Atrial scotoma: diagnosis and treatment methods. Flickering scotoma in the eyes - causes, symptoms and treatment of atrial fibrillation Ophthalmic migraine

In modern ophthalmology, there are several hundred different pathologies and ailments. They all differ in their causes, clinical picture and treatment methods. Among the variety of diseases, atrial scotoma deserves special attention. This is what we will be talking about in today’s article.

Description of the disease

Atrial scotoma is commonly understood as an ophthalmological disease that is accompanied by visual impairment. It may be preceded by various pathologies of the main vessels of the visual centers. The clinical picture is in many ways reminiscent of a simple migraine: a visual aura in the form of glare, “spots” in front of the eyes and “blind” spots. Therefore, in medical reference books you can find another name for the pathology - “ocular migraine”.

The visual symptoms that usually precede an attack create physical and emotional discomfort. In this condition, the patient cannot drive a car, work at work, or move around without assistance. (atrial scotoma) is painless, but requires qualified medical assistance. However, before prescribing therapy, the specialist must determine the reasons that provoked the development of the disease.

Main causes of the disorder

Atrial scotoma is a neurological disease, the development of which is caused by dysfunction of the cerebral cortex. This is where the visual analyzer is located.

The symptoms of the disease have been known to doctors for a long time, but the causes of such a disorder have not been fully studied to this day. Based on research and clinical features, doctors have identified 5 main factors contributing to the development of the disease. Among them:

  1. Frequent emotional stress.
  2. Constant mental overstrain.
  3. Prolonged, intermittent exposure to flickering light.
  4. Systematic violation of the work and rest regime.
  5. Hormonal disorders.

Also among the causes of the disease are genetic predisposition. Approximately 70% of patients inherited the disease from immediate family members.

Quite often, atrial scotoma is detected in adolescents aged 14-16 years. The causes of the disorder are associated with the rapid growth of the body and the active development of the circulatory system. Also, the transitional age is characterized by excessive stress on the central nervous system.

Clinical picture

Each person may have different symptoms of atrial scotoma. There is a whole group of common signs that can be used to promptly recognize the disorder.

The first symptom is the appearance of It may move or change in size. For some, the disease is accompanied by the appearance of bizarre, blurry objects. These can be colored or black and white figures and other fantasy forms. Such manifestations usually occur simultaneously in both eyes. An ocular migraine attack can last up to 30 minutes. Some patients experience a feeling of nausea at this time.

Varieties of the disease

There are several types of pathological process, each of which has its own clinical picture.

  1. Retinal form. It is characterized by the formation of a paracentral or central scotoma at the beginning of an attack. However, its shape and size may vary. Blindness in one or both eyes cannot be ruled out. The visual aura persists for several minutes.
  2. Ophthalmoplegic form. With this type of disease, the work of the so-called is disrupted. The entire process is accompanied by drooping of the eyelid and mydriasis. Sometimes the disease is complicated by the development
  3. Associated The pathological process is characterized by bilateral visual impairment and ophthalmoparesis, which signals brain damage.

Determining the form of the disease allows you to select the most effective therapy.

Diagnostic methods

Many people independently diagnose themselves with atrial fibrillation. Photos of the symptoms of this pathology can be found in medical reference books or on the World Wide Web. In fact, this approach is wrong, and the lack of timely treatment often leads to dire consequences.

If the attack occurs once and is caused by climate change or fatigue, it is enough to take an anti-inflammatory drug and give the body a rest. If discomfort occurs periodically, you should seek help from a doctor.

To identify the cause of the disorder, an ophthalmologist must conduct an examination. During this procedure, the specialist can measure the size of the patient’s field of vision, evaluate pupil movements and the functions of the ocular apparatus. Additionally, MRI or CT, as well as angiography, are prescribed. If the preliminary diagnosis is confirmed, the patient is referred to a neurologist. It is this specialist who treats ocular migraines.

What should be the treatment for a diagnosis of atrial scotoma? Therapy is selected taking into account the cause of the pathological process.

If it is based on nervous disorders, taking sedatives (Novopassit, valerian tincture) is indicated. Medicines that improve cerebral circulation (Piracetam, Emoxipin) have a positive effect. All patients, without exception, are prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Solpadeine).

Recently, doctors often include triptans in the course of therapy. The action of these drugs is aimed at narrowing blood vessels. Despite numerous positive properties, they have a number of contraindications. For example, their use is not recommended for patients with cardiac pathologies and arterial hypertension.

