Foreign Minister Lavrov is his real name. Sergei Lavrov - Minister of Foreign Affairs: biography, nationality. Biography of Maria Alexandrovna Lavrova

Sergei Lavrov is the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and his biography, nationality and origin are of interest to many people. Most likely, this is due to the fact that there is not much information on this topic in the media. He is known for his services as a minister, his experience working with world organizations and representing his country for more than ten years in the United Nations.

Sergei Lavrov is known as the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Russia, his biography is eventful, and disputes about nationality are still ongoing, however, based on official sources, he is Russian.

Date of birth: 03/21/1950, hometown: Moscow. S. Lavrov’s father is considered to be an Armenian from Tbilisi, and the surname of the politician and his father are different, since he took his mother’s surname, which is more sonorous. Mother worked in the Ministry of Foreign Trade in the Soviet Union.

According to information about the fate of Sergei Lavrov, his parents worked in foreign trade, and most of their acquaintances were directly or indirectly related to this matter. Perhaps this was the reason why Sergei L. chose such a profession in the future.

The training of the future head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs took place in Noginsk. He attended an English-language school. In addition to languages, he liked to study exact sciences, such as physics. Lavrov made progress in his studies and upon completion received a silver medal. After that, he applied for admission to two higher educational institutions - the Institute of International Relations and the Engineering and Physics University. MGIMO began testing before admission earlier, so Lavrov managed to become a student at this particular institution. This was not only his wish, but also the dream of his parents.

Graduated from university in the early 70s. After this, he was able to join the embassy of the Soviet Union in Sri Lanka.

Since the 80s, he took the position of secretary, later became a senior adviser, lived for a long time in the United States of America, and at the end of the 80s he was transferred to a position in the capital of Russia.

The peak of Lavrov’s career came in the 80s and 90s – in a short time he became Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Since 2004, Lavrov has been the Minister of Foreign Affairs, who has experience in his biography and is Russian by nationality.

The mystery of the origin of Sergei Lavrov

The details of Lavrov’s childhood are practically not covered in the press. It is known that he was born in Moscow, but there are rumors that he was born in Georgia. The reliability of this information has not been proven.

You can tell about the upbringing of the future politician from Lavrov’s interview, where he told small details about the conditions in which he grew up - he was raised using the carrot and stick method. However, these words should not be taken in the literal sense. He was never subjected to violence, and was raised exclusively with the help of words, which could have a stronger effect than physical influence. Sergei L. got his last name from his mother; he took it because it sounds better, according to media reports.

Education of Sergei Lavrov

It is known that Lavrov S.V. studied at the second Noginsk school in the Moscow Region, after which he was transferred to a capital educational institution, where he deeply studied a foreign language. During his studies he made great progress and graduated from school with a silver medal. He devoted most of his time to studying physics and foreign languages.

While studying at a higher educational institution, I was able to learn several foreign languages ​​- English (which I started studying at school), English and Sinhala.

Work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The career of a diplomat and statesman has developed most successfully since 2004. During this period, Lavrov began working as Minister of Foreign Affairs; he was appointed to this post by the President of the Russian Federation. To this day, the diplomat carries out his activities in this place and successfully copes with his duties.

During his time in this position, he had to solve many important problems and face various difficulties.

He has many awards - orders received for services to the Fatherland of various degrees, medals, certificates, gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation, awards for his contribution to the development of the Kaliningrad, Moscow regions and Yakutia, as well as foreign awards from Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia, Vietnam, Kyrgyzstan and etc.

The politician took part in resolving issues related to business development in other countries. During his work, he visited different countries, some more than once.

Interesting facts about Sergei Lavrov

During his studies at a higher educational institution, Lavrov was the life of the party, and now this character trait has also been preserved. He created his own musical works, showed his creations to loved ones and played the guitar. In the summer he was in student combat detachments, thanks to which in his youth he was able to see Yakutia, Khakassia and the Far East.

It is known that the guitar is not the only hobby of the politician and he likes sports, especially rafting and football, he is a fan of Spartak. In addition, he is a gourmet and likes dishes from Italy, as well as whiskey and baths.

Sergei Lavrov especially loves cigarettes; he is a smoker; according to media reports, he once even argued with K. Annan for the right to smoke at the UN headquarters in America.

It is known that he has a good sense of humor and was a guest on the “Evening Urgant” show, and, thanks to Lavrov, the program turned out to be interesting.

