Lingzhi mushroom application reviews. Lingzhi mushroom is a natural remedy for health, beauty and longevity. Lingzhi mushroom for weight loss

Lingzhi or lacquered tinder fungus is a mushroom from the Ganoderma family. Popular in Chinese, Japanese and Thai alternative medicine. Eastern manufacturers use lingzhi extract to produce capsules with a wide spectrum of action. The main feature of dietary supplements based on tinder fungus is a minimum of side effects, the absence of toxic substances and a complex effect on the entire body.

Chemical composition

Lingzhi or reishi is a source of polysaccharides, which are converted into triterpenoids in the body. Organic compounds exhibit antitumor effects and reduce the risk of cancer of the colon, oral mucosa, mammary glands and T-cell leukemia-lymphoma. Triterpenoids also have anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, immunomodulatory and antibacterial properties.

Preparations based on tinder fungus also contain:

  1. niacin (B3) is an antioxidant vitamin that is necessary for normal metabolism and the removal of toxins from the body;
  2. ascorbic acid – a vitamin with anti-inflammatory and tonic properties, helps fight the effects of stress and normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood;
  3. pantothenic acid (B5) – a vitamin with restorative and fat-burning properties, recommended for allergies, low hemoglobin and arthritis;
  4. tocopherol is an antioxidant vitamin that normalizes blood sugar levels, slows down aging and is used by the body for the synthesis of hormones;
  5. silver ions – a mineral with antibacterial and antimicrobial properties;
  6. zinc is a mineral with immunomodulatory, soothing and tonic properties, improves metabolism, improves mood and performance;
  7. potassium - has a diuretic effect, removes swelling of soft tissues, regulates water-salt balance, strengthens the heart muscle.

Lingzhi mushrooms are sources of proteins, coumarins, beta-carotene, iron, phosphorus, boron and essential amino acids. The exact chemical composition of reishi may vary depending on the region in which it is grown.

Beneficial features

  1. Polypore is a product with a wide spectrum of action:
  2. antiviral;
  3. hepatoprotective;
  4. anticancer;
  5. anti-inflammatory;
  6. immunostimulating and immunomodulating;
  7. antiallergic;
  8. tonic;
  9. restorative.

Preparations with lingzhi are recommended for high blood sugar, a tendency to atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. Capsules with tinder fungus can be taken for severe nervous exhaustion, chronic fatigue syndrome, rhinitis, psoriasis, bronchial asthma and liver diseases.

Reishi accelerates metabolic processes and helps to lose weight, speeds up recovery after intense physical activity, thins the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots. The mushroom is also recommended for erectile dysfunction in men and decreased sexual desire in women. Polypore has a positive effect on hormonal levels, improves blood circulation in the genitals, increases libido and protects against potency problems.

Contraindications and side effects

Lingzhi has no contraindications, but mushroom-based preparations should be taken only after consulting a doctor. Relative contraindications to the use of reishi are pregnancy, lactation, childhood and individual intolerance to tinder fungus.

In the first month of taking dietary supplements, they can cause exacerbation of chronic diseases. In case of any suspicious symptoms, it is worth reviewing the dosage of the herbal preparation and, if necessary, reducing it, but taking a break is not recommended.

If side effects do not begin to subside gradually, you should consult a physician or other specialized specialist.

How to take lingzhi

The most popular reishi capsules

Reishi capsules may contain pure mushroom extract or admixtures of other herbal supplements that enhance the effectiveness of lingzhi and expand the spectrum of action of the natural drug.

The product “Lingzhi Capsules” contains an extract from polypore and medicinal herbs that have immunomodulatory properties. The natural supplement accelerates metabolic processes in the body and triggers the fat burning mechanism.

Additionally, Lingzhi Extract tones and increases stamina, has a positive effect on performance and brain activity, helps the body cope with allergies and reduce the concentration of bad cholesterol.

It is recommended to take the product 1-2 times a day before breakfast and/or lunch. Take no more than 2 capsules at a time and wash them down with plenty of water. “Lingzhi extract” is not compatible with black tea, coffee and alcoholic beverages.

The drug “Ganoderma Tienshanskaya” is based on an extract from the tinder fungus. The product also contains other additives:

  1. goji berries – strengthen the immune system, invigorate and reduce subcutaneous deposits;
  2. honeysuckle – normalizes blood pressure, removes salt and bad cholesterol, regulates blood sugar levels;
  3. yam – has a positive effect on hormonal levels, has antiseptic and antibacterial properties;
  4. Cassia seeds – stimulate intestinal motility;
  5. Poria coconut – suppresses appetite.

The product "Ganoderma Tienshanskaya" is recommended for excess weight, chronic fatigue syndrome, decreased immunity and an increased risk of atherosclerosis and diabetes. The drug is taken before breakfast and dinner, 1 capsule, washed down with 1-2 glasses of still water.

Analogs of “Ganoderma Tienshanskaya” include “Gynostemma quintufolia” and. The products contain an extract from lingzhi and have pronounced fat-burning properties.

You can buy original capsules with tinder fungus, as well as reliable drugs for beauty, health and improving your sex life, on the online pharmacy website.

Many people have heard about the effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine. In this country, special attention is paid to health, quality of nutrition and natural medicines, which can safely include lingzhi mushrooms. In terms of their performance, they have surpassed even ginseng, well known for its healing properties, and occupy a leading position in the voluminous collection of Chinese recipes.


