Viagra tablets for men, Russian analogues. Viagra analogues: effective and cheap. Cheap analogues of Viagra for men list

Most men associate Viagra with strong male strength and vivid impressions of sexual intercourse. However, this drug is quite expensive, so many representatives of the stronger sex are looking for cheaper analogues of Viagra, allowing them to save money but get no less effective results. Today, the modern market offers a wide range of domestic and foreign substitutes that have a similar effect at an affordable price. Which of them give the best effect and are guaranteed to increase potency, we will consider in this article.

How to replace Viagra: a list of cheap analogues

Sexual health is the most important component of a man’s life, having a direct impact on his emotional and psychological state. Even minor problems with potency can reduce a man’s self-esteem, cause depression and ruin relationships with a woman. It is for this reason that the creation of an alternative to Viagra is among the priorities of the modern pharmaceutical industry.

Conventionally, all similar products can be divided into two groups - synthetic and natural origin. The former are considered more effective because they quickly affect the body and do not require regular use. The latter give long-term results, but require a course of treatment and do not improve potency with a one-time use.

Synthetic substitutes for Viagra

Synthetic drugs are created on the basis of selective inhibitors of phosphodiesterase type 5, which make it possible to strengthen and increase the duration of an erection if a man is sexually aroused. They have the desired effect in approximately 80% of cases, are easy to use, are well tolerated by the body and provide a stable erection.

Viagra analogues based on sildenafil

The most extensive group of synthetic substitutes includes the so-called generics, which are copies of Viagra and contain the same active ingredient - sildenafil. Their difference from the original lies in the manufacturer and cost, which in most cases is lower than the price of Viagra. Indian-made products are very popular among generics:

  • Super Kamagra is available in tablets and is used mainly to increase the duration of sexual intercourse. In addition to sildenafil, which increases blood flow to the genitals, it contains the chemical dapoxetine, which prevents rapid ejaculation. The best result from taking Super Kamagra is achieved 3 hours after it enters the body, and the effect is noticeable within a few hours from the onset of active action

  • Kamagra Gold - is produced in regular tablets, effervescent soluble tablets and gels that have a pleasant taste of strawberry, orange, banana and other fruits. When choosing a substitute for Viagra, some men prefer this particular drug, since it is an exact analogue of the original. With the same formula, Kamagra Gold is cheaper, but is considered a powerful medicine in the fight against erectile dysfunction. It has a relaxing effect on smooth muscle tissue and increases blood flow to the penis, which increases the duration and quality of sexual intercourse. The product in tablets is taken approximately 1 hour before sex, gels - 40 minutes

  • Eregra are blue tablets taken orally to increase potency. Their pronounced effect is observed within 4–5 hours from the moment of use and makes a man’s sex life more harmonious and complete. If it is necessary to prolong sexual intercourse, it is recommended to supplement Eregra with dapoxetine-based products

  • Sildena is an effective selective PDE-5 inhibitor, sold in tablets with a dosage of 100 mg. It is rapidly absorbed, and its maximum concentrations in the blood are reached within 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. Sildena is intended for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in cases where a man has sexual stimulation, but is unable to maintain a proper erection.

  • Vectra-100 – tablets are taken 30–40 minutes before intimacy and last up to 5 hours. The drug helps a man achieve a stable erection in a short time and maintain it throughout sexual intercourse

  • Generic Viagra Soft - like other drugs, this drug promotes better blood flow and leads to a persistent erection. If you take a tablet available in a dosage of 100 mg, the result can be noticed within a quarter of an hour after use. After intimacy, a man feels a relaxation of the penis, but if he wants to repeat sexual intercourse, he will be able to feel an erection again. On average, the generic drug lasts for 5 hours

  • Suhagra – sold in 100 mg tablets. The drug has a good effect on male strength and has minor side effects. It will not help in the treatment of potency disorders and will not eliminate the causes of their occurrence, but will have the necessary effect to obtain a healthy erection

  • Sildigra – capsules with a dosage of 100 mg. The drug is an improved analogue of Viagra and has similar properties, allowing a man to have full sexual intercourse with impotence and problems with erectile dysfunction

Little known on the domestic market, but quite effective, is the drug Dynamico, produced at the Israeli Teva factory. Blue tablets contain 25, 50 or 100 mg of sildenafil and restore impaired erectile function by increasing blood flow in the penis. Dynamico works only in the presence of sexual stimulation, reaching maximum concentration in the blood 0.5–2 hours after administration.

