How to treat itching and burning in intimate places in women. Easy and effective. Other common causes of itching for no apparent reason. Why do my feet itch?

Itching is one of the most common dermatological complaints, and it can occur not only in patients with dermatoses, but also in a wide range of general diseases. This is an unpleasant sensation, which is accompanied by a continuous need for response mechanical irritation of the skin. Itching can significantly affect the general condition and quality of life of patients, causing insomnia, anxiety, and in severe cases even lead to depression and suicidal thoughts.

Itching is one of the forms of the skin analyzer, close to other types of skin sensation (touch, pain). Unlike pain, which causes a “withdrawal, avoidance” reflex, with itching a “processing” reflex occurs. Scratching, rubbing, kneading, warming, pinching itchy areas leads to instant, but not long-term, satisfaction. This is due to the fact that during the scratching process, stronger impulses are simulated in the nerve endings, which suppress the conduction of weaker itching signals from the affected areas. Severe itching is relieved only through severe self-harm, leading to the replacement of the sensation of itching with a feeling of pain. If itching exists for a long time, then a focus of pathological excitation is formed in the cerebral cortex and itching from a defensive reaction turns into a standard skin reaction to various external and internal stimuli. At the same time, in response to prolonged scratching, the state of peripheral nerve receptors also changes, which leads to a decrease in the threshold for the perception of itching. Thus, a “vicious circle” is formed, the presence of which explains the difficulties in treating itching.

Itching is caused by mechanical, thermal, electrical or chemical stimulation of unmyelinated nerve fibers, the free nerve endings of which lie at the border of the epidermis and dermis. They are excited either directly or indirectly, through the release of various mediators (histamine, serotonin, proteases, neuropeptides, etc.).

Physiological itching occurs in response to environmental irritants (crawling insects, friction, temperature changes, etc.) and disappears after the cause is eliminated. Pathological itching is caused by changes in the skin or throughout the body and causes a strong need to get rid of the itching by scratching or other means.

Itching can be a symptom of various dermatoses (scabies, pediculosis, atopic dermatitis, allergic dermatitis, eczema, mycoses, psoriasis, lichen planus, etc.) or occur on intact skin due to diseases of the internal organs. Endogenous causes of skin itching are very diverse:

If the cause of the itching, even with a thorough examination, cannot be identified, then it is defined as itching of unknown origin (pruritus sine materia).

To accurately assess itching, it is necessary to carefully collect anamnesis and question the patient. You should pay attention to the following characteristics of itching: time of occurrence, provoking factors, intensity, course, localization, character.

The intensity of itching can vary - from mild to very severe. For a more objective assessment, you should clarify: does itching interfere with falling asleep; whether the patient wakes up from itching; Does itching interfere with daily work? Itching leading to sleep disturbance is considered severe.

Depending on the time of occurrence, they are distinguished - nocturnal, daytime, permanent, seasonal. For example, with scabies and widespread eczema, the itching intensifies when patients go to bed; anal itching caused by pinworms occurs between two and three o'clock in the morning; in psychoneuroses - permanent.

Limited itching of the skin in one anatomical area, as a rule, is caused by local causes. The presence of widespread and symmetrical itching suggests its internal nature.

The itching sensation can be “deep” or “superficial”, it can have a hint of burning, tingling (for example, dermatitis herpetiformis is characterized by burning itching, especially of the scalp). Itching - parasthesia is a feeling of tingling, mild burning, crawling, etc., develops with increased pain sensitivity of the skin and decreases with stroking or light pressure on the itching area. Biopsy itch leads to deep damage to the skin.

As a result of prolonged itching and scratching, excoriation, pigmentation, scars, lichenification, and pyoderma occur. The free edge of the nail plates wears off, leaving the nails looking polished. Objective signs are not necessary to make a diagnosis of itchy skin.

Features of itching in syndromes of different origins

Cholestatic (liver) itching- one of the most painful and persistent symptoms of chronic cholestasis. It occurs in 100% of patients with primary biliary cirrhosis and in almost 50% is a reason to consult a doctor. Most often precedes all other symptoms of cirrhosis. Usually generalized, more pronounced on the limbs, thighs, abdomen, and with obstructive jaundice - on the palms, soles, interdigital folds of the hands and feet, under tight clothing.

Uremic itching in chronic renal failure, it can be local or diffuse, more pronounced on the skin of the neck, shoulder girdle, limbs, genitals, and nose. Intense, worse at night or immediately after dialysis, as well as in the summer months.

Diabetic itch most often occurs in the anogenital area, auditory canals, and in some patients it is diffuse in nature.

Hyperthyroid itching observed in 4-10% of patients with thyrotoxicosis, diffuse, dim, inconsistent.

Hypothyroid itching is caused by dry skin, generalized, sometimes very intense, even excoriation.

Menopausal itch It is observed mainly in the anogenital area, in the axillary folds, on the chest, tongue, palate, and often has a paroxysmal course.

