How to treat an irritated bladder. Manifestations and treatment of irritable bladder syndrome. Nutrition and drinking regime

Irritable bladder syndrome (IBS) is a psychosomatic pathology in which the detrusor muscle of the organ involuntarily contracts, causing its functional disorders. An overactive bladder is manifested by frequent urge to urinate, urinary incontinence, and psychological discomfort on the part of the patient.

Many people prefer to remain silent about this delicate problem, so it is difficult to give statistics on the prevalence of this condition. The causes of SIPS can be different - from anatomical problems of the bladder to psychological disorders. Therefore, one should not ignore what many people think is a frivolous problem, and take measures to eliminate it; one should not hesitate to ask for help.

Reasons for the development of the disease

MSPS can be either an independent disease or a consequence of existing problems in the body. The process of urination normally takes place with the coordinated work of the bladder, urethra, their ligaments and muscle tissue.

Experts identify the following causes of the pathological condition:

  • Physiological abnormalities of the pelvic regions or increased transmission of nerve impulses by bladder receptors. This can happen with regular physical activity and heavy lifting.
  • Disruption of the nervous system. SRMP is often observed in people with depression, overexcitability, insomnia, and after stress.
  • Tumor formations (ovarian cyst, prostate adenoma, uterine fibroids). As the formation grows, it begins to put pressure on the bladder, disrupting its functionality.
  • Hormonal imbalance due to age-related changes. The synthesis of active hormones decreases, which affects the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the urinary organs.
  • Injuries to the spinal cord, head, surgical interventions, as well as injuries to the urinary tract due to movement during.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the urinary system (,).

First signs and symptoms

Normally, a person can empty the bladder up to 8-9 times a day. The average volume of daily diuresis is 2 liters. If there are any deviations, the indicators may change. With an irritated bladder, the number of trips to the toilet may exceed 10. The desire to immediately urinate is very persistent, but the amount of urine produced decreases.

The conductivity of impulses in the muscle tissue of the bladder increases sharply, which makes it hyperactive. A person has:

  • inability to tolerate the urge to go to the toilet;
  • if it is not possible to empty the bladder, involuntary urination begins ();
  • laughter, coughing, the sound of dripping water cause uncontrolled urine output;
  • pain and;
  • there is a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder after urination.

Diagnosis of the disease

During an appointment with a neurologist, you must present a medical card containing the entire medical history. Additionally, the patient is interviewed. It is very important how much liquid a person drinks per day, what kind of character it is. To do this, you need to observe for 4 days and record the volume of fluid consumed and excreted per day.

To find out the cause of SRMP, it is necessary to conduct a complex of laboratory and instrumental examinations:

  • clinical and blood;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • sonography;
  • cytological examination of urine to identify atypical cells;
  • urodynamic studies (cystometry,);

On a note! If there are disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands, you additionally need to contact an endocrinologist and examine your hormonal levels. If there are central nervous system disorders, consultation with a neurologist is necessary.

General rules and methods of treatment

SRMP therapy has several directions. They can be used either separately or in combination. It all depends on the causes of the syndrome.

If the syndrome is an independent pathology, then its etiology is neurogenic in nature. Therapy should consist of bladder training. You need to learn to empty it no more than once every 2 hours. This will help discipline the urge to urinate. At the same time, you need to record all indicators to assess the effectiveness of therapy.

It is also necessary to strengthen the pelvic muscles through the complex. They activate the muscles responsible for the process of urination. The result will be noticeable after just a few weeks. Additionally, electromagnetic stimulation of the bladder can be performed.

Diet and nutrition rules

Patients with RMS should adjust their diet. Include a large amount of fiber (cereals, bran).

You need to avoid food that irritates the bladder wall:

  • coffee;
  • chocolate;
  • spices;
  • pickles.

Learn about the causes of salts and the treatment of associated diseases.

There is a page written about what isosthenuria is and how to treat monotonous diuresis.

Go to the address and read about the treatment of renal colic at home and the rules for providing emergency care during an attack.


If irritable bladder syndrome is urgent, therapy is carried out using medications. You should start with taking tricyclic antidepressants and sedatives in order to normalize the mental state of the patient, whose disorders regularly accompany the disease.

