Quotes about manual labor. Socialist slogans

In the USSR, they perfectly understood the need to properly motivate people, as a result of which numerous propaganda slogans took place. Some of them are given below:

The USSR is a great railway power!

Great and powerful is the stride of the USSR, the great railway power!

Don't talk on the phone, a chatterbox is a godsend for a spy!

Pioneer is an example to all the guys!

Octobers are friendly guys!

The party is the mind, honor and conscience of our era

"Lenin lived, Lenin is alive, Lenin will live

"The decisions of the XX... Congress of the CPSU are brought to life!"

"Lenin's ideas live and conquer"

Take bread in moderation for lunch! Bread is a treasure, don’t waste it!


Five-year plan for quality - our labor victories!

If you want to gain strength, you need to eat right.

There are no worries from the moment you bought a subscription.

Forward to the victory of communism!

All work in the field is under the Quality Mark!

"Bread is our wealth."

“Motherland, know how to stand up for her!”

"Drunkenness - fight!"

"Smoking is harmful to health"

“Nothing is given to us so cheaply, and nothing is valued so dearly as POLITENESS.”

The hammer and sickle union - we will not destroy it!

"Workers of all countries, unite!"

“From each according to his ability, to each according to his work!”

"No NATO!"

"Long live the Soviet people's intelligentsia!"

"Art belongs to the people!"

"We are for peace!"

Don't waste your working minutes

Night is not a hindrance to work

Your best indicators are satisfied customers

"Count your money without leaving the cash register!"

"Keep your money in the Savings Bank!"

"Fly with Aeroflot planes!"

"Bread is our wealth! Use it carefully!"

"Pioneer! You are responsible for everything!"

The youth! Persistently acquire knowledge!

"The best controller is the passenger's conscience!"


The USSR is a stronghold of peace!

After the foam disappears, ask for topping up!

The Soviet seller is a model of politeness!

"The economy should be economical"

"The people and the party are united!"

“We will fulfill Lenin’s commandments!” (Option: “Loyal to Lenin’s precepts!”)

"Long live such and such an anniversary of the Great October Revolution!" and "Glory to the Great October!", and on the eve of May 1 - "Peace! Labor! May!"

"Pioneers - replacement for the Komsomol!" and "Octobers - future pioneers!" It seems that there: “Pioneer! You live in the 21st century!”

Change is coming!

Respect the work of cleaners!

Keep your hands clean! Destroy the flies!

“Keep the forest safe from fire”, “Don’t litter the forest”, “The forest is our green friend”

"Our law is simple!
If you haven't put away the dishes - STOP!"

Long live the Communist Party!

Lenin and the Party are twin brothers!

Learn to study (at school)

The Party is our helmsman!
Party decisions - put into practice!

Use the summer to study!

Don't put your fingers or eggs in the salt!

Take care of bread, bread is the head of everything

Every crumb is in the palm of your hand!

Tourist, you are a guest everywhere!

The book is a source of knowledge

Increase your productivity!

The banner of peace is the banner of socialism!

Glory to Soviet youth!

The party is a school of communism!


"Work better today than yesterday, tomorrow - better than today!" L.I. Brezhnev

Anyone who drinks milk will jump high!

“Let's say thank you to the chefs - they cook delicious food for us!

At the maternity hospital:

Happy birthday to you, Soviet man!

The USSR is a stronghold of peace.

Matches are not a toy for children!

Business before pleasure!

Time for business is time for fun.

Sobriety is the norm

The Party is the mind, honor and conscience of our era.

Long live the unity of the party and the people!

Praise be to the hands that smell of bread

Land reclamation is a nationwide matter

"Our goal is communism

Feel free to criticize shortcomings in your work!

A liberated woman - build socialism!

We serve the people!

Our friendship is unbreakable!

Down with kitchen slavery! Give me a new life!

Work like a communist!

The party said “MUST!” Kossomol replied “YES!

I saved up and bought a car,

Long live the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics!






