What does not apply to the type of education. Levels of education in Russia. Levels of professional education

Non-state educational institution

additional professional education

"Center for Social and Humanitarian Education"


Modern education system in the Russian Federation

Tyunina Elena Vladimirovna

Professional retraining program

"Education and Pedagogy"

Head: Larionova I.E.

Teacher of the highest category

The work was approved for protection “__”____2015.

Grade: ____________________________

Kazan, 2016



The abstract examines the modern education system in the Russian Federation, as well as existing problems and methods for solving them, and touches on an innovative approach to learning. This makes this work interesting and relevant.

Object of study: education system in the Russian Federation

Purpose of the study: Based on legislative acts, analyze the education system of the Russian Federation.

Research objectives:

    Identify the main features of the education system of the Russian Federation;

    Identify the main problems of education in Russia and possible ways to overcome them;

    Consider innovations in the education system of the Russian Federation;

    Based on the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, formulate the principles of educational policy, as well as priority goals and directions for the development of the education system;

In the process of developing this work, the following methods were used: document analysis, statistical analysis, system analysis, comparison.

1.1 Education system in the Russian Federation:

The Federal Law “On Education” offers the following definition: “Education is a single, purposeful process of education and training, which is a socially significant benefit and carried out in the interests of the individual, family, society and the state, as well as the totality of acquired knowledge, skills, values, experience activities and competencies of a certain volume and complexity for the purpose of intellectual, spiritual, moral, creative, physical and (or) professional development of a person, satisfying his educational needs and interests. According to the Constitution of our country, every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to free education, regardless of his racial and religious affiliation.

In accordance with the above Federal Law withThe education system includes the following elements:

1) federal state educational standards and federal state requirements, educational standards, educational programs of various types, levels and (or) orientations;

2) organizations carrying out educational activities, teaching staff, students and parents (legal representatives) of minor students;

3) federal state bodies and government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, exercising public administration in the field of education, and local government bodies, exercising management in the field of education, advisory, advisory and other bodies created by them;

4) organizations providing educational activities, assessing the quality of education;

5) associations of legal entities, employers and their associations, public associations operating in the field of education.

In the Russian Federation, education is divided into general, vocational, and additional education. Vocational training is also highlighted, which provides the opportunity to realize the right to education throughout life (lifelong education).

General education and vocational education are implemented by levels. The following levels of general education are established in the Russian Federation:

1) preschool education;

2) primary general education;

3) basic general education;

4) secondary general education.

5. The following levels of professional education are established in the Russian Federation:

1) secondary vocational education;

2) higher education - bachelor's degree;

3) higher education - specialty, master's degree;

4) higher education - training of highly qualified personnel.

Additional education includes such subtypes as additional education for children and adults and additional vocational education.

1.2 Principles of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of education

Education today is one of the means of solving the most important problems not only of society as a whole, but also of individual individuals. As in any state, in Russia the nature of the education system is determined by the socio-economic and political system, as well as cultural, historical and national characteristics. Society's requirements for education are formulated by a system of principles of state educational policy. Its goal is to create favorable conditions for citizens to realize their rights to education, meeting the needs of the economy and civil society.

Public policyand legal regulation of relations in the field of education are based on the followingprinciples :

1) recognition of the priority of education;

2) ensuring the right of every person to education, non-discrimination in the field of education;

3) the humanistic nature of education, the priority of human life and health, individual rights and freedoms, free personal development, education of mutual respect, hard work, citizenship, patriotism, responsibility, legal culture, respect for nature and the environment, rational use of natural resources;

4) the unity of the educational space on the territory of the Russian Federation, the protection and development of ethnocultural characteristics and traditions of the peoples of the Russian Federation in the conditions of a multinational state;

5) creation of favorable conditions for the integration of the education system of the Russian Federation with the education systems of other states on an equal and mutually beneficial basis;

6) the secular nature of education in state and municipal organizations carrying out educational activities;

7) freedom of choice to receive education according to the inclinations and needs of a person, creating conditions for the self-realization of each person, the free development of his abilities, including the right to choose forms of education, forms of training, organizations carrying out educational activities, the direction of education within the limits provided by the education system, as well as providing teaching staff with freedom to choose forms of teaching, methods of teaching and education;

8) ensuring the right to education throughout life in accordance with the needs of the individual, the adaptability of the education system to the level of training, developmental characteristics, abilities and interests of the person;

9) autonomy of educational organizations, academic rights and freedoms of teaching staff and students provided for by this Federal Law, information openness and public reporting of educational organizations;

10) the democratic nature of education management, ensuring the rights of teaching staff, students, parents (legal representatives) of minor students to participate in the management of educational organizations;

11) inadmissibility of restricting or eliminating competition in the field of education;

12) a combination of state and contractual regulation of relations in the field of education.

Every year, as part of ensuring the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of education, the Government of the Russian Federation submits a report to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on the implementation of state policy in the field of education and publishes it on the official website of the Government of the Russian Federation on the Internet information and telecommunications network.

The fundamental point is the principle of the humanistic nature of education. Accordingly, each child must be recognized as an individual, regardless of his social status, level of development, and so on. These general methodological principles should be concretized through organizational, pedagogical and activity-functional principles.

In general, in the modern world, trends in changing value priorities are becoming increasingly obvious. Among the main criteria for assessing the development of society, education occupies a central place. And the refrain highlights the fundamental recognition of the main criterion of educational reforms: the emerging model of education must have mechanisms for dynamic self-development.

Unfortunately, the traditional mass school still retains an uncreative approach to the acquisition of knowledge. Previously, the purpose of high school was only to provide the student with the minimum set of knowledge necessary for a person in everyday life.