Medicines prescribed for the syndrome:

  • M-anticholinergics (Detrol) - reduce the activity of the detrusor bladder.
  • Botulinum toxin is administered as an injection into the wall of the bladder, as a result of which the muscle tissue relaxes and the release of acetylcholine from the nerve fibers slows down. Over the course of several months, the process of urination normalizes. After a year, the procedure must be repeated.
  • Mild sedatives (Novopassit, Sedavit).

It is imperative to treat the causative disease, which resulted in the syndrome.

It is very rare to resort to surgical methods of treating SRMP. This may involve removing the muscles of the bladder to increase the volume of the organ, or replacing it with a fragment of the small or large intestine. Surgery can cause frequent complications, so they are used in extreme cases.

Folk remedies and recipes

Proven recipes:

  • Take 3 tablespoons of St. John's wort and. Pour 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for several hours. Drink ¼ glass three times a day.
  • Brew 1 spoon of thyme and 2 spoons in 1 liter of water. After 3 hours, filter and drink in small portions throughout the day.

Prevention measures

The development of bladder cancer syndrome can be prevented if you avoid the influence of factors that provoke it on the body:

  • normalize nutrition;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • treat inflammatory processes of the genitourinary area in a timely manner;
  • regularly diagnose the genitourinary system;
  • Periodically take hormone tests.

Irritable bladder syndrome is a condition that requires careful diagnosis to determine the root causes. The etiology of the syndrome can be varied, so treatment methods are selected individually for each patient. Under no circumstances should the problem be ignored. Symptoms of MSPS can not only signal serious health problems, but also cause psychological discomfort and prevent you from feeling like a full-fledged member of society.

Video about the causes, symptoms and treatment features of irritable bladder syndrome in women and men:

Irritable bladder syndrome, its symptoms and treatment is a serious problem faced by adults and children.

It consists of psychological and somatic destabilization of the urination algorithm. The condition is associated with increased bladder activity, a condition that can even lead to urinary incontinence.

People faced with this problem experience extreme stress; they are forced to adapt their own lives to the syndrome of this irritated organ.

Considering that the condition of SRMP is provoked by psychological factors, this worsens the symptoms.

What are the symptoms of SRPS

A person who is faced with this disease mainly complains of only one symptom - frequent urination.

Of course, this is extremely inconvenient and even creates obstacles to maintaining normal life activities not only for the child, but also for the adult.

In general, the leading symptoms of the syndrome are very difficult to miss; we are talking about:

  • destabilization of the urination process, which will be accompanied by pain and itching not only in the organ itself, but also in the urethra or perineum;
  • frequent urge to urinate during the night;
  • a permanent feeling of only partial emptying of the organ;
  • the minimum ratio of urine excreted at one time.

In addition, quite often irritable bladder syndrome can be associated with a similar bowel disorder.

Painful sensations in the peritoneum, colitis and even disorders of the digestive function - all this confirms the psychological origin of the disease.

Irritable bladder syndrome affects not only adult men or women, but also the child.

Additional signs of the disease

The signs of the presented syndrome are very similar to the symptoms of cystitis in acute and chronic forms, especially when it comes to an infectious nature.

In this regard, it is very important to diagnose these diseases at the initial stage, because this is what will prevent the spread of infectious lesions and serious damage to the internal organs.

An indirect manifestation may well be a person’s lifestyle, as a result of which he tries to leave the apartment less often or stay exclusively in such premises or locations where he can easily visit the toilet room.

At this stage of the disease, a person is tormented by such manifestations as the inability to hold urine, for example, on the way to the toilet.

Irritable bladder syndrome is characterized by the following symptoms of the disease:

  • the beginning of spontaneous urination when laughing;
  • discharge of urine with the echo of a falling drop of water from a tap or with a drop or the sound of rain;
  • a feeling of pain in the area of ​​the irritated organ, causing psychological problems.

Taking all this into account, experts emphasize that in the case of irritable bladder syndrome and symptoms, treatment should begin as early as possible. This is what will allow you to avoid the development of complications and critical consequences.

Diagnosis of the disease

In order to determine the diagnosis, the urologist must examine the patient.

First, a patient with suspected irritable bladder syndrome is asked to tell him how much water he drinks per day. An anamnesis is being collected.

Then it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive blood and urine test.

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs is carefully studied.

If there is a possibility of developing an infectious lesion, then a urodynamic examination is performed.

