Synopsis of knowledge nodes "autumn". Summary of direct educational activities in the middle group in the educational field “Cognition” Topic: “Autumn drops gold

In the development of children aged 3-4 years, great importance is given to understanding the world around us, natural phenomena, the characteristics of each season, and getting to know animals and birds. This is an important part of working with your child. Sometimes we miss a lot by not explaining basic things to the child, because we don’t even think about the fact that a 3-year-old child may not know even the most seemingly basic things. That is why it is worth separately considering classes on understanding the world around us. All these activities can be divided into two large subsections: seasons and animal life. It should be understood that these two conditional subsections will constantly intertwine and complement each other. Let's start, perhaps, by introducing the child to the seasons.


When autumn comes, nature begins to change and prepare for winter. In order for a child to learn the distinctive features of autumn, you need to focus his attention on one point or another every time during a walk. Where to begin?

The very first thing is the appearance of the first yellow leaves on the trees, the ripening of apples and pears, and the harvest. But not all at once. When you go for a walk, look around the trees and pay attention to the yellow leaves falling to the ground. Show your child a yellow leaf on the ground with a note of surprise in your voice: “Oh, look, what a beautiful yellow leaf! Why is it yellow and not on the tree? After all, there should be leaves on the tree, right?” Listen to what your child tells you and explain to him why the leaves begin to fly off the trees, why they turn yellow and red. Each time, pay attention to the yellow leaves appearing on the trees, to their constantly increasing number.

Collect yellow maple leaves with your child, pay attention to how maple leaves differ from birch leaves, what shape and size they are. Invite your child to put together a beautiful bouquet of maple leaves - then you can put it in a small vase at home.

Tell your child that in the fall it gets colder outside, it’s time to dress warmer for a walk, take out hats and warm boots. For clarity, you can choose one of the soft toys or a doll and take it with you for a walk. Dress the toy together with your child, constantly emphasizing that it is already cold, you need to put on a hat, scarf, jacket, etc. This reinforces not only the general idea of ​​autumn weather, but also the dressing sequence.

Autumn is the time of rain. On one of the bad days, draw your child’s attention to the cloudy sky, tell him that in autumn the sun increasingly hides behind the clouds, and rain pours out of the clouds more and more often. Ask your child if he knows what rain is and talk about rain. Does your child understand what puddles are and how they appear on the road? Does he know that you can see your reflection in a puddle? Be sure to admire your reflection in the puddle. Tell them that puddles are wet and cold, which shoes you can wear through puddles and which ones you can’t, and why.

Does your baby know what wind is? Why do tree branches sway and clouds quickly run across the sky? Explain to your child that it is the wind that blows and shakes the branches of trees and their leaves, and drives clouds across the sky. Children often do not associate the wind with swaying trees and clouds floating in the sky.

Autumn is harvest time. It’s good if you have the opportunity to involve your child in this matter. For example, you can pick apples and pears together, or help dig up potatoes or carrots. Of course, the child’s participation in all these processes is play and entertainment, but it is very useful entertainment. The child must learn where vegetables and fruits come from, that people plant and grow them, that they are collected and dug, etc.

At the end of autumn, emphasize that all the trees, except the green Christmas tree, are ready for bed - they have thrown off their yellow and red outfits, the branches have become completely bare. All trees will sleep in winter and wait for spring to come. Focus your child's attention on the fact that the Christmas tree is different from all other trees - it has needles and always remains green. Learn to recognize the fir tree and birch - trees with clearly defined distinctive features.

It is worth remembering the forest inhabitants. Tell your child that winter will soon be coming, when the animals will not be able to find as much food for themselves as in summer and autumn, and therefore they are all preparing for the onset of cold weather. Tell us about how a squirrel prepares for winter (it’s good if you can find its hollow together and the child can see the animal’s house), a bear, birds (they fly away to warmer climes) and other animals.

All this large amount of information should be given to the child gradually, day after day, with constant reinforcement of the material. In addition, the theme of autumn is fixed in the child’s creativity: applications on the theme of autumn, modeling, drawing - all this allows you to paint a complete picture of autumn and understand this time of year. In addition to explanations and stories, do not forget to ask the child about everything that has already been explained - check what was remembered and what the child missed and needs to be repeated. Educational games focused on playing autumn scenes will also help in consolidating the material.