Products produced in Slovenia are represented in our pharmacies by the drug Vizarsin, which has a vasodilating (vasodilating) effect. The product not only restores male strength, but also provides a preventive effect for diseases of the genitourinary area. After use, Vizarsin begins to work after 30–60 minutes, maintaining an erection for sufficient time for full intimacy. It has a hypotensive property, that is, it lowers blood pressure, so men with hypotension or over the age of 60 are advised to use the drug with caution.

In addition to foreign substitutes, Russian analogues of Viagra are in high demand among consumers, which are in no way inferior to imported drugs, but have a more attractive price. These include Sildenafil C3 from the Severnaya Zvezda factory, produced in tablets of 25, 50 and 100 mg. After taking it, the active substance is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and evenly distributed throughout the tissues, metabolized in the liver. In terms of therapeutic effect and composition, the Indian drug Sildenafil citrate is an almost complete analogue of this drug.

You can also purchase in pharmacies many other products based on sildenafil, produced in China, Ukraine, Japan, Korea, and the USA. Their choice depends entirely on the needs of the man and his individual tolerance.

Viagra analogues without sildenafil content

In recent years, many manufacturers have launched the production of synthetic substitutes, which instead of sildenafil contain other selective PDE-5 inhibitors. Their active ingredients are a worthy replacement for the main component and help men forget about erection problems.


The basic ingredient in Levitra is vardenafil, which enhances the response to sexual stimulation by blocking specific phosphodiesterase type 5. It has a direct effect on the relaxation of smooth muscles, which entails an active rush of blood to the penis. Levitra helps normalize the functioning of the reproductive system and eliminate erectile dysfunction.

The drug is produced in Germany in the form of yellow tablets. Dosages of 5, 10 and 20 mg are available to consumers, with a dose of 10 mg being considered recommended. Medicines are taken 15–20 minutes before sexual intercourse, no more than once a day. In most cases, the drug is well tolerated, but sometimes it produces side effects such as headache, nausea, facial flushing, and dizziness.

Levitra has its own analogues, the cost of which is an order of magnitude lower than the original products. In particular, the pharmacy chain sells Levitra Soft and Generic Levitra, which are available in dosages of 20 and 40 mg, respectively. It should be noted that increasing the concentration of the active substance does not affect its effectiveness, but significantly increases the risk of side effects.


Cialis is one of the most effective substitutes that solve the problem of erectile dysfunction. Unlike Viagra, which works for about 4 hours, the duration of its effect reaches 1.5 days. On the other hand, the active effect of the drug begins somewhat later than the original, although this largely depends on the dosage.

The basis of the drug is the substance tadalafil, which is capable of reversibly inhibiting cyclic guanosine monophosphate (PDE 5). Cialis is produced in white tablets with a dosage of 20 mg and is recommended for use no more than once a day. It does not affect the cardiovascular system and other organs, does not change the composition of sperm and testosterone levels, while significantly improving erection and allowing for successful sexual intercourse.

Cialis has several analogues:

    Cialis soft - acts faster than the original and gives an effect within half an hour after administration. Prolonged sexual activity after its use lasts about 3 days, which allows a man to choose the most suitable time for intimacy

    Generic Cialis - the medicine begins to act 15 minutes after use and remains active for 1.5 days. It has been proven that with regular use you can achieve a noticeable improvement in erectile function.


The drug Zidena from South Korea appeared in Russian pharmacies not so long ago, but has already received positive ratings from both doctors and patients. It is based on the selective inhibitor udenafil, aimed at selectively blocking the PDE-5 enzyme. When it enters the body, the drug reacts with substances that are responsible for muscle relaxation and promotes the expansion of the walls of blood vessels. As a result, there is a rush of blood to the genitals, which causes an increase in erection.