This person is described as versatile and erudite, who can find a worthy answer to any trick question, if this is permissible in a certain situation. The biography of Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is interesting and rich in achievements, and the politician’s nationality often causes controversy and discussion - according to some, he is Armenian, but this has not been confirmed.

Personal life of Sergei Lavrov

According to the latest news, Lavrov’s personal life is successful and happy, there are no changes in it. During his student year, he met his future wife, and the lovers formalized their relationship in the 3rd year of study.

Throughout their entire life together, Lavrov’s wife was next to her husband on business trips.

As for the children of Sergei L., he has a daughter, Ekaterina, who was born in America and studied at school and university there. It is known that his daughter has two children.

Sergey Lavrov now

In 2018, Lavrov expressed his opinion regarding the latest news about the expulsion of diplomats. According to media reports, he called this action a provocation. According to information from the press, this action has nothing to do with the progress of cooperation between peoples. According to Lavrov, Russia should not be spoken in the language of an ultimatum, as it is useless.

Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov. Born on March 21, 1950 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian diplomat and statesman. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation since March 9, 2004.

Father - Victor Kalantaryan (according to other sources - Kalantarov). Armenian by nationality, originally from Tbilisi.

Mother - Kaleria Borisovna Lavrova, (later Sergei Viktorovich took her), Russian, originally from Noginsk near Moscow, was an employee of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Trade.

According to his passport, Sergei Lavrov is registered as Russian. “I have Tbilisi roots, because my father is from there, Armenian blood flows in me, and this blood does not interfere with me in anything,” said Sergei Lavrov in an interview.

Since his parents worked in foreign trade and often traveled abroad, he was raised by his mother’s grandparents as a child. Grandfather - Boris Nikolaevich Lavrov, was the head of the Noginsk railway station. Grandmother worked as a nurse.

Studied in Noginsk, Moscow region, at a specialized school named after. V. Korolenko, in which he studied English in depth. Later, his parents took him to Moscow and he graduated from Moscow school No. 607 with in-depth study of the English language.

After graduating from school, I applied to two universities at once - MGIMO and MEPhI. He entered the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, which he graduated from in 1972, eastern department.

Speaks English, French and Sinhala.

From 1972 to 1976 - trainee, attaché of the USSR Embassy in the Republic of Sri Lanka.

From 1976 to 1981, he held the positions of third and second secretary of the department of international economic organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

From 1981 to 1988 - First Secretary, Advisor, Senior Advisor of the Permanent Mission of the USSR to the UN in New York.

From 1988 to 1992 - deputy, first deputy head of the Department of International Economic Organizations, head of the same department of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

He was a member of the CPSU until 1991.

From 1991 to 1992 - Head of the Department of International Organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 1992, he was appointed director of the Department of International Organizations and Global Problems of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

On April 3, 1992, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia. Oversaw the activities of the Department of International Organizations and International Economic Cooperation of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Office of Human Rights and International Cultural Cooperation of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Department for CIS State Affairs of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He held this post until January 1994.

Since March 1993 - Deputy Chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission on the participation of the Russian Federation in international organizations of the UN system. Since November 1993 - co-chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission for Coordinating the Participation of the Russian Federation in Peacekeeping Activities.

From 1994 to 2004 - Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations and the UN Security Council.

In the documentary film “United Nations - 70 years”, Sergei Lavrov talked about the most difficult case in his post as permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, which occurred in the mid-1990s: the conflict between the United States and Cuba. Cuban exiles flew small planes over Cuba and dropped leaflets. In response to constant airspace violations, the authorities of Liberty Island threatened to shoot down intruders.

“The Cubans shot down one plane; it was deep night in Moscow at that time. The US Permanent Representative to the UN, M. Albright, urgently convened the UN Security Council and demanded that the Cuban government be condemned for an act of terrorism. The wording was the strictest. My colleagues from our mission, together with our Chinese colleagues, and a number of other members of the UN Security Council from developing countries, and I worked to ensure that this statement was consistent, that it did not prejudge the investigation, that it did not accuse anyone unfoundedly. We managed to develop a text, which even the Cuban government later welcomed. This is probably what I remember, because it was a very long, many-hour job. M. Albright went to call Washington, but in the end we “put the pressure on,” he said.