Traditional medicine for migraine attacks recommends rubbing peppermint essential oil into the temple area. Tea with raspberries helps reduce pain discomfort.

Features of the disease in pregnant women

Atrial scotoma affects even pregnant women. Most often, symptoms of the disorder are observed in the first trimester. This is facilitated by an unhealthy diet, changes in the usual schedule, and insomnia due to hormonal imbalance. By the beginning of the second trimester, the discomfort usually disappears.

Self-treatment of the disease is not recommended, since many medications are prohibited during pregnancy. You should not use traditional medicine recipes without first consulting a doctor.

The frequency of attacks of atrial scotoma during pregnancy can be significantly reduced if you adhere to the following recommendations:

  • completely eliminate physical labor;
  • spend more and more time outdoors;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • include more fruits and vegetables in your diet.

If you follow these tips, some women have atrial fibrillation scotoma that disappears forever.

Prevention methods

When a person has already experienced several attacks of ocular migraine, he knows the reasons for their occurrence. Therefore, disease prevention consists of preventing such conditions when the risk of the disorder increases. Prevention measures suggested by doctors may look different. For some patients, it is enough to give up bad habits, others need more rest, and still others need to stop taking hormonal medications. Doctors advise all patients, without exception, to normalize their work and rest schedule and avoid excessive stress and stress.

Ocular migraine or atrial scotoma - scotoma scintillans(lat.) - a pathology in which part of the visual field loses visibility.

The disease is characterized by flickering perception, disappearance of visual fields, the appearance of phosphenes, most often in the peripheral part of the blind area, occasionally resembling a mirage of a castle, colored or monochrome. Visual receptivity of the eyes is present, this indicates that the vision analyzer is not damaged, the failure is at the level of the nervous system.

An ocular migraine has no pain symptoms, lasts about half an hour, and is often accompanied by a regular migraine, with impaired blood circulation in the brain. This pathology is formed due to the fact that the occipital cortex does not function sufficiently, and the visual system does not have pathogenic manifestations. Sometimes, during attacks, nausea occurs.

The pathological process, due to the fact that visual sensitivity is affected, can provoke an accident on the road, so it is better to refrain from driving a vehicle.

Ocular migraine can also be activated if the patient suffers from birth from arteriovenous vascular malformation, occipital localization.

Doctors also suggest a relationship between the disease and arterial changes in the brain, but this fact has not been fully studied.

Causes of ocular migraine

The reason that provokes atrial scotoma is not visual; the basis of the pathology is neurological dysfunction of the vision analyzer of the occipital cortex in the brain.

The following causes contribute to the disease:

  • Constant overwork.
  • Meteorological factor - natural phenomena, climate change.
  • Nervous stress situations.
  • Presence of hypoxia.
  • Moral and physical stress.
  • Hormonal background.
  • Instability of room lighting.
  • Bad habits: smoking, excessive alcohol intake.
  • Outbursts of emotions.
  • Strong odors.
  • Certain foods.
  • The presence of a systemic disease that causes changes in the structures of the arteries of the brain.
  • Abuse of chocolate, smoked meats, stimulants based on caffeine.
  • Taking certain medications.

The reason is also the work of the circulatory organs, disrupted in part of the visual center. There is a hypothesis that visual migraine is inherited genetically, but there is no official scientific confirmation yet.

Often the disease is detected in adolescence due to rapid changes and growth of the body. As well as an increase in nervous overload characteristic of this period of life.

Symptoms of ocular migraine

Migraine is characterized by the presence of scintillating scotomas of homonymous origin. The formation of a sparkling image arises from a small paracentral scotoma, growing towards the edges of the visual field. Homononymous hemianopsia provokes growths up to half of the visual area.

Each type of migraine has its own symptoms:

  • Paracentral scotoma of various shapes and sizes, causing complete blindness in one or two eyes, is the retinal form.

Localization of pain in the eye area, frontotemporal parts. The patient may complain of nausea and vomiting.

  • Failure of the motor function of the nerve of the eye, pupil - ophthalmoplegic appearance. The optic nerve is often damaged in children; the damage causes strabismus, different pupil sizes, ptosis of the upper eyelid, and paralysis of the trunk muscles in the brain.
  • Bilateral visual impairment is the basilar form of the disease.

