smart, so spouses often plan in advance, choosing the best time to conceive a child. Moreover, often this is not just a favorable period for conception, but also a complex of other factors. A responsible approach to the issue of pregnancy is required. Sometimes even the best time of year matters.

Attention! Scientists have proven that mothers who give birth to their first baby before the age of 22 have a minimal risk of developing breast cancer.

Experts consider the optimal age for women to conceive a child to be 20-26 years old. This is the most suitable period for the birth of your first baby, because the first birth at the age of 30 can be complicated by unforeseen deviations. And at the age of 20, it is much easier for the body to recover after childbirth; the duration of the postpartum period at this age is shorter and it proceeds much easier.

Regarding the season when it is best to conceive a child, there are no generally accepted standards. Each season has its own disadvantages and advantages, so the choice of which month is best to conceive a child remains with future parents. If fertilization occurs in the summer, then the birth will occur in the spring months, when the woman experiences vitamin deficiency and cold attacks, and the last months of pregnancy, when the body is most enlarged, will occur during the period of frost. Therefore, the calculation should be made taking into account that you will need warm clothes of a larger size, because it is necessary for a pregnant woman to walk in the fresh air. And when walking, you will have to take into account the presence of ice, which is dangerous if you fall. Therefore, these months are not the most favorable time for the last trimester.

If the date of conception of the child is calculated in the fall, then the birth will occur in the summer months. The disadvantage of such a pregnancy is the tense first months, when the mother needs to protect herself from colds and taking medications that negatively affect fetal development. But there is a certain advantage to such a pregnancy: the baby will be born in the summer, so you won’t have to wrap your baby in a bunch of clothes and constantly worry about how well he is dressed.

How does the conception process occur?

In order to correctly calculate the best days to conceive a child, it is worth familiarizing yourself in more detail with the process of conception - how it happens, phases, etc. Conventionally, experts divide the process of conception into several cycles: ovulation, fertilization and transportation of the fertilized egg to the uterine cavity for consolidation. For ovulation to occur, a mature egg is required. In order for it to mature successfully, it needs the influence of FSH, and for its successful release, luteinizing hormone is needed.

With normal hormonal status, in the middle of the cycle, a mature female cell leaves the ovary, i.e., the ovulatory process occurs, after which, as a rule, the cell is sent to the uterine cavity. The whole process takes several hours, therefore, in order to catch the moment favorable for pregnancy, it is necessary that the sperm is already in the uterus or tube when the egg moves through it. After the release of seminal fluid, sperm can live in the uterus and tubes for another 2-3 days. It turns out that every month when a woman ovulates, the most favorable days for conceiving a child occur. The duration of these favorable days is about 72 hours.

So, the period of ovulation has passed and the sperm has met the cell. But in order to become pregnant, sperm must penetrate the cell membrane. A group of sperm dissolves this membrane and only one penetrates inside, after which the sperm unites with the cell and a zygote is formed, which begins to rapidly divide into many cells, uniting into a cavity with liquid and an embryo inside. All these processes take place while the cell is implanted into the uterine cavity, in order to then gain a foothold in it. Usually implantation occurs on days 20-22 of the cycle. After consolidation, we can assume that conception has occurred.

How to determine the optimal date of conception

Sexual intercourse performed just before the start of the ovulatory process is favorable for conceiving a child, so that the sperm have enough time to reach the cell. If you correctly calculate the date of conception, then pregnancy will definitely happen. If you accurately calculate at what time the cell is released and actively engage in sexual intercourse on these days, then the chances of pregnancy will be maximum. How to determine favorable days for conception?

How to correctly calculate the optimal day for conception? It is necessary to accurately determine the ovulatory period. Since the cell lives only half a day, sexual intimacy a day or two before ovulation is more preferable than after it. After all, sperm need some time to get to the right place. The best way to calculate the day of ovulation, according to most women, is based on measurements in the basal temperature chart and special ovulation tests. In order to accurately calculate the period of conception, a woman is recommended to keep a basal schedule for at least three cycles, determining the exact days of ovulation. Using the data obtained, you can create a calendar for conceiving a child and calculate the optimal days for this.

Conception calendar - what is it?

You can create a calendar yourself or use an online application, which also quite accurately allows you to identify dangerous days for women who do not want to get pregnant or favorable days for those especially expecting a baby. To roughly imagine the work of such a program, which carries out calculations, determining days that are safe for conception, the time of ovulation and the best days for pregnancy, let’s take a look at the factors on the basis of which it was created.

For almost all women, ovulatory processes occur approximately in the middle of the cycle. The online program makes calculations, identifying the middle of the cycle, and based on the calculated result, it determines favorable and dangerous days for pregnancy. The program also takes into account that fertilization cannot occur at the end of the cycle and during menstruation. These days are considered safe. Such calculators help determine on what days the next ovulation will occur, menstruation will begin, etc.

To calculate the time of release of a mature cell using the conception calendar, you simply need to enter data about the last menstruation and the duration of the cycle. The calculator will give results based on the date of conception, ovulation, when a woman has a good chance of pregnancy, and when having sex will not lead to conception. It cannot be argued that the results provided are impeccably accurate, but they allow us to roughly determine dangerous and safe days for fertilization. Conceiving a child according to the calendar can be calculated a year in advance, then it will be easier for a woman to navigate when to plan protected or unprotected sexual relations, depending on the ultimate goal. Such calendars are quite easy to use; they often have certain days colored in the right colors, which makes working with the program much easier. Using calendar data, you don’t have to look for how to calculate the date of ovulation or conception.

Is it possible to calculate the gender of the baby?

Different parents have different approaches to pregnancy planning, some are glad that the long-awaited conception happened at all, but for others it is important what gender the children born will be. The conception calendar can even calculate the days when the time is most favorable for conceiving a daughter or son. Such calculations have a completely logical explanation.

  • Sperm containing a male chromosome set are distinguished by their nimble nature, they move faster and are more active. But such sperm live much shorter than “tadpoles” with a female chromosome set.
  • If sexual intimacy takes place during the ovulatory period (with a 28-day cycle, approximately 14 days before the expected start of subsequent menstruation), then the spouses increase the likelihood of conceiving a boy. If a couple really wants to give birth to a girl, then it is recommended to have sexual contact a couple of days earlier.

But such a rule, unfortunately, does not always work. The fact is that today it is very difficult to find absolutely healthy people; each of the future parents has some kind of health disorder, including reproductive health. All this affects the speed of spermatozoa. If a partner has an acid-base imbalance in organic structures, in particular in the reproductive system, or her cervical and vaginal secretions, under the influence of pathological factors, have changed their composition to be more aggressive for sperm, then their motor activity may seriously decrease. Also, the “live men” lose their rate of fire if the man is in a state of severe physical fatigue.

So, the time favorable for the desired pregnancy has been determined, the spouses are ready, everything seems to have been done correctly, but conception still did not occur. To increase the chances of successful fertilization, it is recommended to follow some tips.

