Are ovulation tests accurate? How to do an ovulation test correctly: timing, which one is better to choose, positive, negative and false positive results

When planning a pregnancy, you can use an ovulation test. How to choose the most suitable one and how to use it?

When planning a pregnancy, not all girls think about it. But in vain, because this knowledge can bring you closer to realizing your dream of motherhood. An ovulation test can tell you which days of the menstrual cycle are optimal for “working” on the appearance of a baby.

There is a misconception that ovulation always occurs on day 14, but this is a misconception. Everything is individual, since the day of ovulation depends on the duration of your cycle.


After menstruation, the female body begins to prepare for ovulation. Everything is aimed at creating conditions for the formation of new life: the brain produces follicle-stimulating hormone, which, in turn, stimulates the ovaries to produce eggs. As they grow, one of them becomes dominant and differs in size from the other eggs.

Changes also occur in the uterus: its surface increases slightly in size and becomes loose, overgrown with a mucous membrane of blood and nutrients.

During preparation for ovulation, a girl produces watery, viscous mucus, which helps promote sperm. It can be seen as discharge.

Sperm activity after sexual intercourse remains for five days. And since the life of an egg is short (only 24 hours), it is necessary not to waste time. In other words, conception can occur within 24 hours after ovulation.

If this happens, the fertilized egg moves from the fallopian tube into the uterus and is fixed there - this is how pregnancy begins.

If there is no conception, the unfertilized egg dies. Together with the thickened mucous membrane of the uterus, it is rejected and menstruation begins.

Types of Ovulation Tests

Type of test

How does it work

One-time ovulation tests

These are inexpensive ovulation tests that work similar to pregnancy tests. To obtain results, they must be dipped in urine. One-time tests are considered the most popular. However, their results are not always correct.

Reusable test cassettes in a plastic case

These are portable devices with a set of disposable test strips. When planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to carry out 10-15 tests, informing not only about the onset of ovulation and its peak, but also about the days on which conception is also possible. The test cassette does not need to be immersed in urine; just a drop onto a special window is enough.

Electronic tests for ovulation

Ovulation is determined by saliva: under the influence of hormones, its composition changes at this time. However, there is an important caveat: the test result may be incorrect due to the food you ate. In addition, it is important to maintain an interval after eating. But there is a way out - use vaginal secretion instead of saliva.

Inkjet tests

They allow you to determine the onset of ovulation without using a urine container. It is enough to place the tip of the dough under its stream. Inkjet tests are considered the most informative, hence their high cost.

How to use an ovulation test

In order to use an ovulation test, you need to know the length of your menstrual cycle. Use a simple formula: subtract 17 from the number of days of the cycle. If the cycle is unstable, calculate the period of the shortest cycle over the last six months.

The duration of the menstrual cycle is always individual. It can range from 23 to 35 days.

3-4 hours before using the ovulation test, refrain from urinating and do not drink much fluid. This is necessary so as not to reduce the concentration of the hormone in the urine.

Follow the instructions on the dough package.

The optimal time to conduct an ovulation test is from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

The test must be done within 2-3 days when ovulation is expected.

The test is easy to use: depending on the type, dip its tip into a container with urine or place it under its stream. The result will be ready in about three minutes.

You will be told by a new line that should appear parallel to the control line. If she is pale, ovulation has not occurred yet. If it is dark, the body is already ready for conception.

When a couple dreams of a child, catching the moment the egg leaves the follicle means catching luck by the tail. The instructions recommend performing an ovulation test several times during the cycle with a 12-hour break. This approach will allow you to find out as accurately as possible the favorable day for conception.

An ovulation test is necessary to identify the fertile period. During this period, the woman is completely ready for fertilization, and the likelihood of conception increases significantly. Any gynecologist will tell a couple planning a pregnancy why it is necessary to know fertile days. This is the basis of pregnancy planning.

During the cycle, a woman's body undergoes hormonal changes. Under the influence of some substances, the follicle grows and develops, while the production of others provokes its opening. Ovulation does not occur in every representative of the fairer sex, but often the patient is unaware of this disorder, continuing to plan a pregnancy. That is why it is so important to determine whether this natural process exists in the body of the fairer sex. The reasons for the lack of ovulation may be:

  • hormonal diseases;
  • overweight or underweight;
  • bad habits;
  • exposure to stress, lack of sleep and chronic fatigue;
  • ovarian depletion;
  • taking certain medications.

