Scenario for Fisherman’s Day “More fish for you to make your smiles shine!” Methodological development on the topic: Scenario Fisherman's Day


Fisherman's Day is an interesting holiday. Even those who have never picked up a fishing rod probably know how to “fish”; some are fishermen.

And therefore the comic scenario of “Fisherman’s Day” will appeal to everyone..


  • Fisherman
  • Chingiz
  • Water
  • Policeman
  • Mermaid
  • Kazakhsalka
  • Neptune
  • Goblin
  • gold fish

Rybak and Chingiz enter the stage.

FISHERMAN: Recently my steppe friend Genghis Khan came to visit me. He’s never seen a river in his life, but he calls fish floating garbage. Genghis, let's go fishing.
CHINGIZ: Let's go, but I don't know how.
FISHERMAN: What can you do? Pour, drink and feel like a fish in water
CHINGIZ: And the instructions say that some more luck is needed.
FISHERMAN: Let me see. Bah, it's a children's book! It probably says that the stork brings children.
CHINGIZ: Yes, I even know where children come from.
CHINGIZ: Children are found in cabbage.
FISHERMAN: Do you have a wife?
FISHERMAN: What is her name?
CHINGIZ: Kapusta Akhmedovna.
FISHERMAN: All. We've arrived. Here we will fish, i.e. bullshit. On you, your fishing rod.
CHINGIZ: And the instructions say that you also need bait. FISHERMAN: I just have a snack. Joke. Here, keep the worms. GENGIZ (looks at them). So that's what you are, Russian vermicelli! How to tighten it?
FISHERMAN: Look at the instructions.
CHINGIZ(reads instructions): Take the worm by the base and carefully place it on the hook. After use, carefully remove the worm. Do not reuse the same worm.
FISHERMAN: I already read something similar somewhere. Okay, let's cast your fishing rod.
Genghis throws the fishing rod.
FISHERMAN: What are you, a fool? Look how it should be done. (Casts the fishing rod correctly).
Next, Rybak and Chingiz sing a song. The phonogram of the song by gr. "Revolvers".

I'll tell you briefly,
will happen this night
kill sturgeon fish.
We lift the gear,
we take out the fish,
We disturb peace and quiet.

CHINGIZ: New problems, there are policemen!
FISHERMAN: Hey, Genghis, don't stand still.


We'll show them nothing
say goodbye
Let's start the engine and go home.


If we get caught
We throw everything into the water.
Let's tell them: “This is not mine.”
If we are imprisoned,
We won’t shed tears,
After all, we are sitting in a trap.

CHINGIZ: Can it all end so badly?
FISHERMAN: Yeah. I caught this fish last year (shows).
FISHERMAN: Yes. I'm still collecting money for the fine. Vodyanoy comes out and sings: “I am a merman, I am a merman.”
FISHERMAN: The color is a little different.

The merman is offended and leaves.

CHINGIZ: Who is this merman?
FISHERMAN: Well, here you are from the steppe. And it is the same brake, only water. Here, have a drink.
CHINGIZ: I won't. Otherwise I’ll start swearing.
FISHERMAN: No need. You will scare the poachers. They'll think he's a policeman.

A policeman comes out.

FISHERMAN: Oh, fish conservation!
POLICEMAN: No, it's a fishing racket.
CHINGIZ: So are you honest?
POLICEMAN: What fairy tales did you read this in? We are like all people. Let's share.

The policeman leaves after the Fisherman shares the fish with him.

CHINGIZ: Oh, I think I caught something.
FISHERMAN: Yes, this is a prize. Now we will play it.

Conditions of the competition.
This competition requires two participants. The prize is placed on the floor and the contestants are asked to move away from it in different directions at a distance of two meters. The prize is between them. The presenter announces to the participants that the prize will go to the one who manages to grab it first when the presenter says the number three. The presenter begins the countdown: “1000, 999, 998, 996, 995, 994, three. The meaning of the competition is that the presenter himself takes the prize, without allowing the participants to even touch it. The contestants are then thanked for their competition and both are given prizes.

Vodyanoy comes out and sings: “I am a merman, I am a merman.”

CHINGIZ: You are tormented by hemorrhoids.

The merman is offended and leaves.

CHINGIZ: Oh, mermaid!

At this time, Rusalka appears on the stage.

