Why don't rabbits eat? Lack of appetite in a rabbit. Possible reasons and what to do. Causes of indigestion

Rabbits are good-natured animals, ornamental and agricultural breeds of which are popular. However, there are often cases when a rabbit does not eat, which can result in a dangerous condition for the animal. Lack of appetite is a very common problem. What is its cause, and how to avoid such a situation?

If a rabbit has no appetite, then it has problems with teeth growth.

The main reasons for lack of appetite in rabbits

If your rabbit does not pass bowel movements, it means he is not eating. In this case, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the disease as quickly as possible, since the animal cannot live long without food and water.

The cause of your pet's lack of appetite can be identified by specific symptoms. So, if a rabbit does not eat and grinds its teeth loudly, this means that something hurts. Unfortunately, such pets often have problems with dental growth. If they form incorrectly, it causes the animal a lot of trouble and severe pain.

Malocclusion is the formation of sharp hooks at the ends of the teeth.

A particularly common diagnosis is malocclusion - the formation of sharp hooks at the ends of the teeth. At the same time, the rabbit does not eat, since when moving its jaws it damages the oral cavity. To prevent malocclusion, you need to contact a veterinarian, and then systematically grind the teeth.

Rabbits, like any other pet, need proper nutrition. For normal life, their diet must combine succulent (20%) and roughage (80%) food. If you feed an animal one type of food, or the nature of its diet has changed dramatically, there is a high probability of an eating disorder. In addition, if the intake of certain components is insufficient, rabbits may eat their own fur or the stems of poisonous plants.

Fresh water plays a huge role in the life of a rabbit. Many owners do not pay enough attention to watering their pet, which is why it cannot drink water properly. A constant feeling of thirst causes stress in the animal, which only enhances the effect of the lack of fluid in the body.

Another common reason for refusing to eat is the accumulation of hairballs in the stomach. Rabbits are constantly shedding and licking themselves, and if you notice the animal's feces sticking together, this indicates a furball has formed in the stomach. This is very dangerous, so if such a sign is present, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

Often the rabbit does not eat due to various types of infections. If an animal is sick with myxomatosis, enerotokisemia, pasteurellosis or hemorrhagic disease, it will certainly experience loss of appetite and other symptoms of infection.

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Diagnosis and treatment

The following diagnostic methods allow you to make an accurate diagnosis and choose the right treatment method:

To eliminate loss of appetite in rabbits, you need to contact a veterinarian.

  • radiography;
  • ultrasonography;
  • blood analysis;
  • careful clinical examination of the whole body and especially the oral cavity.

Unfortunately, treatment for rabbits often requires surgery. To “revive” the pet, a nutrient solution is injected subcutaneously before the operation, and antibiotics and glucocorticosteroids are given the day before the operation.

Sometimes you can do without surgery. As soon as you notice sticking of stool and loss of strength in your rabbit, give him Vaseline oil using a syringe without a needle, 3 cubes 3 times a day. In the same way, you can give the rabbit Espumisan suspension twice a day. In order for these drugs to be better absorbed, it is necessary to do a deep massage of the animal’s abdomen. If the rabbit does not want to drink, you can give it water from the same syringe.

To prevent hairballs from accumulating in your pet’s stomach, during shedding he should be given 1 pitted prune berry 2 times every 7 days. During the same period, it is advisable to comb the rabbit’s fur every day with combs and brushes.

Lack of appetite in rabbits can be caused by various reasons. Disorders of digestive processes can lead to the development of systemic diseases.

Causes of indigestion

The rabbit does not eat or drink, what should I do? One common cause is animal stress. When transporting a rabbit to a new place, there may be a lack of appetite. At this time, the rabbit does not eat anything and sits in one place. The baby rabbit will refuse food and water and try to sit in a secluded place until the adaptation period to the new conditions has passed. As soon as the animal adapts, its interest in food and drink will again appear.

The next factor is the formation of a hairball in the stomach of the individual. During the washing process, the fur of the animal itself enters the gastrointestinal tract. With a normally functioning digestive system, wool is excreted in feces. However, during the period of active molting, the fur accumulates in the stomach, forming a dense lump. You can identify such a formation by observing the animal:

  • weakness of the individual;
  • difficulty of movement;
  • hardness and pain on palpation of the abdomen;
  • connecting individual peas of feces with thread.