If the natural process is disrupted, then the probability of pregnancy tends to zero. A simple and reliable way to confirm a woman’s ability to fertilize is a home ovulation test.

Knowing the exact time of release of the egg from the follicle, a woman increases her chances of conception. In some cases, the test is required for the fairer sex for protection, but this method of contraception is not as reliable as others and is quite expensive. Conducting a home study will allow the couple to know on what day of the cycle conception reaches its peak probability. This will reduce planning time. What is important for those who want to become parents as soon as possible.

What is this test

Test systems are strips that are coated with a special reagent. Upon contact with material that has an increased level of luteinizing hormone, the system shows a positive result. LH is secreted by the anterior pituitary gland shortly before the release of the egg from the ovary. This substance starts the ovulation process.

A standard package of test strips contains 5 systems. Instructions for use with a detailed description of the days for the manipulation are attached in a single copy. The operating principle of all devices is as follows:

  • material (urine or saliva) is applied to the surface of the dough (in the designated area);
  • the regent comes into contact with the biomaterial, trying to find the LH concentration;
  • when this hormone is determined in the required quantity, a reagent appears;
  • The test results are easily interpreted by the patient. Two stripes mean the onset of ovulation is imminent.

There are different types and models of strips for determining the fertile period, but they all work on the same principle.

Types of test systems

Modern pharmacological enterprises produce tests to determine ovulation for every taste and budget. All of them differ in sensitivity, ease of use and price range.


Paper test strips are the most inexpensive and common type of ovulation test. They are easy to use and compact. You can take such funds with you on the road, travel, and even to work. Before carrying out the manipulation, you need to find out exactly what day of the cycle to do the ovulation test. The instructions included in the kit will tell you about this. Classic test strips must be immersed in a container of urine to the marked mark. The result should be assessed within a few minutes, after which the device becomes uninformative.


Inkjet is a more expensive and convenient option for research. The undoubted advantage of its use is the absence of the need to collect biomaterial. Simply place the device under a stream of urine and evaluate the result after a few minutes.


The tablet test differs from its predecessors solely in the method of use. To carry it out, you need to collect urine in a clean container, and then use a pipette to apply the biomaterial into the desired window. After evaluating the result, this test also becomes uninformative. The accuracy of tablet devices is considered to be higher than that of strip and inkjet tests.


The digital test is recognized as the most effective, but at the same time it has a high cost. The method of analysis is no different from inexpensive strip strips, but you do not have to interpret the result yourself by looking at the brightness of the lines. In the designated window, a few minutes after the procedure, the woman will see a positive or negative answer.

Reusable (by saliva)

Reusable tests are less popular. They are necessary for women who regularly monitor their reproductive function. Such devices involve the examination of saliva rather than urine. In this biomaterial, the level of luteinizing hormone increases at the same rate. Externally, the device resembles lipstick. To interpret the results, it is necessary to compare the resulting pattern with a pattern characteristic of the fertile period.

Regardless of what type of device a woman chooses, she needs to know:

  • on what day of the cycle to conduct the study;
  • when is the best time to take an ovulation test?
  • how to interpret the data obtained;
  • when to start conceiving.

When to take the test

Before using the ovulation test, you need to study the instructions for use. It is used differently than a pregnancy test strip. Therefore, if a woman has never used them before, she should definitely read the information from the leaflet.


When is the best time to do research? An ovulation test (as opposed to a pregnancy test) is best done during the daytime (from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.). It is better not to use the first morning portion of urine.

On what day to do an ovulation test depends on the regularity and duration of the menstrual cycle. Each device is accompanied by a table that sets certain days for patients with a long, natural or short cycle:

  • with the standard, most common, cycle of 28 days, the study begins on the 11th day;
  • with a longer monthly cycle, it is suggested to start testing 17 days before the expected bleeding. For example, with a 32-day cycle, we do a test on day 15;
  • women with irregular menstruation should begin the study in accordance with the shortest cycle (with a 23-day cycle - at 6), and complete it in accordance with the longest one (with a 33-day cycle - at 16). Be prepared for the fact that you will need quite a lot of test strips.