Itching in hematological and lymphoproliferative diseases. Generalized or local: Hodgkin's disease - above the lymph nodes, anogenital - with iron deficiency anemia, with polycythemia - on the head, neck, limbs. With polycythemia, stabbing, burning, aquatic itching may precede the disease by several years.

Paraneoplastic itching sometimes manifests itself several years before the manifestation of the disease. Can be local or generalized, of varying intensity. For some forms of cancer, a specific localization of itching is observed: for prostate cancer - itching of the scrotum and perineum; for cervical cancer - vaginal itching; for rectal cancer - perianal area; with a brain tumor infiltrating the bottom of the fourth ventricle - itching in the nostril area.

Senile itching occurs in almost 50% of people over 70 years of age, more often in men and occurs in the form of nocturnal attacks. The causes of senile itching are mainly endocrine disorders, atherosclerosis, and dry skin. Senile itching is a diagnosis of exclusion; to make it, you must reject another cause of itching.

Localized itching

Anal itching- extremely painful suffering, observed almost exclusively in men, especially after 40 years. It is often complicated by the appearance of painful cracks, streptococcal or candida intertrigo, the formation of boils, and hidradenitis. Causes: untidiness, hemorrhoids, helminthic infestation (enterobiasis), diabetes mellitus, constipation, proctitis, prostatitis, vesiculitis, intestinal dysbiosis.

Genital itching. It occurs in women over 45 years of age in the area of ​​the external genitalia, less commonly in the vagina. The itching is painful, accompanied by the appearance of excoriations and skin dyschromia. Causes: leucorrhoea, urogenital infections, endocrine disorders (menopause), inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, sexual neuroses. In girls, genital itching is observed with enterobiasis.

Itching of the scalp often a manifestation of seborrheic dermatitis or psoriasis, and can also be a sign of diabetes mellitus. Excoriation and bloody crusts, as well as impetiginous elements as a result of a secondary infection, are usually observed on the scalp.

Itching of the ears and external auditory canals can be observed in eczema, seborrheic and atopic dermatitis, psoriasis.

Itchy nose may be a manifestation of hay fever, as well as intestinal helminthiasis in children.

Itchy fingers observed with eczema, scabies, bird mite infestation.

Itching of the skin of the lower extremities may be caused by varicose veins, varicose eczema, dry skin.


Diagnosis of skin itching requires special attention, since it can precede the manifestation of serious diseases. At the first stage, a physical examination is carried out with an in-depth study of the skin condition and, in the presence of skin manifestations, an in-depth dermatological examination. Every patient suffering from itching should be tested for dermatozoonoses. In cases where itching cannot be associated with any dermatosis, other causes should be sought. Screening for a patient with pruritus should include:

  • clinical blood test, ESR;
  • general urine analysis with determination of protein, sugar, sediment;
  • biochemical blood test (functional liver tests: ALT, bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase; fasting glucose level; cholesterol level; urea, uric acid, creatinine, acid phosphatase; determination of total protein and protein fractions; iron level and iron-binding capacity of serum, saturation of erythrocytes with iron) ;
  • stool analysis for occult blood, helminths and their eggs;
  • chest x-ray;
  • functional examination of the thyroid gland, thyroxine level.

At the second stage, additional laboratory, ultrasound, X-ray, endoscopic, and histological studies are carried out, based on feasibility.

Patients with unexplained itching should be re-evaluated periodically, as the disease causing the itching may appear later.


The most effective treatment for itching is treating the underlying condition that causes it. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, so in such cases symptomatic therapy is prescribed. General therapy includes the use of sedatives, antihistamines, mast cell membrane stabilizers (ketotifen), hyposensitizing agents (calcium preparations and sodium thiosulfate), sequestrants and enterosorbents, salicylates. A wide range of physiotherapeutic methods are used: electrosleep, adrenal inductothermy, contrast showers, sulfur and radon baths, sea bathing. External therapy plays a major role in the treatment of itching, but most local drugs act for a short time. They are prescribed in the form of powders, alcohol and aqueous solutions, shaken mixtures, pastes, and ointments. For dry skin, antipruritic agents based on ointments and oils are more suitable. Antipruritic effects have: corticosteroid ointments, 5-10% anesthesin, 1-2% phenol, 5-10% Diphenhydramine solution, water with table vinegar (3 tablespoons of vinegar per 1 glass of water), lemon juice, chamomile infusion (10 -20 flowers per 1 glass of water), etc.

Also, for itching of any origin, it is necessary to eliminate provocative factors, such as dry skin, contact with irritating substances, degreasing the skin (rough, alkaline soap), consumption of certain products (alcohol, spices), as well as environmental temperature changes.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that, despite the wide range of therapeutic methods and agents, treating itching remains a difficult task.


  1. Adaskevich V. P., Kozin V. M. Skin and venereal diseases. M.: Med. lit., 2006, p. 237-245.
  2. Romanenko I. M., Kulaga V. V., Afonin S. L. Treatment of skin and venereal diseases. T. 2. M.: Medical Information Agency LLC, 2006, p. 342-34.
  3. Skin itching. Acne. Urogenital chlamydial infection. Under. ed. E.V.Sokolovsky. SPb: Sotis. 1998, p. 3-67.