In medical treatises it is often called a divine herb that gives eternal youth. The tree fungus, often found on deciduous trees, or the shiny tinder fungus, is the lingzhi mushroom. Reviews from doctors about it indicate a number of useful properties, especially the rapid anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect after its use. Due to its bitter taste, this mushroom is unsuitable for food. There are several varieties of it.

  • White.
  • Black.
  • Green.
  • Red.
  • Yellow.
  • Six types of purple.

Red lingzhi mushrooms are mainly cultivated as the most useful and rich in vitamins and minerals. They are used primarily to slow down premature aging. In the ancient canons of Chinese medicine, there is such a thing as “energetic youth”; there is no more effective remedy for its restoration and support than the lingzhi mushroom.

Medicinal properties and composition

It does not shrink when dried, retains its shape well; the dense and hard mushroom is unsuitable for food. But its extra-bitter taste can prevent and treat a large number of pathologies. It is produced in the form of capsules and powders, medicinal tea, and recently it has become widely used for cosmetic purposes.

This miracle mushroom is literally overflowing with beneficial ingredients. There is a lot of calcium, iron, phosphorus, selenium, germanium, copper, manganese, zinc and magnesium. In addition to its high mineral content, the Chinese lingzhi mushroom is rich in vitamins B, C, D and amino acids essential for the human body. The pulp of the mushroom is saturated with polysaccharides, it is non-toxic, which means it does not cause side effects during the treatment process. In Chinese folk medicine, it is used for a whole range of different diseases.

  • Coronary heart disease.
  • Stomach and intestinal disorders.
  • Pathologies of the liver and kidneys.
  • Quickly relieves headaches.
  • Normalizes sleep.
  • Improves immunity and mood.
  • Slows down the aging process and improves overall vitality.

A person becomes more resilient in any stressful situations and serious physical activity. As a result of repeated studies, experts have found that the lingzhi mushroom has the best antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hypolipidemic, genoprotective, immunostimulating, antiallergenic, antitumor, immunostimulating and antiviral effects. Reviews from doctors in this case are unanimous. They note that the polysaccharides and triterpenes included in its composition are responsible for these qualities, as they have a pronounced therapeutic and preventive effect.

Impact on the body

In China, relatives of terminally ill people with cancer, for whom doctors did not leave a single chance, used the lingzhi mushroom. Its medicinal properties are primarily characterized by a powerful antitumor effect. And for some, this is the only real way to quickly heal. The healing properties of this plant are countless; all of them have been tested and are based solely on the results obtained after completing the course of treatment:

  1. The most important of them is the ability to fight all types and stages of oncology and even get rid of it completely.
  2. There are known cases of complete cure of chronic infections that official medicine cannot cope with (trichomoniasis, herpes, chlamydia).
  3. Permanently eliminates arrhythmia and normalizes all cardiac activity.
  4. Relieves pain, restores joints, is indicated for those suffering from arthritis, arthrosis, osteoporosis, osteochondrosis.
  5. It is effective in the presence of allergies and can eliminate them forever, but treatment usually takes up to two years.

This was confirmed by specialists from the Institute of Oncology in the USA, who conducted a series of studies and came to the conclusion that, thanks to the presence of lanostane, lingzhi mushrooms are excellent at fighting all types of serious chronic pathologies.

Application in the fight against allergies

Currently, preparations are underway in America for the release of a medicine that meets new requirements. It will be aimed at combating all manifestations of allergies, but unlike antihistamine analogues, it will not produce side effects and eliminate the true cause of the disease. Lingzhi mushrooms in this regard meet all the stated requirements.

Most of our planet today suffers from allergies to one degree or another, often manifesting themselves in the form of serious exacerbations with attacks of suffocation, unbearable itching that keeps you awake at night. The drugs developed to date are designed only to alleviate the symptoms of this disease, moreover, they give a strong sedative effect, which cannot be noted positively.

The Truths of Chinese Healers

Even two thousand years ago, ancient Chinese medical treatises mentioned the lingzhi mushroom. Its properties were valued and used by noble people, and they called it “the herb that gives eternal youth” (in Japan it was given a different name - reishi, and in Korea it is called yonji). The healers of those times claimed that only he was able to restore the broken harmony between the important vital forces of yin and yang, freeing the body from all harmful substances. They indicated the presence of six varieties of this plant, each of which was attributed exceptional properties.

  • White (metal) heals and clears the respiratory tract.
  • Green (wood) has a sour taste and is good for the liver.
  • Red (fire) is very bitter, cleanses blood vessels, improves the functioning of the heart.
  • Black (water) has a salty taste, gently but effectively cleanses the kidneys and normalizes their activity.
  • Yellow (earth) restores the functions of the spleen, slightly sweet in taste.
  • Woody (recycled wood) is distinguished by a variety of shades of purple, grows well on all trees, helps restore youth and health.

There were songs and legends about lingzhi, which said that this mushroom not only quickly restores physical health, but is also capable of changing one’s karma and even restoring one’s aura.

Mushroom of immortality and longevity

Now everyone can experience for themselves all the healing properties of the lingzhi mushroom. There are numerous reviews about it, and all list exclusively the advantages of this plant:

  1. In addition to a targeted effect on allergic symptoms, it simultaneously relieves the body of atopic dermatitis and bronchial asthma.
  2. They quickly relieve severe migraines, expressed in constant headaches, by the way, and here medicine has admitted itself to be absolutely powerless.
  3. Helps remove harmful cholesterol from the body and cleanse blood vessels. And as a result - normalization of pressure. This is noted in the reviews of people who are accustomed to numbers of “over two hundred”; after completing the course of treatment, they forgot about such a serious problem.
  4. They normalize the general state of a person, including the mental state, and act at the deepest level. There are known cases of relief from such serious diseases as Alzheimer's disease, vegetative-vascular dystonia and epilepsy. They stop the development of Parkinson's disease and facilitate its course.
  5. They improve the appearance of the skin, are used as masks for cosmetic purposes and give instant results. The antioxidant present in lingzhi, together with vitamins, renews it at the cellular level, fills it with useful substances and rejuvenates. An ideal product for aging, fading and problematic skin.