However, modern scientists have proven that any student is capable of creative activity. Consequently, the teacher needs to instill in the child the desire and ability to learn, organize activities in the classroom that would encourage each student to reveal his creative abilities.

Today, the state has a priority goal in the field of education: to ensure the high quality of Russian education in accordance with the changing demands of the population and the long-term goals of the development of Russian society and the economy.

At the same time, the main tasks of the state are:

Formation of a flexible system of continuous professional education, accountable to society, developing human potential, meeting the current and future needs of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation;

Development of infrastructure and organizational and economic mechanisms to ensure the most equal availability of services for preschool, general, and additional education for children;

Modernization of educational programs in the systems of preschool, general and additional education of children, aimed at achieving modern quality of educational results and socialization results;

Creation of a modern system for assessing the quality of education based on the principles of openness, objectivity, transparency, public and professional participation.

The new education system is focused on entering the global educational space. The dominant trend of our time is the integration of national education systems. Today Russia actively participates in many international projects and is involved in the exchange of students and teaching staff.

The system of relations between the educational institution and religious institutions is being transformed. Theological faculties and Sunday schools are being opened, and additional programs are being implemented in secondary schools with the consent of parents and teaching staff.

Radical changes in the Russian education system affect all its elements and links. Thus, at the beginning of the new millennium, a project of state final certification (general state exam) for graduates of 9th grade and a unified state exam for graduates of 11th grade was launched. Despite all the controversy and controversy surrounding the Unified State Exam, it should be noted that this form of examination brings the Russian education system closer to the European one. In addition, if you obtain the required number of points, the Unified State Exam allows you to enter any university, in some cases without additional entrance exams.

Another key change in the education system of the Russian Federation is the testing of alternatives to state educational institutions (for example, private), variable forms of education (gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, specialized classes, etc.). At all levels - from kindergartens to universities - paid education operates in parallel with the free education system. The state makes sure that the budgetary financing of educational institutions and projects is transparent, controlled, and that the payment for each student’s education from the budget is carried out individually. Attracting investment in the education sector is acquiring the status of state policy.

In short, there is a direct connection between education and the political sphere. The activities of educational institutions directly depend on it. The principles of state policy in the field of education are based on constitutional norms, being basic not only for the preparation of legal legislative acts, but also for direct implementation in individual educational institutions.

1.3 Current problems in the field of education and ways to overcome them

The fate of any state directly depends on the state of the education system. If the state strives for development, the leadership of any country should set the development of literacy and education of the population as a priority goal and task.

The modern education system is going through quite difficult times. The Soviet school is being destroyed and European trends are taking its place. Sometimes the introduction of innovations occurs on unprepared soil, or innovations are not adapted to the Russian mentality. This often leads to all sorts of difficulties. Currently, the following problems can be identified in the Russian education system:

    Crisis of the old education system.

    Excessive theoretical orientation of education.

    Lack of proper funding;

    Low level of connection between stages of education;


Let's look at each of these problems and possible or practical ways to solve them in more detail.

Thus, when studying the problem of the crisis of the previous education system, in higher education a solution was found in the transition to a bachelor's and master's degree system. But secondary schools and vocational schools remained unattended. The recently issued law on education is intended to solve this problem. Modern society is at a level of development when it is time to move away from learning as memorizing facts. It is necessary to teach children to obtain information, understand it and apply it in practice. And this requires enormous work in preparing not only new textbooks for students and manuals for teachers, but also the teaching staff themselves.

The second problem of education in Russia is its excessive theoretical orientation. By educating theoretical scientists, we create a huge shortage of specialized specialists. Having received good theoretical training, few people can apply knowledge in practice. Therefore, after getting a job, new employees experience a serious adaptation associated with the inability to compare their knowledge with practical activities.

The third problem is not unique to education - it is insufficient funding. Lack of funds is the reason for the shortage of personnel in the education system throughout the country. In addition, in order to keep up with the times, it is necessary to introduce new technologies and update outdated equipment. The educational institution does not always have the funds for this. Here the solution is to attract additional sources of financing, including private ones.

The problem that school graduates are beginning to feel especially acutely is the low level of connection between the stages of education. So, now, in order to enter a university, parents often hire a tutor to take the Unified State Exam, since the level of requirements that were presented at school and the level required to study at a university are strikingly different from each other.

Of course, we cannot ignore such a problem as corruption. You can find many advertisements for the sale of higher education diplomas on the Internet. Corruption can also include money extortion at school, bribes for exams (tests), and theft of funds from the budget. However, at present, the Russian Prosecutor’s Office has a “hotline” practice, where parents can contact in case of unlawful extortions and bribes, and new laws adopted are designed to toughen punishment for such phenomena. In addition, classrooms in schools where state examinations are held are equipped with a video surveillance system, which also helps eliminate the element of corruption during the examination.

In conclusion of this section, we can note such a problem as the decline in the prestige of vocational schools and technical schools. This leads to a shortage of workers at enterprises and in the service sector. To solve this problem, the Government of the Russian Federation is popularizing “blue-collar” professions by providing certain benefits, social guarantees, and also increasing the level of wages in factories and other enterprises among such specialists.

1.4 Experimental and innovative activities in education

In light of the ongoing modernization of education in Russia, the topic of conducting experimental and innovative activities in the field of education is relevant.

Innovation means introducing something new into the goals, content, methods and forms of teaching and upbringing, and organizing the joint activities of teacher and student. Innovations do not arise on their own, but are the result of scientific research, practical experience of individual teachers and entire teams. In such conditions, the teacher often faces the problem of pedagogical risk. Risk implies the experimental use of any technologies that are not widely used in practice, but, nevertheless, in theory, are promising from the point of view of learning.

