Outpatient treatment of patients with gynecological diseases. Advantages and disadvantages of outpatient treatment for tuberculosis What does inpatient treatment mean?

An outpatient clinic is a medical and preventive institution that provides medical care to visiting patients and patients at home.

Along with diagnosis and treatment, the outpatient clinic carries out preventive work to prevent diseases and their complications, and examines temporary disability. The outpatient clinic operates on a territorial-precinct principle (see Medical precinct). Outpatient clinics at industrial enterprises serve workers on a shop-by-site basis.

There are independent outpatient clinics and outpatient clinics combined with. Based on capacity, the following categories of independent (unintegrated) outpatient clinics are distinguished: Category I - 5 medical positions; Category II - 3-4 medical positions; III category - 1-2 medical positions.

The outpatient doctor carries out his work with the direct participation of the doctor, who helps him at the appointment, performs procedures in the outpatient clinic (banks, measuring blood pressure, etc.) and prescribes the doctor to the patient at home. Paramedical workers are also actively involved in the implementation of preventive and anti-epidemic work in the outpatient clinic.

The outpatient clinic manages the work of paramedic and obstetric stations (q.v.), (q.v.) located in the territory it serves.

The outpatient clinic attracts social activists from the population to participate in preventive, sanitary and hygienic measures and manages their activities. The outpatient clinic staff systematically carries out sanitary educational work among the population, teaches methods of providing first aid, etc.

An outpatient clinic (from the Latin ambulatorius - mobile) is a medical and preventive institution for providing assistance to incoming patients and for treating patients at home.

Between an outpatient clinic and a clinic (see) the difference is conditional, quantitative: outpatient clinics include small institutions with no more than five medical positions. Outpatient clinics, unlike clinics, are opened mainly in relatively small cities and rural areas.

Outpatient clinics can be independent, at hospitals and at industrial enterprises; Rural hospitals may have mobile outpatient clinics.

An outpatient clinic usually has no more than 2-3 rooms (therapeutic, surgical, dental). To organize the reception of patients, the outpatient clinic has a registration desk. Doctors' prescriptions (injections, cupping, measuring temperature and blood pressure, enemas, compresses, etc.) are carried out in the outpatient treatment room.

The norm for the need for outpatient care is considered to be an average of 10 visits per person. per year, including internal medicine - 2, surgery - 1.5, dentistry - 1.7.

Doctors and paramedical staff of the outpatient clinic provide care at home, and outpatient clinics at industrial enterprises serve those working at the enterprise on a shop-by-site basis, performing the full range of duties of shop-level local doctors. Outpatient clinics of all types carry out work on health education and medical examination of the population. The outpatient clinic is headed by the chief physician.

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Treatment of drug addiction or alcoholism and subsequent rehabilitation is a rather long process. As a rule, it takes at least six months, and often more. There are times when it is impossible to admit a person to a clinic for such a long period of time. If this is your case, all First Step centers also offer outpatient drug addiction treatment.

It is no secret that the most significant expense item during treatment and rehabilitation is the patient’s accommodation and meals in the center. With outpatient drug addiction treatment, this expense item loses its relevance, and although the cost of the therapy itself turns out to be somewhat more expensive, sometimes you can save a lot of money on the total amount. It is important to understand that outpatient drug addiction treatment has both its pros and cons. However, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

In exceptional cases, it is possible to provide outpatient treatment for drug addiction and alcoholism. Outpatient treatment is a treatment in which the patient is not hospitalized in a hospital. As a rule, with such an organization of treatment, the patient or doctors come to the patient's home, or the patient is taken to a medical facility for examination and procedures.

Isolation is believed to be one of the main therapeutic interventions in the treatment of drug addiction and alcoholism. In fact, the purpose of restricting the patient’s freedom of movement is to protect him from the harmful influence of society and the possibility of obtaining alcohol or drugs. If it is possible to limit your social circle and access to illegal substances without hospitalization, outpatient treatment is also possible.

In exceptional cases, outpatient treatment for drug addiction and alcoholism is not possible or is not recommended for medical reasons. For example, in cases where treatment can cause complications of chronic diseases. If the patient is at risk, it is safer to carry out any treatment in a medical hospital, under the constant supervision of doctors. In addition, outpatient treatment of drug addiction and alcoholism involves constant monitoring of the patient’s condition. If relatives are not ready to be with him constantly, it is better to place the person in a hospital.

Why is outpatient treatment for drug addiction and alcoholism bad?

In part, we have already touched on this issue above, but this is not a reason to consider the disadvantages of outpatient drug addiction treatment in more detail.