Reviews and comments

Many have already tried the medicinal lingzhi mushroom and the first positive property they note is a general improvement in their condition after starting to take it:

  • The overall tone of the body increases, sleep normalizes, and in the morning you feel alert and thirsty for activity.
  • Everyone who had high blood pressure or went off scale especially loved reishi for its active action and quick normalization of general well-being. Many note that they did not expect such an effect, having tried a lot of remedies, including folk ones, and have already come to terms with their difficult and uncomfortable daily condition.
  • Along with the normalization of all processes, metabolism also starts, a complete cleansing of the body from toxins accumulated in it over many years begins, which is noted in a sharp loss of excess weight, cleansing of the skin, strengthening and renewal of hair and nails.

All reviews are unanimous and extremely positive; after starting to take it, immunity increases, seasonal viral infections pass by, blood pressure levels decrease, severe allergy symptoms go away, and physical activity is restored.

How to use

Lingzhi mushrooms were associated with the symbol of immortality and eternal strength in ancient Chinese medicine. The method of their use is different and depends on the form of release. It is believed that the larger and perennial the plant, the more it has accumulated strength, nutrients and elements that promote rapid healing.

You can use reishi as a general tonic that you can always carry with you by pouring the decoction into a small thermos. It is recommended to drink this bitter drink throughout the day, washed down with sweet tea if necessary. This method of use will strengthen the immune system and maintain the general condition of the body.

The high value of the mushroom requires its rational use, so in most cases a strong decoction is used. It is prepared in a four-step method, namely:

Take a small vessel, preferably clay, place a whole mushroom in it and fill it with the required amount of water;

Boil until the solution becomes thick, pour it into a bottle and fill the vessel again with water, and so boil the lingzhi mushroom four times.

Control how to take this infusion yourself. Initially, it is better to start with a minimal amount and gradually increase the dose, observing the reaction of your body. Of course, the best in this regard are considered to be the real tinctures of Taoist healers, who understand detailed issues thoroughly and know how to correctly extract all the power from this valuable plant.

Where can I buy

As the legend points out, real reishi is not so easy to catch. There are a lot of legends associated with it, in particular about the ancient Taoists, who were in constant search for a symbol of immortality. It grows only in a certain area, and the mushroom is guarded by dragons and snakes. In addition, a person with unprepared energy cannot disrupt reishi, which knows how to change its location and hide.

Of course, this is just a legend, and now lingzhi mushrooms (reishi, yonji) can be purchased in different places, the most inexpensive ones can be found in Thailand and China. People who have recently visited these countries note that prices there are several times lower and amount to about two hundred baht per package. For us, a box of capsules in the amount of one hundred or eighty pieces usually costs around a thousand rubles. Most online stores focus on this level. Of course, you need to take into account transportation and the costs of it, but still, if possible, it is better to ask for them to be brought directly from the country of origin. This will not only help you save money, but will also guarantee the highest quality of this product.

Cautions and contraindications

Experts in these matters note that now consumers have begun to intensively buy this mushroom, without thinking about the very purpose of its use, often classifying the product incorrectly. There are artificially grown tree mushrooms, and they have nothing in common with real reishi, which has healing properties. Their task, as a rule, is to generally stimulate the body, strengthen its defenses and normalize the condition, but such a simple tree mushroom is not capable of healing severe diseases. Often inexperienced buyers confuse it with the expensive and effective reishi and purchase it for a relatively large amount. You need to know that the real “divine” mushroom grows only in exceptional places, is collected only by hand and cannot be sold everywhere. The strongest reishi here is considered to be collected on the sacred mountain Taishan.

Such a mushroom is ordered directly and indicating the specific purposes of its use. Note that all drugs produced on its basis (capsules and powders) have no contraindications, but require long-term continuous use, sometimes up to several years or more. They always prove their high efficiency, as evidenced by a lot of reviews.

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What are they?

Lingzhi has been known to people for more than 2000 years. They have a lot of names. This is both the varnished tinder fungus and the shiny ganoderma. But they are best known as lingzhi.

When you visit Vietnam, you can hear the legend. It is difficult to find such a mushroom, since the mushroom is not simple, but when used correctly it can give immortality and youth. Moreover, if a person is looking for it with bad inclinations or is himself a complete negative person, he will not find it, and even if he does find it, it will not be of any use to him.

In addition, you can find lingzhi, but it still needs to be picked. It is believed that the places where it grows are protected by snakes and dragons.

If you do not pay attention to the legends, then such mushrooms can be found on dying trees or on rotting stumps. They mainly grow in countries such as:

Here they are used as a healthy food additive. And maybe it is the presence of lingzhi mushroom in products that gives such life expectancy.

Where can I buy?

Vietnam exports such mushrooms all over the world, and therefore those who want to improve their health, but are not able to travel to Vietnam, can buy it in large stores or pharmacies. But you still need to look for it well.

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They also order it from those traveling to Vietnam. Therefore, if you are going to this country, do not forget to buy in reserve. It is sold in the form of tinctures and tablets.

