How to distinguish manifestations of gastritis from gastric ulcers? How to distinguish an ulcer from gastritis: symptoms and reviews Gastritis or stomach ulcer

Have you been struggling with GASTRITIS and ULCERS for many years without success?

“You will be amazed at how easy it is to cure gastritis and ulcers just by taking it every day.

People suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are often concerned about how to distinguish the manifestation of gastritis from an ulcer. These diseases have a number of similar symptoms, but at the same time they vary in severity and require an individual approach to treatment.

Only a qualified gastroenterologist can give an accurate answer after conducting a survey, a series of tests and examinations. It is not uncommon for advanced forms of gastritis to develop into an ulcer, and the difference between advanced gastritis and the initial stage of a peptic ulcer can only be determined by an experienced specialist.

Despite the complexity of this issue, there are a number of different symptoms that can suggest one or another disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

How does an ulcer differ in origin from gastritis?

Gastritis is an inflammation of the mucous layer of the body of the stomach. It can manifest itself in varying degrees of severity, disrupt the integrity of the mucous layer, and change the production of gastric juice and digestive enzymes. This disease can occur in latent forms, without obvious symptoms, which disrupt a person’s usual routine. The initial stages of inflammation of the mucous membrane can be eliminated by changing the eating regimen and following a diet.

Erosive- This is a more complex form of the disease, in which wounds (ulcers) form on the mucous layer. With timely and competent treatment, they heal quickly without scarring. This is a characteristic difference between the occurrence of damage to the mucosa against the background of gastritis and ulcerative wounds. Since the healing of wounds on the mucous membrane caused by peptic ulcer disease occurs with pronounced scarring, but this can only be observed during gastroscopy.

Ulcer– this is damage to the gastric mucosa in the early stages, and deeper in case of advanced disease. It can lead to death in case of through wounds and untimely consultation with a doctor. If gastritis tends to arise and disappear for a long time depending on the diet, then an ulcer formed by bacteria tends to only progress and cannot be eliminated without drug treatment, and in advanced cases, surgical intervention. When asked which is worse for your overall health, gastritis or ulcers, the answer is clear: peptic ulcers are a more serious form of stomach disease.

How to distinguish an ulcer from gastritis by the frequency of symptoms

Despite the fact that only a gastroenterologist can make an accurate diagnosis based on the clinical picture of the disease, there are a number of different symptoms by which you yourself can assume the development of a particular illness:

  • Gastritis may manifest or worsen at different moments without a specific pattern. Its symptoms do not depend on the time of day or year. Rather, deterioration in health is associated with the quality, timing and quantity of food consumed.
  • Ulcer– tends to worsen during the off-season. This is due to a weakening of the immune and nervous systems, which contribute to the progression of the disease.

Both diseases are accompanied by painful sensations in the absence of timely eaten food (hunger pains). But with an ulcer, pain often occurs at night, and with gastritis at any time of the day.

What is the difference between pain during gastritis and a stomach ulcer?

By listening carefully to the body, you can predict the nature of your disease.

To do this, define:

  • Pain sensations are observed in the same place or in different places. With gastritis, pain is typical in the epigastric region (stomach area), and with ulcers they can resonate in various parts of the abdominal cavity or in the lower back;
  • dependence of pain on food intake. With gastritis, they appear after 3 - 4 hours, when the incoming food with high acidity has already been digested and the aggressive environment begins to corrode the mucous layer. And with low acidity, after this period, severe nausea and sometimes vomiting appear due to the inability to break down the incoming components. In the case of a peptic ulcer, acute pain appears within 30 to 60 minutes, which can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, in advanced cases with an admixture of red blood cells (blood) released from deep ulcerative lesions.

Other distinctive signs of gastritis and ulcers

A number of additional symptoms can also distinguish these 2 diseases.

For gastritis:

  • increased flatulence;
  • decreased appetite;
  • feeling of heaviness after eating;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • feeling of heartburn with increased acidity;
  • bad breath (putrid or sour);
  • coating on the tongue, increased salivation.

With ulcers, the symptoms are not so varied.

The most characteristic signs of its manifestation are:

  • severe pain soon after eating;
  • seasonal exacerbations of the disease;
  • night pain in various parts of the abdominal cavity;
  • vomiting soon after eating;
  • the presence of blood in the vomit is a sign of an advanced form of the disease.

How to understand that you have gastritis or an ulcer

Medicine 2.0

10 signs that you have gastritis or an ulcer

Unfortunately, in everyday life we ​​often do not pay due attention to some symptoms that may indicate the presence of gastritis or ulcers. How do you know if you need medical help?

Often we completely ignore some phenomena that may be signs of serious diseases. And even if we do, we have neither the time, nor the strength, nor the desire to deal with these phenomena. Especially considering our people’s love of diagnosing themselves and taking universal pills “for everything.” However, there are symptoms for which it is better to consult a doctor immediately, as they may indicate the presence of gastritis or an ulcer.

How to recognize gastritis and ulcers?

The symptoms of gastritis and ulcers are often very similar and only a doctor can determine which disease you have. We want to note first of all those symptoms that you need to pay attention to.

Pain in the upper abdomen, often after eating
Heaviness in the stomach
Nausea and vomiting
Lack of appetite
Weight loss
Bad taste in the mouth
Stool disorders
Frequent feeling of thirst

It is believed that by carefully analyzing the nature and frequency of pain, one can assume a particular disease. For example, pain that begins a few hours after eating may indicate the presence of gastritis, while pain from an ulcer usually begins much faster - after about an hour.

Ulcers are also characterized by exacerbation in autumn and spring, and exacerbations of gastritis are in no way related to the time of year. It is also believed that ulcers can appear at night, while gastritis only bothers you during the day.

To make a diagnosis, a fibrogastroscopic examination is performed, as well as an x-ray, biopsy and analysis of gastric juice.

Treatment for ulcers is usually complex and includes a certain daily and nutritional regimen, taking antibiotics and special medications. In rare cases, surgery may be necessary.

What symptoms require emergency medical care?

Increased pain and its movement towards the appendix

Blood in stool and vomit

Weakness, dizziness, fainting

Breathing problems

Prevention of ulcers and gastritis

Avoid fast food, processed foods, and products containing dyes, flavors, and synthetic additives.

Eat at a specific time every day.

Chew your food thoroughly.

If possible, stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

Monitor the quality of the food you eat - wash food thoroughly before eating and store it properly.

Limit the amount of smoked, fatty and spicy foods in your diet.

Stomach ulcer and gastritis: signs of disease

It is advisable for those who have problems with the digestive system to know about the signs of stomach ulcers and gastritis in order to promptly seek medical help. Today, these diseases are considered the most common among gastrointestinal diseases, and at least a single episode of indigestion is familiar firsthand to the vast majority of people. However, these diseases are greatly underestimated by patients themselves, and symptoms are often ignored while the disease progresses, increasing the risk of dangerous complications. The symptoms of gastritis and ulcers and their early detection will be discussed later in the article.

General information about gastritis and stomach ulcers

Gastritis is called inflammation of the gastric mucosa with its subsequent destructive changes. This disease can occur in both acute and chronic forms. Gastritis is one of the significant factors in the development of peptic ulcers and stomach cancer.
  • loss of appetite by a person;
  • nausea, quickly followed by bloody vomiting, which can often contain bile or blood;
  • distension and acute pain in the epigastric region.

In addition to these general signs, general symptoms also appear, which include a significant increase in temperature, increased blood pressure and the appearance of weakness and apathy.

Possible difference in the treatment of pathologies

The main cause of the development of these ailments is considered to be Helicobacter pylori infection, which actively multiplies in the stomach and damages its mucous membrane. As a result of such a negative effect, an inflammatory process begins on the walls of the digestive organ, which intensifies under the aggressive influence of hydrochloric acid, the main component of gastric juice. Common ulcers and gastritis are treated with medications.

For this purpose, two classes of drugs are used:

  • antibiotics to destroy Helicobacter pylori;
  • antisecretory agents and antacids that normalize acidity.

The pills for these diseases and the mandatory recommendations in the diet prescribed for them are generally completely similar, but only doctors who know the true picture of negative changes in the stomach can select them. Only in this case is it possible to choose the most effective option in complex treatment.

Such diseases of the main digestive organ occur in all age categories and are completely independent of social status. If you take emergency measures to get rid of them, then adequate treatment will lead to a complete recovery. That is why gastroenterologists recommend that patients at risk remember the first signs of stomach ulcers and gastritis, as well as adjust their diet, get rid of bad habits and begin to lead a healthy lifestyle that does not allow physical and nervous strain, as well as the occurrence of frequent stressful situations.

What are the symptoms and signs of gastritis?

We are what we drink and eat. As medical statistics show, both the first and second of the modern city dweller want the best. The body fights modern nutrition technologies with all its might. The first blow of food insecurity is taken by the stomach. This unequal struggle and the symbol of defeat in it is a manifesto of gastritis, truly one of the leading diseases of our time.

  • Since the middle of the 20th century, the number of gastrointestinal diseases has doubled;
  • According to various estimates, today up to 90% of the “civilized population” of the planet have certain gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Inflammation of the gastric mucosa leads among gastrointestinal diseases: 8 out of 10 cases of digestive system diseases are gastritis.

Particular attention should be paid to the definition of “civilized population”. Gastritis is a disease of the middle class, white collar workers and residents of big cities. The poorest population of the Earth, the savage tribes of Africa show appalling statistics of mortality from epidemics of fever or typhoid fever; however, studies of the gastrointestinal tract of residents of these regions are impressive: with constant malnutrition, and by no means a standard diet, cases of gastritis or ulcers are isolated and completely incomparable with the threatening statistics that come to the World Health Organization from the so-called first world countries.

Moreover, yesterday, still prosperous developing countries showed a steady increase in the incidence of gastritis. The relationship between material wealth and gastritis is the most direct. As soon as a poor Laotian man who has moved to a big city to work has an extra dollar, he stops buying rice and turns to more “civilized” food and drinks - fast food and alcohol. Therefore, we can argue quite seriously that gastritis is a disease of globalization. In order to feed the growing world population, producers are forced to reduce the quality of food. And this is an objective factor. However, the behavior of each individual person is a subjective factor. We have the power to reconsider our lifestyle, eating habits and the structure of food costs in the overall structure of our expenses. For example, replacing cigarettes and evening beer with a kilogram of additional vegetables.

An unhealthy lifestyle and poor nutrition negatively affect the human digestive system. The common diseases gastritis and stomach ulcers are becoming increasingly common. The symptoms of the diseases are similar. Even a gastroenterologist is not always able to understand what is bothering the patient. To determine the exact clinical picture, studies are carried out - FGDS and x-ray of the stomach.

The main difference between gastritis and a stomach ulcer is that with gastritis an inflammatory process forms on the mucous membrane, and with an ulcer it is focal, with deep tissue damage.


Gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa of varying intensity; as a result of the disease, secretory function is impaired. The disease is milder than a stomach ulcer. Simple forms can be treated with only a special diet. In connection with the above, a person often does not attach importance to his own ailments. The longer the patient neglects the symptoms, the greater the likelihood of inflammation of the submucosal layers.

When the proper functioning of the inner lining of the stomach is disrupted, wounds - erosions - form on the mucous membrane. Erosive, or ulcerative, gastritis is much more severe and is considered the first stage of peptic ulcer disease. During an exacerbation, the patient suffers from incessant pain and vomiting after eating.

Peptic ulcer is a pathological change in the stomach wall of a certain localization. Occurs as a result of constant exposure to aggressive acids on the gastric mucosa.

Symptoms of gastritis

The disease occurs in two forms: acute and chronic. There are gastritis with high and low acidity. A lot of people suffer from moderately severe gastritis in a long-term form, recognized by symptoms:

  • Pain in the epigastric region, aggravated after eating.
  • Heaviness.
  • Nausea.
  • Heartburn.
  • Decreased appetite.


The main cause of the development of pathology today is considered to be the bacterium Helicobacter Pelori, the causative agent of peptic ulcers, gastritis and gastroduodenitis. The presence of bacteria is determined during an endoscopy procedure when scrapings are taken from the mucous membrane.

Dietary disorders are considered the leading cause, these include:

  • eating fatty, smoked and spicy foods;
  • irregular meals;
  • the presence of a large amount of dry food in the diet;
  • ingestion of poorly chewed foods;
  • binge eating.