  1. Lack of constant medical monitoring of the progress of treatment. Observing the patient only from time to time, the narcologist cannot as objectively and promptly record changes in the course of the disease as during observation in a hospital. If a person has chronic diseases, as well as if drug addiction or alcoholism is in an advanced state, outpatient treatment is not recommended, and sometimes it is directly prohibited.
  2. The need to constantly monitor the patient with the help of relatives or a visiting nurse, as a result - extra costs, often commensurate with the cost of a hospital stay.
  3. Inability to promptly provide emergency medical care if necessary. In emergency cases, it is likely that you will have to contact a state ambulance, which is why the dependent person may be “registered.”
  4. It is much more difficult to restrict a drug addict’s access to drugs if he is outside the clinic. Moreover, a single failure can jeopardize all the treatment already completed.
  5. In order to regularly (quite often) take a patient to a rehabilitation center (usually a suburban one), you will need to allocate a lot of time and money.
  6. Conflicts and rough edges in relationships with relatives are inevitable, which happen in the life of any addicted person. They can seriously complicate the rehabilitation process, lead to relapses and repeated cases of drug use. After each of these cases, you will have to, in fact, start treatment all over again, from scratch.

Each family decides for itself which option to prefer - choosing to place a relative in a medical hospital (drug treatment clinic or rehabilitation center) or outpatient drug addiction treatment. The specialists of the First Step hotline will always help you make a choice, weigh all the pros and cons that are relevant specifically for your family, in your specific case.

What are the benefits of outpatient drug addiction treatment?

Don't let the previous part scare you. There are also certain benefits that come with outpatient drug addiction treatment. Let's record them, also, in the form of a convenient list:

  1. One of the most tangible advantages is savings on the cost of living in a medical hospital. Housing is the most expensive component of the cost of treatment and rehabilitation for drug addicts and alcoholics.
  2. With rare exceptions, the patient spends the entire rehabilitation period at home, with his family. For many people, this is much more comfortable in a psychological sense.
  3. During treatment and rehabilitation, the patient has the opportunity to remain a full member of society. This is especially true for those whose drug addiction has not yet gone too far, and there is little point in isolating the person from the outside world. The patient can go to work and undergo treatment in his free time. So, by the way, those who have independently decided to fight addiction are often treated - as they say, without leaving work.
  4. When a person is absent from the field of view of his surroundings for a long time, various rumors often arise (this is especially pronounced in small settlements) - he was sitting, undergoing treatment, or something else. Outpatient drug addiction treatment will help avoid these unnecessary rumors and rumors.

Each family decides for itself which option to prefer - placing a relative in a hospital or conducting drug addiction treatment on an outpatient basis. The First Step hotline specialists will always help you make a choice, weigh all the pros and cons that are relevant specifically for your family, in your specific case.

Outpatient drug addiction treatment at First Step clinics

In general, those receiving outpatient drug addiction treatment at First Step clinics have access to all the same opportunities and services that we provide to inpatients. The only difference is that the patient lives and eats at home, in a familiar environment.

You come only to a narcologist - for IVs, injections and examinations. In addition, it is necessary to visit the clinic to communicate with a psychologist - for personal consultations and group therapy sessions. The addict can also stay at the center during major events for addicts - holidays, joint sports and other activities. Communication with “colleagues” is an important part of both therapy and subsequent socialization of drug addicts. We recommend that you do not deprive a person of the opportunity for such interaction.

You can also consider an intermediate option for taking the course. You can leave the patient in a rehabilitation center for the whole week and take him home on the weekends, or do the opposite, depending on how much time you can devote to the relative yourself. On weekdays, the treatment and rehabilitation program is combined with educational and sports activities, and on weekends - with active recreation and outdoor games. In addition, the guys regularly organize holidays, barbecue together, and engage in amateur artistic activities.

Rehabilitation center "First Step" - near you

First Step rehabilitation centers are located in different regions of Russia - you can always choose the one that is convenient for you from a geographical point of view. Most centers operate in large cities, regional and district centers.

Rehabilitation centers in the Moscow region operate in most satellite cities and in all administrative centers of the districts of the Moscow region. We try to open our new complexes in those places where the problem of the spread of drug addiction is especially acute, we interact a lot with the authorities so that our sites effectively help fight addiction.

Implementing its strategy in the fight against drug addiction in Russia, First Step holds a significant number of public regional and city events, open days, open lectures and seminars. In addition, we are conducting active educational activities, developing several large information projects in the field of combating drug addiction and alcoholism, and combating illicit drug trafficking.

How does drug addiction treatment work?

Treatment of drug addiction in the First Step rehabilitation centers takes place in three main stages. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Drug treatment for drug addiction

The first stage is drug treatment for drug addiction. It begins with detoxification, during which all harmful substances accumulated during drug use are removed from the human body. Next, the treatment itself begins. The tasks of the narcologist at this stage are to restore the natural functions of the patient’s body.