Ocular migraine can be: with or without aura, retinal, ophthalmoplegic, migraine, transformed.

An ophthalmic paroxysmal type of the disease predisposes to frequent depression, emotional depression, and insufficient nutrition. Visibility is distorted, foggy, unilateral temporal pain appears, the frontal orbits are localized, the phenomenon of scintillating scotoma, photopsia.

Pregnancy causes more frequent attacks. Pictures become blurry, unclear, and pockmarked. Loss of the visual field in areas, the occurrence of scotoma. Visual acuity decreases, vomiting, nausea, sensitivity to sound, and photophobia appear. The associated type has paroxysmal pain, with frequent malfunctions of the vestibular apparatus, with vascular discirculation.

Ocular migraine during menstruation in women is similar to the usual forms - it occurs during the menstrual period.

Facial scotoma is a throbbing, paroxysmal pain that spreads to the sockets of the eyes, the temporal part, and can last up to three days. It is more common in young people and may be genetic. Optic nerve disorders cause partial or complete loss of vision, a luminous zigzag line appears in front of the eyes. The symptoms are similar to epilepsy without an aura, pain in the temples, the head is half hyperemic, red or pale, and a tense, painful artery is visible on the temporal part. Signs can change one by one.


To correctly identify the diagnosis, a medical specialist examines the patient using instrumental and physical methods, compiles, and analyzes the medical history.

Physical diagnosis

Physical diagnosis includes:

  • External examination of the visual system.
  • Evaluative analysis of eye dynamics.
  • Checking pupil reaction.

Instrumental method

  • Examination of the fundus with an ophthalmoscope or fundus lens.
  • Observation of the field of view.
  • Carrying out computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

Since the cause of visual migraine can be an arteriovenous malformation, and ophthalmoplegic scotoma is sometimes provoked by an arterial aneurysm of the supraclinoid portion of the carotid artery, the ophthalmoplegic type must be differentiated from Tolosa-Hunt syndrome.

For acute attacks of the disease, a comprehensive course of treatment is recommended. Before starting therapy, it is necessary to determine the causes of the pathology, and only then direct the therapeutic effect to eliminate them. Treatment is developed by the attending neurologist after the diagnosis is confirmed. Therapy includes a change in lifestyle, adherence to the correct daily routine, nutrition, and physical activity. Medicines are also prescribed to strengthen and restore blood circulation in the blood vessels in the brain and ophthalmological organ. Attacks of the disease are self-limiting, but to relieve pain, the following measures are recommended:

  • You should lie down quietly in a dark, cool room.
  • Massage helps a lot, especially on the collar area and head.
  • During an attack, it is recommended to take anti-inflammatory drugs: paracetamol, ibuprofen, sedalgin.
  • Traditional medicine recommends drinking strong, hot, sweet tea.
  • Validol helps reduce pain.

The result of therapy depends on correct diagnosis and timely medical support. It is very important, as soon as possible, if you notice similar symptoms, consult a medical specialist to make a correct diagnosis, since ocular migraine can be a very complex disease.

Ocular migraine is easily treated if the causes that cause it are eliminated. Most often, treatment is reduced to methods of restoring the nervous system.

Since an outbreak of the disease is almost impossible to prevent - it activates suddenly, it is recommended to follow the prevention of the disease: undergo timely examination and treatment, lead a healthy lifestyle, do not abuse bad habits, breathe as much fresh air as possible, and do not be nervous.

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Ocular migraine is a disease characterized by periodic loss of areas from the field of vision.

In this case, phosphenes appear - a feeling as if objects around are glowing and flickering.

The second name of the disease is atrial scotoma. Despite its name, ocular migraine is completely painless in most cases.

Causes of migraine

The main reason for the appearance of atrial scotoma lies in the malfunction of the occipital region of the cerebral cortex. It is in this area that the center of the visual analyzer is located. Thus, the disease does not develop as a result of an anomaly in the structure of the cortex, but rather as a result of a disruption in its functioning.

The following factors can trigger an ocular migraine attack:

Types of migraine

Retinal form migraine differs in that at the beginning of an attack a paracentral or central scomata of various sizes and shapes is formed. Blindness in one or both eyes cannot be ruled out.

Such symptoms indicate retinal ischemia. A visual aura is observed for several minutes (up to half an hour), then a throbbing pain occurs in the side opposite to the visual impairment. Symptoms of the disease are reversible.