Among the reasons are also:

  • alcohol and smoking;
  • stress and nervous disorders;
  • taking selected medications (painkillers, anti-inflammatory and other drugs that irritate the stomach);
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • lack of vitamins.

How to independently distinguish gastritis from an ulcer

Getting to a good doctor today is not easy; many people tend to independently determine the presence of diseases. The main thing is not to abuse it; only a doctor has the right to make the right conclusion.

As mentioned earlier, the symptoms of the two diseases are similar. If you take a closer look at the body, the difference between gastritis and ulcers becomes clear. Let's consider a number of factors.

Localization of pain

With gastritis, unpleasant sensations bother the patient constantly or periodically. The ulcer is characterized by sharp pain with clear localization. A person is able to specifically indicate where it hurts.

Time of onset of pain

Unlike gastritis, pain from an ulcer bothers a person day and night. A small meal will help relieve pain.

Periods of exacerbations

Gastritis bothers a person at any time of the year, regardless of the season. The exacerbation depends rather on a violation of the diet. For ulcers, exacerbation is typical in the autumn-spring periods.

Hunger pains

Most patients with gastritis and ulcers experience pain during hunger, but there are differences. If hunger pain appears 3-4 hours after eating, it is probably gastritis. If pain begins shortly after eating, causing nausea and even vomiting, an ulcer is suspected.

Gastritis differs from a stomach ulcer in that the patient’s blood counts remain normal. With an ulcer, hemoglobin often decreases. A person is worried about fatigue, dizziness, loose stools with blood (or vice versa, hard), vomiting with blood.

Among the external signs of ulcer sufferers, there is a coating on the tongue and excessive sweating of the hands. Those suffering from gastritis do not experience such symptoms.

Peptic ulcer disease can be practically asymptomatic (“silent ulcers”) and do not differ from gastritis. This is typical for older people, people with diabetes, and people taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In such cases, the patient is confident in his own health until the development of complications forces him to seek medical help.

Treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers

Both diseases require urgent treatment. Gastritis in an advanced form soon turns into an ulcer, which poses a danger to human life. Today, doctors distinguish between ten types of gastritis of varying severity. An experienced gastroenterologist can make an accurate diagnosis. Based on the results of FGDS, the form of gastritis, stages, acidity in the stomach and the causes of the disease are determined.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on the stage of the disease and the patient’s attitude towards following the doctor’s instructions. Violating the prescribed diet, smoking and drinking alcohol will significantly complicate treatment.

When prescribing therapy, doctors today consider not the acidity of the gastric juice, but the condition of the mucous membrane, based on the results of endoscopy. In the acute form, treatment is initially aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptoms. Medicines neutralize acidity in the stomach, reducing inflammation and pain. Diet adherence is mandatory.

  • Anesthesia. Antispasmodics No-shpa, Drotaverine and others will help relieve pain.
  • Antacids are drugs that reduce acidity. They act more slowly, but more effectively and longer, due to their antiseptic and absorbent properties. The drugs include: Phosphalugel, Almagel, Maalox.
  • Proton pump blockers are drugs that reduce the secretions of the stomach glands. By influencing the mucous membrane, it is established that hydrochloric acid is secreted in extremely small quantities in the stomach. This category includes the drugs Robeprazole, Lansoprazole, Omeprazole. Using the listed medications, stomach acidity decreases for a long time and irritation decreases.

To treat the bacterium Helicobacter Pelori, in addition to proton pump blockers, antibiotics are prescribed - amoxicillin, clarithromycin and trichopolum.

Ulcer treatment is carried out seriously, aimed at eliminating Helicobacter Pelori - as the main source of peptic ulcer disease. Without antibiotics, treatment is not possible. Drugs are prescribed that form a protective film on the mucous membrane, promoting the healing of ulcers.

Those with ulcers should strictly follow a diet and avoid nervous tension.

Nutrition for gastritis and ulcers

Diet and eating habits are important in the treatment of these diseases. Basic principles:

  1. Eat little and often, do not overeat.
  2. Eat food warm.
  3. Avoid smoking and alcoholic drinks, spicy, smoked and fried foods.
  4. Avoid sour vegetables and fruits, rich broths and fatty meats. Reduce consumption of fermented milk products.

During an exacerbation, you should eat dairy-free cereals, light broths, rice and mashed potatoes with the addition of a small amount of butter. When improvement occurs, it is possible to diversify the menu, but the processing of products remains gentle (mashed, steamed). Eliminate spices, spicy snacks and coffee.

Each person's tolerance to foods is different; each patient has their own list of permitted and prohibited foods.


Any person should monitor their diet and lead a healthy lifestyle. This is the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases. If gastritis does appear, careful attention and accurate diagnosis will exclude the development of a peptic ulcer.

Patients should undergo preventive examinations with a gastroenterologist at least 1-2 times a year. It is important to monitor the condition of the disease in order to prevent deterioration in time. Regular eating and dieting are the key to good health.

Poor nutrition and lifestyle negatively affect the entire digestive system of people. The most common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are ulcers and gastritis. The symptoms of these ailments are very similar to each other. Even an experienced gastroenterologist is not in all cases able to determine which disease is bothering the patient. To determine the exact clinical picture, it is necessary to conduct some studies: x-ray of the stomach, FGDS. Speaking about how to distinguish an ulcer from gastritis, it should be noted that the main difference will be that with gastritis the inflammatory process forms on the mucous membrane, and with an ulcer it is focal, the tissues are deeply affected.

Definition of gastritis

Gastritis is an inflammation of the mucous walls of the stomach of varying intensity, due to which secretory function is impaired. The disease is much milder than an ulcer. A simple form can be successfully treated if the patient follows a certain diet. But, unfortunately, many often do not attach any importance to the discomfort of gastritis. The longer a person ignores such symptoms, the greater the likelihood of inflammation of the submucosal layer.

If the proper functioning of the inner linings of the stomach is disrupted, wounds called erosion begin to form on the mucous membrane. Ulcerative or erosive gastritis is much more severe and is considered to be the first stage of ulcer development. When this disease worsens, the patient feels severe pain and vomits after eating.

Ulcer Definition

A peptic ulcer is a pathological change in the walls of the stomach of a certain localization. The disease develops due to constant exposure of the gastric mucosa to aggressive acids.

Symptoms of gastritis

When answering the question of how to distinguish an ulcer from gastritis, first of all, special attention should be paid to the symptoms of these diseases, despite the fact that they are similar to each other. If we talk about gastritis, it can be chronic or acute. It can be of low or high acidity. A large number of people suffer from moderately severe gastritis, which occurs over a long period of time. It can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  1. Pain in the epigastric region, which worsens after eating.
  2. Nausea.
  3. Heaviness.
  4. Heartburn.
  5. Decreased appetite.

Reasons for the development of gastritis

We continue to consider how to distinguish an ulcer from gastritis. Particular attention should also be paid to the reasons for the development of these pathologies. As for gastritis, the main reason for its development most often lies in the presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which is also the causative agent of peptic ulcer disease. The presence of this bacterium can be found out only after endoscopy, when a scraping is taken from the mucous membrane of the organ.

In addition, dietary disturbances can trigger the development of gastritis, which include:

  1. Eating smoked, fatty, and spicy foods.
  2. The presence of a large amount of too dry food in the daily diet.
  3. Irregular meals.
  4. Binge eating.
  5. Ingestion of insufficiently chewed food.

The following reasons can also provoke gastritis:

  1. Nervous disorder and stress.
  2. Tobacco smoking and alcohol.
  3. Taking certain medications.
  4. Autoimmune diseases.
  5. Lack of vitamins in the body.
  6. Hereditary predisposition.

How to distinguish an ulcer from gastritis yourself?

Today it is quite difficult to make an appointment with an experienced specialist, so some people are forced to independently determine the development of certain diseases in them. However, you should not abuse this opportunity, since only a qualified doctor can make the correct diagnosis.

How to distinguish gastritis from a stomach ulcer? As mentioned earlier, the symptoms of the diseases are very similar. If you take a close look at your body, you may notice the difference between an ulcer and gastritis. Let's look at some factors that will tell you how to distinguish the symptoms of gastritis or ulcers.

Localization of painful sensations

In the case of gastritis, painful sensations bother the patient constantly or periodically. If we talk about an ulcer, then it is characterized by rare pain, which has a clear localization. A person with a stomach ulcer can show exactly where it hurts. If you don’t know how to distinguish gastritis from a stomach ulcer, the symptoms of pain, or rather its localization, will help in this matter.

Time of onset of pain

Pain from an ulcer torments the patient both at night and during the day, which cannot be said about gastritis. However, a small amount of food helps relieve severe pain from a stomach ulcer.

Exacerbation period

How can you tell the difference between an ulcer and gastritis? What symptoms should you look out for? Gastritis bothers the patient regardless of the time of year or season. Exacerbation will depend on the violation of the diet. As for the ulcer, pain in this case manifests itself mainly in the autumn-spring period.

Hunger pains

Many people do not know how to distinguish an ulcer from gastritis. Reviews say that many patients with gastritis and ulcers experience pain when hungry, but in this case there will be some differences. If hunger pain appears 4 hours after eating, this indicates the development of gastritis. If pain in the abdominal area begins shortly after eating, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, then the symptom indicates the development of an ulcer.

Gastritis also differs from an ulcer in that the patient’s blood count remains normal. In the case of an ulcer, hemoglobin often decreases. The patient begins to experience dizziness, fatigue, loose stools mixed with blood, or, conversely, hard stools, and vomiting with blood.

Other signs of an ulcer include a coating on the tongue and excessive sweating of the hands. Those people who suffer from gastritis do not experience such symptoms.

Peptic ulcer disease can be completely asymptomatic, and is in no way different from gastritis. This will be typical mainly for elderly patients who suffer from diabetes, as well as for people who take anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs. In such situations, the patient is confident in his health until he develops complications, the development of which forces the person to go to the clinic for medical help.


Based on patient reviews, it can be understood that most are not able to independently distinguish gastritis from a stomach ulcer. As a rule, when pain appears, people think that they are developing gastritis, but this symptom also appears with an ulcer. Experts strongly do not recommend delaying a visit to a medical facility if the first signs of these diseases appear. Only if treatment is started in a timely manner will it be possible to get rid of the disease.


Based on all of the above, we can conclude that gastritis and stomach ulcers manifest themselves almost identically. But if you listen more carefully to your body, you can notice some difference in the symptoms. In any case, watch your diet and diet, lead a healthy lifestyle to avoid such ailments. Only timely diagnosed gastritis will prevent the development of peptic ulcers in the future.

Stomach diseases are very common in people of almost all age groups and any social status. Diseases of the stomach and duodenum are treated with a variety of methods. Fortunately, in most cases it is quite successful. But to do this, identify their symptoms in time. In this article we will tell you how ulcerative gastritis and ulcers manifest themselves.

Symptoms of gastritis and ulcers

A huge load is constantly placed on the human stomach. And often disruptions occur in the normal functioning of the digestive system, which are often the result of various stomach diseases that require immediate treatment. Their symptoms are quite clear. This:

  • Feeling thirsty;
  • Painful sensations;
  • Dyspepsia;
  • Belching;
  • Heartburn.

These symptoms are observed both when a person has gastritis and when he has an ulcer.


The most common stomach disease is erosive-ulcerative gastritis. It is a dysfunction in which the secretory function of the stomach deteriorates. In addition, in almost all cases, gastritis is accompanied by inflammation of the gastric mucosa of varying degrees of intensity. It is often accompanied by intestinal spasms and, as a consequence, spastic constipation.

Symptoms of mild gastritis of the stomach include pain and slight changes in appetite. If gastritis is in a fairly advanced form, there is a significant disruption in the absorption of many nutrients, many vitamins, minerals, micro- and macroelements.

When gastritis occurs against the background of increased acidity of the stomach, its symptoms are expressed in persistent vomiting, nagging pain in the stomach, belching, burning and distension of the stomach. Most often, such symptoms appear about a few hours after a sick person eats food. Appetite disturbances usually do not occur or are very minor. Often, a sick person experiences symptoms such as tachycardia, bradycardia, hypotension, increased salivation, and low blood pressure. Often, the disorders described above are accompanied by a disorder of the nervous system - irritability, poor sleep or, on the contrary, increased drowsiness.