Why might excessive hair accumulation occur? An unbalanced diet can act as a provocateur for the formation of a hairball. When feeding rabbits the same type of food, the animals will try to independently compensate for the deficiency of substances by eating their own fur.

Attention! In addition to dry ingredients, the diet of rabbits should also include succulent green food.

What to do if your rabbit stops eating and drinking? Teeth that are incorrectly shaped in length may be another reason for food refusal. The formation of hooks on the teeth of rabbits is called malocclusion. Trying to drink or eat, an animal with such a disease will injure itself and ultimately refuse to eat and lose weight before our eyes. In this case, surgery will be required to bring the teeth into proper condition.

The rabbit lies on its side and does not get up

If the rabbit lies on its side, does not get up, and can barely breathe, then this may be a sign of an infectious process. Infection with certain pathogens can affect a rabbit's ability to feed. Only a specialist can help identify the cause of an infectious disease.

Colibacillosis, a serious disease transmitted by E. coli, has similar signs of food refusal. However, the pathogen can only be identified by doing a stool test. Without appropriate treatment, the death of an infected rabbit is possible 3-7 days after the first signs appear.

Colibacillosis in rabbits

In addition to all of the above, catarrh can be the cause of the development of gastrointestinal pathologies. There are 3 types of catarrh: alkaline, acidic and catarrhal. In any case, the rabbit does not eat or drink and lies in one place. With an acid reaction, the stool is liquid and mixed with mucus. Alkaline catarrh is characterized by dark brown stools. Colds - causes frequent bowel movements with yellow-brown stool containing blood.

The time when the rabbit does not eat can negatively affect the formation and development of the offspring. If a nursing rabbit does not eat or drink, the young may die due to lack of nutrition.

When a rabbit eats poorly, the same pattern is observed:

  • slowing down digestion processes;
  • accumulation and avalanche-like development of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines;
  • the formation of gases as products of the vital activity of microorganisms;
  • painful reactions when palpating a distended abdomen;
  • loss of appetite.

The longer the period of refusal to eat, the weaker the individual becomes. Dehydration of the body begins to develop and, as a result, the rabbit has no strength left to consume food. At this time, the rabbit is lethargic, lies down and does not eat anything.

Signs that normal digestive processes have stopped are:

  • difficulty bowel movements or diarrhea;
  • deformation of feces;
  • apathetic behavior;
  • hunched posture;
  • grinding teeth;
  • difficulty breathing air;
  • attempts to retire.

How long can a rabbit live without food and water?

Since the gastrointestinal tract of rabbits is adapted for the continuous process of food consumption, a hunger strike for more than a day will lead to the death of the pet. In addition to adequate food, rabbits must have access to clean water. The amount of drinking depends on the quality of the food. When feeding an animal with dry food, the absence of water for more than 6 hours will lead to the death of the animals. When feeding fresh and juicy herbs, the period without water increases to three days. Without access to water during this period, individuals will lose the ability to stand up and will soon die.

Note! The water in drinking bowls must be clean and fresh. The development of microflora in stagnant water can lead to infection of livestock.


What to do if the rabbit doesn't eat? To receive proper treatment, you need to show the animal to a veterinarian. The specialist will be able to:

  • assess the general condition of the animal;
  • palpate the abdominal area;
  • conduct an X-ray examination to determine the formation of a hairball;
  • check the length and quality of teeth and oral cavity;
  • in the absence of blockage of the stomach and intestines, he may prescribe a drug that stimulates the gastrointestinal tract;
  • can perform an enema to soften the full intestines;
  • carry out pain relief procedures.

If it is not possible to show the animal to a specialist, you can provide first aid yourself.

It is better to show the animal to a specialist

The rabbit begins to breathe heavily and sniffle with severe bloating. If the rabbit refuses to eat, then in the absence of intestinal blockage, the condition can be alleviated by feeding baby vegetable purees. They need to be fed in small portions every 2-3 hours throughout the day. Monitor the onset of ability to go to the toilet. This will be the first sign of starting on the path to recovery.

Attention! Also, we should not forget about forced drinking through a syringe. A sick animal needs 100 ml of water per 1 kg of weight. Drinking so much will help soften the contents of the intestines.