If the patient is male, then a rectal examination is also performed.

Where to start a recovery course

If irritable bladder syndrome is an independent pathological condition, then in this case the main factor in its formation is neurogenic (nervous) in nature.

Treatment should be based on and begin with training the irritated bladder, for example, the patient must visit the toilet no more than once every 120 minutes.

If this does not help to cope with neurogenic factors, they resort to special exercises and drug therapy.

Sets of exercises to combat SRMP

One of the most important components of therapy should be considered the implementation of a whole set of exercises to normalize the condition of the pelvic muscles.

Please note that:

  • Kegel gymnastics is used for urinary incontinence, prostatitis, as well as impotence and other dysfunctions;
  • during the training process, they activate the muscles that are responsible for the process of urination;
  • the advantage of the exercises is that they can be performed at any time and anywhere;
  • a positive result is obvious after two to three weeks from the start of regular exercise.

Kegel exercises

Therapy for irritable bladder syndrome is also carried out with the help of certain physiotherapeutic interventions.

The most effective among them is electromagnetic stimulation of the organ, which makes it possible to cope with a number of other diseases. However, such an intervention should be prescribed only after a full examination.

Drug therapy

Treatment with various pharmacological compounds is used in patients with progressive urinary incontinence, which is formed due to bladder weakness.

The latter measure is necessary due to the fact that irritable bladder syndrome pushes the patient to permanent stress.

There are three types of medications, the use of which is recommended in this case.

  1. The first are M-anticholinergics and alpha1-blockers. They can be used either separately or together. Their effect is a noticeable decrease in the functioning of the muscular lining of the bladder, which relieves irritation in this area. These are used as the initial line in the treatment of irritable organ syndrome and represent agents with a high degree of effectiveness and, no less important, safety.
  2. The second category of drugs is botulinum toxin (Botox). Speaking about them, it should be borne in mind that:
  • We are talking about intravesical injection of Botox injections in the amount of 25-30 pieces;
  • they normalize muscle tone, slow down the release of acetylcholine from the nerve ending;
  • The duration of Botox exposure is no more than 12 months, after which the procedure will need to be repeated.
  1. The third category of drugs is one of the vasopressin analogues. The presented drug reduces the formation of urine and shifts the urination cycle to the night.

I would also like to draw attention to the fact that today studies are being carried out related to the admissibility of the use of estrogens in relation to irritable bladder syndrome exclusively in women aged 50 years or more.

The influence of diet on the treatment of SRMS

The effect of diet on the treatment of the syndrome deserves special attention. Diet is, of course, one of the main components of treatment.

The diet will help cope with the symptomatic manifestations of the disease, because they will accompany the main illness.

In order to speed up the recovery process, it is strongly recommended to give up nicotine and alcohol addiction, the use of salt and spices, and the consumption of fatty, fried, smoked foods.

It must be remembered that coffee has an irritating effect on the walls of the irritated organ, and therefore it is strongly recommended to completely exclude it from the diet to make treating irritable bladder syndrome even easier.

Irritable bladder syndrome occurs in people of all ages and is accompanied by discomfort in the lower abdomen.

The disease leads to a deterioration in the quality of life and poor health if left untreated.

What is it - symptoms

Irritable bladder syndrome is psychosomatic disorder urination processes, accompanied by frequent urge to empty the bladder.

A person cannot hold urine, which causes awkward situations and stress. This becomes a huge problem, since a person is forced to adjust his life to this disease.

The syndrome usually occurs for psychological reasons. Having gotten rid of stress, the syndrome gradually disappears and the urination process is restored.

Symptoms of the syndrome vary depending on the gender and age of the person.

Among women

TO symptoms of the disease irritations of the bladder mucosa include:

  • Soreness and itching in the external genital area.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Frequent urination: 10-12 times a day.
  • Nighttime urination: more than twice a night.
  • Small amount released at a time.
  • Inability to hold urine.
  • Redness of the external genitalia.

In men

Symptoms of the disease for men are:

  • Pain and itching in the genital area.
  • Painful and frequent urination: up to 12-14 times a day and up to 3 times at night.
  • Feeling of insufficient emptying of the bladder.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Urinary incontinence.
  • Insomnia.
  • Redness in the genital area.
  • Weakness.
  • Paleness of the skin.
  • Decreased erection.