Zidena is a yellow oval tablet with a dosage of 100 mg. After swallowing, their effect begins 1–2 hours later and lasts for 24 hours. A significant advantage of the drug is its tonic effect, which makes a man more resilient during sex and ensures rapid recovery with the ability to quickly prepare for repeated intercourse.

Analogues of natural origin

Natural drugs are analogues of Viagra in a pharmacy that contain herbal ingredients. Such drugs must be taken daily over a long period of time, so they can hardly be called complete substitutes for sildenafil. Nevertheless, they are able to gradually increase potency and correct other disorders that have arisen in the male genitourinary system. The most famous dietary supplements include:

  • Laveron - contains extracts of raspberries, garlic, nettle leaves, mango fruits, ginko biloba and is used for richer orgasmic sensations during sex

  • Majik Staff is produced using an extract from deer antlers containing androgens (analogs of male sex hormones). It is used for the treatment and prevention of sexual disorders, as well as to increase the duration of sexual intercourse and expand the range of sensations

  • Orgazex - is made from tomato seeds, Chinese wolfberry fruits, licorice and ginseng roots, and raspberry fruits. The supplement increases blood flow to the genitals and increases libido

  • Yohimbe – the main component is the alkaloid yohimbine, obtained from the bark of the African yohimbe tree. Stimulates and normalizes sexual function, eliminating its disorders

  • Sealex - does not contain chemicals and includes ingredients such as extracts of green tea, ginseng, yohimbe, garlic, and deer antler extracts. The composition of the product is selected taking into account the enhancement of the action of its components, which gives a lasting effect when completing the full course

  • Semental is a completely natural product made from extracts of horny weed, ginko biloba, maritime pine, and ginseng root. Translated from Italian, “semental” means “stallion”. The drug stimulates the natural production of testosterone, increases libido and significantly prolongs intimacy

The effectiveness of Viagra analogues

At first glance, it may seem that cheaper Viagra substitutes do not give the same results as the main drug. However, their effectiveness is beyond doubt and has been proven by many years of practical experience. However, they have some differences from the original:

    Duration of action - the effect of Royal Viagra can last up to a week, while, for example, Levitra lasts up to 10 hours from the moment of use, and Cialis works for about 36 hours

    Time for the result to appear - if the original drug has an effect on the body almost immediately after administration, then similar drugs that do not contain sildenafil usually begin to act in a period of 30 minutes to one hour

    Frequency of use – Viagra is recommended for use during infrequent sexual intercourse, and most analogues are advisable to take when a man is stable. If you want to get long-term results, you should pay attention to natural products

Before buying an analogue of Viagra for men, it would not hurt to contact a urologist and get professional advice. The doctor will not only help you choose the most effective remedy, taking into account your health status and existing contraindications, but will also understand the causes of erectile dysfunction and, if necessary, prescribe comprehensive treatment.

Today, reduced male potency is not uncommon. Almost every second man experiences erectile dysfunction. This condition is influenced by many factors. Impotence can develop both against the background of organic diseases of the body systems and psychological problems (stress, depression, overwork), etc. Today, Viagra is considered to be the most proven and popular drug against poor potency. Indeed, this medicine is the most studied and therefore in demand among consumers. But today there are a lot of analogues that are in no way inferior to the famous Viagra in terms of their spectrum of action.

What proven and effective analogs of Viagra exist for men, a list of cheap and effective drugs that increase potency, will be described in this article.

Viagra and similar drugs

The word “Viagra” has already become a household word. This drug is immediately associated with male sexual power. Despite the fact that this drug is more expensive than some of its analogues, Viagra does not fall from its leading position, since the effectiveness of this drug has been proven not only by pharmacists, but also by consumers. The effect comes with a 100% guarantee.

What can you take instead of Viagra: list of the best remedies

Any analogue of Viagra is also a medical drug, so its use and purchase must be taken seriously. It is not difficult to find a substitute for Viagra today, since there are a lot of drugs that are identical in action.


This product is cheaper than the products described above. However, it is used instead of Viagra quite often, since the principle of action is not inferior to the original. Eurycoma longifolia, which is part of the composition, enhances the production of testosterone, increases sexual desire, dwarf palm increases sexual tone and improves sperm quality. Feedback from men is 100% positive.