Narcotic drugs (surfactants) replace substances and hormones produced in the body of a healthy person. The drug addict’s body quickly gets used to receiving them ready-made, in significant doses. In simple terms, the body begins to “be lazy” and gradually “forgets” how to produce substances on its own.

With the help of IVs and vaccinations, as well as accompanying therapeutic procedures, the doctor restores the body’s ability to produce everything it needs on its own. Chemical dependence on drugs gradually passes, and the human body itself ceases to require the next dose of psychoactive substances.

Drug rehabilitation

After completing a course of drug treatment and finally getting rid of chemical dependence, there is still a psychological dependence that remains - even more complex. All that remains is to deal with it. At this stage, work is carried out with the patient’s consciousness, his inner world, with a system of values ​​and moral principles.

The first task of a psychologist is to find the hidden reasons that prompted a person to try drugs, to find out what exactly he was trying to escape from into the world of altered consciousness. Next, the doctor will step by step build new life priorities for the recovering drug addict, help him sort out relationships with friends and relatives, and find his place in society and in life in general.

Rehabilitation is the longest stage and involves a lot of work with a psychologist. Personal consultations and confidential conversations alternate with group therapy sessions, psychological trainings and games. During joint classes, recovering drug addicts learn to interact with each other, restore the basic social skills necessary for a normal, fulfilling life after discharge from the clinic or completion of a course of outpatient drug addiction treatment.

It is very important that those who live with a recovering drug addict under the same roof undergo at least a short consultation with a psychologist. Often the root cause of addiction is old domestic grievances. In Russia, unfortunately, it is not customary to regularly consult with a home (family) psychologist - as a result, many grievances and misunderstandings drag on for decades.

Socialization of drug addicts

One of the important components of a successful fight against drug addiction is an effective program for the socialization of drug addicts. Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of Russian drug treatment clinics (both public and private) do not pay due attention to this, and often do not pay any attention at all. After discharge, most patients are left to their own devices, which is why they very quickly return to the ranks of drug addicts, and then either to the clinic or under investigation.

Unfortunately, Russian society is not yet ready to have any tolerance towards recovering drug addicts - even those who have undergone treatment and long-term rehabilitation in a specialized center. At the same time, the majority of clinic graduates are completely ready for a normal life and are not dangerous to society. In these conditions, it is very important that the family, work team and immediate environment are adequately prepared for the person’s return after treatment and rehabilitation.

Socialization problems are less of an issue for most of those receiving outpatient drug addiction treatment. As a rule, such patients do not drop out of the existing environment - they remain socialized throughout the entire course of treatment and rehabilitation. However, if the psychologist sees such a need, our program of re-socialization for those in recovery is, of course, available to patients undergoing outpatient treatment.

Anti-drug hotline

If you are unsure whether outpatient drug addiction treatment is right for you and a loved one, call us on the hotline of the First Step network of rehabilitation centers. Experienced specialists will help you weigh the pros and cons that are relevant specifically for your family. This will help you make the right decision and cure a stumbled relative faster, cheaper and safer for his own health.

A person who starts taking drugs can no longer help himself on his own. It was as if he had stepped off a cliff and was flying into the abyss. The only thing he can do is scream and call for help. It is very important that his call is heard. First of all - his family and friends, friends and caring colleagues. The sooner treatment begins, the faster and more effective it will be.

First Step assistance centers will provide comfortable accommodation, truly effective treatment and rehabilitation. You can get rid of drug addiction. The main thing is to seek professional medical help in a timely manner. If the patient does not agree to undergo treatment, we will help to carefully and competently explain to him the reasons why a person should really agree to go to a clinic or undergo outpatient drug addiction treatment.

Treatment in a hospital or at home, as opposed to outpatient treatment, when a doctor treats incoming patients. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Somatic methods of therapy. R. K. R. Salokangas divides the last three decades of practice of treating mentally ill patients during initial hospitalization into three stages: 1949-1958, the period of the main emphasis on shock therapy methods; 1959 1968,… … Psychological Encyclopedia

TREATMENT, treatment, cf. Action under Ch. treat and be treated. Successful treatment. A course of treatment. Go to a resort for treatment. Outpatient and inpatient treatment. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

To recovery. from A. the continuous healing environment provided by the medical system is best promoted. service Creating a system of this type requires research. pl. variables. First of all, the coverage area must be taken into account; the area may... Psychological Encyclopedia

Treatment of anorexia and bulimia- If there are signs of dystrophy, hospital treatment is necessary. Outpatient treatment is possible only when secondary somatoendocrine disorders do not reach a pronounced degree and do not threaten the lives of patients. Regardless of nosological... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

inpatient medical care- deutsch: Krankenhausbehandlung f english: hospital treatment, in patient treatment Inpatient medical services are an element of the medical care system. Can be provided: completely inpatient; partially stationary; … … Russian-German-English dictionary on healthcare