Thanks to the Motherland for our happy childhood!


Communism will win!

Strengthen the world with your work!

True to Lenin's precepts!

Five-year plan in three years!


If there is still something left to complete, consider that nothing has been done.

Activity is the only path to knowledge.
J.B. Show

I can’t imagine a situation where there would ever be nothing to do.
F. Dostoevsky

There is nothing that cannot be overcome with hard work.
J. Bruno

It’s not so much the work itself that tires you, but the thoughts about it.
Marcus Fabius Quintilian

The true treasure for people is the ability to work.

Without obvious intense hard work there are no talents or geniuses.
D. Mendeleev

There is no hard work that love does not make not only easy, but even enjoyable.
J. Bruno

What is done hastily is rarely done well.

There is no sweeter peace bought by labor.
A. Chekhov

Work is the best medicine.
A. France

A good start is half the battle.

Labor is the great cure for all the diseases and sorrows of mankind.
T. Carlyle

There is nothing more natural for a person than work; a person is born for it, like a bird for flying and a fish for swimming.
F. Petrarch

If you want to make your work easier, pass on your experience to someone else.
B. Krutier

A fool is the one who abandons the matter halfway and watches, with his mouth open, from the sidelines what will come of it all.
F. Schiller

Without work there cannot be a pure and joyful life.
A. Chekhov

The decisive role in the work is not always played by the material, but always by the artist.
M. Gorky

Take on an easy task as if it were a difficult one, and take on a difficult task as if it were an easy one. In the first case, so that confidence does not turn into carelessness; in the second, uncertainty turns into timidity. The surest way to avoid doing something is to consider it done in advance. On the contrary, diligence accomplishes the impossible.
B. Gracian y Morales

Bonded labor is worse than unemployment.
K. Kushner

Where the deed speaks for itself, what is the use of words?
Marcus Tullius Cicero

The more important you consider it, the more likely you will accomplish a task.

Work that we enjoy heals grief.
W. Shakespeare

There is only one way to do great work - to love it.
S. Jobs

Hard work is the soul of every business and the key to prosperity.
Charles Dickens

If you don't make a profit, then no one needs your work.
V. Sinelnikov

Get down to business properly and you will get good results, because drop by drop a stone is chiseled, and with small blows you can knock down an oak tree, and a mouse, with patience and perseverance, gnaws through a ship's rope.
B. Franklin

When two people do the same thing, they are no longer the same.

God pleases the quality of our work, not its quantity.
M. Gandhi

Ability, valor - everything is nothing until we put in the work.

Carefree makes you look younger, busyness makes you look beautiful.
R. Walser

Our deeds show what we really are; in words - only what they should be.
S. Smiles

The hardworking bee knows how to collect honey from bitter flowers.
M. Bogdanovich

When you finish a big job, you always experience some kind of sweet sadness. Because with the end of your work, in which you embody your thoughts and feelings, you may feel an elusive feeling of sadness, as if you were parting with the woman you love...
Y. Kolas

Man is born to work.
K. Ushinsky

It is better to do a small part of the task perfectly than to do ten times more poorly.

He who relies on effort in work lives, and whoever does not rely on effort in work does not live.
Mo Zi

Each of us is the son of our own deeds.

Farming is based on labor, not expense.
Pliny the Elder

Thinking is the hardest job; This is probably why so few people do it.
G. Ford

It is not smart to postpone things until tomorrow; What tomorrow might happen, we cannot know.

There is nothing more slavish than luxury and bliss, and nothing more royal than labor.
Alexander the Great

Work is a sacred thing, it befits everyone.
N. Leskov

Everyone should be great in their work.
Gracian y Morales

Many people love hard work, especially if they are paid for it.
F. P. Jones

Labor is the soul of genius, the heart of talent, it is the inner fire of every talent.
A. France

It's worth the effort.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

It is not a person's title that is important, but his work.
Pliny the Younger

Whether the task is big or small, it must be done.

