Reviews for Persen Forte. Persen ® (Persen ®) Persen forte and pregnancy ultrasound scanner

Persen Forte: instructions for use and reviews

Latin name: Persen Forte

ATX code: N05CM

Active substance: lemon balm (Melissa) + valerian (Valeriana) + peppermint (Peppermint)

Manufacturer: LEK d.d. (LEK d.d.) (Slovenia)

Updating the description and photo: 28.11.2018

Persen Forte is a sedative drug of plant origin that has a sedative and antispasmodic effect.

Release form and composition

The drug is produced in the form of capsules: size No. 2, the cap and body are reddish-brown, inside the capsules there are granules or a compressed mass from greenish-brown to brown with inclusions (10 pieces each in blisters of aluminum and polyvinyl chloride/thermoelast/polyvinylidene chloride foil, in a cardboard package 1, 2 or 4 blisters and instructions for use of Persen Forte).

Composition per 1 capsule:

  • active ingredients (in the form of dry extract): peppermint leaves – 25 mg, lemon balm leaves – 25 mg, valerian rhizomes with roots – 125 mg;
  • additional components: lactose monohydrate – 85.5 mg; magnesium hydrosilicate – 8.1 mg; Magnesium stearate – 2.2 mg; magnesium oxide – 6 mg; colloidal anhydrous silicon dioxide – 3.2 mg;
  • capsule shell: gelatin, titanium dioxide (E171), quinoline yellow (E104), sunset yellow (E110), iron oxide red (E172), azorubine (E122), propyl parahydroxybenzoate (E216), methyl parahydroxybenzoate (E128).

Pharmacological properties


The effect of the drug is based on the properties of the active components included in its composition:

  • peppermint leaves: contain flavonoids, essential oil with menthol, phenolic and triterpene acids; act as an antispasmodic on the smooth muscles of the digestive system, have a carminative (carminative) and choleretic effect;
  • lemon balm (lemon balm) leaves: contain essential oils, monoterpene aldehydes (such as neroli, geranium and citrate oils), monoterpenes, glucosides, triterpene acids, tannins (rosmarinic acid), flavonoids and bitter substances; produce a calming effect, have antispasmodic properties;
  • valerian rhizomes with roots: contain essential oil with monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes and less volatile valeric acids, glutamine and arginine, GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid); have a sedative and antispasmodic effect.

Indications for use

As a sedative, Persen Forte is used in the following cases:

  • sleep disorders, insomnia;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • irritability;
  • feeling of internal tension.



  • arterial hypotension;
  • diseases of the biliary tract (cholangitis, cholelithiasis, etc.);
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption, lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance;
  • sucrase/isomaltase deficiency, fructose intolerance;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation (breastfeeding);
  • age under 12 years;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Persen Forte capsules should be taken with caution in patients with GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease).

Persen Forte, instructions for use: method and dosage

Persen Forte capsules are taken orally with a small amount of water. Eating does not affect the effectiveness of the drug.

Adults and adolescents over 12 years of age are prescribed 1-2 capsules 2-3 times a day, for insomnia - 1-2 capsules an hour before bedtime.

The course of treatment is from 2 to 4 weeks, can be extended if necessary (you should first consult a doctor). It is not recommended to take Persen Forte continuously for more than one and a half to two months. There is no withdrawal syndrome if you stop taking the drug.

Side effects

When taking the drug, allergic reactions may occur (in the form of hyperemia, peripheral edema, skin rash, allergic dermatitis), bronchospasm, and increased fatigue.

In case of prolonged use, the patient may develop constipation.


A single dose of a large dose of the drug can cause dilation of the pupils, trembling of the hands, development of dizziness, cramps in the stomach, feelings of fatigue, a feeling of tightness in the chest, etc. Within 24 hours, these manifestations may disappear on their own. However, in case of overdose, it is advisable to perform gastric lavage and consult a doctor for advice on further therapy.

special instructions

It is necessary to consult a specialist if symptoms persist or worsen while taking the drug.

It is possible that symptoms may worsen in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and complex mechanisms

Patients taking Persen Forte should be careful when driving vehicles and working with moving machinery, as well as when performing any potentially hazardous activities that require rapid psychomotor reactions and high concentration.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Persen Forte is contraindicated in pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Use in childhood

The drug is not prescribed for children under 12 years of age.

Drug interactions

Persen Forte, when taken simultaneously with other drugs that depress the central nervous system (analgesics, hypnotics, centrally acting antihypertensives), enhances their effect, which may require dose adjustment.


Analogues of Persen Forte are Persen, Novo-Passit, NOTTA, Motherwort tincture, Fitosedan, Valerian extract, Dormikind, Fitosed, etc.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C, in a dry place out of reach of children.