If you refuse to eat dry fiber granules, you can soak them in water and feed them in puree form. This mass must be drawn into a syringe and forced to eat 1-2 ml per meal.

Attention! The syringe should be used without a needle, inserted between the incisors and turned to the side to avoid getting the mass into the respiratory tract.

When a rabbit is lethargic and does not eat well, commercial preparations of strains of beneficial microorganisms have a good effect on the intestinal microflora. They begin their action in the intestines immediately after ingestion.

Enema for a rabbit

You can give your animal an enema yourself. To do this, you need warm, clean water with a small amount of mineral-based laxative. Using magnesium sulfate at the rate of 1 tbsp. A spoonful of 30-40 ml of water helps to draw water into the intestines, thereby restoring water balance.

Important information! When performing an enema, a syringe is used without a needle. The administered liquid is calculated in the proportion of 10-15 ml per individual weighing 2300 grams.

When performing an enema, the rabbit should be placed on its back. At the same time, he will not be able to injure himself. Carefully insert the syringe into the anus to a depth of no more than 1.5-1.8 cm, without applying force. After this, you need to slowly and smoothly empty the syringe and hold the rabbit in the same position for 30 seconds so that the liquid has time to spread throughout the intestines.

Carrying out rabbit massage procedures stimulates the functioning of smooth muscles. At the same time, gases are released, the stomach becomes soft and pain decreases. To do this, you need to place the rabbit on the floor, without tilting it on its side, with its muzzle facing the person. With one hand you need to make stroking movements on the abdomen, with the other you need to hold the individual from above.

To prevent the development of intestinal obstruction, you need to follow certain rules.

The most important factor is a sufficient amount of roughage and hay. Only the presence of fiber in the diet plays a major role in the development of healthy intestinal motility and beneficial microflora.

Regular veterinary examinations for the development of infectious diseases and timely vaccination will make it possible to provide assistance to animals in the early stages. In addition, an examination by a specialist may reveal an unhealthy state of the oral cavity due to excessive tooth growth, injury to the mucous membrane and the development of abscesses. Only a specialist will be able to correctly carry out the procedures of cutting and grinding down teeth.

Sufficient amount of roughage

If cardboard and paper are being eaten, it is necessary to review the composition of the feed and change the diet to a more balanced one. As a rule, this behavior indicates a lack of fiber and minerals.

You should provide an optimal area for the rabbit to live and take it out for a walk. If there is a lack of physical activity and social interaction with other animals, the rabbit may become lethargic and refuse to eat.

To summarize, we can say that refusal of food and water is an alarming sign, symbolizing problems of the digestive tract. Failure to provide assistance in a timely manner can lead to the death of the individual. Complete restoration of normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract can take a very long time. With proper care, the rabbit will return to its normal state and will delight its owner with its perky behavior.

Recently, it has become fashionable among four-legged lovers to have a decorative rabbit at home. These good-natured, fluffy creatures give a lot of joy and warmth to their owners. But the opinion that decorative rabbits are animals that do not require much attention when caring is wrong.

Appropriate living conditions and proper nutrition are completely reflected in the health and behavior of the small animal. Sometimes, out of ignorance, loving owners reduce hay to a minimum in the rabbit’s diet, while increasing the rate of fresh grass, vegetables and fruits per day. Of course, additional nutrition is useful and necessary for the animal, but hay remains the main product. By absorbing the daily amount of this food in a rabbit, its digestive system functions normally.

The first sign of a problem in the animal's digestive system is that the rabbit does not eat anything and its behavior becomes inactive. In addition, loss of appetite in a small animal may be associated with malocclusion of the teeth, that is, the formation of growths on the teeth. In this situation, it becomes impossible for the rabbit to grind food, and he simply begins to refuse it. In such cases, veterinarians will help rabbit owners decide and find out the reason for refusing to eat.

If a rabbit's loss of appetite occurs due to a disorder in the digestive system, then the owners should completely reconsider its diet. And remember that for a rabbit the most useful and important food product is hay, and not crackers, apples or carrots. The last of these food products are simply an addition to the main diet.