Nothing exhausts and destroys a person more than prolonged physical inactivity.

Constant work overcomes all obstacles.
M. Lomonosov

To love your business, you also need to believe in its meaning.
Y. Kolas

Happiness comes to those who work hard.
Leonardo da Vinci

To work means to earn money at the same time and not have time to spend it.
P. Decourcel

12 Feb 2019 admin

Our era can rightly be called the century of workaholism. Hard work is an indispensable condition for achieving success. Parents strive to instill in their children a love of work so as not to worry about their future. Adults often prefer work to night sleep, weekends and vacations - after all, this is the only way to achieve prosperity or solve serious financial problems. Are they doing the right thing? What do famous people say about work?

Labor is the key to prosperity

There is a famous saying about the work of a philosopher named Quintus Horace Flaccus: “Nothing in life is achieved without great labor.” It is relevant not only for the times of Ancient Rome, but also for modern times. The person who understands this simple truth will never remain in poverty - after all, he will make every effort to get out of poverty. A school graduate who would like to study at a prestigious university also understands this. If proper efforts are not made, there is a serious risk that his life path will take a completely different trajectory.

Work and rest

And here is another statement about work: “There is no work without rest; know how to do it, know how to have fun.” It belongs to an Arab philosopher named Abu Rudaki. Some modern psychologists believe that if work tires a person, then this is a sign that he is not doing his job. If he works according to his vocation, he will be able to work for a long time, and this work will tire him minimally. However, even in this case, the body needs rest. Even the most enthusiastic people cannot work without breaks for sleep, food, and simple rest. And in those workplaces where employers strive to “squeeze” the maximum out of employees, most often the effect is only the opposite. People resist those conditions that can be called “inhuman”. Often the employer argues for his strictness by the fact that for each hour of being at work the hired employee receives a certain rate, and rest in this case is strictly regulated. For example, during 9 hours an employee has an hour break.

However, it often happens that this break actually lasts much less, or the employee needs to rest at another time of the working day. In this case, it is good to remember what is practiced in Japan: there workers can even afford an afternoon nap. Despite the fact that this type of rest requires additional time, work efficiency in enterprises that allow employees to take a nap in the afternoon increases significantly.

Work as medicine

Another famous statement about work belongs to the philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau: “Abstinence and work are the two true healers of man.” In fact, intemperance leads to various psychological illnesses - in particular, to neuroses. A person who does not practice abstinence in his life in our time becomes subject to many temptations, ranging from neurotic consumption through shopping to alcoholism and tobacco smoking. Why did the famous philosopher call work the “healer” of man? It is not for nothing that even in psychiatric practice there is such a thing as “occupational therapy”.

Laziness is a harbinger of neurosis

A person who wanders around all day doing nothing exposes himself to negative thoughts, expectations, and negative attitudes are formed in his head. Anyone who is constantly busy with something simply does not have time for him to somehow develop a neurosis. That is why work is a simple and accessible way to combat disorders such as increased anxiety, depression, and obsessive thoughts. Many statements about work indicate that physical labor can calm the spirit and heal the pain of the soul and mind. There is a good statement on this subject by the philosopher Sun Tzu. This is what he said: “A person should do those things that, although they require hard physical labor, calm his mind.”

Famous sayings about labor and modernity

The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates said: “It is very difficult to do anything without making a mistake.” Indeed, any work is always criticized from outside. Be it colleagues, management or clients - every mistake is always visible. However, if these mistakes are condemned by others, then the person himself does not benefit much from this. If you judge yourself for every failure, then it won’t be long before you end up without a job at all. After all, all that self-condemnation leads to is new mistakes. Having done something wrong, you need to draw the necessary conclusions and move on.

Many people are interested in the sayings of the greats about work. In most cases they are clear. “To live is to work,” for example, Voltaire said. And Leonardo da Vinci said this: “Happiness comes from working hard.” Such statements about work are suitable for children, adolescents and adults. After all, they are simple and easy to understand. Moreover, these quotes help us understand the importance of work in life. Without hard work, hardly anyone can expect success.