In children

This disease also occurs in. He appears in the following way:

  • The child complains of pain in the abdomen and genital area.
  • Redness and itching of the genitals.
  • Frequent urination: up to 12 times a day.
  • When urinating, too little fluid comes out.
  • Urinary incontinence.
  • At night, the child goes to the toilet at least three times.
  • Paleness of the skin.
  • Weakness, decreased performance.
  • Laughter can cause involuntary leakage of urine.


The disease arises and develops and for other reasons:

  • Regular weight lifting.
  • Nervous system dysfunction: stress, depression.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Ovarian cyst.
  • Congenital defects of the urinary tract.
  • Trauma to the urinary tract.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Nephritis.
  • Urethritis.
  • Parkinson's disease.
  • Alzheimer's disease.
  • The effects of drugs and alcoholic beverages on the functioning of the nervous system.

Diagnosis of the disease

It is not possible to determine the disease on your own; you need the help of specialists.

In the hospital to determine the syndrome diagnostic methods are used:

  1. Analysis of urine.
  2. Blood analysis.
  3. pelvic organs.
  4. Rectal examination of the prostate.
  5. Sonography.
  6. Cystometry.
  7. Uroflowmetry.

After diagnosis, doctors determine the cause of the problem and prescribe optimal treatment.

How to treat bladder irritation?

First of all, patients are prescribed medications:

  • Detrol.
  • Novopassit.
  • Sedavit.

These funds reduce bladder activity, normalize the process of urination.

The dosage and duration of medication are determined by the doctor.

In the hospital, patients are prescribed course of botulinum toxin injections. Injections are administered into the walls of the bladder, due to which its muscles relax and the functioning of the urinary channels is normalized. The course of injections is prescribed by a specialist and usually lasts several months.

Physiotherapy is carried out in a hospital setting, in which electrical stimulation of the pelvic muscles. For this, special devices are used. The duration of the course depends on the stage of the disease and the characteristics of the patient’s body.

Vegetables and fruits must be present in the patient’s diet. You should refrain from sweet carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

Healthy food will help normalize the functioning of the urethra.

Helps you recover too folk remedies.

Usually prepared infusion of St. John's wort and. Take 3 tablespoons of each plant and mix with a liter of boiling water. The solution is infused for two hours, after which it is filtered. It is consumed 1/3 glass 2-3 times a day in between meals.

It is also effective infusion of thyme and elecampane. You need to mix one tablespoon of thyme, two tablespoons of elecampane and a liter of boiling water. The solution is infused for three hours, after which it is filtered. Take two tablespoons three times a day between meals.

Plantain infusion will help normalize the functioning of the urethra. To do this, mix one tablespoon of the plant and 500 ml of boiling water. The solution must be infused for at least 30 minutes, then filtered. Drink the prepared infusion 1/3 cup twice a day after meals.

If the above methods do not lead to recovery, apply surgical method. With its help, part of the bladder muscles is removed, and its sensitivity is reduced. This leads to recovery and normalization of the urinary canals.

There is another surgical method in which part of an organ is replaced with a fragment of the large or small intestine.

The bladder also becomes larger, increased ability to retain urine. The person stops suffering from the disease and recovers.

Optimal surgical method selected by the doctor individually. Such methods are used very rarely. Usually the patient recovers after taking medications and medicinal infusions.

Irritable bladder syndrome is a serious illness that must be treated when it first appears. The sooner measures are taken, the faster you can recover.

Learn interesting facts about the bladder from this popular science video:

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Irritable bladder syndrome (IBS) is a serious psychosomatic disorder of urinary function. The pathology is characterized by bladder overactivity, frequent and persistent urge to go to the toilet, even urinary incontinence. A person suffering from this delicate problem experiences severe stress, awkwardness, and is forced to adapt his life to the disease. Considering that the syndrome is caused primarily by psychological reasons, this only aggravates its manifestation.

The reason for the constant urge to urinate lies in the involuntary spasmodic contraction of the muscular walls of the bladder in men and women. It occurs suddenly and is beyond the control of the patient. As a result, a person is afraid to leave home for a long time or attend important events. The desire to visit the restroom occurs much more often than the normal 8-10 times a day, and the amount of urine produced may be very small, which indicates a violation of the storage function of the bladder.