The first symptoms of a person’s disease, as a rule, are not alarming. And acute gastritis very quickly turns into a chronic form. And the chronic form of gastritis requires long-term and serious treatment and constant monitoring of the sick person. Self-medication, despite the seeming harmlessness of the disease, is unacceptable, as it can only worsen the condition of the sick person.

Treatment of gastritis

In order to successfully cure the disease, it is first necessary to eliminate the main cause of the development of chronic gastritis. Treatment of the disease will include a gentle diet and lifestyle changes in general. Be sure to listen to your doctor's recommendations and follow them strictly. Diet for stomach disease is also very, very important.

If the disease is accompanied by weight loss, as well as children and the elderly, it is necessary to eat in small portions, approximately every two hours. The following foods should be completely excluded from the diet:

  • Bread, except bran;
  • Fried foods;
  • Dough products;
  • Any sauces;
  • Spicy seasonings.

Often among people with chronic gastritis there is an opinion that consuming dairy products is extremely harmful for them. However, this is only partly true. In fact, you shouldn’t deprive your body of such a useful and necessary product as protein. Eating fermented milk products is not only possible, but also necessary. But you should still avoid whole cow’s milk, as it puts additional stress on the irritated and inflamed gastric mucosa. Gastritis requires a gentle, but at the same time, nutritious diet.

Stomach ulcer, treatment

The next most common stomach disease is an ulcer. Most often, gastric ulcer occurs as a consequence of gastritis of the stomach, in the absence of proper treatment. In many cases, the predisposition to it is inherited. However, the development of an ulcer begins directly only if the human body is exposed to various provoking factors.

  • The development and exacerbation of stomach ulcers can be triggered by a variety of factors, for example:
  • Systematic overwork, lack of sleep.
  • Prolonged exposure to stress.
  • Alcohol and cigarette abuse.
  • Unsystematic and improper nutrition.

The symptoms indicating that a sick person has a gastric ulcer are in many ways similar to gastritis, but they still differ in some ways. These are manifestations such as:

  • The occurrence of so-called “hunger” pain in a person, that is, pain during hunger;
  • Night pain;
  • Vomit. In the event that gastric bleeding occurs, an admixture of blood is observed in the vomit, most often having a scarlet color.

The course of the disease is quite long and occurs with exacerbations in the autumn-spring period. In the absence of adequate and timely treatment, it is very often accompanied by various complications. The symptoms of some of them cause mild discomfort, which is bad. Because the disease can be a serious health threat.

If symptoms and signs of stomach diseases appear, it is very important to stop drinking alcohol, smoking, and lead a healthy lifestyle. It is equally important to pay attention to your diet. It should be regular, and the diet should be gentle. The diet for gastritis and ulcers is almost the same.

Treatment for ulcers is similar to treatment for gastritis. Functional diseases of the stomach are treated comprehensively - in addition to diet, the sick person also receives drug treatment. If any manifestations of such a disease appear, you should consult a doctor. There are also traditional methods for treating stomach diseases, which can only be used after consultation with a doctor.

Folk remedies for treating stomach diseases

Stomach diseases have been successfully treated for centuries using traditional medicine. The most effective and safe recipes are collected and described in detail below.

Watercress infusion

An infusion of watercress leaves helps relieve pain even with chronic advanced gastritis. To prepare the decoction, you will need one hundred grams of lettuce leaves, which must be thoroughly chopped, placed in an enamel bowl, and then poured with half a liter of boiling water. The infusion should be tightly covered with a lid and left for a day. Then the broth is filtered through cheesecloth and taken half a glass twice a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment should last about a month.

Decoction of yarrow and buckthorn

This decoction not only envelops the gastric mucosa, but also regulates the functioning of the intestines, eliminating spastic constipation, which very often accompanies chronic gastritis. Boil one liter of water, turn off the heat and add a tablespoon of raw materials. Cover with a lid and leave for two hours. After this, the decoction is filtered, placed in a cool, cool place and consumed a glass on an empty stomach, once a day. The course of treatment is two weeks.

Thyme tincture

Thyme tincture almost completely cures chronic gastritis. To prepare it, two tablespoons of dry thyme herb are placed in a glass container and poured with 600 grams of white wine. Cover the container with a lid and place it in the refrigerator for a week. Then the mixture is brought to a boil, stirring occasionally. After boiling it for about two minutes, filter through cheesecloth. Store the tincture in the refrigerator. Treatment consists of taking two teaspoons before each meal.

Propolis ordinary

Chronic gastritis can be very effectively cured with propolis. To do this, you need to eat about 10 grams of propolis every day during the day. It must be chewed thoroughly. Make sure that the propolis is chewed thoroughly. Treatment lasts 1 month.

Sea buckthorn with honey

Sea buckthorn with honey is also a very effective remedy for gastritis. To prepare the medicinal mixture, you need to pour three tablespoons of fresh sea buckthorn berries with one glass of water, boil for ten minutes and strain. Then add three tablespoons of honey to the resulting broth and mix thoroughly. Take on an empty stomach, half a teaspoon, before breakfast.

Potato juice

Ordinary potatoes can also be a good help in the fight against gastritis. To do this, you need to squeeze the juice of two medium-sized potato tubers and drink it on an empty stomach, before breakfast. After the potato juice is drunk, you need to lie down for a while. You should not eat food earlier than an hour later. The course of treatment should last at least a month.

Liquorice root

Licorice root infusion is very effective for gastritis with high acidity. To prepare licorice infusion, 10 grams of the root are crushed, poured into a thermos and poured with a liter of boiling water. Infuse the decoction for 24 hours, then filter through cheesecloth. Take a decoction of licorice root, half a glass, 10 minutes before each meal. The course of treatment lasts 15 days, after which it is necessary to take a five-day break.

Honey solution

A very simple and extremely effective cure for erosive gastritis of the stomach is ordinary natural honey dissolved in warm water. For a glass of warm water you need two tablespoons of honey. The patient drinks no more than one glass of honey solution per day. The course of treatment is two weeks.

Decoction of chamomile, yarrow and celandine

Dry herbs of celandine, chamomile and yarrow are placed in an enamel bowl and poured with a liter of hot milk. Infuse the decoction for two hours. Then drink throughout the day, in small sips. The course of treatment should be two weeks.

Flax seed decoction

To prepare a decoction of flax seeds, mix the seeds with two tablespoons of chamomile inflorescences. Place them in a thermos, fill with a liter of hot water and leave for ten hours. Then the broth is filtered, boiled again and cooled. Drink at least half a liter of broth during the day, regardless of meals.

Elecampane decoction

Grind the elecampane rhizome, pour a glass of boiling water over it and leave for two hours. The decoction is taken immediately before meals, two tablespoons three times a day.

Even if treating stomach diseases with folk remedies brings significant relief to a sick person, you should never refuse to visit a doctor and the treatment he offers!

Posted On 03/27/2019

Both of these diseases can literally be provoked by common prerequisites, which include irritation of the gastric mucosa with spicy, pickled, salty foods, which causes an increase in the acidic environment in it, acting aggressively, which causes the beginning of a destructive process in the tissues of the walls of the main digestive organ. It is aggravated by a combination of certain unfavorable factors, such as physical fatigue, exposure to frequent stressful situations, nervous strain, bad habits (frequent overeating, especially at night, smoking, alcohol abuse) and excessive coffee consumption.

Any stomach disease can be provoked in a short time by these negative factors, only an ulcer may differ in its causes from gastritis, since it has several additional prerequisites for its occurrence:

  • An ailment such as pancreatitis, which occurs in a chronic form, or arises as a result of blocking the pancreatic duct with a stone that has come out of the gallbladder.
  • Constant very high acidity of the stomach, provoked by some disease of the main digestive organ or heredity.
  • Defective changes in the functioning or structure of the pylorus of the stomach, atony of its muscles, erosion, malignant tumors.

It is these reasons that are the main distinguishing etiological factors in the occurrence of diseases with similar clinical picture.

Characteristics of gastritis and peptic ulcer

Gastritis is a disease in which the mucous membrane of the digestive organ becomes inflamed. This inflammation can be of any intensity, of different localization, and be accompanied by decreased or increased gastric secretion. In some cases, the formation of erosions, ulcers or without them. Gastritis is manifested by the following symptoms: pain in the abdomen, more in the upper part, they are always associated with food intake: immediately after eating or after some time, dyspeptic symptoms: nausea, vomiting, heartburn, stool disorders. Increased gas formation often occurs. Another symptom of gastritis is heaviness in the epigastrium that occurs after a meal.

Peptic ulcer is a disease in which ulcers form on the inflamed walls of the stomach. An ulcer is a deep, pathological ulceration of both the mucous and muscular layers of the stomach with different localization on its walls. The causes of ulcers are different: as a result of infection and vital activity of Helicobacter pylori, constant aggressive effects on the walls of the organ of gastric hydrochloric acid, long-term use of hormonal, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (symptomatic ulcers). The mucous membrane in the duodenum is also subject to ulceration. The disease is characterized by the same symptoms as gastritis, only the pain from the upper part of the epigastric region shifts lower to the right and will be late, delayed or “hungry”. They appear 1.5-2 hours after eating, on an empty stomach, and night pain is possible.

How to distinguish gastritis from ulcers by symptoms?

Experts define gastritis as inflammation of the gastric mucosa, accompanied by disruption of its functions. Gastritis also entails disruption of renewal processes at the cellular level, thereby interfering with the normal functioning of the stomach. This causes stomach acids and enzymes to not be produced properly. Gastritis can be acute or chronic.

  • Acute gastritis can occur under the influence of a strong irritant, which leads to an inflammatory reaction of the gastric mucosa. This could be alcohol or food poisoning, exposure to aspirin or other acid in large quantities. Stress can also cause acute inflammation of the stomach.
  • Chronic gastritis occurs in half of humanity. This type of gastritis differs from acute gastritis in its wave-like course, with periods of well-being or remission followed by exacerbations.

Differential symptoms of gastritis

  • with insufficient production of gastric juice, aching, dull pain appears in the upper parts of the abdomen. Due to poor digestion of food, belching, nausea or vomiting may occur;
  • with increased production of gastric juice, abdominal pain is severe and often occurs immediately after eating. Other symptoms include bowel problems such as constipation and sudden mood swings.

Differential symptoms of ulcers

Symptoms of an ulcer may depend on the age of the patient, the location of the defect, the presence of exacerbation and complications, and the duration of the disease. The leading sign of an ulcer, in contrast to gastritis, is a sharp pain in the abdomen, which, unlike pain with gastritis, is clearly localized - the patient can point his finger exactly where it hurts. All other symptoms of an ulcer are similar to those that occur with gastritis with increased secretion of gastric juice.

How to independently distinguish the symptoms of gastritis or ulcers?

Stomach pain and sharp colic, often it all starts with a feeling of discomfort and heaviness in the stomach. Especially when you don't eat often.

In acute gastritis, profuse salivation, nausea and even severe vomiting are also detected, which can lead to dehydration. Also, diarrhea and belching of air are some of the signs of gastritis.

One more point that should not be omitted. The symptoms of gastritis are almost the same as those of a stomach ulcer. Therefore, you need to know exactly all the signs of the disease in order to promptly identify the symptoms of gastritis.

Forms of gastritis and ulcers

Of course, there are many forms of gastritis. But let's not dwell on this. Basically, the symptoms of gastritis can be identified by paying attention to the above signs of the disease.

What should you pay attention to?

  • It is necessary to pay attention to when the pain occurs - before eating and after eating. After eating food, if you feel heaviness or dull pain, then all the signs are that you have symptoms of gastritis;
  • If the stomach pain does not disappear within a month, of course, you should get examined;
  • When suffering from gastritis, almost everyone experiences weakness, loss of weight, and loss of appetite;
  • If gastritis occurs in a more acute form, then problems with hair arise (fragility, partial loss).

The course of gastritis and ulcers is, of course, quite specific and can make it possible to identify the disease immediately, but consultation with a doctor is necessary for an accurate diagnosis.

Types of gastritis

It is customary to distinguish between types of gastritis for the following reasons:

  1. According to the mechanism of occurrence;
  2. Morphological variant;
  3. Depending on the zones of damage to the stomach (antral, fundal and pangastritis);

It is impossible to recognize the types at home; diagnostics will be required in special institutions (fibergastroduodenoscopy, x-rays, probe diagnostics, tomography) and the study of tests indicating gastritis.

