Effective vitamins for chronic fatigue syndrome. What pills are there for fatigue? Vitamins for getting enough sleep

Increased drowsiness or fatigue may indicate a lack of vitamins in the body. Eat foods containing B vitamins. You can buy vitamin complexes, but after consulting a doctor.

Vitamins for fatigue and drowsiness help a person cope with this condition and feel a surge of strength and energy. Deterioration in mood, constant stress, and increased sleepiness are most often observed in people in the autumn and winter. But it may also indicate the presence of a serious illness. Contact your doctor, and after the examination, he will be able to prescribe you the necessary medications.

Vitamins for men and women against fatigue

If you often experience symptoms of fatigue and weakness, pay great attention to B vitamins. With a lack of these vitamins, the body gets tired faster, which contributes to stress and nervousness:

  • Thiamine or vitamin B1. This element provides the body with energy.
  • Riboflavin or B2. Promotes the production of hemoglobin and plays an important role in metabolic processes.
  • Vitamins B3, B5, B7. Extracts necessary energy from food.
  • Pyridoxine or B6. Increases the functioning of the immune system, monitors carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Cobalamin or vitamin B12. Brings the nervous system to a normal state, monitors energy exchange.

You can find vitamins that help with loss of strength and fatigue in many natural products. Eat more fresh vegetables, cereals, fish and meat, and dairy products.

If you take vitamins in the form of tablets or capsules, you should not consume them more than normal. An excessive dosage of strength and energy will not add to you and will not eliminate the existing problem.

Vitamins for chronic fatigue

Sometimes fatigue and drowsiness become chronic. In this case, it is difficult to get by with B vitamins alone. Be sure to add to your diet foods containing selenium, zinc, iron, magnesium, vitamins A, C and E. These vitamins will act in combination against stress and chronic fatigue. If taking vitamin complexes and proper nutrition does not benefit you, be sure to consult a doctor. He will be able to prescribe medications that have a more significant effect. If you know the symptoms of fatigue and drowsiness, then at the first manifestations of them, increase the foods in your diet with the listed vitamins.

If lately you have been feeling very tired and literally “falling asleep on the go,” while your usual routine and loads have remained unchanged, then vitamin deficiency may be the cause of your condition. This interferes with normal work and is often the cause of developing depression. That is why this condition cannot be ignored. Today we will find out which vitamins are best to take when tired and drowsy.

Vitamins for fatigue and drowsiness

The human body always has an urgent need for vitamins, so, first of all, care should be taken to ensure that they are supplied in sufficient quantities with food. That is why you need to carefully monitor your diet and make sure that it contains all the necessary products. Below we will find out which vitamins can cause fatigue and drowsiness, and also learn how to replenish them.

B vitamins

If your body is deficient in B vitamins, you may experience the following sensations.

  1. If you suffer from a vitamin B1 deficiency, you will experience weak muscles, shortness of breath even if you do not go for long walks or climb stairs, and your heart rate will increase.
  2. If your body lacks folic acid, you will not have enough strength to even do basic work, and you will also experience insomnia. In addition, your digestive and nervous system will suffer.
  3. With a lack of vitamin B12, a person experiences fatigue even after proper rest. There is a feeling that strength is leaving the body and because of this you constantly want to sleep.

Please note that the lack of the proper amount of B vitamins is especially dangerous during the period of bearing a baby. This not only negatively affects the well-being of the mother, but also the child. The fact is that for this reason the baby’s nervous system may not be formed correctly and this will entail the most negative consequences.

To prevent a deficiency of B vitamins, you need to include foods such as liver, eggs, legumes and dairy and fermented milk products in your diet.

Vitamin C

A deficiency of vitamin C or, as it is also called, ascorbic acid leads not only to fatigue and drowsiness, but also to a weakened immune system. It is because of this that a person cannot work fully and often gets sick. This is especially undesirable during the period of bearing a baby, since the fetus can develop various pathologies, including the most serious ones. That is why during pregnancy it is worth increasing the consumption of foods containing ascorbic acid, but you do not need to consume too much of them, otherwise an allergy may develop. The recommended dose should be checked with your doctor.

If you are deficient in vitamin C, you should include rose hips, citrus fruits, kiwi, black currants, strawberries, wild strawberries and greens in your diet.