Men should avoid hot baths, steam rooms and saunas, because excessive heat can have a detrimental effect on sperm and simply destroy them. Also, it is better for future fathers to avoid horseback riding and cycling, which is associated with the negative impact of constant friction of the scrotum on sperm. Taking various kinds of steroid drugs, various stimulants for building muscle mass and other pills that bodybuilders are addicted to today is strictly prohibited. You will have to stop taking them at least six months before the planned conception.

There are also restrictions for women. It is better to give up various paraphernalia for sex, such as stimulating lubricants and creams, because such products often change the vaginal environment, which leads to the death of sperm. Any douching can have a similar effect, so it is also better to avoid them while trying to conceive. The position also matters, for example, in the missionary position, sperm loss will be minimal, but penetration into the vagina, on the contrary, will be maximum. And to consolidate the effect, it is better for your partner to lie on her stomach for a while after sex.

As you can see, the favorable time for conception depends on many factors that must be taken into account. Therefore, planning a pregnancy requires the most serious and responsible approach, then you will get exactly the results you have been waiting for so long.

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You can create an individual ovulation calendar. To do this, enter the parameters of your cycle and click on the button. The calculator is free to use. Results can be sent by email or printed.

Ovulation calculator with baby gender prediction

Calculation option:

Prediction of baby's gender:

Start date of last menstruation:

Start date of penultimate menstruation:

Cycle duration:

The duration of the cycle is from 21 to 35 days. On average 28 days.

28 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 days

Duration of menstruation:

The duration of menstruation is from 2 to 7 days. On average 5 days.

5 2 3 4 5 6 7 days

Number of months for calculation:

6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 months

Having decided to give birth to a baby, a woman will have to undergo many preliminary procedures, preparing the body for the process of childbirth. But among other things, you will need to develop your own ovulation calendar, based on well-known facts and principles for its compilation.

What is a female ovulation calendar?

The female ovulation calendar represents the marked dates of menstruation, ovulation and favorable dates for conception. To master the principles of compiling it, you need to clearly understand how ovulation occurs, what precedes it, and which days can be effective for fertilization.

How do ovulation processes occur?

Every body produces an egg every month. There are situations when two or more of them can form, but such cases are rare. Under normal conditions, the processes proceed in this order:

  1. Several fluid-filled vesicles appear in the ovary. This occurs immediately after the onset of bleeding during menstruation.
  2. One bubble begins to develop rapidly, increasing in size.
  3. The birth of a future cell occurs in it, which gradually forms until the follicle reaches 20-25 mm. The remaining bubbles have already disappeared by this time.
  4. The cell breaks through the membrane of the vesicle, freeing itself. At this moment, she already fully meets the characteristics of the egg and is ready for the fertilization procedure.
  5. Once in the genital tract, it gradually moves forward. If contact with male cells occurs, it will approach the uterus and penetrate the endometrium. Upon successful implantation, the process of embryo development begins.
  6. In the absence of sperm, the cell dies after 24 hours. Its remains are excreted with menstrual bleeding.
  7. The corpus luteum grows at the site where the membrane ruptures. It is necessary for the production of a hormone that affects the normal development of the embryo and the fertilization process.

At each stage, the body is affected by a different type of hormone, the content of which increases during a specific period. Under their influence, some physiological characteristics also change, by which a woman can easily recognize the processes occurring in her.

The video clearly demonstrates the process of ovulation, follicle formation, its rupture and release of the egg.

Preliminary calculations and observations

Today you can download an ovulation calendar or calculate it yourself. In any case, you need to know your indicators, for which you should monitor your body for some time. You need to purchase a calendar and color in the dates of your menstruation. Based on the marked dates, it is easy to make certain calculations and clarify the following points:

  • By counting the number of days between the marked numbers, a woman will find out the length of her cycle. This is a key indicator for calculating ovulation. Normally it is 25-29 days, but some deviations are possible. If the indicator is 21 or 35 days, you need to consult a gynecologist. A short or long parameter indicates abnormal functioning of the body. Perhaps you just need to lead a healthier life or change your diet, or maybe you need to take a course of vitamins or hormones to bring your rhythms back to normal.
  • It is necessary to compare the length indicator in different months. Ideally, it should be the same with an error of one day. If the fluctuations in the length of the rhythm in a woman are very significant, this indicates irregularity. Failures can be caused by stress, taking hormonal medications, or changes in living conditions (climate). If, after eliminating the cause, the rhythms do not return to normal, a more in-depth examination should be carried out followed by treatment. There is no need to worry about a one-time failure; a single incident does not indicate a problem. In a healthy body, a one-time failure is quite possible once a year.
  • Observe the progress of menstruation. If the bleeding has the same characteristics every time, profuseness, frequency, duration, there is not much to worry about. If jumps are observed, this may indicate a disease. Different characteristics of menstruation are normal only for a young girl at the stage of developing function or for an adult woman during menopause.

Drawing up an ovulation calendar

So, by marking the dates and monitoring the main characteristics of the cycle, a woman receives her menstrual calendar. On its basis, an ovulation calendar is compiled, using which it is quite simple to calculate favorable dates for productive acts.

Phases of the female cycle

To draw up an ovulation schedule, you need to understand when the cell is released in a particular case. Experts divide the female cycle into two phases:

  • Follicular. It begins on the first day of menstruation and ends with the release of the cell.
  • Luteal. Lasts from ovulation until the start of menstruation.

Ovulation itself occurs between them and lasts about 1-3 days. The first period is different in length for each woman. The speed of follicle development depends on the level of estrogen and its increase in the required proportions with gradual growth.

But the second period is the same for everyone. This is explained by the time it takes for the corpus luteum to function. It is a ruptured graafian vesicle, the walls of which collapse (after the cell exits), and due to lipids and luteal pigment, it changes color to yellow. After the death of the cell, the corpus luteum ceases to produce the hormone necessary for the development of pregnancy and is structurally destroyed. In total it takes 14 days. In exceptional cases, indicators of 12-13 days are found, but this is rare.

Calculation of days of ovulation

To create an ovulation calendar and calculate favorable days for conception, it is necessary to determine on what date the follicle ruptures. Knowing the second indicator, it is easy to determine the first one: subtract 14 from the cycle. For example, with a length of 27 days, the cell will be ready for fertilization on the 13th day (27-14 = 13) after the start of menstruation.

Thus, on your calendar you can count the resulting number from the previously marked menstrual dates and color in the ovulation days for each month. If, according to early observations, the woman’s processes proceeded rhythmically, it is easy to prescribe the forecasts:

  • dates of menstruation, counting the length of the cycle from previous ones
  • dates of ovulation, adding the length of the calculated first phase to the days of menstruation

Online calendar – ease of use

If you don’t want to do the calculations yourself, you can get a calendar online, but you need to know how to calculate ovulation in women. Today such a service is very widespread and accessible. You need to enter your criteria into the calculator parameters:

  • duration of intermenstrual periods
  • start date of last menstruation
  • duration of bleeding
  • number of months to create a calendar

The calculator works based on the same formulas and algorithms that we discussed above, and therefore will show a similar result. After the analysis, the woman will receive calendars for the following months with the dates already marked on them. This is very convenient and allows you to save the result for observations and planning. On the days painted on them, it is also necessary to carry out productive acts if there is a desire to conceive a baby. But due to errors in calculations and the peculiarities of cell life, acts can be assigned earlier than this date.