Shelf life – 3 years.

on the use of a medicinal product for medical use

Registration number:

P N013803/01-290708

Trade name of the drug:

Persen ® Night.

Dosage form:


Composition of one capsule: active ingredients: valerian rhizomes with roots extract (dry) – 125,000 mg; lemon balm leaf extract (dry) – 25,000 mg; peppermint leaf extract (dry) – 25,000 mg; Excipients: magnesium oxide – 6,000 mg; lactose monohydrate – 85,500 mg; magnesium hydrosilicate – 8,100 mg; magnesium stearate – 2,200 mg; colloidal silicon dioxide anhydrous – 3,200 mg; capsule shell: titanium dioxide E171 – 1.3690%; iron oxide red E172 0.7527%; yellow quinoline E104 – 0.0153%; sunset yellow E110 (sunset yellow) – 0.0368%; azorubine E122 – 0.0438%; methyl parahydroxybenzoate E128 – 0.2945%; propyl parahydroxybenzoate E126 – 0.1241%; gelatin – 97.3638%.

Description: capsules No. 2 (body and lid) are reddish-brown in color, the contents of the capsules are granules or a compressed mass from greenish-brown to brown with inclusions.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

sedative of plant origin.

ATX code: N05CM.

Pharmacological properties

The drug has a calming and antispasmodic effect. Rhizome extract with valerian roots has a calming effect. Melissa leaf extract has a calming and antispasmodic effect, peppermint leaf extract has an antispasmodic and moderate calming effect.

Indications for use

Insomnia (difficulty falling asleep) associated with increased nervous excitability.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption;
arterial hypotension;
cholangitis, cholelithiasis and other diseases of the biliary tract;
breastfeeding period;
children up to 12 years of age. With caution: patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Directions for use and doses

Orally, take the capsules with a small amount of water, regardless of meals.
For insomnia, adults and children over 12 years of age should take 1-2 capsules 1 hour before bedtime.
You should not take the drug continuously for more than 1.5-2 months. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks.
To increase the duration of treatment, you should consult your doctor.
When treatment is stopped, withdrawal syndrome does not occur.

Side effect

Allergic reactions are possible (hyperemia, skin rash, peripheral edema, allergic dermatitis), bronchospasm, and with prolonged use - constipation.


A single dose of 20 g of rhizomes with valerian roots (approximately 39 capsules of Persen ® Night) can cause a feeling of fatigue, stomach cramps, a feeling of tightness in the chest, dizziness, trembling hands, dilated pupils, which may disappear on their own within 24 hours.
In case of overdose, it is advisable to perform gastric lavage and consult a doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

The drug enhances the effect of sleeping pills and other drugs that depress the central nervous system (CNS), antihypertensive drugs (in particular, centrally acting), painkillers, which requires dose adjustment.

special instructions

Patients with GERD may experience worsening symptoms.
If insomnia symptoms persist or worsen while using the drug, you should consult your doctor.
The drug should not be used continuously for more than 1.5-2 months.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery

During treatment with the drug, care should be taken when performing potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions (driving vehicles, working with moving mechanisms, working as a dispatcher and operator).

Release form

Primary packaging: 10 capsules per blister made of aluminum and polyvinyl chloride/thermoelast/polyvinylidene chloride foil.
Secondary packaging: 1,2,4,6 or 8 blisters per cardboard box along with instructions for use.

Storage conditions

In a dry place at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

3 years.
Do not use after expiration date.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Over the counter.


RU holder: Sandoz d.d., Verovshkova 57, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia;
Produced: Lek d.d. Verovškova 57, 1526 Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Consumer complaints should be sent to Sandoz CJSC:
125315, Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, 72, bldg. 3.

To calm raging emotions and recover from stress or conflict, sometimes a cup of herbal tea - mint or lemon balm - is enough. These herbs contain special essential oils and biologically active substances that can act on the central nervous system, gradually restoring its lost balance.

But if you have neither the strength nor the desire to brew tea, you can go the simple route - take a Persen Forte capsule and wait for your composure to return.

What are these capsules and how do they work?

When you are nervous, angry, do not find a place for yourself, maybe even cry or scream - this means that your nervous system is excited to the limit. It is difficult to resolve the situation with willpower alone; you need a drug that will reduce the activity of the nervous system and its susceptibility to external stimuli.

If, in addition to everything else, you are afraid of something, then this fear is concentrated in the stomach, and you can literally feel how everything inside is compressed - this is how a spasm of smooth muscles manifests itself.