Vitamin D

A person experiences a lack of this vitamin in the autumn-winter period. The fact is that the body receives it from the sun's rays, which is why its deficiency is not observed in late spring and summer. Vitamin D deficiency is especially dangerous for young children. The fact is that it is involved in the formation and development of the skeletal system and its deficiency can lead to rickets. In addition, its absence in the body in the required amount negatively affects the state of the immune system and the person begins to get sick more often.

To prevent vitamin D deficiency, you need to consume fish oil, different types of fish, red caviar, eggs, butter and hard cheeses.

Vitamins: solve the problems of chronic fatigue, drowsiness, lethargy and weakness by nourishing the body from the inside with substances important for health

Review of vitamin complexes for fatigue and drowsiness

It is not always possible to provide the body with vitamins using food. This is especially true in the autumn-winter period, when local fruits and vegetables disappear. Then you can quickly fill their deficit with the help of special means. Below we will find out which vitamins are best to take when tired and drowsy, or rather, which vitamin complexes. We will look at the most popular such tools.


This complex contains the entire necessary set of vitamins and minerals. That is why its regular use will have a positive effect on the nervous and immune systems. Thanks to this, you will get sick less often and stop feeling tired and drowsy.

Bion 3

In addition to the fact that this preparation contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body, it also contains bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. That is why the use of this remedy will have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It will also help strengthen the immune system and relieve fatigue and drowsiness.

Multi Male

This drug is intended for the stronger half of humanity. It will help men cope with fatigue, relieve drowsiness, and also increase physical strength and activity.

Knowing which vitamins are best to take when drowsiness and fatigue, you can quickly normalize your condition, and at the same time improve your appearance. We have reviewed the most popular such remedies, but before using them you should consult your doctor.

Today, most people turn to doctors for help, complaining of constant malaise. Even the most ordinary activities can exhaust a person and cause constant fatigue and loss of strength. As a rule, fatigue can be caused by a number of specific diseases: diseases of the thyroid gland, heart disease, various infections, as well as mental disorders and depression. In addition, if you constantly lack sleep, fatigue can develop into a chronic form. Another reason is vitamin deficiency, when a person does not receive enough daily intake of essential vitamins and minerals. What vitamins should people who constantly feel weak and exhausted take?

Composition is important

The main components of the vitamin complex for increasing energy and performance are all B vitamins. Folic acid, which helps normalize sleep and tone the body, is no less important for improving the functioning of the body. Often people who have a vitamin C deficiency in their bodies complain of fatigue, which entails not only weakness, but also a decrease in immune function. In addition, vitamin C improves concentration and increases performance. Important elements that take part in the performance of the body and fight against its weakening are magnesium, calcium, zinc and iron.
It is better to take vitamins twice a year – in spring and autumn. It is during these periods that the body undergoes a restructuring to work in the new season, which is associated with changes in temperature.

From expensive vitamins to affordable ones

If we talk about the quality of vitamins, then at the present time the pharmaceutical market offers a huge selection of vitamin preparations that differ in composition and cost.

Expensive drugs contain a complete complex of vitamins and minerals, and also have a special direction that will help cope with a specific task. According to reviews, it copes well with fatigue associated with vitamin deficiency and minerals in soluble. These are "Supradin" and "Berocca Plus". Effervescent dissolves in water to create a pleasant, refreshing drink that should be drunk once a day. The charge of vivacity is enough for the whole day. Vitamins "Makrovit" also cope well with fatigue. They are available in lozenges and are positioned by the manufacturer as a “stimulant for relieving fatigue.”

It has been observed that taking vitamins improves mood. People notice a surge of energy, a desire to work arises, and irritability disappears.

Vitamin complexes of average cost also have a complete composition and are the best option for buyers. If we talk about specific brands, we can recommend a drug such as Vitatress, which increases the body's resistance to various stresses and tolerance to physical and mental stress. Vitrum and Centrum are also good.