For ophthalmoplegic migraine the work of the oculomotor nerve is disrupted, accompanied by drooping of the eyelid and mydriasm (impaired pupillary function).

Often the disease is complicated by the formation of divergent paralytic strabismus. The disease appears in childhood, and its exacerbation can last up to a month.

For associated basilar migraine bilateral visual impairment and ophthalmoparesis occur, indicating damage to the brain stem.

Symptoms of atrial scotoma

To determine the disease, you need to know the symptoms of ocular migraine and its manifestation in a person. An attack of ocular migraine begins with the appearance of a small scotoma (an area of ​​loss of the visual field). Gradually, the area of ​​the scotoma increases and begins to sparkle.

This phenomenon appears simultaneously in both eyes.

Occasionally, an attack of atrial scotoma is accompanied by complete blindness and even visual hallucinations.

Then there are two possible outcomes: either the symptoms gradually regress (subside) or it develops into a migraine with a throbbing headache. As practical experience shows, in most cases, atrial scotoma precedes an acute attack of migraine headache.

There is a separate form of ocular migraine – Möbius disease. It is caused by malfunction of the oculomotor nerve and is accompanied by the following clinical symptoms:

  • (drooping) of the upper eyelid;
  • (unequal pupil diameter) or mydriasis (dilated pupils);
  • Divergent.

As a rule, Möbius disease is characteristic of childhood.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis of atrial scotoma should be carried out comprehensively and include the following research methods:

Treatment of ocular migraine

Treatment of ocular migraine (atrial fibrillation) should be carried out neurologist. It should be noted that this disease, with adequate therapy, has a fairly favorable prognosis.

The main thing is to identify the cause of the migraine.

First of all, it is necessary to analyze all the provoking factors and identify one that provokes a migraine attack in a particular patient. If possible, it should be completely eliminated.

To prevent recurrent attacks neurologists can prescribe the following groups of drugs:

There is also symptomatic treatment of ocular scotoma, which is aimed at alleviating the condition of patients during attacks.

These can be over-the-counter drugs from the NSAID group (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: aspirin, ibuprofen), as well as triptans - drugs from the serotonin group: imigran, relpax, amigrenin, trimigren and others.

The listed medications reduce the intensity of pain and other unpleasant symptoms.

If you still have questions about the symptoms and treatment of ocular migraine, you can ask them in the comments, and our specialists will be happy to answer you.

Ocular migraine during pregnancy

In most cases, during pregnancy, a woman's migraine attacks become less frequent and weaker. They can only be observed during the first trimester. Seizure triggers can be:

Very rarely, attacks of ocular migraine in women can be observed throughout pregnancy.

Self-medication in this case is unacceptable, since most medications can negatively affect the fetus. This also applies to traditional medicine.

In order to prevent the development of ocular migraine attacks during pregnancy, it is necessary:

  • Be in the fresh air more often;
  • Do exercises while avoiding heavy physical exertion;
  • Avoid stressful situations;
  • Eat right, review your diet so that it contains vegetables and fruits. Avoid foods that can trigger an attack (chocolate, cheese, smoked meats).
  • After consulting with your doctor, alternative treatments such as yoga or acupuncture may be used.

If an attack has begun, a pregnant woman, first of all, needs to calm down and relax, drink a cup of tea with lemon and lie down with the curtains drawn. If attacks recur too often, you should consult a doctor.


In order to avoid ocular migraine attacks, you must:

  • Lead a healthy lifestyle, stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • Exercise;
  • Take long walks in the fresh air;
  • If you have to work for a long time in a stuffy room, be sure to open the window to provide access to fresh air;
  • It is worth excluding fast food, spicy, salty and fatty foods from your diet;
  • Try to avoid stressful situations, and if this was not possible, use relaxation methods;
  • If ocular migraine is a consequence of chronic diseases, they must be treated promptly;
  • After the first attack of ocular migraine, you should definitely consult a doctor to find out the causes of the disease and prevent its development.

Ocular migraine is one of the types of the disease, accompanied by a disorder of visual functions due to pathologies that occur in the main vessels of the visual centers. Symptoms typical of a simple migraine are preceded by a visual aura, manifested in the form of glare, flickering, and “blind” spots, which is why this form of the disease has received a second name - .