“The UN was born from the ashes of the Second World War, which was the bloodiest event in human history, and nothing like it should happen again. This is precisely why the UN was created. At its foundation stood the Soviet Union as one of the three most active participants in the process of forming this approach. Immediately after the conclusion of the Belovezhsky Accords, the RSFSR became Russia; one of the first and main steps of Russian diplomacy was the notification that Russia is the successor of the Soviet Union with regard to all obligations arising from the Charter of the United Nations. We were fully supported in this approach by our colleagues in the Commonwealth of Independent States, which was just emerging at that time, and fully supported by all members of the international community. Therefore, our continuation of permanent membership in the UN Security Council means that Russia is perceived by everyone as the founding country of the UN,” said Sergei Lavrov.

“The veto, which is so often criticized, is in fact the main guarantor of the checks and balances that are necessary in any democratic system. Another thing is that they are trying to provoke situations that would be subject to the use of a veto, sometimes for unscrupulous political purposes, as happened several times when our Western partners introduced resolutions that had absolutely no practical significance, such as the anniversary of the events in Srebrenica. Despite the tragedy of those events, it is not the job of the UN Security Council to simply take one side when remembering the conflicts of 20 years ago. Likewise, it was not the job of the Security Council to get involved in a criminal investigation into the crash with the Malaysian Boeing,” says Sergei Lavrov.

On March 9, 2004, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed to the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. In May 2004, after the President of the Russian Federation, elected for the next term, took office, he was again appointed to this post. Similarly reappointed in May 2008 after President Dmitry Medvedev took office. On May 21, 2012, he once again received the portfolio of minister after President Vladimir Putin took office.

Since April 2004 - Chairman of the Russian Commission for UNESCO.

Since January 11, 2010 - member of the Government Commission for Economic Development and Integration.

According to surveys conducted by VTsIOM, Sergei Lavrov has repeatedly been among the three most effective ministers of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Among the fun facts about Sergei Lavrov is a story told on September 12, 2008 in the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph. According to the publication, in a conversation with his British colleague D. Miliband in connection with the settlement of the conflict in South Ossetia in August 2008, Lavrov used obscene language towards the interlocutor, while Lavrov was attributed the words “Who are you to fucking lecture me?” (“Who the fuck are you to lecture me?!”).

On September 14, 2008, Lavrov voiced his version of the conversation in a conversation with journalists: “In order to acquaint Miliband with a slightly different assessment, I had to tell him about the characterization of Saakashvili that our colleague from a European country gave him in a conversation with me. This characterization sounded like "fucking lunatic", and on September 15, in an interview with the BBC, Miliband explained: "That's not entirely true... it's not true that he called me a 'fucking lunatic' and so on, that's not true."

On October 19, 2014, Lavrov called USSR Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko "the great diplomat of the Soviet era." He rated the comparison with Gromyko noted in the Western press as flattering.

Sergei Lavrov always demonstrates openness to the press and willingly answers questions from journalists.

Quotes from Sergei Lavrov:

"Waltz, by definition, is walking in a circle. Waltz therefore won't work. Tango - well, there are some sharp movements there too. We already had a twist. Therefore - two steps forward, one step back. The trend is absolutely positive" ( about relations between Russia and the USA).

“The Western Alliance, led by the United States, acting as a champion of democracy, the rule of law and human rights within individual countries, acts in the international arena from directly opposite positions, rejecting the democratic principle of sovereign equality of states enshrined in the UN Charter and trying to decide for everyone what is good, "and - which is evil. Washington openly declared its right to use military force unilaterally and anywhere to defend its own interests. Military intervention has become the norm, even despite the fact that all military operations undertaken in recent years by the United States have ended in failure."

"International relations are based on reciprocity. What goes around comes around."

“The United States has an amazing ability to turn everything upside down.”

“The fact is that in politics there is a rule: you need to see what is beneficial to you and not notice what is not beneficial to you.”

“We don’t force anyone, we don’t blackmail anyone, we don’t threaten anyone... We are polite people...”

“Crimea means immeasurably more to Russia than the Falklands to Britain.”

“If there were no Crimea and south-eastern Ukraine, the West would have come up with something else. The goal has been set: to throw Russia off balance at any cost. The task was formulated a long time ago.”

“If there is a desire, there will be a reason. Washington and some European countries did not decide to isolate Russia yesterday.”

“The isolation of Russia without political and economic losses for those loved ones and with simultaneous access to Russia’s resources is a long-standing dream of the West. But the “partners” actually don’t have much left to realize this dream. After all, Russia only had to indicate the fact of the formation of a multipolar peace, like Western gunpowder has become pretty wet... Now the wet spot on the suit of “democracy” is covered with folders with sanctions.”