If a decorative rabbit does not eat anything, but was examined by a doctor and did not find any intestinal blockage. And all the animal’s teeth are normal and the drinking bowl is in good condition. In this case, you should force the rabbit to eat. The first 12 hours without food may be a cause for concern for owners. Because starving a rabbit can cause the development of stomach ulcers or fatty liver.

If interest in food is lost due to dental growths. Then an experienced veterinarian will quickly be able to remove the “hooks” and “spikes” that have appeared from the rabbit’s teeth. Subsequently, the appetite of the decorative rabbit is restored on its own and in the shortest possible time.

But before contacting a specialist, you should check your rabbit's drinking bowl. For such a delicate animal, it is very important to have free access to water. Any obstacles or malfunctions associated with the drinking bowl can affect the psychological state of the rabbit, even to the point of starvation. Therefore, it may be worth replacing or placing his drinking bowl in a different place and his attitude towards food will immediately change. At the same time, you should not forget to wash the drinking bowl every day and pour fresh water into it.

It is also important when compiling a rabbit’s daily diet to take into account that its food contributes to the grinding of teeth. Because rabbits' teeth grow constantly, and with soft food they do not wear down at all, which leads to deformation of the teeth. As a result, sores form in the animal’s mouth, and the rabbit refuses to eat.

How to force feed a rabbit? To do this, mix 2-3 small spoons of ground grain with boiled water. You can add pumpkin pulp or baby vegetable food to the resulting mixture. The most important thing is that the mixture should be similar in consistency to a liquid paste. It is best to dissolve ground grains in warm water rather than steam them with boiling water. Then you should let the paste brew well and cool. The prepared paste should be given to the rabbit using a syringe. The most important thing is to ensure that food does not get into the rabbit's respiratory tract.

For a rabbit to grow healthy and active, it must have constant access to hay and a variety of fresh greens. Drinking water should not contain large amounts of calcium. You can add fruits and berries to your rabbit’s diet up to three times a week. Once a week it is allowed to feed him raisins and oatmeal cookies. It is strictly forbidden to give rabbits: chocolate, grains, seeds, sweets, meat and dairy products.

The rabbit does not eat, does not drink, and the caring owner is worried. And he's absolutely right! Stopping the digestive processes or stasis of the gastrointestinal tract is indeed a potentially very dangerous situation for the health and life of a rabbit, whose digestive system must work constantly.

Stopping the digestive processes in rabbits is a serious problem that occurs frequently and can be caused by several reasons. But whatever the factors that provoked the stasis, development mechanism the painful condition is as follows:

  • digestive processes slow down or stop;
  • pathogenic bacteria accumulate and rapidly develop in the intestines;
  • under the influence of bacteria and the decomposition of food debris, gases are formed that painfully stretch the stomach;
  • The appetite disappears completely, the rabbit does not eat or drink anything.

The longer a rabbit starves, the more it weakens, dehydration sets in, and the situation comes full circle - the pet does not eat or drink because it is weak and is getting weaker because it does not eat or drink.

Without receiving fiber - the only element that can improve digestion and make the gastrointestinal tract work, the rabbit will inevitably suffer from constipation. As a result, toxins accumulated in the stomach and intestines will penetrate the bloodstream, which will lead to damage to internal organs, primarily the liver.

A rabbit's complete lack of appetite immediately causes a slowdown and subsequent stoppage of the digestive system.

Here are the most common causes that provoke this condition:

  • a diet high in carbohydrates and low in fiber;
  • stress (from separation from a couple, change of place of residence, when new people or animals appear in the house);
  • pain syndrome - from bloating, problems with the kidneys or urinary tract, dental diseases, abscesses in the oral cavity;
  • lack of physical activity.

Signs of digestive failure:

  • the rabbit does not eat or drink
  • lack of feces in the tray and bedding (constipation)
  • small or misshapen feces
  • apathy, lethargy
  • sits hunched over
  • crawls into a corner
  • grinds his teeth

Treatment for indigestion

If you suspect stasis of the gastrointestinal tract, it is advisable to immediately take the rabbit to a veterinary clinic.

Be prepared to answer specialist questions:

1. How long has your rabbit been eating or drinking?

2 . When was the last time you observed a stool, and what was it like?

3. What is a rabbit's normal diet?

4. Does he have any food preferences?

5 . Were there any signs of increased salivation, attempts by the rabbit to put its paw in its mouth, or general restlessness?