Visual symptoms that precede an attack cause physical and emotional discomfort to the patient. They limit the activities of a person who, in such a state, cannot drive a vehicle, work in production, and sometimes even move around without assistance. To reduce the impact of signs of atrial scotoma on a person’s daily life, it is necessary to find out the reasons for its development, diagnose the disease at an early stage and begin its treatment.

Symptoms of ocular migraine

The main signs of ophthalmic migraine are severe visual disturbances caused by a decrease in blood microcirculation in the posterior cerebral artery. In almost all cases, this type of migraine is accompanied by a visual aura, manifested in the form of flashes, flickering, glare and loss of individual fragments from the field of vision.

Signs of atrial scotoma are:

  • The appearance of glare and spots in the central field of both eyes, which subsequently increase in size and spread to the entire peripheral area.
  • Spots of different sizes may have a bright color or be colorless. In severe cases, during an attack of atrial scotoma, the patient may become temporarily blind.
  • During the aura, the patient may experience visual hallucinations.
  • The symptoms do not cause pain and their duration does not exceed 20-30 minutes.
  • After the aura, a pain syndrome occurs, characteristic of the usual type of migraine.
  • Atrial scotoma does not leave changes in the structure of the fundus during an attack.

Frequent exposure to atrial scotoma is observed in adolescents aged 14 to 16 years, when the vascular and nervous system has the greatest tendency to develop.

Rare retinal migraine manifests itself in the form of the following pathological signs:

  1. The presence of single spots in the eyes (scotomas) at the time of the aura, which during severe attacks can cause short-term blindness.
  2. Pain syndrome, which due to its intensity causes painful nausea and vomiting.

Most often manifested in childhood ophthalmoplegic migraine, which, against the background of the symptoms described above, has a number of additional signs:

  1. The appearance of concomitant visual symptoms indicating damage to the oculomotor nerve: strabismus, involuntary drooping of the eyelid, asymmetry of the pupils.
  2. Development of internal or external ophthalmoplegia - partial damage or numbness of the visual muscles.
  3. The duration of visual symptoms in ophthalmoplegic migraine can reach several weeks from the end of the pain syndrome.

Visual disturbances associated with headaches may also be due to disorders developing in the brain stem.

Causes of ophthalmic migraine

Despite the pronounced visual disturbances that appear during ocular migraine, the true reasons for its development are not ophthalmological pathologies, but neurological problems. They are caused by a malfunction of the visual analyzer, located in the brain regions of the occipital part of the head.

Ocular migraine attacks can occur as a result of:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • vascular disorders developing in the area of ​​the visual center;
  • abnormally rapid development of the nervous and vascular system in adolescents;
  • sudden hormonal surges.

Ophthalmic migraine can be triggered by one or more factors present in the lives of many people:

  • insomnia;
  • frequent stress that turns into nervous breakdowns;
  • lack of oxygen, asthma attacks;
  • overwork due to heavy physical labor;
  • mental stress;
  • abuse of foods that provoke migraines (chocolate, coffee, citrus fruits, wine);
  • smoking;
  • flickering of the monitor and other light sources;
  • loud music;
  • sugary and rich aromas;
  • change of weather conditions;
  • treatment with drugs that may cause migraine pain as a side effect.

To significantly reduce the number and intensity of visual symptoms during ocular migraine, you need to know the pathological cause of the attacks and methods of its treatment. If external factors have an irritating effect, then it is enough to eliminate them and migraine attacks will be reduced.

Diagnosis of the disease

Like all types of migraine, atrial scotoma should be diagnosed by a neurologist, while prescribing the patient a mandatory consultation with an ophthalmologist. During the examination, specialists conduct the following studies:

  • collecting information about the symptoms that appear and the factors that provoke them;
  • examination and tactile tests by a neurologist to identify neurological pathologies;
  • visual inspection of the outer surface of the visual organs;
  • study of pupil reaction;
  • assessment of the condition of the motor optic nerves;
  • determination of the boundaries of the field of view;
  • ophthalmoscopy;
  • examination of the vessels of brain structures on a tomograph.

A comprehensive assessment of the results will allow specialists to diagnose or exclude ophthalmic migraine as a disease.

Treatment of atrial scotoma

If you are susceptible to ophthalmic migraine, it is extremely important to prevent the development of attacks. To do this, if there is a diagnosis during the interictal period, the patient is prescribed a course of treatment, which consists of the following procedures and manipulations:

In case of an acute attack of ocular migraine, treatment consists of its prompt relief. To do this, at the aura stage you should take one of the following medications:

Additionally, the windows in the patient’s room should be curtained and sound sources muffled. He should also be given hot coffee or strong tea with a decoction of chamomile, valerian or lemon balm.