Basic properties of the mushroom

The peculiarity of the lingzhi mushroom is that it is very rich in various beneficial substances, such as amino acids and enzymes, various vitamins, etc. Eating mushrooms helps cope with the following diseases:

In addition, it helps protect the body from stress by strengthening the nervous system. You can use it to lose weight. Prevents the development of mental health problems, including senile dementia.

How to eat properly

The healers themselves warn that you need to use the lingzhi mushroom very carefully. This is not a panacea for all diseases, but a way to strengthen and support the body. It is best to consult a doctor. To obtain lasting results, it must be used for at least 6 months.

If you buy a mushroom at a pharmacy, it comes with detailed instructions with cooking recipes. The drug intake will be regulated here. So, having bought capsules, you need to eat 2 tablets 3 times a day. And it’s better even less often, without loading the body immediately, but allowing it to gradually adapt to new conditions.

It is for this reason that during the first week one takes 1 tablet, 2 times a day, after which the dosage changes.

Special Warnings

Since mushrooms have no special contraindications, there are still restrictions. For example, you need to be careful with them if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. It is not necessary to refuse, but the dosage should be reduced. The thing is that mushrooms can provoke a cleansing of the body, which can worsen a woman’s well-being.


As you can see, Vietnamese lingzhi mushrooms are not such a panacea, and therefore you should not chase and look for them, as you can run into a fake. And the best way to be healthy is, of course, proper nutrition and exercise.

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A couple of years ago, I first became acquainted with lingzhi in the form of a truly magical facial detox, Chumpatong. Impressed by such powerful natural cosmetics, I began to systematically study what kind of beast this is - the lingzhi mushroom. I sifted through mountains of information and began collecting my own collection of real reviews.

It was not difficult to do this: we give our sick friends and relatives a jar or two of mushroom capsules, and listen to thanks for the greetings from Thailand. We wait. We are conducting surveys... Yes, yes, I have already heard that the cynicism and shamelessness of journalists is just that in general. How the earth bears such people in March, and all that. But let’s digress from my moral qualities and focus on mushrooms: where did the fashion for lingzhi come from, what are their properties, what information about them to believe, how to use them, and where you can buy them at reasonable prices.

Lingzhi capsules and cosmetic mask

The most flattering and ancient review of lingzhi

First PR campaign lingzhey was carried out a couple of thousand years ago. While Jesus was suffering for our sinful souls, enlightened Chinese doctors were sculpting a treatise on their most powerful healing remedies. It was called something like “The Holy Book of Miraculous Medicinal Plants.” In this scripture, all available medicinal herbs and mushrooms were divided into three categories according to the strength of their healing properties. The first listed a little more than a hundred powerful remedies called plants of God, and number one here was lingzhi, ahead of even the notorious ginseng. It’s a gift that mushrooms and plants are generally two different kingdoms of living organisms on planet Earth. Thanks to my school biology teacher Nadezhda Vasilievna Sivitskaya for the knowledge of a dubious degree of utilitarianism that is indelible from memory!

The miracle mushroom has many names in different languages. Thus, lingzhi is an original Thai nickname; in Japan it is known as reishi, and in Korea - yonzhi. Modern science calls these creatures of the fungal kingdom the lacquered tinder fungus, or the lacquered Ganoderma. Another name is Ganoderma lucidum. And certainly not the last...

The many-faced mushroom is actually a prosaic tree mushroom. However, it is believed that, like none of its honey mushroom relatives, it is capable of accumulating and transforming certain elements that it receives from the tree of growth into healing substances.

According to ancient Chinese legends, the real sacred enzhi, which has healing properties, is not so easy to find - it hides and runs away from ungodly mushroom pickers, and is guarded by dragons and snakes. I have nothing to do with it - that’s what the Taoists say.

But modern manufacturers of natural medicines, now usually called dietary supplements, have saved us from the need to trudge through forests and mountains, defeat dragons and maintain impeccable piety in search of treasured mushrooms. Now you can buy lingzhi capsules, which are sold in any pharmacy in Thailand, for example, and in dozens of online stores for Thai and Chinese medicine. Moreover, in Russia, in the magical Altai, reishi is successfully produced, and the price for them is attractive in rubles. I don’t think that they are fundamentally different from those grown in Southeast Asia. Although one authoritative admirer of the culture of Tao speaks very critically about the effectiveness of such replicated products, which towards the end I cannot help but mention for the sake of comparing notes and extreme objectivity of this material.

Healing properties of reishi

There are indecently many of them, like those of the Ayurvedic old midwife, and I will list the main ones.

  1. The most valuable property is that it prevents the occurrence of cancer, slows down the development of cancerous tumors and is even able to treat cancer. At this point, I sincerely hope for the wisdom of the readers: nothing is a panacea, nothing is a reason to refuse treatment already prescribed by a doctor, because in our time, with a densely ignorant attitude towards one’s own health, it is often too late to drink Borjomi alone. I know that your humble servant is boring by nature, but I don’t want to take a sin on my soul with a careless word much more than I fear being considered a bore...
  2. Helps get rid of chronic infections such as chlamydia, herpes, trichomoniasis, etc. Often, official medicine recognizes them as incurable.
  3. Regulates the work of the heart, eliminates angina pectoris and arrhythmia.
  4. Treats diseases of bones and joints - osteoporosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis. Symptoms become significantly less pronounced, pain disappears.
  5. They are well aware of the effectiveness of reishi against allergies. It is considered one of the few remedies that can truly relieve chronic allergies, but the course of treatment lasts a year or two.