L. patients admitted to hospital... Large medical dictionary

Compulsory drug treatment- inpatient treatment on the basis of a court decision in relation to a drug addict who avoids voluntary treatment... Source: MODEL LAW ON DRUGS, PSYCHOTROPIC SUBSTANCES AND THEIR PRECURSORS... Official terminology

Outpatient compulsory observation and treatment by a psychiatrist- a compulsory measure of a medical nature, prescribed, if there are grounds, by the court to the persons specified in Part 1 of Art. 97 of the Criminal Code, who, due to their mental state and taking into account the nature of the act committed, do not need to be placed in a psychiatric... ... Dictionary of basic criminal procedural concepts and terms

US Hospitals Massachusetts General Hospital ... Wikipedia


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  • Medical rehabilitation. Textbook, Epifanov Vitaly Aleksandrovich, Epifanov Alexander Vitalievich, Baukina Irina Aleksandrovna, The textbook on modern scientific positions addresses the issues of rehabilitation of patients with diseases of internal organs, the central and peripheral nervous system, diseases and ... Category: Other Publisher:
Diseases that cause loss of ability to work can be either in a hospital, where you must stay for several days until you are discharged, declared recovered. Outpatient care is considered an integral and most widespread part of primary health care. About 80% of all patients who need it receive it.

Outpatient treatment involves continuity and consistency of a number of diagnostic, treatment, preventive and rehabilitation measures. The characteristic features of outpatient care are accessibility and the opportunity to receive qualified treatment while at home and visiting a clinic for tests and follow-up examinations. At the same time, you can receive a referral from your doctor and be examined by specialists of any profile, as well as receive the results of diagnostic tests for free. The only thing is that you will have to buy the prescribed medications at your own expense.

Inpatient treatment in hospitals involves your 24-hour residence, while a bed, necessary diagnostics and prescriptions, medications and food are provided to you free of charge. It is assumed that in this case you are also provided with round-the-clock medical supervision and all necessary medical procedures.

Which treatment to choose

It is your right, of course, whether you prefer to be sick at home or go to the hospital, but you should always listen to the recommendations that your attending physician will give you. Many refuse inpatient treatment and choose outpatient treatment, since the hospital environment can be quite depressing, and the food is both tasteless and unhealthy. Of course, the home environment, the presence of family and friends are factors that positively influence the recovery process, but they are unlikely to replace round-the-clock qualified medical supervision in cases where it is vitally necessary.

No matter how unbearable the eternal smell of disinfection and hospital rooms may be to you, you should use common sense, because in some cases you can only get the necessary appointments in a hospital. And if we are talking about surgical intervention, there is nothing to say.


Outpatient and inpatient treatment are equally in demand in Moscow and the Moscow region, but not everyone knows what the differences between them are. Our drug treatment clinic "Ugodie" specializes in returning people with alcohol addiction to normal life.

The clinic is staffed by high-level doctors with extensive experience and skills in the psychology of communicating with addicted patients. We provide both inpatient and outpatient treatment. The pros and cons of each type are discussed below. Based on the doctor’s recommendation, the patient can choose the method of interaction with doctors; the price of services depends on this.

Outpatient and inpatient treatment: the difference

Outpatient treatment is applicable when the patient has willpower, is disciplined, and for some reason cannot spend all the time in the clinic. He will be required to attend procedures and regular consultations with the attending physician without being admitted to a hospital ward. Patient treatment is carried out anonymously, without registration, and no data is transferred to third parties. This method has many advantages:

  1. The patient can live in a normal rhythm and is not limited in his daily routine. The only condition is to be on time for your appointment with the doctor and undergo all the necessary procedures prescribed by the doctor.
  2. The patient remains in his familiar environment, where close people will quickly help him adapt to life without alcohol. Support from friends and family often plays a critical role in treatment.
  3. A former alcoholic has the opportunity to get a job and do things that have long been postponed due to addiction to alcohol. This helps to feel the importance of one’s place in society and opens a person’s eyes to a new life.

Inpatient treatment will be the best option for those patients who are unable to go to the clinic on their own and who are unable to independently abstain from drinking alcohol. Reluctance to deal with alcoholism in outpatient treatment leads to the fact that a person quickly breaks down and avoids repeated visits to the doctor, tests and procedures in every possible way. An inpatient facility implies isolation of the addict (but only with his consent) on the territory of the clinic with the opportunity for walks, leisure and visits with family and friends.

Significant advantages here include:

  1. Constant monitoring of the doctor over the patient's condition.
  2. Being among the same patients, which helps to endure the adaptation period.
  3. Complete absence of alcohol and alcohol-containing compounds in the clinic.

Inpatient and outpatient treatment help addicts equally. The main thing is to awaken in a person the desire to quit drinking. Doctors at the Ugodie Clinic