In understanding the essence of these two concepts lie two main problems of modern pedagogy: the problem of studying, generalizing and disseminating advanced pedagogical experience and the problem of introducing the achievements of innovative teachers. Thus, innovation and pedagogical risk should lie in the plane of combining two interrelated phenomena, usually considered separately, i.e. the result of their synthesis should be new knowledge that allows the teacher to use innovations in everyday practice, calculating the possible consequences.

In order to determine the main goals and objectives of introducing innovative technologies in the field of education, you should refer to Article 20 of the Federal Law “On Education”. This article reads: “Experimental and innovative activities in the field of education are carried out in order to ensure the modernization and development of the education system, taking into account the main directions of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, the implementation of priority directions of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of education. Experimental activities are aimed at developing, testing and introducing new educational technologies<...>. Innovative activities are focused on improving scientific-pedagogical, educational-methodological, organizational, legal, financial-economic, personnel, material and technical support of the education system and are carried out in the form of the implementation of innovative projects and programs by organizations carrying out educational activities and others operating in the field of education organizations, as well as their associations. When implementing an innovative project or program, the rights and legitimate interests of participants in educational relations must be ensured, the provision and receipt of education, the level and quality of which cannot be lower than the requirements established by the federal state educational standard, federal state requirements, and educational standards.

Today, there are a huge number of methods, programs and methods that allow you to work with all categories of children, using the latest developments in the technological sector, original exercises, authentic, modern and interesting audio and video materials, as well as interactive learning tools. But the main reason for the constant monotony of life of an ordinary schoolchild is the reluctance to implement them.


The Supreme laws of the Russian Federation guarantee every citizen of the Russian Federation the right to receive education. The Russian education system creates conditions for lifelong education through the implementation of basic educational programs and various additional educational programs.

In the modern international world, in order to be successful, you have to adapt to international trends, which naturally leads to various kinds of changes, including in the field of education. Such changes often cause a number of large and small problems to arise. The Law “On Education” is an attempt to solve a number of pressing problems in the modern education system. But for the full development of the nation, it is necessary to take a number of more measures in the field of education.

The main goal of education today is to create conditions for the development of natural personality qualities. Possession of solely a stock of academic knowledge is becoming less and less important as an indicator of the quality of education. The state is faced with the task of not only bringing the level and education system closer to international standards, but also making sure that it fully satisfies the country’s needs for qualified specialists and highly educated citizens.

The new education system is focused on entering the global educational space. The dominant trend of our time is the free movement of resources, people, and ideas across national borders. Today Russia actively participates in many international projects and is involved in the exchange of students and teaching staff. Traditions and norms of world education freely penetrate into our country. The cultural transformation of society is expressed both in globalization, internationalization of culture, and in the desire to preserve its identity. Television, the Internet as a means of audiovisual communication, and the popularization of the English language are erasing boundaries in the cultural space. At the same time, ways to preserve cultural identity are being developed. Harmonization of these multidirectional trends is a condition for sustainable development of the education sector.

At the conclusion of the study

On September 1, 2013, a new law “On Education” came into force in Russia (the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” was adopted by the State Duma on December 21, 2012, approved by the Federation Council on December 26, 2012). According to this law, new levels of education are established in Russia. The level of education is understood as a completed cycle of education, characterized by a certain unified set of requirements.

From September 1, 2013, the following levels of general education are established in the Russian Federation:

  1. preschool education;
  2. primary general education;
  3. basic general education;
  4. secondary general education.

Vocational education is divided into the following levels:

  1. secondary vocational education;
  2. higher education - bachelor's degree;
  3. higher education - specialty, master's degree;
  4. higher education - training of highly qualified personnel.

Let us dwell in more detail on the characteristics of each level.

Levels of general education

Preschool education is aimed at the formation of a general culture, the development of physical, intellectual, moral, aesthetic and personal qualities, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities, the preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children. Educational programs of preschool education are aimed at the diversified development of preschool children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics, including the achievement by preschool children of a level of development necessary and sufficient for their successful development of educational programs of primary general education, based on an individual approach to preschool children and activities specific to preschool children. The development of educational programs of preschool education is not accompanied by intermediate certifications and final certification of students.

Primary general education is aimed at the formation of the student’s personality, the development of his individual abilities, positive motivation and skills in educational activities (mastery of reading, writing, counting, basic skills of educational activities, elements of theoretical thinking, simple self-control skills, culture of behavior and speech, the basics of personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle life). Receiving preschool education in educational organizations can begin when children reach the age of two months. Receiving primary general education in educational organizations begins when children reach the age of six years and six months in the absence of contraindications for health reasons, but no later than they reach the age of eight years.

Basic general education is aimed at the formation and formation of the student’s personality (formation of moral beliefs, aesthetic taste and a healthy lifestyle, a high culture of interpersonal and interethnic communication, mastery of the basics of science, the Russian language, mental and physical labor skills, development of inclinations, interests, and the ability for social self-determination).

Secondary general education is aimed at the further formation and formation of the student’s personality, the development of interest in knowledge and the student’s creative abilities, the formation of skills in independent educational activities based on individualization and professional orientation of the content of secondary general education, the preparation of the student for life in society, independent life choices, continued education and the beginning of a professional activities.

Primary general education, basic general education, secondary general education are compulsory levels of education. Children who fail to complete the programs at one of these levels are not allowed to study at the next levels of general education.

Levels of professional education

Secondary vocational education is aimed at solving the problems of intellectual, cultural and professional development of a person and has the goal of training qualified workers or employees and mid-level specialists in all main areas of socially useful activities in accordance with the needs of society and the state, as well as meeting the needs of the individual in deepening and expanding education. Persons with an education of at least basic general or secondary general education are allowed to receive secondary vocational education. If a student in a secondary vocational education program has only basic general education, then simultaneously with his profession, he also masters the secondary general education program in the learning process.