MERMAID: No, Kazakh. Mermaid next.
CHINGIZ: Mermaid, mermaids, where are your tails?
MERMAIDS: Should I tell you, or will you guess on your own?
CHINGIZ: No need. And I see it myself.

FISHERMAN: Why did the mermaids come?
MERMAIDS: Yes, we want to hold a competition.

Conditions of the competition "Watermen".

Participants in the competition are asked to drink as much water as possible from a 3-liter jar within a certain period of time. Whoever has the least amount of water left wins.

After the competition, the mermaids leave.

CHINGIZ: Come on, these mermaids. My wife’s feet and ears... you can’t tell the difference.
FISHERMAN: But I don’t understand why people cheat? So I breed kittens.
CHINGIZ: Like this?
FISHERMAN: Two kittens per bucket of water.

A merman emerges and sings: “I am a merman, I am a merman. Without hemorrhoids and colored. Bummer, yes!

Floats away. Neptune comes out.

FISHERMAN: Ah, Neptune, come in. How are you? How is the family? And so on?
NEPTUNE: If you make fun of me, I'll stab you with a trident.
FISHERMAN: Is this a trident? This is a poacher's sandol.
NEPTUNE: Well, you are a pike perch, with a different letter.
FISHERMAN: Will you drink?
NEPTUNE: No, I’d rather hold a competition.

Conditions of the “Macaronina” competition.

Couples are invited for a dance competition. All pairs are given one long pasta (dry). The dancers take the pasta in their teeth from different sides. Fast music starts. The leader makes sure that the dancers move quickly and dynamically. Those whose pasta breaks are eliminated. The couple with the whole pasta left wins.

After the competition, Neptune leaves. Leshy comes out.

CHINGIZ: Who are you?
GOBBLE: Leshy!
CHINGIZ: Are you off topic?
GOBBLE: On topic, off topic, but I want to drink. I remember walking through the forest, and from behind: “Stop!”
CHINGIZ: And you?
GOBBLE: How can I stand, I crawl with difficulty.
FISHERMAN: Stand, lie down. Let's jump out of here.

The goblin leaves.

FISHERMAN: Chingiz, are you sad? I remember, you collect a herbarium, dry it, take it to your teacher, she’ll give you an “A.” Joyful! And now. You collect it, dry it, smoke it. Joyful! Without a teacher, without an A.

CHINGIZ: Oh, I caught the golden bullshit!

A goldfish comes out.

FISHERMAN: Gold fish! Genghis, make a wish.
CHINGIZ: I want…
FISH: No, I won’t do this.
CHINGIZ: Yes, that's not what I meant. Basically, do whatever you want.
FISH: Then I will hold a competition.

Conditions of the "Beer Bread" competition.

Participants are given a bottle of beer with a nipple on the neck. Which of the contestants drinks the beer the fastest is the winner. During the competition, a song by gr. “Disco Crash”, “Drink Beer”.

CHINGIZ: Come on, get out of here.
FISH: This is what I will do with pleasure. (Floats away).
CHINGIZ: It’s a pity that the fish didn’t fulfill our wishes.
FISHERMAN: Right to the point! I don’t even have a wife.
CHINGIZ: Look how many girls there are! Let's choose now.

Competition "Miss Fisherman's Wife".

Participants are given fishing rods, at the end of which there is not a hook, but a magnet. Cardboard fish “swim” across the floor, with a paper clip on their nose. Whoever catches the most fish will become the fisherman's wife.

FISHERMAN: That's it, go get ready for the wedding. Genghis, let's go home, it's getting dark, the fish are going to bed.
CHINGIZ: So today we didn’t even catch anything.
FISHERMAN: Why fish, because today is Fisherman’s Day, and since it’s a holiday, that means we need to rest!
CHINGIZ: Pour it up!

Tolstikova Tatyana Aleksandrovna, teacher at State Budgetary Educational Institution NJSC "NSHI", Naryan-Mar
Description: I bring to your attention games and competitions for organizing entertainment and gaming programs for Fisherman's Day, which can be held as a whole thematic event, or can be used to fill pauses at children's discos or other children's parties. The material may be in demand by organizers of extracurricular activities, kindergarten teachers, primary school teachers, and parents. Games and competitions are intended for children 5-8 years old, but can also be used for older children.
Target: organization of leisure activities
Tasks: create a positive mood,
develop attention, logical thinking,
develop agility, reaction speed, accuracy,
expand children's horizons,
consolidate knowledge about fish.