In the next article we will talk about how and what a child should learn about winter.

Articles on similar topics:

Subject: knowledge of the world, 1st grade
Lesson topic: Autumn
Purpose of the lesson: To improve students’ understanding of changes in nature in the fall.
1.Give a deeper understanding of changes in nature in September,
October, November.
2.Develop students’ oral speech, enrich vocabulary, logical thinking, cognitive activity, and interest in the subject.
3. Foster respect for nature, observation,
listening skills.
Lesson type: combined
Methods: problematic, partially search, practical,
independent work.
Equipment: decorated board, multimedia support.
During the classes:
1. Organizational moment. Psychological mood of students:
We listen, we remember, we don’t waste a minute!
Everyone took their seats, no one was crowded, I’ll tell you a secret: “It will be interesting!”
- What time of year is the riddle about?
If the leaves on the trees have turned yellow,
If the birds have flown to a distant land,
If the sky is gloomy, if it rains
What is this time of year called? (Autumn)
(Video “Autumn Positive”)
2.Message of the topic of the lesson.
- What topic do you think our lesson will be devoted to? (Autumn)
- Today we will talk about what changes occur in inanimate nature, in the life of plants, birds and animals.
3. Updating knowledge.
Statement of a problem situation.
People say: “Autumn rewarded everyone, but ruined everything.”
Our lesson will help you check whether this statement is true or false.
4.Work on the topic of the lesson.
- What are the autumn months? (September October November)
Autumn can be: early, golden, late. Autumn gradually moves from one stage to another.
Poem about September.
The collective farm garden was empty
Cobwebs fly along and to the southern edge of the earth
The cranes reached out
School doors opened
What month has it come to us? (September)
September - early autumn.
-How do we understand that autumn has come? (The weather is changing).
I propose to name the changes in nature in autumn using the “Say the other way around” exercise. Help me complete the sentences.
- In summer the sky is bright, and in autumn it is gray and gloomy.
- In summer the days are long, and in autumn they are short.
- In summer the clouds go high, and in autumn they go low.
- In summer the trees are dressed in green foliage, and in autumn in yellow, red, orange.
- In summer the nights are warm, and in autumn they are cold.
- In summer the rain is short, torrential, and in autumn it is fine, drizzling.
- In summer people dress lightly, and in autumn it is warm.
- Well done. All answers are correct.
- What is the main task people face in the fall? (Harvesting. To be well-fed in winter, you need to work hard in the fall). (Video “What autumn will bring us”)
Let's return to the first part of our problem: “Autumn rewarded everyone”
- How do you understand?
Conclusion: In autumn, vegetables and fruits ripen in their gardens and people gather their harvest with joy and thank autumn, which rewarded everyone with such a rich harvest.
- Were we able to prove that autumn rewarded us with something?
The darker face of nature
The vegetable gardens have turned black
The forests are becoming bare
Bird voices will fall silent
The bear fell into hibernation
What month did he come to us?
October - Golden Autumn
Why do trees undress all around in winter? - And trees also need to undress before going to bed!
- What natural phenomenon helps trees prepare for winter? (Leaf fall)
Let's listen to Ivan Alekseevich Bunin's poem "Falling Leaves"
(Video video by I.A. Bunin “Falling Leaves”)
- Name the reasons for leaf fall. (Save trees from drought, from breaking branches, and get rid of harmful substances).
Conclusion: the main sign of autumn is cooling. Autumn changes in nature affect the lives of animals. Animals prepare for the cold winter in the fall.
- What happens to insects in the fall?
(Some insects die, some fly away to warmer climes (dragonflies, butterflies, ladybugs), some hide in a secluded place and fall asleep).
- How do frogs, snakes, and lizards prepare for winter?
(They hide in tree roots, burrows, under stones, bury themselves in silt and fall into winter sleep).
- How do fish prepare for winter?
(Linch, crucian carp, and catfish hide in the silt and sleep at the bottom. The rest of the fish are awake). Work in pairs. And now we will work as Mosaic Masters.
Collect a picture of a bird.
- What 3 groups can birds be divided into? Migratory, wintering, nomadic.
- In what order do migratory birds fly away? (Insectivores, herbivores, waterfowl).
- What drives them: hunger or cold? (Hunger).
Interactive technique: “Intrigue”
- Oh, guys! Someone sent us a letter!