Such calendars also help to monitor rhythms and disruptions. For example, if menstruation occurs earlier or later than the specified date, it is clear that the date of ovulation will change and must be recalculated.

Conception calendar for a boy or girl

If you want to calculate the ovulation calendar online using our calculator, then you can order a forecast regarding the sex of the newborn, which depends on the date of sexual intercourse and fertilization. To do this, just put a tick in the appropriate box in the line “turn on gender prediction”. As a result, the following marks will be placed on the calendar for each month:

  • days of menstruation
  • numbers conducive to conceiving a girl (3 days)
  • numbers on which conception will result in the birth of a boy
  • egg release day

Based on the data obtained, it can be seen that a girl is predicted if the act is carried out three days the day before ovulation, and a boy is predicted directly on this day, the next and the day before. It is worth noting that this forecast was not invented, but identified by specialists.

Features of predicting the baby's gender

To understand the factors influencing the assignment of sex chromosomes to a male or female type, you need to remember the basics of anatomy:

  • XX: if a sperm with X chromosomes makes contact with a female cell, the embryo becomes female;
  • XY: fertilization with Y sperm produces a son.

The female cell itself does not have any effect on the sex. This is due to the presence of only X chromosomes. So we know what type of male cell we need. How can I influence him to carry out fertilization? It's quite simple if you know the characteristics of each of them.

The best days to conceive a boy

If we need to create an ovulation calendar for conceiving a boy, we should be guided by the following concepts:

  • Y cells are very fast and mobile. They easily outpace X-cells, which are not their competitors in speed.
  • Y lives extremely short - only a day.

Knowing these factors, it is clear that when the sperm enters, the cell must already be in the genital tract. In this case, Y will easily catch up with her, but X will not have time. Therefore, the best days to conceive a son are the exact moments of ovulation. In the online calendar, the days before and after are taken, because the specific moment of the appearance of the cell is not easy to determine only by calculations. And she only lives for a day, as we remember. The woman herself has the opportunity to confirm this point in several ways:

  • Run tests. The easiest way is to look at the change in shade on the strip, which is characteristic of a surge in LH levels. And this happens on the eve of follicle rupture.
  • The appearance of specific secretions. Before the bubble ruptures, the mucus, under the influence of increased estrogen concentration, significantly dilutes and appears outward. Due to its absence in the first period of the cycle, this fact cannot be ignored. Mucus is characterized by transparency, thickness and abundance. During other periods, there is no discharge of this type, as other hormones act.
  • Swelling of the mammary glands. It is observed immediately after the vesicle ruptures, when the hormone progesterone acts.

The best days to conceive a girl

If you need to create an ovulation calendar and calculate the best days to conceive a girl, you need to be guided by the following knowledge:

  • The Y cell dies within a day.
  • X cells live up to 3 days, less often – up to 4-5 days.

Based on this, in order for Y to have no chance, the sperm must be inside some time before the female cell appears there. Ideally, she would be “born” when all Y had already died. Then the slower X will no longer have competitors. Therefore, in order to give birth to a daughter, you need to schedule productive acts a couple of days before the expected ovulation.

Increasing the likelihood of having a boy or girl

Since in this situation the methods for identifying the exact day mentioned above are not relevant, you can confirm your calculations in other ways. Ultrasound will be the most reliable. The doctor monitors the growth of the follicle, starting 5-9 days after menstruation. Based on the rate of its growth and hormone content, it will determine the date of ovulation in advance.

You can independently identify this point using a reusable device that shows structural changes in the salts contained in human saliva. For one month you can observe the strokes every day and see how the drawing gradually changes. So the woman will understand that in her case, a pattern of dotted lines and several clear lines indicates a rupture of the follicle in 1-2 days.

Rectal temperature measurements can also be used. In this case, you need to keep a diary of observations and draw a graph. A sharp drop in temperature indicates the imminent approach of the desired moment, and a sharp increase in the indicator after this indicates the exit of the cell.

Having compiled a personal calendar for ovulation and conceiving a baby of the desired gender, you need to know about additional opportunities. In particular, each type of male cell requires certain microorganisms and through the consumption of products containing them, it is possible to improve their habitat and increase viability. In particular:

  • For a boy: fill the diet with foods containing sodium and potassium and reduce those containing calcium. It is better to include in the diet: meat products, sausages, smoked meats, fish, egg whites, potatoes, rice, semolina, mushrooms, lentils, peas, dates, prunes, bananas, cherries, apricots, mineral water with soda.
  • For girls, products containing large amounts of calcium are more relevant: sour cream, milk, eggs, cottage cheese, almost all vegetables and fruits, peanuts, hazelnuts, chocolate, cocoa, honey. It is worth limiting meat, especially pork and beef, and salt intake. Eat bread and pastries without yeast.

Of course, you shouldn’t create your diet yourself. The child must receive all microelements and vitamins, and therefore it is better to coordinate the menu with the doctor. Don't be afraid to eat foods from the second list. Only excessive and constant consumption poses a danger; with normal and small doses it has no effect.

Today it is proposed to predict gender by blood groups or by its renewal in parents. The first option is quite reliable, but has some exceptions. The second is based on the understanding that a person’s fluid is systematically renewed. This happens every three years for girls and every 4 years for the stronger sex. If you count these years from the year of birth to the present, you can identify the spouse whose blood was the last to rejuvenate. It is believed that the baby will be of the same gender as this spouse, because its cells are stronger and more active. If there was a large blood loss (or childbirth), then the calculations need to be made from the year when this happened. At this point, rejuvenation happened out of plan.

Many today trust special tables that predict gender based on the month of conception. These tables were compiled a long time ago and have their adherents. Working with them is easy and clear:

  • Chinese. The lines indicate the years of the expectant mother. You need to find your line and follow the months (marked in the vertical columns) when a son or daughter is predicted.
  • Japanese. First, you need to find the control figure based on your and your spouse’s birth months. Based on this figure, analyze the prediction for each month. It is presented in the form of probability ratios for conceiving a son or daughter.

How reliable they are has been debated for a long time, but if you wish, you can try this option. Of course, it is better to “fix” it with your knowledge regarding the viability of sperm and be guided by calculations.


By making an ovulation calendar online or on her own, a woman has the opportunity to designate the best moments for conception, even with the possibility of influencing gender. In addition, with the calendar it is easy to monitor your rhythms and detect deviations and failures in time. If a woman is not currently interested in pregnancy, she can be guided by the calendar to know the most “dangerous” days for unprotected acts.

For several months ahead, use our calculator! You can include a prediction of the gender of the unborn child in order to additionally highlight in the calculation results the days on which the likelihood of conceiving a boy or girl is higher.