Differences between acute and chronic gastritis

A characteristic symptom is sudden, acute pain after exposure to the stomach: consumption of food harmful to the body, alcohol and the time it occurs. The first pain syndrome appears 4-8 hours after the cause of its occurrence, accompanied by: the presence of heaviness in the abdominal cavity, the appearance of nausea, vomiting, weakness, and dizziness. A person's skin turns pale and intestinal disorders, for example, a bloated stomach, are possible.

Acute gastritis is short-lived, generally lasting no more than 48 hours, and often does not entail consequences, unlike the chronic type.

Acute gastritis without treatment develops into a chronic form that lasts a long time, accompanied by a wide range of symptoms discussed in the article.

Types of chronic gastritis

You need to know the qualifications to be able to recognize gastritis. The types have different localizations and causes.

Type A - caused by immune failures that lead to changes in the fundus of the stomach, while the antrum does not change. This type is characteristic of anemia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency. Not always connected to her. The type is characterized by atrophy of the inflamed parts, the disappearance of hydrochloric acid, and high production of the hormone produced by the cells of the stomach. The disease is typical for close relatives and is hereditary.

Type B is not associated with immune processes, affects the antrum, then spreads to the fundus. Occurs as a consequence of infection with Helicobacter pylori. An important difference from autoimmune gastritis is the absence of antibodies against parietal cells. It can occur for a long time without visible symptoms, it is important to check it in the laboratory.

The intermediate type represents a form between types A and B of chronic gastritis (type AB), showing damage to the antrum and fundus. Recognized as a common form. Has common symptoms of gastritis.

Type C represents a superficial lesion of the fundus of the stomach. It is typical for hiatal hernias or bile spillage as a result of duodenogastric reflux after surgery.

Chronic gastritis

Types according to the causes of gastritis

Associated with Helicobacter pylori infection is associated with an increase in stomach acidity, characterized by: pain in the lower part of the stomach, approximately 2 hours after eating, sour belching, constipation, heartburn. The described type of gastritis is not characterized by a lack of appetite, but, on the contrary, an increase. When the disease is advanced, the following additional symptoms occur: indigestion, diarrhea, belching and weight loss.

Autoimmune gastritis is characterized by a failure of the immune system, subsequently producing antibodies to the stomach’s own cells. In addition to the main symptoms of gastritis, it is accompanied by specific symptoms caused by vitamin deficiency: vision deteriorates, gums bleed, and wounds form in the corners of the mouth.

The idiopathic type is characteristic when the causes of erosion are not identified. Passes without symptoms. Only sometimes there are attacks of nausea.

Medicinal – the provocation of the disease occurs as a result of various medications that have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract. At the beginning of the disease it does not manifest itself in any way, sometimes the afternoon heaviness is noticeable. Advanced disease leads to internal bleeding.

Main symptoms

To the question of how gastritis differs from an ulcer, specialists always give a complete answer. They usually indicate the main distinguishing features of both diseases, which include the location of the pain syndrome and its frequency. The difference between a stomach ulcer and gastritis is the following clinical manifestations:

  • Hunger pains at night are characteristic of ulcers. They do not stop until the patient with this disease eats something.
  • Gastritis only bothers a person during the day, but does not disturb sleep at night.
  • Unpleasant sharp sensations during the development of the inflammatory process on the gastric mucosa are localized in the epigastric region.
  • Ulcerative pain is very sharp, debilitating and can radiate to the iliac or precordial region, as well as to the back. This depends on the exact location of the ulcerative defect.

It is these signs that show how to distinguish these pathologies yourself.

All patients with gastric pathologies need to know the signs in order to be able to promptly contact a gastroenterologist and begin adequate therapeutic measures.

Differences between individual forms of disease

But some patients may also develop ulcerative gastritis. This type of disease is considered the most dangerous and is practically no different from an ulcer. The greatest threat to human health from this form of the disease is that pathological inflammation of the mucous membrane begins almost immediately after its irritation occurs. Often, almost a few hours are enough, and after half a day, all the main symptoms of the pathology clearly manifest themselves in a person.

Only the attending physician can tell you how to distinguish it from a peptic ulcer, but still there are practically no differences in the symptoms of these two diseases. This can be seen if you familiarize yourself in detail with the clinical signs of ulcerative gastritis:

  • loss of appetite by a person;
  • nausea, quickly followed by bloody vomiting, which can often contain bile or blood;
  • distension and acute pain in the epigastric region.

In addition to these general signs, general symptoms also appear, which include a significant increase in temperature, increased blood pressure and the appearance of weakness and apathy.

Possible difference in the treatment of pathologies

The main cause of the development of these ailments is considered to be Helicobacter pylori infection, which actively multiplies in the stomach and damages its mucous membrane. As a result of such a negative effect, an inflammatory process begins on the walls of the digestive organ, which intensifies under the aggressive influence of hydrochloric acid, the main component of gastric juice. Common ulcers and gastritis are treated with medications.

For this purpose, two classes of drugs are used:

  • antibiotics to destroy Helicobacter pylori;
  • antisecretory agents and antacids that normalize acidity.

The pills for these diseases and the mandatory recommendations in the diet prescribed for them are generally completely similar, but only doctors who know the true picture of negative changes in the stomach can select them. Only in this case is it possible to choose the most effective option in complex treatment.

Such diseases of the main digestive organ occur in all age categories and are completely independent of social status. If you take emergency measures to get rid of them, then adequate treatment will lead to a complete recovery. That is why gastroenterologists recommend that patients at risk remember the first signs of stomach ulcers and gastritis, as well as adjust their diet, get rid of bad habits and begin to lead a healthy lifestyle that does not allow physical and nervous strain, as well as the occurrence of frequent stressful situations.


Gastric and duodenal ulcers are a chronic disease; the main symptom is the occurrence of ulcers or ulcers on the internal mucous surface of the stomach and duodenum. Often regarded as symptoms of exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease.

The main symptom of a stomach ulcer is pain associated with eating. Pains are divided into early, hunger pain or late.

The main causes of ulcers: poor diet, frequent depression and stress, alcohol abuse, smoking. The already mentioned bacterium Helicobacter becomes a frequent causative agent of ulcers and gastritis.

The main symptoms of gastritis and stomach ulcers: constant feeling of thirst, dry mouth, prolonged heartburn, pain, belching, dyspeptic symptoms. Signs are present in both gastritis and stomach ulcers.

More often, an ulcer occurs due to gastritis if the patient is not treated correctly on time.

Differences between ulcers and gastritis

Ulcers and gastritis have similar disease symptoms; in most cases, ulcers are a consequence of gastritis. It is not always possible to distinguish diseases without consulting a doctor.

Let's name some signs that allow us to distinguish between diseases:

  • Gastritis is characterized by pain concentrated in the stomach area; an ulcer is characterized by sharp pain that radiates to the back or other areas, depending on the location of the ulcer.
  • Ulcers and gastritis cause hunger pain, but with gastritis the sensation occurs four or five hours after eating. With an ulcer, sharp pain appears within an hour to an hour and a half after eating.
  • Ulcers are characterized by seasonal exacerbations, gastritis causes inconvenience at any time of the year, exacerbation is caused by poor diet.
  • An ulcer can manifest itself as night pain that goes away after a snack; gastritis does not bother you at night.
  • It is possible to roughly determine the disease using a general blood test; in case of peptic ulcer, it will show reduced hemoglobin.
  • If suddenly there is a sharp pain, vomiting with blood, weakness, decreased blood pressure - there are signs of perforation of the ulcer, when internal bleeding is possible. Urgent medical attention will be required due to the life-threatening nature of the condition.

With gastritis and stomach ulcers, as a consequence of the disease, complications develop that require increased attention.

A serious complication of an ulcer is the process of perforation, which causes a breakthrough of the stomach wall in the area where the ulcer is located. The condition requires urgent intervention by surgeons.

Bleeding that occurs due to damage to a blood vessel by an ulcer due to neglect of treatment is considered dangerous. Bleeding is usually accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure, dizziness, and dark, almost black vomiting.

If timely and effective treatment is not carried out, the passage of stomach contents into the duodenum may be impaired due to the fact that the area undergoes narrowing. As a result, food remains in the digestive organ, and the process of rotting begins.

Peptic ulcer disease tends to worsen in autumn and spring; patients should be treated before the main symptoms occur (severe pain, constant dry mouth, heartburn, belching).

Gastritis and peptic ulcers can be effectively treated with herbal medicine as an addition to basic drug treatment. The goal of treatment is always to promote the healing of ulcerative lesions on the gastric epithelium and prevent complications (bleeding, perforation).

Ulcer and gastritis are a serious and dangerous disease, the identification of which should occur in the early stages of the disease, when it is possible to recover without resorting to extreme measures, for example, surgery.

Treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers

Both diseases require urgent treatment. Gastritis in an advanced form soon turns into an ulcer, which poses a danger to human life. Today, doctors distinguish between ten types of gastritis of varying severity. An experienced gastroenterologist can make an accurate diagnosis. Based on the results of FGDS, the form of gastritis, stages, acidity in the stomach and the causes of the disease are determined.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on the stage of the disease and the patient’s attitude towards following the doctor’s instructions. Violating the prescribed diet, smoking and drinking alcohol will significantly complicate treatment.

When prescribing therapy, doctors today consider not the acidity of the gastric juice, but the condition of the mucous membrane, based on the results of endoscopy. In the acute form, treatment is initially aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptoms. Medicines neutralize acidity in the stomach, reducing inflammation and pain. Diet adherence is mandatory.

  • Anesthesia. Antispasmodics No-shpa, Drotaverine and others will help relieve pain.
  • Antacids are drugs that reduce acidity. They act more slowly, but more effectively and longer, due to their antiseptic and absorbent properties. The drugs include: Phosphalugel, Almagel, Maalox.
  • Proton pump blockers are drugs that reduce the secretions of the stomach glands. By influencing the mucous membrane, it is established that hydrochloric acid is secreted in extremely small quantities in the stomach. This category includes the drugs Robeprazole, Lansoprazole, Omeprazole. Using the listed medications, stomach acidity decreases for a long time and irritation decreases.

To treat the bacterium Helicobacter Pelori, in addition to proton pump blockers, antibiotics are prescribed - amoxicillin, clarithromycin and trichopolum.

Ulcer treatment is carried out seriously, aimed at eliminating Helicobacter Pelori - as the main source of peptic ulcer disease. Without antibiotics, treatment is not possible. Drugs are prescribed that form a protective film on the mucous membrane, promoting the healing of ulcers.

Those with ulcers should strictly follow a diet and avoid nervous tension.

Nutrition for gastritis and ulcers

Diet and eating habits are important in the treatment of these diseases. Basic principles:

  1. Eat little and often, do not overeat.
  2. Eat food warm.
  3. Avoid smoking and alcoholic drinks, spicy, smoked and fried foods.
  4. Avoid sour vegetables and fruits, rich broths and fatty meats. Reduce consumption of fermented milk products.

During an exacerbation, you should eat dairy-free cereals, light broths, rice and mashed potatoes with the addition of a small amount of butter. When improvement occurs, it is possible to diversify the menu, but the processing of products remains gentle (mashed, steamed). Eliminate spices, spicy snacks and coffee.

Each person's tolerance to foods is different; each patient has their own list of permitted and prohibited foods.

Signs of gastritis

The signs and symptoms of a disease such as gastritis are common to various ailments, and, as a rule, a highly qualified specialist is able to establish an accurate diagnosis without much effort as they obtain data on all the existing manifestations of gastritis in the patient.

The symptoms of this disease can create serious difficulties in the life of a sick person. It is important to understand that the sooner a person is treated, the better he will feel.

One of the most well-known symptoms of gastritis is a feeling of discomfort in the abdominal area, and it is not uncommon for the patient's condition to worsen after eating.

Signs and symptoms of this disease can vary widely. Bloating is often common.

Stomach pain may disappear in a person who periodically massages the stomach, however, it will return again over time.

Other manifestations of such a common gastrointestinal disease as gastritis are pain or discomfort in the stomach, mainly between the lower rib and the navel, which may or may not worsen after eating.

Some foods may cause more pain in the patient during gastritis than other foods.

In the meantime, there are a number of foods that can help soothe the pain.

Foods with a high amount of acid are much more likely to cause discomfort than easily digestible types of foods (like eggs and milk).

Some people experience one of the worst symptoms of gastritis - nausea, which is often accompanied by vomiting.

It can be one of the most severe gastritis symptoms one has to face when it comes to the symptoms of the above disease.