Cheap vitamin complexes also have a right to exist, and

Vitamins for energy and fatigue are organic compounds that supply the body with vigor and vitality. These nutrients increase performance, relieve drowsiness, lethargy and irritability. Often, signs of fatigue develop in people who are deficient and worsen in winter, when the diet is poor in fresh vegetables and fruits. To maintain the body and prevent hypovitaminosis, it is recommended to additionally consume vitamin and mineral complexes. Remember, chronic fatigue can appear due to severe overexertion, stress, or serve as the first “bell” indicating the presence of hidden health problems that can threaten a person’s life. When the first symptoms of illness occur, the provoking factors should be identified and eliminated.

Causes of impotence, lethargy

First of all, this is due to a violation of the “work-rest” regime and systematic lack of sleep, and secondly, to an insufficient supply of vitamins and biological compounds with food. As a result, vitamin deficiency develops, the biological rhythm of the body is disrupted, the person begins to experience lethargy and impotence, performance decreases, and the quality of life deteriorates. Causes of constant fatigue:

  1. Oncological diseases. Cancer causes fatigue in a variety of ways and promotes the production of toxic chemicals that have a direct impact on cellular function. Therefore, chronic impotence requires a thorough examination by a specialist.
  2. Anemia. Due to the low level of hemoglobin, an insufficient amount of oxygen is supplied to the body tissues, which causes drowsiness, fatigue, and impaired metabolic processes. Anemia can be a harbinger of serious diseases: autoimmune and bone marrow pathologies, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer.
  3. Heart disease. Leads to insufficient transport of oxygen in the blood to the tissues, causes drowsiness, severe fatigue, sleep disturbance, pain in the joints, lymph nodes, and short-term memory loss.
  4. Avitaminosis. The most acute signs of vitamin deficiency in the body are observed in the winter and spring months. If you do not take nutrients in medications, immunity decreases, and the symptoms worsen: the nervous, digestive, musculoskeletal, and excretory systems suffer, and the human body becomes depleted.

Every third average inhabitant of our planet experiences a state of chronic fatigue and apathy.

Signs of vitamin deficiency: ulcers on the lips, wounds that do not heal for a long time, bleeding gums, tooth loss, aggressiveness, alopecia, weakness, dementia, paralysis of the limbs, diarrhea, severe malaise.

  1. Sleep apnea. This is a condition where a person cannot get enough air through the respiratory tract. As a result, people with sleep apnea experience constant fatigue, even after resting.

In addition, do not rush to go to the doctor for a diagnosis; sometimes the reason for the loss of strength lies in a change in weather, a decrease in environmental pressure, magnetic storms, air pollution, heat, the difficult environmental situation of the place of residence, the release of harmful substances from dense vegetation (flowering period), industrial emissions, bad habits. If it is not possible to eliminate unfavorable factors, pay special attention to a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.

A balanced diet is the basis of human health. Nutrients play an important role in maintaining body tone. They fight mood swings, stress, fatigue, drowsiness, stimulate the immune system, promote blood circulation, oxygen throughout the body, release energy from cells, and increase vitality levels. Energy vitamins:

  1. . Protects the body from allergic reactions, damage from fungi, bacteria, viruses. Vitamin A maintains the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, cervix, mouth, lungs, and bladder in normal condition, making it more difficult for toxins to penetrate the tissues and damage internal organs. Retinol increases T-cell activity, which helps strengthen the immune system, maintains levels within normal limits, preventing the development of anemia.
  1. . Inhibits the aging of brain cells, stimulates energy production, and restores the nervous system.
  1. . Normalizes blood levels, regulates energy potential, increases blood flow.

A lack of B8 leads to problems with vision, sleep, skin, blood circulation is impaired, and susceptibility to stressful conditions increases. The daily norm is 0.5 – 1.5 grams. Foods rich in inositol: nuts, sesame oil, bran, citrus fruits, legumes, animal by-products, brewer's yeast.

  1. . Improves absorption, regulates blood levels.

A lack of biotin affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands: dry skin is observed. In addition, the functioning of the nervous system deteriorates, metabolism is disrupted, apathy, weakness, and impotence appear. Daily dose: from 0.1 to 0.3 milligrams. The vitamin is found in egg yolk, soy, bran, rice,.

  1. . Increases energy potential, strengthens immunity.

Vitamins for energy are better obtained from food, where they are contained in a natural, easily digestible form, than from synthetic drugs.