I. B. Mertsalova, Candidate of Medical Sciences

RMAPO, Moscow

Itchy skin is one of the most painful physiological manifestations. Each of us has experienced it at least several times throughout our lives.
Even severe skin itching is not always a manifestation of disease, but depending on the intensity, nature and location of skin itching, we can talk about one or another pathology.

What is itchy skin?

There is no clear scientific definition of itchy skin. It can only be formulated approximately. Itchy skin is usually called a local or general discomfort that causes the need to scratch the irritated area. Itchy skin is not an independent disease, but only a specific manifestation of a number of pathological processes.
A discomfort on the skin always accompanies one or another disease of the dermis or internal organs. The list of pathologies accompanied by this symptom is so large that to exclude the disease and clarify the diagnosis, consultation with doctors of several specialties will be required.

The mechanism of development of itchy skin

Regardless of the nature of the process that causes skin itching, its essence lies in irritation of the network of nerve endings that are rich in the upper and middle layers of the skin. This unpleasant sensation has much in common with the sensation of pain. In other words, to understand “why it itches so much,” you need to understand the structure of the skin.
The skin consists of three layers: upper (epidermis), middle (dermis) and deep (hypodermis). Nerve endings penetrate all layers of the skin, but most of them are in the epidermis. This explains the research according to which, with serious damage to the upper layer, the sensitivity of the skin decreases down to absolute zero. In this case, both the sensation of itching and pain are dulled (for example, with prolonged traumatic scratching, deep burns, etc.).
Nerve endings located in the structure of the skin together with neurons of the spinal cord and brain form a single system. Within the system, the processes of neurons in the skin layers act as receptors. In response to irritation of the receptors, the brain generates a return signal, which is defined by a person as itching. It has already been said that itching is similar in nature to pain. Both pain and the desire to scratch the skin form a stable dominant in the brain. That is, these sensations dull all others, coming to the fore, and require their primary elimination.
Thus, the mechanism of development of itching is based on a reflex. As researchers suggest, it has developed during evolution to quickly eliminate all foreign agents affecting human skin. Because they can be dangerous.
Irritants that affect the skin and cause itching are not always external. Often we can talk about endogenous processes. In some cases, skin itching can be caused by special substances, collectively called itching mediators (histamine, etc.). When released, they affect the nerve endings directly in the skin structures, and thus a discomfort sensation develops without the participation of external irritants.

Causes of itchy skin

There are many reasons that cause unpleasant skin sensations. They can all be divided into several categories:

1. Neurodermatitis. It is a neurological disease with cutaneous manifestations. The mechanism of development is not fully understood. The course of the disease is constant or periodic, recurrent. Exacerbations are caused by psychosomatic reasons (nervous shocks, stressful situations can become a trigger). It has been noticed that neurodermatitis often develops in people of a special psychological make-up (overly irritable, hot-tempered, shy and timid, etc.).
Symptoms: severe itching of the skin, especially after stress. As nervous tension decreases, skin discomfort subsides.
Treating specialists: neurologist, dermatologist.
2. It is important to distinguish neurodermatitis from contact dermatitis. Contact dermatitis develops as a result of frequent friction and pressure on certain areas of the skin (with a watch bracelet, etc.). However, in some cases, contact dermatitis can be the result of an allergic reaction (for example, to an adhesive plaster).
Symptoms: manifests itself in the same way as neurodermatitis. A round red spot forms on the skin at the site of the lesion. After 5-15 minutes, unbearable itching begins.
Treating specialists: dermatologist.
3. Allergic reaction. In the vast majority of cases, the cause of itching lies precisely in allergies (or pseudo-allergies). Any type of allergy (be it food, etc.) can affect the skin. The reason lies in the destruction of basophil mast cells by a complex of antigen-antibody substances and the subsequent production of the itching mediator - histamine. Histamine disrupts the integrity of the cellular structures of the skin, resulting in painful itching of the skin.
In some cases, it may not be an allergy, but a pseudo-allergy. The difference is one thing. Pseudo-allergy is explained by the placebo effect and is psychosomatic in nature. That is, the patient is sure that he is allergic to a particular substance. As a result, when this substance enters, electrical irritation of the skin receptors occurs with signals from the brain and itching begins.
Symptoms: similar to those of contact dermatitis, which can also be allergic in nature.
Treating specialist: allergist.
4.Xerosis. Associated with insufficient secretion of the sebaceous glands. Skin is excessively dry and more susceptible to damage. The reason lies in the use of aggressive chemicals (soap, highly alkaline detergents, etc.). Another reason is hormonal imbalances.
Symptoms: dry skin, cracks, burning sensation, redness and itching of the skin.
Treating specialist: dermatologist, endocrinologist (if skin problems are related to metabolism).
5.Diabetes. Diabetes mellitus can also cause itchy skin. An increase in sugar levels leads to rapid dehydration of the body. As a result, an insufficient amount of sebaceous gland secretion is produced, the skin becomes dry and cracked.
Symptoms: similar to the symptoms of xerosis, but the manifestations are associated with endocrine causes and are more pronounced (there is itching and flaking of the skin, etc.)
Treating specialists: dermatologist, endocrinologist.
This is only a small part of the diseases. However, taken together, these pathologies are the cause of itching in 90% of clinical cases.