Nobody likes to feel nauseous. This symptom makes normal daily life very difficult for anyone.

Signs and symptoms that include vomiting are a signal that the patient needs to urgently see a gastroenterology expert for evaluation and diagnosis.

For most people, the most common symptom of the disease is a terrible feeling of fullness in the abdomen or a feeling of bloating.

This symptom literally causes the stomach to stretch and can lead to certain inconveniences in the patient’s life.

All of the above signs and symptoms often lead to very poor appetite and eating food seems to make the situation worse.

People with symptoms resembling gastritis often tend to avoid eating for fear of an attack of the disease or worsening of existing symptoms.

The most serious symptom that makes it possible to identify gastritis is vomiting with blood in it or black stool, which is an indicator of the release of blood from the digestive system.

One of the most common signs of the above ailment is a simple feeling of upset in the stomach and the condition of heartburn.

Many people tend to attribute this general symptomatology of the erosive form of gastritis to some other disease and do not take it very seriously.

They take some over-the-counter medications to temporarily relieve the severity of symptoms.

This simply allows the gastritis to continue to worsen over time until finally the gastritis symptoms become too intense and the patient has to see a doctor.

Once the attending physician clarifies all the existing signs and symptoms of gastritis in the patient, it will be easier for him, using a few simple tests, to prescribe treatment to help the person cope with the disease.

Patients with mild erosive gastritis often experience no symptoms, although some complain of dyspepsia, feelings of nausea or the desire to vomit.

Often the first sign is hematemesis and melena, usually lasting for 2-5 days from the onset of the disease.

Bleeding accompanying ulcerative (erosive) gastritis is usually mild to moderate, although it may be profuse if deep ulceration is present, especially in acute stress-induced gastritis.

Patients who have signs and symptoms of gastritis, such as severe pain and bloating, may be prescribed medications by their doctor.

Stomach cramps are also a likely symptom of gastritis, and antispasmodic medications can help relieve these symptoms.

Heartburn and dyspepsia, which can sometimes occur during the erosive form of gastritis, can be eliminated with antacids.

Simethicone is another drug used to reduce the signs of gas and bloating that often occur during a condition such as ulcerative (erosive) gastritis.

Another symptom of gastritis may be fever or fever.

If a fever develops, this may indicate an underlying infection. When a fever is present, a person should seek medical attention.

In some cases, ulcerative gastritis or ulcers may require a course of antibiotics if the doctor suspects a bacterial infection. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Signs of a stomach ulcer

Treatment of peptic ulcer will largely depend on the causes and symptomatic manifestations of the disease.

One of the most well-known symptoms of ulcerative lesions of the stomach wall is the appearance of acute pain in the abdominal area, which lasts from several minutes to several hours.

There have been cases of serious ulcers in which the patient did not experience any obvious signs or symptoms.

A stomach ulcer can often be confused with an esophageal ulcer and a duodenal ulcer (developing in the upper part of the small intestine) before a definitive diagnosis can be made.

In the past, lifestyle factors were thought to be the cause of peptic ulcers. However, recent studies have proven that gastric fluids, namely hydrochloric acid and pepsin, contribute to the formation of stomach ulcers.

Acidic and stomach juices burn the wall of the digestive tract. This occurs when the stomach produces more acid, which in turn irritates the tissues in the digestive tract.

Any infection of bacterial origin, as well as the use of certain anti-inflammatory drugs, also damage the inner lining of the stomach, which can further complicate the treatment of the disease.

The presence of indigestion and heartburn in the middle parts of the upper abdomen are some of the possible manifestations of peptic ulcer disease. The appearance of hiccups and belching due to the disorder is also quite possible.

However, these symptoms are often confused with gastroesophageal reflux disease. Another symptom of a stomach ulcer is nausea, accompanied by loss of appetite.

Many people who have stomach ulcers also suffer from burning or burning pain in the abdomen.

The pain is often observed under the rib cage on the left side of the body and may eventually spread to the back. Treatment after such a complication can be very difficult.

Often this pain can feel like hunger. People suffering from possible ulceration in the stomach area feel better after eating.

Consequently, they try to eat frequently, which in turn leads to weight gain.

On the other hand, there are people who suffer from short-term stomach pain in the presence of an ulcer, which occurs for about two to three hours after eating food or at night on an empty stomach.

Other symptoms of stomach ulcers include:

  • constant headache;
  • dizziness;
  • fatigue.

In certain severe cases of peptic ulcers, scarring may appear in the tissues of the stomach, preventing food from passing through the digestive tract.

Because of this, a person may vomit frequently or feel bloated in the stomach even after eating small amounts of food.

A person with a stomach ulcer may also suffer from a bleeding ulcer when they vomit blood or have a bowel movement that turns the stool black or contains dark red blood.

While some patients with these types of ulcers may experience loss of appetite and weight loss, others may experience weight gain.

In addition to the above, there are additional signs characteristic of a disease such as a stomach ulcer.

They consist of dyspepsia, chronic discomfort in the stomach area, flatulence, belching along with the desire to vomit.

Serious symptoms of stomach ulcers include repeated sharp pain in the stomach area, tarry stool, anemia and lightheadedness.

Treatment of the disease should be determined exclusively by a professional doctor.

He will draw up a plan according to which the ulcer will be treated, based on the results of diagnostic tests and analyses, as well as the patient’s condition and existing symptoms.

What is stomach cancer

Stomach cancer is an oncological disease, a malignant formation that occurs in the mucous membrane of the digestive organ based on its own cells. In terms of frequency of occurrence, this form of cancer is in fourth place. The disease often manifests itself in the Asian region; in other countries, the risk of getting sick is estimated at 15 to 22%. Women suffer from this disease half as often as men. Cancer often affects people over the age of 50. Metastases occur in 90% of cases.

The disease can appear in any part of the stomach: in the cardiac section, where it connects to the esophagus, in the middle and pyloric section (divided into the antrum and pylorus, adjacent to the spine), at the junction with the intestines. The tumor often develops inside the digestive organ, but it can grow through the outer layer, affecting, for example, the liver.

There is such a variety as adenogenic stomach cancer, which belongs to the group of undifferentiated ones. Its difference: the tumor is formed from young cells that are not “professional” because they cannot form gland structures. Adenogenic cancers include solid, scirrus, and signet ring cell cancers. Poorly differentiated gastric cancer is an aggressive form characterized by rapid changes in stages. The disease occurs due to poor quality nutrition, overeating, fatty, fried foods, heredity, and bad habits.

Precancerous condition

According to research results, cancer of the digestive organ develops on damaged mucous membranes; doctors regard the latter symptom as a precancerous condition of the stomach, which increases the risk of developing the disease. Cancer formation does not appear due to an increase in the number of cells, but due to the accumulation of harmful properties in them. Often the time between the onset of the development of a precancerous condition and the appearance of the tumor itself is calculated in years. Those who have had part of their stomach resected have an increased chance of developing cancer.

Diseases of the gastric mucosa, such as chronic gastritis, are the basis for the occurrence of cancer. Those who have gastritis should regularly visit specialists, have endoscopy and follow all doctor's advice regarding diet and necessary procedures. An ulcer is a precancerous condition and can cause the development of cancer. Treatment, including surgery, prevents the development of a more dangerous disease. Polyposis is considered a precancerous condition if it manifests itself as a neoplasm. Find out more about what gastric polyposis is.

Early symptoms of stomach cancer

Some people wonder how to recognize stomach cancer. However, this is not so easy to do. The symptoms of stomach cancer at the initial stage are difficult to determine, since similar symptoms are present in other diseases, such as ulcers or gastritis. Even doctors often make an erroneous diagnosis. Attempts to combat early symptoms of stomach cancer with medications and diets will lead nowhere due to the misdiagnosed disease.

At first, the development of stomach cancer does not cause any discomfort, and identifying the disease is difficult. A person is inclined to attribute a slight malaise to gastritis or polyps. This leads to the fact that more than 80% of patients turn to specialists when the disease is advanced. The duration of the period from the onset of the first symptoms to the advanced stage of cancer is about twelve months.

Symptoms: mild discomfort, belching of air or heartburn, heaviness in the epistrum. If the disease is advanced, then signs of stomach cancer appear, such as vomiting, anemia, weight loss, weakness, and headaches radiating to the back. With stenosis, narrowing of the outlet, belching, nausea, vomiting, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen and overeating are observed. The skin takes on a slight tint of brown, becomes less elastic, and the patient looks pale.

It should be remembered that symptoms of stomach cancer at an early stage are also characteristic of those who have recently suffered from diseases such as gastritis or ulcers. If bleeding occurs, weakness appears, including loss of consciousness, black stools, and vomiting blood. If the tumor ruptures, peritonitis occurs with high fever and acute pain.

Are common

Some of the most common general symptoms include:

  1. Excessive excitability.
  2. Causeless weakness.
  3. Loss of weight and appetite.
  4. Increased fatigue.
  5. Apathy and irritability.

Small Trait Syndrome

L.I. was the first to describe and classify early symptoms. Savitsky, calling them the syndrome of small signs. The list includes: anorexia, causeless weakness, extremely low ability to work and severe fatigue, a feeling of fullness, heaviness and discomfort in the upper abdomen, increased pickiness in food, apathy, lack of interest in what previously attracted, depression. If the cancer occurs in the cardiac region, chest pain may occur.

How to distinguish gastritis from an ulcer?

Peptic ulcer and gastritis are diseases that are very similar in external manifestations. Even an experienced doctor cannot always distinguish gastritis from an ulcer, relying only on the patient’s complaints.

Gastritis and ulcers are common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that have similar symptoms. Gastritis is considered a milder disease, while ulcers are considered serious illnesses that require long-term treatment.

Before you begin treatment for gastritis or ulcers, you must undergo an examination. It is important to make an accurate diagnosis, because the effectiveness of treatment will depend on this.

Questions from readers Hello! I am worried about pain in the left hypochondrium, pain occurs on an empty stomach, after eating the pain goes away October 18, 2013, 17:25 Hello! I am worried about pain in the left hypochondrium, pain occurs on an empty stomach, pain after eating goes away. Please tell me: could these be symptoms of some kind of disease of the stomach or pancreas? I had an ultrasound in October last year, no diseases of the pancreas were detected. A deformation of the gallbladder was detected. View answer Ask question

Note that the symptoms that characterize gastritis and stomach ulcers are very similar in many ways. Even a qualified specialist can find it difficult to make a diagnosis based only on the patient’s complaints. It is necessary to carry out special instrumental research methods that will help the doctor accurately make a diagnosis. As a rule, for diagnostic purposes, the patient undergoes fibrogastroscopy and also takes an X-ray of the stomach. However, with a high degree of probability, it is possible to distinguish gastritis from an ulcer even before the examination, if you carefully evaluate the symptoms.

Signs of gastritis and gastric ulcer

Over the past few decades, a large number of people have experienced digestive difficulties, particularly stomach problems. According to statistics, more than seventy-five percent of the Russian population have symptoms similar to those of gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Unfortunately, more than half of the sick do not attach much importance to the unpleasant sensations that arise and do not consider it necessary to seek medical help.

Doctors explain the inexorable statistics by insufficiently attentive attitude towards one’s own health, poor nutrition, leading to a deficiency of vitamins in the body.

Symptoms of gastritis of the stomach in adults are observed much more often than among the child population of the country, although statistics show that children are also susceptible to the disease.

Cases often occur: minor ailments associated with the stomach develop into a serious disease, which not only provokes complications in the body, but leads to death. Let's look at how gastritis manifests itself and its causes. Knowledge will help reduce the risk of complications (ulcers, internal bleeding, stomach cancer).

Commonly occurring diseases in the gastrointestinal tract include gastritis and stomach ulcers.


Gastritis of the stomach is called the disease of the century. Moreover, it happens that the pathology occurs without pronounced signs.

There are several reasons for this. There are several types of gastritis in the stomach, each with its own individual course. The similarity of the options is considered to be inflammation of the gastric mucosa, observed with gastritis and ulcers.

The prerequisites for the appearance of the disease are malfunctions in the internal organs: circulatory disorders, diabetes mellitus, anemia, impaired functioning of the liver and thyroid gland. These factors can interfere with the normal secretory function of the stomach, leading to gastritis.

Other factors are known that explain the cause of the disease:

  • frequent use of various medications, antibiotics;
  • alcohol abuse and smoking;
  • violation of diet, frequent consumption of fast food;
  • the habit of eating too hot dishes, spicy and fatty foods, various semi-finished products;
  • in some cases, the decisive factor is hereditary predisposition.