Symptoms of the disease

The main symptom of irritable bladder syndrome is difficult to miss and ignore:

  • urination disorders, accompanied by pain, itching in the bladder itself, urethra, perineum;
  • frequent nighttime urge to go to the toilet;
  • constant feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder;
  • a small amount of urine excreted at a time.

In addition, the disease is often accompanied by irritable bowel syndrome (abdominal pain, cramps, colitis, digestive disorders), which confirms its psychosomatic nature. The syndrome affects both adult men and women, as well as children.

The signs of SRMP are very similar to the manifestations of acute and chronic cystitis of an infectious nature. Therefore, it is extremely important to differentiate these diseases at an early stage in order to prevent the spread of infection in the body and irreversible damage to internal organs. The opposite situation is possible, in which the primary diagnosis of “cystitis” is not confirmed, but in fact turns out to be a psychosomatic syndrome. In this case, the undertaken treatment of non-existent cystitis can cause serious harm to the body.

Any significant violation of the body’s excretory functions requires close attention and timely diagnosis. After all, disruption of these processes entails intoxication of the body, further disruption of the functioning of organs and systems, and other dangerous complications. Adequate, quickly prescribed treatment is required.

Causes of irritable bladder syndrome

Bladder diseases can be caused by a dozen different causes, including neurogenic (nervous) ones. In no case can one exclude the possibility of an infectious nature of the disease, a benign neoplasm of the urinary system or neighboring organs (ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids in women), urolithiasis, oncological tumors, atony of the muscular walls of the organ as a result of injury or overextension. Sometimes symptoms of urinary system disease are complications of other serious systemic diseases. However, if these factors are excluded during diagnosis, the doctor can draw a conclusion about the psychosomatic nature of the disease.

Neurogenic factors are associated with disorders of the brain and spinal cord. The following conditions may be the cause:

  • Parkinson's disease;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • encephalitis;
  • diabetic neuropathy;
  • the impact of aggressive drugs and other substances, alcohol on the nervous system;
  • congenital developmental pathologies;
  • traumatic injuries;
  • severe stress affecting the psyche, depression.

A separate group of psychosomatic diseases includes organ neuroses (neuroses of individual organs), such as irritable bladder syndrome or irritable bowel syndrome. They are characterized by a chronic course, disrupt the normal functioning of the organ, and are accompanied by algic symptoms: significant pain of a psychosomatic nature (cystalgia).

Such diseases aggravate themselves, causing another round of stress and depression. Statistics indicate that among people suffering from psychosomatic disorders there are a significant number of women, which is probably due to the greater mobility of the female psyche.

Diagnosis of psychosomatic bladder disorder

Diseases of the urinary system must be diagnosed carefully. At first glance, it is very difficult to tell whether the disorder is caused by neurogenic factors (and therefore does not pose a serious threat to the patient’s life) or by an aggressive infection. Microbial invasion of the genitourinary system is especially common in women, whose short and wide urethra is a free path for pathogens. Accordingly, treatment will be different in different cases.

First of all, the urologist must listen to the patient’s complaints, collect anamnesis and perform an examination. The volume of liquid consumed during the day must be taken into account. To clarify the preliminary diagnosis, tests and urodynamic studies are prescribed. In men, a rectal examination of the prostate is also performed.

It is necessary to completely exclude infectious and inflammatory diseases (cystitis), urolithiasis, benign and malignant tumors of the abdominal and pelvic cavities. Only after this can one assume irritable bladder syndrome and begin its treatment.

Treatment of the syndrome

There are several areas of treatment for irritable bladder syndrome, they are used individually or in combination.

  • Drug treatment with special drugs that affect the nervous system. The type and dosage of a particular drug is determined strictly by the doctor, taking into account the degree of development of the disease. Sedatives and M-anticholinergics (Detrusitol, Detrol) work well.
  • Injections of botulinum toxin (Botox) into the wall of the bladder. The bladder muscles relax, and urinary function is restored within a few months.
  • Electrical stimulation of the bladder.
  • Strengthen your back and pelvic floor muscles through sports and Kegel training. These exercises have proven themselves in the fight against various disorders of urinary and sexual functions. Kegel exercises are used for urinary incontinence, prostatitis, and sexual dysfunction. During training, the muscles responsible for urination are activated (they tense and relax at different rates). Exercises can be done anytime, anywhere.
  • Treatment with a psychotherapist, overcoming stress and psychological disorders.
  • Strict drinking regimen, therapeutic diet with a high fiber content. This measure is especially relevant when the disease is combined with irritable bowel syndrome. Foods and drinks that irritate the mucous membrane of the bladder (soda, coffee, chocolate) are excluded from the diet. A couple of hours before bedtime, fluid intake completely stops.
  • Establishing a urination routine. The patient must go to the toilet according to the established schedule, even if he is not currently experiencing the urge. This allows you to take the functioning of the organ under conscious control.