In any case, we can give some general recommendations to those who want to make their lives easier and prevent the development of such an unpleasant symptom.

  • Under no circumstances should hygiene procedures be neglected. However, too frequent washing of the hair and skin disrupts the normal condition of the skin and the secretion of sebum. The skin becomes dry, and this is a direct path to discomfort. It is recommended to wash it no more than once every 2 days without using aggressive chemicals.
  • Contact with aggressive chemicals should be avoided. Detergents must be used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
  • It is necessary to adhere to a hypoallergenic diet. The severity of the diet depends on the severity of the individual reactions of the body.

Don’t immediately panic if you or your baby is “very itchy.”
Itching is a standard reaction of skin receptors to external and internal irritants. It happens that the reflex reaction takes on a painful course, then it is necessary to take immediate action.
If we are talking about violation of hygiene rules, a person can easily cope on his own. But when itching is caused by pathological processes, you cannot do without competent medical care. Modern medicine has a lot of diagnostic and treatment methods in its arsenal. However, you should never take pills on your own, or apply ointment or anything else to the affected areas. By such actions the patient risks aggravating his already difficult situation.

Sometimes women or girls experience a feeling of discomfort in the genital area and perineum, defined as intimate itching. When scratching, the condition can be aggravated by swelling and a burning sensation. The root causes of sudden irritating itching can be very diverse - from untimely hygiene to infection with a sexually transmitted disease. Despite the etymology of the pathology, you should not hope that the itching will stop on its own. To begin with, it is recommended to carry out basic hygiene measures and use an antiseptic. If such actions do not give positive results, then you should go for an examination to a gynecologist to find out the root cause. Only after an accurate diagnosis has been made can one begin to eliminate the alarming symptoms.

When improper irritation of the nerve endings begins, an unpleasant sensation appears - itching. Thus, the body gives signals about any violations or the presence of infection. At the same time, there are no age restrictions - itching can disturb both an elderly woman and a young girl.

An alarming sign arises either gradually, with intensification, or spontaneously. Then the desire to scratch the itching area becomes irresistible. Naturally, itching can be accompanied by a burning sensation, which quite distracts you from your usual life activities. Such symptoms that do not go away for a long time can lead to insomnia. Itching is often mild, so women may not pay attention to it for a long period of time and consider this symptom to be normal. In any case, it is better to find out the root cause in a timely manner using specialized diagnostics.

Video - Causes of vaginal itching

How is the diagnosis done?

When visiting a medical institution, patients who complain of intimate itching are sent to undergo the following tests:

  1. First of all, the patient is sent to a gynecologist for a conversation and clarification of additional signs. After this, a detailed inspection with mirrors takes place.
  2. To exclude diabetes mellitus and cystitis, a urine test and a blood test will be necessary.
  3. A vaginal smear is mandatory.
  4. The complex of studies is completed by a rar test.

When the cause is established, the gynecologist determines the necessary course of treatment or gives recommendations for eliminating non-serious itching (arising from insufficient hygiene, allergies and other reasons).

Why might itching occur?

The appearance of itching in a woman’s intimate area is caused by pathological changes that occur in the reproductive system or is explained by improper intimate hygiene. Often, such unpleasant sensations in the genital area can be provoked by regular stress, in which case the course of treatment will be of a different nature. More serious causes of itching are associated with sexually transmitted infections. Therefore, if an alarming symptom appears, you should not delay a visit to the doctor. After all, self-medication without identifying the underlying cause can lead to serious consequences.

Seven reasons that cause itching

Causea brief description of
1 Insufficient or incorrect hygieneLack of normal daily care for the intimate area is always accompanied by itching. Sometimes the conditions in which a woman is (hiking, long journey) do not provide the opportunity to carry out full hygiene measures. Similar consequences should be expected if it is impossible to change personal hygiene products in a timely manner during menstruation.
2 Allergic reactionVarious factors can provoke an allergic reaction, which is accompanied by itching:
1. Wearing underwear made of synthetic material.
2. Using cosmetics for intimate hygiene.
3. Taking antibiotics and other medications.
4. Use of personal hygiene products with fragrances (panty liners)
3 Manifestations of stressIt would seem that psychological problems cannot affect the genitals, but no. Regular stressful situations and depression lead to women being bothered by intimate itching
4 Digestive tract dysfunctionThis reason is twofold, since excessive consumption of sweets can cause not only digestive difficulties, but also aggravate the manifestation of thrush. In addition, the consumption of certain foods leads to disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract and causes itching.
5 Hormonal disbalanceThis specific phenomenon can disturb a woman at any age, and the cause may even be nervous tension. The period of menopause also leads to hormonal imbalance, which may be accompanied by uncomfortable itching sensations.
6 Changes of a hormonal natureItching can occur even during pregnancy or after childbirth. The reason for this is an exacerbation of a chronic disease or hormonal changes.
7 Venereal diseasesThe most alarming cause of uncomfortable itching in a woman is an STD. It is infection with a sexually transmitted disease that initially manifests itself in the form of itching

Note! To rule out serious diseases that provoke itching in the genital area, you should definitely undergo diagnostics. After examination by a gynecologist and diagnosis, you can begin therapy.