Vitamin-mineral complexes accelerate the recovery of the body, since they contain the daily norm of missing nutrients, which is problematic to obtain from food (for example, eat at least 1.5 kilograms of carrots, 0.5 kilograms of red fish, 1.0 kilograms of citrus fruits and cottage cheese, 2 kilograms of cabbage cabbage, drink 2 liters of milk per day).

  1. Iron. Prevents the development of anemia, which leads to decreased performance. Iron supplements are recommended to be taken together with vitamin C, which improves the absorption of the microelement.

Symptoms of deficiency: neurological disorders, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland, deformation of the nail plates, muscle weakness, pallor, excessive fatigue, changes in taste. Daily dose – 15 milligrams (for women), 10 milligrams (for men). Iron-rich foods: plums, legumes, nuts, red meat, wheat germ, oatmeal.

  1. . Increases performance, strengthens the body, removes elements of drugs and toxins from the body, helps extract energy from carbohydrates, and participates in the production of immunoglobulins.

Manifestations of lack of connection: depressed mood, apathy, lethargy, memory impairment. The daily norm is up to 3 grams (in 3 doses of 1 gram). Sources: asparagus, potatoes, tomatoes, beef, eggs.

  1. . This is the most important biogenic element in the plant world. Potassium stimulates thought processes, conducts nerve impulses, improves oxygen supply to the brain, normalizes blood pressure, muscle contractions, and alleviates allergies. Indicated for increased mental stress.

Signs of deficiency: fatigue, peptic ulcer, nephropathy, polyuria, heart rhythm disturbances, physical and mental exhaustion. Natural sources: buckwheat, meat, fish, mushrooms, tomatoes, potatoes, oatmeal, legumes. The daily norm for adults is 1800 – 5000 milligrams, for children – 600 – 1700 milligrams.

  1. Magnesium. The macroelement is involved in 300 enzymatic reactions; it is needed for the breakdown of glucose, the production of protein, DNA, the absorption of pyridoxine, thiamine, ascorbic acid, and the removal of toxins from the body. Benefits of magnesium: resists chronic fatigue syndrome, strengthens tooth enamel, regulates blood sugar, reduces the negative effects of chemotherapy, prevents kidney deposits.

Signs of deficiency: paresthesia, tetany, loss of appetite, irritability, insomnia, fatigue, difficulty waking up. Magnesium is found in nuts, cereals, sunflower seeds, apricots, and fish. For body activity, the daily norm is calculated: per 1 kilogram of weight 4 milligrams of macronutrients.

  1. . Participates in the renewal of skin cells, the reproduction of serotonin, reduces inflammatory processes, fights painful bacteria in the body, regulates sebum secretion in the dermis, is needed for protein synthesis, the formation of collagen fibers, stimulates brain function, improves mood, supports the functioning of the senses, is good for vision, resists nervous overload.

Symptoms of deficiency: deterioration of skin, hair, eye damage, impotence in men, growth retardation in children, changes in tastes, smells, neurological disorders, non-healing ulcers on the mucous membranes. Sources: seafood, nuts, seeds, bran, cheese, egg yolks, beef. The daily norm is 12 – 15 milligrams.

When consuming vitamins and minerals, it is important to observe moderation. Excess and lack of nutrients in the body negatively affect a person’s health.

Before taking a vitamin complex, consult your doctor. Otherwise, you can provoke allergies and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Vitamin complexes

  1. "Alphabet Energy". The complex contains vitamins A, B1, C, H, K, magnesium, zinc, iron, potassium, extracts of Siberian ginseng rhizomes, lemongrass seeds, and succinic acid. The drug has a tonic effect on the body, ensures an easy change between the “sleep” and “wakefulness” phases, stimulates mental activity, blood supply to the brain, strengthens capillaries, protects against oxidative stress, improves energy metabolism, and maintains a high level of performance during prolonged exercise. Recommended for use by adults to prevent hypovitaminosis.

Alphabet Energy is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to one of the components of the drug, pregnancy, high blood pressure and nervous excitability. Directions for use: 3 times a day, one tablet with an interval of 4 – 6 hours. This regimen of administration increases the benefit from the vitamin-mineral complex by 30–50% than from the traditional single dose. The minimum course is 1 month. The duration depends on the person’s health status (degree of vitamin deficiency).