    This was confirmed by official studies. Specialists from the US National Cancer Institute, while analyzing the chemical composition of lingzhi, found that they contain a certain lanostane, a substance that prevents the formation of antibodies. Based on this ingredient, American scientists are currently developing a new generation of antiallergic drugs, whose mechanism of action will be fundamentally different from antihistamines. Firstly, they will not give a side effect of sedation, and secondly, the causes of the disease will be treated, and not the symptoms, as Suprastin, Claritin, Cetrizin and all, all, all do.
    To me, as a severe allergy sufferer in a past life, who was regularly pumped out by ambulance every six months for suffocation and mortal itching, this property of mushrooms seems so interesting that I decided to continue my personal little research on this topic. Because half of my family, like half of humanity, suffers from allergies.
  6. Significantly reduces activity or completely eliminates allergic diseases - bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, etc.
  7. They get rid of migraines, which, again, are recognized by medicine as untreatable.
  8. Lowers cholesterol and blood pressure, highly recommended for hypertension. I warmly confirm this effect from the words of my mother, a severe hypertensive patient, for whom life with a blood pressure of 200 and above is a common, albeit unpleasant, thing.
    The staff of the All-Union Cardiology Center confirms this with me.
  9. Treats mental illnesses, central nervous system diseases - epilepsy, Alzheimer's, depression and vegetative-vascular dystonia, reduces the manifestations of Parkinson's disease. Allegedly, back in the 17th century, the heir to the Japanese emperor was cured of what was then epilepsy with the help of reishi, as the mushroom is called in the Land of the Rising Sun.
  10. Strengthens the immune system, increases resistance to stress. This is considered the only “side effect” of treatment with the Japanese-Chinese-Thai remedy.
  11. Finally, they improve the condition of the skin - they have a powerful cosmetic effect. For the most part, this manifests itself as an antioxidant: ling-zhi prevents skin aging, gives it a fresh, blooming appearance, increases blood circulation, and contains a whole complex of vitamins. A mask made from them can transform your facial skin in a matter of minutes... What was I talking about?! I already wrote about the Thai-made detox powder Chumpatong. I pray - do not ignore this natural, safe and relatively inexpensive remedy for transforming your skin! Especially problematic and fading ones.

There are even more healing properties of reishi on the Internet, but by God, I’m too lazy to rewrite it with aspiration. Let me share my reviews, give you tips on where to buy the best deals, and let’s call it quits for today. I'm about to get an incurable migraine with these lings - they demand so much beeches!

Siribuncha brand lingzhi capsules, Thailand

Reishi reviews

I have collected several real responses.

  • Sister Nadezhda, 45 years old. The goal is undefined: you just need to drink something for your health.
    “After two packs of 60 capsules, I started sleeping peacefully at night for the first time in many years. Digestion has improved and the overall tone of the body has increased. It seemed that I was starting to lose weight. Marin, maybe you’ll send more?..”
  • My mother, 65 years old.
    Two packs, the goal is to reduce blood pressure.
    “While I was drinking, my blood pressure remained normal—consistently high. I didn’t have to lie in bed all day because of 240 by 180 when my heart jumped out.
    And this... Clean it very hard. I mean, the chairs are normal. It even seemed that it became a little easier.
    Not to say it’s a magic cure, but they do provide something.”
  • Friend Natasha, 23 years old. The goal is to lose weight and get married.
    “It’s complete bullshit! I seem to have started to lose weight, but this is mainly due to the fact that I began to seriously visit the restroom more often. The belly has shrunk and it has become more comfortable. But the fat on my thighs remained the same. I understand that if you at least run with lingchi, you can somehow lose weight.
    And so... Not married yet.”
    Push. Natasha is the only one who independently ordered me to send her medicinal mushrooms as a means of losing weight. From her I was surprised to learn that in Russia Ganoderma is positioned as a super remedy for weight loss. In my opinion, there is some truth in this, but proper nutrition and physical activity must be applied, as the subject correctly noted.
  • Irina, 35 years old. The goal is to improve appearance and strengthen immunity.
    “Your Ganoderma mask is absolutely unrealistic, next time I’ll fly back and buy a whole box. But for immunity, I don’t know. I drank for a month in the fall, but in the winter I was still sick as usual - colds, sore throat. It just became a little easier to get up in the morning. Apparently, they’re not bad as vitamins.”
  • Me, 18 years old.
    The goal is to preview what will happen.
    I started taking capsules, but after a week I was forced to stop. The reason is a decrease in blood pressure. Since I am already a hypotonic creature, I don’t need this. So I will only apply lingzhi to the face.
  • Alekseyviktorovich, 40 years old.
    The goal is similar to the previous subject.
    “Which Ganoderma? Marina, you constantly give me some kind of herbs, and I have no idea which ones are called there. Alive, as you can see, I’m moving my arms and legs. The belly is in place - I haven’t lost weight. He poops well - nothing has changed... That’s it, go learn to knit, don’t interfere!”

Something like this. To summarize, there is clearly something there, I need to try it, although it didn’t quite work for me. However, this may be evidence of the effectiveness of reishi for hypertension.

Otherwise, this article is for informational purposes only, and to the anticipated questions about whether anyone in particular should take Engi, I can only give an unpleasant answer: I don’t know. It’s worth asking a qualified doctor of Tibetan medicine about this, who would be absolutely difficult to catch in Russia, it seems to me. Then let at least the local therapist give advice - at least he has a diploma from a medical institute. I am a mediocre creature, not carrying any truly useful semantic load in society, except for attempts at enlightenment.