The reasons have been known for a long time. At the beginning of this century, an internal factor was identified that most often causes gastritis. This is a Helicobacter bacterium that is present in most people's bodies. When the immune system is weakened, the microbe becomes more active and contributes to inflammation.

Helicobacter pylori bacterium


The first signs of gastritis are discomfort after eating, often appearing in the solar plexus area, pain, severe heartburn, unpleasant belching, dry mouth. In selected cases, there is a slight increase in body temperature, nausea or vomiting. It happens that intestinal activity is disrupted. Sometimes there is a decrease in appetite, flatulence, and tachycardia.

Belching with gastritis leaves a sour taste in the mouth and an unpleasant odor. As for intestinal dysfunction, most often the patient suffers from diarrhea and dehydration occurs. Strong thirst and a “dry” mouth develop.

Each of the listed signs can mean an ordinary digestive disorder, but if the symptoms are combined, there is a reason to sound the alarm and urgently make an appointment with a gastroenterologist. Gastritis in the stomach is considered the initial stage of serious ailments, including dangerous stomach ulcers and, if neglected and untreated, fatal stomach cancer.

Sometimes a person simply does not feel sick and does not recognize the signs of gastritis and stomach ulcers. This happens in the chronic form of the disease. The disease has several types; only the attending physician is able to establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment after a thorough examination of the patient.

Exacerbation of gastritis often occurs, which occurs with acute inflammation of the epithelium in the stomach. This happens due to non-compliance with a special diet, due to a burn of the mucous membrane, due to metabolic disorders. When acidity increases, gastric juice irritates the epithelium. During exacerbation, inflammation sometimes covers the thickness of the epithelial tissue of the stomach or the surface.

Endoscopy of the stomach

Signs of acute gastritis

  1. Nausea and vomiting;
  2. Intestinal dysfunction, in particular diarrhea;
  3. Pale skin;
  4. Weakness, periodic dizziness;
  5. Heaviness in the abdomen;
  6. Dry mouth or, conversely, increased salivation;
  7. The tongue is coated;
  8. When palpating the stomach area, severe pain appears;
  9. Bitterness in the mouth due to gastritis.

These symptoms of exacerbation of gastritis require immediate treatment. In the absence of proper therapy, acute gastritis will become chronic.

This form of the disease develops quickly, sometimes within the first two or three hours after provoking influences. Often acute gastritis occurs due to intestinal infections or from taking substances that damage or burn the lining of the stomach (alcohol, alkalis, acids).

Symptoms and treatment of chronic gastritis in adults

The presence of chronic gastritis in adults accounts for approximately 50-80% of the population. The causes are the already known bacterium Helicobacter and other unfavorable factors. Symptoms of chronic gastritis are intense painful sensations that often appear in the morning when the stomach is empty. There are aching intermittent pains that occur after eating. Often suffering from prolonged heartburn, dry mouth, sour belching, heaviness in the stomach. Possible vomiting, frequent bowel movements, lack of appetite, weakness.

Chronic gastritis

If the disease is caused by Helicobacter, antimicrobial treatment is used, including taking antibiotics and medications: omeprazole, pariet, de-nol.

If the causes of the disease are different, gastritis is treated with medications that reduce acidity in the stomach (phosphalugel, Maalox) or have enveloping properties (sucralfate, etc.). Herbal medicine is used.

To determine exactly how to treat gastritis, the type of gastritis is determined.

There is a negative effect of gastritis on the body, the most important functions of the digestive system are disrupted, the absorption of nutrients worsens, the stomach is unable to function fully and digest incoming food. The situation is especially aggravated if the patient develops acute gastritis.

Terry gastritis is known and is characterized by the most advanced condition. If such a diagnosis is made, there is a high probability that the appearance of an ulcer is not far off.

Causes of gastritis and ulcers

Often the symptoms of gastritis and stomach ulcers are confused with temporary illness or food poisoning, but leaving these manifestations without drug treatment is dangerous. Gastritis is characterized by inflammation of the gastric mucosa, as a result of which its secretory function is disrupted, and as a result, digestion is impaired. This process can also lead to lower levels of nutrients in the blood.

Without treatment, this disease does not go away, but only worsens and develops into a chronic form. And if a person does not want to deal with this problem further, then gastritis turns into an ulcer.

The causes of gastritis are the following factors:

  • non-compliance with diet: overeating, large meals before bedtime;
  • bad habits: drinking alcohol, smoking;
  • eating spicy, too hot or too cold food;
  • intoxication due to kidney disease;
  • chemical poisoning;
  • use of significant amounts of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs without medical supervision.

As for the microflora that contributes to the development of gastritis, scientists have recently found the main culprit of mucosal inflammation - the bacterium helicobacter pylori, which lives in the stomach. It lives in the body in 88% of people, but more often the immune system suppresses it and the disease does not develop. But as soon as the defenses weaken, a person is exposed to stress or overwork, it quickly begins to develop and cause inflammation.

To understand that you have gastritis and not food poisoning, you need to clearly know its symptoms:

  • regular nausea, especially in the morning and after meals; frequent vomiting, sour belching, heartburn are observed;
  • sharp, aching pain appears in the upper abdomen;
  • poor appetite and bloating are observed;
  • after eating food, there may be a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the stomach;
  • pain in the abdomen during periods of hunger;
  • intestinal disorders, constipation and diarrhea;
  • in advanced cases, with insufficient absorption of nutrients, low blood pressure, weakness, and dizziness may occur.

With chronic gastritis, the listed symptoms may not appear too noticeably, so it is difficult for a person to diagnose himself. Only a doctor can accurately determine whether you have gastritis or not. In addition, there are several types of gastritis:

  1. Gastritis with low acidity. It is characterized by nausea in the morning, poor appetite, rapid satiety, unpleasant taste in the mouth, and flatulence.
  2. Gastritis with normal acidity. With it, only inflammation of the gastric mucosa is observed as a result of exposure to bacteria or chemicals.
  3. Gastritis with high acidity is more common than others. It is characterized by sour belching, heartburn, nagging abdominal pain at night and constipation.

How to prevent the development of gastritis symptoms?

To prevent exacerbation of gastritis, you need to follow some recommendations:

  • no smoking;
  • don't drink coffee;
  • eat small portions;
  • eliminate stressful situations;
  • Don't overload yourself with work.

How to distinguish an ulcer from gastritis

It is quite difficult to distinguish an ulcer from gastritis if you are not a doctor, since they have similar manifestations. But you can still try to recognize the distinctive features. For example, with a stomach ulcer, pain often radiates to different parts of the body: the back, the heart area. And with gastritis, pain is localized in the epigastric region.

Gastritis, unlike ulcers, can worsen at any time of the year. Basically, the exacerbation depends on the consumption of this or that food. If pain occurs at night, it is an ulcer; with gastritis, it appears only during the day.

Diagnostic tests will help accurately determine the disease:

  1. Gastroscopy is a procedure in which a tube with a camera is used to examine the stomach, esophagus and other parts of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. A biopsy, in which an element of damaged tissue is taken from the walls of the stomach in order to identify neoplasms.
  3. Tests: blood and stool. A decrease in hemoglobin in the blood may indicate the presence of a peptic ulcer. And traces of the bacterium helicobacter pylori are found in the stool.
  4. X-ray.
  5. Breathing test: the patient holds his breath and exhales air into the bag; then takes urea inside and after 20 minutes exhales air again into another bag. They do an analysis of the air in two bags; if the second tank has an increased content of carbon dioxide, it means that infection with the Helicobacter bacteria is present.

Treatment of gastritis and ulcers

Drug treatment

Drug treatment of gastritis includes taking:

  • antibiotics, for example, Tindazole;
  • medications to reduce stomach acidity (Almagel, Phosphalugel and others);
  • drugs that normalize the digestion process, for example, Mezim.

For ulcers, doctors prescribe the following medications:

  • antibiotic, for example, Amoxicillin, Erythromycin;
  • histamine blockers, which reduce the production of gastric juice, for example, Kvamatel;
  • agents that neutralize hydrochloric acid, but their use is prescribed during the period of remission.

In order for the treatment to have the desired effect, the patient must follow a special diet. Spicy, smoked, and pickled foods are excluded from the diet.

In severe cases, when drugs can cause pain or exacerbation of the disease, injections are prescribed.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine methods can be used in conjunction with drug treatment:

  1. Symptoms of exacerbation of gastritis can be relieved with the help of sunflower oil: half an hour before meals, take 2-3 tablespoons of oil.
  2. Honey and water solution: 2 tbsp. l. honey is diluted in a glass of warm water and taken an hour before meals in small sips.
  3. Mixture of walnuts, honey and butter: 200 g each. Place each product in a pan and place in an oven preheated to 100°C; let the mixture sit there for 20 minutes; then remove the pan and stir its contents. You need to take 1 tablespoon of the product, without washing anything down, between main meals.
  4. Decoction of chamomile and flax seeds: mix seeds and dry chamomile herb in equal proportions, pour boiling water and leave for 10 hours. Take 0.5 liters per day. infusion.

Please note that before you start taking folk remedies for gastritis and ulcers, you should consult a specialist. And remember that they will not be able to rid you of the disease, but are aimed only at alleviating symptoms.

Diet for gastritis and ulcers

During the treatment of gastritis and ulcers, to achieve the best effect, it is very important to follow the following rules:

  1. The gastric mucosa should be absolutely at rest after eating.
  2. You should not eat too large portions at one time.
  3. Do not eat foods that cause excess gastric juice.
  4. Meals should be separated so that the intervals between them are 3 hours.
  5. Food should be soft.
  6. You cannot eat more than 10 grams. salt during the day.
  7. Avoid eating foods that are too cold or hot, as your body will need more time to digest them.

Eat healthy foods that contain not only fats and carbohydrates, but also proteins, vitamins and beneficial microelements.

Dairy and fermented milk products are very useful for gastritis and ulcers. They are able to soften gastric juice and protect the walls of the stomach.

If you cannot live without coffee, make it weaker and dilute it with milk.

Products must contain animal and vegetable fats. You should add olive oil to your diet, as it promotes the healing of ulcerative wounds.

Under no circumstances should you consume fatty meat broths with spices. Do not consume spicy, fried or salty foods, sausage, carbonated drinks, or alcohol.

An unhealthy lifestyle and poor nutrition negatively affect the human digestive system. The common diseases gastritis and stomach ulcers are becoming increasingly common. The symptoms of the diseases are similar. Even a gastroenterologist is not always able to understand what is bothering the patient. To determine the exact clinical picture, studies are carried out - FGDS and x-ray of the stomach.

The main difference between gastritis and a stomach ulcer is that with gastritis an inflammatory process forms on the mucous membrane, and with an ulcer it is focal, with deep tissue damage.

How to independently distinguish gastritis from an ulcer

Getting to a good doctor today is not easy; many people tend to independently determine the presence of diseases. The main thing is not to abuse it; only a doctor has the right to make the right conclusion.

As mentioned earlier, the symptoms of the two diseases are similar. If you take a closer look at the body, the difference between gastritis and ulcers becomes clear. Let's consider a number of factors.

With gastritis, unpleasant sensations bother the patient constantly or periodically. The ulcer is characterized by sharp pain with clear localization. A person is able to specifically indicate where it hurts.

Time of onset of pain

Unlike gastritis, pain from an ulcer bothers a person day and night. A small meal will help relieve pain.

Gastritis bothers a person at any time of the year, regardless of the season. The exacerbation depends rather on a violation of the diet. For ulcers, exacerbation is typical in the autumn-spring periods.

Exacerbation of gastritis

Hunger pains

Most patients with gastritis and ulcers experience pain during hunger, but there are differences. If hunger pain appears 3-4 hours after eating, it is probably gastritis. If pain begins shortly after eating, causing nausea and even vomiting, an ulcer is suspected.

Gastritis differs from a stomach ulcer in that the patient’s blood counts remain normal. With an ulcer, hemoglobin often decreases. A person is worried about fatigue, dizziness, loose stools with blood (or vice versa, hard), vomiting with blood.

Among the external signs of ulcer sufferers, there is a coating on the tongue and excessive sweating of the hands. Those suffering from gastritis do not experience such symptoms.