Fisherman's Day in our country has been celebrated since 1980 every second Sunday in July. In 2015, the holiday falls on July 12. I bring to your attention games and competitions for the holiday, which can be played both outdoors and indoors.


Children stand in a circle. They are fish. One of them is given bait - an oblong shaped ball. This is a worm. To the music, children pass the ball around in a circle. Whoever has a ball in his hands when the music stops has taken the bait and is out of the game. The last one left in the game is the smartest fish.


Place two chairs at a distance of 8-10 steps. The child must walk from one chair to another, calling out the names of different fish at each step. If he makes a mistake or thinks for a long time, he leaves the game.

"Super fisherman"

Bowls with a diameter of 15-20 cm are placed at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other or circles are drawn. At a distance of 1.5 m is the place where the fisherman stands. Each circle is a fish. The closer the circle is to the fisherman, the smaller the fish. Children take turns throwing a fishing rod and a ball, trying to get into the first circle first, i.e. catch small fish. Then in the second - larger fish, etc. If he doesn’t get into a certain circle, next time he throws the ball into it again. Whoever gets to the last circle faster will “catch a pike” and receive the title of “super fisherman”.

"Fish mathematics"

For this competition, two teams of 6 people are created. Everyone receives a card with a number from 1 to 6. A chair is placed against the opposite wall. The teacher reads excerpts from poems by children's poets about fish, which mention the number of fish. When a number sounds, the child with the corresponding card must run to a chair and sit on it. Who is faster.

Above the river
In silence
The reeds rustle.
And in the water
By the reeds
Six cocky ruffs.
(Yu. Mogutin)

In the thick of the reeds
Two ruffs quarreled.
(E. Stewart)

The catfish does not sleep in the dead of midnight,
The catfish twirls its mustache in thought -
Who would come to his aid?
And helped build the house?
Because soma
It's very difficult to be alone.
(V. Boyarinov)

The fishermen are sitting
Guard the floats.
Fisherman Korney
I caught three perch.
Fisherman Evsey –
Four crucian carp.
And the fisherman Mikhail
I caught two catfish.
(N. Konchalovskaya)

Egorka is lucky again!
It’s not in vain that he sits by the river:
Five crucian carp in a bucket
And four minnows.
(V. Krivosheev)

The pike cooked cabbage soup,
I invited three ruffs.
(V. Musatov)

"Gold fish"

In the fairy tale, the goldfish fulfilled all the wishes of the old man, but in this game everyone fulfills the wishes of the goldfish. Children stand in a circle and move to the music. The teacher walks around in a circle. At some point, the teacher puts a headband or cap with the image of a goldfish on the head of one of the children. The child begins to show some kind of movement (squatting, jumping, dance moves, etc.), and everyone must fulfill his wishes and repeat the movements. After some time, the teacher takes the cap and puts it on another child.

"Good Fishing"
For this game you need fishing rods with magnets from children's sets. Cards with images of fish halves (tail) are laid out on the floor. You need to attach paper clips to the cards so that the cards are attracted to the magnets. Two children take fishing rods, the teacher shows them a card with a picture of half a fish (head). Who will be the most dexterous and lucky and will be the first to catch the other half of the fish?

Answers: mackerel, red mullet, mackerel, roach, halibut, cod

Thank you for your attention! I will be glad to hear your feedback and comments.

- Hello, dear children and adults!

- Hello!

- Today we will go on a long voyage and catch species of fish that you have never seen in our area.

- Therefore, you need to divide into two teams of the most erudite, nimble and courageous. To get into one of the teams, you need to answer the questions correctly.
1. The correct name for an ice mountain in the sea. (Iceberg)
2. What evil spirit lives in water? (Water)
3. What is the name of the light guide for ships? (Lighthouse)
4. What types of fish are found in the Red Sea? (due to the oversaturation of water with salts, there is no fish in the Red Sea)
5. Fishing headdress (Visorless cap)
6. Which pet loves fish very much? (Cat)

- Let's applaud those who were lucky enough to board our fishing vessel!

(Spectators who have correctly answered the presenter’s questions go up to the stage)

- Attention! I ask newcomers to split into two teams. Now each of you will receive a card with an assigned rank.

The “Build a Team” competition is being held

Members of both teams are given cards with ranks. The team needs to quickly build up the rank.

- Great! Such organization, dexterity and courage will be very useful to you at sea!