Ovulation calculator with baby gender prediction

Calculation option:

Prediction of baby's gender:

Start date of last menstruation:

Start date of penultimate menstruation:

Cycle duration:

The duration of the cycle is from 21 to 35 days. On average 28 days.

28 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 days

Duration of menstruation:

The duration of menstruation is from 2 to 7 days. On average 5 days.

5 2 3 4 5 6 7 days

Number of months for calculation:

6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 months

The release of a mature cell into the female reproductive tract is called ovulation, which our online calculator will help you calculate. But being able to determine these moments herself is very important for a woman, because it helps to plan her life and control the normal course of internal processes.

Observations of the body

First, let's look at what a calendar and ovulation calculator are. Often these are the days of expected ovulation marked on a monthly calendar. It is often called a calculator because of the need to calculate date data. Typically, an existing menstrual calendar is used for this to make it easier to control cycles. There are also online calculators, the operating principles and actions of which we will discuss below.

To determine ovulation, a calculator and a calendar are our first assistants. When preparing for a happy event, a girl needs to start a calendar in advance in which to color in the first days of her period.

Based on this information, you can make calculations, obtain important indicators and even conclusions regarding the normality of current processes:

  • Cycle length. By calculating the number of days between the marked numbers, you can calculate this important indicator. It should be in the range of 25-30 days. For other values, you should consult your gynecologist. Perhaps some problems or disturbances occurred in the body, which affected the length of the cycle. The ideal standard is 28 days.
  • Regularity. It is necessary to compare the indicators for different months. Normally they should be equal. A deviation of 1 day is possible. If a failure occurs once (no more than once a year), this does not cause concern if after this the cyclicity returns to normal. With different values ​​in each period, the cycle is considered irregular. This does not always indicate health problems, but getting tested and getting the opinion of your doctor will not hurt. The inconvenience of such a rhythm is the difficulty in detecting ovulation, which is not easy to calculate on a calculator in case of an irregular cycle. This often requires more serious observations and methods.
  • Duration of bleeding. Typically, 3-7 days is normal, provided that it does not change monthly. The same degree of shade, density and abundance throughout the day is also considered confirmation of the normality of reproductive function.

Ovulation period calculations

Having preliminary indicators, creating an ovulation and conception calculator and calculating the best moments for it is quite simple. There is a special formula developed by specialists based on observations of the processes of cell generation. To understand where the numbers in the formula come from, you need to understand the phases and their length.

Phases of the menstrual cycle

Each time a woman’s cycle includes three periods:

  • Follicular. A follicle forms in the ovary, significantly increasing in growth from 5-9 days after menstruation. A cell is born in it, which, when it reaches a size of 22-24 mm, is considered mature. The time of growth and ripening is different for each and depends on the level of estrogen and the rate of its increase as the cell develops. The average is 11-16 days.
  • Ovulation. Having reached the peak of maturity, the cell breaks the walls of the follicle and passes into the fallopian tube. Her path lies towards the uterus and it is advisable for her to meet sperm at this time for fertilization to occur. The phase depends on the lifespan of the cell - 24-36 hours.
  • Luteal. It is characterized by the growth of the corpus luteum at the site of rupture of the membrane. It produces a hormone that prepares the uterus to accept an embryo. In the absence of fertilization, the cell dies and the corpus luteum is structurally destroyed. The duration of the period is 14 days.

That is why such an accurate calculation of ovulation and a calculator or a well-designed calendar is necessary - after all, the cell lives only for a day and a delay will lead to the need to expect conception as early as the next month.

So, we found out the length of each period. It can be seen that only the last one is identical for all girls. There are, of course, exceptions when the luteal phase lasts 11 or 12 days, but this phenomenon is very rare.

Formula for calculating the day of ovulation

Therefore, the formula sounds like this: you need to subtract 14 days from the length of the cycle. The resulting indicator indicates the size of the first stage and helps to understand the moment of ovulation. Let's consider an example of a calculation algorithm:

  • If a girl’s last bleeding occurred on the 12th, and the normal length corresponds to 29 days, then the calculation is as follows: 29-14=15.
  • Now you need to count 15 days from the 12th (the value of the calculated first period). That turns out to be 27.
  • The calculator shows the expected day of ovulation on the 27th of the current month.
  • It is necessary to plan your sex life taking into account the reserve: every day in the period 25-28.

The margin is required not only to take into account some errors. It is associated with the life of cells. Since a woman lives for 24 hours, fertilization is possible even after she leaves the follicle. And some male cells live up to 3 days, i.e. can function normally for a couple of days until the follicle ruptures and the cell appears in the fallopian tube.

The video talks about the most common and reliable ways to determine ovulation

Irregular cycles - how to confirm ovulation

If a girl’s rhythms are irregular, a mathematical calculation can be carried out according to the following principle:

  • Compare cycle values ​​over several months.
  • Select the minimum value.
  • Take it into account in the formula.

It is clear that in this situation, calculating the days of ovulation on a calculator and drawing up a calendar for several months is problematic. The calculation occurs only for one month, after which you need to confirm it with additional methods or based on your feelings.

The structure of discharge during ovulation

The day the follicle ruptures is best characterized by discharge from the cervix - thick, profuse, viscous. They are compared to egg white due to their external and structural similarity. It is not possible to confuse them with other types of mucus, since they are practically absent from the beginning of menstruation. Let us recall how the structure of mucus changes at different moments:

  • Follicular period. The mucus thickens due to the influence of estrogen. It does not appear outwardly, which is why this time is called “dry”. The function of mucus in this phase is to protect the uterus from the effects of microbes, because it forms a kind of “plug.” This also makes it difficult for sperm to advance, since now they are not needed due to the absence of a cell. By the time the bubble matures, the secretions liquefy and slightly leak out.
  • Ovulation. A certain hormonal balance is created: estrogen is reduced, progesterone increases, luteinizing hormone splashes out when the follicle ruptures. This changes the discharge to "egg white". This structure is most favorable for the movement of sperm. Even if the ovulation calculator for conception failed, then having noticed such discharge, you can safely diagnose the imminent release of the cell. The period lasts 1-3 days, i.e. both before and after the breakup.
  • Luteal phase. The concentration of progesterone increases, the mucus thickens again. It does not differ in abundance and practically remains unnoticed. Before menstruation, there may be slight liquefaction and a watery texture.

Changes in the mammary glands after ovulation

After the cell exits, when progesterone intensifies its effect in order to prepare the uterus for receiving an embryo and the breast for feeding, a slight enlargement of the mammary glands is observed. The breasts may become tender and slightly painful. This will also indicate the presence of a cell in the genital tract.

Tests, measurements and medical procedures to confirm ovulation

Additionally, girls with irregular processes can use tests, rectal temperature measurement (keeping a chart) and be observed with an ultrasound.

The last option is the most reliable in this situation, since the doctor will inform you in advance about the moment of follicle rupture.