Here is an envelope, big and yellow,
How did you find us, envelope?
How did you get into our class?
Let's figure it out. Oh wait!
Our address is on the envelope,
Whose reverse is it? Forest!
Are you guys interested?
What are they writing to us from the forest?
The forest people write to us:
We are waiting for your visit!
Come to the autumn forest,
Come for a walk.
We will be friends with you
And we will show our life.
- Who wrote us a letter? Animals.
- With the onset of autumn, wild animals have a lot of worries.
- What difficulties do you think animals have with the onset of
autumn? (cold, no food, nowhere to hide).
- Let's see how they prepare for winter?
(Video “How do animals prepare for winter?”)
Conclusion: Based on how wild animals prepare for winter, they can be divided into 3 groups.
Some make provisions for the winter: squirrels, gophers, hamsters, chipmunks, mice
The latter get fat and fall asleep: bear, badger,
Still others do not prepare in any way; they have enough food in winter: fox, wolf, elk.
Animals shed in winter. - What is shedding? Let's read about this in the textbook page 41.
(Instead of the old wool, a new thick one grows)
- What is the benefit of it to animals? (Warm wool protects animals from the cold, and in some animals the color also changes)
(Physical minute)
- The trees said goodbye to their foliage, the birds flew away, all the animals prepared for winter. The rains become colder, longer and snow begins to fall. The golden autumn is replaced by late autumn.
The field became black and white
It rains and snows.
And it got colder -
The waters of the rivers were frozen with ice.
Freezing in a field of winter rye
Tell me what month it is?
November - Late autumn
And what kind of November it is, we find out from the poem.
1. November - a hunchbacked old man,
The eyes are like ice, the nose is a hook!
The look is dissatisfied and prickly,
Cold month, clouds in the sky.
2. Says goodbye to golden autumn,
And welcomes the white winter!
He changes heat to cold
And he gets tired - he’s no longer young!
3. But the north wind will help:
He will pick off the leaves and put them in a carpet,
Will cover the earth with a blanket,
So that it doesn't freeze until spring.
- November in nature plays the following role.
(Changes warmth to cold. Covers the ground with the first snow.) - Let's return to the problem of the lesson. The second part of the statement is “ruined everything”
What did autumn ruin? (All the plants, the grass has withered, the leaves on the trees)
- And for what purpose did autumn ruin everything? (Nature freezes, falls into winter hibernation, only to be reborn in the spring).
- So, is the saying true: “Autumn rewarded everyone, but ruined everything?”
(Children express their opinions).
5. Lesson summary.
Using the “yes” and “no” game, we will check how you have learned the autumn changes in nature.
1.Game: “yes” and “no” Do mushrooms grow in autumn? Are the clouds covering the sun? The prickly wind is coming? Are there fogs in the fall? Well, do birds build nests? Do the bugs fly? Do animals close their holes? Is everyone getting the harvest? Are flocks of birds flying away? Does it rain often? Are we getting boots? Is the sun shining very hot? Can children sunbathe? Well, what should you do: put on jackets and hats?
Conclusion: the main signs of autumn are cooling, short days, falling leaves, ice on puddles, birds flying away, leaf coloring. Reflection - “turning back”; understanding one’s own actions (introspection, reflection).
- Well done, guys, today you all worked well, thought a lot, listened to me carefully, and I want to appreciate your work.
- Our lesson ends.
During this time, an amazing tree has grown, thanks to which each of you can show the benefit or uselessness of our lesson. It’s called the “tree of success” on your desks (rowan berries, leaves)
If everything was clear to you during the lesson, the lesson was interesting for you, you were satisfied - attach fruits to the tree - rowan berries.
If you had any doubts, but you did it, attach yellow leaves
If you need help, attach brown leaves.
“These are ruby ​​stones
Or rowan berries?
On the hills
And on the plains
The brushes are glowing
On the rowan trees,
Bullfinches singing
From dawn to dawn:
“We don’t peck pebbles,
Ruby stones,
And we peck berries,
Rowan berries"
- What new did you learn in the lesson? - What did you like about the lesson?
- What is your attitude towards autumn?
Today we read a lot of poems. Let's create it ourselves, it will really be unusual. It's called a cinquain (pentament).
Golden, multi-colored,
Admires, changes, prepares.
Autumn is farewell time.
The girl is a beauty.
- Well done. The lesson is over. Thank you.