- There are only a few minutes left before the ships depart; at the command of the brave captains, each team must raise its anchor. We ask team representatives to receive the details of the competition.

The game “Raise Anchors!”

Teams are given cardboard anchors tied by strings. Participants take the thread in their teeth and, at the leader’s signal, begin to “raise” the anchor, “chewing” the thread.

- How nice it is to be in the open spaces of the sea, take a deep breath, and sing at the top of your voice. Now we invite our teams to show their singing abilities.

A song competition is being held

Team members compete in singing songs.

- To avoid unforeseen situations, fishermen train their endurance and attention every day. Which of our participants is ready to provide immediate help to a friend?

The game “Lifebuoy” is being played

Team members are positioned facing the posts. Helpers with life preservers are placed slightly in front of the posts. Each participant must, at the leader’s signal, run to the lifebuoy, put it on himself, go around the stand and return to the team, passing the baton to the next participant. The fastest and most dexterous ones win.

- Attention! Dear fishermen! Our ships are approaching the place where we need to drop our nets.

The “First Catch” competition is being held

A net with inflatable fish inside is laid out on the floor in front of each team. At the presenter’s signal, all participants must simultaneously remove the toys from the nets and inflate them.

- Yes, with the help of nets the teams caught a lot of fish. However, an avid fisherman still wants to cast a fishing rod in the hope that a huge fish will bite on it. And it seems to me that it’s time for our teams to raise the fish.

A competition is being held “That’s how fishy!”

Participants are asked to assemble a large puzzle with a picture of a fish and remember its name.

- We all know very well that caught fish is not only used to prepare food, but also to make various products.

- Some peoples sew clothes from fish skin, others make shoes.

- In the north of Brazil, a shoe factory produces 150 thousand pairs of shoes a year from fish skin. Moreover, the products are quite durable and comfortable.

- I think we will have no complaints about the quality of the shoes.

For the next competition, participants are given “shoes” made from plastic bottles. In these shoes, the participant needs to “bring” the balls to a certain place.

- Our teams’ sea voyage has ended. Tired and sunburnt, they returned home safely. Dear viewers, let's greet them with thunderous applause.

- Today the participants showed us their intelligence, strength, and endurance. They turned out to be real fishermen. As you can see, they have a really rich catch.

(The award ceremony for the winning team is held)

- Dear Guys! We congratulate you all once again Happy Fisherman's Day , thank you for your active participation in our program, we wish you good health, good luck and patience.

On the second Sunday of July, Russia traditionally celebrates Fisherman's Day. And in 2017 this holiday falls on July 9.

A large number of rivers, seas, and lakes could not help but lead to the fact that the profession of fisherman has become very widespread. In addition, in some regions of the former Soviet Union, fishing was one of the leading industries, and a significant part of the population was engaged in this work.

That’s why the professional holiday Fisherman’s Day appeared, uniting work collectives of fishermen. On this day, fishing teams compete in terms of the number of fish caught. The holiday is very popular among the population; it arouses interest even among those who are familiar with fishing only from the stories of others.

On this day, you can congratulate everyone who has connected their life with this romantic and complex profession, as well as everyone for whom fishing is a sport, a hobby, a special state of mind, a way to merge with nature.

Fisherman's Day can easily be called one of the most popular holidays of the summer. Fishermen are a special brotherhood that unites people of various professions and ages.

Naturally, there should be fish dishes on the holiday table.

Fish soup, fried, salted, canned…. Eggs stuffed with fish, fish snacks, sandwiches with caviar. It would be nice to cook meals with the children.

Games, competitions and quizzes for Fisherman's Day!

Game "Fun Aquarium"

Prepare cards in the shape of various fish with questions. Competitors must fish a fish out of an “aquarium” (bag) and answer the question.

  • If the answer is correct, the fish replenishes the fisherman’s “catch”; if the version is erroneous or not complete enough, it “swims away” back. If one of the quiz participants is very lucky and catches the “goldfish”, a prize awaits him.
  • If there is a drawn holey shoe, a tin can or other garbage on the hook, a fine follows - a short-term ban on the right to cast a fishing rod or perform a fun task for the amusement of friends.

Fish riddles

Riddle questions:

1. What kind of fish was carried by the godfather in the Russian folk song “Along the Piterskaya”?

2. What is ukha? What dish in Rus' was called fish soup?

3. What kind of fish did Demyan treat his neighbor Foku in I. Krylov’s fable “Demyan’s Ear”?

4. What did the trustee of charitable institutions Zemlyanika Khlestakov treat in N. Gogol’s comedy “The Inspector General”?