During the entire period of pregnancy, ophthalmic migraine most often manifests itself in the first trimester. This is facilitated by an incorrectly selected diet, a lack of vitamins and minerals, a change in the usual daily schedule and insomnia that occurs due to fluctuations in hormones. In almost all cases, by the beginning of the second trimester, unpleasant symptoms cease to bother you, but sometimes they can manifest themselves throughout the entire period.

In many cases, these simple but effective measures help to significantly increase the period between attacks and get rid of migraine attacks for a long time.

With the tightening of the daily rhythm, an increasing burden of problems falls on a person. People increasingly began to complain of headaches, considering migraines to be their usual companion in life. But it happens that during a headache you can go blind for a while. This is how ocular migraine manifests itself.

Ocular migraine, also called scintillating scotoma, is a sudden onset of visual impairment. At heights, which pass over time.

Reasons and factors

The main causes of ophthalmic or visual migraine are not eye problems, but neurological ones. They are connected to the vessels of the brain in the area that is responsible for vision. This is predominantly the occipital region.

Before examining why this or that type of ocular migraine develops, let’s consider the general factors of its development:

  • existing disorders in the vessels of the brain (underdevelopment, developmental anomalies, aneurysms);
  • physical and emotional fatigue;
  • imbalance of hormone levels;
  • smoking, including hookah;
  • food rich in spicy seasonings, smoked meats, alcoholic drinks, chocolate;
  • flickering screen, light;
  • pungent odors;
  • loud noises;
  • change of time zones, body biorhythm, lack of sleep.

All of the above becomes a trigger for ocular migraine if the body already has a background of the disease.

Symptoms and periods

Ocular migraine is a separate disease, and not just a symptom, and therefore has certain periods of its occurrence.

This is a prodrome, an aura, which is usually, but not always, followed by a migraine attack, which ends with a post-migraine period (resolution of the attack).


The initial period of migraine develops before the attack; these are its first symptoms. It manifests itself:

  • lability of mood (depression, drowsiness, excessive irritability, cheerfulness);
  • changes in well-being from increased activity to apathy;
  • muscle pain;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (stool upset, nausea, vomiting);
  • increased thirst, increased urination.

Each person, depending on his type of nervous system and the functioning of the body, will have his own symptoms.


The second period manifests itself in the form of an aura, if we talk about the classical form. About 25% of people suffering from this disease have it. An aura is a symptom or a group of them, by which one can say that an attack will soon occur.

Its most common type is a visual aura. The duration of the precursors ranges from a couple of seconds to half an hour, after which a migraine attack appears. Sometimes there may be no headache. This form is called “decapitated migraine.”

You can tell that you have developed a visual aura by the following signs:

  • you see flashing flies, lines, zigzags or dots in front of you - these are phosphenes;
  • flashes of light appear - photopsia;
  • dark areas or spots before the eyes -;
  • objects have changed size - Alice syndrome;
  • you cannot see in some areas, for example near the nose or outside in both eyes - hemianopsia;
  • vision has become narrow, the feeling that you are looking through a spyglass - tubular vision syndrome.

These are also signs of ocular migraine if they appear not before, but during the headache.

Watch the video to see how a migraine aura manifests itself:

Migraine attack

The period of headache in severe cases can take three days. As a rule, pain is localized in one half of the head. The pain is strong, throbbing, growing and intensifying with movement, the slightest irritant: light, noise, heat or cold.

Vomiting may occur during an attack. Migraine status is considered especially dangerous during a prolonged migraine attack. It can even lead to a stroke, as the blood supply to the vessels of the brain is disrupted.


The resolution phase is characterized by the gradual fading of migraine symptoms and restoration of function. For some time you will feel heaviness in the head, weakness, decreased appetite, blurred vision.


Ocular migraines are quite variable. Its manifestations can be divided into separate types:

  1. The classic form is often called atrial scotoma.
  2. Retinal (isolated, retinal) migraine.
  3. Ophthalmoplegic migraine.

When dysfunction of the blood supply to the occipital region occurs, the visual analyzer suffers. It is in the occipital cortex that visual signals are analyzed and an image is formed. It is fed by the posterior cerebral artery. If blood flow is blocked, this area of ​​the brain does not process the nerve signals that come to it well.