Description of material: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children of the preparatory group (6-7 years old) on the topic: “Autumn.” This material will be useful to teachers of the preparatory group. This is a summary of the final educational lesson aimed at consolidating children’s knowledge about the season of autumn.

Summary of direct educational activities in the preparatory group on the topic “Autumn”

Form of conduct: KVN.

Integration of educational areas: "Cognition." “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Artistic creativity”.

Target; continue to form children’s ideas about autumn changes in nature.

Tasks: educational: consolidate and organize the ideas about autumn accumulated by children.

Developmental: develop memory, attention, logical thinking, observation.

Speech: develop dialogical, coherent speech, consolidate children’s vocabulary: string, drizzling, grumpy, hibernation.

Educational: cultivate a love of nature, collectivism, and respect for teammates.

Demo material: illustrations of the autumn landscape, grain harvesting, migratory and wintering birds, green and red circles, 10 pieces each.

Handout: emblems for teams, sweet prizes.

Methodical techniques: game situation, competition, conversation-dialogue, examination of illustrations, analysis, summing up, rewarding.

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations about autumn, guessing riddles, solving puzzles, excursions to the park, talking about birds, watching collective farmers work.

GCD move:

Educator. Autumn is a wonderful time of year. Many poets, composers, and artists dedicate their works to her. This is how the poetess I. Mikhailova talks about colorful autumn leaves in her work.

A child reads I. Mikhailova’s poem “How offensive.”

Autumn with a long thin brush

Recolors leaves.

Red, yellow, gold,

How beautiful you are, colored leaf!

And the wind puffed out its thick cheeks, puffed it up, puffed it up

And the trees are wet

Blow, blow, blow!

Red, yellow, gold,

The entire colored sheet flew around.

How offensive, how offensive:

There are no leaves - only branches are visible.

Educator. Today we will hold a KVN dedicated to the time of year - autumn. We have two teams called “Ryabinki” and “Autumn Leaves”. Let's greet each other.

Captain of the Ryabinka team.

Various birds flew away,

Their sonorous chorus has ceased,

We, mountain ash, celebrate autumn,

Putting on red beads.

Captain of the "Autumn Leaves" team.

We are green leaves

We are from the linden tree and from the maple tree,

We sat on branches

And then we turned yellow.

Educator. To evaluate the results of the competitions, we need to select a jury that will evaluate the teams. The “Autumn Leaves” team will receive green mugs, and the “Ryabinki” team will receive red mugs.

(Pinocchio comes in)

Pinocchio. Hello children. How beautiful it is, just like in the autumn forest in which I found these magical leaves. There are riddles written on them, but I can’t read, please help me solve them.

Educator. Yes, Pinocchio, it’s bad when you can’t read. Let's guess your riddles to warm up.

(Riddles are read in turn, first to the “Rowan” team, then to the “Autumn Leaves” team)

1. In the morning we go to the yard-

Leaves are falling like rain,

They rustle underfoot

And they fly, fly, fly. (Autumn)

2. Under the pine tree by the path,

Who stands among the grass

There is a leg, but no boot,

Got a hat, no head? (Mushroom)

3.Here's someone important

On a white leg.