Persen Forte is exactly the drug that has both a sedative and antispasmodic effect. As soon as the capsule dissolves in the stomach and its components enter the circulatory system, you will immediately feel as if a mountain has been lifted from your shoulders. This effect is possible thanks to the herbal composition of Persen Forte, which includes 3 soothing components:

  1. Valerian root extract. Valerian slows down the “turnover” of the central nervous system (CNS) and the person relaxes, calms down, and falls asleep much easier. For many people, fear and anxiety provoke spasms of the muscles of the genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract, and the urge to go to the toilet becomes more frequent. So valerian relieves this spasm, the feeling of internal trembling goes away.
  2. Melissa extract. It has an anxiolytic and antidepressant effect, helps overcome anxiety and restlessness, and improves mood. Melissa enhances the body's immune response, increasing the level of protection against viruses and infections.
  3. Mint extract. Menthol, the main active ingredient in peppermint, promotes the production of substances in the body that dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation. It also relieves spasms and calms gagging.

5 main indications for taking Persen Forte

Excessive nervous excitability.

The main reason for the development of this pathology is chronic stress at work, school or in the family. Acute stress, that is, immediate psychological trauma, can also give impetus to the disease. The consequence is overload of the central nervous system, which outwardly manifests itself as rapid fatigue, inability to concentrate, and decreased ability to remember large amounts of information.

If a person is under stress for a long time, it becomes common for him to get upset and nervous about little things, and to “flare up” even for an insignificant reason. Prolonged insomnia can cause disorders of the central nervous system and emotional sphere. It has been proven that it is much easier to piss off a person who has spent a day without sleep.

Asthenoneurotic syndrome (neurasthenia).

A “young” disease that is most susceptible to working people aged 20 to 40 years. Too much workload, chronic lack of sleep, conflict situations - all this will sooner or later throw the central nervous system out of balance.

It is not difficult to recognize a neurasthenic person - he is constantly tired, sleepy, but at the same time very irritable and anxious. Performance decreases, memory decreases.

Mild forms of neurosis.

Physical, mental and emotional weakness, irritability, a pronounced tendency to hysteria - this is a pathological condition that can be treated with herbal preparations only in the early stages.

When performance is completely lost, Persen Forte can only be used as part of complex therapy with stronger medications.

Persen Forte will finally help those who cannot fall asleep for a long time to sleep, often wake up, and in the morning do not feel rested. The drug inhibits central nervous system processes and puts a person to sleep. But we must not forget that insomnia is always a consequence. If the cause is not eliminated, the problem will return as soon as the course of taking the capsules ends.

Persen or Persen Forte: which is better?

A reasonable question, given that these drugs are considered analogues, and the price of Persen Forte is an order of magnitude higher. The main difference between Persen and Persen Forte is not in the composition, but in the concentration of the main active ingredient.

Due to the high content of valerian in the composition, Persen Forte capsules have a much more pronounced sedative, and most importantly, hypnotic effect than Persen tablets.

There are also Persen Cardio capsules, but they have a completely different composition - passionflower grass and hawthorn, which helps the functioning of the heart muscle and restores heart rhythm.

How to drink Persen Forte correctly?

You can drink Persen Forte regardless of the time of day or meal. The main thing is not to exceed the maximum daily dose (9 capsules) and not to drive for the next 3-4 hours after taking the capsule.

The most important limitation relates to alcohol consumption. In small doses, ethyl alcohol simply neutralizes the effect of the sedative, and in large doses it can cause loss of consciousness and even death, due to complete inhibition of the functions of the central nervous system.

Another pair of opposites is Persen and coffee. You cannot combine them, otherwise there will be no sense in such treatment. Caffeine stimulates the nervous system, increases blood pressure and heart rate - it will be difficult to calm down.


Persen should not be taken if:

  • Allergies to valerian, mint, lemon balm;
  • Lactose intolerance;
  • Gallstone disease;
  • Gastric and duodenal ulcers;
  • Hypotension, when blood pressure drops to 90/60 or lower.

During pregnancy, Persen is not prohibited, the main thing is to monitor your blood pressure. The drug can be given in limited doses to children over 3 years of age, and those over 12 are allowed to take it in “adult” doses.

Considering the safety and effectiveness of the drug, neurologists and neurologists prescribe it quite often. Persen Forte also collects positive reviews from patients. Its only drawback is the high price. Many call it unjustified, because the main component of Persen - valerian - can be bought separately for only 40-70 rubles. While the price of Persen Forte in different pharmacy chains varies within 500 rubles. for 40 capsules.

Sedatives of plant origin.


Active substances:

  • valerian rhizomes with roots extract (dry) 125,000 m,
  • lemon balm leaf extract (dry) 25,000 m,
  • peppermint leaf extract (dry) 25,000 mg.