It is several times more effective than Viagra - it not only gives an instant erection immediately after taking it, but also restores natural potency in men. At the same time, it has absolutely no side effects and costs 8 (!) times less. One of the most important advantages of Semental is that it not only does not harm the body, but also further improves its health. The drug is practically not represented in Russian pharmacies, although it has passed all clinical trials and received the necessary certificates of conformity, this is understandable; it is simply not profitable for pharmacy owners to sell cheap and effective drugs; it is much more profitable to sell expensive tablets with reduced effectiveness so that the buyer comes back again and again. again for a new dose.

Generic Viagra soft

This drug is produced on the basis of Sildenafil. The package contains one blister containing 10 tablets of a vasodilator. Generic Viagra Soft is an effective and relatively inexpensive drug that ranks first after the notorious Viagra. The principle of action of the medicine:

  • Each tablet contains 100 mg of the active ingredient. Depending on the prescribed dosage, you should take the product 15 minutes before the expected proximity;
  • Generic Viagra Soft promotes a high-quality blood flow to the pelvic organs and genitals, due to which the necessary rigidity of the penis is created;
  • The effect lasts from 2 to 5 hours.

Generic Viagra Soft must be used according to the instructions so as not to create side effects, and they are as follows:

  • Decreased blood pressure (blood pressure);
  • Dizziness;
  • Decreased quality of vision and hearing;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Headache.


This remedy is often used instead of Viagra. But there is a completely different active ingredient here - tadalafil. Available in tablet form. Each package contains 10 Cialis tablets of 50 mg each. Cialis differs significantly from the action of Viagra:

  • The effect of using the product lasts 36 hours. This is enough to skillfully spend a romantic weekend. The drug is consumed much less, and taking a vasodilator medication does not have as much effect on your health;
  • The action occurs after 15-20 minutes;
  • Unlike Viagra, Cialis can be combined with alcoholic beverages;
  • Cialis is cheap, around 250 rubles.


This drug is especially indicated for people with diabetes and if there are allergic reactions to tadalafil or sildenafil, since the active ingredient is vardenafil. Levitra's spectrum of action is no different from previous analogues, but the cost of such a product is about 700-800 rubles. But for 12-13 hours the erection will be stable.

Cheap analogues: nowhere cheaper

Instead of Viagra, cheap Russian and foreign analogues are often used. They are not so advertised, but, according to consumer reviews, they are not so bad and cope with their task by 98%.


Russian analogue of Viagra for men from 18 to 80 years old. The capsule acts in two directions at once. Awakens erection, enhances arousal, prolongs sexual intercourse and gives incredible sensations from sex. If one Viagra tablet costs about 700 rubles, then here for a whole package of potency products you will pay no more than 990 rubles. The drug is made on a plant basis, i.e. has no chemical additives. Allows you to prolong sexual intercourse, improves erection, dilates blood vessels. Eroforce is available for sale only on the official website.

Sildenafil citrate

Cheap generic. The drug is also made on the basis of sildenafil. The only disadvantage of the medicine is the side effects. Consumers report headaches, flushing of the face, and decreased blood pressure.

Our readers write

Subject: Potency as at 18 years old!

From: Mikhail P. ( [email protected])

To: Administration http://site

Hello! My name is
Mikhail, I want to express my gratitude to you and your site.

Finally, I was able to improve my potency. I have an active sex life, my relationship with my wife has reached a new level!

And here is my story

At the age of 35, due to a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle, the first problems with potency began, “I began to have only one time,” the duration and quality of sex decreased significantly. When I turned 38, real problems began, I began to panic and, in order to somehow improve my sex life, I began to resort to Viagra and its analogues. And the pills seemed to “work,” but later I realized that without the pills the erection disappeared completely! But Viagra is quite expensive, and besides, it has a huge number of side effects that have an extremely negative effect on the entire body. All this led to constant quarrels with my wife, I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, everything was very bad...