Where to buy lingzhi without selling a kidney

Comrades, be careful!

As is the case with goji berries, chia seeds, etc. very useful roots, reishi are not at all as exorbitantly expensive as other “sensational” sites on the RuNet present them. It’s probably none of my business, but it genuinely upsets me when I see lingzhi capsules at prices of ten to fifteen thousand rubles for a regular package of 60-80-100 pieces.

For example,

  • In Thailand, the red price for mushroom capsules in pharmacies and beauty stores and even deep tourist shops of Thai traditional medicine is about 200 baht. You can often find it cheaper.
  • In neighboring Cambodia and Vietnam, prices for Thai-made ganoderma in pharmacies are usually thirty percent more expensive.
  • In Russia Altai r eishi in the most naturalistic form of dried mushrooms - there is an opinion that they are more effective in the fight against tumors and other ailments - sold from 420 rubles per 50 g in a nice, in my opinion, Barnaul online store.

I was about to open my mouth and sign how sincere and yours I am, but I remembered my promise to cast additional doubt on the information about the healing properties of linja.

Reishi - real and fake

There is a website of a certain venerable Taoist Oleg Cherne. After reading his biography and watching his training videos on the Tao, I realized that he was a very serious man, a deep thinker, and renounced many material values. At the same time, I don’t feel on the same wavelength with him, and, I admit, his style of presenting information is rather broke my brain depresses rather than inspires. In short, in Soviet times he was a simple Russian karateka, then one day he fell from the roof, and the Tao was revealed, according to him. He traveled a lot to holy and not-so-holy places in Asia and beyond. Now he lives, if I’m not mistaken, in China, and broadcasts the truths of Tao from there.

In his article about lingzhi there are whimsical stories about cinnabar, the geometry of a mushroom, etc. concepts that are probably unknown to me due to my own ignorance. This is Chinese medicine, their Tao, Yin and Yang, but I am closer to the good old Ayurveda with its Shakti and Shanti. But it is very likely that in RuNet he is the most competent person on a given topic, and I could not ignore his publication.

The blogger says that most of the lingzhi offered by the industry today are fake. That is, they are not as medicinal as true ones, which grow in certain areas, must be collected at a certain time and exclusively by hand. This fact disappointed me and seriously made me think about how I should write this article—in what vein? For example, when I wrote a review about a natural Thai antibiotic , I was absolutely confident in my words, because... they were supported by personal experience - this is effective.

In the case of Ganoderma lucidum, my experience is incomplete, and I am forced to tell only on the basis of Googled information and other people's reviews. Plus such a serious counterargument. I was confused, and this text was postponed for several more weeks - I was digesting the information.

Now I have decided what to do. Come on, gentlemen, I will offer you generalized facts for reflection, and let everyone decide for themselves what conclusions to draw about the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of linja.

We have:

  1. A lot of useful properties, often confirmed by official scientific research.
  2. In general, the reviews I collected from real people are quite good, although far from enthusiastic.
  3. A significant remark from a specialist that industrial capsules and dried reishi are garbage. You need to buy only by special order, hand-picked on the sacred mountain of Taishan.
  4. A special order is offered urgently by the specialist himself, and the price of 150 - 200 dollars per serving poisons my spoiled materialistic consciousness with suspicion...
  5. Serious question: The National Institute of Oncology in the USA and the All-Union Center for Cardiological Research - what mushroom did these authoritative organizations use for their research, during which the healing properties were identified? Handpicked on the holy mountain. where dragons guard the supreme lingzhi mushroom or ordinary and “useless” reishi. Maybe even artificially grown ones.

For this, allow me to quietly take my leave and not disturb my thoughtful reader to be left alone with thoughts and subsequent individual conclusions about everything that I have told you again today...

Sincerely yours, meticulous failed healer Marta.

Lingzhi or Reishi mushroom, Ganoderma lacquered, Polypore lacquered

Pharmaceutical name: Ganoderma Lucidum
Botanical name: Gаnoderma Lucidum; Gаnoderma japonicum
Russian name: Lingzhi or Reishi mushroom, Ganoderma varnished, Ganoderma shiny, Tinder fungus varnished
Chinese pinyin name: 靈芝, Ling Zhi (Lingzhi)
Literal translation from Chinese: “mushroom of spiritual power”
Alternative Chinese names: Mu Ling Zhi, Zi Ling Zhi
Japanese name: Reishi (Reishi), マンネンタケ – Man’nentake (“Mannentake”)
Name in English: Gаnoderma, Lucid Gаnoderma, Lacquered Bracket, Lingzhi Mushroom, Reishi mushroom
Name in German: Glänzende Lackporling
Title in Italian: Fungo dell’immortalità
Name in French: Ganoderme luisant

Lingzhi or Reishi mushroom – Gаnoderma Lucidum — Ganoderma lacquered (in the photo the mushroom is cut into slices)

The source that first mentions the Reishi-Lingzhi mushroom:“Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing” (“Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing” – “Treatise of the Divine Vinedresser on Medicinal Herbs”). It is believed that this medical treatise was created between 300 BC and 200 AD.

PROPERTIES according to TCM (traditional Chinese medicine):
Energy properties: sweet, neutral.
Corresponding meridians: heart, liver, lungs, kidneys.

According to some reports, the dose can be up to grams. for medicinal decoction, gr. for oral administration in powder form.