How to quickly and without consequences eliminate itching?

When a woman’s unpleasant symptom does not appear due to any disease, but is the result of improper hygiene, taking medications, the effects of stress and other non-serious underlying causes, then itching can be cured through the use of alternative medicine.

Method 1. Laundry soap with boiled water

The appearance of itching due to allergic manifestations through personal hygiene products or improper care of the intimate area can be eliminated with the help of simple laundry soap. To do this you need:

  1. Prepare boiled water.
  2. Take laundry (but preferably tar) soap.
  3. Carry out washing with the above means.
  4. Dry with a personal towel (wash regularly every week with baby powder).
  5. Avoid all synthetic underwear.

Method 2. Propolis ointment

As you know, propolis is an excellent remedy for many ailments. Its correct use helps to quickly and without any side effects eliminate unpleasant symptoms. The process of preparing ointment at home:

  1. You need to take 15 grams of propolis and grind it.
  2. Mix the raw material with 100 grams of glycerin.
  3. Place thoroughly mixed components in a steam bath.
  4. Once the mixture has cooled, place it in the refrigerator.
  5. Then, when itching occurs, inject the frozen ointment into the vagina.

Method 3. Douching

Herbal infusions do an excellent job of relieving itching. The most effective is considered to be a decoction of nettle, calendula or chamomile. To prepare them, you need two tablespoons of dry herb per liter of water.

  1. The previously prepared herb is poured with a glass of boiling water.
  2. Place on fire for five minutes.
  3. After time, cool and filter.
  4. For douching, use a special pharmaceutical device.

Attention! The duration of douching when itching appears should be seven days.

Method 4. Soda and fir remedy

Butter in tandem with fir oil is an effective remedy in the fight against vaginal itching

To prepare the remedy you will need:

  1. 50 grams of regular butter (must first be melted in a steam bath) and only 5 grams of fir oil.
  2. A gauze swab is moistened in the oily composition and inserted into the vagina before bed.

The itching goes away after the first procedure. In case of relapse, it is recommended to reapply the fir remedy after a couple of days.

Note! Before inserting a tampon, it is imperative to douche with a soda solution.

Method 5. Herbal infusion

In addition to external use of herbal infusions, they can be taken orally. To do this, prepare a drink from a herbal composition:

  1. St. John's wort, calendula, string, chicory, birch leaves, hop cones are taken and poured with boiling water (4 tablespoons of herbal mixture are required per liter).
  2. Let it brew for three hours.
  3. Take 200 milliliters three times a day twenty minutes before meals.

Method 6. Water procedures with potassium permanganate

To eliminate itching in the intimate area, it is enough to take a bath with the addition of potassium permanganate. For this, a solution is first prepared. For five liters of water, take one teaspoon of potassium permanganate. The finished solution is added to the bath. It is enough to devote fifteen minutes to this water procedure.

Method 7. Carrot juice

One of the unusual ways to get rid of itching is douching with carrot juice. To do this, freshly squeezed juice is prepared and diluted with boiled water. Douching is carried out in the morning and evening until the discomfort completely disappears.

Method 8. Milk with garlic

Milk with garlic - a folk remedy to combat vaginal itching

In order to quickly eliminate itching, you should prepare a douching solution from milk and garlic. Half a liter of liquid requires juice from one head of garlic. After milk douching, the vagina must be washed with a soda solution.

Attention! Only boiled milk is used for douching!

Serious causes of itching

Some diseases in the first stages manifest themselves as itching. That is why examination by a gynecologist should be mandatory. Remember that upon infection with a sexually transmitted disease, a woman will first feel itching.

Diseasea brief description of
CandidiasisA more common definition among women is thrush. The disease is caused by Candida fungi. In addition to itching, a woman will be bothered by a discharge with a rather unpleasant sour odor. The consistency of the discharge is determined to be like curd. For treatment, special antifungal drugs are used in the form of tablets, ointments and vaginal suppositories. Treatments can be urgent (treatment takes place within one day) and long-term (at least one week). After taking medications, the itching disappears, but exacerbations may occur after taking antibiotics, diet and stress.
Ailments of a gynecological natureA whole range of gynecological diseases can be accompanied by itching. These include:
1. Cervical erosion.
2. The appearance of fibroids on the reproductive organs.
3. Oncological diseases.
4. Inflammatory process of the appendages.
Additionally, other symptoms may occur (discharge, burning, soreness)
Endocrine disordersIf a woman is diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, dysfunction of the reproductive system, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, then this may be accompanied by itching in the labia area. When itching is observed in the perineal area, it may be diabetic. Occurs due to the presence of sugar in the urine. In this case, treatment is prescribed exclusively by a doctor.
Diseases of the genitourinary systemWhen a woman gets cystitis or there is an inflammatory process in the kidneys, pathogenic bacteria may be present in the urine, which will lead to itching. In this case, specific treatment may be considered inappropriate. The itching will go away as soon as urine levels are normal
OncologyItching may begin to bother a woman as a malignant tumor develops. Therefore, urgent diagnosis is necessary to identify the tumor in the early stages.