“People in the West are clearly busy looking for at least some reason to continue to put pressure on us. But, firstly, all these reasons look ridiculous and insignificant. Secondly, attempts to put pressure on Russia have never brought results ".

“The Ukrainian crisis is a direct consequence of our Western colleagues’ attempts to once again maintain and move east the dividing lines in the Euro-Atlantic space.”

“Sanctions rarely achieve their intended goal; in the case of Russia, they simply by definition will not be able to achieve it. We do not experience joy from this, just as the European countries that impose these sanctions do not, we know this. But I assure you, we are experiencing difficulties "We will overcome the problems that will arise in a number of areas of the economy. Perhaps we will become more independent and more confident in our abilities - this is also useful."

“When our American partners, together with other members of the UN Security Council, advocate an immediate and unconditional ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, we would very much like them to demand a ceasefire in Ukraine with the same assertiveness and in the same terms - immediately and unconditionally, and not under the terms of surrender of the southeast."

“The junta is a Western creation, flesh and blood. It is the model that the United States and its dolls cling to as the only suitable one that gave birth to Ukrainian fascism. Again, a dream of reason...”

“Only a newcomer is allowed to lose his head when he first finds himself in an insurmountable dead end and gives up, and I, thank God, have seen a lot over the decades of diplomatic service. Patience, which is necessary for any person, is especially valued in our profession. It’s difficult to make me lose my temper. But check not worth it."

"Honest journalism requires honest quotes."

“The modern world is not a kindergarten in which there are certain teachers who assign punishments at their own discretion.”

Sergey Lavrov in the “Evening Urgant” program

Sergei Lavrov's height: 188 centimeters.

Personal life of Sergei Lavrov:

Married. His wife, Maria Aleksandrovna Lavrova, a philologist by training, a teacher of Russian language and literature, worked in the library of the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN. He got married in his third year at MGIMO, when Maria Alexandrovna was still a teacher of Russian language and literature. Since then, his wife has accompanied him on all foreign trips.

Daughter - Ekaterina Sergeevna Vinokurova, was born and raised in New York, graduated from a prestigious school in Manhattan, then Columbia University - studied political science, then completed a master's degree in economics in London.

After studying to become a diplomat, Ekaterina Lavrova met Alexander Vinokurov, a graduate of the Faculty of Economics at Cambridge University, the son of Semyon Vinokurov, formerly the owner of the State Unitary Enterprise Capital Pharmacies, and now the head of the pharmaceutical company Genfa. They got married in 2008 at the Reception House of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation on Vorobyovy Gory.

Two years later, Ekaterina gave birth to Sergei Lavrov’s grandson Leonid (born in 2010), and then a granddaughter.

The work of Sergei Lavrov's daughter is not related to politics - she is co-director of the Russian department of the Christie's auction house. Previously, I was interested in art at an amateur level.

Ekaterina’s husband Alexander Vinokurov owns several businesses: telecommunications, gas, mining, port and pharmaceutical (SIA International company). He is a co-owner of the Genfa company, president of the Summa financial group.

In the fall of 2014, Ekaterina Vinokurova moved to live in Moscow, in the Khamovniki district.

Ekaterina Vinokurova - daughter of Sergei Lavrov

Sergei Lavrov has several hobbies. While still a student, he began rafting along the northern rivers of Russia - and became one of the pioneers. And now he continues to engage in active recreation in remote corners of Russia. During such trips, Lavrov turns off his phone to really relax.

He was one of the organizers and first president (since 2006) of the Russian Rowing Slalom Federation.

In groups he sings with a guitar, has a good voice and hearing.

He writes poetry and composed the MGIMO anthem:

"This is our Institute, this is our mark,
And there is no need for another forever.
Remain always, incomparable MGIMO,
A bastion of student friendship...

Study - so eagerly, and drink - so until the end,
Don't give up and go stubbornly towards your goal.
Hot hearts are scattered around the world,
Reliable in business and in fun."

Sergei Lavrov also collects political jokes.

He loves to play football, his favorite team is Spartak (Moscow). In March 2016, he was one of the founders of the People's Football League of Russia, designed to unite fans of this sport from all over the country.