5. What was the name of the tavern in A. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio?”

6. Which fish was invited to babysit the stupid mouse in S. Marshak’s fairy tale?

7. Which fish are called red, although their meat is white and their caviar is black?

8. What fish spawns in the most severe frosts? Which Russian writer wrote a story about her unusual catch?

9. The name of which Italian city will turn into a fish if you read it backwards?

10. Which island in the Far East resembles a fish in its outline?

11. “Crucian carp the idealist”, “Dried fish”, “The wise minnow” - who is the author of these fairy tales?

12. Why was one of the characters in M. Sholokhov’s novel “Virgin Soil Upturned” nicknamed Shchukar?

13. How does a fish hear?

14. Where is the fish’s nose (smell organ)?

15. In which country is fish with a “musical” name a delicacy? What kind of name is this?

16. By changing only one letter in words, “turn” them into fish: barrel, litter, calico, tale, dance, coal, cheek.

17. Do the same with the names of plants, animals and birds: sponge, linden, harrier, madder, mink, saiga.

18. Now “turn” the fish into birds: carp, cod, saury, whitefish, sorog.

19. Which river can be cut with a pocketknife?

20. Which Ural river is used to play chess?

21. What notes do sailors use to measure their path?


1. It’s not the ice cracking, It’s not the mosquito squeaking, It’s godfather to godfather dragging the pike perch.

2. Ukha - fresh fish soup. In Rus', all broth-based soups were called fish soup.

3. Eat, dear little friend! Here is a bream, giblets, Here is a piece of sterlet!

4. Labardan - freshly salted cod.

5. “Three minnows.”

7. Sturgeon.

8. Burbot. A.P. Chekhov - story “Burbot”.

9. Milan - burbot.

10. Sakhalin Island.

11. M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin.

12. Trying to bite off a factory hook underwater from the rod of the village resident, Grandfather Kupir, a nine-year-old boy was accidentally caught by the upper lip instead of a pike. The father cut off the hook, the lip grew together, but from then on the boy’s nickname remained until old age - Shchukar.

13. The perception of sound in most fish is associated with the swim bladder. The lateral line is also a kind of ear.

14. The nose - the organ of smell - is located on the head of the fish. It consists of two bags that are placed in special recesses of the skull and allow the fish to smell.

15. Country - Japan, fish - fugue.

16. Goby, catfish, bluefish, stingray, tuna, eel, pike.

17. Wrasse, lyre, tench, moray eel, sockeye salmon, arctic salmon.

18. Pheasant, seagull, guillemot, vulture, magpie.

19. Prut River.

20. River Tura.

21. Mi, la, mi, i.e. miles.

Quiz for Fisherman's Day

She wags her tail back and forth - And she is gone, and there is no trace. (Fish)

What fish is the tavern named after in A. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio”? (Tavern “Three Gudgeons”)

What kind of fish was invited to babysit the stupid mouse in S. Marshak’s fairy tale? (Pike)

What stones are not found in any sea? (Dry)

Born in water, but afraid of water. (Salt)

Which continent doesn't have a single river? (Antarctica)

What kind of fish did Demyan treat his neighbor Thomas in N. Krylov’s fable “Demyan’s Ear”? (Bream and sterlet)

The thread connecting the fisherman and the fish. (Fishing line)

House for indoor fish. (Aquarium)

What is a “flock” of fish called? (jamb)

What disease do they not get on earth? (Nautical)

Who is born twice and dies once? (Fish)

What fish is called by a human name? (Carp)

Game "Continue the proverb"

Write unfinished proverbs on a fishing theme on fish cut out of cardboard. Players “catch” a fish from the bag, read the beginning of the “fishing wisdom” and complete it. It is not necessary to remember the exact word; it is important to convey the meaning of the proverb or saying and explain how it should be understood.

Proverb options:

Not every fisherman who catches a fish... (catch).

The fisherman's fish... (does not wait).

Without fish and cancer... (fish).

The big fish hides, the small fish are always... (in plain sight).

The fish spoils from... (head).

Uncaught fish always seem... (big).

Without difficulty you can’t even pull a fish... (from the pond).

If there was a fish, but a fisherman... (there would be).