Here is a guideline for women with different menstrual cycle lengths.

  • Cycle 22 days - the first ovulation test is done on day 5 of the MC;
  • 23 days – 6 day MC;
  • 24 days – 7;
  • 25 days - 8;
  • 26 days - 9;
  • 27 days - 10;
  • 28 days - 11;
  • 29 days - 12;
  • 30 days - 13;
  • 31 days - 14;
  • 32 days - 15;
  • 33 days - 16;
  • 34 days - 17;
  • 35 days - 18;
  • 36 days - 19;
  • 37 days - 20;
  • 38 days - 21;
  • 39 days - 22;
  • 40 days - 23.

How the test is carried out

For strip strips and tablet devices, the method of use is approximately the same. It is necessary to collect the urine in a dry container, and then apply the material to the system (immerse the strip strip to the indicated mark, and place a few drops into the tablet using a pipette). After this, the manufacturer suggests waiting 5-10 minutes and evaluating the result.

It is important to know how to do an ovulation test correctly when using a jet machine. The instructions for use suggest removing the cap from the device and placing it under stream of urine for a certain time (3-7 seconds). There is no need to wait until urination is complete, otherwise the system will overflow with biomaterial. The result is interpreted in the same way as in the previous options.

The electronic test is the easiest to use. It is used similarly to popular strip strips, but it is almost impossible to damage or misuse this device. The result obtained remains accurate throughout the day.

Unlike the classic pregnancy test used on morning urine, determining the time of ovulation is best done in the afternoon. The results of such diagnostics will be more accurate if you follow the rules:

  • refrain from urinating for 4 hours;
  • do not consume large amounts of liquid before the study;
  • do not take hormonal medications, including external use;
  • carry out a study every 12-24 hours.

As a rule, five test strips are enough to perform diagnostics in one cycle.

Interpretation of the result

The main thing you need to know about the ovulation test is how to use it correctly. Only if the conditions of the procedure are observed, you can obtain a reliable result, which will be:

  • positive - the device shows two bright stripes or a darker strip of the reagent;
  • negative - the control line is brighter than the test line or the latter is absent altogether.

A pale stripe appearing at the site of application of the reagent cannot be considered a positive result. This response requires further testing 12 to 24 hours later. If you receive a positive answer, you can assume that within 2 days the egg will be released from the ovary.

Interestingly, ovulation tests on the day of ovulation most often show a negative result. The fact is that the test determines the peak level of luteinizing hormone. Immediately at the moment the egg leaves the follicle and immediately after it, the release of this substance is lower than 24-48 hours before.

Also, many women are interested in whether ovulation tests can not show ovulation? It turns out that a false negative result occurs when the conditions of the procedure are not observed, for example, after drinking a large amount of liquid, which dilutes concentrated urine. Also, a negative answer may be received if the research is carried out untimely.

A false positive is less common than a false negative. Its causes are pathologies of the adrenal glands, taking hormonal medications, hormonal dysfunction, ovarian depletion, as well as other disorders in the body.

Additional Methods

To accurately determine the fertile period, additional research methods should be used. One of the simplest and most accessible is. Tracking charts can show you when reliable ovulation test results will be available and when it makes sense to take one.

Another informative, but more expensive way to determine the time for conception is. The essence of the technique is to conduct ultrasound examinations 2 to 5 times during the cycle. The sonologist monitors the growth of the follicle and predicts on what day it will open.

“The tests are quite informative, but like all indirect methods, they have an error rate,” says an obstetrician-gynecologist, doctor of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences. - Therefore, we usually use several ways to check for the presence of ovulation - ovulation tests from 11 to 15 (20) days of the cycle, basal temperature, ultrasound monitoring, monitoring the level of progesterone in the blood on days 21-24 of the cycle. We recommend using several of the listed methods, this will increase the percentage of reliability of the study.

Less reliable, but often practiced methods for diagnosing ovulation are:

  • monitoring vaginal discharge;
  • intuitive feelings;
  • calendar method.