Lavrov is a heavy smoker. In a restaurant in Dublin, the capital of Ireland, they tried to fine him 3,000 euros for smoking, but the minister flatly refused to pay the fine and made the episode public at a press conference. There is a well-known story about how Lavrov protested against the decision of UN Secretary General Kofi Annan to ban smoking at the Organization’s headquarters: the minister said that this was impossible because Annan was not the owner of the building. He literally said: “This house belongs to all members of the UN, and its secretary general is just a manager.”

Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov is considered one of the famous ministers of the current Russian Government. He has held the portfolio of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs continuously for 13 years.

He took up his current duties in 2004. The birthday of the future statesman was the day of the vernal equinox March 21, 1950 Parents were ministerial employees.

Lavrov’s official biography states that he is Russian by nationality. However, at one of the public meetings, Lavrov announced the presence of Georgian roots and Armenian blood.

According to one version, the future minister was raised by his stepfather, who adopted him and gave him his last name.

He began receiving general education in the Moscow region, then was transferred to the capital. He graduated from school with honors. At this time I intensively studied English. He showed a special interest in physics. He received his higher education at MGIMO.

During his student life, he studied the Sinhala language, common in Sri Lanka. He took part in the social life of students. The anthem written by Lavrov is considered the official anthem of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

He began his service at the diplomatic mission in Sri Lanka. After 4 years he received diplomatic rank. He returned to his native country as third secretary.

In the early 80s. was appointed first secretary of the Permanent Mission of the Soviet Union to the UN. In the future, the activities of a civil servant will be closely connected with international organizations.

He held the position of first secretary for 7 years. In 1988, he returned from New York to his homeland and began public service as deputy head of the Department of International Economic Relations. After the collapse of the country, he became director of the Department of International Organizations under the Russian government.

He took a direct part in the approval of the CIS Charter and resolved numerous conflicts that arose in the post-Soviet space.

In 1994, Sergei Viktorovich began his duties as Permanent Representative of the Russian Government to the UN. The position of the Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN in the diplomatic hierarchy is equal to the First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.

A second trip to the United States brought Lavrov diplomatic fame due to his speech at one of the UN meetings. The harsh speech was dedicated to the violation of diplomatic immunity by American police officers. The States were forced to make an official apology to the Russian Federation.

During his work at the Security Summit, the minister became acquainted with issues and problems of an international nature, among which are the conflict around Afghanistan, Iraq, and Yugoslavia. In 2003, the Russian diplomatic mission to the UN received a record number of positive responses under the leadership of Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov.

It is generally accepted that the second President of the Russian Federation noticed the future Minister of Foreign Affairs at the UN Millennium Summit. Lavrov returned to his homeland 10 years later, after his candidacy was appointed to the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs.

He reflected the priority directions and objectives of the Russian Federation’s policy on the world stage in an article that he wrote when taking up his new position. The article was published by many Russian and international media. The restoration of Russia's superpower status in 2004 is considered a diplomatic success. Then Russia exercised its exclusive right of prohibition at the UN Security Council.

In the same year, he took part in the agreement on dividing the bottom of the Caspian Sea into national segments.

In 2006, he participated in the unprecedented Russian-Chinese summit. The agreements signed concerned the construction of new nuclear energy sources. In 2010, he became a member of the Russian Government Commission for Economic Development and Integration.

Personal life

Lavrov got married while a third-year student. The wife has a philological education and is a teacher of her native language.

They have an only daughter, who was educated at Columbia University and received a master's degree in economics in London.

Among the leisure activities, hobbies include:

  • football;
  • rafting;
  • singing with a guitar;
  • hiking;
  • versification;
  • jokes.

In addition to speaking English and Sinhala, Lavrov studied French. However, Lavrov, according to his own statement, speaks French poorly. The minister is a heavy smoker, and this bad habit is associated with a quote in which Lavrov called the UN Secretary General just a manager.

Lavrov was awarded numerous honorary prizes and awards, among which is the Order of Merit for the Fatherland.

Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov is a man with incredible talents as a politician. For ten years now, he has represented Russia as Minister of Foreign Affairs. Occupies a seat on the UN Council. During his political career, Lavrov has done a lot of work for the country. Thanks to him, the state concluded many agreements with other countries.

But foreign policy was not always in his life, although he devoted a huge part of it to it. What was he like before politics? What do we know about this man, besides his tremendous contribution to the development of the country? This article talks about other aspects of the upbringing of this personality, the ups and turning points in his career.