Online payments - features and capabilities

Having the calculated indicators at hand, you will need to enter them into the columns of the calculator:

  • Last date of menstruation
  • Cycle duration
  • Number of days of bleeding
  • Set months for calculation

As a result, the girl has calendars for the number of months she ordered with the dates already marked: menstruation and expected ovulation. The convenience of the service is undeniable. By saving or printing the result, you can easily control your life and plan important activities for conception. Of course, one should not forget about the error when confirming the marked dates.

If the girl did not make observations, nothing will prevent her from making calculations if she remembers the dates of two menstruation. Having chosen this ovulation calculation, you only need to enter two numbers into the online calculator. Having received the result, you can already conduct analytics and note discrepancies. This way you can identify deviations, re-calculate cycles and make a new calculation based on current data.

Calculating ovulation using an online calculator for irregular cycles

If the cycle is not regular, you need to enter its shortest length. In this situation, you need to be prepared for a large degree of error in the received calendars. Since calculations are not relevant for a girl with a lack of regularity, she should use the basal schedule method, guided by the following rules:

  • Take your temperature rectally every morning.
  • Mark it as a point on the graph.
  • After the period has passed, connect the dots.
  • The moment when the curve drops sharply indicates that the moment of follicle rupture is approaching.
  • Almost immediately after this, a sharp “peak” occurs, indicating the release of the egg.

Starting next month, the girl will be able to accurately identify these “peaks” and plan sexual intercourse. You need to be prepared that any external factor can affect the temperature. Therefore, it is recommended to take measurements first, without even leaving the bed. When consuming alcohol or taking medications, you need to make a note if the indicators differ in order to understand what caused the change.

This graph can confirm or refute the calculation data of the online ovulation calculator. By the way, you can even see on it the moment of attachment of the embryo to the uterus. But changes in values ​​occur in tenths of a degree, which makes it difficult to recognize the result from the graph.

Calculating the sex of the child by ovulation date using a calculator

Our calculator offers girls an additional opportunity to calculate the sex of the child based on the date of ovulation.

The following numbers are marked on calendars:

  • Three days when you are most likely to conceive a daughter.
  • Two days are optimal for my son;
  • The day of ovulation is the probability of having a son.

These parameters are scientifically substantiated and depend on the characteristics of male cells that affect the sex of the embryo. But it is worth understanding that mathematical data is subject to error and does not take into account some additional factors.

Predicting the baby's gender - what you need to know

If you want to influence the gender of your child, it is better to do the calculation yourself by adjusting the indicators of the online advisor. So, first you need to remember which chromosomes determine the sex of the embryo and their main characteristics:

  • XY is a male embryo, obtained by fertilization of a female cell (X) with male cells that are endowed with Y chromosomes.
  • XX – female embryo, when fertilized by male X-type cells.

To correctly use an online ovulation calculator to conceive a girl or boy, you need to remember a few simple characteristics inherent in each type of male cell:

  • Y: active, fast, mobile. Under equal conditions, X-cells will be much ahead and will reach the goal sooner. They live extremely short lives - up to 24 hours.
  • X: do not differ in speed, move through the genital tract slowly. They are distinguished by great vitality - up to 3 days. Sometimes – up to 5 days.

So we know all the information needed to make a forecast. Now it is important to figure out at what point it is better to plan sexual intercourse in order to get the desired effect.

Conception of a boy

Experts recommend that we use an ovulation calculator to conceive a boy, prescribing sexual intercourse precisely at the moment the cell is released, or when it is already in the sexual tract. Let's look at what happens:

  • The cell is already in the desired position or is about to approach it.
  • Y cells quickly overtake her, leaving X far behind.
  • Fertilization occurs.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. We are offered to carry out the act on the day before and immediately after. In the second case, there is no need to refuse the act in order to confirm the result. But it should not be considered the main date, because the female cell may already disappear, since it only lives for 24 hours. If you choose the day before, you need to be clearly sure that the cage will come out. For example, if tests have confirmed a rupture or specific discharge has already appeared. If there is no indirect evidence, it is not worth the risk, otherwise the Y-cells may not wait for the female one (they live 24 hours, as we remember).

Conception of a girl

To conceive a girl based on the date of ovulation, the online calculator advises us a few days before. Ideally, choose a date 2 days before the expected appearance of the cell and not repeat the acts later. In this case, the following processes occur:

  • A day after the act, Y-type cells die. At this time, there is no woman yet, so the conception of a son is excluded.
  • A day later, a cell appears in the reproductive tract, where slow X-cells have long since reached and are waiting.
  • Fertilization occurs with the predestination of the female gender.

All days that the online forecast offers can be used in this situation. It’s just that you shouldn’t expect a significant effect from earlier acts. Most likely, X-cells will not be able to last that long, because their maximum lifespan, 5 days, is extremely rare.

How to increase the likelihood of gender prediction

The whole difficulty is that you need to very clearly understand when ovulation occurs in order to calculate a favorable day for conceiving a girl using a calculator. Indeed, in this situation, neither tests nor observations will help - they show the day before, but 10-24 hours in advance, and we need a larger reserve of time. Therefore, here it is worth contacting specialists to trace your processes on an ultrasound. 2-3 days before the rupture, the doctor will already know the moment, based on the speed of follicle growth.

You can also use microscope devices that analyze saliva. They are able to show changes in salt crystals the day before and on the day of ovulation. It is enough to follow the crystal patterns for one month every day before ovulation in order to unmistakably understand in the next month which pattern occurs 2 days before it.


Knowing how to make a calendar and correctly calculate the moment of cell appearance, you can safely predict the best periods for conception, even having the opportunity to predetermine the gender of your baby. In general, an online ovulation calculator helps you monitor your health by monitoring the timeliness of normal processes.

Contents [Show]

Child conception calendar: how to calculate?

A conception calendar is a convenient thing that allows a woman to monitor her menstrual cycle, namely, to determine dangerous and safe days in terms of a possible pregnancy. The child's conception calendar is a form in which you need to enter the first day of the last menstruation, and the program, using different colors, shows which days are the most “fruitful”. Try it, calculating the conception calendar is really very simple!

To better understand how the program works, we will present the main factors that were taken into account when creating it.

1. For the vast majority of women, ovulation (the only day in the month when the egg is ready for fertilization) occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle. Look at the conception calendar - the day of ovulation (exactly the middle of the menstrual cycle), as well as a few days before and after it are highlighted in orange and green.

2. Fertilization of the egg cannot occur during menstruation, or at the very end of the cycle. These “safe” days are represented in pink (see the baby conception calendar).

You can also check the accuracy of the data obtained by monitoring your condition during the ovulation period.

1. The amount of vaginal discharge will noticeably increase.

2. Libido (sex drive) will increase.

3. You may notice a jump in your basal temperature (measured in the rectum), but only if you plotted it in advance.

4. An ovulation test (can be purchased at almost any pharmacy) shows a positive result.

5. Short-term, aching pain in the area of ​​the uterus and ovaries may appear.

6. Using an ultrasound examination, the doctor identifies signs that an egg has been released from the ovary.

You can calculate your conception calendar right now! Enter the exact data about the beginning of critical days (the exact date) and in a couple of seconds you will receive the necessary information. Please note that the data obtained cannot be trusted 100%; nevertheless, our body is a big mystery, and any “little things”, such as stress or a change of place of residence, can affect the processes in it.