The Reishi-Lingzhi mushroom contains: ganodermic acid, lucidenic acid, ganoderic acids, ganodosterone oleic acid, and other substances with versatile pharmacological activity. The Reishi Lingzhi mushroom contains the element germanium in quantities that can be 10 times higher than the germanium content of ginseng root.

1. Reishi-Lingzhi mushroom nourishes the Heart and calms the Spirit (Shen)
In case of unstable mental state: Reishi-Lingzhi mushroom nourishes the Spirit and strengthens Qi energy and blood, and thus treats insufficiency of the Heart and Spleen systems, manifested as insomnia, forgetfulness, fatigue, weakness and lack of appetite.
For insomnia: Reishi Lingzhi mushroom can be used in decoctions along with the medicinal herbs Dang Gui (Radix Angelicae sinensis), Bai Shao (Radix Paeoniae alba), Suan Zao Ren (Semen Zizyphi Spinosae) and Long Yan Rou (Arillus Longan).

2. Stops coughing and wheezing when breathing
Cough and asthma: Reishi-Lingzhi mushroom dispels phlegm (reflux), reduces coughing and wheezing. Used for symptoms: cough caused by cold; cough with phlegm; accelerated breathing; asthma and chronic insomnia due to shortness of breath.
Asthma and cough: Reishi-Lingzhi mushroom can be used in medicinal decoctions in combination with the herbs Dang Shen (Radix Codonopsis), Wu Wei Zi (Fructus Schisandrae chinensis - Schisandra chinensis), Gan Jiang (Rhizoma Zingiberis - ginger) and Ban Xia (Rhizoma Pinelliae).

3. Tones and increases vital energy Qi life and nourishes the blood
With a lack of Qi and blood energy, with weak digestion: In East Asia, Reishi Lingzhi mushroom is traditionally used to strengthen the body and tonify Qi energy. It treats Qi and blood deficiency, weak digestion, poor appetite, general weakness, diarrhea, fatigue, dizziness and lower back pain.
In case of shortage of Qi energy and lack of blood: You can use only the Reishi-Lingzhi mushroom in its pure form, without other medicinal herbs.

4. For the recovery of cancer patients
Reishi-Lingzhi mushroom is used as a remedy that restores the functioning of the stomach, bone marrow and increases blood production in people who have undergone anti-cancer treatment with chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

The Reishi Lingzhi mushroom is believed to have the following main medicinal properties:
Supports immune system function
Has a general tonic effect
Replenishes vital energy Qi
Has an antimicrobial effect
Improves memory
Relieves dizziness
Treats mental illness
Treats insomnia
Restores the functioning of the cardiovascular system
Normalizes blood pressure
Reduces blood sugar levels
Improves liver function
Promotes proper metabolism
Prevents the occurrence of cancer, has an antitumor effect, inhibits the growth of cancer cells
Relieves allergies
Restores blood flow to the pancreas
It is an effective antitussive, treats many types of asthma and other pulmonary diseases.
Promotes detoxification of body organs
Has an antioxidant effect
Used as a natural cosmetic product that activates the processes of skin regeneration and rejuvenation

Anti-cancer and anti-tumor effects: it has been found that the Reishi-Lingzhi mushroom, due to its ability to increase immunity and body resistance, has anti-neoplastic and anti-cancer properties.

The specific properties of the Reishi-Lingzhi mushroom include its ability to increase the number of monocytes, macrophages and T-lymphocytes in the blood. In addition, consumption of the Reishi-Lingzhi mushroom helps to increase the amount of cytokines, interleukin, increases the production of interferon in the body, as well as the production of other medicinal factors that promote tumor necrosis.

Those patients who have undergone or are undergoing courses of treatment with radiotherapy or chemotherapy can consume a decoction of the Reishi Lingzhi mushroom in order to reduce the effects of the harmful effects of radioactive radiation or aggressive chemical drugs.

When used prophylactically, Reishi Lingzhi mushroom also helps reduce the risk of developing cancer in the future. Reishi Lingzhi mushroom also has the ability to remove toxins, toxic substances and heavy metal compounds from the body.

Research has shown that the Reishi Lingzhi mushroom has medicinal properties that help treat tumors, lower blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol. Laboratory experiments have confirmed that the Reishi-Lingzhi mushroom contains active substances that fight certain types of cancer. These cancers include epithelial ovarian cancer. In animal experiments, it was found that the Reishi-Lingzhi mushroom inhibits the development of cancer metastases in this type of cancer.

Although, it is still not entirely clear how exactly the Reishi-Lingzhi mushroom fights cancer. Although it has already been established that it can inhibit the formation of new blood capillaries caused by a tumor. And this causes a cessation of the supply of nutrients to the tumor, which can thus stop its uncontrolled growth.

Reishi Lingzhi mushroom may also inhibit the movement of cancer cells throughout the body's systems. The Reishi-Lingzhi mushroom can also inhibit the ability of cancer cells to reproduce.

In addition to the use of Reishi Lingzhi mushroom in the fight against cancer, it is also considered an important natural remedy for the treatment of certain viral diseases, for regulating the functioning of the cardiovascular system, for the treatment of chronic fatigue, for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, and also as a remedy that can help patients diabetes mellitus But all these promising areas of application of the Reishi-Lingzhi mushroom, unfortunately, are still not supported by comprehensive clinical studies.