If treatment with conservative methods does not produce results for a long time, the doctor may offer the patient surgery. This is an extreme and rarely used measure; surgery deals a heavy blow to the body and can lead to various complications.

A healthy urinary system works unnoticed: 4-8 times a day signals are sent to the brain about the need to empty the bladder. Up to 250 ml of urine accumulates there, but it can retain this liquid for 2-5 hours.

This time is enough to find the right moment and “relieve your need.” The situation is completely different with irritable bladder syndrome (IBS).

What problems can you encounter with SRMP?

  • The need for emptying occurs much more often (10-15 times);
  • The attacks occur suddenly and with great force, so that it is impossible to endure;
  • Urine may be released involuntarily, the process cannot be controlled;
  • Unexpected attacks disrupt night sleep;
  • During the day, the possibility of sudden attacks keeps you in constant tension, stress arises, and performance decreases.

The quality of life deteriorates sharply. Although the organs of the urinary system can be absolutely healthy and function normally. The kidneys filter the usual daily volume of urine (2 liters), the ureters have good patency, and the bladder itself is not inflamed or clogged with stones.

Where then do these sudden and painful attacks of urination come from? They are associated with overactivity of the muscles surrounding the walls of the bladder. This muscle layer is called the detrusor; under normal conditions, in response to a signal from the central nervous system, it contracts and compresses the bladder. The sphincter that holds urine, on the contrary, relaxes - the act of urination occurs.

In irritable bladder syndrome, the sphincter and detrusor receptors act spontaneously, not obeying brain signals. Irritation of the receptors is not associated with the accumulation of urine - with frequent emptying, very small portions are released.

The main problem that defines irritable bladder syndrome is that the process of urination is out of control of the central nervous system.

Reasons for deviations

There may be several reasons for unbalanced functioning of the urinary organs.


Systemic, infectious diseases, changes in the body, which are accompanied by frequent and painful urination:

  • , urolithiasis disease;
  • Prostatitis;
  • Tumors: benign and oncological;
  • Changes in the pelvic organs associated with muscle strain (sports, heavy lifting), operations, progressive obesity;
  • Old age: sprained ligaments and muscle fibers of the pelvic organs, hormonal changes cause urinary incontinence.

— pathologies of the central and autonomic nervous system:

  • Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, multiple sclerosis;
  • Inflammation of the brain and spinal cord (meningitis, encephalitis);
  • The effects of alcohol, drugs, strong medications;
  • A complication of diabetes is diabetic neuropathy.

Irritable bladder syndrome as a psychosomatic disease.

As an independent disease not associated with other pathologies, MSPS is of a psychosomatic nature. The cause of such diseases is mental disorders, prolonged stress, depression, and traumatic situations.

They form neurosis - a pathology of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), which controls the functioning of internal organs. Their functions are disrupted, and a somatic (physical) disease occurs, which is based on a mental disorder.

Functional disorders of internal organs that have a mental cause are called organ neuroses. The signs of MSPS as an organ neurosis are characterized by:

  • Chronic, persistent nature of attacks;
  • Cystolgia (a complex of causes characteristic of cystitis) – a feeling of pain in the urinary organs, a strong urge to urinate, a small amount of urine excreted;
  • Nervous excitability, depression, insomnia, etc.
  • The presence of concomitant neurosis of another internal organ (irritable bowel syndrome)

Signs of irritable bladder syndrome in women are many times more common, especially during menopause.

Attempts to heal on your own are unsuccessful. It is impossible to get rid of a disease whose causes are unknown. The most practical solution is to make an appointment with a urologist and establish a diagnosis of your disease.

Diagnosis of SRMP

Diagnosing irritable bladder syndrome is not easy. The patient will undergo a number of studies.