So, you can determine the time of release of an egg from the ovary as reliably as possible if you use several methods at once.

An ovulation test is a modern, effective method for determining the favorable period to conceive a child. This method is very simple, and any woman can put it into practice.

Not only can this test work for its intended purpose in helping you plan a pregnancy, but it can also be used as a method of natural contraception, helping you determine the days when it is best to avoid intimacy.

The principle of the test is based on determining as accurately as possible the moment when ovulation occurs. Ovulation refers to the phase of a woman's menstrual cycle when the egg matures, becomes ready for fertilization, and is released from the dominant follicle into the fallopian tube, where it can meet the sperm.

The test is based on the fact that before ovulation, a sharp jump in the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) occurs in the female body, which is easiest to detect for testing in urine. And this jump in hormonal levels occurs 24-36 hours before the onset of ovulation. The point of the test is to accurately determine the moment when the level of luteinizing hormone in the urine is at its highest.

Types of tests

The following types are most often encountered and used in practice:

  • The test strip is very similar in appearance to a regular pregnancy test. It needs to be lowered for 5-8 seconds into a clean container with urine, and then placed on a flat and dry surface. You can view the test result in 3-5 minutes.
  • The midstream test must, after first freeing it from the protective cap, be placed under a stream of urine for 5 seconds, while the urine should fall on a special surface, which is indicated by arrows or otherwise. After completing this procedure, the test must be placed on a dry, flat surface, before closing the cap back. The result can be seen in 10 minutes.

There are more advanced versions of the ovulation test, including electronic ones. But they are quite expensive, although they differ in the most accurate results. It is best to carry out testing with their help several days in a row at the same time (preferably not in the morning, but before lunch, and you should refrain from going to the toilet for 3-4 hours).

How to use an ovulation test is described in detail in the instructions for use, and the method of use directly depends on the type of test.

General instructions for using the ovulation test

Step 1. When is the best time to take the test??

If a woman has regular periods and the cycle length is the same every month, then the approximate day of ovulation can be easily determined. It occurs 14 days before menstruation, but you need to start testing to determine the LH surge in the urine a little in advance - 2-3 days before expected ovulation or even earlier. Thus, from the first day of the next menstruation, you need to count back 16-18 days on the calendar - this date will be the day when you need to start doing ovulation tests.

If the monthly cycle has a different length each time, then to calculate the start day of testing you need to use the shortest cycle in duration.

It is advisable to carry out testing in the first half of the day, but do not use the first morning urine for the test.

Step-2. Which test to choose?

You can choose any test available at your pharmacy. The most common are Frautest, both in the form of test strips and cassettes. Most often there are several pieces in a set, and this is very convenient, since they can be used for testing over several days.

Step-3. How do an ovulation test correctly?

To do this, carefully study the instructions and do everything exactly as it is written. There may be two options depending on the selected test:

  • or lower the test strip into the container with urine to the mark,
  • or place the marked area of ​​the test cassette under a stream of urine.

In both cases, the procedure takes about 5 seconds, after which you need to place the test on a dry, flat surface. You can see the result in about 5 minutes.

Step-4. How to decipher the test result?

To determine the result, you need to compare the resulting strip with the control one. If they are the same in brightness, then the test gave a positive result, and ovulation will occur very soon (in about 24-36 hours). This means that in a day or two you can successfully become pregnant. If the strip is paler than the control line, then ovulation is still far away, and it is worth repeating the test in 12-24 hours.

When can pregnancy be determined after ovulation?

Many women are interested in when to take a pregnancy test after ovulation, that is, how quickly you can get reliable results of tests and analyses. The thing is that the level of the hormone, the content of which indicates the presence of pregnancy - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) - does not increase as quickly as LH before ovulation, and the fastest reliable results can be achieved only by taking a blood test. With the help of such an analysis, it is possible to determine the onset of pregnancy 6-10 days after ovulation, that is, even before possible menstruation.

The level of hCG in urine is two times lower than in the blood, and the maximum level of this hormone will be reached only 8-10 weeks after pregnancy. Therefore, it is recommended to use pregnancy tests only after a delay in menstruation, that is, 15-16 days after ovulation and later.