Secondary vocational education can be obtained at technical schools and colleges. The standard regulations “On an educational institution of secondary vocational education (secondary specialized educational institution)” give the following definitions: a) technical school - a secondary specialized educational institution that implements basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education of basic training; b) college - a secondary specialized educational institution that implements basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education of basic training and programs of secondary vocational education of advanced training.

Higher education aims to ensure the training of highly qualified personnel in all main areas of socially useful activities in accordance with the needs of society and the state, satisfying the needs of the individual in intellectual, cultural and moral development, deepening and expanding education, scientific and pedagogical qualifications. Persons with secondary general education are allowed to study bachelor's or specialty programs. Persons with higher education of any level are allowed to study master's programs.

Persons with at least a higher education degree (specialist's or master's degree) are allowed to study programs for training highly qualified personnel (postgraduate (adjunct) studies, residency programs, assistantship-internship programs). Persons with a higher medical education or higher pharmaceutical education are allowed to study residency programs. Persons with a higher education in the field of arts are allowed to participate in assistantship-internship programs.

Admission to educational programs of higher education is carried out separately for bachelor's degree programs, specialty programs, master's programs, programs for training highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel on a competitive basis.

Admission to master's programs and training programs for highly qualified personnel is carried out based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the educational organization independently.

Bachelor's degree- this is the level of basic higher education, which lasts 4 years and is practice-oriented in nature. Upon completion of this program, the university graduate is issued a diploma of higher professional education with a bachelor's degree. Accordingly, a bachelor is a university graduate who has received fundamental training without any narrow specialization; he has the right to occupy all those positions for which the qualification requirements require higher education. Examinations are provided as qualifying tests for obtaining a bachelor's degree.

Master's degree- this is a higher level of higher education, which is acquired in 2 additional years after completing a bachelor’s degree and involves a deeper mastery of the theoretical aspects of the field of study, orienting the student towards research activities in this field. Upon completion of this program, the graduate is issued a diploma of higher professional education with a master's degree. The main objective of the master's program is to prepare professionals for a successful career in international and Russian companies, as well as analytical, consulting and research activities. To obtain a master's degree in a chosen specialty, it is not necessary to have a bachelor's degree in the same specialty. In this case, obtaining a master's degree is considered as a second higher education. Qualifying tests for obtaining a master's degree include exams and the defense of a final qualifying work - a master's thesis.

Along with the new levels of higher education, there is a traditional type - specialty, the program of which provides for 5 years of study at a university, upon completion of which the graduate is issued a diploma of higher professional education and is awarded the degree of certified specialist. The list of specialties for which specialists are trained was approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1136 of December 30, 2009.

On September 1, 2013, a new law “On Education” came into force in Russia (the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” was adopted by the State Duma on December 21, 2012, approved by the Federation Council on December 26, 2012). According to this law, new levels of education are established in Russia. The level of education is understood as a completed cycle of education, characterized by a certain unified set of requirements.

From September 1, 2013, the following levels of general education are established in the Russian Federation:

  1. preschool education;
  2. primary general education;
  3. basic general education;
  4. secondary general education.

Vocational education is divided into the following levels:

  1. secondary vocational education;
  2. higher education - bachelor's degree;
  3. higher education - specialty, master's degree;
  4. higher education - training of highly qualified personnel.

Let us dwell in more detail on the characteristics of each level.

Levels of general education

Preschool education is aimed at the formation of a general culture, the development of physical, intellectual, moral, aesthetic and personal qualities, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities, the preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children. Educational programs of preschool education are aimed at the diversified development of preschool children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics, including the achievement by preschool children of a level of development necessary and sufficient for their successful development of educational programs of primary general education, based on an individual approach to preschool children and activities specific to preschool children. The development of educational programs of preschool education is not accompanied by intermediate certifications and final certification of students.

Primary general education is aimed at the formation of the student’s personality, the development of his individual abilities, positive motivation and skills in educational activities (mastery of reading, writing, counting, basic skills of educational activities, elements of theoretical thinking, simple self-control skills, culture of behavior and speech, the basics of personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle life). Receiving preschool education in educational organizations can begin when children reach the age of two months. Receiving primary general education in educational organizations begins when children reach the age of six years and six months in the absence of contraindications for health reasons, but no later than they reach the age of eight years.

Basic general education is aimed at the formation and formation of the student’s personality (formation of moral beliefs, aesthetic taste and a healthy lifestyle, a high culture of interpersonal and interethnic communication, mastery of the basics of science, the Russian language, mental and physical labor skills, development of inclinations, interests, and the ability for social self-determination).

Secondary general education is aimed at the further formation and formation of the student’s personality, the development of interest in knowledge and the student’s creative abilities, the formation of skills in independent educational activities based on individualization and professional orientation of the content of secondary general education, the preparation of the student for life in society, independent life choices, continued education and the beginning of a professional activities.

Primary general education, basic general education, secondary general education are compulsory levels of education. Children who fail to complete the programs at one of these levels are not allowed to study at the next levels of general education.

Levels of professional education

Secondary vocational education is aimed at solving the problems of intellectual, cultural and professional development of a person and has the goal of training qualified workers or employees and mid-level specialists in all main areas of socially useful activities in accordance with the needs of society and the state, as well as meeting the needs of the individual in deepening and expanding education. Persons with an education of at least basic general or secondary general education are allowed to receive secondary vocational education. If a student in a secondary vocational education program has only basic general education, then simultaneously with his profession, he also masters the secondary general education program in the learning process.