Of course, one of the most popular means for increasing potency is the well-known VIAGRA tablets. Its effectiveness is evidenced by thousands of reviews from men who are satisfied with their sexual achievements. And all this thanks to VIAGRA! But, in addition to its positive effect on erection, the use of tablets also has a pronounced negative effect on the male body. Side effects, many contraindications for use and high cost force men to look for cheaper analogues of VIAGRA. Perhaps, among the huge number of medications, there is a drug that fully replaces VIAGRA - an effective drug, cheaper and safer.

Currently, medicine has made a step forward and worthy analogues of “VIAGRA” for men have appeared on the pharmaceutical market. In case of drug treatment, it can be replaced with foreign-made tablets “Cialis” or “Levitra”. Their operating principle is the same, and they cost less, but they have much more advantages. The effect of the drug "Cialis" is designed for 36 hours. Therefore, you can take it at any time and not only before sexual intercourse. And Levitra is famous for its speed. The tablet begins to “work” within 15-20 minutes after administration and you can feel the effect for up to 12 hours. These Viagra substitutes have minimal side effects and are compatible with alcohol.

Russian and domestic manufacturers are rushing to please men who do not want to doubt their sexual potential. An excellent substitute for VIAGRA, CIALIS and Levitra can be the drugs ZIDENA (Russia) and ERECTIL (Ukraine). They have the same effect on erectile function, but their cost is much lower.

The effectiveness of pills to increase potency is possible only with active sexual desire, otherwise their use makes no sense. In addition, their use does not solve the problem of treatment, and the effect is designed for one time use. Do not forget about the chemical composition of the tablets, the components of which have a negative effect on the male body.

Based on all the disadvantages of using VIAGRA and its analogues, herbal-based drugs are becoming increasingly popular. Biologically active supplements are high-quality and effective substitutes for various miracle pills. For example, “Casanova’s Secret”, which not only increases potency, but also improves sexual function in general, increases libido, tones and gives new bright sexual sensations to men and women. This drug has virtually no disadvantages of use. It contains only natural herbal ingredients that help restore and enhance sexual function, there are no side effects or contraindications, and most importantly, “Casanova’s Secret” is aimed at treatment and is a truly safe drug and an excellent natural alternative to “VIAGRA.” The drug is effective for up to 72 hours 15 minutes after use.

Viagra is a pill for men containing the substance sildenafil. It also has so-called generics - certified drugs that have undergone in-depth testing and are patented analogues of a well-known drug. Taking them no less successfully restores erectile function and prolongs the time of sexual intercourse.

The use of such drugs increases blood flow to the pelvic area, resulting in a stronger erection. To treat sexual dysfunction, you must take medications strictly following the instructions. In this case, their action will bring maximum benefit to restore the health of men.

How does Viagra work for men?

Viagra is a powerful remedy for restoring potency; its action is aimed at eliminating the main causes of sexual impotence. The active substances in the composition improve blood flow to the vessels involved in the erection process, which enhances sexual performance. The penis increases in size, hardens and remains in this state until the end of sexual intercourse.

Viagra, like its analogues, guarantees an effect if a man experiences arousal. In the absence of attraction to a woman, an erection does not occur. Therefore, before the intended act, it is important to achieve an excited state, otherwise the substance sildenafil will not be able to work.

Taking tablets should be discussed with your doctor to avoid side effects and choose the optimal dosage. In most cases, the effect of generic Viagra has a positive effect on the male body. Patients note that sexual intercourse is filled with new sensations, becomes longer and brighter.

You need to take erection-strengthening drugs on an empty stomach. This way they are better absorbed into the blood and begin to act faster, ensuring a healthy intimate life.

List of the best Viagra analogues for men in a pharmacy

There are many analogues of Viagra for men on the Russian market. In pharmacies you can easily buy cheap substitutes for the original drug and use it to treat potency.

Low cost does not affect the quality of the product. The price is determined depending on production costs. The original Viagra is produced in Europe, and the costs of its production are quite high. Generics are products with a lower cost, so every man can afford to purchase them to restore sexual function and strengthen intimate health.

Titan Gel

One of the most popular and effective for the treatment of erectile dysfunction is. This is a medicinal cream that has a diverse effect on the male body.