He has a red hat

There are polka dots on the hat. (Amanita)

4. Samo with the fist,

Red barrel,

Touch it smoothly

Take a bite - it's sweet. (Apple)

5. They grow in summer,

And in the fall they fall (Leaves)

6. I bring the harvest,

I am sowing the fields again,

I send birds to the south,

I strip the trees. (Autumn)

7. And green and thick,

A bush grew in the garden bed,

Dig a little

Under the bush... (potato)

8. Who in the cold autumn,

Walking around gloomy and hungry? (Wolf)

(the competition is judged)

Pinocchio: Thank you, children. You are very smart in the world. I also want to solve riddles like this.

Educator. Pinocchio, stay with us, we will teach you a lot.

Pinocchio. I agree, I will study with you.

Educator. Children, now let's tell Pinocchio what signs can be used to determine the time of year - autumn.

Teams take turns naming the signs of autumn:

the sun is shining, but it is warming less and less; the days become shorter and the nights longer; the sky is increasingly obscured by low, heavy clouds; the tedious drizzling, grumpy rains are pouring; the wind becomes sharp and cold; birds fly away to warmer regions; animals prepare supplies and hibernate; people harvest crops, sew warm clothes. (competition evaluation)

Educator: Now the team captains will compete. They need to choose from the available illustrations of birds: the captain of the Ryabinki team - migratory birds, and the captain of the Autumn Leaves team - wintering birds. (Captains place pictures on the board).

Pinocchio. Children, while the team captains are competing, I suggest you play the game “Migration of Birds.”

Educator. Let's check how our captains coped with the task. (Competition evaluation).

Educator. The next competition is “Solve the Rebus”.

(Teams take turns solving puzzles).

Educator. Competition of erudites “Smart Men and Women.”

Questions for the “Autumn Leaves” team

1. What words can you say kindly about the forest? (little forest, little forest)

2. Who distributes plant seeds? (people, birds, animals, insects)

3. What animals shed in the autumn? (squirrels, hares, foxes)

4. What are the names of mushrooms growing on stumps? (honey mushrooms)

5. What birds fly in a line? (ducks, geese, swans)

6. How do animals prepare for winter? (build burrows, store supplies, hibernate)

Questions for the Ryabinki team

1. What is the name of the person who protects the forest and looks after it? (forester, forester)

2. What autumn months do you know? (September October November)

3. What animals hibernate? (bears, hedgehogs, badgers)

4. What mushroom is named after a wild animal? (chanterelle)

5. What birds fly away in a flock? (swallows, swifts, rooks, starlings)

6.What is the name of an oak tree that does not shed its leaves for the winter? (winter)

(competition evaluation)

Pinocchio. Children, look at my wonderful pictures. On one there is a forest, on the other there is bread. Let's come up with beautiful words for them. The “Autumn Leaves” team comes up with the word “FOREST”. Team "Rowan" for the word "BREAD".

(FOREST - large, green, beautiful, native, rich, young, lively, pine, oak, light, autumn, dense, coniferous, mixed).

(BREAD - wheat, rye, fresh, tasty, crispy, aromatic, appetizing, crispy, rosy, white, fluffy, fragrant).

(competition evaluation)

Pinocchio. Children, you are so great. You know and can do a lot of things. I will also read, study and become as smart as you.

Educator: Pinocchio, while the jury is evaluating the competitions, the children will name signs and proverbs about autumn.

2. Fast friendly leaf fall - for a harsh winter.

3. Cold September and well fed.

4. Warm October predicts a frosty winter.

Summary of GCD in the senior group on the topic

"Autumn Journey"

(educational field “cognition”)

Teacher Chernova N.S.

Target: summarize children's knowledge on the topic: “Autumn.”



1. Clarify and expand children’s knowledge about the autumn season.

2. Activate children’s vocabulary on the topic of the lesson.

3. Improve the ability to listen carefully and answer questions.

4.Give children a generalized idea of ​​the forest and trees in the autumn.


1. To develop children’s cognitive interest, their attention and memory.

2. Develop interest in completing tasks.


1. To instill in children a caring attitude towards nature.

2. Develop a culture of verbal communication between children and each other and the teacher.


1.Creating emotional comfort and psychological safety.

Integration of educational areas: health, cognition, socialization.