Confident in himself, he was able to go a long way in life. I would like to start the story of Sergei Viktorovich by answering the questions, what is his height, weight, age? How old is Sergei Lavrov? There is no secret here: this year he turned 68 years old, the politician’s height is 185 centimeters, and his weight is about 80 kilograms. Despite his age, the man is in excellent physical shape.

For a person in his position, the most important thing is health. Nervous and sometimes sleepless work takes a lot of strength and energy. Therefore, proper nutrition is one of the most important criteria for good health. It is nutrition that helps a politician maintain a good mood. At his age, physical activity is no longer as easy as in his youth, but this does not stop Lavrov from doing simple exercises in the morning.

Sergei Lavrov's photos in his youth and now are of course different. After all, the years do not spare anyone anyway. But, as before, a man looks at us from the photographs, in whose eyes, over the years, more and more confidence in the future shines.

Biography of Sergei Lavrov

What do we still know about this man? How did the biography of Sergei Lavrov begin? He was born in 1950, on the morning of March 21 in Moscow. His nationality is a confusing puzzle: the official website states that he is Russian. But, according to some information, the father, Victor Kalantaryan, was an Armenian of Tbilisi origin. Actually, this calls into question his actual nationality. Although it did not play any role in life and political activity. His mother, Kaleria Borisovna, worked in the Ministry of the Soviet Union, which was involved in foreign trade. In the future, Sergei Viktorovich will take her surname as more consonant.

Sergei Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs: biography, nationality - this is not the entire list of questions that can be found on the Internet.

Due to the nature of the parents’ work, the young son was often left in the care of his grandparents and mother’s parents. Grandfather worked as a railway station manager, and grandmother was a housewife. It was with them that Lavrov practically spent his childhood. Today, the famous politician Sergei Lavrov himself is a loving and beloved grandfather of two grandchildren - Leonid and his beautiful granddaughter.

He studied the first two classes in the small town of Noginsk. Later, his parents took him to Moscow, he began to study at a special school with an English bias. The guy was easy not only in foreign languages, but also in physics. He fell in love with this subject, thanks to the teacher who taught his lessons in an easy and accessible way. Therefore, having received a school certificate, Lavrov chose two universities at once to study. At MGIMO, exams started earlier than at others. Sergei Viktorovich scored high and decided to continue gaining knowledge here.

It is very obvious that the political activities of his parents bore fruit; by the time he entered, Sergei knew who he wanted to be. At the university, the guy was a very diligent student, studied well and managed to maintain contact with his peers. He played the guitar, wrote songs and went with construction teams on all sorties.

His political career began almost immediately after graduating from university. Spent more than four years in Sri Lanka. Then he worked in Moscow. For a long time he lived in the USA, where he held the position of senior adviser to the permanent mission of the USSR.

From 1992 to 2004, the politician’s career ladder rises, he occupies new positions in foreign policy and opens up new horizons for himself. In 2004, by decree of V.V. Putin, appointed to the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. He is also Russia's representative on the UN Security Council. Today, he continues to hold a position in the ministry. He is considered one of the most powerful and strong-willed diplomats of both modern times and the past.

All awards, medals and certificates have the same long list as the track record.

Personal life of Sergei Lavrov

The personal life of Sergei Lavrov is not a topic that he will be willing to discuss with journalists and share some secrets relating to this area. However, some details are still known.

He and his wife have been together since their third year at university. Maria Alexandrovna once admitted on camera that she fell in love with a young man at first sight. How could it be otherwise: tall, in excellent physical shape. He was always the life of the party, performed with a guitar in Vysotsky's hoarse voice, read his poems and had a good sense of humor.

Having married Sergei Viktorovich, Maria Alexandrovna never regretted her choice. They raised a wonderful daughter, Ekaterina Lavrova, in marriage. Despite the fact that the child grew up in a wealthy family, she grew up to be an unspoiled, purposeful child. As a child, her mother, a philologist by training, tried to instill in her daughter good manners so that she would be a well-rounded child. Her father, in turn, taught her to be independent, to be able to achieve her goals herself, without resorting to his help.

Family of Sergei Lavrov

The family of Sergei Lavrov is rightfully considered exemplary. The politician met his wife when he was a student. They immediately liked each other and began dating. In his third year at university, Sergei Viktorovich proposed to Maria Alexandrovna. She agreed and for forty years now they have not parted.