Its usage:

  • strengthens erection;
  • prolongs the time of sexual intercourse;
  • increases the size of the reproductive organ;
  • helps increase libido.

Innovative technology developed by scientists allows you to naturally make your penis wider and larger. Inside the genital organ there are cavernous bodies. They have a spongy structure, which, when aroused, fills with blood, making the penis strong and hard. The size of the penis depends on how much blood the corpus cavernosum can hold during an erection.

The active substances of Titan Gel act on the walls of the spongy body and gradually stretch them. Regular use of the cream quickly and safely increases the size of the organ by 4-5 cm. Reviews from men about the use of Titan Gel leave no doubt that the drug eliminates sexual dysfunction and allows you to get great pleasure from sex.

The instructions say that you need to lubricate the penis with the cream every day, gently rubbing the composition from top to bottom with massage movements for 5 minutes. After the procedure, a pleasant tingling sensation is felt, signaling that the product is working.

A powerful erection appears, which is under complete male control. For maximum therapeutic effect and organ enlargement, Titan Gel should be used for at least a month. You can buy the drug to enhance erection on the Internet on the official website of the supplier.


An effective analogue of Viagra is Urethroactive. This is a herbal preparation for restoring potency and sexual desire. It is prescribed to patients suffering from erectile dysfunction and inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system.

Urethroactive works in different directions. Its active formula:

  • normalizes the production of sex hormones;
  • relieves premature ejaculation;
  • improves sperm motility;
  • helps to strengthen erection;
  • increases sexual arousal.

The effect of the product on the male body is evident from the first days of use. Reviews of the drug confirm that the natural composition cleanses the organs of infection and restores the quality of intimate life.

The medicine is an excellent prevention of prostate dysfunction, has no side effects and is suitable for every man over 18 years of age.


This is a high-quality drug recommended for potency disorders. It is available in tablets and is part of a group of drugs that are inhibitors. Penetrating into the blood, the main active ingredient of the formula increases blood flow to the sexual organ, dilates blood vessels and stimulates a powerful erection.

The use of Cialis provides quick results in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

The instructions indicate that you should take the drug no more than 20 mg once a day. The product for men should be drunk 15–20 minutes before sexual activity. Its effectiveness lasts for 2 days.

In the presence of sexual arousal, the composition ensures a stable erection and prolonged sexual intercourse. Customers are satisfied with the results of the treatment. In reviews of the drug, they note its convenient release form, fast action and affordable price.


The drug is a well-known analogue of Viagra. This is a selective inhibitor that ensures the filling of the sexual organ with blood and prevents its outflow. Due to this, a persistent erection appears. The effect of the product relaxes the nervous system and promotes powerful arousal.

Release form: tablets containing 100 mg of sildenafil. The substance has a pronounced effect, the effect of which lasts up to 4 hours.

The medicine has a specific bitter taste, so it is recommended to drink it with a large portion of clean water. The active substances are rapidly absorbed and reach their highest concentration in the blood an hour after administration.

Before use, you must carefully study the instructions for Sildenafil. An overdose causes headaches, nausea, skin rashes, and blurred vision in men.

How much do Viagra analogs cost for men in pharmacies:

  • Titan Gel - 990 rub.
  • Urethroactive - 990 rub.
  • Cialis - 1100 rub.
  • Sildenafil - 5800 rub.

Is Viagra harmful to a man's health?

Any medicine can cause side effects. This trend raises a logical question among men: can Viagra cause harm?

If the drug is well tolerated, negative effects are minimized. In rare cases, its use has a negative impact on health. Most often, unpleasant consequences occur if the medicine is used regularly in large doses.

Excess of the active substance in the body causes side effects:

  • migraine;
  • skin irritation;
  • tinnitus;
  • breathing rhythm disturbance;
  • cardiopalmus.

If you take the tablets without exceeding the recommended dosage and do not use them constantly, they do not pose a threat to human health and life. On the contrary, the drug provides benefits by improving sexual function and providing powerful sexual stimulation.

Men suffering from hypertension, severe kidney or liver damage in old age should take the drug with caution. Taking Viagra cannot harm a healthy person, but there is no need to take it without reason.