Envelope with a letter and tasks from Autumn;

3 autumn pictures (golden autumn, rainy and late);

Cardboard leaves for the path;

Audio recording “Sounds of the autumn forest”;

Paints, albums, brushes, glasses of water, simple pencils.

GCD parts

Children's activities and responses


Educator: Guys, today a letter arrived in our kindergarten. Want to know who it's from?

Then guess the riddle:

I bring the harvest
I send birds to the south,
I cover the trees
But I don’t touch the fir trees and pines,
Who am I?

- Yes, guys, this is a letter from Autumn.

Let's see what's in the envelope?

I mixed paints on the forest edge,
I quietly ran a brush across the foliage.
The hazel tree has turned yellow and the maples have stripped,

And the birch leaves turned golden.

Guys, I invite you to the autumn forest.

— Do we accept the autumn invitation?

Then let's go. To get into the forest, you need to walk along the autumn leaves and not lose your way.

The guys walk along autumn leaves laid out like a snake on the floor.


- Here we come to the autumn forest.

Autumn forest - what a miracle!

Foliage lies like a carpet everywhere.

The trees stand tall
The branches rustle in the wind.

How nice it is in the forest!

Why do people go to the forest?

Why in the fall, and even late?

- Now let’s listen to the forest and identify its sounds.

Let's close our eyes, it's better to listen and hear.

(Audio recording “Sounds of the autumn forest” is played)

We open our eyes.

Guys, who heard what?

This is how the forest greeted us - it rustled, rustled, and hummed.

Let's close our eyes again.

Does the autumn forest smell of something?

Take a deep breath. What does the autumn forest smell like?

- Look how many fallen leaves there are in the forest.

Let's sit down on this autumn carpet.

Opened your eyes

Why do trees shed their leaves in the fall?

Yes, right. Trees prepare for winter by shedding their leaves to protect themselves.

Presentation “Why leaves fall”

- Guys, now look at these three pictures. What do you see on them?

The first picture is sunny and cheerful.

And in the second picture?

This picture is no longer so cheerful.

And in the third picture?

What time of year is shown in the first picture?

- And on this one?

— What time of year is it in the third picture?

— Why are three different pictures drawn about autumn?

To get some fresh air. Collect mushrooms.

— The rustling of leaves, the sound of footsteps in the forest, the howling of the wind, the noise of trees, the sound of rain.

- Fallen leaves, mushrooms.

— If the leaves do not fall, then in winter the branches may break from the weight of the snow.

— Yellow trees.

The ground is covered with leaves. The sun is shining.

— The trees are bare. The first snow covers the ground.

— Autumn can be different.


— Guys, there’s something else in the envelope. Look, some cards. This Autumn invites us to play the game “Nature Experts”. Do you like to play?

Physical education minute


Autumn leaves began to spin.

A cheerful wind rustled above them,

They flew merrily

And they sat down on the ground.

The wind came quietly again,

Suddenly I picked up beautiful leaves.

They flew merrily

And they sat down on the ground.

Repeat after the teacher:

They spin around, run on their toes, swing their hands, and sit down.

1 task

"Guess a riddle"

— Now let’s move on to the tasks on the cards.

The first task is called “Guess the riddle.”

Guys, look around, what order is in the forest!

Who looks after the forest? And what is it called?

Autumn has come to visit us

And she brought with her...

What? Say it at random!

Well, of course..

The field, forest and meadow are wet,

City, house and everything around!

He is the leader of clouds and clouds,

You know this -….

The cold scares them so much

They fly to warm countries,

They can't sing and have fun

Who gathered in flocks? ...

Following August comes,

Dances with the falling leaves

And he is rich in harvest,

Of course we know him!

Our Queen, Autumn,

We will ask you together:

Tell your children your secret,

Who is your second servant?

Who doesn't let us in warmly,

Does the first snow scare us?

Who calls us to the cold,

You know? Of course yes!

There is no sun, there are clouds in the sky,

The wind is harmful and prickly,

It's blowing like this, there's no escape!

What's happened? Give an answer!

The sun doesn't warm us anymore

The drifting snow is blowing coldly!