Drug treatment for itching

The use of medications can only be prescribed by a doctor. Self-diagnosis and self-medication will lead to aggravation of the condition, which can lead to irreparable consequences. Basically, the following remedies are prescribed to eliminate the unpleasant symptom:

  1. Nezulin(is a common antiseptic).
  2. Gistan(an antifungal drug that is prescribed in cases of candidiasis).
  3. Fenistil(recommended for relieving symptoms such as itching due to allergic reactions).
  4. Beloderm(the drug has a hormonal basis and is used in case of hormonal disorders as prescribed by a doctor).

Gistan Beloderm Nezulin

Do not forget that itching may occur due to age-related changes, in which case it is advisable to take vitamin A and E, as well as additional sedatives. Most often, the doctor prescribes the use of vaginal suppositories Ovestin.

Despite the simple treatment of itching with drugs, their selection should be done by a specialist based on the diagnosis and individual characteristics.

What to do if the itching is severe?

Female physiology is designed in such a way that the vagina contains many completely harmless microorganisms that make up the microflora. In the case of pathological changes, favorable conditions arise for the development of diseases. The most common case is an increase in the number of Candida fungi, which causes thrush, or Gardnerella bacteria, which lead to the development of bacterial vaginosis. These ailments are characterized by increased itching and burning. It will not be possible to eliminate discomfort symptoms by washing, since after water procedures the unpleasant sensations only intensify.

To quickly restore the vaginal microflora, gynecologists use probiotics. These are ordinary medicines containing beneficial bacteria. The leaders among this group of drugs are considered Bifidumbacterin and Linex. But their independent use without consulting a doctor is not recommended.



To prevent itching, every woman must follow basic rules:

  1. Wash yourself daily using intimate hygiene products (if itching is present, you need to wash yourself with herbal decoctions three times a day).
  2. Choose hypoallergenic products for intimate hygiene; if alarming symptoms appear, immediately stop using them.
  3. For the purpose of prevention, you can use an antiseptic and douching with a special solution.
  4. If necessary, use talc purchased at the pharmacy.
  5. Minimize intake of alcohol and fatty foods.
  6. Do not forget about barrier contraception during casual sexual intercourse.

If hygiene measures using folk remedies do not help in the first days, then you should not delay with this symptom; competent medical care is necessary.

One of the common complaints with which many patients come to the doctor is. Unpleasant sensations are not always accompanied by skin rashes. More than half of patient visits are related to itching without rashes, which is a symptom or harbinger of some illness. Why does the body start to itch? How can you eliminate itching without breaking out? This is exactly what our article will discuss.

Itching - what is it?

Unpleasant sensations that occur on a person’s skin that make him itch are called itchy skin. More intricate definitions of the concept of “itching” are extremely rare, since scientists and doctors have not yet been able to fully study the mechanism of the appearance and spread of this phenomenon.

Initially, itching sensations occur on the surface of the epidermis, in the area of ​​the cutaneous nerves, which are located in close proximity to the skin. After this, the corresponding signal enters the spinal centers. Already from there - to.

As practice shows, most often itching occurs against the background of exposure to various irritants, which can be located both in the body itself and outside it. The scratching reflex can also occur due to exposure to environmental factors.

Some scientists believe that itching is a modified type of pain. The latter also occurs as soon as the nerve endings in the skin become irritated.

Why do people itch

While scratching the affected areas, a person performs a kind of self-massage of itchy areas of the body. With such manipulations, blood circulation processes, as well as lymph flow, are enhanced. Harmful substances are removed, and nerve endings stop being irritated.

In some cases, itching sensations occur in completely healthy tissues. As a rule, they appear against the background of accumulation of metabolic products in certain areas of the body. This itching does not require specific treatment measures and, in 99% of cases, goes away on its own.

What kind of itching occurs: main types

According to the classification common among doctors, skin itching is divided into two main types.

Localized. A person is bothered by itching sensations that occur in a specific area of ​​the body. So, different parts of the body can itch: from head to toes. Dermatological diseases (fungal infections, lice, urticaria, etc.) are the main and most common cause of such itching. In medical practice, the following subtypes of localized itching are most often encountered:

  • Itchy scalp. Occurs as a result of pediculosis, seborrhea,. Read more about itchy scalp -.
  • Anal itching– unpleasant sensations occur in the anus (anus). As a rule, anal itching is typical for diabetics, people suffering from hemorrhoids, helminthic infestations, etc.
  • Vaginal itching among representatives of the fairer sex. It appears against the background of various gynecological diseases, the most common of which is thrush.
Generalized. Another name is widespread itching. The patient experiences an unpleasant itching sensation throughout the body, which can be due to many different reasons.