Secondary vocational education can be obtained at technical schools and colleges. The standard regulations “On an educational institution of secondary vocational education (secondary specialized educational institution)” give the following definitions: a) technical school - a secondary specialized educational institution that implements basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education of basic training; b) college - a secondary specialized educational institution that implements basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education of basic training and programs of secondary vocational education of advanced training.

Higher education aims to ensure the training of highly qualified personnel in all main areas of socially useful activities in accordance with the needs of society and the state, satisfying the needs of the individual in intellectual, cultural and moral development, deepening and expanding education, scientific and pedagogical qualifications. Persons with secondary general education are allowed to study bachelor's or specialty programs. Persons with higher education of any level are allowed to study master's programs.

Persons with at least a higher education degree (specialist's or master's degree) are allowed to study programs for training highly qualified personnel (postgraduate (adjunct) studies, residency programs, assistantship-internship programs). Persons with a higher medical education or higher pharmaceutical education are allowed to study residency programs. Persons with a higher education in the field of arts are allowed to participate in assistantship-internship programs.

Admission to educational programs of higher education is carried out separately for bachelor's degree programs, specialty programs, master's programs, programs for training highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel on a competitive basis.

Admission to master's programs and training programs for highly qualified personnel is carried out based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the educational organization independently.

Bachelor's degree- this is the level of basic higher education, which lasts 4 years and is practice-oriented in nature. Upon completion of this program, the university graduate is issued a diploma of higher professional education with a bachelor's degree. Accordingly, a bachelor is a university graduate who has received fundamental training without any narrow specialization; he has the right to occupy all those positions for which the qualification requirements require higher education. Examinations are provided as qualifying tests for obtaining a bachelor's degree.

Master's degree- this is a higher level of higher education, which is acquired in 2 additional years after completing a bachelor’s degree and involves a deeper mastery of the theoretical aspects of the field of study, orienting the student towards research activities in this field. Upon completion of this program, the graduate is issued a diploma of higher professional education with a master's degree. The main objective of the master's program is to prepare professionals for a successful career in international and Russian companies, as well as analytical, consulting and research activities. To obtain a master's degree in a chosen specialty, it is not necessary to have a bachelor's degree in the same specialty. In this case, obtaining a master's degree is considered as a second higher education. Qualifying tests for obtaining a master's degree include exams and the defense of a final qualifying work - a master's thesis.

Along with the new levels of higher education, there is a traditional type - specialty, the program of which provides for 5 years of study at a university, upon completion of which the graduate is issued a diploma of higher professional education and is awarded the degree of certified specialist. The list of specialties for which specialists are trained was approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1136 of December 30, 2009.

Unfortunately, in the modern world, most people do not reach the possible level of development, and from this the person himself, other people, the state, and society lose a lot.

The right to education - a basic and natural human right - aims to satisfy a person’s need for information and directly for training and education. The need for information and education is on a par with the primary human needs: physiological, to ensure safety and security.

The legal definition of education is given in the preamble of the Law of July 10, 1992 N 3266-1 “On Education”, where it is understood as a purposeful process of education and training in the interests of the individual, society, state, accompanied by a statement of the achievement by a citizen (student) of educational levels established by the state (educational qualifications). From the above definition it follows that education is characterized by the presence of two components (processes) - education and training, as well as confirmation of the achievement of the appropriate educational qualification by the student.

It can be noted that education should represent the unity of the processes of learning, upbringing and results.

A more expanded concept of education is contained in the draft Concept of a model Educational Code for the CIS member states.

In it, education is understood as the process of upbringing and training in the interests of the individual, society, and state, focused on preserving, improving and transferring knowledge, transmitting culture to new generations in order to ensure sustainable socio-economic and spiritual development of the country, constant improvement of moral, intellectual, aesthetic and physical state of society.

Education is understood as “a purposeful process of education and training in the interests of the individual, society, and state.”

Education in Russia is a system. In Art. 8 of the Law “On Education” states that education in the Russian Federation is a system. Any system is a form of organization of a certain number of elements, “something whole, representing a unity of regularly located and interconnected parts.”

System (from the Greek systema - a whole made up of parts; connection) - a set of elements that are in relationships and connections with each other, forming a certain integrity, unity. In modern science, the study of systems of various kinds is carried out within the framework of the systems approach, general theory of systems, and various special theories of systems.

The provision of the Law on the systematic nature of Russian education is one of the key ones. Only in the interconnection and consistency of all links of this system is it possible to get rid of unnecessary duplication, “gaps” and inconsistencies between the various levels and educational programs of the Russian educational system and, ultimately, make the educational service high-quality, and the process of providing it to the population effective.

In this regard, V.B.’s remark is correct. Novichkov that the legislator recklessly did not include individuals in the “set of interacting elements” of the education system, because it is the individual, and not society, not the state, who is the root cause, the starting point, the central link of the entire education system, in the absence of which the system itself is not conceivable . The humanistic orientation of the entire legal system of modern Russia, obviously, in the near future will lead to the inclusion of a person in the educational system as an independent subsystem. The introduction of this fourth subsystem will make it possible to more accurately define the rights, obligations and responsibilities of all parties involved in educational legal relations.

One way or another, currently the Russian education system includes three subsystems (or three elements of the system):

Content subsystem. This concept traditionally includes state educational standards and educational programs, since it is these elements that represent the content side of education in a particular country. The presence of detailed and clear standards in all segments of the educational system, as a rule, indicates a highly systematic education as a whole in a given country. According to this indicator, Russia is far from in first place.

Functional subsystem. This subsystem of Russian education includes educational institutions that implement educational programs and state educational standards, regardless of their form of ownership, type and type.