This is why eye symptoms appear - dark blind spots near the center, closer to the periphery of the eye. People also describe flickering dots, which is where the disease gets its name.

Retinal migraine

Retinal or retinal migraine is difficult to diagnose, so it is considered a fairly rare form of all 18 existing types. Its appearance triggers a developing spasm of the central retinal artery due to an increase in serotonin levels.

The consequence of a decrease in blood flow in the retinal area is a violation of its functions. This area cannot correctly perceive light impulses, and a scotoma is formed. In this case, there can be several scotomas, merging, they lead to complete ocular blindness.

The criterion for this type of ocular migraine is the presence of two migraine attacks during or an hour after the visual impairment, always in only one eye. There should be no eye changes between attacks.


A symptom of an ophthalmoplegic attack (Moebius disease) is a violation of the movement of the eyeball on the side of cephalgia. This occurs from a decrease in blood flow through the artery supplying the oculomotor nerve. Pupil dilation, divergent strabismus, and drooping of the upper eyelid develop.

If the trochlear or abducens nerve is affected, then double vision and convergent strabismus are added to the existing eye symptoms. When all the nerves are affected, the eye stops moving completely - plegia. Such symptoms may persist for up to several months, but they always pass.


A neurologist together with an ophthalmologist will help to correctly diagnose the ophthalmic form of migraine, since it requires consultation of these two specialists. The list of diagnostic measures includes:

  • neurological and ophthalmological (eye) examinations;
  • collection of complaints, history (how it developed) of ocular migraine;
  • magnetic resonance imaging - for differential diagnosis with stroke, tumors and other organic diseases of the brain;
  • ophthalmoscopy - examination of the fundus, a spasm of the retinal arteries is determined;
  • angiography - study of blood flow through the vessels of the brain, a violation of blood flow in the occipital region is detected;
  • perimetry is a method of studying peripheral vision that reveals the presence of missing areas of vision - ocular scotomas.

Additionally, we invite you to watch the video experiment. People agreed to try out a device that shows the condition of a person with migraine. Find out how migraine headaches affect vision and eyes.

Treatment of the disease

Ocular migraine requires its own treatment in each period, taking into account the severity:

  • a mild degree can be treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Analgin;
  • moderate severity requires the use of combined drugs (“Pentalgin”, “Tetralgin”);
  • severe degrees, especially migraine status, require observation by a neurologist in a hospital setting. Due to severe cephalalgia, drugs from the group of opioids and corticosteroids are administered. When used for a long time and the dosage is not followed, they become addictive.

In addition to painkillers, triptans are indicated. These are drugs that act on special receptors in the brain and are designed exclusively for the treatment of migraines. They are not effective for other types of headaches.

The most studied of this group is antimigraine. It begins its effect after half an hour, and when using a nasal spray - after 15 minutes. It must be remembered that only a doctor selects the dosage and group of the drug; taking them independently for ocular migraine can be dangerous.

Unconventional methods

You can find many traditional medicines on the Internet, but not all of them are safe. The following received good reviews:

  1. Acupuncture, with a competent approach, affects reflexogenic zones. Helps reduce the frequency of ocular migraine attacks, their severity, and normalizes hormonal balance.
  2. Massage has a restorative, relaxing effect and increases the body's resistance to stress.
  3. Phyto-, homeopathy (the drug "Spigelon", sedating herbal mixtures).

Complications and prognosis

Dangerous complications of migraine are its transition to a chronic form, migraine status and the development of stroke.

The prognosis of the disease is positive if you follow all prescribed medical measures, change your lifestyle, and change your reaction to stress.


For the prevention of ocular migraine, an important criterion is the elimination of trigger factors, that is, non-drug methods come first.

The patient should change the lifestyle that led to the attacks, normalize hormonal levels, get a good night's sleep, if possible go to work during the day, adjust the diet, and eliminate alcohol and tobacco.

If the frequency of ocular migraine attacks has not decreased by half, then it is necessary to add drug therapy, which is taken for up to 6 months. After this period, a break is taken to cancel or reduce the dosage if the patient responds well.

Ocular migraine, despite the little-studied mechanism of its occurrence, is not a death sentence. If all recommendations are followed, good prognosis and dynamics in the course of the disease are noted.

Tell us in the comments what helps you cope with attacks, share the article so that even more people learn how to prevent attacks.