If you catch a crucian carp, you will also catch... (pike).

The fish is small, and the ear... (sweet).

For a good fish soup there is always a pot... (small). To eat a fish, you have to go into the water... (climb).

The bite is good, but small... (catch).

Competition "Praise the fishermen!"

Those who wish are given the task of composing an ode (a solemn poem of praise) in honor of the fishermen and their devotion to their favorite hobby, using ready-made rhymes, for example: “fisherman - river”, “fish - smiles”, “fishing is a pity”, “not easy - ear”.

Poetic works of four or even two lines are accepted.

Competition "Let's sing, friends!"

Participants are divided into small “fishing teams”, which take turns, without repeating, singing a verse of songs they have chosen about fishermen, fishing and fish. The team that sings the last song wins.

Competition "Fisherman's Auction"

Use fish dishes or fishing accessories as raffle items, for example:

salad “Herring under a fur coat”- you need to name dishes that can be prepared from fish; The one who calls last gets the salad;

balyk- list the names of sea fish;

set of canned food- list the names of river fish;

fishing rod- name fishing equipment.

Competition "Fish Feast"

The presenter goes around the players sitting at the table with a bag containing fish cut out of cardboard, one of which is “golden”, and offers to take any without looking. The person who catches the “goldfish” has the right to voice his three wishes, choosing them from the cards offered by the presenter. But first he must name a performer from among those playing.

Examples of wishes:

I want the prose of “The Wise Carp” to make a toast in honor of the fisherman, in which the word “fisherman” would appear three times.

I want the item on the table to be given as a gift to so and so.

I want the neighbors to the right and left of such and such a player to recite a children's poem in chorus.

I want you to shake hands with the oldest among us and hop on one leg to your place.

I want you to sing the tune of a familiar song and have the players guess the name of the song.

The winners are awarded funny medals:

To the best guessers - "Wise carp"

The most dexterous - "Seahorse"

To the best fish expert - "Old Crab"

Attractions for Fisherman's Day

Caught a fish!

Participants are given “fishing rods” with pencils attached to them on a fishing line or thread. A bottle is placed at a distance of about 50 cm in front of each player. At the signal, you need to hit the neck of the bottle with a pencil.

The first one to arrive receives a prize.

Who will catch the fish first

Attach a fish toy in the middle of a 5-6 m long rope. At the leader’s signal, the players begin to wrap the rope around their hand or stick on both sides, trying to quickly reach the fish.


Participants in the attraction receive paper fish on a string, about 1 m long, and fasten it to their belt so that the tail of the “fish” freely touches the floor. At the leader’s signal, the players, running after each other, try to step on the tail of the opponent’s “fish,” that is, to “catch” it.

Touching the threads and fish with your hands is not allowed. The player whose “fish” is cut off is considered a loser.

If you play in teams of 3-5 people, the team with the most fish left wins, while the players whose fish were cut off are eliminated from the game. The game ends at the leader's signal.

Game “I was born a fisherman”

“I was born a fisherman, I banged my fist loudly, I didn’t catch anything except...”

Each time repeating this sentence, all participants in the game take turns calling the names of the fish that they know. You can't repeat yourself. Anyone who could not remember the next name of the fish is eliminated from the game.

The last one left in the game wins.

municipal government educational institution of additional education for children "House of Children's Creativity of the Nazyvaevsky Municipal District of the Omsk Region"

Game program script:

"Fisherman's Day"

Compiled by:

Chepova Anastasia Ivanovna,

Additional education teacher

Nazyvaevsk, 2011

Scenario of the game program “Fisherman’s Day”.



Two buckets;

two fishing rods with hooks at the end;

two nets;

six cardboard fish with rings in their heads;

two stands, chalk;

parts of fish on which the names of the teams “Tyulka” and “Kilka” are written;

cards with the letters “Sperm Whale” (two copies);

two diving masks;

big fish "Bubot".

In the center of the stage is a reproduction of the painting “Fisherman” by artist V. Perov. Music is playing. The presenter comes out.

Leading . Hello guys! Tell me, please, who goes fishing with their parents in summer or winter? (Children answer). Fine! How many of you know what fishermen wish each other when they go fishing? (“Good catch”, “Neither fluff nor feather”, “Neither pike nor scale”).

Imagine that two groups of tourists met on the river bank. And their recreation program includes a fishing competition.