In severe cases, when there is no time to waste, medications cannot be avoided.

Directions for use: 1 tablet per day with meals. The course of therapy is 1 – 3 months. Supradin should not be taken if the blood contains high levels of calcium, vitamins A, D, or with severe kidney disease.

  1. "Bion 3". Ingredients: vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, D3, H, zinc, selenium, molybdenum, iodine, calcium, magnesium, iron. The drug has an immunostimulating effect, normalizes water-electrolyte balance and intestinal microflora, promotes good health, energizes, gives vitality, and fights pathogenic microorganisms.

Directions for use: 1 tablet once a day with the main meal. Duration of therapy is 1 month. Contraindications: individual intolerance.

  1. "Male Multiple". Dietary supplement for quickly restoring lost energy reserves. Benefits of the multivitamin complex: improvement of sexual potential, cognitive abilities, relief from stress, compensation of nutrients in unbalanced diets, slowing down aging, reducing the harm from smoking, getting rid of fatigue, protecting the cardiovascular system, strengthening bone tissue and immunity. Each tablet contains: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, H, C, A, D, zinc, calcium, magnesium, inositol, manganese, copper, selenium, iodine, chromium, lycopene. Recommended dosage: up to 3 tablets, with food.

The drug is contraindicated in hypermagnesemia.

information about vitamins for energy and fatigue

Vitamins for chronic fatigue are biologically active substances that normalize the state of the nervous system, increase the body’s energy potential, and accelerate recovery after physical and emotional exhaustion. If you feel unwell and have decreased performance, determine and eliminate the cause of your deterioration. Don't overwork, avoid stressful situations, strengthen your immune system. Eliminate substances that interfere with the absorption of vitamins, macro- and microelements: alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, aspirin, sleeping pills, antibiotics. Lead a healthy lifestyle, move more, relax. Take vitamin therapy regularly twice a year in spring and autumn.

The appearance of drowsiness and fatigue is directly related to a lack of vitamins. Nutrients support normal functioning of the body and strengthen the immune system. When they are deficient, a person experiences a loss of strength and falls ill. What vitamins should I take for drowsiness? What products contain them? A list of useful components, a description of their effect on the body, and recommendations for use are presented below.

Recipe for cheerfulness.

Vitamins for drowsiness: effects on the body

Chronic fatigue, apathy, and drowsiness appear due to constant overexertion, alcohol consumption, smoking and other factors that negatively affect the human body. Vitamins supplied with food compensate for the lack of nutrients and stimulate the body's protective functions. Taking the following vitamins helps prevent drowsiness and fatigue:

· B12 (cyanocobalamin);

· C (ascorbic acid);

D (ergocalciferol and cholecalciferol);

· E (tocopherol);

· A (retinol).

Cyanocobalamin is needed by red blood cells that transport oxygen throughout the body. A lack of vitamin B12 causes a slowdown in metabolism, causing a feeling of fatigue and weakness. This is due to the fact that the cells receive less oxygen and the body begins to work harder, expending more energy than with a sufficient supply of vitamin B12.

Taking ascorbic acid helps strengthen the immune system. With a lack of vitamin C, a person gets tired faster and thought processes slow down. To improve attention and increase performance, ascorbic acid is prescribed. When you take the vitamin yourself without consulting a doctor, allergic reactions occur.

Vitamin D is produced by the body when exposed to sunlight. Due to insufficient exposure to the sun, a deficiency of the beneficial substance occurs, and a person feels tired and apathetic. Calciferols are needed for the absorption of phosphorus and calcium.

Tocopherol and retinol prevent premature skin aging. Vitamin E has an antioxidant and anticarcinogenic effect (protects the body from harmful substances). Its deficiency manifests itself in the form of deterioration of well-being and dry skin.

Vitamin A helps fight eye diseases and improves the functioning of the immune system. Retinol deficiency causes weakness, fatigue, and blurred vision.

Vitamins for drowsiness and fatigue in food

Vitamin B12 is found in beef liver and kidneys. To compensate for the lack of cyanocobalamin, people are advised to include fish (herring, sardines and salmon), seafood (squid, oysters), and chicken eggs in their diet.