Note also that ovulation does not occur every cycle. Every woman of reproductive age has at least 2 cycles per year that are “sterile.”

Don’t put off your child until later :)

Young parents begin to mentally prepare for the arrival of their baby, probably already at the wedding table. Why is a family created, if not for procreation? Some even before marriage decide who they want: a boy or a girl. But what a surprise it is when no signs of pregnancy appear.

This article is for those who are waiting for pregnancy as a miracle, but for some reason it does not happen. In such cases, the young woman usually goes to the doctor. She wants to know how to get pregnant? How to calculate the best days to conceive?

The spouse is most often invited to the antenatal clinic. You have to go there together, just as you once went to the registry office. The gynecologist, of course, will tell you how to calculate the most favorable days for conceiving a baby. But before that they will collect anamnesis ( anamnesis- a set of information obtained during a medical examination by questioning the person being examined and/or people who know him. The study of anamnesis, like questioning in general, is not just a list of questions and answers to them. The style of conversation between the doctor and the patient determines the psychological compatibility, which largely determines the ultimate goal - alleviation of the patient’s condition) - they will find out when and what both spouses were sick with. After conducting the necessary research, they will make recommendations.

Doctors believe that it takes six months to prepare for conception. Within half a year, a woman’s body must become stronger in order to bear a healthy child. The man’s body, strange as it may seem, also needs preparation.

READ ALSO: List of tests (for women and men) when planning pregnancy

Even if the couple is healthy, the man and woman will be prescribed vitamins. And both are the same. Folic acid, vitamins A, E, C; They will prescribe zinc and selenium.

You may ask: why?

The same general strengthening drugs act on the male and female bodies differently.

  • Folic acid, which is called the “pregnancy vitamin”. In women before conception, it promotes the maturation of eggs. In men - high-quality sperm. However, the woman will take this vitamin until the end of pregnancy. A man can stop with the successful onset of conception.
  • Vitamin A in men stimulates sexual desire and improves sperm quality. An unborn child needs vitamin A for his eyes. But usually doctors do not allow exceeding its dosage.
  • “Women’s vitamin” E, which is called the vitamin of youth and beauty, takes care of the skin, bones, and nails. In men, it promotes sperm maturation.
  • Vitamin C is a good immune stimulant. It will protect sperm from free radicals. It is also important for women.
  • Selenium promotes the production of sperm and prolongs their lifespan, preventing them from dying prematurely.
  • Zinc also increases sperm viability. This means it is useful for men for full conception.
  • B vitamins are more often prescribed to women on the eve of conception: B6 - promotes the proper formation of the cerebral cortex in the unborn baby. The body of the expectant mother should be saturated with it. In addition, in combination with B12 and B1, it has a positive effect on the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal system of the developing fetus. There should be enough of these vitamins in the body of the expectant mother even before conception.
  • Vitamin D is beneficial for both mother and child. It is necessary for the formation of healthy teeth in the baby. And to protect the teeth of a mother who is carrying a child under her heart.

When the future parents are stronger, physically and mentally prepared for the arrival of a small family member, they can begin to calculate the correct day of conception of their first child.

READ ALSO: 10 important things you need to do before pregnancy

Calendar method

The first method will probably be offered to you at the antenatal clinic. It consists of maintaining a women's calendar. But this must be done punctually, measuring the basal temperature in the rectum or vagina at the same time in the morning.

The data is carefully entered into the calendar. On normal days, the rectal temperature will be 36.6°. Just before ovulation it will rise to 37°. During ovulation - up to 37.2°. After a month, you can draw a curve by connecting the value points.

The next month, immediately after mensis, we again enter the measurement data into our calendar. It is advisable to continue measuring your basal temperature for three months in a row.

This will determine the length of your menstrual cycle. (Ideally it is 28 days). And calculate the days of ovulation, when the egg, having matured, enters the fallopian tube. The favorable moment for conception has arrived. As soon as your thermometer - it is advisable to use an electronic one - it is more convenient and accurate - shows 37°, it means that the favorable time for conception has come. Begin active sexual activity.

A cycle shortened to 21 days or extended to 35 days should not be considered a deviation from the norm. In the first case, ovulation, which lasts only two days, will occur on days 6-7-8. (The second half of any cycle is 14 days). Not even all gynecologists know this! And you will know. In the second - on days 20-22. And not on the 10th and 17-18th, as many mistakenly believe, assuming that for any cycle length, ovulation occurs exactly in the middle.

We should not forget that several times a year there are cycles without ovulation, when an egg is not formed.

This method is quite simple. An experienced woman always feels ovulation. Vaginal discharge on such days resembles the contents of chicken protein. The mucus is just as viscous.

There are other signs too. Breasts become swollen. The ovary pulls and hurts - on the side where the egg is preparing to exit into the fallopian tube to meet the sperm. Sexual desire increases. This is how nature itself takes care of procreation.

One of the accurate methods for determining the days of ovulation is ultrasound. A woman can always use ultrasound monitoring. It is also called folliculometry.

A highly qualified doctor uses a device to monitor the entire process of ovarian maturation, starting from the 8-10th day of the menstrual cycle, or immediately after menstruation, every two days. Until the follicle reaches 1.8-2.4 cm during ovulation. But the maturation of the follicle does not guarantee pregnancy, since it may not rupture, but continue to grow until it forms a cyst. Normally, a ruptured follicle is indicated by the presence of fluid from the ruptured follicle in the back of the uterus and an increase in progesterone and the formation of the corpus luteum.

After observing a woman for two to three months, the doctor can name the exact days of ovulation, guided by characteristic signs on an ultrasound machine. Maybe he can determine the reasons for its absence during the anovulatory cycle.

A test method can be recommended. You can buy test strips, similar to the strips used to determine pregnancy, at the pharmacy. Just like pregnancy strips, they are dipped into urine. Their color will depend on the estrogen content in the body.

You need to monitor this for exactly a week. On anovulatory days, one stripe will change color. The day before ovulation, both stripes will take on the same bright color. This means that the next day you can begin to create the miracle of another small life. He's the best!

This is the method that women like to use most. It is simpler than the basal temperature method and more accurate.

Not everyone knows that there is a modern method for determining ovulation using a special calculator. This can be done on the website

You can try it. For an accurate determination, you only need to enter the date of the last menstruation, the duration of the monthly cycle and the calculation period. The calculator will do the rest for you.

Suppose young parents have planned to conceive a child in the near future. A woman has a 24-day cycle. My last period was on October 1st. We take 3 billing periods: October, November and December.

The calculator produces the following results:

Best days to conceive: from October 9 to 17, from November 2 to 10, from November 26 to December 4.

As you can see, there are as many as 14 favorable days in November, use them to conceive.