Organizational and managerial subsystem. The organizational and managerial subsystem in Russia is, in the vast majority of cases, three-tier, since responsibility for managing the continuous process of implementing state educational standards is, as a rule, divided between three main management entities - federal government bodies, regional government bodies and local management bodies of educational institutions (administrations of educational institutions). Moreover, such a three-tier management subsystem is also valid for private educational institutions operating in the Russian Federation. The exception is municipal educational institutions - in this case, the organizational and management subsystem is four-tiered: in addition to the three above-mentioned governing entities, municipal education authorities are added, which, within their competence, have the right to give mandatory instructions to the administrations of municipal educational institutions, as well as exercise other powers (Article 31 of the Law on Education).

In its structural section, education, as well as training, is a triune process, characterized by such aspects as assimilation of experience, education of behavioral qualities, physical and mental development. Thus, education is determined by certain ideas about human social functions.

According to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", Russian education is a continuous system of successive levels, at each of which state, non-state, and municipal educational institutions of various types and types operate:


General education;

Institutions for orphans and children without parental care;

Professional (primary, secondary special, higher, etc.);

Institutions of additional education;

Other institutions providing educational services.

Preschool education is not compulsory and usually covers children from 3 to 6-7 years old.

Comprehensive secondary school. Education from 7 to 18 years. There are different types of schools, including special schools with in-depth study of certain subjects and for educating children with developmental disabilities.

Primary education usually forms part of secondary education, except in small villages and remote areas. Primary school or the first level of general secondary school covers 4 years, with most children entering school at the age of 6 or 7 years.

Basic general education. At the age of 10, children graduate from primary school and move on to secondary school, where they study for another 5 years. After completing the 9th grade, they are issued a certificate of general secondary education. With it, they can apply for admission to the 10th grade of a school (lyceum or gymnasium), or enroll, for example, in a technical school.

Complete general education. After studying for two more years at school (lyceum or gymnasium), the children take final exams, after which they receive a certificate of complete secondary education.

Higher education. Presented by universities, academies and higher institutes. According to the Federal Law of August 22, 1996 No. 125-FZ “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education,” the following types of higher educational institutions are established in the Russian Federation: university, academy, institute. Graduates of these educational institutions receive either a specialist diploma (duration of study - 5 years), or a bachelor's degree (4 years), or a master's degree (6 years). Higher education is considered incomplete if the duration of study is at least 2 years.

Professional education. Vocational education, represented by educational institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education.

Primary vocational education. Such education can be obtained at vocational lyceums, technical schools or other institutions of primary vocational education after completing the 9th or 11th grades.

Secondary vocational education. Institutions of secondary vocational education include various technical schools and colleges. They are accepted there after 9th and 11th grades.

Higher professional education. Post-higher education system: postgraduate and doctoral studies.

Modern reforms in the field of education, carried out against the backdrop of economic globalization and Russia’s desire to enter a single educational space, are subordinated to the interests of a united Europe, which determines the dependence of states in various areas of public life.

Among the main documents aimed at creating a unified European educational system is the Bologna Declaration, signed in 1999 by the ministers of education of 29 countries.

The basis for the Bologna Declaration was the university charter Magna Charta Universitatum (Bologna 1988) and the Sorbonne Declaration - “Joint Declaration on the Harmonization of the Architecture of the European Higher Education System” (1998), among the main priorities putting forward the ideas of the fundamental principles of a single European space and a single higher education zones for the development of the European continent.

The Bologna Declaration of 1999 (signed by Russia in 2003) defines integration not only in the education systems of European countries, but also in other areas. At the same time, education itself acts as a powerful factor in the rapprochement of national states and the formation of transnational socio-state systems.

As you can see, plans to create a unified educational environment largely determine the goals of not only educational, but also cultural, scientific, economic integration of the states of the European region, and in the future - the construction of supranational states of a homogeneous type of economic management.

Russia's entry into the Bologna process is one of the elements of global influence on the internal policy of the state and at the same time a factor in the transformation of the Russian education system.

In the processes of globalization, Russia's interests in the European region can be significantly opposed to the similar interests of European states. Moreover, in the existing statements of Russia's intentions by the end of the first decade of the 21st century. becoming part of the common European higher education system are bound by political barriers, in which equal partnership in this area can only be granted to countries of the European Union.

On the way to a free educational space, Russia experiences a lot of obstacles, not only external, but internal. The problems lie in finding a model of education reforms that is adequate to a certain historical moment, taking into account not only global processes, but also the interests of sustainable development of Russia in the short and long term.

The task of the domestic education system in modern conditions is to go through the transition period quickly, competently and effectively, to equip Russian citizens with the fundamental and practical knowledge that they need not only today, but will also need in the future.

The development of the Russian education system is determined by world trends of globalization. Socio-economic changes in the country that have occurred over the past 15 years have led to an internal crisis in the educational system.

Russia is taking an active part in creating a unified international educational space. Since the 90s, a broad modernization of the Russian education system has been carried out, aimed at its democratization and development “as an open state-social system.”

The education system in the Russian Federation is a set of interacting successive educational programs And state educational standards various levels and directions; networks implementing them educational institutions; education authorities and institutions and organizations subordinate to them; associations of legal entities, public and state-public associations carrying out activities in the field of education.

Implemented in the Russian Federation educational programs- this is a document that defines the specifics of the organization of the educational process (content, forms) taking into account the standard of preschool level of education. They are divided into:

1. general education (basic and additional) - aimed at solving the problems of forming a general culture of the individual for life in society, at creating the basis for an informed choice and mastery of professional educational programs (preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education);

2. professional (basic and additional) - aimed at solving the problems of increasing professional and general educational levels, training specialists of appropriate qualifications (primary vocational, secondary vocational, higher vocational, postgraduate vocational education).