The breeze blew into the puddle

And he chained her...

Rain and slush, dirt and wind,

Autumn, you are responsible for everything!

The man is freezing, he is freezing,

The first white one fell out...

- Forester!

— Leaf fall


Late fall

2 task

"YES or NO Game"

Do flowers bloom in autumn?
Do mushrooms grow in autumn?
Are the clouds covering the sun?
The prickly wind is coming?
Are there frosts in the fall?
Well, do birds build nests?
Do the bugs fly?
Do animals close their holes?
Is everyone getting the harvest?
Are flocks of birds flying away?
Does it rain often?
Is the sun shining very hot?
Can children sunbathe?
Well, what should you do - put on jackets, hats?

If you answer “yes” to the teacher’s question,

children clap

3 task

“What is the weather like in autumn?”

When the wind blows -

Cold -

Mainly cloudy -

When it rains-

Well done, you completed all the tasks





Practical part

Artistic creativity


"Gold autumn"

Lesson summary

- Well done! We completed all of Autumn’s tasks

It's time to go back to kindergarten.

Turn around once, twice, three times and you’ll find yourself in kindergarten.

What did you guys and I do today?

And we also remembered that autumn can be different.

We answered all the riddle questions and painted very beautiful pictures of autumn. And they showed themselves to be real experts on nature!

Children repeat the words and spin around.

— We traveled through the forest, completing Autumn’s tasks.


Direct educational activities

Educational area "Cognition"

Theme "Autumn"

for children 4-5 years old (middle group)


Likhatskaya E.A.

Blagodatnoe village


GCD - Educational field "Cognition"

Theme "Autumn"

Target: To systematize children’s knowledge about autumn changes in nature, teach them independently, and find them.



Continue to evoke pleasant memories associated with the perception of the beauty of autumn nature.


To consolidate children's knowledge about autumn changes in nature. Clarify the idea of ​​the colors of the autumn forest, about different tree species.


To cultivate love and respect for nature, emotional and aesthetic feelings, responsiveness, kindness.

Materials: autumn leaves of birch, maple, oak, poplar. Pictures of a forest in autumn. Toy – Katya doll, models of trees, baskets, leaves of poplar, birch, maple, oak.

Methods and techniques : verbal, visual, practical, game. (Display of subject pictures and illustrations depicting autumn nature. Teacher’s story. Use of artistic words. Conducting didactic games: “Collect a picture”, “It doesn’t happen like that”, “Show and name the parts of the tree”, “What is extra”, “Which tree is the leaf from?” Outdoor game “Collect leaves in a basket.” Explanations. Surprise moment.)

Preliminary work:Excursion around the kindergarten. Examination of trees of different species. Exercises to recognize trees by the shape of their leaves. Examination of reproductions by I. Levitan, I. Shishkin. Reading poems about autumn and memorizing them. Conducting didactic games “Find your place”, “What is it like”, “Say kindly”, etc.

Game motivation.The doll Katya comes to visit the children.


Today we have an unusual activity. Look, the group is decorated with colorful leaves. Let's remember what time of year it is now? (Autumn) Such colorful leaves are one of the signs of autumn. Please name other signs of autumn. (In autumn it becomes colder. Days become shorter and nights become longer. Insects die or hide from the cold. Migratory birds fly south, etc.)

Looking at paintings depicting signs of autumn.

Educator: Guys, do you know any poems about autumn?

Children: recite poems they know

Katya doll gives children envelopes, children try to guess what is in them, a game is played

Game "Collect the picture"

The teacher invites the children to collect pictures on the theme “Autumn”

Game "It Doesn't Happen"

The teacher invites the children to look at the picture and answer: what can and cannot happen in the fall.

Educator: What beautiful pictures you collected, well done! Autumn is a wonderful time of year. Nature gives trees different colors.

Trees, shrubs, mushrooms, berries grow in the forest, and various animals live.

Let's all go to the forest together.

Guys, look what I found. This is a basket with autumn leaves and scatters the leaves on the floor.

Tell me the leaves from which trees do you see?

Children: From birch, poplar, oak, maple.