The frequency of itching also matters. Both the first and second types of it can bother a person constantly, or manifest themselves periodically. In addition, doctors distinguish different types of itching according to the degree of intensity: from mild to very strong. If severe itching occurs, a person may experience:

  • , loss of appetite;
  • constant desire to scratch the whole body or certain parts of it;
  • wounds on the surface of the skin as a result of strong scratching of itchy areas.

Itching at night

Scientists have found that most often itching occurs in the afternoon. Mainly in the evening or at night. This circumstance is easily explained: in the evening the vessels dilate significantly, and blood circulation increases. Skin temperature rises slightly, resulting in increased levels of exposure to irritants. In addition, prolonged stay in bed leads to an increase in body temperature, which, in turn, increases blood circulation and faster delivery of breakdown products to the skin.

Why you want to itch: common reasons

Most often, itching occurs against the background of banal dryness of the epidermis. As a rule, dryness makes itself felt during the cold season. If this is so, then we are talking about seasonal itching, which does not require special treatment and goes away on its own with the arrival of heat or through the use of special cosmetics.

However, it is not always the case that a person itches due to harmless under-moisturization of the skin. In some cases, the causes of an unpleasant symptom are more serious and may be associated with:

Psychogenic itching

It is a special reaction of the body to stress. In the vast majority of cases, it occurs in women over 40 years of age. May be accompanied by other symptoms: unpleasant sensations and tastes in the mouth, burning of the tongue, feeling of the presence of foreign bodies, organisms, etc. in the body.

Itching due to dry skin

This unpleasant symptom is usually experienced by older people. During the aging process, the skin of older people undergoes significant changes, loses its elasticity and properties, and becomes excessively dry. This provokes unpleasant sensations. Quite often, itching, caused by dry epidermis, appears after removing clothes.

Many patients report generalized itching that starts from the back and spreads to other areas of the body. In some cases, excessive dry skin and itching are not a consequence of the aging process, but occur against the background of intestinal dysfunction, severe atherosclerosis, disorders of the thyroid gland or other serious ailments.

Medicines and itching

An unpleasant symptom can also occur during drug treatment. This type of itching manifests itself as an individual reaction of the body to medications. Patients are interested in the question of which medications most often provoke itching:
  • drugs such as acetylsalicylic acid, opium and their derivatives;
  • erythromycin;
  • anabolic steroid;
  • medications containing estrogens.
It is these drugs that are the most common “culprits” of skin itching without a rash. Also, the body may become very itchy while taking contraceptives in tablet form.

Itching during pregnancy

Starting from the second half of the second trimester, an unpleasant symptom makes itself felt in about a third of pregnant women. The constant desire to scratch goes away immediately after childbirth and does not require specific treatment.

Diseases that cause itching

. The most common ailment is the culprit of itching without redness and rash. Unpleasant sensations in diabetes occur against the background of a decrease in the threshold of susceptibility and all kinds of complications. Patients with diabetes suffer mainly from localized itching in the genital area, as well as in the anus, which occurs against the background of developed thrush. The latter occurs due to increased blood sugar levels. Thrush affects up to half of diabetics.

Not all diabetics experience itching on the body. This unpleasant symptom occurs only in 20-30% of patients with elevated blood glucose levels and metabolic disorders.

In the case of diabetic neuropathy, the patient is bothered by itching in the scalp, which decreases with adequate treatment of the underlying disease and a decrease in sugar.

Doctors say that it is impossible to tell in advance whether a diabetic patient will experience itching or not. Moreover, the severity of itching has no connection with the duration of the disease, age and gender of the patient.

Cirrhosis and other liver diseases. Often, a harbinger of cirrhosis is generalized itching of the skin, which can appear several months before the onset of jaundice and 1-2 years before the onset of true symptoms of a serious illness. In such cases, the itching usually begins suddenly. First, the patient's palms begin to itch, then the soles. In later stages, the itching “spreads” throughout the body.

Taking a drug such as Cholestyramine helps reduce the symptoms of itching in case of liver problems.

About 25% of people with jaundice also suffer from itchy skin. In patients with hepatitis, itching is observed only in 10-15% of cases.

Kidney failure. The majority of patients with this disease (about 90%) note the presence of itching. During or immediately after the hemodialysis procedure, itching is most noticeable. At the same time, the patient’s age, gender and duration of hemodialysis treatment do not in any way affect the likelihood of itching sensations.

Mental illness(neuroses, psychoses, etc.) are also accompanied by itchy skin. There is a close correlation between the irritating factor (stress) and the intensity of itching.

Sexually transmitted diseases(STD). They make themselves known by severe itching in the genital area. The symptom is characteristic of both male and female halves. With an STD, itching is not the only symptom of the disease. As a rule, the patient is bothered by discharge from the genitals with an atypical smell and color, and pain.

Malignant neoplasms. Itching can also be the first symptom of lymphoma. Rarely – cancer. Up to 3% of tumors of various nature are manifested by itching.