The mandatory minimum content of each basic general education program or basic professional educational program (for a specific profession, specialty) is established by the relevant state educational standard - a normative document that states: 1. maximum workload for students; 2. minimum content of image programs; 3. requirements for training a school graduate.

On January 21, 2010, on the opening day of the Year of the Teacher in Russia, Russian President D. A. Medvedev approved the “Our New School” initiative, aimed at a gradual transition to new educational standards, changing the infrastructure of the school network, preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren, and developing teachers’ potential and support systems for talented children.

“We are starting to implement the national educational initiative “Our New School,” said D.A. Medvedev. “Today I approved this educational initiative. Its essence and meaning is to create a school capable of revealing the personal potential of children, instilling in them an interest in learning and knowledge, the desire for spiritual growth and a healthy lifestyle, to prepare children for professional activities, taking into account the tasks of modernization and innovative development of the country."

The President emphasized that “this is not a short-term project, but a strategic policy in the field of education, which has been widely discussed in society.”

On January 19, 2010, at a meeting of the council for the implementation of priority national projects and demographic policy, D.A. Medvedev instructed the government to submit an annual summary report on the implementation of the “Our New School” initiative. More than 15 billion rubles have been allocated for its implementation.

The child as a subject and object of the pedagogical process. Individual personality development, social and biological factors of development and its driving forces. Pedagogical anthropology in Russia (K.D. Ushinsky, P.P. Blonsky)

The child as an object and subject of ped. process. In the process of education, the central figure is the one being educated, the pupil. A person is born almost exclusively as a biologist. Society a being capable of entering into relationships with other people, he becomes in the process of development . The formation of people themselves as societies. beings, personality is associated with development in the conditions of societies. beings. Outside of society, without communicating with people, a child cannot become an individual, cannot develop as a person. In this regard, the problem of developing subjectivity in education becomes relevant. process. Object action - person, to whom the action is directed . Subject- the child can act in conditions of manifestation of his own. activity, cooperation and interests. Individual. personal development. First of all, people have developed physical skills. The child’s weight and height change; the weight of the heads increases especially rapidly. brain A person has developed in physiological terms: he has become more complex and stabilized by the end of school. training blood circulation and digestion, nerve processes. activities Changes also occur in a person’s psyche: the speed of the psychic process changes. processes, character is formed, will has developed. The development of a person in social terms is characterized by the complication of relationships with people, with society in general. Biological and social factors in development Social (external) – social environment, educational process and biologist (internal) – inheritance, own. human activity. Depending on the leading factors, there are 3 main ones. concepts of human development: biologist (a person is a natural being and all human behavior is explained by his inherent needs, drives and inclinations from birth), sociologist (person -to be born as a generic being, and subsequently he is socialized), biosocial (mental processes are of a biological nature, and the direction, interests, ways are social ). Driving force The development of a person is a contradiction, for example, between the achieved and the required level of knowledge. Thanks to K.D. Ushinsky in the 19th century, the child began to be considered as an object of education from the standpoint of the new science - “ped. anthropology". She studies the anthropologist's laws of development and the formation of the child's image in ontogenesis, i.e. during his individual. life under the influence of parents, teachers, and the media. information, self-education and self-improvement throughout my life. path and search for the meaning of his life, works out ways of fixing this appearance and its changes under the influence of various. factors - nature, socioculture, education. Ushinsky laid the foundations for special studying the person as a learner and educator in order to agree on ped. theory and practice with the nature of man, he was the first to single out his education as leaders. human factor development.. Blonsky, developing the problem of the relationship between biologist and socialist, defended integrity. the process of raising children, taking into account the characteristics of children. period.

The concept of didactics. The emergence and development of scientific didactics (Ya.A. Komensky, I.G. Pestallotsi, A. Disterweg). Education as a value, process and result. Essence, structure and functions of the learning process.

Didactics– the doctrine of education and training of the individual. Pedagogical theory of learning, providing scientific justification for its content, methods and organizational forms. A pedagogical discipline that studies learning at a theoretical level.

Subject of didactics: connection between teaching and learning, their interaction.

The term "didactics" first appeared in the writings of the German educator Wolfgang Rathke (Ratihia) (1571-1635) to denote the art of teaching. In a similar way, didactics was interpreted as “the universal art of teaching everyone everything” Jan Ammos Comenius(1592-1670) - founder of scientific didactics. The work “The Great Didactics” contains a description of the principles of teaching (visuality, consistency, consciousness, accessibility, strength of knowledge, etc.) and the classroom system. He was the first to speak about the need for special training for teachers, formulated by. requirements for the personality of a teacher, proposed the concept of a school academic year with its division into academic quarters, introduced vacations, the concept of a lesson, class. I. Pestallotsi(1746-1827) Work “How Gertrude teaches her children.” He developed a method of elementary education, according to which the educational process should begin with the simplest elements and gradually ascend to more and more complex ones. Founder of the concept of “formal education”: teaching subjects were considered as a means of developing abilities. Developed a methodology for the initial training of children. A.Disterweg(1790-1866) Work “Guide to the Education of German Teachers.” Developed didactics of developmental education. Main The task of teaching is to develop the mental strength and abilities of children. The purpose of the teacher is development. children's amateur performances. The success of the training is ensured. teacher.

Education as a value:

1)State. The moral, intellectual, economic and cultural potential of each state depends on the state of the educational sphere and the possibilities for its progressive development. The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” states: “The Russian Federation declares the field of education a priority” (Article 1). 2) Public. Education lays the foundations for future changes in society, predetermining its development. Education is designed to educate patriots of Russia, citizens of a legal, democratic state, capable of socialization in a civil society, respecting the rights and freedoms of the individual, possessing high morality and showing national and religious tolerance, respect for the languages, traditions and culture of other peoples. 3) Personal. An individually motivated attitude of a person towards his own education, its level and quality.