When the minister’s career was just gaining momentum, his wife accompanied him on all his business trips. At the same time, Lavrov’s colleagues note that she always remains “in the shadows”, never expresses her opinion during negotiations, and supports her husband in everything.

Children of Sergei Lavrov

Many are interested not only in the political career of a diplomat, but also in the children of Sergei Lavrov: who they are, how many there are, whether their father’s position influenced their fate. The politician's family has only one daughter, Ekaterina. She was born and raised in the United States of America. Some condemn Lavrov because his child grew up and studied abroad. Be that as it may, it is worth remembering that this was not his whim - at that time he was there for work.

Judging by the fact that Katerina is now an adult, self-sufficient person, we can conclude that her parents managed to instill all the positive human qualities and convey to her the correct values ​​in life.

Daughter of Sergei Lavrov - Ekaterina

As mentioned above, the daughter of Sergei Lavrov, Ekaterina, was born in New York. Here she graduated from school and then from university, where she studied political science. The girl decided not to stop there and went to London to also receive an economic education. In this city, Katya met her future husband, Alexander Vinokurov, the son of a famous pharmaceutical magnate. The young people were the same age; a romantic relationship began between them, which led to the wedding.

In 2008, Lavrov’s daughter and Alexander Vinokurov officially registered their union. In addition to close relatives, many high-ranking guests were present at the banquet. Among them was the famous singer and friend of the newlyweds - Valery Leontyev.

The minister's daughter is a successful business lady. She did not want to follow in her father’s footsteps and reached heights in an area that does not intersect with politics. Ekaterina Sergeevna is the director of the Russian branch of the auction house, co-owner of Marathon Group. Despite the fact that she lived abroad for a long time, she still decided to return to the capital of Russia. Two children were born here: in 2010, a boy named Leonid, and two years later a girl.

Sergei Lavrov's wife - Maria Alexandrovna

Sergei Lavrov’s wife, Maria Alexandrovna, was studying at a pedagogical university at the time she met her future husband. By education she is a Russian language teacher and philologist. However, having become the wife of a diplomat, Maria Alexandrovna did not work in her specialty for a single day. The girl decided to devote herself to her family, to become a reliable support for her beloved husband.

The politician's wife accompanied him on all foreign trips. She tries to appear less in public and does not like to talk to journalists. If she accompanies Lavrov at any reception, she always looks intelligent and dresses discreetly, as befits the wives of high-ranking people.

At one time, when the Lavrov family lived in the States, Maria Alexandrovna still worked. She served as head of the library at the UN.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Sergei Lavrov

Instagram and Wikipedia of Sergei Lavrov are quite visited pages on the Internet. The politician has established himself as a tough, but at the same time honest politician, who during his career managed to do a lot for his people and country. He is listened to not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders. Sergei Viktorovich is considered a very smart, erudite diplomat who knows how to competently defend his point of view and correctly convey it to his opponent.

Unfortunately, due to their position, and for security reasons, it is impossible to see a photo of the Lavrov family somewhere on vacation on the Internet. Wikipedia has all the information regarding the biography and political activities of Sergei Viktorovich. And on the Instagram pages you can see pictures from various meetings held by him or at social events.

In 1972 he graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

At MGIMO, Lavrov studied at the eastern department of the Faculty of International Relations. In addition to the Sinhalese he received as a major, Lavrov learned English and French.

Immediately after entering the institute, even before the start of their studies, Lavrov and other students were sent for a month to build the Ostankino TV tower; later, a construction team of classmates worked in Khakassia, Tuva, Yakutia and the Far East during the summer holidays. Lavrov became the cult leader of the course, and then of the entire university: every semester, future diplomats held “cabbage shows”, which over time began to be shown in the large assembly hall of the institute.

The political biography of Sergei Lavrov began with the position of senior assistant at the USSR Embassy, ​​where he was awarded his first diplomatic rank of “attaché”. After working in Sri Lanka (since 1972) for about four years, he returned to Moscow and continued his career at the USSR Foreign Ministry.

From 1976 to 1981 he worked in the Department of International Organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

From 1981 to 1988 - First Secretary, Advisor and Senior Advisor at the Permanent Mission of the USSR to the UN.