Ovulation tests - How to determine at home?

You can conceive a child only during ovulation - the period when the egg is released from the ovary. In women who have a 28-day menstrual cycle, this occurs on the 14th day, but can happen earlier or later. Sometimes ovulation does not occur.

A woman who wants to get pregnant uses a test to determine the time of release of the egg and the period of probable conception, planning an intimate relationship with her partner at this time.

The principle of the test is based on recording an increase in the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) during the release of the egg. A positive result means that a woman can become pregnant within three days, and the likelihood of fertilization in the next 36 hours is maximum.

The test should be carried out at the same time - from 10.00 to 20.00. Urine collected in the morning is not tested. To capture the highest level of LH, testing is carried out twice a day. During this period, you should not drink a lot of fluids or take diuretics, and it is better not to drink at all for two hours before the test. It is not advisable to test in hot weather or while taking any hormonal medications - the result will be distorted.

The principle of testing is similar to pregnancy testing, only the reagent is adjusted to a different hormone.

Instructions for the test to determine ovulation

Devices for determining ovulation are available in several types:

  • Strip test - a strip with a control mark, lowered for 10-15 seconds into a container with morning urine. After 10 minutes the result is assessed. If ovulation has occurred and LH levels have increased, a second line will appear.
  • Tablet tests - plastic cases that absorb like blotting paper. Urine is dripped into one window, and in the other, after two or three minutes, one or two stripes are visible.
  • Jet - does not require urine collection, therefore it is more convenient than the previous two. It is placed under the stream during urination. The result is visible in a minute. If the level of luteinizing hormone is elevated, two stripes will appear.
  • Reusable Ovulation Test consists of an electronic device and a set of replaceable elements that are immersed in freshly collected urine. When using, you need to remove the device from the packaging, remove the cap, insert the test module until it clicks, and wait for a notification that the device is ready for testing. After the dive, symbols will appear on the electronic screen within three minutes. A circle means that ovulation has not occurred and LH levels have not increased. The smiley face indicates an increase in the concentration of luteinizing hormone.

In addition to tests based on urine analysis, there is a reusable system for diagnosing ovulation based on saliva testing. This is a mini microscope that looks like a lipstick. Before or during ovulation, a pattern similar to a fern leaf is visible on the glass. Saliva is applied in the morning on an empty stomach with the tongue or finger, avoiding the formation of bubbles. After drying, a microscope is used to determine whether the pattern is visible on the glass, comparing it with the complete sample.

Tests produced by different manufacturers have their own characteristics, so before use you need to carefully read the instructions for each of them.

What day after ovulation should I take the test?

The start of testing depends on the length of the menstrual cycle. As a rule, testing begins a couple of days before ovulation. More exact times are indicated in the table. The duration of the intermenstrual cycle is determined by the interval between the first days of the next two menstruation.

Start day of testing

Cycle duration (in days)

Start day of testing

If the test remains negative within five days, it means that the egg did not leave the ovary and the menstrual cycle was anovulatory (without ovulation).

To obtain an accurate test result, you should measure your basal temperature at the same time every day by inserting a thermometer into the rectum. Before ovulation, it fluctuates between 36.2 -36.8, and after the release of the egg it rises to 37.1 -37.2.

Ovulation test results

When used correctly, tests show 90-99% ovulation. The result is easy to read: two stripes - there is ovulation, the absence of a second stripe - no. Normally, during ovulation, the second stripe is darker than the first. If it is too light, the LH level is low and there is no ovulation.

Ovulation test results

When using an electronic test, a smiley face lights up, and when the saliva is examined, a “frost pattern” or a design similar to a fern leaf is visible.

Once the result is positive, no further testing should be done. You need to use these days for fertilization, and then check for pregnancy.

False positive result

  • If conception has already occurred, the result may be false positive. The reagent works on human chorionic gonadotropin.
  • An incorrect result is obtained if a woman has a metabolic disorder. The test responds to increased levels of ovarian and thyroid hormones, showing a positive result outside of ovulation. In such cases, you need to check with an endocrinologist. Sometimes the reason lies in ovarian tumors that change hormonal levels.