Anamnesis - survey.

During which the possibility of underlying diseases of a systemic and neurogenic nature, which can provoke frequent urination, is established. In addition, you will have to answer in detail:

  • Under what circumstances do seizures most often occur?
  • What kind of liquid and in what quantity does the patient consume;
  • Is the volume of liquid drunk comparable to the amount of urine excreted?
Visual inspection.

To exclude pathologies of the genital area, women are examined by a gynecologist, and men are prescribed a prostate examination.

Conducted: general blood and urine analysis.

To exclude infectious diseases; cytological examination of urine (whether there are cancer cells); biochemical tests for the presence of sexually transmitted infections.

Uroflowmetry and cytometry.

The functional state of the detrusor is checked using uroflowmetry (speed and volume of urination) and cytometry (measuring the pressure of urine flow using a catheter).

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Determines the presence or absence of tumors. Computed tomography is sometimes used to clarify the diagnosis.

Only after excluding infections and inflammations (especially cystitis), urolithiasis and tumors does the urologist make an assumption about irritable bladder syndrome.

Bladder neurosis: treatment methods

For neuroses of internal organs, consultation with a psychotherapist is mandatory. Only it will help overcome mental disorders that cause organ dysfunction.

Drug treatment

  • First of all, drugs that block involuntary contraction of the detrusor muscles are used for the treatment of MSPS: M-choline blockers, alpha1-blockers;
  • Botulinum toxin successfully treats this neurosis. 20-30 Botox injections into the bladder wall cause a decrease in muscle tone for up to a year. During this time, training and special exercises can restore the normal rhythm of urination;
  • Taking sedatives is necessary to relieve the negative effects of stress.

Kegel exercises

An effective set of 4 exercises strengthens the pelvic muscles.

  • Tension of the bladder muscles is an imitation of stopping urination. The state of tension is delayed by slowly counting to three, then the muscles relax;
  • Gradual tension of the pelvic floor muscles: first light, then stronger, and finally maximum. At each stage, the position is fixed and delayed. Then the same gradual relaxation is performed;
  • Fast and strong movements to tense and relax the pelvic muscles;
  • Imitating attempts to push.

This complex should be done 5 times a day, repeating each exercise up to 10 times. With regular exercise, lost control over urination is restored.

Other treatments

Electrical stimulation of the bladder.

Electrical impulses are used to stimulate the contraction of the sphincter that retains urine.

Urination mode.

While maintaining the regimen developed together with your doctor, you need to go to the toilet on a schedule: once every 2 hours. Accustom the excretory organs to normal operation. Make notes and observations to evaluate the success of the technique.


It is carried out in extreme cases when it is necessary to replace an organ or increase its size by excision of muscles. During surgery, nerves may be damaged, and then the patient will have to live with a catheter.

Herbal infusions to reduce symptoms of SRPS

At home, symptoms of frequent urination can be relieved with herbal remedies.

Kidney tea: The main component of this drink is the leaves of Orthosiphon staminate. For 100 ml of boiling water, take 20 g of raw materials. The infusion is kept for 3 hours and consumed throughout the day.

Collection of St. John's wort and bearberry. Take one tbsp. l. each herb in 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse the product overnight. Drink the next day in 3 doses.

Collection of elecampane and thyme. For 1 tbsp. a spoonful of thyme (thyme) is taken 2 tbsp. l. elecampane. The herb is poured into 1 liter of boiling water and left for 3 hours. The entire infusion is drunk during the day.

Nutrition and drinking regime

When organizing meals, it is necessary to take into account that SRMP is often associated with constipation.

  • It is recommended to eat more fiber, berries, cabbage, carrots, fruits, oatmeal and buckwheat;
  • Eliminate chocolate and coffee, citrus fruits and alcohol from your diet because... they cause severe irritation of the bladder lining;
  • To prevent nighttime urination, stop drinking 2 hours before falling asleep;
  • Reduce intake of products with a diuretic effect. These include: herbal teas, watermelons, melons, fresh juices, etc.


Knowing that nervous disorders often lead to neuroses of internal organs, there is no need to bring your psyche to complete exhaustion and depression. A timely visit to a neurologist will help resolve a stressful situation and relieve such unpleasant diseases as irritable bladder syndrome.