In 1988, Lavrov returned to Moscow again and became deputy head of the department of international economic relations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In 1990-1992 - Head of the Department of International Organizations, Director of the Department of International Organizations and Global Problems of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In 1992-1994 - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

From 1994 to 2004 - Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN and Representative of the Russian Federation in the UN Security Council. During his nine and a half years of work in the UN Security Council, Lavrov became closely acquainted with all major international problems: he took part in meetings devoted to conflicts around Yugoslavia, Iraq, the Middle East, Afghanistan and the fight against terrorism. During his time as head of the Russian diplomatic mission to the UN, Lavrov became widely known in the Russian and foreign press. The year 2003 was especially successful for him, when the UN approved a record number of Russian initiatives.

The possible appointment of Sergei Viktorovich to the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs was first discussed in December 1995, when he resigned Andrey Kozyrev. But then he became the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Evgeny Primakov, who in September 1998, after his appointment as Prime Minister, was replaced by Igor Ivanov. However, on March 9, 2004, in accordance with the decree President Vladimir Putin, Lavrov was appointed Russian Foreign Minister in the government Mikhail Fradkov. Having headed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lavrov automatically became a member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

Similarly, he was reappointed to the post of head of the Russian Foreign Ministry in May 2008 after taking office as president. Dmitry Medvedev. On May 21, 2012, he once again received the portfolio of minister after President Vladimir Putin took office.

Since 2004 - Chairman of the Russian Commission for UNESCO.

Since January 11, 2010 - member of the Government Commission for Economic Development and Integration.

In his speeches, he has repeatedly stated that Russia in the international sphere is guided by a multipolar world and opposes the use of “double standards” by the West. According to polls conducted by VTsIOM, Sergei Lavrov has repeatedly been among the three most effective ministers of the government of the Russian Federation.

Personal life

Sergei Viktorovich is married and has a daughter. With my wife Maria Alexandrovna I met as a student. Later, Lavrov’s wife worked in the library of the Russian Permanent Mission to the UN. Daughter Catherine studied at Columbia University, which she entered when Lavrov was Russia’s representative to the UN.

In his spare time, Sergei Viktorovich enjoys rafting: he goes rafting along the mountain rivers of Altai with his friends, MGIMO graduates (he was one of the organizers and the first president (since 2006) of the Russian Rowing Slalom Federation). He loves to play football, his favorite team is Spartak Moscow. In March 2016, he was one of the founders of the People's Football League of Russia, designed to unite fans of this sport from all over the country. He also loves to sing with the guitar and writes poetry. Sergei Lavrov is the author of the MGIMO anthem.

We were born under the shadow of the great MGIMO -
The most beautiful of all earthly dynasties.
Here so many generations are forever intertwined,
May God grant him immortality and happiness.
He opened the way for us to overseas shores,
And he taught us to love the Fatherland,
And pride, like shame, is divided in half with her,
Share with her everything that happens in life.

Selected awards and titles

· Has the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.

· Full holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland

· Order of Honor - for services to the state, great contribution to the implementation of foreign policy and ensuring the national interests of Russia, courage and dedication shown in the performance of official duty.

· Medal “For Contribution to the Creation of the Eurasian Economic Union”, 1st degree (May 13, 2015)

· Certificate of Honor from the President of the Russian Federation (March 8, 2010) - for great services in implementing the foreign policy of the Russian Federation and many years of conscientious work.

· Gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation (November 4, 2006) - for services in preparing and holding a meeting of heads of state and government of the G8 member countries in St. Petersburg.

· Gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation (March 20, 2000) - for many years of fruitful diplomatic activity.

· Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (October 27, 1994) - for his great personal contribution to the preparation of summit meetings on the island. Corfu and Naples.

Foreign awards

· Order of Dostyk, II degree (Kazakhstan, 2005).

· Medal of Honor “For participation in UN programs” (Russian Association for UN Assistance, 2005).

· Order of Friendship of Peoples (Belarus, 2006).

· Gold medal of Yerevan State University (Armenia, 2007).

· Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Sun of Peru (2007).

· Order of Friendship (Vietnam, 2009).

· Order of Honor (March 19, 2010) - for great personal contribution to strengthening the international security system, maintaining peace and stability in the Caucasus, developing friendly relations between the Republic of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation.

· Order of St. Mesrop Mashtots (Armenia, August 19, 2010) - for his great contribution to the strengthening and development of centuries-old Armenian-Russian friendly relations.

· Order of Dostyk, 1st degree (Kazakhstan, 2012).

· Order of Friendship (Laos).

· Order of the Serbian Flag, 1st class (Serbia, December 12, 2016) - for special services in the development and strengthening of relations between Serbia and the Russian Federation.