If there are no problems of an intimate nature, you should not load the body with medications despite their beneficial properties.

How to take Viagra for men?

Viagra is available in the form of blue diamond-shaped tablets in dosages of 50 and 100 mg. In each of them, the active substance is in a concentrated state and is intended to treat erectile dysfunction and improve intimate relationships.

Therefore, only a doctor can determine the optimal rate of use of the drug, based on the patient’s clinical picture. The instructions provide general recommendations for treatment.

  1. The drug can be taken 50 or 100 mg 1 hour before planned sex.
  2. The tablet must be taken before meals. It is advisable to exclude fatty foods from the diet; they slow down the absorption of the substance and reduce its effectiveness.
  3. For older people, 25 mg of the drug, drunk once within 48 hours, is enough. If such a scheme is not effective, you cannot increase it yourself. All actions must be agreed with a doctor.

The drug penetrates the blood and begins to act within half an hour after use. Effectiveness lasts for 4 hours. During this time, with accompanying arousal, a strong erection appears, allowing full sexual intercourse.

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What happens if a healthy man takes Viagra?

Such questions often interest young guys. They do not have problems with potency, but they want to experiment and surprise a woman with incredible sexual abilities. Some representatives of the stronger sex think that the best solution for this is the use of Viagra.

You can read stories online in which healthy men describe the effect of the drug and say that it opens up new dimensions in sex and allows you to conquer any girl.

Doctors are debunking this myth. According to them, the medicine is intended specifically for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and does not affect healthy men in any way. If the pills cause excessive sexual activity, you should make an appointment with an andrologist. Perhaps this is a signal about the beginning of a pathological process in the reproductive system.

If a person has a normal sex life and no problems with erection, there is no point in taking the drug. The only effect that Viagra can provide is to speed up a man's recovery after orgasm, allowing him to have sex again.

Viagra prescription for men at home

If your erection is not strong enough, it is not necessary to resort to medications. You can use the secrets of traditional medicine, which offers many recipes that increase male potency.

Good Viagra substitutes are easy to make from readily available ingredients. To prepare one of them you will need:

  1. Measure 100 g of ginseng root and finely grate.
  2. Pour half a liter of boiling water over the raw material, cool and place in a glass container in a dark place.
  3. After 2 days, take it out, pour it into an aluminum pan and simmer over low heat for 4 hours.
  4. Add a pinch of cinnamon and turn off.
  5. When the liquid becomes warm, strain and dissolve 2 large spoons of natural honey.
  6. Leave for 2 days and drink 100 ml morning and evening. A noticeable effect will appear after several uses.

You can prepare a folk remedy that improves potency in another way. There is a simpler recipe based on nettles. You need to take 50 g of fresh leaves of the plant, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain, add a spoonful of May honey and drink 40 minutes before an intimate date. To enhance the effectiveness, it is recommended to add 100 ml of pomegranate juice to the drink.

Almost every second man experiences symptoms of erectile dysfunction. This problem arises for both psychological and physiological reasons. In particular, reduced male potency can be caused by overwork, depression, stress and various diseases of the body systems.

To combat male impotence today it is common to use a drug such as Viagra. This remedy is considered one of the most effective pathogens. But at the same time, the cost of Viagra is not affordable for everyone. Therefore, many men prefer to use Viagra analogues, which have the same spectrum of action and effect. Moreover, nowadays you can even buy Russian analogues of this drug without any problems.

Viagra analogs

Analogues of Viagra are considered to be drugs that contain the active substance Sildenafil. The most famous Indian generic drugs in the world are Kamagra, Sildigra, Silagra and Edegra. The most popular Russian ones are Levitra, Sealex, Zydena and Erectil. Moreover, some of these drugs can be used not only for one-time pleasure, but also for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.


In the domestic market of drugs for increasing potency, the leading position is occupied by the drug. The physiological mechanism of action of this drug is to relax the smooth muscles of arterioles and cavernous bodies. Levitra uses Vardenafil as an active ingredient. It is this substance that helps block specific phospholiesterase type 5. Due to this, the effect of endogenous nitric oxide is enhanced, which, in turn, helps to increase blood flow to the genital organ.