Peptic ulcer disease can be practically asymptomatic (“silent ulcers”) and do not differ from gastritis. This is typical for older people, people with diabetes, and people taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In such cases, the patient is confident in his own health until the development of complications forces him to seek medical help.

Medicine 2.0

10 signs that you have gastritis or an ulcer

Unfortunately, in everyday life we ​​often do not pay due attention to some symptoms that may indicate the presence of gastritis or ulcers. How do you know if you need medical help?

Often we completely ignore some phenomena that may be signs of serious diseases. And even if we do, we have neither the time, nor the strength, nor the desire to deal with these phenomena. Especially considering our people’s love of diagnosing themselves and taking universal pills “for everything.” However, there are symptoms for which it is better to consult a doctor immediately, as they may indicate the presence of gastritis or an ulcer.

How to recognize gastritis and ulcers?

The symptoms of gastritis and ulcers are often very similar and only a doctor can determine which disease you have. We want to note first of all those symptoms that you need to pay attention to.

Pain in the upper abdomen, often after eating
Heaviness in the stomach
Nausea and vomiting
Lack of appetite
Weight loss
Bad taste in the mouth
Stool disorders
Frequent feeling of thirst

It is believed that by carefully analyzing the nature and frequency of pain, one can assume a particular disease. For example, pain that begins a few hours after eating may indicate the presence of gastritis, while pain from an ulcer usually begins much faster - after about an hour.

Ulcers are also characterized by exacerbation in autumn and spring, and exacerbations of gastritis are in no way related to the time of year. It is also believed that ulcers can appear at night, while gastritis only bothers you during the day.

Symptoms of gastritis and ulcers

What is gastritis and how to treat it?
Gastritis is an inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa. The cause of gastritis can be a malnutrition, an incorrectly chosen diet, a love of hot and spicy foods, various infections, taking certain medications for a long time, alcohol or severe stress.

As a rule, to diagnose gastritis, a fibrogastroscopic examination is performed, in which the walls of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum are examined using a special microcamera. Additional tests may also be needed to clarify the diagnosis.

Gastritis is treated with diet, antibacterial therapy and drugs that restore the acidity of gastric juice and the gastric mucosa.

What is an ulcer and how to treat it?
Peptic ulcer is a chronic disease in which defects – ulcers – form on the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. The causes of ulcers are considered to be stress, poor diet, long-term use of certain medications, alcohol, smoking and heredity.

If the ulcer is not treated promptly, it can spread deep into the stomach wall and cause life-threatening complications.

To make a diagnosis, a fibrogastroscopic examination is performed, as well as an x-ray, biopsy and analysis of gastric juice.

Treatment for ulcers is usually complex and includes a certain daily and nutritional regimen, taking antibiotics and special medications. In rare cases, surgery may be necessary.

What symptoms require emergency medical care?

Increased pain and its movement towards the appendix
Chest pain
Frequent vomiting
Blood in stool and vomit
Weakness, dizziness, fainting
Breathing problems

Treatment of gastritis and ulcers

Prevention of ulcers and gastritis
Avoid fast food, processed foods, and products containing dyes, flavors, and synthetic additives.
Eat at a specific time every day.
Chew your food thoroughly.
Don't overeat.
If possible, stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
Monitor the quality of the food you eat - wash food thoroughly before eating and store it properly.
Limit the amount of smoked, fatty and spicy foods in your diet.

How to identify a stomach ulcer

A stomach ulcer is a widespread disorder in the lining of the stomach. Damage occurs under the influence of acid and bile. The ulcer has a recurring course, relapses occur more often in the spring and autumn periods. As the ulcer heals, a scar forms.

Symptoms of the disease

You can determine the disease yourself. There are a number of signs by which a person can independently identify the presence of an illness in the body.
How to identify a stomach ulcer:

  1. Vomiting accompanies food intake; the stomach seems to be trying to expel acid from its contents. After cleansing the body, the pain becomes less or disappears. Sometimes a person, having realized this method of getting rid of pain, himself causes it through artificial intervention. The ulcer affects the blood vessels, vomiting becomes bloody. If this is observed, an accurate diagnosis can be made - it is an ulcer.
  2. The color of stool changes. It becomes tarry and dark. Stomach bleeding changes the color of stool.
  3. Disorders characterized as dyspeptic: heartburn, belching, constipation. The patient experiences a feeling of fullness of the stomach with food, heaviness and inability to process it.
  4. Weight loss. Patients lose weight, mainly as a consequence of restricting food intake to relieve pain.
  5. Profuse salivation. This symptom can replace other, even painful sensations.
  6. Severe, constant pain in the stomach. The pain sometimes radiates to the left shoulder blade, to the thoracic region, to the lower back. Pain appears when a person has not yet taken food (morning, night). There may be pain between meals, some time after eating. This symptom intensifies if you take difficult-to-process food. Sour and salty foods cause pain. All manifestations of the disease are associated with food, so pain is divided into:
  • Late (after eating);
  • Early (before meals);
  • Hungry (lack of food).

The pain is accompanied by disruption of different parts of the stomach. The most acute pain is recorded in young people. It is harsh and the patient tries to stop the pain by refusing food.

Risk group

Some people bring the disease closer to illness through their lifestyle. You need to know what can lead to a serious illness.

  • improper diet;
  • consumption of strong alcoholic drinks;
  • high speed when eating: haste, poor chewing;
  • rough and spicy food;
  • taking strong anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • hereditary factor;
  • frequent depression and stress;
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • cholelithiasis.

Treatment of the disease

The goal of treatment procedures is to eliminate symptoms. It is important to build a treatment system so that consequences and complications do not appear. Full compliance with the instructions and recommendations of the attending physician is required. He is the one who knows what and how to treat. The patient is required to be disciplined and patient. The patient receives therapeutic care consisting of a complex of antibacterial drugs. Their goal is to destroy or neutralize pathogenic bacteria. The complex includes drugs that regulate acidity.

Medicinal products are chosen depending on the acid, after a thorough examination of the body. The therapeutic complex will be combined with a strict long-term diet. A list of harmful foods is compiled, mainly based on the quality of the dish. It is necessary to limit yourself to spicy, pickled, fried, salty foods. Treatment takes place at home. If side complications occur, surgical intervention may be required.

Traditional ways to get rid of illness

There are various options for treating ulcers at home using folk recipes. Treatments are prepared independently. But before starting such procedures, you need to consult a doctor. It will determine the acid, its composition, its level (increased, decreased).

  1. Sea buckthorn oil. It helps heal the ulcer. Take the oil in small portions (1 tablespoon) before meals. You need to take sea buckthorn oil every morning, be sure to have breakfast an hour after the oil.
  2. Aloe juice. A drink prepared from the leaves has effective medicinal properties.
  3. Badger fat. It is taken once a day before meals. Fat can be dangerous for intestinal diseases, so you can begin to treat it after an extensive examination.
  4. Oat decoction. The drink is prepared in a simple way: 1 glass of cereal per 1 liter of water. The broth is simmered over low heat for about 30 minutes. It is recommended to take half a glass during the day before and after meals. Oats relieve pain, symptoms disappear, and the ulcer gradually heals.
  5. Tincture of plantain leaves. The drink is prepared daily, you can have a fresh portion for each meal. It replaces all fluid entering the body. Whenever you want to drink, take the infusion. Its composition requires 5–9 leaves. It’s easy to cook fresh all the time, since getting and finding plantain is not difficult in any region. Dry leaves are suitable for treatment in winter. They do not lose their medicinal properties. The course duration reaches 2–3 months. The effect is the possibility of completely stopping the course of the disease, refusing surgery. Almost all symptoms are eliminated.
  6. Tincture of golden mustache. This home plant helps with many diseases. Stomach ulcer is one of them. The leaves are passed through a meat grinder, poured with boiling water and filtered. The tincture reduces pain, gradually heals the ulcer, the patient feels a significant improvement in the course of the disease.
  7. Potato decoctions, potato juice. Boil peeled potatoes without salt, drink the water obtained during cooking. Raw potato juice is prepared in the usual way: grind the vegetables, squeeze out the juice. It is better to drink it on an empty stomach several times a day. The result will exceed all expectations.
  8. Cabbage juice. Freshly squeezed cabbage juice helps eliminate all symptoms of the disease. But taking it is complicated by the duration of treatment, sometimes it reaches 8 weeks. But after the course the ulcer disappears.
  9. Juice from pomegranate peel. There are several cooking options. You can take a fresh pomegranate and make juice from the peel. You can dry the pomegranate peel, grind it and brew it. The ulcer heals, the symptoms disappear, the pain disappears.
  10. Licorice root decoction. It is used together with honey. The interaction of two drugs helps to avoid gastric surgery.
  11. Chaga tea. It has a therapeutic effect both in the treatment and prevention of disease. Chaga helps not only ulcers, but also the kidneys and intestines. Taking it creates a comprehensive solution to recovery. The product helps to immediately eliminate the symptoms of several diseases.

Infusions can be prepared from chamomile, wild garlic and other medicinal plants. It is important to carefully study the recipes, follow the instructions for their preparation and use. Maintain the duration and regimen of taking medicinal drinks.

Home treatment for ulcers requires diet, proper nutrition, and a calm mood. The doctor must know about the course of the disease, so constant visits to the doctor are needed, a description of the changes occurring in the body, and exact symptoms. Accompanying treatment with traditional methods by a medical specialist will eliminate the possibility of complications and relapse.

Pain in the stomach can cause a lot of suffering, if only because it deprives us of the opportunity to adhere to the usual rhythm of life. Let's figure out what the cause of the disease is and how you can relieve not only stomach pain, but also restore the mucous membrane and organ functions.

The stomach is the main organ of the human digestive system, where food received from the oral cavity undergoes primary chemical processing and is prepared for the process of absorption of substances necessary for the body - proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the small intestine. Gastric juice is an extremely caustic liquid that consists of several enzymes, but its main component is hydrochloric acid. These are very aggressive substances with which the gastric mucosa is constantly in contact. But our body is designed in such a way that there are natural defense mechanisms:

Mucus, which is produced by the cells of the inner lining of the stomach and protects it from acid and enzymes.

Bicarbonates, which reduce acidity.

Active blood supply to the walls of the stomach and continuous cell regeneration help to constantly renew the gastric mucosa.

Special lipid substances - prostaglandins, which stimulate the work of all protective factors.

When protective mechanisms are disrupted, gastric juice begins to simply digest the stomach itself. To prevent this, it is necessary that all protective factors work harmoniously. If the balance is disturbed and the natural defense mechanisms cannot cope with the aggressive environment of the stomach, surface defects are formed.

In what cases can this balance be upset? Risk factors for gastritis and ulcers:

Stressful situations (after serious operations, severe concussion, after injuries or extensive burns) - the blood supply to internal organs, including the gastric mucosa, is disrupted.

Smoking significantly increases the risk - nicotine stimulates the release of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Additionally, when smoking, tars and other combustion products enter the stomach, which slow down natural regeneration.

Drinking alcohol - ethyl alcohol, also damages the mucous membrane. But with regular consumption of strong drinks, especially without food, the mucous membrane begins to thin out.

Abuse of medications or taking them in large quantities (glucocorticosteroids, antacids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, cytostatics, antihypertensive drugs).

Stomach injuries.

Nutrition - too hot food, spicy dishes, poorly chewed pieces, heavy food damage the delicate mucous membrane of the stomach.

And then all other mechanisms begin to operate - since during the inflammatory process the gastric wall is very vulnerable, there is always a danger of contracting Helicobacter pylori infection. Once in the stomach, Helicobacter breaks tight intercellular connections, damages the mucous membrane and causes an inflammatory reaction in the cells themselves. At the same time, acid production increases, digestive regulation is disrupted, and tissue regeneration worsens.

Therefore, it is important not only to relieve inflammation and regenerate the mucous membrane, but also to eliminate the bacterial factor of the disease. Timely use of agents with anti-Helicobacter activity allows you to quickly eliminate the cause of inflammation, restore the protection of the mucous membrane, and normalize the production of prostaglandins.

Gastritis, erosion, and ulcers usually have several causes. This means that, as a rule, a combination of several unfavorable factors takes its toll.

At the same time: microcirculation and tissue regeneration worsen, the production of prostaglandins and protective mucus decreases. Initially, when cells are damaged, an inflammatory reaction occurs - gastritis (it is important to begin treatment at this stage, before serious defects occur). This leads to increased acidity of gastric juice. Acid and enzymes begin to corrode insufficiently protected tissues and initially cause shallow damage and erosion. But when the defect gradually increases, becomes deeper and damages not only the mucous membrane, but also the submucosal and then the muscular layer, then erosion turns into an ulcer.