Character Traits of Hard Workers

Labor indicate that workers usually have noble soul qualities. For example, V. G. Belinsky owns the words: “Work ennobles a person.” “Work tempers the bodies of young men,” this quote belongs to Cicero. His words mean that the development of strong-willed qualities and physical endurance is impossible without hard work. A.V. Suvorov spoke about work as follows: “Having managed to overcome at least some work, a person receives pleasure.” In fact, the work itself is not as hard as the thought of how much needs to be done. Having started to work, a person is gradually drawn into this process, and he no longer has time for obsessive thoughts about his own powerlessness or laziness.

Labor made a man out of a monkey, if you don’t believe me, read the quotes about labor. This page contains statements about work from different people. After reading everything that is written here, you can gain inspiration for any business, because aphorisms about work are filled with the life experience of people who know first-hand what work is.

Constant work is the law of both art and life.
O. Balzac

In the everyday affairs of life, hard work is capable of doing everything that a genius is capable of, and in addition, there are many things that a genius cannot do.
G. Beecher

The hardworking bee knows how to collect honey from bitter flowers.
Maxim Bogdanovich

He who works is always young. And sometimes it seems to me that maybe work produces some special hormones that increase the vital impulse.
N. N. Burdenko

Great quote about work.

They get tired and exhausted not so much because they work hard, but because they work poorly.
N. E: Vvedensky

Work is my life function. When I don't work, I don't feel any life in myself.
Jules Bern

When work is pleasure, life is good! When work is a duty, life is slavery!
M. Gorky

In order to learn to work well, you must be sincerely passionate about work; without passion you cannot learn to work.
M. I. Kalinin

A person who is diligent in work, firm in adversity and demanding of himself is condescending towards people only because reason forces him to do so.
J. Labruyère

Everything that comes easily, without labor, is of very dubious value.
L. M. Leonov

If a person works only for himself, he can perhaps become a famous scientist, a great sage, an excellent poet, but he can never become a truly perfect and great person.
K. Marx

And with genius talent, only great workers can achieve absolute perfection in art. This modest ability to work is the basis of every genius.
I. E. Repin

We do not dare to do many things not because they are difficult; it is difficult precisely because we do not dare to do it.
Seneca the Younger

Physical labor not only does not exclude the possibility of mental activity, not only improves its dignity, but also encourages it.
L. N. Tolstoy

If you successfully choose work and put your whole soul into it, then happiness will find you on its own.
K. D. Ushinsky

The essence of a person is best, noblest and most perfectly expressed through his actions, through his work and creativity.
A. A. Fadeev

Work is the most important thing in life. From all troubles, from all troubles, you can find only one deliverance - in work.
E. Hemingway

Just as movement excites the appetite, so labor arouses the thirst for pleasure.
F. Chesterfield

“Work ennobles a person,” this is what people of the older generation said, post-war and right up to the collapse of the USSR. Then somehow the statement gradually began to lose its former glory.

Who first said this phrase? It is known that it belongs to the popular literary critic Vissarion Belinsky. His works were widely propagated during the years of Soviet power and the USSR. Belinsky's articles devoted to the analysis of the works of classics were studied in secondary schools. Why was his opinion significant for the state?

Belinsky and socialist realism

The critic's views largely coincided with the ideology of the socialist state. He was an atheist and developed advanced ideas. In many ways, Belinsky was the founder of literary criticism. He established new canons in the understanding of poetry and prose. Belinsky set the vector for the development of literary creativity as a kind of political mechanism capable of influencing the thinking of the people.

The idea that work ennobles a person was taken as a basis by the ideologists of socialist realism and began to be developed in the right direction.

About labor in a socialist state

The working man in the USSR was a state fetish. Propaganda for high-impact construction projects was in full swing: news about the pace and progress of work was broadcast on radio and television in the Vremya program. BAM, Dneproges and other projects took the lion's share of attention and propaganda. The state needed a lot of inexpensive labor to build the largest industrial facilities.