The recommended dose of Levitra is 10 mg. For maximum effect, the tablets should be taken 30-60 minutes before sexual intercourse. It is worth noting that Levitra, like almost any similar drug, acts only after adequate sexual stimulation. Men with anatomical deformation of the penis should take this remedy only after consulting a doctor.


Levitra's main competitor is the drug Sealex. This drug is usually classified as a herbal product. It contains extracts of palmetto, ginseng, licorice root and eurycoma longifolia. This remedy helps improve blood microcirculation and increase endurance. Long-term use of Sealex increases libido.

By improving blood flow to the penis, this drug not only helps to strengthen erections, but also provides longer and more intense orgasmic feelings. Sealex is a source of biologically valuable substances - tannin, panaxosides and organic acids. A special feature of this product is the possibility of its use as a biologically active food supplement.


The active ingredient of Zidena is Udenafil. This selective, reversible inhibitor does not have a direct relaxing effect on the corpus cavernosum. However, it is Udeafil that enhances the relaxing effect of nitric oxide with adequate sexual stimulation. Due to this, relaxation of the smooth muscles of the artery and further blood flow to the genital organ occur. Considering the peculiarities of Zidena's action, in the absence of sexual arousal, this Russian analogue of Viagra will be ineffective.


To improve penile erection and successful intercourse, a drug such as Erectil can also be used. This drug, like Viagra, contains the substance Sildenafil. To achieve the effect when taking Erectil, sexual arousal is necessary. The recommended frequency of taking Erectil tablets is once a day. The maximum permissible dose should not exceed 100 mg. It is worth noting that patients with mild to moderate renal failure will not require a dosage adjustment of Erectil.

Other domestic analogues of Viagra

The relevance of the problem of sexual dysfunction is determined by the fact that today pharmacies offer a huge number of domestic drugs to increase potency. Thus, in Russian pharmacies you can currently purchase the following drugs:

  • Eroforce;
  • Potential;
  • Cialis;
  • Tongkat Ali et al.

Eroforce works in two directions at once. This remedy not only awakens an erection, but also prolongs sexual intercourse. Moreover, Eroforce helps to increase arousal and provide unforgettable sensations from sex. Eroforce is produced on a plant basis without any chemical additives.

As for the domestic product called Potentiale, its main advantage is considered to be its affordable cost. In addition, this remedy helps to quickly increase libido. With adequate sexual arousal, the effect of taking Potentiale occurs within 30-40 minutes. It is also believed that this drug increases stamina, ensuring prolongation of sexual intercourse. Cialis is affordable and has a long-lasting effect (up to 36 hours). Another feature is the ability to combine Cialis with alcoholic beverages.

A very interesting drug is Tongkat Ali. According to the manufacturer, the active ingredient in this potency enhancing product is Eurycoma longifolia root. More recently, this product was banned for sale in the Russian Federation. This ban was due to the discovery of an undeclared substance. As it turned out, this substance was Sildenafil. It was he who had the exciting effect. The combination of plant extracts and Sildenafil has many contraindications that can lead to serious side effects. Therefore, this analogue of Viagra can hardly be found in Russian pharmacies today.

Which is better: Viagra or domestic analogues?

For many men suffering from erectile dysfunction, the question of the most effective means to increase potency always remains relevant. At the moment, there are 2 main choices: proven over the years, but more expensive Viagra or relatively cheap Russian analogues. In general, despite the differences in the compositions of these drugs, the effects of potency enhancing drugs are very similar. Therefore, when making a choice, men should take into account the individual tolerance of certain components.

When choosing, you also need to pay attention to the speed and effectiveness of the drug. Here the leading positions are occupied by Viagra and its Russian analogue Levitra. When taking these medications, an erection occurs within 45-60 minutes. But it is worth remembering that the effect of taking these drugs is one-time and designed for a relatively short amount of time.

If a man wants to get rid of erectile dysfunction once and for all, he should think about complex therapy. In this case, the ideal option would be Sealex, which has a cumulative effect.