False negative result

  • This happens when the instructions for use are violated or when expired tests are used. Sometimes a woman is in a hurry and begins to be checked earlier than the days indicated in the table.
  • The result is distorted in the presence of diseases that reduce the excretory function of the kidneys or are accompanied by edema. In this case, there is luteinizing hormone in the body, but it is not excreted in the urine. For diseases of the urinary system, it is better to use a test based on saliva analysis.
  • It is not possible to track ovulation in women with irregular cycles because the day of ovulation is difficult to predict.
This is interesting! Using an ovulation test, you can increase the likelihood of having a child of a certain gender. X chromosomes are slower, but “tenacious.” To conceive a girl, you need to have sex a few hours after the line appears on the test, and to give birth to a boy, you need to wait a couple of days until it becomes pronounced. The method does not provide a 100% guarantee, but it works effectively.

How to choose an ovulation test

How to choose an ovulation test

The most advanced ovulation tests are jet tests. They are easy to use and have a detection accuracy of 98%. Reusable devices with replaceable strips also work well. When using, pay attention to whether the special indicator lights up.

The accuracy of cheap strip strips is lower, and the number of false negative results when using them is higher. Use requires strict adherence to the instructions. If the strip is left in the urine for a little while, the result will be incorrect - the paper will get wet and the picture will become unclear.

The reagent included in the devices and test strips is very sensitive and deteriorates if stored incorrectly and not in accordance with the deadlines. To double-check, you need to purchase a test of a different design and manufacturer. This will let you know if the results are being distorted during testing. Women in many countries have long abandoned cheap tests: why conduct research whose results cannot be trusted.

If you decide to try an ovulation test, we advise you to follow the following rules.

  • So, you should test every day and, if possible, at exactly the same time.
  • The best time to conduct tests is from 10 am to 8 pm.
  • Additionally, for a more accurate result, reduce your fluid intake several hours before testing. This will make your urine more concentrated.
  • When using ovulation tests, you should not use any medications, as they may cause an incorrect result.
  • Follow the test instructions exactly as provided by the manufacturer. Test results must be assessed no later than 15-20 minutes after testing.

Test results

There are three possible results:

  • negative result - only one control line is visible on the test or the test line is much lighter than the control line;
  • positive result - the test line is as bright as the control line or even darker;
  • erroneous result - there is no control line on the test.

Look at the result window and compare the result line on the left near the arrow on the line body with the control line on the right. The line that is closest to the arrow on the body is the main result line that can show the level of LH in the urine.

Further to the right of the arrow based on the stick there will be a control line. It is needed for comparison with the result strip. A control line will appear whenever the test was performed correctly.

False negative result

Now let's look at the reasons why ovulation tests may show false negative results.

  • different ovulation tests have different sensitivity;
  • Each woman's body can produce different amounts of LH;
  • depending on the amount of fluid consumed, different concentrations of urine are observed in the woman’s body;
  • different testing times.

Due to such features, test lines may be weaker than control lines throughout the entire cycle. Or vice versa - much brighter than the control line for several days in a row. Experts state that in order to accurately determine fertile days, you need to adapt to ovulation tests.

In some controversial cases, it is also worth taking into account the bodies and the nature of the secretion of cervical fluid.

Disadvantages of Taking Ovulation Tests

The first and main disadvantage of ovulation tests is their cost. After all, testing requires not one, not two, but a fairly large number of tests. And this requires the investment of certain financial resources. Women who have an irregular cycle will especially have to spend money. In addition, you need to get used to the test procedure itself - do them at the same time, strictly following the instructions.

Plan your baby's gender

Unfortunately, there are no exact methods that allow you to plan the sex of a child in advance. But, nevertheless, doctors have developed a theory according to which on the days closest to ovulation, the likelihood of conceiving a son may increase, and on the most distant days, a daughter. Thus, experts say, to increase the likelihood of having a boy, future parents should abstain from sex while ovulation tests show a negative result.

And in order to become parents of a girl, spouses, on the contrary, need to stop having sex as soon as the tests show positive results. However, remember: this method is not 100% reliable.