Lek d.d. (Slovenia)

pharmachologic effect

The drug has a calming and antispasmodic effect.

Rhizome extract with valerian roots has a calming effect.

Melissa leaf extract - soothing and antispasmodic, peppermint leaf extract - antispasmodic and moderate sedative effect.

Side effect

Allergic reactions, with prolonged use - constipation.

Indications for use

Increased nervous excitability, irritability (calms), insomnia.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, children (up to 12 years), arterial hypotension.

Directions for use and dosage

Orally, adults and children over 12 years of age are prescribed 1-2 capsules 2-3 times a day.

For insomnia, take 1-2 capsules 1 hour before bedtime.

The drug should not be used continuously for more than 1.5–2 months.

When treatment is stopped, withdrawal syndrome does not occur.


A single dose of 20 g of rhizomes with valerian roots (approximately 39 capsules) may cause a feeling of fatigue, stomach cramps, a feeling of tightness in the chest, dizziness, trembling hands, dilated pupils, which may disappear on their own within 24 hours.

In case of overdose, it is advisable to perform gastric lavage and consult a doctor.


The drug enhances the effect of sleeping pills and other drugs that depress the central nervous system, antihypertensive drugs (in particular, central action), painkillers, which requires dose adjustment.

special instructions

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding has not been studied.

Prescription of the drug during pregnancy (especially during the first trimester) and breastfeeding is possible if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus or infant.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry place, out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25 C.

Herbal sedative

Active ingredients

Melissa Leaf Extract
- medicinal extract (Valerian)
- peppermint leaf extract (Peppermint)

Release form, composition and packaging

Capsules size No. 2, (body and cover) reddish-brown; the contents of the capsules are granules or a compressed mass from greenish-brown to brown with inclusions.

Excipients: magnesium oxide - 6 mg, lactose monohydrate - 85.5 mg, magnesium hydrosilicate - 8.1 mg, magnesium stearate - 2.2 mg, colloidal anhydrous silicon dioxide - 3.2 mg.

Composition of the capsule shell: titanium dioxide (E171) - 1.369%, red iron oxide (E172) - 0.7527%, yellow quinoline (E104) - 0.0153%, sunset yellow (E110) - 0.0368%, azorubine (E122) - 0.0438%, methyl parahydroxybenzoate (E128) - 0.2945%, propyl parahydroxybenzoate (E216) - 0.1241%, gelatin - 97.3638%.

10 pieces. - blisters (2) - cardboard packs.

pharmachologic effect

The drug has a calming and antispasmodic effect.

Rhizome extract with roots has a calming effect.

Melissa leaf extract has a calming and antispasmodic effect.

Peppermint leaf extract - antispasmodic, moderate calming effect.


- insomnia (difficulty falling asleep), associated with increased nervous excitability.


- hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;

- lactase deficiency, glucose-galactose malabsorption;

- arterial hypotension;

- cholangitis, cholelithiasis and other diseases of the biliary tract;

- pregnancy;

- period of breastfeeding;

- children under 12 years of age.

Carefully The drug should be prescribed to patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).


Take orally with a small amount of water, regardless of meals.

Adults and children over 12 years old at insomnia Prescribe 1-2 caps. 1 hour before bedtime.

The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks. The drug should not be used continuously for more than 1.5-2 months. To increase the duration of treatment, the patient should consult a doctor.

When treatment is stopped, withdrawal syndrome does not develop.

Side effects

Allergic reactions are possible (hyperemia, peripheral edema, allergic dermatitis), bronchospasm, and with prolonged use - constipation.


Symptoms: A single dose of 20 g of rhizomes with valerian roots (approximately 39 capsules of Persen Night) can cause a feeling of fatigue, stomach cramps, a feeling of tightness in the chest, dizziness, hand tremors, dilated pupils, which may go away on their own within 24 hours.

In case of overdose, the patient should consult a doctor.

Drug interactions

When using the drug simultaneously with other drugs that depress the central nervous system (including hypnotics, centrally acting antihypertensives), the effect on the central nervous system may be enhanced (dose adjustment may be required).

special instructions

Patients with GERD may experience worsening symptoms.

If symptoms persist or worsen while using the drug, the patient should consult a doctor.

The drug should not be used continuously for more than 1.5-2 months.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

During treatment with the drug, care should be taken when performing potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions (driving vehicles, working with moving mechanisms, working as a dispatcher, operator).

Pregnancy and lactation

The use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation is contraindicated.

Use in childhood

The drug is contraindicated for use in children under 12 years of age.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is available without a prescription.

Storage conditions and periods

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children, in a dry place at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life - 3 years.