This ancient method of determining the most favorable days for conceiving your own child is very simple. The duration of the female cycle is taken and divided exactly in half. For example, a woman has a classic cycle of 28 days. We divide it in half. And we add and subtract one day at a time. This means that the best days for lovemaking will be from the 13th to the 15th.

Sometimes they take into account the lunar cycle, which is important in a woman’s life. It is believed that one should not conceive a child either on the new moon, or on the full moon, or in the last third of the lunar cycle, on the waning moon. The waxing moon is better suited for this.

While expecting a child, families wonder who will be born, a girl or a boy. Grandmothers are trying to determine this by certain signs. If the belly is cone forward: it means it will be a boy. If your belly is round and your hips are fuller, then you should be expecting a girl.

Now the sex of the child is determined by ultrasound. Ultrasound “sees” better than any grandmother: who is hiding in mom’s tummy.

READ ALSO: How to conceive twins and try to influence the gender of the babies. Natural and artificial ways

But in young families where they are expecting their first child, they want to know the sex of the child even before he gets into this belly. Families that already have children are also planning a baby. I have a boy, I want a girl. Or vice versa.

WE READ: How to conceive a girl: tables, calendars, methods and tips

WE READ: How to plan and conceive a boy: all known methods

Doctors believe that if sexual intercourse occurs on the eve of ovulation, a girl will be born. If after - a boy.

Eastern sages advise: in order to have a son, sleep with the head of the bed facing north. For those who are expecting a daughter - to the south.


Myths, horror stories and misconceptions about pregnancy and childbirth. Best selection: 63 myths - Arrangement of life before the birth of a child: 8 tips for the expectant mother - 10 mistakes that prevent you from getting pregnant - Why you can’t get pregnant: reasons and recommendations for those who can’t conceive a child -

The gynecologist explains how the fertilization process occurs, which days are most favorable for conception and how to determine them using ovulation tests, how both partners can prepare for pregnancy, and what medical examination to undergo.

When planning to reproduce a baby, the couple is faced with many nuances that they had not previously suspected. This includes their compatibility by blood and Rh factors, and the need to look for favorable moments, and the ability to correctly draw up a calendar for the conception of a child, and the ability to predict his gender. Find out everything you need to know when preparing for pregnancy in our article.

When you go to the hospital, especially when planning your first pregnancy, the doctor will prescribe a full examination and tests. The check applies to both spouses. So, if a woman’s hormone content and their ability to have the necessary effect on ongoing monthly processes in the body are analyzed, then a man’s spermogram is studied, which shows the activity and viability of the cells.

Before conceiving a child, a couple should be examined by a doctor.

In addition, both have their blood checked to identify Rh factors and groups. It is necessary to analyze the compatibility of blood for conceiving a child in order to understand how problematic fertilization and implantation of the fetus is.

Before conception, the blood of the spouses must be checked

It is believed that in order to avoid problems, it is better that the Rh factors (RH) of the spouses coincide. Most people (85%) are positive. If one of the couple is negative, the couple will not be able to get pregnant for a long time and their risk of miscarriage increases. The woman will need to be constantly monitored and possibly hospitalized to maintain the pregnancy with treatment (“preservation”).

If the mother's RH is negative, the situation becomes even worse. In addition to the problem of conception and implantation of the embryo, as well as the threat of failure, there is a danger of disruption in the development of the baby itself if he inherits his father’s genes. In such a situation, the uterus tries to reject the “inappropriate” fetus.

For this purpose, examinations are carried out in advance in order to support the pregnancy process with therapeutic methods.

In addition to Rh factors, the blood type itself also plays a certain role in conceiving a child. It is believed that in 90% of cases or more the baby will inherit the maternal one. The most common and “strong” is considered group I. It is suitable for all people, regardless of their type. Group IV blood is the most adaptive, capable of accepting any other types, but is considered to be of the poorest quality, because doesn't suit other people.

Parents' blood types may influence the conception of a child

So, after conducting tests, the couple receives the first recommendations. If there are threats, the doctor will tell you how to get around them in a particular case and will observe the patient in order to transfer to a hospital if necessary.

The next step is to determine favorable days for conceiving a child. To do this correctly, you need to monitor your body for some time to obtain the following data:

Having compiled a calendar before planning to conceive a child, subsequently calculating the best days for productive sexual intercourse will be quite simple. The process itself must be carried out at the moment of ovulation, i.e. when the female cell has already matured and is in the genital tract. But its lifespan is limited to one day (rarely - up to 2 days), therefore it is necessary to know the exact date of its appearance in order not to delay conception for another month. This can be revealed by simple mathematical calculations by subtracting the length of the second phase from its cycle.

Recall that ovulation occurs between two processes:

  • Cell maturation. A fluid-filled sac forms in the ovary. A cell appears in it and begins to grow. Having reached its maximum size and level of development, the cell breaks the membrane and moves towards the uterus. The ripening time is different for everyone and can be 11-17 days. Therefore, this figure cannot participate in the calculations, since the girl cannot calculate her value.
  • The period of the “yellow body”. After the cell leaves the ovary, the corpus luteum begins to grow on it. This process does not depend on whether fertilization occurs or not. The body produces a hormone necessary to prepare the uterus to accept an embryo, the breasts to feed, etc. After the death of the unfertilized cell, menstruation occurs after the usual time and the cycle repeats. If the cell is implanted into the uterus, the hormone will be needed throughout pregnancy for the development of the fetus.

This last period for all women is 14 days. Therefore, it is easy to calculate the date of conception of a child: subtract these 14 days from your cycle. This gives us a day to count from the beginning of the last menstruation.

Let's look at an example: a girl has a 29-day cycle, her last period began on June 3. Subtract: 29-14=15. We count 15 days from June 3, we get June 18. This is the expected day when the cell has already entered the reproductive tract. You need to plan sexual intercourse for every day during the period June 15-19. Such a reserve of time is necessary because some male cells function for up to 3-5 days and can wait for the female one. And she lives for a day or a little more.

When choosing days to conceive a child, you should know that it is quite possible to influence his gender. To do this, you need to understand which sperm will fertilize the egg:

  • X-type: it will be a girl;
  • Y-type: the embryo will become male.

The conception of a child of the desired gender is determined by the X and Y chromosomes

To “force” the sperm you need to complete the fertilization process, you need to create optimal conditions. To get a son, it is necessary to ensure that male cells enter the woman’s reproductive environment at the moment when the egg has already ruptured the follicle and is moving towards the uterus. This is due to the speed and mobility of Y-cells. Under equal conditions, they will reach the goal many times faster than their slow “brothers” X.

If you want to conceive a daughter, you need to act more carefully. It is necessary to ensure that the act is carried out ahead of time, when there are still a couple of days before the appearance of the female cell. Then the Y cells will die because they only live 24 hours. And only after their disappearance will the female cell leave the ovary. X cells are more viable, they function for up to 3-5 days, and therefore will wait for her to appear.