6. Is your rabbit alone most of the time?

7. Was there stress or a change in food?

What treatment measures will the veterinarian take:

  • determine the cause of the condition;
  • palpates the abdomen or takes an x-ray to make sure there is no blockage of the stomach with a hairball;
  • check teeth for growths, sharp growths or suppuration;
  • will give medicine to stimulate the gastrointestinal system, for example, cisapride (if there is no blockage);
  • will introduce liquid to soften the intestinal contents;
  • will prescribe a painkiller.

How can you help a rabbit that won't eat or drink?

If there is no blockage, you can alleviate the rabbit’s condition and improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines by carefully feeding baby vegetable puree in small quantities, every 2-3 hours, including at night.

Do not forget to carefully sip some water with a syringe after feeding; this is important if the rabbit does not drink.

Grass meal granules contain a lot of fiber and are therefore very healthy. If your rabbit does not eat dry pellets, you can soak them in warm water and force-feed them as a puree.

Effective in such situations are probiotics (strains of beneficial microorganisms), which begin working immediately after entering the intestines and the effect can be noticeable within a few hours. A probiotic produced in Germany, OLIN, has been successfully used to treat rabbits.

Read about how to prepare food, as well as the methods and rules for force-feeding rabbits.

If your rabbit is not eating or drinking due to stress, take a short pause and then comfort your pet by gently stroking and coaxing. Giving your favorite and aromatic herbs - dandelions, parsley, basil, cilantro - can encourage the rabbit to start eating.

Abdominal massage will stimulate the smooth muscles of the intestines, which will allow gases to pass away, reduce pain, and the pet will begin to eat and drink. For the massage procedure, the rabbit is seated on the floor, with its muzzle facing the person, the stomach is actively massaged from below with one hand, and the body is held from above and behind with the other. The movements are made forward and backward, quite quickly and energetically.

General muscle activity also helps stimulate the stomach and intestines, and taking your pet for a walk in the garden or park is a great idea. This will distract him from unpleasant sensations and return his taste for life.

Preventive measures

First and most importantly, make sure that the rabbit receives hay and other roughage in sufficient quantities, preferably in plenty.

You should be wary of your rabbit's excessive eating of paper or cardboard. It's one thing if a rabbit chews and throws pieces of a cardboard box - this is a traditional favorite game. But if a rabbit eats cardboard or litter box litter, you need to reconsider its diet and find out what it is missing - most likely fiber or minerals.

Assess your rabbit's living space and contents:

Does he have enough room to run and jump?

Do you let your pet go for walks and how often?

Does your rabbit feel sad alone while you're at work all day?

A rabbit is a sociable creature and sitting alone in a cage all day, he quickly begins to feel sad, becomes depressed and loses his healthy appetite, and if this is the case, it is better to buy him a mate.

When a rabbit does not eat or drink anything, this is an alarming sign of a stoppage of the digestive system, and complete restoration of its normal functioning after stasis can take from several days to a month. However, recovery is quite possible. Be patient, be persistent and gradually the rabbit’s appetite will return, and the pet itself will return to its usual – cheerful and perky state, inspired by gnawing hay, demandingly knocking on feeders or enthusiastically destroying a cardboard box.

Dear friends, write in the comments your tips, methods for treating gastrointestinal stasis and questions on this topic. If you have used probiotics successfully or unsuccessfully, please share your experience. Did you like the material? Rate the article and share with your friends by clicking on the social media button below.

Rabbit breeders know firsthand that their furry charges have a wonderful appetite. They can literally eat all day long. Therefore, when animals lose their appetite, you should worry. This is the first manifestation of some illness. What to do if a rabbit grinds its teeth and does not eat, why does this happen and how can I help the animal? Read about this in our article.

Possible causes of the problem

A common complaint from breeders is that the pet grinds its teeth. However, this is not always a cause for concern. If your pet's teeth grinding is moderate and occurs rarely, it may be a sign of pleasure. For example, when you stroke him. But when teeth grinding manifests itself along with a lack of appetite, this is already worth serious attention.

Teeth grinding in rabbits is not always a sign of illness. But a loud knock or continuous grinding indicates that the rodent is in pain!