Division into teams. One is called “Kilka”, the other is “Tulka”. Team captains are selected.

Leading. So, let's start with you catching some fish for us. Here are your fishing rods, here are your buckets. And the fish swims in the “reservoir”. Whoever catches more fish faster and more will have tastier fish soup.

The presenter places cardboard fish with a ring in the head on the floor. Participants, hooking them with a fishing rod, put them in buckets.

Leading. Well done! Captains, carefully inspect your catch. Let your team help you now “cut” each fish. To do this, you need to guess the riddles that are written on the fish.


The house is small, there are many windows, and whoever enters will not come out. (Fishnet.)

The little beast has a hundred silver coins on its back. (Fish, fish scales.)

There is a head, but no hair, there are eyes, but no eyebrows, there are wings, but it does not fly. (Fish)

It wags its tail and has teeth, but does not bark. (Pike)

When fish sleep, do they close their eyes? (Pisces sleep with their eyes open.)

The black dog hangs, and the red one rushes at it. (A pot over a fire in which the fish soup is cooked.)

Leading. Our program continues. While the soup is “cooking”, let’s do a warm-up.

Warm-up questions

Name two fish that could perform miracles. (Pike from the Russian folk tale “At the Pike’s Command”, goldfish from “The Tale of the Goldfish” by A. S. Pushkin.)

Remember the proverbs about fishing. (“You can’t take a fish out of a pond without difficulty,” “If you love to eat fish, you also love to get into the water.”)

Favorite clothes of the cat Matroskin. (Vest)

An evil spirit that lives in water. (Water)

Ice mountain in the sea. (Iceberg)

Light guide for ships. (Lighthouse)

A mechanical device for crossing from one bank to another. (Ferry)

A musical moment.

Leader (builds fishing teams). Now we are going to go winter fishing and do some ice fishing.


Teams line up on the starting line (behind the counters) in columns one at a time. The captains stand near the posts. In the hands of the first players are fishing rods for winter fishing (with short rods).

At the leader’s signal, the first numbers run to the first “holes” in their row, catch “fish” in them (that is, they pull out a piece of foam plastic, hooking it on the ring with a fishing rod), return to their place and pass the fishing rods to the second numbers, and the “catch” - to the captains who hang it on the rack.

The figures of “Sprat” and “Tulka” are gradually assembled on stands made from parts of foam plastic.

Leading (pointing to the racks). You can now read your team names. After winter fishing, it’s good to relax and bask in the warmth. Sit down please!

The players take their seats.

Leading. While waiting for the bite to begin, fishermen usually while away their leisure time by telling different stories. I invite one participant from each team. Now I will tell a story, and you must illustrate it with a pantomime. The one who copes better with the task will bring extra points to his team.


One day at dawn, I took my fishing rod, put my supplies and tackle in my bag, got on my bike and rode to the river. Having chosen a suitable place, I settled down, baited the hook, cast the fishing rod and was just about to eat a sandwich when the bite began. After waiting for the float to disappear under the water, I sharply hooked and felt that I had caught a huge fish. She rushed into the depths with such force that I, unable to resist, found myself in the water. All attempts to pull out the fish were in vain. I had to give up the fishing rod and return home without a meal.


Eight people from each team participate. The presenter asks questions, the players answer them in “written form”: those who have the necessary letters in their hands take a step forward, standing in a certain order - so that the answer can be read from the audience.

The pet is a big fish lover. (Cat)

What is the name of the device in which decorative fish are kept? (Aquarium)

Temporary housing for a fisherman. (Hut)

Device for scuba diving. (Scuba)

Fishing tackle. (Fishing line) Reservoir. (Lake)

Marine mammal animal. (Seal)

The largest marine mammal. (Sperm whale)


Leading . We should not forget that fish swim underwater, and underwater it is difficult to see. Therefore, our fishermen will wear masks. Fans (from the seat) can tell their players which way they need to move. And the one who gets the best and friendliest advice from the fans wins. So, the game "Burbot"


The players put on diving masks with glasses covered with colored paper and disperse to each side. At this time, the leader with the fish moves to another place unnoticed by them. The game begins. Fishermen move around the hall, looking for fish. The fans are screaming, trying to help their players. Finally, the fish is caught. The presenter asks the fishermen to take off their masks, thanks them, wishing them “Not a pike, not a scale!”

Leading. Our fishing trip is over. While the results are being summed up, let's dance.

Dance music