Using knowledge about the X and Y chromosomes, it is not difficult to conceive a child of the desired gender

As you can see, calculating the conception of a child of the desired gender will not be difficult at all. The only problem is the correct appointment of the day of ovulation. If, after observing and keeping a calendar, a girl has identified the rhythm of her processes, she only needs to be satisfied with mathematical calculations using the formula presented above. It is worth confirming the day with tests or other methods. Do not forget that failure is possible at any time. Elementary stress or climate change can shorten or accelerate the process of follicle development. A woman taking medications containing hormones will undoubtedly have an impact on the duration of the processes.

If a woman’s cycle differs in length from month to month and her periods come irregularly, then mathematics will not yield anything.

In such a situation, tests can be used. They determine the concentration of the hormone that splashes out at the moment the follicle ruptures. Observing the change in color of the strip soaked in the reagent, the woman sees the approaching moment of rupture. This makes it possible to understand in advance when the cell is ready for fertilization. Using strip tests is ideal if you need to conceive a son. In the case of a girl, it will take some “work.” In particular, it is better to follow these instructions:

  • Conduct testing for several months in a row to obtain control samples. You need to mark the days of the cycle on them and observe the change in shade.
  • In the month chosen for conception, start testing in advance.
  • Every day the sample is checked against the control ones.
  • Since the act is necessary 2 days before the appearance of a bright shade (ovulation), you need to compare the colors of the stripes on the eve of this clear change.

You can predict the conception of a child of a certain gender for women with irregular processes using the basal schedule. It will give a more reliable result, although it will also require several months of observation. It is necessary to take rectal temperature measurements daily. Mark the indicators with dots on the graph, connecting them with a line at the end of the cycle. Ideally, you get a curve with the following characteristics:

  • First part of the cycle: the line is in the same range (temperature is stable).
  • Before the follicle ruptures, the temperature drops by several tenths of a degree.
  • At the moment the cell emerges, the temperature rises above that characteristic of the first phase.
  • Throughout the second part of the cycle, indicators remain at a level slightly higher than in the first part of the cycle.
  • Just before menstruation there is a slight decline to normal. In the event of fertilization, the temperature will remain elevated throughout the entire pregnancy.

During fertilization, the basal temperature chart shows a consistently elevated temperature after ovulation

To use this method, you need to remember that the difference and "peaks" range from 0.4-0.6°C. To detect them, you need to take a big step on the chart and fill in the indicators carefully and accurately. Temperature changes are influenced by many factors: alcohol intake, medications, minor illness. Therefore, even measurements are performed while remaining in bed and immediately after waking up.

If you don’t want to monitor for so long, you can check with an ultrasound. The doctor will reliably and accurately indicate the moment before the “birth” of the cell.

Without problems with rhythm, you can use a child conception calculator instead of doing your own calculations. They work based on all of the listed factors and will provide a finished result after analysis. You need to enter your indicators into the service criteria: date of last menstruation, duration of cycles, how long to make a forecast, etc. Those. You will still need to identify your parameters in advance. If you wish, you can use another method that works based on two menstrual dates. But this method is likely to have an error, since it only takes into account one cycle.

Ovulation calendar for conceiving a child

Using the online service, a woman receives calendars for several months, in which the dates of menstruation and ovulation are noted. Having them at hand, it is easy to manage your sex life and predetermine the date of fertilization.

If you want to predict the gender, and not just find out the date of conception of the child, the calculator on our website will help with this too. In the calendars, according to the given criteria, three favorable days will be marked for the baby of each gender.

Ovulation calendar with baby gender prediction

But it’s worth remembering the cell characteristics described above so as not to get into trouble. For example, you need to be more careful about conceiving a boy. If the act is carried out a day before, the Y-cells may not wait for the female to appear if there is a slight delay (for example, ovulation occurred at night, not during the day, and the day has already ended). And then from such an act a daughter will be born sooner. If you miss the day of ovulation itself and have sexual intercourse the next day, then the female cell may already disappear if it appeared, for example, yesterday, but in the morning. In this situation, you will need to wait until next month.

In the case of a girl, you should not expect any effect from the first of the appointed days. X cells are not always able to survive for so long.

But calculators help you keep track of your rhythms. This makes it easier to identify deviations in menstruation if they have lost their rhythm. At the same time, you need to understand that the day of ovulation will change the date accordingly. Therefore, it needs to be confirmed by additional means. Prompts from the body itself are considered good signs of ovulation:

  • Slightly enlarged mammary glands, the appearance of sensitivity and pain.
  • Pain on the side of the ovary. Since the cell, when released, injures the ovary (breaks through the follicle), pain occurs. They can be unimportant, which is why they are often ignored.
  • The appearance of thick, profuse discharge. Until ovulation, cervical mucus does not appear. Just before the bubble ruptures, the mucus liquefies and is released, resembling egg white in appearance: thick, viscous, transparent.

The Chinese table of child conception according to the mother’s age will also help you determine the necessary dates for the acts. Despite some controversy that exists regarding its reliability, many people trust such forecasts. It is believed that it is very ancient and at one time helped the wives of emperors to conceive an heir. Chinese women still actively use it today.

The table has a list of months of the year in vertical columns that are assigned for conception and a list of the woman’s ages in horizontal columns. At the intersection of these criteria, it is indicated which child of what gender may appear during the act in a given month.

Chinese child conception chart

You will need to find the column with your age and look at the forecasts for the coming months. If undesirable results are indicated there, it is worth postponing the date of conception until the “effective” month.

The table for conceiving a child by mother's age has mixed reviews. In particular, women who already have children conducted a “test” using their own example and the result turned out to be dubious – about 30% of discrepancies. Therefore, if you decide to use the ancient method, you should not abandon scientific methods, taking into account the characteristics of sperm and the moment of cell release.

A Japanese table of this type received slightly better reviews. It has a somewhat complex structure and consists of two tablets. You need to work on it this way:

  • In the first table, look at the control number at the intersection of the spouses’ birth dates.
  • In the second table, find the column with your number. View the months and the probability for the development of a female or male embryo in each.
  • Select the most likely ones that predict the desired effect.

There are other types of similar forecasts: the famous Vanga table, gender forecast based on parents’ blood groups, etc. Whether to use them or not is up to everyone to decide. In any case, it would be useful to confirm their forecasts with additional calculations.

Preparing for pregnancy is a complex process and parents will need to prepare carefully, starting with an examination in the hospital. But, thanks to research by scientists, today it is possible to influence the gender of your baby. In total, you can use additional calculation methods: an online calculator, a child conception table. But for most couples, it doesn’t matter what gender the baby is, the main thing is that he is healthy and pleases his parents.

The sex of the unborn child depends on what type of sperm fertilizes the egg - those carrying a male Y chromosome or a female X chromosome. Spermatozoa of the “male” sex, as a rule, move more easily and more quickly than “female” ones, but are more sensitive to external conditions and adverse influences. Female sperm, on the contrary, are less mobile, but more resilient. Thus, if sexual intercourse occurs long before ovulation, the likelihood of having a girl increases, and if sexual intercourse occurs on the day of ovulation or later, the likelihood of having a boy increases.