Taking opiate drugs increases widespread itching, which is felt throughout the body.

Various skin diseases. The most common are: neurodermatitis, contact and atopic dermatitis, urticaria, fungal infections, scabies, lice, psoriasis. In addition to itching, with the above ailments a person may be bothered by:
  • peeling of the skin;
  • hair loss in certain areas of the body;
  • redness at the site of injury and swelling;
  • skin suppuration.

Itchy skin in adults (video)

Symptoms, causes and treatment of severe itchy skin in adults. Practical recommendations from a doctor and methods for preventing itching.

Diagnosis and treatment of itching

For treatment to be effective, the root cause of the itching must be determined. In this case, a visit to a dermatologist will be the best solution. The doctor will conduct a survey and tell you what kind of examination you should undergo, as well as make a diagnosis. It is quite possible that consulting a dermatologist alone will not be enough to determine the causes of itching. Therefore, consultations with specialized specialists may be recommended: endocrinologist, allergist, therapist, etc.

During the diagnostic process, it is important to exclude the presence of the most common diseases accompanied by itching - diabetes mellitus, STDs, helminthic infestations, diseases of the large and small intestines, dysbacteriosis, and diseases of the genitourinary system.

Treatment of itching is carried out in several main areas:

  • Determining the root causes of unpleasant itching sensations.
  • Local treatment (most often used for localized itching).
  • Complex (systemic) treatment.
If itching bothers you for a long time, you should make an appointment with a doctor. Immediately before taking it, it is not recommended to take any measures to eliminate or reduce itching: drinking antihistamines, smearing the affected areas with any compounds, since such manipulations can significantly complicate the diagnosis.

Therapeutic measures

If the itching is not caused by any systemic disease that requires a special approach and specific complex treatment, then the following will come to the rescue:

Local treatment. If the whole body itches, doctors recommend periodically moistening the skin with a 5% vinegar solution using a sponge. Talc-based powder relieves unpleasant symptoms well. For genital and anal itching, regular hygiene is important: you should wash yourself 2-3 times a day with baby or laundry soap.

For anal itching, washing after each bowel movement is mandatory.

Itching in the anal area is effectively relieved with the help of various ointments with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect: Triderm, Ultraproct, etc. It is worth emphasizing that their use gives only a short-term effect and does not eliminate the root cause of itching. Symptoms disappear only during their use.

Systemic treatment. It is carried out when there is an increased level of histamine in the skin. In this case, the patient is recommended to take antihistamines. The most common are “Suprastin”, “Tavegil”, “Erius”, “Loratadine”. As a rule, people who are bothered by itching are very nervous and irritable. To relieve excessive nervousness during skin itching, soothing sedative drugs are used: Novopassit, valerian, motherwort in alcohol form, mint tea, etc.

The patient is also recommended to:
  • Pay special attention to maintaining personal hygiene rules.
  • Moisturize your skin regularly to prevent excessive dryness of the epidermis, which can cause itching.
  • Avoid foods that cause vasodilation and increased itching: spices, strong tea and coffee, too hot food, etc.
  • Avoid overheating the body and carefully monitor the air temperature in the room.
  • Minimize stressful situations, combat nervous tension and increased anxiety, get enough sleep.

What to do if itching occurs for no apparent reason

Simple but effective recommendations will help you get rid of unpleasant sensations.
  • To eliminate excessive dryness of the skin, use warm, not hot, baths every other day. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. It is important to use hypoallergenic soap that does not cause dry skin. The ideal solution is for children. After a bath, do not rub your skin with a towel. Dry your body with a soft terry towel and apply generously with moisturizer or body lotion.
  • If the itching is caused by increased air temperature in the room, wet towels hung on heating appliances or open containers of water will help to humidify the air.
  • If you notice that itching occurs when your skin comes into contact with clothing, you should avoid wearing clothes made from synthetic fabrics.
  • People suffering from allergies should eliminate everything that can lead to allergies and itching: allergenic foods, remove flowers and pets from the room, regularly carry out wet cleaning to avoid dust accumulation, remove feather pillows and blankets, etc.
  • If certain areas of the body itch, cold bandages may help. Only the affected areas of the body should be loosely bandaged.
  • To prevent scratching the affected areas until they bleed and become infected, it is recommended to trim your nails short. If itching is severe, wear soft gloves on your hands.
  • Follow a diet that excludes irritating components. Preference should be given to dairy products, as well as products of plant origin. It is important to enrich your diet with fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products, lean meats and fish. It is important to avoid foods such as canned food, meat and fish broths, smoked meats, sweets, spices, chocolate, and coffee.
  • For itchy skin, rubbing the affected areas with lard (lard) or tar helps a lot.
As you can see, it is quite possible to get rid of unpleasant itchy sensations on the skin. The main thing is to diagnose the cause of itching in time, undergo comprehensive treatment, and eliminate irritating factors from everyday life. Remember, timely treatment will significantly reduce the time for treatment procedures and allow you to quickly forget about an unpleasant symptom.

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