GROWING and HARVESTING of Reishi-Lingzhi mushroom
Currently, the natural wild Reishi-Lingzhi mushroom, grown and found in the forest, is very, very rarely found on sale. When in the early 1970s they learned to grow it on special mushroom farms, then since then it is the one grown on the farm that is most often offered on the market. It should be noted that the medicinal qualities of such mushrooms are worse than those of wild mushrooms. Moreover, on farms, mushrooms are grown in two different ways: the first is in greenhouses on sawdust compost; and the second - in the air, on solid logs. The first method produces a cheaper (and lower quality) Reishi-Lingzhi mushroom, and the second method produces a more expensive one, but also one of higher quality in its medicinal properties.

Those people who intend to collect the Reishi-Lingzhi mushroom in the forest on their own should know that there are many different varieties of tinder fungi, which to an unskilled person may look similar in appearance to the desired Reishi-Lingzhi mushroom, but at the same time be completely different mushrooms - perhaps even , which is also deadly poisonous. Therefore, without knowing for sure, and without having a real expert on the Reishi-Lingzhi mushroom next to you, it is better not to be tempted to collect unknown things, and do not risk the health and life of yourself and your loved ones.

Reishi-Lingi mushroom is traditionally used as a medicinal decoction made from crushed mushrooms boiled in hot water.

Thinly sliced ​​or finely chopped Reishi-Lingi mushroom (fresh or dried) is placed in a pan with cool water and left for 30 minutes so that the mushroom softens a little in the water (if you start cooking immediately, without pre-soaking, not all active substances will be extracted from the mushroom in the decoction). Then the water is brought to a boil and the pan is covered with a lid. The Reishi-Lingi mushroom is then simmered there for two hours. To prepare the broth, you can use an enamel pan with unchipped enamel or special fireproof kettles or pots made of stone mass. Iron and metal pans cannot be used.

The resulting liquid is quite bitter in taste and dark in color. If the red Reishi-Lingi mushroom is used, then its decoction will be more bitter than the decoction of the black Reishi-Lingi mushroom.

The cooking process is sometimes repeated to obtain a stronger concentration of the decoction.

Alternatively, Reishi Lingji mushroom can be used as one of the ingredients in a complex herbal decoction formula. Sometimes liquid extracts, capsules, and boluses are prepared from the Reishi-Lingji mushroom. It can also be used as a finely ground powder.

Reishi Lingzhi mushroom should not be used during acute illnesses or inflammations.

Reishi-Lingzhi mushroom cannot be combined with the simultaneous use of thrombolytics, antihypertensive drugs during pregnancy and lactation.

In some people, the Reishi Lingzhi mushroom can cause a rash, facial redness, and diarrhea. Rare side effects include diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

Reishi Lingzhi mushroom should not be mixed or consumed with Rx root. Dichroae (Chang Shan), as well as with the herb Hb. Artemisiae Scopariae (Yin Chen Hao) - that is, with the herb of bitter wormwood.

HISTORICAL BACKGROUND from various sources:
1. Some ancient medical sources claim that the Reishi-Lingzhi mushroom strengthens the middle Jiao (i.e., the body organs located in the diaphragm area), activates sperm and the innate vital essence “Jing”, improves vision, improves intelligence, inhibits growth and development tumors, cleanses and eliminates harmful accumulations from the body.

2. In the East, the Reishi-Lingzhi mushroom is called “food of the immortals.”

3. Before use, the Reishi Lingzhi mushroom is usually cut into thin slices, and then a medicinal decoction, medicinal syrup, and tincture are prepared from it. During factory production, special liquids for injection are also prepared from it.

4. In terms of its texture, the Reishi Lingzhi mushroom is a very woody mushroom, which, before preparing a medicinal decoction from it, should first be cut very thin so that during the cooking process all the necessary medicinal ingredients can be extracted from it. Also, before preparing a medicinal decoction from the Reishi-Lingzhi mushroom, it is advisable to first soak its thinly sliced ​​slices in warm water for half an hour to an hour.

5. Some Eastern medical sources classify Reishi Lingzhi mushroom as a tonic that increases vital energy Qi.

6. One ancient medical treatise claims that the Reishi-Lingzhi mushroom removes toxins.

9. Long-term consumption of Reishi-Lingzhi mushroom makes the body light and slows down the aging of the body.

10. Consumption of Reishi Lingzhi mushroom causes a long-term strengthening of the immune system in the body and directly stimulates its functioning, which helps prevent the occurrence of cancer, as well as treat the early stages of cancer.

11. Reishi-Lingzhi mushroom is the main, if not the only, natural antiallergic remedy that can regulate immune disorders across all 5 types of hypersensitivity reactions.

12. Infusion and decoction of the Reishi Lingzhi mushroom is used to prevent and treat unproductive stress.

13. In ancient times, the Reishi-Lingzhi mushroom was used by monks and hermits during meditative exercises and practices.

14. Reishi Lingzhi Mushroom can be used as a tonic for vital energy Qi and to increase blood production in the body.

15. Recently, Eastern medicine doctors have been using the Reishi Lingzhi mushroom to treat chronic fatigue, certain heart diseases and angina (angina pectoris), hepatitis, high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, bronchitis, altitude sickness, forgetfulness, immunodeficiency (HIV) ) and for the treatment of leukopenia.

16. An ancient recipe of Eastern folk medicine for the treatment of chronic stomach disease: 1.5 g. cut the Reishi Lingzhi mushroom into thin slices and let it steep in white wine for 2-3 weeks; After that, drink this wine a little every day.

17. It is believed that the rhizome of Rz. Dioscoreae (Shan Yao) serves as a guide herb for the Reishi Lingzhi mushroom.