Exercise “Show and name the parts of a tree”

The teacher shows the roots, trunk, branches, leaves, fruits in the picture; children name them

Exercise "What's extra"

The teacher offers pictures where it is necessary to find an extra item, and explain why it is extra

Educator: Let's play with them a little, take them in your hands.Imagine that you are leaves! Now we will fly, spin and slowly fall to the ground.

A speech is made with the movements “Leaves”

We are autumn leavesswinging arms above head

We sit on the branches

The wind blew and they and arms to the sides

We were flying, we were flying

And they sat down quietly on the ground. sit down

The wind came again

And I picked up all the leaves

Spun and flew

And they sat down on the ground again sit down

Educator: Look, guys, when we came to the forest, there were leaves on the trees, but now they have fallen, the trees are bare. The wind blew and the leaves were torn from their branches.

  • What is this phenomenon called?

Children: leaf fall.


Let's arrange a leaf fall, throw the leaves up. Look, there are a lot of fallen leaves in the autumn meadow. I suggest collecting them.

Didactic game “Which tree is the leaf from?”

The teacher gives each child the task of collecting leaves of a certain tree:

Alyosha, collect birch leaves.

Dasha, collect maple leaves.

Denis, collect oak leaves.

Vika, collect poplar leaves.

While the children are collecting leaves, the teacher reads an excerpt from N. Naydenova’s poem “Leaf Fall”:

Autumn day is so good!

How many leaves can you collect?

Golden large bouquet –

Greetings from autumn to us.

Alyosha, you collected leaves from a birch tree, so what kind of leaves do you have in your hand?

(Birch leaves.)

Educator: What are they?

Children: yellow, birch.

Educator: Right. They are from a birch tree. And by what signs can you recognize her? What makes it different from other trees?

Children: white bark.

Educator: Of course, the birch has white bark and a white trunk. They say about it: white-trunked. She is slim. It has long thin branches.

Educator: - What kind of leaves do you have, Dasha?

(I have maple leaves.)

Educator: what does a leaf look like?

Children: on the palm of your hand.
Educator: What is it called?

Children : maple leaf

Educator: What color are autumn maple leaves?

Children: red, red-haired.


Denis, what leaves did you collect? (I collected oak leaves.)

Educator: What are they?

Children: yellow, yellow.

Educator: - What kind of leaves did Vika collect? (I collected poplar leaves.)

Game being played“Collect the leaves in a basket”

Children put each type of leaf in a separate basket. Let's pour leaves under each tree along with Katya's doll so that the roots are warm all winter.

OD result, Katya doll gives children commemorative medals, children’s praise.



This GCD was built by me in accordance with the age and psychological characteristics of middle-aged children.

Educational and educational goals were set, taking into account the characteristics and place of this lesson in the topic “Autumn”. The level of preparedness of children corresponds to their age.

When preparing the lesson, methodological materials for teaching preschoolers were used. The main task of TRIZ technology is to instill in children the joy of creative discovery. When developing the GCD, I decided to introduce a special toy - the hero of the lesson (in our lesson - the Katya doll), which “helped” the teacher. On behalf of the doll Katya, problematic questions were asked, and dialogues were held with her on the topic of the lesson. The toy actively expressed its opinion, asked and clarified what was unclear. The children's desire to communicate and help her significantly increased the children's activity and interest. At the same time, a natural transition of children from one type of activity to another was ensured.

When working with children, general didactic principles were observed: consistency, clarity, optimality, taking into account age characteristics. To implement these principles, she used various types of children's activities: cognitive and developmental, research, and play. The use of such techniques and methods as: introduction to a game situation, introduction to a game character, surprise, display, explanation, demonstration of images of objects, playing with models, finger gymnastics, didactic and outdoor games, the use of TSO maintained the interest of children throughout the entire educational activity.

The material was presented emotionally in compliance with pedagogical ethics and tact. The moral and psychological climate during all educational activities was comfortable for the children. Sanitary and hygienic conditions met the standards.

Conclusion: The combination of different methods and techniques used by me, the rational use of benefits contributed to the achievement of the goals of the educational and educational process.