There may be several reasons why a rabbit does not eat. Most often this is due to some kind of illness, poor diet or due to problems in the gastrointestinal tract (blockage with hair, tumors, abscesses). In addition, the female rabbit after giving birth, who also refuses to eat, deserves special attention. Next, we will take a closer look at each reason and possible solutions to the problem.

Discomfort in the mouth

Pain in the gums, jaw dislocations, abscesses in the mouth, overgrown incisors are the first reasons that a rabbit has stopped eating. If the cheeks and tongue are injured by long teeth, the animal will experience pain and discomfort. It is also a good idea to check the roots of the teeth and pulp for damage. Often these factors can also contribute to forced hunger in both the male and the female rabbit after giving birth.

Problems with proper growth and development of dental tissue in rabbits are called malocclusion. It manifests itself in the asymmetrical arrangement of the jaws, therefore, the animal’s bite is formed incorrectly. The problem is solved by filing down teeth that injure the lower or upper gums.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract

Stomach problems are common in rabbits. This happens for various reasons, for example, due to the accumulation of toxins from a poisonous plant or wool in the stomach cavity. A female rabbit may also experience this problem after giving birth. After all, throughout the entire period of preparation for childbirth, she pulls out shreds of her fur to build a nest. Additional factors for loss of appetite in a rabbit are ingestion of foreign objects, helminths, compression of the gastrointestinal tract by tumors or abscesses.

Wrong diet

Often the reason for teeth grinding or refusal of water and food is that the pet is not fed correctly. If your rabbit does not eat hay and eats mostly vegetables and fruits, this is very bad. Just like young animals weaned from their mother, females and males need to be given mainly hay and dried grass after giving birth. This is the basis of the diet, and vegetables and fruits are just a delicacy and an addition.

If the animal does not eat for more than a day, especially for rabbits after giving birth, immediately take it to the veterinary clinic.

Due to improper diet, animals may experience kidney failure, as well as blockage of the cecum and liver problems. And this also leads not only to a deterioration in appetite, but also to its complete loss.


A frequent component of food refusal is various infections. These include Enterotoxemia, Pasteurellosis, Myxomatosis and Hemorrhagic disease of rabbits. Usually, with such diseases, the animal exhibits various symptoms in addition to refusing food and water. To determine exactly what kind of infection a rabbit has, a special blood test is done.


A sudden change in habitat, change of farm owner, or wild animals can also affect a rabbit's appetite. However, these reasons discourage appetite for a maximum of a few hours, after which everything returns to normal. The main associated factors of refusal to eat and drink are still more related to the diet and state of the animal’s gastrointestinal tract.

The rabbit stopped eating

We figured out why a rabbit doesn’t eat or drink, but it often happens that a female rabbit stops eating after giving birth. Sometimes the same symptoms are characteristic of rabbits who have given birth: they refuse to eat, do not drink, grind their teeth, shake their heads. The animal simply does nothing, lies without getting up. These are very bad signs and could be a sign of a serious infection. In addition, such a manifestation can become a real threat to children.

So, first, let’s figure out why the female rabbit shakes her head after giving birth. It could be an ear infection or a mite. In such cases, drops or ointments prescribed by the doctor help. If the animal lies motionless and there is discharge from the mouth or nose, the animal must be immediately isolated. This is necessary to prevent cage neighbors or baby rabbits from becoming infected.

A rabbit may simply refuse to feed due to stress after giving birth. Usually, this condition goes away within a couple of hours. It is best not to do anything during this period, not to disturb the animal, give it time to rest and get hungry.

Solution methods

What should you do if you notice any of these symptoms? Do not self-medicate, but contact a veterinarian - this is the most effective way to solve the problem. Remember that if rabbits do not have a bowel movement for more than a day, the animals may die. Here are the most basic recommendations:

  • After giving birth, female rabbits need to be provided with good nutrition and comfort in order to prevent various diseases;
  • do not traumatize your pets mentally, eliminate all possible stress factors;
  • feed animals according to recommendations;
  • get your vaccinations on time;
  • Isolate sick individuals until the cause of the disease is determined. If the infection is dangerous and cannot be cured, the carcass of the deceased rabbit must be disposed of.

Video “Why don’t rabbits drink?”

An experienced breeder's answer to the question of why, after a lunch meal, rabbits began to drink less during the cold season.