Moreover. The movement “Drummer of Socialist Labor” developed. They issued and presented awards - orders and medals. At that time, the names of famous miners, combine operators, and milkmaids thundered all over the world. Their names were immortalized in films, films were made about them and books were written. The one who said “Work ennobles a person” did a great job and contributed to the political life of the country.

Attitude to parasitism

It has become fashionable to use the word "parasite". This is one who never officially worked anywhere. Nowadays he would be called a freelancer. Moreover, for parasitism there was an article in the country’s legislation, which was followed by administrative and judicial penalties.

That is, there was a cult of labor. It was a shame not to work. In certain years, the USSR even carried out raids by detachments of voluntary people's squads (VND), which "looked for" parasites during the working day in cinemas, squares and other places.

And from huge posters and TV screens, the people smiled at the rosy-cheeked winners of socialist competitions, symbols of five-year plans, shock workers and heroes of Komsomol construction projects. Such work in the society created by the socialist revolution really did both in his own eyes, and, more importantly, in the eyes of the conscious public!

There are many other sayings about work. For example, A. Blok: he says that the word “labor” written on the revolutionary banner. Work is sacred, it gives people the opportunity to live, it develops character.

I. Aivazovsky said that for him to live means to work. He also wrote about the ease that can be obtained through “hard work.”

About work in general

But what really? Leveling, low labor costs, difficult conditions or an incredible race in pursuit of records. This is what the “medal” looks like from the reverse side.

M. Gorky has a quote in which he states that if work brings pleasure, then life is also good. And if working is a necessity, then human existence turns into a very humane point of view. It would seriously compete with Belinsky’s words in our time.

From the point of view of physiology and psychology, it is human nature to want to develop. This is inherent in him by nature. Labor is a good helper in this. But it has been noticed that if the work is a burden, the result will be negative. Year after year, doing something they don't like, people experience enormous psychological stress. And the body reacts with illness and depression.

Can slave labor ennoble anyone? Naturally, a hobby comes to the rescue. It saves many people from extreme actions. But in general, work, like violence against oneself, is contrary to human nature. And “you can’t trample on it” without consequences. Everyone pales in comparison to health problems and mental illness.

Ennoblement by labor

If you do what you love, you can get out of the habit of saying the word “labor.” If you give a person the opportunity to find himself, his profession or direction of activity, he can be transformed. The phrase “work ennobles a person,” the meaning of which was previously unclear, immediately takes on its direct meaning.

Doing what they love, people strive to know more about it. They want to gain new skills and abilities. A person’s intellect and soul develop. There is a popular saying: “If you don’t want to work, find something you love.” The truth lies in this. Work ennobles a person when it pushes him towards self-development.

Vissarion Belinsky, of course, did not know in what context history would use his statement. But I believe that he meant work that a person does with pleasure, for himself. From which he can receive not only material benefit, but also deep moral satisfaction.

Many great poets, writers, and politicians understood this. Here are more examples (how work ennobles) of the statements of great people.

O. Balzac wrote about labor as a constant law of life and art.

V. Weitling said that two essential conditions of social life are work and pleasure.

F. Voltaire said that living means working, and that it consists of labor.

Is work the meaning of life?

What is the meaning of life and what to do - eternal questions tormenting the minds of thinking people. From the above, it becomes clear that you need to look for a job you like. If this happens, a person will be interested in waking up every morning in order to get to work sooner. He will develop and become a qualitatively different person! The issue of degradation will naturally disappear, there will be no drunkenness and parasitism. The universe will reward you for such work with good health and material well-being.

It is believed that when a person is in harmony with himself, everything works out for him. The task of parents and the state is to arrange everything in such a way that children from an early age become interested in many things and decide on their future choices. Under no circumstances should you impose your unfulfilled dreams on your “children”!

This is the meaning of life - to raise happy people who can work and develop (ennoble). But not in work alone.