Education as a process represents the development by a person in an educational institution or through self-education of a system of knowledge, skills, experience in cognitive and practical activities, value orientations and relationships.

Education as a result– characteristic of the achieved level of education.

Education – a purposeful, specially organized and managed process of interaction between teachers and students, aimed at assimilation of knowledge, abilities and skills, formation of a worldview, development of mental strength and potential capabilities of students.

The structure of the learning process can be represented in two ways:

1) on the activities of the teacher and students: learning process = teaching (teacher activity) ↔ learning (student activity) 2)by components: a) target (idea of ​​the final result); b) substantive (selection of the content of educational material); c) motivational-stimulating (social motives (assessment, marks, praise, creating a situation of success), cognitive motives (game, novelty, interesting historical information)); d) operational and activity-based; d) control and adjustment; e) evaluative-effective.

Functions of the learning process: educational(equipping students with a system of scientific knowledge, skills and abilities and its use in practice); educational(learning always educates, but not automatically, therefore, the implementation of the educational function requires that when organizing the educational process, selecting content, choosing forms and methods, we must proceed from correctly set educational tasks); developing(carried out most effectively with a special focus on interaction between teachers and students on the comprehensive development of the student’s personality).

The concept of the content of education (CO), federal. state images standard (FSES), educational. program, curriculum, curriculum.

There are 3 basic approaches to consider this concept of CO: 1 . CO– pedagogically adapted fundamentals of science studied at school; 2 . CO as a scoop of knowledge and knowledge, which must be mastered by students. Here we will consider the Soviet Union from the point of view. demand; 3(!). CO as a pedagogical adapted social experience of humanity, which is identical in structure to human culture in its entirety. The following types of social experience are distinguished: 1-knowledge about nature, creative activity, technology, etc.; 2-experience is practical. d-ti (experience in implementing known methods of d-ti, including abilities, skills; 3-again creative d-ti; 4-experience in implementing an emotional-value attitude towards the world, society, h-ku, nature. Principles and criteria for selecting the content of general education: 1. principle of compliance with SB in all elements and at all levels of constructing the requirements for the development of society: science, culture and personality; 2 . the principle of a unified content and procedural side of learning; 3 .pr-cip of the structure of the unity of CO at different levels of its formation, i.e. dollars Correspond to other documents with the following documents, which reflect the following: curriculum, curriculum, state educational standards, textbooks and teaching aids, as well as teaching activities, personality studying; 4 .principle of humanitarization SO: “Humanitarianism of EN knowledge” - use of information, texts from the humanities in the natural sciences; 5. principle of fundamentalization of education: science and technology have developed and at each stage the student must learn not just new things, but also the basic level; 6 . the principle of correspondence of the main components of the content of general education to the structure of the basic culture of the individual. CO selection levels: 1st level of general theoretical education - State Educational Standards and curriculum; 2nd level academic subject-curriculum; Level 3 educational material, textbook, teaching aid.

GOS- the norm of the document, the presiding social set of parameters, acting as the state norm of education. GOS determines-1.min CO, 2-max study load, 3-requirements for the level of training of graduates. Federal, national-regional and school compos are registered in the State Educational Standards.

CURRICULUM PLAN- standard document defining the regions and educational institutions studied in a given general institution (institution), their distribution by years of study and number of hours in weeks allocated for the study of each subject in a given class. UCH.PL.formerly 3 types: 1 -basic u.p.; 2 - standard packaging; 3 -unit of general educational institutions, consisting of 2 parts: invariant (federal comp.) and variable (national-regional and school comps).

TRAINING PROGRAM- a standard document, revealing the contents of the educational textbook, the logic of studying the main world ideas, indicating the sequence of topics, questions and the general dosage of time for study them. Types STUDY PR-M:1-type educational pr-ma developed on the basis of the requirements of the State Standards relating to one or another image area. Type-I academic pr-we developed. and approved by the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation and has a recommendatory character; 2-working school developed and approved by the school’s teachers’ council on the basis of a standard educational program; 3-author study.pr-ma takes into account the requirements of the state educational standards, but may contain a different logic for studying the educational subject, their own approaches to the consideration of certain theories, their own point of view regarding the study of individual phenomena and processes. F-qi UCH. PR-WE : 1.descriptive, 2. ideological and ideological, 3. regulating, or organizational and methodological. History is complicated 2 ways to build a training manual:linear – no re-return occurred. to previously studied sections of the program; concentric – the same sections of programs are studied at different levels of study or at different stages of studying the same discipline; In the afterbirth, it’s time to get into practice 3 way: spiral – departmental topics are studied without repetition, and others are repeatedly complicated. Stu-ra educational pr-we: 1 . Title sheet; 2 . Explanatory note (goals, objectives of the educational program, the main idea and logic of its study and specific approaches to its implementation; 3 . Contents of the course (distinguished sections and topics for study, number of hours allocated for studying each section and topic, a brief content of educational material for each section and topic (for EN disciplines + labs and practical work)); 4 .study-theme.planning; 5 . criteria for evaluation.

TEXTBOOKS and TEACHING POS-I must reflect reliable scientific knowledge (facts, theories, laws, concepts, dates, etc.); a certain logic of studying a given educational subject, must form skills, knowledge that can be applied in any situation, reflect worldview ideas, interdisciplinary connections must be indicated , should be oriented, aimed at forming an emotional and value-based attitude towards the world, nature, etc.