A gastric ulcer is a deep defect in the inner lining of the stomach. Over time, it spreads to the entire thickness of the stomach wall. An ulcer can form in any part of the stomach. The most dangerous complication of an ulcer is perforation, that is, the formation of a through hole in the wall of the stomach.

The first symptom of an ulcer is pain. It occurs after eating and, depending on the affected area, can appear immediately or after 1-2 hours. Vomiting of acidic stomach contents may begin, after which it becomes a little easier. Recurrent heartburn, nausea, a feeling of heaviness or fullness in the stomach may also indicate the disease.

Peptic ulcer disease is dangerous not in itself and not because of the digestive disorders that it causes, but because of its complications. Complications can be fatal in many cases. The most dangerous complications include: massive bleeding, perforation of the ulcer, transformation of the ulcer into a malignant tumor.

But if treatment is started on time, the disease is very easy to treat - the gastric mucosa has excellent regeneration abilities if there is no bacterial burden. Usually, after the Helicobacter pylori infection is completely eliminated, the healing of the ulcer is faster and easier, and the gastric mucosa is completely restored.

The most permanent, effective and safe method of restoring the mucous membrane in case of stomach diseases is herbal medicine!

Many people already know how our stomach balm works. "Gastro - \".

It is used for acute and chronic gastritis, pancreatitis, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach, duodenum, esophagus and intestines. It is used as a preventative and tonic for anemia and hypotension.

Oil and honey balms are pleasant to the taste and have no contraindications.

Course of treatment 2 months

Time of receipt

The cause of inflammation of the gastric mucosa is the influence of external factors:

  • stress,
  • infection,
  • unhealthy nutrition and diets,
  • abuse of alcohol and spicy foods,
  • long-term use of certain medications.

These factors lead to a decrease in the secretion of gastric juice and an increase in its acidity. As a result, an empty stomach begins to “digest” itself, which creates favorable conditions for the development of serious diseases.

High acidity can cause stomach problems

The patient's main complaints are:

  • heartburn,
  • nausea,
  • cramping pain in the epigastrium,
  • vomit,
  • stool disorder,
  • change in appetite
  • thirst,
  • belching.

The most common form of gastritis is erosive-ulcerative, which leads to dysfunction, namely deterioration of the secretory function of the stomach. Inflammation of the mucous membrane is observed in all cases and has varying degrees of severity. Gastritis often occurs against the background of intestinal spasms and is accompanied by spastic constipation.

Mild gastritis is manifested by minor pain and changes in appetite. The advanced form of the disease is characterized by impaired absorption of nutrients, vitamins and microelements.

Gastritis with high acidity is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • persistent vomiting
  • nagging pain in the epigastric region,
  • belching with a sour taste,
  • frequent constipation,
  • heartburn,
  • feeling of fullness in the stomach.

Gastritis with low acidity manifests itself:

  • loss of appetite,
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth,
  • nausea and belching in the morning,
  • rumbling in the stomach,
  • bowel disorder - diarrhea or constipation.

Symptoms of gastritis usually occur several hours after eating. Specific clinical signs in severe cases are accompanied by general manifestations of the disease: tachycardia or bradycardia, hypotension, salivation, irritability, sleep disturbances.

Quite often, acute gastritis turns into chronic, which is treated persistently and for a long time. The cause of chronic gastritis is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which enters the human body in early childhood. The symptoms of the disease are less pronounced, pain and dyspepsia are not significant. Patients with chronic gastritis are more concerned about increased fatigue, weakness, depression, even depression. Exacerbation of the pathology occurs due to the influence of provoking factors: smoking, stress, taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, alcohol abuse.

Long-term gastritis leads to disruption of the normal functioning of the gastric glands, atrophy of the mucous membrane, and prolonged and debilitating pain in the epigastrium. Lack of timely diagnosis and effective treatment of the disease often ends in the development of stomach cancer.

Symptoms of stomach ulcer

Stomach ulcers are often a consequence of gastritis, especially if not properly treated. Hereditary predisposition is of great importance in the development of pathology. The etiology of stomach ulcers is similar to the causes of gastritis: alcohol and smoking, unbalanced diet, stress, as well as systematic overwork and lack of sleep.

Gastritis can cause ulcers

An ulcer is an injury to the gastric mucosa that occurs when there is a significant increase in the amount of acid and bile. Typically, gastric ulcers are single and small in size; in rare cases, there may be several.

The main symptom of the pathology is pain in the right hypochondrium. Pain from a stomach ulcer occurs when the patient is hungry and goes away immediately after eating. Night and hunger pains are a pathognomonic sign of peptic ulcer disease. In advanced cases, the pain can last for a long time and be very intense. Often patients try to control pain by eating small meals frequently, but this does not solve the problem, and healing does not occur without the intervention of a specialist.

The localization of pain varies: most often in the center of the upper abdomen, sometimes under the left or right hypochondrium, in the umbilical region with irradiation to the back. Taking antacids and milk relieves ulcer pain. Vomiting helps relieve the condition.

An ulcer of the body of the stomach is characterized by early pain that occurs an hour after eating and lasts two hours, gradually decreasing, and then disappears completely. A pyloric ulcer of the stomach is accompanied by late pain that begins two hours after eating, at night and forces patients to wake up and drink milk or eat food.

Another characteristic sign of an ulcer is belching. It has a sharp acidic taste and rapid development. In addition, peptic ulcers are often accompanied by bleeding and vomiting that occurs suddenly, sometimes while eating. Blood impurities that are scarlet in color are found in the patient’s vomit. An ulcer patient loses weight rapidly, his appetite decreases significantly or disappears completely, and his complexion changes.

The disease occurs with autumn or spring exacerbations and, in the absence of adequate treatment, is often accompanied by complications.

For a long time, gastric ulcers were treated surgically: resection of the affected part of the stomach or only the ulcer was performed. Currently, conservative treatment of the disease without drastic interventions has become possible.

Currently, low-symptomatic or asymptomatic course of the disease is quite common. This is a “silent” stomach ulcer.

An atypical clinical picture is typical for:

  • old people;
  • persons suffering from diabetes;
  • persons taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for a long time;
  • persons who abuse alcohol.

Such patients do not know about the existing pathology for a long time, and only the development of complications forces patients to seek medical help.

Complications of a stomach ulcer: perforation, bleeding, penetration and stenosis are life-threatening and require mandatory consultation with a surgeon. Treatment is carried out in a surgical hospital.

Treatment of stomach diseases with folk remedies

Treatment of any gastrointestinal pathology should begin with diet. Proper nutrition not only prevents the development of diseases, but also helps fight them.

Basic principles of proper nutrition:

  • Each meal should last at least an hour.
  • At least once a day you need to eat hot food: natural soups or broths.
  • Complete exclusion of alcoholic beverages from the diet.
  • You should give up coffee, and if this is not possible, then under no circumstances drink it on an empty stomach. This creates favorable conditions for the development of gastritis, and subsequently gastric ulcers.
  • You should not eat salty or spicy foods: salt and pepper are excellent stimulants of the disease.
  • Food that is too cold or too hot can cause muscle spasms.

For normal stomach function, you should adhere to proper nutrition.

A gentle diet for stomach pathology involves complete exclusion of the following dishes from the diet:

  • of bread,
  • fried foods,
  • dough products,
  • any sauces,
  • hot seasonings.

You should eat small portions approximately every two hours.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are quite successfully treated with the help of folk remedies, which should be used only after consultation with a doctor.

Treatment of gastritis with folk remedies

  1. An infusion of watercress leaves relieves pain even in advanced cases of chronic gastritis. One hundred grams of lettuce leaves are thoroughly chopped and poured with a liter of boiling water. Leave the infusion in a tightly covered container for a day. Then it is filtered and taken one hundred milliliters twice a day, twenty to thirty minutes before meals. You should be treated for a whole month.
  2. A decoction of yarrow and buckthorn has an enveloping effect, normalizes intestinal function and eliminates spastic constipation, which is characteristic of chronic gastritis. Add one tablespoon of dry buckthorn and yarrow herbs to a liter of boiled water, cover with a lid and leave for two hours. Then the decoction is filtered and taken a glass once a day in the morning, the remainder is stored in a cool, cool place. Treatment is continued for two weeks.
  3. Thyme tincture can completely cure chronic gastritis. It is prepared like this: two tablespoons of dry thyme herb are placed in a glass container and poured with white wine. The container is kept in the refrigerator for a week, then the mixture, stirring, is brought to a boil. After straining, take two teaspoons of the infusion before each meal. Store the tincture in the refrigerator.
  4. Ordinary propolis is very effective against gastritis. It is necessary to eat ten grams of propolis daily, chewing thoroughly. Duration of treatment is a month.
  5. Sea buckthorn with honey helps well with inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Three tablespoons of fresh sea buckthorn berries are poured into a glass of water and boiled for ten minutes. After straining the broth, add three tablespoons of honey and mix everything well. Take the product on an empty stomach, one teaspoon at a time.
  6. Potato juice is a good helper in the fight against gastritis of the stomach. The juice is squeezed from two potato tubers and drunk on an empty stomach. After this you should lie down for a while. After about an hour you can eat. The course of treatment is a month.
  7. Licorice root infusion is indicated for the treatment of gastritis with high acidity. Ten grams of crushed licorice root are poured into a thermos with a liter of boiling water. During the day, the broth is infused, filtered and taken one hundred milliliters before each meal. Gastritis is treated with licorice infusion in two courses of fifteen days each with a five-day break.
  8. Honey solution is very effective for treating erosive gastritis. Dissolve two tablespoons of honey in a glass of warm water and take one glass of honey solution daily for two weeks.
  9. Dry herbs of chamomile, yarrow and celandine are poured with a liter of hot milk in an enamel bowl, left for two hours and drunk in small sips throughout the day. The course of treatment is two weeks.
  10. A decoction of flax seeds. The seeds are mixed with chamomile inflorescences, the raw materials are poured into a thermos, poured with a liter of boiling water and left for ten hours. The resulting composition is filtered and boiled again. Drink half a liter of decoction per day.
  11. Elecampane decoction. Crushed elecampane rhizomes are brewed with boiling water for two hours. Take two tablespoons of elecampane decoction before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Boiled or baked onions are eaten one hundred grams twice a day before the main meal.
  • Drinking freshly squeezed white cabbage juice daily will help cope with stomach pathologies more quickly and easily. Take it half a glass three times a day daily.
  • A mixture consisting of kefir and vegetable oil reliably heals ulcers. Every day you should drink a glass of fresh kefir mixed with a tablespoon of any vegetable oil before going to bed.
  • Raw chicken egg white, drunk on an empty stomach, is recommended for exacerbation or bleeding ulcers.
  • Raw buckwheat is sorted and fried in a frying pan. Three tablespoons of cereal are poured with ten tablespoons of boiling water in a thermos overnight. Eat the entire portion in the morning for breakfast. The duration of treatment can range from a week to two months depending on the patient’s condition. This remedy helps cope with exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease.
  • The washed oats are poured with warm water, left for ten hours, cooked over low heat for half an hour, wrapped and kept for another day. Take the resulting remedy half a glass three times a day, half an hour before meals. The decoction stimulates metabolism and fights signs of gastritis and gastric ulcers.
  • Twenty grams of crushed walnuts are poured with a glass of boiling water, left for half an hour, stirred, filtered, and two teaspoons of honey are added. Take the product one tablespoon per day. It promotes scarring of ulcers.
  • Tincture of aloe leaves has an excellent healing effect for newly emerging ulcers, and is also effective for the prevention and treatment of chronic ulcers. It is not recommended to water the flower for two weeks before cutting the leaf. It is necessary to take a five-year-old plant. The leaves are ground in a meat grinder, mixed with honey and heated in a water bath, stirring, then half a liter of red wine is added. Leave the product in a dark and cool place for a week. Take the tincture three times a day an hour before meals, one teaspoon.
  • White cabbage juice is an excellent remedy for stomach diseases

    Diseases of the stomach and the entire gastrointestinal tract are quite successfully treated using traditional medicine recipes and herbal medicine, bringing significant relief to the patient. But, despite this, in no case should you refuse to consult a doctor and the treatment prescribed by him.